2023 Bio Mock 2
2023 Bio Mock 2
2023 Bio Mock 2
(100 Marks) Time Allowed : 2hrs
Section A (70 marks)
Answer all the ten questions in this section
1. a. What do you call a condition in which proteins are found in urine?
________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
b. Mention any two hormones involved in osmoregulation.
________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
c. Mention any two causes of kidney failure.
________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
2. a. Define tropism __________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
b. Describe how nastic response occurs in Mimosa pudica.
________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
c. Explain how positive geotropism happens in a seedling growing horizontally.
________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)
3. Study the structure of the placenta in figure 1 then answer the questions that follow
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Figure 1
a. Identify the parts H and G
H ___________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
G ___________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
b. Describe any two ways how the placenta is adapted to its functions
_______________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)
c. Suggest any two reasons for family planning
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
d. What is biotechnology? ____________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
e. Mention any two problems associated with biotechnology.
________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
4. Figure 2 below shows mutational disorders. Study it and answer the questions that follow
Figure 2
a. Identify mutational disorders A and B
A ______________________________ B ______________________________ (2 Mark)
b. Give any one sign of an individual with each of the disorders
A ______________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
B ______________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
c. Write down any two differences between continuous and discontinuous variations
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
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Figure 3
a. Name the parts marked T and S.
T _____________________________ S _________________________________ (2 marks)
b. Name the type of nerve cell shown in Figure 3. _____________________________(1 mark)
c. Explain the function of the part labelled T
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
d. Explain any one adaptation that enables the nerve cell to conduct impulses at high speed.
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
Figure 4
a. Identify the glands R and S
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Figure 5
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Figure 6
a. Name the blood cell marked Y.
__________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
b. State any two structural differences between blood cells X and Y.
__________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
c. Mention any two importance of the lymphatic system.
__________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
9. a. Mention any two groups of invertebrates.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
b. State any two similarities between amphibians and reptiles.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
c. Explain any two adaptations of a bird’s skeleton to flight.
_____________________________________________________________________(4 marks)
10. Figure 3 is a diagram showing parts of the human digestive system.
Figure 3
a. Name the parts labelled B and C.
B: _________________________________C: _____________________________ (2 mark)
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b. Name any two enzymes that work in part labelled D of small intestine.
__________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
c. Mention any two functions of part labelled A in relation to digestion.
__________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
d. Explain one function of part labelled C.
___________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
11. Figure 1 is a diagram of the hydrological cycle. Use it to answer questions that follow.