QM 5
QM 5
QM 5
• To determine the electronic wavefunction (y = ye) and allowed electronic energy levels (E), we
must set up and solve the Schrödinger Equation for a single electron in an atom.
• Consider 3-D motion of the electron (-e) relative to the nucleus (+Ze):
Hamiltonian Operator ˆ =T
H ˆ +V
!2 2 me × m N
Kinetic Energy T̂ = - Ñ where µ= » me
2µ me + m N
ˆ = V(r ) = - Ze
Potential Energy V where
r = x2 + y2 + z2
4pe 0 r
(electrostatic attraction between electron and nucleus).
æ ¶ 2
¶ ¶ 2 2 ö r me
Ñ2 = ç 2 + 2 + 2 ÷
ç ¶x ¶y ¶z ÷
è ø +Ze
• We must solve the 2nd order differential equation:
!2 2
- Ñ ψ + V(r )ψ = Eψ
• Because of the spherical symmetry of the atom, it is convenient to describe the position of the electron in
spherical polar coordinates (r,q,f), rather than Cartesians (x,y,z).
• Due to this spherical symmetry, the wavefunction can be separated into a product of radial and angular
y(r,q,f) = R(r).Y(q,f)
Þ yn,!,m!(r,q,f) = Rn,!(r).Y!,m!(q,f)
(spherical harmonic)
Quantum Numbers
yn,!,m!(r,q,f) = Rn,!(r).Y!,m!(q,f)
• Positive integer n = 1, 2, 3 …
• For H and 1-e ions, the electron energy depends only on n
æ µe 4 ö æ Z2 ö
E n = -ç 2 2 ÷×ç ÷
ç 8h e ÷ ç n2 ÷
è 0 ø è ø
2. Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum Number (!)
e.g. ! = 0 m! = 0
!=1 m! = 0, ±1
81!6p a0
3p !2 Z 3/2 !2 Z 3/2 2 2s/3
y c3py 5 a b 16s 2 s22 e2s/3 sin u sin f 3 2 3dxz c3dxz 5 a b se sin u cos u cos f
81!p a0 81!p a0
1 Z 3/2 "1
3 2 0 3dz2 c3dz 5 a b s2e2s/3 13 cos2 u 2 12 !2 Z 3/2 2 2s/3
81!6p a0 3dyz c3dyz 5 a b se sin u cos u sin f
81!p a0
!2 Z 3/2 2 2s/3
3 2 3dxz c3dxz 5 a b se sin u cos u cos f 1 Z 3/2
81!p a0 3 2 3dxy c3dxy 5 a b s2e2s/3 sin2 u sin 2f
"1 81!2p a0
!2 Z 3/2 2 2s/3 "2
3dyz c3dyz 5 a b se
81!p a0
sin u cos u sin f 1 Z 3/2
3dx2#y2 c3dx 2 y 5 a b s2e2s/3 sin2 u cos 2f
81!2p a0
2 2
1 Z 3/2
3 2 3dxy c3dxy 5 a b s2e2s/3 sin2 u sin 2f Note: ! ! Zr/a0, where Z ! 1 for hydrogen; a0 ! "0h2/#me2 ! 5.29 $ 10#11 m.
81!2p a0
"2 3/2
1 Z 2 2s 3 2
Atomic Orbitals
• The orbital (y) gives the spatial distribution of the electron (via the Born interpretation
of |y|2).
• Orbitals are often drawn as 3-D surfaces which enclose approx. 90% of the probability
of finding the electron.
Quantum Numbers and Atomic Orbitals
– the type of orbital (it’s shape) is defined by the angular momentum quantum number !
– the orientation of the orbital is defined by the orbital magnetic quantum number m!
Shape of Atomic Orbitals
Shape – determined by the angular wavefunction Y!,m!(q,f)
1s orbital (n = 1, ! = 0)
1 æ 1 ö
• Normalized wavefunction: y(1s ) = ç
÷ e -r a 0
p è a0 ø
• Has no angular dependence
(spherically symmetric, depends only on r).
• All s orbitals are spherically symmetrical.
2s orbital ns orbital
y(2s ) µ (2 - r ) e - r 2 y(ns ) µ f (r ) e - r n
y(2p z ) =
1 æ 1
÷ × rcosq × e - r 2a 0
+ -
4 2p è a 0
ø - +
The p orbitals:
Three orientations:
l = 1 (as required for a p orbital)
ml = –1, 0, +1
Atomic Orbitals
The d orbitals:
Five orientations:
l = 2 (as required for a d orbital)
ml = –2, –1, 0, +1, +2
Electronic Shells, Sub-shells and Orbitals
3d orbitals
l=2 ml =2 ml =1 ml =0 ml =-1 ml =-2
3p orbitals
l=1 ml =1 ml =0 ml =-1
3s orbital
l=0 ml =0
• Dirac (1930) introduced relativistic effects into Quantum Mechanics and showed that to
completely describe the state of an electron we must specify:
1. The orbital (yn,!,m!)
2. The spin state of the electron
• Spin is an intrinsic property of the electron and is not connected with orbital motion.
Principal QN:
n = 1, 2, 3, 4……
l = 0, 1, 2, 3…. (n -1)
Rule: l = (n - 1)
Magnetic QN:
ml = …-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..
Rule: -l….0….+l
Many-Electron Atoms
• For atoms with 2 or more electrons, the Schrödinger Eqn. must include KE terms for all electrons
and PE terms for all e-e and e-n interactions.
• Example: He (2 electrons)
2 terms in T̂
3 terms in V̂
Z = +2e -e(2)
S.E. r2
!2 !2 2 ç
æ 2e 2 2e 2 e2 ö
- 2
Ñ1 - Ñ2 + - - + ÷y = Ey
ç ÷
2m e 2m e è 4pe 0 r1 4pe 0 r2 4pe 0 r12 ø
æ ¶ 2y ¶ 2y ¶ 2y ö
Ñ i2 =ç 2 + 2 + 2 ÷
ç ¶x ¶y i ¶z i ÷ø
è i
• For N electrons: YN = Y(r1,r2,r3 … rN)
• For more than 1 e, S.E. cannot be solved analytically – though good numerical
solutions may be obtained from computer calculations.
• The total wavefunction (YN) for the N-electron atom is approximated by the
product of N 1-e orbitals similar to those of hydrogenic ions:
( ) æ 1 1 ö
2 2 2
ˆ =- ! ! e e2
H 2 2
ÑA + ÑB - 2
Ñe - çç + ÷÷ +
2m p 2m e 4pe 0 è rA rB ø 4pe 0 R AB
nuclear K.E. electron K.E. e-n attraction n-n repulsion
• Schrödinger Equation can only be solved exactly for simple systems.
• Rigid Rotor, Harmonic Oscillator, Particle in a Box, Hydrogen Atom
• For more complex systems (i.e. many electron atoms/molecules) we need to make some
simplifying assumptions/approximations and solve it numerically.
• However, it is still possible to get very accurate results (and also get very crummy
• In general, the “cost” of the calculation increases with the accuracy of the calculation and the size of the
Yttrium catalyzed rearrangement of acetylene
-20 1
2B 2A’ 2A
2 2 2
-40 2
Reaction Coordinate
• There exist a large number of software packages capable of performing
electronic structure calculations.