Adf 4377
Adf 4377
Adf 4377
Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO
Figure 1.
Rev. 0
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Data Sheet ADF4377
REVISION HISTORY Rev. 0 | 2 of 79
3.3 V Supply Group 1 pins voltage (V3.3V_1) = 3.3 V Supply Group 2 pins voltage (V3.3V_2) = 3.15 V to 3.45 V, VV5_VCO = VV5_CP = VV5_CAL =
4.75 V to 5.25 V, all voltages are with respect to GND, TA = −40°C to +105°C, operating temperature range, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
Input Frequency fREF 10 1000 MHz
Input Signal Level VREF 0.5 2.6 V p-p Refer to Figure 61
Minimum Input Slew Rate 100 V/μs
Input Duty Cycle 50 %
Self-Bias Voltage 1.85 V
Input Resistance 3 kΩ Differential
Input Capacitance 1 pF Differential
Input Current −2 μA
Reference Peak Detector
Input Frequency 10 1000 MHz
Minimum Input Signal Detected (REF_OK Bit = 1) 200 mV p-p fREF = 100 MHz, single-ended sine wave
Maximum Input Signal Not Detected (REF_OK Bit = 160 mV p-p fREF = 100 MHz, single-ended sine wave
REFERENCE DIVIDER 1 63 All integers included
Input Frequency 10 250 MHz EN_RDBLR = 1
Input Frequency fPFD 3 500 MHz
Output Current Range ICP 0.79 to mA Set by CP_I bit fields
Output Current Source/Sink Accuracy ±2 % All CP_I bit field settings, VCP = VV5_CP/2
Output Current Source/Sink Matching ±2 % All CP_I bit field settings, VCP = VV5_CP/2
Output Current vs. Output Volt Sensitivity 0.2 %/V VCP1
Output Current vs. Temperature 280 ppm/°C VCP = VV5_CP/2
Output High-Z Leakage Current −0.01 μA Minimum ICP, VCP1
−0.3 μA Maximum ICP, VCP1
Frequency Range fVCO 6.4 12.8 GHz
Tuning Sensitivity KVCO 0.75 to %Hz/V KVCO2, 3
VCO Calibration Frequency fDIV_RCLK 125 MHz Must set DCLK_MODE = 1, when fDIV_RCLK >
80 MHz
N 2 4095 All integers included
O 1 8 1, 2, 4, 8
CLOCK OUTPUTS (CLK1P and CLK1N, CLK2P and Differential termination = 100 Ω for all clock
CLK2N) output specifications unless noted
Output Frequency fOUT 0.8 12.8 GHz
Output Differential Voltage VOD 320 mV VOH − VOL measurement across a differential
pair with output driver not toggling and
420 mV VOH − VOL measurement across a differential
pair with output driver not toggling and
CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP = 1 Rev. 0 | 3 of 79
Table 1.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
530 mV VOH − VOL measurement across a differential
pair with output driver not toggling and
640 mV VOH − VOL measurement across a differential
pair with output driver not toggling and
Output Resistance 100 Ω Differential
Output Common Mode VCLK – 1.2 V
Output Rise Time tR 15 ps 20% to 80%, CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP
Output Fall Time tF 15 ps 80% to 20%, CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP
Output Duty Cycle 50 %
Skew, CLK1P to CLK2P ±0.5 ps
REFERENCE INPUT TO OUTPUT DELAY Device setup4 for all delay specifications
unless noted, measure rising reference edge
at REFP input to rising edge at CLK1P output
Propagation Delay Temperature Coefficient tPD-TC 0.03 ps/°C REF_SEL = 0
Propagation Delay tPD 104 ps fOUT = 12 GHz, fREF = 200 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, R_DIV = 1, REF_SEL = 0
112 ps fOUT = 6 GHz, fREF = 200 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, R_DIV = 1, REF_SEL = 0
110 ps fOUT = 3 GHz, fREF = 200 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, R_DIV = 1, REF_SEL = 0
110 ps fOUT = 1.6 GHz, fREF = 200 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, R_DIV = 1, REF_SEL = 0
122 ps fOUT = 3 GHz, fREF = 100 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, EN_RDBLR = 1, REF_SEL = 0
N_DEL, R_DEL Step Size 1 ps
N_DEL Range 110 ps N_DEL = 127, R_DEL = 0
R_DEL Range 127 ps N_DEL = 0, R_DEL = 127
Input High Voltage VINH 1.2 V
Input Low Voltage VINL 0.6 V
Input Current IIH/IIL ±1 µA
Input Capacitance (CSB, SCLK, ENCLK1, ENCLK2) CIN 1 pF
Input High Voltage VINH-CE 1.8 V
Input Low Voltage VINL-CE 0.8 V
Input Current IIH-CE/IIL-CE ±1 μA
Input Capacitance CIN-CE 1 pF
Output High Voltage (1.8 V Mode) VOH 1.5 1.8 V IOH = 500 μA, 1.8 V output selected (default
Output High Voltage (3.3 V Mode) VOH-3V V3.3V − 0.4 IOH = 500 μA, 3.3 V output selected, set by
voltage on V3_LDO pin
Output Low Voltage VOL 0.4 V IOL = 500 μA
SDO High-Z Leakage IZH/IZL ±1 μA Rev. 0 | 4 of 79
Table 1.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
POWER SUPPLIES Device setup5 for all supply current
specifications, unless noted
V5_VCO Supply Range VV5_VCO 4.75 5 5.25 V
V5_CAL Supply Range VV5_CAL 4.75 5 5.25 V
V5_CP Supply Range VV5_CP 4.75 5 5.25 V
V3.3V_1 Supply Range V3.3V_1 3.15 3.3 3.45 V 3.3 V Power Supply Group 1 (V3_LS,
V3.3V_2 Supply Range V3.3V_2 3.15 3.3 3.45 V 3.3 V Power Supply Group 2 (V3_CLK1,
V5_VCO Supply Current IV5_VCO 90 135 mA fOUT = 12.8 GHz
170 220 mA fOUT = 6.4 GHz, CLKOUT_DIV = 0
V5_CAL Supply Current IV5_CAL 50 160 μA
8 mA During VCO calibration
V5_CP Supply Current IV5_CP 55 65 mA CP current (ICP) = 11.1 mA, CP_I = 15
26 mA ICP = 0.79 mA, CP_I = 0
55.2 mA CP_I = 15, EN_BLEED = 1, BLEED_I[1:0] =
V3.3V_1 Supply Current I3.3V_1 173 200 mA
173 mA R_DEL = 127
173 mA PD_RDET = 1
189 mA During VCO calibration, EN_DRCLK =
V3.3V_2 Supply Current I3.3V_2 195 mA CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP = 0,
169 mA CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP = 0
179 mA CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP = 1
188 mA CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP = 2
197 mA CLKOUT1_OP = CLKOUT2_OP = 3,
139 160 mA ENCLK2 = low
Typical Power Dissipation PDIS 1.75 to 1.9 W ENCLK2 = low, V3.3V_1 = V3.3V_2 = 3.3 V,
VV5_VCO = 5 V, VCO Core 2 and Core 3
1.95 to W ENCLK2 = low, V3.3V_1 = V3.3V_2 = 3.3 V,
2.15 VV5_VCO = 5 V, VCO Core 0 and Core 1
Typical Power Down Current
3.3 V Supplies 11 15 mA PD_ALL = 1, I3.3V_1 + I3.3V_2
5 V Supplies 350 750 μA PD_ALL = 1, IV5_VCO + IV5_CAL + IV5_CP
Typical Disable Current
3.3 V Supplies 0.1 1.5 mA CE = low, I3.3V_1 + I3.3V_2
5 V Supplies 350 750 μA CE = low, IV5_VCO + IV5_CAL + IV5_CP
12 GHz Output Frequency Device setup6, fOUT = 12 GHz
Phase Noise Floor −160 dBc/Hz
RMS Jitter
12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration 17.6 fsrms
100 Hz to 100 MHz Integration 18 fsrms
Equivalent ADC SNR Method7 27 fsrms
10 GHz Output Frequency Device setup6, fOUT = 10 GHz
Phase Noise Floor −159.5 dBc/Hz
RMS Jitter Rev. 0 | 5 of 79
Table 1.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration 18.5 fsrms
100 Hz to 100 MHz Integration 18.7 fsrms
Equivalent ADC SNR Method7 30 fsrms
8 GHz Output Frequency Device setup6, fOUT = 8 GHz
Phase Noise Floor −160.5 dBc/Hz
RMS Jitter
12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration 18 fsrms
100 Hz to 100 MHz Integration 18.3 fsrms
Equivalent ADC SNR Method7 30 fsrms
6 GHz Output Frequency Device setup6, fOUT = 6 GHz
Phase Noise Floor −163 dBc/Hz
RMS Jitter
12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration 17.7 fsrms
100 Hz to 100 MHz Integration 18.3 fsrms
Equivalent ADC SNR Method7 27 fsrms
3 GHz Output Frequency Device setup6, fOUT = 3 GHz
Phase Noise Floor −165.7 dBc/Hz
RMS Jitter
12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration 17.7 fsrms
100 Hz to 100 MHz Integration 18.3 fsrms
Equivalent ADC SNR Method7 28 fsrms
1.5 GHz Output Frequency Device setup6, fOUT = 1.5 GHz
Phase Noise Floor −169.5 dBc/Hz
RMS Jitter
12 kHz to 20 MHz Integration 19.5 fsrms
100 Hz to 100 MHz Integration 20.5 fsrms
Equivalent ADC SNR Method7 29 fsrms
Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor8 LNORM −239 dBc/Hz
Normalized 1/f Phase Noise Floor8 L1/f −287 dBc/Hz Normalized to 1 Hz
L1/f_1G_10k −147 dBc/Hz Normalized to 1 GHz at 10 kHz offset
fREF −105 dBc LOCKED bit = 1, fREF = 100 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, fOUT = 12 GHz
fPFD −95 dBc LOCKED bit = 1, fREF = 100 MHz, fPFD = 200
MHz, fOUT = 12 GHz Rev. 0 | 6 of 79
Table 1.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
ADC Clock Frequency fADC_CLK 400 kHz ADC clock divider output
ADC Clock Divider Frequency fADC_CLKDIV 125 MHz ADC clock divider input
Resolution 8 Bits
Table 2.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
SERIAL INTERFACE (CSB, SCLK, SDIO, SDO) See Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4
SCLK Frequency fSCLK 65 MHz fSCLK = 1/tSCLK
SCLK Pulse Width High tHIGH 7.6 ns
SCLK Pulse Width Low tLOW 7.6 ns
SDIO Setup Time tDS 3 ns
SDIO Hold Time tDH 3 ns
SCLK Fall Edge to SDIO Valid Prop Delay tACCESS_SDIO 7.6 ns
SCLK Fall Edge to SDO Valid Prop Delay tACCESS_SDO 7.6 ns
CSB Rising Edge to SDIO High-Z tZ 7.6 ns
CSB Falling Edge to SCLK Rise Setup Time tS 3 ns
SCLK Rising Edge to CSB Rise Hold Time tH 3 ns
Timing Diagrams Rev. 0 | 7 of 79 Rev. 0 | 8 of 79 Rev. 0 | 9 of 79 Rev. 0 | 10 of 79 Rev. 0 | 11 of 79
V3.3V_1 = V3.3V_2 = 3.3 V, V5V = 5 V, all voltages are with respect to GND, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Figure 6. Jitter vs. Output Frequency at Various Output Amplitudes Figure 9. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Output Amplitudes
Figure 7. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Output Frequencies Figure 10. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various CLKOUT_DIV Settings
Figure 8. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Temperatures Figure 11. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Power Supply Voltages Rev. 0 | 12 of 79
Figure 12. Jitter vs. R_DEL, N_DEL Figure 15. Jitter vs. BLEED_I
Figure 13. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various R_DEL and N_DEL Settings Figure 16. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Charge Pump Bleed Delays
Figure 14. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Clock Invert Settings Figure 17. Closed Loop Phase Noise at Various Reference Doubler and
Reference Divider Settings Rev. 0 | 13 of 79
Figure 18. Propagation Delay (tPD) and Propagation Delay Temperature Figure 21. tPD and tPD-TC vs. N_DEL
Coefficient (tPD-TC) vs. R_DEL Rev. 0 | 14 of 79
Figure 24. Normalized Propagation Delay (tPD) Histogram Figure 27. KVCO at Various Frequencies and Temperatures
Figure 25. tPD vs. Frequency Figure 28. KVCO Percentage at Various Frequencies and Temperatures
Figure 26. Open Loop VCO Phase Noise at Various Frequencies Figure 29. Open Loop VCO Phase Noise at Various Temperatures Rev. 0 | 15 of 79
Figure 30. Differential Output at 12 GHz Figure 33. Differential Output at 1.5 GHz Rev. 0 | 16 of 79
Figure 36. LNORM and L1/f vs. BLEED_I Figure 39. LNORM and L1/f vs. N_DEL, R_DEL
Figure 37. LNORM and L1/f vs. Reference Slew Rate, Reference Amplifier Figure 40. LNORM and L1/f vs. CP_I Setting
Figure 38. LNORM vs. Temperature, Charge Pump Current Figure 41. L1/f vs. Temperature, Charge Pump Current Rev. 0 | 17 of 79
Figure 42. Reference and PFD Spurious Level at Various Reference Figure 45. Reference and PFD Spurious Level at Various Reference
Frequencies and Reference Amplitudes, EN_RDBLR = 0 Frequencies and Output Frequencies, EN_RDBLR = 1
Figure 43. Reference and PFD Spurious Level at Various Reference Figure 46. 3.3 V Supply Group 1 Current at Various Junction Temperatures
Frequencies and Output Frequencies, EN_RDBLR = 0 and Power Supply Voltages
Figure 44. Reference and PFD Spurious Level at Various Reference Figure 47. 3.3 V Supply Group 2 Current at Various Junction Temperatures
Frequencies and Reference Amplitudes, EN_RDBLR = 1 and Output Settings Rev. 0 | 18 of 79
Figure 48. 3.3 V Supply Group 2 Current at Various Power Supply Voltages Figure 51. 5 V Delta Supply Current (ΔCURRENT) at Various CP_I Settings
and CLKOUT_DIV Settings Rev. 0 | 19 of 79
Figure 54. Reference Input Signal Detected at Various Reference Frequencies Figure 57. Charge Pump High-Z Current at Various Charge Pump Voltages
and Temperatures and Temperatures
Figure 55. Charge Pump Sink Current Error at Various Charge Pump Figure 58. Charge Pump Source Current Error at Various Charge Pump
Voltages and CP_I Settings Voltages and CP_I Settings
Figure 56. Charge Pump Sink Current Error at Various Charge Pump Figure 59. Charge Pump Source Current Error at Various Charge Pump
Voltages and Temperatures Voltages and Temperatures Rev. 0 | 20 of 79
the clock output pins (fOUT). The PFD, charge pump, output divider,
INTRODUCTION feedback divider, VCO, and external loop filter forms a feedback
A PLL is a complex feedback system that may conceptually be loop to accurately control the output frequency (see Figure 60). The
considered a frequency multiplier. The system multiplies the refer- reference divider or reference doubler is used to set the frequency
ence input frequency (fREF) and produces a higher frequency on resolution. Rev. 0 | 21 of 79
When EN_RDBLR = 0
When the loop is locked, the frequency (fVCO ) (in Hz) produced at
the output of the VCO is determined by the reference frequency
(fREF) and the O, R, and N values given by Equation 1. Refer to
Table 11 and Table 18 for more information.
fVCO = fREF × R (1)
In the following equation, the PFD frequency (fPFD) produced is Figure 61. Reference Input Stage
given by Equation 2.
fREF A high quality signal must be applied to the REFP and REFN inputs
fPFD = R
because they provide the frequency reference to the entire PLL.
fVCO may be alternatively expressed as To achieve the in-band phase noise performance of the PLL, apply
a continuous waveform signal or a square wave with a slew rate
fVCO = fPFD × N × O (3) of at least 1000 V/µs. See the Reference Source Considerations
section for more information on reference input signal requirements
The output frequency (fOUT) produced at the output of the output and interfacing.
divider is given by Equation 4.
When the REF_SEL bit is set to 0, the DMA buffer is selected. The
fOUT = O
(4) DMA is optimized for high slew rate signals, such as square waves
or higher frequency and higher amplitude sine waves. The DMA
The output frequency resolution (fSTEP) produced by a unit change has a controlled propagation delay from the reference input to clock
in N is given by Equation 5. output, which eases time zero and over temperature multichip clock
fSTEP = fPFD alignment.
When the REF_SEL bit is set to 1, the LNA is selected. The LNA
When EN_RDBLR = 1 is optimized for low slew rate signals, such as lower frequency or
lower amplitude sine waves.
When the loop is locked, the frequency (fVCO ) (in Hz) produced at
the output of the VCO is determined by the reference frequency The REF_SEL bit must be set correctly to optimize the in-band
(fREF) and the O, D, and N values given by Equation 6. phase noise performance and propagation delay. See Table 7,
Figure 37, and Equation 8 for recommended settings.
fVCO = fREF × D × N × O (6)
Table 7. REF_SEL Programming
When EN_RDBLR = 1, the PFD frequency (fPFD) produced is given REF_SEL Sine Wave Slew Rate (V/µs) Square Wave Optimized tPD
by Equation 7. 0 ≥1500 Preferred Yes
fPFD = fREF × D (7) 1 <1500 Not applicable Not applicable
Equation 3, Equation 4, and Equation 5 for fVCO, fOUT, and fSTEP To calculate the slew rate of sine wave,
remain the same when EN_RDBLR = 1. Slew Rate =2×π×f×V (8)
Reference Input Buffer f = sine wave frequency
The reference frequency of the PLL is applied differentially on V = sine wave amplitude (in VPK)
the REFP pin and REFN pin. These high impedance inputs are The FILT_REF bit controls the low-pass filter of the reference input
self-biased and must be ac-coupled with 1 µF capacitors (see LNA and must be set for sine wave signals based on fREF to limit
Figure 61 for a simplified schematic). Alternatively, the differential the wideband noise of the input reference signal. The FILT_REF bit
inputs may be configured as a single ended input by applying the must be set correctly to reach the LNORM normalized in-band phase
reference frequency at REFP and bypassing REFN to GND with a 1 noise floor. See Table 8 for recommended settings. Square wave
µF capacitor (see Figure 80). inputs must have FILT_REF set to 0. Rev. 0 | 22 of 79 Rev. 0 | 23 of 79 Rev. 0 | 24 of 79
both the EN_LOL bit and the EN_LDWIN bit to 1 and presents the
lock detector output on the LKDET pin and the LOCKED bit. The
lock detector output can also be presented on the MUXOUT pin by
programming the MUXOUT bits (see Figure 75). The CMOS_OV bit
determines if the logic high level for the MUXOUT, LKDET, SDO,
and SDIO output pins is 3.3 V or 1.8 V.
The PFD phase difference must be less than the phase difference
lock window time (tLDWIN) for a set number of PFD cycles before the
lock detector output indicates that the PLL has locked. The desired
number of PFD cycles varies if a designer prioritizes lock detect
accuracy or speed. Five loop filter time constants can be used as
an initial estimate of the desired number of PFD cycles, as shown
in Equation 12. The desired number of PFD cycles is set by the
LD_COUNT bits, as shown in Table 14. Refer to Figure 67 and
Figure 66. Bleed Current Delay Step Size Table 15 for more details.
5 × fPFD
Bleed current delay (tIDEL) is determined by tIDEL-STEP, the PFD Cycles = 2 × π × LPBW
BLEED_POL bit, and BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0]. Refer to Equa-
tion 10 and Equation 11. where LPBW = loop filter bandwidth.
If BLEED_POL = 0, the propagation delay from the REFP and Table 14. LD_COUNT Programming
REFN input pins to the CLKxP and CLKxN output pins increases. LD_COUNT PFD Cycles
Refer to Figure 19. 0 23
tIDEL = tIDEL − STEP × BLD_I (10) 1 32
2 47
where BLD_I represents the decimal value of the BLEED_I bit field, 3 66
Bits[9:0]. 4 95
If BLEED_POL = 1, the propagation delay from the REFP and 5 134
REFN input pins to the CLKxP and CLKxN output pins decreases. 6 191
Refer to Figure 22 7 270
8 383
tIDEL = − tIDEL − STEP × BLD_I (11)
9 542
The maximum tIDEL for proper lock detector functionality is based 10 767
on the LDWIN_PW setting, as shown in Table 16. 11 1085
12 1535
INV_CLKOUT, BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0], and BLEED_POL can
13 2171
be used in conjunction to align the multichip output to output skew
14 3071
to as small as ±0.05 ps (see Equation 9). The largest BLEED_I
bit fields, Bits[9:0] settings may increase LNORM by 1 dB and L1/f 15 4343
by 4 dB, as shown in Figure 36. INV_CLKOUT does not degrade 16 6143
performance and must be used to adjust for multichip output to 17 8687
output skews greater than a quarter of the 1/fOUT period, in lieu 18 12287
of a large BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0] value. As a result, the 19 17376
maximum tIDEL adjustment never needs to be more than a quarter 20 24575
of the 1/fOUT period. See the Applications Information section for the 21 34754
relationship between R_DEL, N_DEL, INV_CLKOUT, BLEED_I bit 22 49151
fields, Bits[9:0], and BLEED_POL. 23 69510
24 98303
Lock Detector 25 139021
The lock detector uses internal signals from the PFD to measure 26 196607
phase coincidence between the output signal of the reference 27 278044
divider and doubler (RCLK) in Figure 62 and the output signal of 28 393215
the feedback divider (NCLK) in Figure 72. It is enabled by setting 29 556090 Rev. 0 | 25 of 79
Table 14. LD_COUNT Programming bit. In most cases, LDWIN_PW must be set to 0. Refer to Table
LD_COUNT PFD Cycles 16 to understand the relationship between the LDWIN_PW bit and
30 786431 maximum allowable tIDEL.
31 1112181 Table 16. Maximum tIDEL
0 ±150 ps
1 ±250 ps
The VCO core consists of 4 separate VCOs, each of which uses
256 overlapping bands, which allows the device to cover a wide
frequency range without large VCO sensitivity (KVCO). The output
Figure 67. Lock Detector Timing, Bleed Current Disabled frequency can be further extended by utilizing the output divider.
Table 15. Lock Detector Timing, Bleed Current Disabled
Absolute Phase
Region Difference at PFD Lock Detector State
1 > tLDWIN Low
2 < tLDWIN Low, counts PFD cycles
3 ~0
4 ~0 High, ≥ desired PFD cycle count
5 < tLDWIN High
6 > tLDWIN Low (immediately)
VCO Calibration
A VCO calibration is required to select the correct VCO core, band,
and bias settings for a specific VCO frequency. This procedure
Figure 68. Lock Detector Timing, Bleed Current Enabled
assumes that the device is powered up, the desired reference
For proper operation of the lock detector, the absolute value of tIDEL frequency is present on the REFP and REFN pins, and all other
must be less than tLDWIN. The user sets the phase difference lock registers are programmed correctly. Figure 70 and Figure 71 are
window time (tLDWIN) for a valid lock condition with the LDWIN_PW provided as visual aids for this procedure. Rev. 0 | 26 of 79 Rev. 0 | 27 of 79
Table 17. CAL_CT_SEL, DCLK_DIV2, and DCLK_MODE Setup Feedback Divider (N)
SEL E (MHz) A 12-bit divider, the N_INT bit fields, Bits[11:0], in Figure 72, is
used to reduce the frequency seen at the output of the clock output
≤160 1 0 0 fPFD/2
divider. The feedback divider closes the feedback loop from the
>160 and ≤250 1 0 1 fPFD/2
VCO and clock output divider to the PFD.
>250 and ≤320 0 1 0 fPFD/4
>320 and ≤500 0 1 1 fPFD/4 Rev. 0 | 28 of 79 Rev. 0 | 29 of 79
Table 22. ADC Register Setup for SPI Clock and RCLK Table 24. Double Buffer Enable Bits and Bit Fields
Bits RCLK1 SPI Clock Double Buffer Enable Bits Double Buffered Bit Fields
ADC_A_CONV, EN_AUTOCAL 11 Not applicable Not applicable, always enabled N_INT bits, Bits[11:0], R_DIV,
Required when writing to REG0010 to start the ADC conversion and VCO
After the bits in Table 22 are programmed, start an ADC conver- BLEED_POL, N_DEL, R_DEL
sion with either, a register write to REG0045 or a register write
to REG0010 (RCLK only). With a REG0010 write, a VCO calibra- Serial Port
tion (see the VCO Calibration section) begins immediately after
the ADC conversion is complete. An ADC conversion requires The SPI-compatible serial port provides control and monitoring
17 clock cycles to complete. In serial port register REG0049, functionality. The CMOS_OV bit determines if the logic high level
the ADC_BUSY bit monitors the conversion status. During a con- for the SDO and SDIO SPI output pins is 3.3 V or 1.8 V. CMOS_OV
version, ADC_BUSY is set to 1 and on conversion completion, also sets the output level for MUXOUT and LKDET.
ADC_BUSY is set to 0. The serial port can be programmed to support several different
Measurements are recorded in the CHIP_TEMP bit fields, Bits[8:0], configurations in REG0000 and REG0001.
in REG004C and REG004D (see Figure 76). The SDO_ACTIVE bit determines if the serial port is configured as
If an ambient temperature measurement is desired, program the a 3-wire or 4-wire serial interface (see the timing diagrams in Figure
ADF4377 to a low power state, as shown in Table 23. For ambient 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4).
temperature measurements, the SPI clock is the only available As shown in Figure 77 and Figure 78, the instruction cycle is
clock option. composed of 16 bits. The fifteen LSB bits determine the register
Table 23. Ambient Temperature Full Power Down Register Setup address, and the MSB determines if data is written to or read from
the serial interface during the data transfer cycle. The LSB_FIRST
Bit Fields State
bit determines the data orientation of the instruction cycle and data
ADC_CLK_SEL 1 transfer cycle of the serial interface.
PD_CLKOUT2, PD_RDIV Rev. 0 | 30 of 79
because REG0010 triggers the VCO calibration and loading of all The PD_CLK, PD_CALDAC, PD_RDIV, PD_NDIV, PD_VCO,
double buffers and, therefore, must be the last SPI register written PD_LD, and PD_PFDCP bits must be set to the same state at
to. The SINGLE_INSTRUCTION bit disables streaming mode when all times. The only time this group is allowed to be set to 1 is when
it is set to 1. When SINGLE_INSTRUCTION is set to 0, streaming a full power-down ambient temperature measurement is performed
mode is enabled. (see Table 23). In all other cases, this bit grouping must be set to 0.
Figure 79. Serial Interface, Recommended Streaming Mode (SINGLE_INSTRUCTION = 0) with Decrementing Registers (ADDRESS_ASCENCION = 0) Rev. 0 | 31 of 79 Rev. 0 | 32 of 79
LOUT = LNORM + 10 × log10 fPFD + 20 × log10
O Rev. 0 | 33 of 79 Rev. 0 | 34 of 79
DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 1: the output phase noise characteristics as described in the Output
SINGLE ADF4377 Phase Noise Characteristics section.
A single ADF4377 clocks a single ADC. The purpose of this exam- The In-Band Output Phase Noise section states the maximum fPFD
ple is to provide a method to determine the correct inputs required minimizes LOUT. The maximum fPFD is obtained with the reference
to design a loop filter in ADIsimPLL, provide a method to manually doubler enabled and the reference divider bypassed (see the Refer-
generate all ADF4377 register settings, and provide the method to ence Divider (R) and Doubler (D) section). To enable the reference
perform a VCO autocalibration on initial power-up and bypass or doubler, set EN_RDBLR = 1. The reference divider is bypassed and
override the VCO autocalibration on all future device power-ups. can remain at its power on reset state (R_DIV = 1). Solve Equation
In practice, the ADF4377 evaluation board graphical user interface 7 for the maximum fPFD.
(GUI) register automates the register generation process and can fPFD = D × fREF = 2 × 125 MHz = 250 MHz
replace and/or verify the manual register generation method.
The Charge Pump section states that larger ICP results in lower
For this design example, assume the following design goals:
LNORM, as shown in Figure 40. Set CP_I = 15 to minimize LNORM.
► Reference input, 125 MHz, single-ended 7 dBm sine wave, 50 Ω
Selecting the optimal reference input buffer amplifier (see the Ref-
erence Input Buffer section) based on the reference input slew
► Output of 12 GHz
rate also minimizes LNORM (see Figure 37). Solve Equation 23 and
► SPI requirements of 1.8 V, 4 wire SPI, optimize SPI write se- Equation 8 for the reference input slew rate.
PdBm /10 × 50 Ω/1000 mW (23)
► Prioritize designing for the lowest jitter performance over other VPK = 2 × 10
design criteria
7 dBm/10 × 50 Ω/1000 mW
VPK = 2 × 10 = 0 . 707
Design Procedure VPK
The following design procedure aids in schematic design and SPI Slew Rate = 2 × π × f REF × VPK = 2 × π × 125
register generation:
MHz × 0 . 707 = 556 V/υs
1. Select the settings for reference and loop filter design (see the
Reference and Loop Filter Design section) Based on Table 7 and Figure 37, a reference input slew rate of 556
V/μs minimizes LNORM when the LNA reference amplifier is selected
2. Select the output, frequency, and amplitude (see the Output by setting REF_SEL = 1. When the LNA reference amplifier is
Selection, Frequency and Amplitude section) selected, Table 8 requires FILT_REF = 0 when fREF = 125 MHz, and
3. Select the settings for the reference to output propagation Table 9 requires BST_REF = 1 when VREF = 2 × 0.707 VPK = 1.414
delay (see the Reference to Output Propagation Delay Settings V p-p.
4. Select the lock detector settings (see the Lock Detector Set- The reference peak detector (see the Reference Peak Detector
tings section) section) consumes minimal power, ~10 mW, and does not degrade
5. Select the VCO automatic calibration settings (see the VCO performance. As a result, PD_RDET can be set to 0 or 1 to meet
Automatic Calibration Settings section) the design goals. The reference and loop filter design was created
with PD_RDET = 0 to allow for the option to monitor the reference
6. Select the double buffer and manual VCO calibration settings
signal with the REF_OK bit.
(see the Double Buffer and Manual VCO Calibration Settings
section) Table 25. SPI Summary, Reference and Loop Filter Design
7. Select the SPI protocol settings (see the SPI Protocol Settings Bit Field Value
section) EN_RDBLR 0x1
8. Select the remaining register settings (see the Remaining Reg-
R_DIV 0x1
ister Settings section)
CP_I 0xF
Reference and Loop Filter Design REF_SEL 0x1
To design a loop filter in ADIsimPLL, the user must determine the
desired reference input settings, charge pump settings, and PFD BST_REF 0x1
frequency. The design goals provided in the Design and Program- PD_RDET 0x0
ming Example 1: Single ADF4377 section state to prioritize the
For the recommended reference input network, refer to Figure 80,
lowest jitter performance over other design criteria. To design the
single-ended 50 Ω source (VREFIN < 2.6 V p-p).
lowest jitter loop filter, determine the register settings that minimize Rev. 0 | 35 of 79
For ADIsimPLL loop filter design, note that the selected LNA refer- Reference to Output Propagation Delay
ence amplifier has a higher gain than the DMA reference amplifier. Settings
As a result, the LNA generates larger reference spurious content,
which requires a 5th order loop filter design to achieve the stated Reference to output propagation delay was not mentioned in the
typical spurious performance of −100 dBc. However, the DMA has Design and Programming Example 1: Single ADF4377 section. In
less reference spurious content and can use a simpler 4th order the Design and Programming Example 1: Single ADF4377 section,
loop filter design for the same spurious result. For the purposes of it was stated to prioritize to the lowest jitter performance. Setting
the reference and loop filter design, assume ADIsimPLL created a the reference to output delay controls to their minimum setting
loop filter with a 460 kHz loop bandwidth. The loop filter bandwidth achieves the lowest jitter by minimizing LNORM and L1/f (see Figure
is used to determine the LD_COUNT setting in the Lock Detector 12, Figure 15, Figure 36, and Figure 39). As shown in Figure 14,
Settings section. the INV_CLKOUT setting does not affect jitter performance and can
remain at its power on reset state of 0.
Output Selection, Frequency and Amplitude Table 27. SPI Summary, Propagation Delay
The Design and Programming Example 1: Single ADF4377 section Bit Field Value
design goals require fOUT = 12 GHz. Table 18 sets CLKOUT_DIV EN_BLEED 0x0
= 0 and O = 1 when fOUT = 12 GHz. The PLL feedback divider
BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0] 0x0
bit fields, N_INT, Bits[11:0], can be determined from Equation 4,
Equation 6, and Table 20. BLEED_POL 0x0
R_DEL 0x0
N_DEL 0x0
fVCO = fREF×D×N×O, solving for N produces INV_CLKOUT 0x0
N=fVCO / fREF×D×O = 12 GHz/ 125 MHz×2×1
= 48, N_INT setting Lock Detector Settings
The clock output buffer amplitude (see the Clock Output Buffer To enable the lock detector (see the Lock Detector section), set
section) does not have a noticeable effect on jitter performance, the EN_LOL and EN_LDWIN bits to 1. The LD_COUNT bit field
see Figure 9. However, Figure 47 indicates that lower amplitudes is determined by Equation 12. As mentioned in the Reference and
decrease the supply current. Therefore, choose the lowest ampli- Loop Filter Design section, a 460 kHz loop bandwidth (LPBW) was
tude setting the ADC clock input accepts. For the frequency and assumed.
amplitude output selection, choose the CLK1P and CLK1N clock
output buffer amplitude by setting CLKOUT1_OP = 1 (see Figure PFD Cycles = fPFD × 5/ 2 × π × LPBW = 250
30 and Table 21). MHz × 5/ 2 × π × 460 kHz = 432
Enable the output of CLK1P and CLK1N by setting the ENCLK1 pin The calculated minimum PFD cycle count of 432 is then compared
to logic high and setting PD_CLKOUT1 = 0. Because this example to the PFD cycle column in Table 14, which results in 542 PFD
clocks a single ADC, the output of CLK2P and CLK2N is pow- cycles and LD_COUNT = 9.
ered down. Power down CLK2P and CLK2N either by setting the To determine the LDWIN_PW setting from Table 16, calculate tIDEL
ENCLK2 pin to a logic low and/or setting the PD_CLKOUT2 bit = 1. from Equation 10 or Equation 11. Because the BLEED_I bit fields,
Because CLK2P and CLK2N is powered down, the CLKOUT2_OP Bits[9:0], is set to 0 in the Reference to Output Propagation Delay
amplitude setting can remain at its power on reset state of 0. Settings section, tIDEL = 0. Based on Table 16, when tIDEL = 0,
Common ADF4377 clock output networks are shown in Figure 98. LDWIN_PW is set to 0. The RST_LD bit is related to the lock
detector and is set to 0 in normal use cases.
Table 26. SPI Summary, Output Selection, Frequency and Amplitude
Bit Field Value Table 28. SPI Summary, Lock Detector
Bit Field Value
N_INT, Bits[11:0] 0x30 EN_LOL 0x1
PD_CLKOUT2 0x1 RST_LD 0x0 Rev. 0 | 36 of 79
In the VCO calibration Step 3 and Step 4, Equation 13, SPI Protocol Settings
Equation 14, Equation 15, and Equation 16 are provided
to calculate the SYNTH_LOCK_TIMEOUT bit fields, Bits[14:0], The design goals stated for the SPI protocol (see the Serial Port
VCO_ALC_TIMEOUT bit fields, Bits[14:0], VCO_BAND_DIV bits, section) are 1.8 V logic, 4-wire SPI, and optimize SPI write se-
and ADC_CLK_DIV bits from fDIV_RCLK. quence. REG0000, REG0001, and REG0018 have the SPI related
register bits, which are shown in Table 33 with the desired state
SYNTH_LOCK_TIMEOUT ≥ Ceiling based on the design goals. The power-on default state is assumed
200 μs × 125 MHz = 25000 if the bit function is not listed as a design goal.
VCO_ALC_TIMEOUT ≥ Ceiling 50 μs × 125 MHz Table 33. SPI Summary - SPI Protocol
= 6250 Bit Field Value
15 μs × 125 MHz CMOS_OV 0x0
VCO_BAND_DIV ≥ Ceiling
= Ceiling 58 . 59375 = 59 ADDRESS_ASCENSION, AD- 0x0
LSB_FIRST, LSB_FIRST_R 0x0 Rev. 0 | 37 of 79
Table 33. SPI Summary - SPI Protocol 1. Follow Step 1 through Step 5 in the Power-Up and Initialization
Bit Field Value Sequence section, using the register settings provided in the
Design Procedure section.
2. It is optional to monitor the status of the VCO calibration bit
Remaining Register Settings fields, ADC_BUSY and FSM_BUSY. A VCO calibration is com-
pleted when ADC_BUSY transitions from high to low, followed
The Charge Pump Test Mode section,MUXOUT section, and Block by FSM_BUSY transitioning from high to low. Typical automatic
Power Down Control section list several bit fields that are rec- VCO calibration times range from 3 ms to 9 ms.
ommended for special purposes, such as debug or ambient die 3. After the VCO calibration is complete, disable the VCO
temperature measurements. For this normal use case, these bit calibration clocks by setting EN_DRCLK = EN_DNCLK =
fields must be set to their POR state (see Table 34). SOFT_RESET, EN_ADC_CLK = 0. Disabling the VCO calibration clocks re-
SOFT_RESET_R, RST_SYS, and ADC_ST_CNV are the only re- duces the V3.3V_1 current by roughly 15 mA and reduces
maining RW bit fields not mentioned yet, and must also be set to unwanted spurious content.
their POR state (see Table 34). 4. PLL is locked when the lock detector sets the LKDET pin and
The bit columns in Table 42 have several cells without a name. the LOCKED bit high.
These unnamed, reserved cells must be programmed to the state
Fast Power-Up and Initialization, Manually
provided in Table 42 for proper operation.
Programmed VCO Calibration Settings
Table 34. SPI Summary, Remaining Registers (Optional)
Bit Field Value
The purpose of the fast power-up and initialization method is to
EN_CPTEST 0x0 avoid the automatic VCO calibration time, which is typically 3 ms to
CP_UP 0x0 9 ms. For fixed clock frequency converter applications, such as this
CP_DOWN 0x0 design and programming Example 1, automatic VCO calibration
MUXOUT 0x0 times are typically acceptable. The following list provides the steps
PD_CLK 0x0
to record the VCO calibration results on the initial power-up and
manually program VCO Calibration settings on subsequent power
PD_ALL 0x0
PD_RDIV 0x0 1. On initial power, follow the procedure in the Standard Power-Up
and Initialization Sequence, Automatic VCO Calibration section.
2. Record calibration results from the VCO_CORE, VCO_BAND,
PD_VCO 0x0
and VCO_BIAS bit fields and store the recorded results in
PD_LD 0x0 memory. Note that each unique device and frequency com-
PD_PFDCP 0x0 bination generates different VCO_CORE, VCO_BAND, and
RESET_SYS 0x0 3. Subsequent power-up and initialization sequences (see the-
ADC_ST_CNV 0x0 Power-Up and Initialization Sequence section) can bypass the
automatic VCO calibration procedure by programming the over-
ride (O_VCO_CORE, O_VCO_BAND, and O_VCO_BIAS) and
Programming Procedure
There are two different methods to power up the ADF4377. The VCO register bits with the register settings provided in Table 35.
most commonly used method provided in the Standard Power-Up All other bit fields from the Design Procedure section remain the
and Initialization Sequence, Automatic VCO Calibration section is same.
mandatory on the initial device power-up. Table 35. Manually Programmed VCO Calibration Settings
The method provided in the Fast Power-Up and Initialization, Man- Bit Fields Value
ually Programmed VCO Calibration Settings (Optional) section is an EN_AUTOCAL 0x0
optional power-up procedure after the initial power-up. EN_DRCLK 0x0
Standard Power-Up and Initialization
Sequence, Automatic VCO Calibration
The following standard power-up and initialization sequence is the O_VCO_BAND 0x1
recommended procedure to power up and program the ADF4377: O_VCO_BIAS 0x1 Rev. 0 | 38 of 79
Table 35. Manually Programmed VCO Calibration Settings Equation 24 provide several sources of possible output skew error
Bit Fields Value in a typical system. The Analog Dialogue article, "Clock Skew in
M_VCO_CORE Program M_VCO_CORE, Large Multi-GHz Clock Trees" (Volume 53, January 2019), outlines
M_VCO_BAND M_VCO_BAND, and M_VCO_BIAS with the skew trade-offs in component selection, board design, and
M_VCO_BIAS recorded VCO_CORE, VCO_BAND, end-user cost requirements in large clock trees.
and VCO_BIAS values, respectively,
from the Standard Power-Up and
Initialization Sequence, Automatic VCO
Calibration section
Table 38. ADF4377 Reference to Output Typical Performance Impact Table 39. Method 2: Skew Adjustment
Reference and Charge Pump tSKEW_SYSTEM Procedure
Parameters Feedback Delay Bleed Current Output Invert 0 < tSKEW_SYSTEM INV_CLKOUT = 0 and decrease tPD
Temperature Minimal, Figure None, Figure 19 None 1
≤ 4 × fOUT
Coefficient 18 and Figure 21 and Figure 22
LNORM < 1 dB, Figure 39 < 1 dB, Figure 36 None 1 INV_CLKOUT = 1 and increase tPD
L1/f < 1 dB, Figure 39 < 4 dB, Figure 36 None 2
≤ 4 × fOUT
Spurious Minimal fPFD ≥ 50 MHz: Minimal
minimal, fPFD < 50 2 INV_CLKOUT = 1 and decrease tPD
MHz, contact ADI
Lock Detector None See the Lock None ≤ 4 × fOUT
Detector section 3 INV_CLKOUT = 0 and increase tPD
Figure 39 and Figure 37 show a general trend that an increasing ≤ 1 fOUT
magnitude of R_DEL, N_DEL, or BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0] caus-
es a small increase in LNORM and L1/f . Increases in LNORM and L1/f DESIGN EXAMPLE 2: JESD204B/C MULTICHIP
result in clock jitter (see Figure 12 and Figure 15). Therefore, in the CLOCK AND SYSREF ALIGNMENT
most performance sensitive applications, identifying ways to mini-
mize the magnitude of the R_DEL, N_DEL, or BLEED_I bit fields, This design Example 2 focuses on the system level approach
Bits[9:0] values is desired. As an example, Figure 91 provides two of ADI to minimize clock skew between converters, such as the
skew adjustment methods to minimize the skew in Figure 90. Meth- AD9213, that include a time to digital converter (TDC). For detailed
od 1 only adjusts one of the reference to output delay adjustments ADF4377 loop filter and register map design, follow the proce-
provided in Table 37. Method 1 results in an R_DEL, N_DEL, or dure outlined in the Design and Programming Example 1: Single
BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0] maximum adjustment equal to half an ADF4377 section. Device specific programming and programming
output cycle, or 1/(2 × fOUT). Method 2 minimizes the magnitude details of the AD9213 and Stage 1 distribution IC are beyond the
of R_DEL, N_DEL, or BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0] by utilizing the scope of this example.
output invert along with either R_DEL, N_DEL, or BLEED_I bit For this design example, assume the following goals:
fields, Bits[9:0] adjustments. When compared to Method 1, Method
2 results in a lower R_DEL, N_DEL, or BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0] ► Clock two AD9213 devices with two separate ADF4377 devices
maximum adjustment of a quarter cycle output cycle, or 1/(4 × ► Minimize clock skew at time zero
fOUT). Method 2 is furthered described in Table 39. ► Provide procedure to measure and reduce clock skew errors Rev. 0 | 40 of 79
Figure 92. Design Example 2: JESD204B/C Multichip Clock and SYSREF Alignment Rev. 0 | 41 of 79
Design Considerations Table 40. Trace Length Matching for Skew Optimization
If Skew Adjustments Skew Temperature Coef-
The Reference and SYSREF Distribution Selection section, Board
Performed Skew Optimization ficient Optimization
Layout Considerations section, Skew Adjustment Options section,
Skew Measurement, Adjustments and System Error section, and No ℓREFA = ℓREFB, ℓCLKA = ℓSYSREFx = ℓREFx + ℓCLKx
Power-Up, Programming, and Measurement Sequence section pro- ℓCLKB, and ℓSYSREFA =
vide an overview of several design considerations when designing ℓSYSREFB
a low clock skew system with multiple ADF4377 devices and Yes ℓSYSREFA = ℓSYSREFB ℓSYSREFx = ℓREFx + ℓCLKx
multiple JESD204B/C converters that include a TDC.
Refer to the Analog Dialogue article, "Clock Skew in Large Multi-
Reference and SYSREF Distribution Selection GHz Clock Trees" (Volume 53, January 2019) for more information
on PCB material selection, transmission line selection, cable selec-
In high performance applications that require minimum clock skew tion, and several other concerns related to clock skew.
and drift, it is recommended to choose a reference distribution de-
vice whose additive noise floor meets the requirements described Signal attenuation is proportional to the length of the trace and
in the Reference Source Considerations section, and whose output signal frequency. Converter clock traces must be treated as RF
slew rate allows for the DMA option of the ADF4377 reference input traces because any unwanted spurious or noise that couples onto
buffer (see Table 7). The DMA option minimizes tPD-TC, as shown the clock signals can affect the performance of the converters.
in Figure 20. Most reference distribution ICs output a square wave. Therefore, it is recommended to minimize the ℓCLKA and ℓCLKB trace
The slew rate of a square wave is determined by Equation 25. lengths to optimize performance and limit attenuation. Refer to the
ADC Clock and Jitter Considerations section for additional informa-
𝑆𝑙𝑒𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = tion on clock performance concerns, routing, and recommended
(25) schematics.
𝑉 𝑝-𝑝 × % 𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑅𝐼𝑆𝐸 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 − % 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑅𝐼𝑆𝐸 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑
𝑡𝑅𝐼𝑆𝐸 In most cases, trace matching board layout errors can be corrected
with the ∆t functions in the reference and SYSREF distribution IC,
The HMC7044, HMC7043, LTC6952, LTC6953, LTC6955, the ADF4377 or the AD9213, shown in Figure 92.
LTC6954, or LTC6957-1 are adequate reference distribution ICs
for the noise floor and rise time requirements. Skew Adjustment Options
By using multiple outputs from a single reference and SYSREF
Figure 92 has skew adjustment (∆t) blocks in the Stage 1 IC, the
distribution IC, the reference and SYSREF temperature delay drift
ADF4377, and the AD9213. In most cases, the ADF4377 is the pre-
match. See the LTC6952, LTC6953, and LTC6957-1 data sheets for
ferred skew adjustment option in terms of maximizing performance.
more information on output skew variation over process per output
to aid in SYSREF output selection. Choosing the outputs with the The ADF4377 ∆t blocks are discussed in Table 37. For this design
least skew for SYSREF outputs improves the skew adjustment example, either R_DEL and N_DEL or BLEED_I bit fields, Bits[9:0]
errors, as described in the Skew Measurement, Adjustments and are valid options. However, in Figure 92, only R_DEL and N_DEL
System Error section. are shown.
Selecting a JESD204B/C reference and SYSREF distribution IC The AD9213 also provides a ∆t block capable of sub-ps step sizes.
requires knowledge of the AD9213 JESD204B serial lane rates and Like any ∆t block, there is an opportunity for increased phase noise.
the clock and SYSREF requirements of the field programmable The ADF4377 and AD9213 ∆t blocks affect phase noise at different
gate array (FPGA). Both these topics are beyond the scope of this frequency offsets, as shown in Table 41.
data sheet. However, ADI has created several JESD204B/C devel-
Table 41. Clock Phase Noise Region Affected by ADF4377 and AD9213 Δt
opment platforms that provide hardware and software examples
that can aid further in the reference and SYSREF distribution IC
selection. Several of these platforms are available on the Analog In-Band Phase Noise Wideband Phase Noise
Devices website. < ADF4377 Loop Filter
Δt Block Bandwidth ~10 MHz to fCLK
Board Layout Considerations ADF4377 ∆t Minimal additive noise, None
During hardware design, it is best to match the electrical lengths (ℓ) refer to Table 38
for the reference, clock, and SYSREF traces in Figure 92, as shown AD9213 ∆t None Minimal additive noise
in Table 40.
The reference and SYSREF distribution IC in Figure 92 has a ∆t
block for each output. The typical Stage 1 IC skew adjustment
step size is in the 11 ps (LTC6952, LTC6953) to 25 ps (HMC7044,
HMC7043) range. These ∆t blocks typically increase the phase Rev. 0 | 42 of 79
noise floor of the output, which then impacts the in-band perform- 3. Allow temperature of the components to settle
ance of the ADF4377. As a result, the Stage 1 reference and 4. Perform clock skew measurement
SYSREF distribution IC ∆t blocks are recommended for SYSREF 5. Program skew adjustments per Method 2, as shown in Figure
signals only. 91
6. Perform JESD204B/C initialization
Skew Measurement, Adjustments and System
In Figure 92, a TDC is shown in the AD9213. The AD9213 TDC has Estimating ADC SNR and Clock Jitter
the ability to measure the time delta between the rising edge of the Requirements
AD9213 SYSREF input (tSYSREF) and the rising edge of the AD9213
clock input (tCLK) as shown in Equation 26. Adding noise directly to a clean signal reduces its signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR). In data acquisition applications, digitizing a clean signal
with a noisy clock signal also degrades the SNR. This issue is
To determine the clock skew between the clock inputs of the best explained in the time domain by using jitter instead of phase
first AD9213 device and the second AD9213 device, measure the noise. For this discussion, assume that the jitter is white (flat with
∆tCLK_SYSREF for both AD9213 devices. frequency) and of Gaussian distribution.
∆ tCLK_SYSREFA = tCLKA − tSYSREFA Figure 93 shows a sine wave signal entering a typical data acquisi-
∆ tCLK_SYSREFB = tCLKB − tSYSREFB tion circuit composed of an ADC, an input signal amplifier, and a
sampling clock. Also shown in Figure 93 are three signal sampling
By making the assumption that the SYSREFA and SYSREFB scenarios for sampling the sine wave at its zero crossing.
signals arrive at both AD9213 devices at the same moment in time,
In the first scenario, a perfect sine wave input is buffered by a
the clock to clock skew between both AD9213 devices can be
noiseless amplifier to drive the ADC. Sampling is performed by
calculated as shown in the following equation.
a perfect, zero jitter clock. Without any added noise or sampling
Assume, tSYSREFA − tERROR = tSYSREFB clock jitter, the digitized output value of the ADC is very clearly
determined and perfectly repeatable from cycle to cycle.
tCLK_SKEW = tCLKA − tSYSREFA − tCLKB − tSYSREFB In the second scenario, a perfect sine wave input is buffered by
a noisy amplifier to drive the ADC. Sampling is performed by a
substituting, tSYSREFA − tERROR for tSYSREFB
perfect, zero jitter clock. The added noise results in an uncertainty
tCLK_SKEW = tCLKA − tCLKB + tERROR in the digitized value, causing an error term that degrades the SNR.
If care is taken in the Board Layout Considerations section, tERROR The degraded SNR in this scenario, from adding noise to the signal,
limits the clock skew accuracy to roughly 5 ps to 10 ps. This error is is expected.
due to the sum of errors from the SYSREF output skew from Stage In the third scenario, a perfect sine wave input is buffered by a
1, SYSREFA, and SYSREFB electrical trace matching, and the first noiseless amplifier to drive the ADC. Sampling is performed by a
AD9213 and the second AD9213 TDC measurement error. Contact clock signal with added jitter. Note that as the signal is slewing, the
ADI if less than 5 ps to 10 ps clock skew accuracy at the clock jitter of the clock signal leads to an uncertainty in the digitized value
inputs of the AD9213 is required. and an error term, like in the second scenario. Again, this error term
After tCLK_SKEW is calculated, program the second ADF4377 skew degrades the SNR.
adjustment using Method 2, as shown in Figure 91. After the A real-world system has both additive amplifier noise and sample
skew adjustment is programmed, a tCLK_SKEW measurement can clock jitter. After the signal is digitized, determining the root cause
be repeated as necessary to further fine tune the adjustment or of any SNR degradation, amplifier noise or sampling clock jitter, is
average out measurement repeatability error. essentially impossible. Rev. 0 | 43 of 79
Degradation of the SNR due to sample clock jitter only occurs if These calculations are also theoretical. They assume a noiseless
the analog input signal is slewing. If the analog input signal is ADC with infinite resolution. All realistic ADCs have both added
stationary (dc), it does not matter when in time the sampling occurs. noise and a resolution limit. The limitations of the ADC must be
Additionally, a faster slewing input signal yields a greater error accounted for to prevent overspecifying the sampling clock.
(more noise) than a slower slewing input signal.
Figure 95 plots the previous equations and provides a way to
Figure 94 demonstrates this effect. Note how much larger the error estimate the sampling clock jitter requirement for a given input
term is with the fast slewing signal than with the slow slewing signal or the expected SNR performance for a given sample clock
signal. To maintain the SNR performance of the data converter, jitter.
digitization of high input frequency signals requires a clock with
much less jitter than applications with lower frequency input signals.
Figure 94. Fast and Slow Sine Wave Signals Sampled with a Jittery Clock Rev. 0 | 44 of 79
Assuming the inherent aperture jitter of the ADC (tJ(ADC)) is known, back toward the other end of the transmission line. In the extreme
the jitter of the clock generator (tJ(CLK)) is obtained using Equation case of an open or short-circuit termination, all of the signal is
28. reflected back. This signal reflection leads to overshoot and ringing
on the waveform. Figure 97 shows the preferred method of far-end
ADC Sample Clock Input Drive Requirements termination of the transmission line.
Modern high speed, high resolution ADCs have a high dynamic
range and are sensitive to any unwanted noise or spurious source.
Noise or interfering signals on the analog signal input, the voltage
reference, or the sampling clock input can easily appear in the
digitized data. To deliver the full performance of any ADC, the
sampling clock input must be driven with a clean, low jitter signal.
Figure 96 shows a simplified version of a typical ADC sample clock Figure 97. Far-End Transmission Line Termination (ZO = 50 Ω)
input. In Figure 96, the input pins may be labeled ENC± for encode
or CLK± for clock in different ADCs. The input is composed of a ADF4377 Output Networks
differential limiting amplifier stage followed by a buffer that directly The differential outputs of the ADF4377 are designed to interface
controls the track and hold stage of the ADC. with most differential signal devices while driving transmission lines
with far-end termination. Figure 98, Figure 99, and Figure 100
shows ac-coupled output configurations. Note that some receiver
devices have the 100 Ω termination resistor internal to the device,
in which case the external 100 Ω resistor is unnecessary. The
ADF4377 also interfaces with single-ended 50 Ω end terminations.
In this case, the unused output requires an ac-coupled 50 Ω termi-
nation. For the single-ended example in Figure 100, the CLKxP and
CLKxN pins may be swapped. Rev. 0 | 45 of 79
occurs at the top and bottom pedestal voltage of the square wave.
However, only amplitude modulation near a zero crossing affects
the clock.
The best way to remove this measurement error is to drive the
clock generator output differentially into a limiting buffer on a sep-
arate clean power supply. One of the differential outputs of the
limiting buffer can then connect to a spectrum analyzer to correctly
measure the spurious energy. An example of this technique using
Figure 100. Common Clock Interface: Single Ended Clock with End the ADF4377 as the clock generator and an HMC940 as the limiter
Termination (ZO = 50 Ω)
is shown in Figure 101.
Using a spectrum analyzer to measure spurious signals on the
single-ended output of a clock generation chip gives pessimistic
results, particularly for outputs that approximate square waves.
There are two reasons for this.
Figure 101. Example of Spurious Measurement Techniques
First, because the spurious energy is often an ac signal superim-
posed on the power supply, a differential output rejects the spurs to APPLICATION CIRCUITS
within the matching of the positive and negative outputs. Observing
only one side of the differential output provides no rejection. Parallel ADF4377 Devices, 13 fs RMS Jitter
Second, and most importantly, the spectrum analyzer displays all
of the energy at its input, including amplitude modulation that Rev. 0 | 46 of 79 Rev. 0 | 47 of 79 Rev. 0 | 48 of 79
Address: 0x00, Reset: 0x00, Name: REG0000 Rev. 0 | 49 of 79
Figure 106.
Figure 107. Rev. 0 | 50 of 79
Figure 108.
Figure 109.
Figure 110. Rev. 0 | 51 of 79
Figure 111.
Figure 112.
Figure 113.
Figure 114. Rev. 0 | 52 of 79
Figure 115.
Figure 116.
Figure 117.
Figure 118. Rev. 0 | 53 of 79
Figure 119.
Figure 120.
Figure 121. Rev. 0 | 54 of 79
Figure 122.
Figure 123. Rev. 0 | 55 of 79
Figure 124.
Figure 125. Rev. 0 | 56 of 79
Figure 126.
Figure 127. Rev. 0 | 57 of 79
Figure 128. Rev. 0 | 58 of 79
Figure 129.
Figure 130. Rev. 0 | 59 of 79
Figure 131. Rev. 0 | 60 of 79
Figure 132.
Figure 133. Rev. 0 | 61 of 79
Figure 134.
Figure 135.
Figure 136. Rev. 0 | 62 of 79
Figure 137.
Figure 138.
Figure 139. Rev. 0 | 63 of 79
Figure 140.
Figure 141.
Figure 142. Rev. 0 | 64 of 79
Figure 143.
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Figure 154.
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Figure 180.
Figure 181.
Figure 182.
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Figure 184.
Figure 185.
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Figure 187. 48-Lead Land Grid Array Package [LGA] (CC-48-6) 7 mm × 7 mm Body, Dimensions shown in millimeters.
Model1 Description
EV-ADF4377SD1Z ADF4377 LGA Evaluation Board
1 Z = RoHS Compliant Part.
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