27dBm ISM RF Transceiver Module V3.50
Features Application
DRF7020D27 is a low-cost sub-1 GHz transceiver module designed for operations in the
unlicensed ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) and LPRD bands. GFSK (Frequency Shift Keying)
modulation/demodulation, multi-channel operation, high bandwidth efficiency and anti-blocking
performance make DRF7020D27 modules easy to realize the robust and reliable wireless link.
The module can be configured to work in different channels with 200k Hz space. It adopts high
efficient looped interleaving EDAC (Error Detection and correction) coding with coding gain up
to 3dB which keeps in advance in EDAC and coding efficiency over normal FEC (Forward Error
Correction). Because of its high reliability in correction, modules can filter error and fake
information automatically and realize truly transparent wireless link, which makes DRF7020D27
very suitable in the rigid communication environment.
DRF7020D27 integrates 256 bytes buffer. When the buffer is empty, users can transfer 256 bytes
data per time and even limitless data transfer can be achieved as long as RF data rate (RF module
to RF module) is configured to be faster than UART data rate (MCU to RF module). The module
provides standard UART/TTL interface for selection. Users can choose seven data rates and three
parity checks which make DRF7020D27 possibly tailor-made for different applications.
Setting Parameters
1. Default Values
2. Parameter Setting
Users can configure the parameters (frequency, data rate, output power, etc.) of RF modules
by PC or MCU.
Firstly users need to insert module into converter board and connect converter board to
PC by cable, then open DORJI RF software. After that the status column of tool should
display “Found Device”. Users then can read/write the module. For more details, please
check the operation manuals of converter boards on accessory page.
BY MCU. The module can work normally 50ms (T1) after powering on. When
configuring the module, users need to switch the SET pin to low and the module then
enters into setting mode after 1mS or more (T2). It will use 9600 bps (data rate) and no
parity check as default format to communicate.
RS232 to UART
Computer Converter
PC 3.3V – 5.5V
RS232 RS232
When a command is sent to the module through the RXD pin, the module will send back
response information by TXD pin in 200mS after it verifies the command is correct.
When users check out the parameters are successfully set from the response information,
the SET pin can be set to high and the module will work with the new settings in 10mS
Please note that users only can send command once when the SET pin is configured to
low. If users want to revise the parameters after a successful setting, users must configure
SET pin to high and then set it into low in order to reconfigure the module. After 100ms
(T4), the module will work with the new parameters.
The commands of DRF7020D27 are in ASCII format. The default configuring data rate is
9600 bps and no parity check is adopted. The command set include two commands: Read
command and Write command.
E.g. If the user wants to set the module work at Freq (433.92MHz), DRIN (1.2K bps), POUT (27
dBm), DRFSK (9.6k bps) and Parity (no parity), the command could be written as below:
Ordering Information