PHL 251 African Philosophy
PHL 251 African Philosophy
PHL 251 African Philosophy
PHL 251
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Printed 2022
ISBN: 978-978-058-254-8
Introduction……………………………………………………….. v
Course objectives…………………………………………………. vi
Working through this course……………………………………… vi
Study units………………………………………………………… vi
Presentation schedule……………………………………………… vii
Assessment………………………………………………………… vii
How to get the most out of this course……………………………. viii
Facilitation………………………………………………………… viii
References and further reading……………………………………. viii
There have been serious debates as per the authenticity and what
qualification of the African worldview that could be labeled
“philosophy”. Many African philosophers like OderaOruka,
KwasiWiredu, PlacideTempels, Godwin Sogolo, T. Uzodinma Nwala, to
mention a few, have all had their say concerning the ability of the
African to philosophize. But as Sogolo (1963, xii) describes it, the
denial of the existence of any form of philosophy in and by Africans is
more or less rational. Rationality is the defining quality of man, so
when it is said to be lacking in a people, those people have been subtly
reduced to a level lower than human.
This course has 16 study units which are structured into 4 modules.
Each module comprises of 4 study units as follows:
This course has two presentations; one at the middle of the semester and
the other towards the end of the semester. At the beginning of the
semester, each student undertaking this course will be assigned a topic
by the course facilitator, which will be made available in due time, for
individual presentations during forum discussions. Each presenter has
15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Question and
Answer). On the other hand, students will be divided by the course
facilitator into different groups. Each group is expected to come up
with a topic to work on and to submit same topic to the facilitator via the
recommended medium. Both attract 5% of your total marks.
Note: Students are required to submit both papers via the recommended
medium for further examination and grading. Both attract 5% of your
total marks.
There are two segments on assessment for this course. These are:
Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs) and a written examination. You are
expected to submit your assignments to your tutor as at when due for
30% of your total course mark. Afterward, a final three-hour
examination accounts for 70% of your total course work. Together, all
of these amount to 100%.
To avoid plagiarism, students should use the followings links to test run
their presentation papers before submission to their tutors:
If the student is unable to check, the course facilitator will do this after
retrieving the electronic format from their student. Similarity index for
submitted works by student must NOT EXCEED 35%. Finally, all
students taking this course MUST take the final exam which attracts
70% of the total marks.
For students to get the most out of this course, she/he must:
• Have 75% of attendance through active participations in both
forum discussions and facilitation;
• Read each topic in the course materials before it is being
treatedin the class;
• Submit every assignment as at when due; as failure to do so
willattract a penalty;
• Discuss and share ideas among his/her peers; this will help
in understanding the course more;
• Download videos, podcasts and summary of group discussions
for personal consumption;
• Attempt each self-assessment exercises in the main course
• Take the final exam; and
• Approach the course facilitator when having any challenge with
the course.
Unit Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
1.3 What is Philosophy?
1.3.1 The Nature of the African Philosophy
1.3.2 Geography of African Philosophy
1.3.3 The Debate on African Philosophy
1.4 Summary
1.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
1.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
1.1 Introduction
This debate raged for a long time, and continues to rage among African
philosophers and Eurocentric philosophers who are bent on denying the
existence or validity of African philosophy.
According to Nwala (2010: 3), those who seek to detract and malign
African philosophy are guilty of ignoratio elenchi, that is, arguing out of
ignorance and beside the point. This is because they seek to set aside
African philosophy without first setting aside the traditions of the
African peoples. They refuse to acknowledge that traditional African
philosophy is an authentic philosophy, while at the same time accepting
traditional European philosophy as an authentic one. What is the
implication of this?
Self-Assessment Exercises
1.4 Summary
1. (a)
2. (d)
Unit Structure
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
2.3 Meaning of African Traditional Thought
2.3.1 The Place of Culture in African TraditionalThought
2.3.2 The Nature of African Traditional Thought
2.3.3 The gods and goddesses
2.3.4 Rituals and Sacrifices
2.3.5 The Value of Myths
2.4 Summary
2.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
2.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
2.1 Introduction
This unit attempts an analysis of the key concepts that could further
provide in-depth meaning into the concept of African traditional
thought. The meaning, nature and structure of African traditional
thought x-rays the key issues such as the gods and goddesses, rituals and
sacrifices, and the value of myth in Africa; giving the student a broader
perspective of the issue of the subject matter of African philosophy.
not be used to. They went further to insist that people from other cultural
affiliations may see and look at other cultures that they are not familiar
with as nonsensical and meaningless, but every thought system is useful,
especially to those who conceptualize and practice it (Shadrikov et al
Idang (2015) has expressed that these are the distinguishing factors that
map Africans out and differentiate them from other people of the world.
This thought system encompasses all that we do in Africa. As we have
noted earlier, African traditional thought is the entirety of the
system and pattern of thought of the African. It includes medicine,
myths, religion, values, morals, and the whole belief system native to
Africa. That system of thought and belief indigenous to Africans is what
is known as African traditional thought.
The African concept of reality and time, the human person, the
environment, and so, make up the whole body of African traditional
thought. As culture distinguishes a people, so do thought systems and
patterns. Some of the values of African traditional thought include:
social values, religious values, political values moral values, aesthetic
values, economic values, and so on. All these are products of thought.
Thought is systemic because it is the system of thought that helps to
attach meaning to whatever we think about. A thought system is an
established system of rules and ways of thinking, to the effect that
individual thinking within the said society, usually align with the
already established system of thought.
Oyeshile (2008: 61) has noted that thought should constitute the
entirety of the beliefs, folklores, religion and other concepts. The nature
of African traditional thought is simply the way and manner Africans
perceive and view reality. The human person, time, community,
economics, democracy, governance; are all perceived by Africans
differently from their European counterparts. Some of these features
include: Africans are emotional, we are spiritually oriented, and we
respect the ancestors.
watching over the clan, and providing guidance from the spirit world
(Prrinder, 1962: 57).Libations and sacrifices are made to appease and
seek the favour of the ancestors and the gods. Also, it is to commune
and acquire some spiritual ability which the traditional African craves so
much. The African is also communal in nature. Things are done in
common and the idea of individualism which the West is familiar with is
alien to African traditional thought system. The traditional African does
not think about himself alone, divorced from the society. The
community apportions roles to its members accordingly.
To enlighten the student more on this topic, we shall discuss the African
idea of time and the human person briefly. So, in essence what is it
about time and personality among Africans?
Babalola & Alokan (2013) argue that even before the dawn of Western
education in Africa, traditional Africans had an idea of time. The
traditional African society considers time as a socio-cultural
phenomenon which must be lived and experienced. Mbiti (1969: 17)
noted that the African traditional thought sees time in three dimensions;
about events which have occurred, those which are taking place now and
those which are immediately waiting to occur. According to him,
whatever that has no likelihood of taking place falls in the category
of “no time”. This means that the traditional African thought sees time
based on events. The African conception of time has to do with the
planting time, harvest time, rainy season, and so on. So, when it is not
time to do any of the things that should be done, the foreigner in
ourmidst might think that we are lazy (Mbiti, 1969: 19).
The African idea of the human person is another aspect of the thought
system we shall examine. Ezedike (2019) states that the conception of
man in African traditional thought system is simply to determine his
worth as a human person, and his relationship with others in the society.
Man is not individualistic, but a part of the whole (Ezedike 2019). The
African therefore sees a human person as that person who commits
himself to the community, and performs the functions that the
community gives him. That is where the idea of kinsmen comes in, one
is nothing without the community of his kinsmen. He cannot go against
the community, because the community is bigger than everybody.
Therefore, when an African says that somebody is not a “human being”,
it is not the literal human being, but that such a person has not
performed the functions of a human person according to the African
traditional thought system.
These gods and goddesses have their priests and priestesses who
attend to them and serve as the intermediaries between them and the
people. The traditional religion of the African cannot be complete
without due reference and regards to the gods and goddesses who are
believed to play some roles in keeping and securing the community
against evils and atrocities. There is no aspect of life in African tradition
that has no god or goddess overseeing it (Edike 2019). This means that
the sum total of the life of the African is spiritual, and these gods set
moral codes in the society which every member of that society must
abide by. Mbiti (1969) has argued that the ancestors are messengers of
the gods; the gods use them to deliver crucial messages directly to the
clans and families where the priests and priestesses are not used. The
African believes that he is not worthy to approach God directly, that is
why he decided to do that through intermediaries who are lesser gods,
in order to not incur the wrath of God. In the hierarchy of beings, God is
at the top of it, followed by the lesser gods and goddesses, then the
ancestors, and the human being. In this patter, the flow of information
can either be vertical or horizontal. That is, the human being can
approach the gods for a favour by appeasement, and the gods can pass
instructions to the human being through the ancestors and the priests
and priestesses.
Rituals and sacrifices are used to appreciate and appease the gods and
divinities in African tradition. Accordingly, all religions center their
power on sacrifices and rituals; African tradition is not an exception.
Rituals and sacrifices are ways by which Africans express their
happiness or sadness (Mbiti 1977: 61). They are ways of worship in
African religion, and provide authenticity to the worship of the
individual person. This is done through music, singing, moving from
place to another, clapping, beating of drums, in order to express the
feeling of joy, sorrow or thanksgiving (Mbiti 1977). When a
member of the clan commits abomination, these rituals and sacrifices
are needed to sanctify and cleanse the land; to avoid being punished by a
malevolent spirit.
Myths are used to offer explanations for such occurrences. People at the
level of traditional thought system are barred from questioning the
authenticity of these myths. This is because the African seeks to
preserve and keep whatever his ancestors left behind in order not to
incur their wraths and indignation. Some myths have been in place for
thousands of years, and people are born into that particular society to
meet, learn and believe such myths. Ikenga-Metuh (1987: p31) posits
that myths are sacred sayings which are said when rites, ceremonies,
rituals, or moral rules demand justification, warrant of antiquity, reality
and sanctity. So one can say in the other way round, that myths are used
to appropriate authenticity on the actions, history, ceremonies, rules
and social norms in Africa. And these myths are always attached to the
ancestors and spirits, without which they will be denied acceptability.
So, myths keep African philosophy going. These myths are used to
explain reality; ranging from the origin of man, the essence of taboos,
customs and traditions, and so on. Some of them are carved on woods,
clay, ivory and stone, to show their ancient origins (Mbiti 1977: 77).
Without the use of myths, many things in the African tradition cannot be
explained. So, myths are veritable ways of passing information about
certain practices and traditions to the next generation. Through myths,
we are able to dig into the psychology of the human past, helping us to
understand how our ancestors thought and how they were able to
navigate our society.
Myths vary in importance and age. They can also be about institutions,
God, creation, origin of man, values, death, heroes and leaders, kings,
chiefs, animals, natural forces, objects, various habits of living and
behavior of things around us (Mbiti 1977: 78). These myths exist to
answer questions of “how” and “why” something exists, and also to
respond to issues about man’s quest for eternal rest. Therefore, myths
are very important in African tradition. But the question remains how
Africans can manage to reform this body of myths and make them
relevant in the contemporary world. Besides, since human understanding
grows, there is the need for Africans to seek clearer and deeper
understanding of these myths, so as to discard anachronistic ones.
Self-Assessment Exercises
2.4 Summary
We have tried in this unit, to look at the nature and structure of African
traditional thought. We did this by examining the way Africans think,
examining thought itself, and knowing the significance of culture in the
process of African traditional thinking. We were able to understand
that culture influences thinking, and every new member of any society
will assimilate the culture of the society gradually to aid the thinking
process. We identified that thought systems and patterns vary
significantly from society to society, because culture and thought
systems are simply a peoples’ way of responding to their peculiar
environments. So, African traditional thought system is a thought unique
to Africans as a result of location and environment. We have realized
that the thought system of the Africans has religion as an integral part
of it and these practices have ingredients that make them what they are.
Such features include, sacrifices, myths, rituals, the gods and goddesses,
and so on. We have noticed that without these features, it will not be
possible to call any thought pattern African. African traditional thought
is the sum total of the thought pattern of the African people. It is
different in nature, form and character from the Western scientific way
of thought. Religion and taboos are part and parcel of the thought
system, and they have been handed down to our ancestors through oral
traditions for us to preserve and also hand over to the generations
coming after us. The thought system and pattern of the African does not
need to completely mirror the Western way of thought to become valid;
rather, it should try to evolve just like every other thought system, while
maintaining its Africanness and/or Africanity.
1. John Mbiti
2. Human person
Unit Structure
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
3.3 Ethno-Philosophy
3.4 Philosophic Sagacity
3.5 Nationalistic-Ideological Philosophy
3.6 Professional Philosophy
3.7 Summary
3.8 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
3.9 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
3.1 Introduction
3.3 Ethno-Philosophy
There are two types of sagacity as Makumba (2007) has identified: the
folk sagacity and the philosophic sagacity. The folk sages are generally
dogmatic and do not wish to question the veracity of their cultures and
traditions (ibid, p102). They are ‘die-hard faithfuls of traditions’ and do
not want to be involved in anything that seeks to dethrone their
traditional beliefs and customs. The folk sagacity is the first order level
of philosophy which zealously and jealously seeks to justify and
preserve a particular culture. It is the uncritical method that simply
avoids the critical questions about the current way of life of the people.
Makumba (2007) noted that this kind of sagacity could lead to a mental
blockade because it is does not welcome any form of external ideas, no
matter how good such ideas might be. It does not encourage cultural
encounter which help to improve cultures. The folk sage is only
interested in what his people say, and not in any anything the other
peoples are saying. But we know that philosophy has the attribute
The sages and ethno-philosophers are not professionals, neither are the
nationalistic philosophers; so it is the duty of the professional
philosophers to give philosophical meanings to whatever they say or do.
Socrates was not a professional philosopher, but a Greek sage; but it was
Plato who later ascribed meaning to what Socrates had to say. Sogolo
(1993: 1) refers to it as “systematised philosophy”, which pioneers in
Africa are intellectual products of alien culture, who have to
philosophise also in alien languages. The professional philosophers
argue that African philosophy must take a universal conception and
align with the universal way of practicing and doing philosophy if it
is to be accepted as philosophy indeed. They believe that African
philosophy should not be practiced in isolation; it should move side by
side with other philosophical traditions. To them, African philosophy
could be any inherited body of thought (be it Western or Eastern) which
has been assimilated and nurtured within the African cultural and
traditional context (Sogolo 1999: 3). Such philosophy may not have to
originate in Africa, but may grow in the African philosophical
traditional. How do the professional philosophers argue out their point?
The professional philosophers are mostly men and women who have
studied in the Western-influenced universities in Africa and around the
world. They have taken philosophy as a profession and practice it
according the Western style, using the tools of logic and reason.
The professional philosopher contends that African philosophy, if it
must be practiced, must be able to meet the universal standards of doing
philosophy which has been established by the Greco-Roman
movement. But one criticism of professional philosophy is that it
does not guide against extreme universality which is at the expense of
the particularity of the African experience and philosophy. According to
Sogolo (1993), a philosophy that is said to be African must be able
reflect the cultural experience of the African people.
Self-Assessment Exercises
1. The ________are mostly men and women who have studied in the
Western-influenced universities in Africa and around the world.
3.7 Summary
1. Professional philosophers;
2. Ethno-philosophy
Unit Structure
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
4.3 The Egyptian Origin of African Philosophy
4.4 Africanness of African Philosophy
4.5 Egyptian Influence on Greek Philosophy
4.6 African Philosophy and Colonial Experience
4.7 Summary
4.8 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
4.9 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
4.1 Introduction
This unit will form the final phase of our examination of the history,
background, meaning and concepts in African philosophy. We shall
discuss the historical origin of African philosophy; which literally talks
about the beginning of African philosophy from the ancient Egyptian
mystery schools, the expansion of the philosophy to other nearby
locations like Ethiopia and Sudan, the Africanness of African
philosophy, which simply implies the definition of whose philosophy
should constitute African philosophy and what extent of Africanity is
acceptable as adequate for African philosophy. We shall also
examine the Egyptian origin of Greek philosophy, and to a large extent
world civilization, for Egypt influenced some of the most celebrated
Greek philosophers of the ancient times. Lastly, we shall analyze how
the colonial experience of African intellectuals has led to the birth of
whatwe now know as contemporary African philosophy.
…it was in the valley of the Nile that the most significant continuous
human culture arose, significant, not necessarily because it was
absolutely the oldest or the best, but because it led to that European
civilization of which the world boasts today and regards in many ways,
as the greatest and last word in human culture (Dubois 1972: 98).
This simply implies the fact that the ancient Egyptian philosophy was
the background to African philosophy. Afrocentrism is the concept
evolved by African American scholars like Dubois, to drive home the
point that Africa has an ancient civilization which has also imparted the
entire world one way or the other. It shows the primacy of the
authenticity of African traditions and civilization (Nwala 2010: 77). If
the ancient Egyptian civilization could be said to be the cradle of word
civilization, then it is common sense that it is also the origin and cradle
of African philosophy and civilization. It was this ancient Egyptian
philosophy that spread to other parts of African and the world; thereby
creating the philosophical traditions we have today, even those
attributed to the Greeks. African philosophy is not a philosophical
tradition that could be dismissed, because that will mean the dismissal of
an important of aspect of world and African history.
Citing Asante (1985), Nwala has mentioned that the ancient Egyptians
made “stunning contributions in geometry, science, philosophy,
architecture, writing and organized religion, the ideas of governance,
medicine, education in the mysteries, geomancy, and the arts” (Nwala
2010: 79). The history and origin of African philosophy is the history
of Africa in a special way, because it will help to show the various
areas of connectivity among areas of interest in African philosophical
space (Fayemi 2017). Nwala goes on to state that the argument against
Egypt being part of Africa as made by some the detractors of African
philosophy was unfounded.This is because, it was the Nubians who
originated what was later known as Egyptian civilization, but dispersal
caused by Alexander the Great and the Arabs interrupted this
civilization (Nwala 2010: 79). These Badarians from Nubia were
blacks who brought religion, monarchy and science to ancient Egypt.
Herodotus and Aristotle also described ancient Egyptians as “black
skinned and wooly haired.” Herodotus described them as the
descendants of the Ethiopians (Nwala 2010: 39).
From the above, we can see that the definition of who an African
philosopher is, is a very fluid one. But in the midst of all these
discussions, we should understand that African philosophy goes in
search of identity in utter disregard to the western expectations,
understanding and spirit of philosophy (Makumba 2017: 35). African
philosophy cannot afford to be practiced in isolation as the world
has become a global village.
Nwala (2010: 14) has also buttressed the fact that before the
emergence of the Greek philosophy in the 6th century B.C, African
philosophy had been established firmly as the cradle of great
philosophical legacy to mankind. Nwala (2010: 15) has gone further to
argue that:
The world’s first philosopher in history was Imhotep (2800 BC),
and he was African;
Imhotep, who lived 2000 years before Hippocrates was known as
“The god of Medicine” by the Greeks;
The oldest philosophical schools of thought originated in Africa,
namely, at Heliopolis. Hermopals, Thebes and Memphis; and
Monotheism, the idea of one God, was first expounded by
Pharaoh Ikhanaton (1375-1358 BC). He was the teacher of
Moses, who was also a black Egyptian.
Self-Assessment Exercises
1. ________ is the aspect of learning which seeks to connect the
ancient Egyptian civilization to world civilization.
4.7 Summary
Dubois, W. (1972). The World and Africa: An Inquiry into the Parts
which Africa has Played in World History. New York:
International Publishers.
1. Egyptology;
2. (c)
2. Pick the odd choice (a) Mudimbe (b) Awolowo (c) Senghor (d)
Unit Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
1.3 African Ontological Notion of Force
1.4 African Ontological Notion of Spirits
1.5 African Ontological Notion of the Human Person
1.6 African Ontological Notion of God
1.7 Summary
1.8 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
1.9 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
1.1 Introduction
This unit introduces you to the African ontological notions of force,
spirit, being and God. It analyses how the traditional African society
views and understands these concepts. These notions underliethe basic
beliefs and practices in African philosophy, and Africans draw their faith
in these things from myths, traditions and customs which are influenced
by our physical environment. One of the philosophers whose work we are
going to study extensively in this unit and the entire module is Placide
Tempels, who gave popularity to the African ontological notions through
his work on Bantu Philosophy. The views Africans attach to these notions
are quite different to what the West view them to be. To the African;
force, which he calls vital force, is a very important component of reality
and being. It is a reality whichmight be invisible, but is supreme in man.
The vital force according to Temples, refers to the quality of life.
Azenabor (2010: 39) cites Tempels that force is tied to the notion of
being, the reason why they are identical in their definitions of being. Mbiti
(1982: 78) has described spirits in African philosophy as the most
common populace of spiritual beings. Azenabor (2010: 68) quotes
Idoniboye as having noted that “the ontology of any distinctively African
worldview is replete with spirits.” He goes further to note that in African
worldview, spirits are real “like tables and chairs, peoples and places”
(Azenarbo 2010).
Ngangah (2019) has also described vital force as the peculiar trait of
African philosophy and cosmology. He narrates that the environment
from which the African and derive sustenance is an integral aspect of
force. Vital force holds the interpretation for the fused nature of the
concepts of personhood and community in African worldview. Since the
community may be described as the superior and stringer force in African
traditional settings (Ngangah 2019). Force is life, vital energy and is the
object of prayers and invocation to God and the ancestors (Ngangah: 48).
What then are the philosophical implications of this idea?
In Igbo ontology, most of the spirits are particular, but some, especially
Ala (the earth spirits) are universal throughout the land (Ukwamedua and
Edigiawen 2017). Africans address most of these spirits in their prayers
and libation, and every human endeavour is said to be governed by the
spiritual powers that reward or punish people; depending on one’s
behavior and attitude inthat sphere of life. The spirits are above the status
of man and below the Supreme Being (Ukwamedua and Edigiawen 2017).
The African does not hope to become a spirit, for just as a child will one
day become an adult, so will man one day become a spirit (Mbiti 1982:
Spirits “are seen in the corporate belief of their existence” (Mbiti 1982)
and being physically invisible, no one knows where they are and where
they are not. Yet their activities are experienced by people and many folk
stories are told about spirits described in form, activities and
personalities, even if it is with some element of exaggeration. Citing
Robin Horton, Azenabor (2010: 68) notes that “Spirits are normally
invisible and intangible, though they can be seen at will by diviners who
have undergone the proper rites, they also materialize sometimes.”
It is by the joining of the spirit to a material body that all things are
created; ad it is by the separation of the spirit from the body that they are
destroyed…spirit is real. It is real as matter. Its reality is primordial, and
it is, if not superior, at least, as primitive as that of matter. In its pure
state, it is unembodied. Spirit is the animating, sustaining, creative life-
force of the universe. In human bodies, it becomes the mind of soul…
(Azenabor 2010: 69).
The spirit world differs from the human world as it is invisible to the
physical eyes of men. People only know and believe that it is there, and
they are ontologically nearer to God in terms of communication (Mbiti,
1982). Mbiti also notes that the spirits are saddled with responsibility of
conveying human sacrifices or prayers to God as intermediaries (Mbiti
1982: 80- 81). Africans hold their living-dead in high regard because
becoming a spirit is a form of social elevation. As we have earlier noted,
spirits can be either malevolent or malicious, depending on the situation
they are responding to. In African ontology, it is also believed that
spirits can possess a person either negatively or positively; a negative
spirit possession is caused by any act that attracts the anger of the spirit,
whilea positive spirit possession is happens when a certain spirit wants
to use an individual as instrument or a mouthpiece to correct some
anomaliesin the community. Spirits may possess people in form of mental
disorder or one ailment or the other. Sacrifices and libations in the
shrines of such spirits are used appease them in order to liberate such
a personfrom negative spiritual possession (Mbiti 1982).
One can lose his personhood even while he remains alive by isolating
himself from the community of his kinsmen and brethren (Musana
2018). Personhood is achieved by socialization; by theprocess of
creating an identity for one’s self. Musana goes ahead to opine that
when one becomes so immoral and unjust, such a one is described as
“heartless” and an “animal” because it is not the biological heart that
essential describes an African person, but the ability to treat others the
way he/she would want to be treated. Personhood is the ability to act
within the values and ethics of the community; values which are
established for the sake of equity and fairness in the society. Mbiti
(1982: 80) argues that only in terms of other individuals does the
individual man become conscious of his existence. There is a communal
feeling both in suffering, rejoicing, and the individual performs his
responsibilities and duties to the society and community. Issues of
marriage, burial, child birth are treated among the entire kinsmen and
community and nobody has anything alone on his own, apart from the
community (Mbiti 1982). This idea of personhood in African traditional
society has also made sure that that there is high value of human life
among Africans in the traditional society, whatever is done is usually for
the maintenance of lives. No one has the power over life and death.
The community decides what a person becomes and the individual man
exists only to the extent of the community. Personhood in African
traditional sense grows as long as one’s communal responsibility grows;
Menkiti (2004) asserts that age has a role to play in the moral maturity
and personhood in Africa, and even in other parts of the world. It is this
moral attribute which is geared towards enriching the community that
counts for the qualification of personhood in Africa. This is the reason
why the adults hope for the maturity of the children in order for them to
join the community of persons. Menkiti (2004: 326) argues that the
movement of the individual child to full personhood is a journey which
is determined by age, and ends in ancestorship. To him, personhood is
not an automatic achievement by anyone in Africa, but a process which
begins at birth to various stages like puberty, marriage, and
childbearing, taking of titles, old age, adulthood, elderhood, and
ancestorship. Ancestors are still part of the living community as the
personhood gained through this process will end when the person
becomes a ‘nameless dead” (M e n k i t i 2 0 0 4 : 327). At the stage of a
nameless dead, the person who began from it returns back to it. That is
why Menkiti posits that the personhood in African philosophy is a
journey from it to it. This is an interesting theory which should merit
more research from the student.
of individuals without purpose (ibid). This idea is also worth the student’s
consideration as it opposes the idea that the individual interests are
subsumed under the interest of the community in African traditional
setting. A tree cannot make a forest, but there can be no forest without
individual trees. So, there can be no community without the individual
Islam and Islam (2015) define God in the traditional African sense as
the origin of everything in the universe, as God is viewed in both
immanent and transcendental dimensions. The view of oneness of God
makes no place for atheism in traditional African society, everyone
believes that there is a maker of everything who, though being far
removed from the activities of the physical world, has an influence on
everything and directs the whole universe the way He wants it to go.
Knowing about God in the African context is instinctive to the adherents
of the African religion (ibid). The Africans believe that human beings
are limited in several aspects, but God is limitless, supreme, Almighty,
omnipotent, sustainer and other great qualities. Islam and Islam go
further to list the following qualities of God in the African religion:
all knowledge. He knows all and sees all; the discerner of hearts
who knows both the inside and the outside of man;
• God has immanent features for the need of His people, He
contemporaneous to the traditional peoples of Africa. He exists
through all objects and can manifest through natural phenomena.
He is beyond human imagination, so people cannot even
appreciate Him fully in their imaginations; and
• God is that never ending creative force of nature that inspires
people to go for innovative ideas and actions, the intellect is not
capable of examining Him as He is the fathomless spirit and one
could say, the unknowable. He is very much associated with
eternity and has given different moral attributes to His followers.
Some African tribes describe Him as the mighty immovable rock
that never dies.
The Igbo believes that God creates each individual person from birth;
He gives each person his spirit and assigns him his destiny package
before he is formed in his mother’s womb (Ikenga-Metuh 1987). God
precedes all both in order of time and excellence as His transcendence is
expressed in His inscrutability’ well known but impossible to
completely comprehend (Ikenga-Metuh 1987: 111). This means that God
is at the centre of whatever the African does, He is above all things and
sustains all things through His ever-present creative force. The idea of
God permeates the entire belief system of the African because he
believesthat nothing happens for nothing. The traditional African does not
attach mechanical implications to events and happenstance; he believes
that God has ordered the universe in such a way that nothing happens
without being according to His plan and purpose. Therefore, in the
African ontology, accidents do not exist in nature, and everything that
happens has a reason.
Idowu (1962) has also argued that Olodumare in Yoruba is the Great God.
This Great God is all encompassing; including lesser divinities, worship,
priesthood, morality, and human destiny. He maintains that Olodumare
is byond the idea of primitive worship of stones and wood, as some
Westerners allege. Olodumare is the Supreme God in Yoruba religion,
and it is Absoluteness. Idowu asserts that Yoruba religion is not
polytheism as there is but only one Supreme God who is worshipped
through the lesser gods.
Self-Assessment Exercises
1. According to _________, the ________has a notion of God as the
Supreme Being who is above all things and capable of doing all
2. “The community decides what a person becomes and the individual
man exists only to the extent of the community.” This proposition
is (a) Necessarily True (b) Necessarily False (c) Partially False (d)
1.7 Summary
In the last module, we state that long before Africa came in contact with
the West, we have always had our own independent knowledge of the
universe and nature. This knowledge has helped us to navigate our
environment and allowed us to create societies that are distinctly African.
But with the advent of slavery and colonialism, some of these values
have been affected by Western thought and religion. In this unit, we have
been able to examine some major African ontological notions. These
notions form the basis of African thought system on the various topics.
The African ontological notion of being, speaks of force which is dynamic
and hierarchical; the African can die and transcend to the spirit world
where he becomes higher than the physical man, as the African does not
pray and hope for it, it is just a matter of time. The African notion of the
human person sees man from a different perspective than how the West
views man. To the African, personhood is achieved not just by
anthropological and biological features, but by the level at which one
associates and socializes with the community. But as we have noted
earlier, one criticism of this idea isthat it has ignored the individualistic
nature of man. The African believes that God is the all-powerful and
almighty creator of the universe, despite having other lesser god who are
regarded as inferior mediators between the supreme and man. God
controls all things andhas pre-knowledge of everything. The belief that
man’s destiny is apportioned and dictated by God is also prevalent in
the African religion.
1. Mbiti/African;
2. (a)
Unit Structure
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
2.3 History and Background of African Socialism
2.3.1 Values of African Socialism
2.3.2 Pitfalls and Criticisms of African Socialism
2.4 Summary
2.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
2.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
2.1 Introduction
The African belief that we are all sons and daughters of the soil goes a
very long way to influence our social, economic and political
relationships. From this belief, we adopt the principle of equality
because we are all sons and daughters of the soil, and also by this belief
we have the communal ownership of the vital means of life-land (Mboya
1963: 8). And every able-bodied male and female worked, there was no
room for laziness as there were social sanctions and ethics to encourage
industriousness and hard work.
Mboya (1963) notes that though poverty existed, but not as a result of
exploitation. This is to say that the African concept of socialism frowned
at exploitation and laziness. The operation of kinship helped to spread
the wealth of the wealthy and ensured that nobody lives in affluence while
his kinsmen suffer in penury and poverty. This idea is an indigenous one
and springs from the experiences and environment of the African
people. The ideas of African socialism was adopted in order to formulate
philosophical blueprints for the reconstruction of the young African
countries post- independence (Makumba, 2007: 134). Their philosophy
was practical and result oriented, because the situation they found
themselves demanded such pragmatism. The whole idea of African
socialism in the post-colonial era was inspired by the urgent need for an
African response to colonialism and neocolonialism (Makumba 2007).
What does the foregoing from Toure mean? This return to national culture
was attempted by the use of African socialism, and though we will
concede that it never succeeded totally, but the influence it had on the
new nations was significant. It largely helped in the provision of basic
needs and welfare of the people. As an ideology, African socialism is an
important aspect of political culture which helped to lend meaning to
political acts and elevate social conflicts and tensions to more
sophisticated plane of political dialogue, thereby contributing to the
process of consensus formation (James 1974). Going further James
asserts that historically, Africa has been indigenously socialistic and the
elements of this socialism lend a unique identity to the continent.
Cooperation and social obligation for work are all part of a network of
traditional socialist roots (James 1974). Again, the rejection of the
European culture during the struggle for independence has led most
African states to re-investigate their histories for institutions, traditions
and elements of doctrine which they consider unique to the African way
of life, and appropriate for the modern culture.
military removed him from power. The citizens, for whom the
African socialism was meant, could not understand it as a result
of the ignorance of the majority. They did not understand that the
fight for them and their emancipation, that was exactly the
contrast; and
• There was a lack of military strategy because when the colonial
masters began to fashion ways through each country’s military, to
destroy the African vision about complete independence, it was
difficult for those countries to provide genuine protection against
such onslaught, so countries began to resort to the old imperialist
strategy to survive. The militaries were not supportive of the
African socialist agenda, due to colonialist influences.
When we say that African values are communal rather than individual,
we also need to subject “communal” to further analysis as communal
makes no sense without a definite community of peoples. The problem
now lies in identifying the particular community that is the object of
African socialism’s communal values (Makumba 2007). One has to
consider whether it is a closed community that recoils into itself or an
open society that goes all out for interrelationship.
Makumba (2007: 153) also questions if African socialism will stand the
test of Popper’s criticism going by its totalitarian adoption of democracy
in post-colonial Africa. He notes that African socialism has the tendency
to become tribal individualism; a situation where one individual pursues
his selfish interest with a whole tribe or clan behind him. The tribe
perhaps, has been tricked to believe that the interest of the individual is
also theinterest of the tribe. What is the social implication of this outlook?
This potentially sets the stage for racism and tribalism, a setback for the
benefit of identity in African socialism. Inthis way, tribal consciousness
will replace national consciousness, andthe dream of African unity will
continue to be a mirage. Fanon also criticized national consciousness by
identifying that if care is not taken, the nation will be replaced by the race
and the tribe:
Self-Assessment Exercises
2.4 Summary
version of socialism in the sense that the African socialism puts the
African tradition and culture into consideration, and focuses on the
welfare of the community of people. Despite the laudable influence of
African socialism for pre and post independent formation of political
ideologies in Africa, it also has its pitfalls which majorly bother on the
inability of the people to fully understand the concept. Again, this kind
of ideology has been criticized as having the potential to degenerate into
tribal and racial ideology, instead of the continental ideology for which
it was meant. We also understood that the major difference between the
Western idea of capitalism and the African socialism is that, whereas
Western capitalism teaches exploitation by the smartest, African
socialism canvasses for the welfare of all within the community.
1. Fanon/Race/Tribe;
2. Leopold Sedar Senghor
Unit Structure
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
3.3 The Meaning of Witchcraft in African Philosophy
3.4 The Meaning of Sorcery and Magic in African Philosophy
3.5 A Comparison of Witchcraft, Magic and Sorcery
3.6 The Place of Witches in African Philosophy
3.7 The Place of Sorcerers and Magicians in African Philosophy
3.8 Summary
3.9 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
3.10 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
3.1 Introduction
Generally, witches are believed to be bad people who use their spiritual
powers to inflict harm on other people. Parrinder (1976: 126) argues that
witches are also alleged to be involved in cannibalism in African
societies, and even the sucking of blood “in vampire fashion”.
Furthermore, he opines that magic can properly be said to come from the
African religion, its objects are, medicines, charms, amulets, talismans
and mascots, which can also be seen in other parts of the world (Parrinder
1976: 113). Magic and medicine can be spoken of in almost the same
fashion as magic is the source of the African medicine (Parrinder 1976:
113). The former is the spiritual dimension of what manifests physically
and materially as the latter. So, African medicine, just as everything the
African does, has a spiritual background which is embedded in magic.
These phenomena are generally part and parcel of the African worldview,
…African peoples believe that there are individuals who have access to
mystical power which they employ for destructive purposes. In a non-
scientific environment belief of this type cannot be ‘clean’ from fear,
falsehood, exaggeration, suspicion, fiction, and irrationality. Whatever
reality there is concerning witchcraft in the broad and popular sense of
the term, the belief in it is there in every African village, and that believe
affects everyone, for better pr for worse. Itis part of the religious corpus
of beliefs (p, 202).
This simply implies that the belief and practice of witchcraft in African
societies is shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Those who profess and
believe do might not have any form scientific proof for it, but the act is
replete in African tradition both in terms of belief and physical
In African traditional societies, there are evil and good sorcerers; the
evil sorcerers are those witches who have commercialized their trade in
order to render services to their clients and make money out of it, while
the good sorcerers use their mystical powers for the good and wellbeing
of the society (Agbanusi 2016). Here, we will focus on the good sorcerers
who Parrinder (1976: 117) refers to as “white magicians”. They are
qualified medicine men who know how to manipulate the forces and
mystical powers in nature to the advantage of the society (Parrinder
These medicine men and good sorcerers, diviners and seers are consulted
almost by everyone in the traditional African society. They are well
regarded and respected by the people, because they are always available
to help sort out the spiritual dimensions of the society’s problems. They
are different from witches who are only interested in doing harm for their
own self ends. As Mbiti (1982) opines, a sorcerer can perform different
functions in traditional African society; ranging from exorcism and
spiritual healing, to being a medium of communication between the dead
and the living. These sorcerers and diviners are the most popular figures
in the African religious life. Agbanusi even notes that, with the advent of
Christianity in Africa, some of these diviners and sorcerers flooded into
the new religion, where they have continued to practice their trade,
using tools provided by their new faith.
Mbiti (1977) says that people are not only willing to know the source of
misfortunes and diseases, they are also interested in knowing the source
of those misfortunes and mishaps, that is where positive magic comes
in; helping people to find explanations and solutions to their challenges
(Mbiti 1977: 167). But the evil magician will manipulate mystical powers
and use them against unsuspecting individuals harmfully for his own
selfish interests. So, there is a huge difference between positive magicians
who work for the development of the community and the evil magicians
who seek power and control just for the sake of it; and will go at any
length to assert evil control on the rest of the community (Mbiti 1977:
Sorcery as we have earlier noted, is, in its positive state, a very good
feature of the African traditional system. The sorcerers can act as
medicine men that are consulted to proffer solutions to the health and
psychological challenges of the people; using these powers (Parrinder
1976). There are also evil sorcerers who are witches that have decided to
commercialize their trade in order to harm people on behalf of their
clients. A sorcerer can use his mystical powers to provide spiritual help
to the people; thereby giving them the solutions to whatever problems
they might be experiencing (Mbiti 1977). Sorcerers also have the
powers, just as magicians and witches, to call upon the spirit of the dead
and act a link between the living and the long-departed family members
(Parrinder 1976: 114). Fortune telling and divination are also part ofthe
values of sorcerers in Africa; they do this by employing the magical
powers in nature and manipulating it to the advantage of the people and
their clients. Most people, especially those with Western ideology,
believe that sorcery is associated with what they refer to as black magic,
which they believe is intrinsically evil, but that is not entirely true, as
Witches are feared and avoided in African traditional societies; they are
believed to be behind most of the misfortunes befalling people and
communities around them. Dirk (1996) argues that witchcraft
accusations in Africa are associated with occult and mystical powers
which the people think that the alleged witch have. Dirk (1996) has
opined that the present of witch doctors in African societies are helping
to a large degree, in fight against the activities of witches who go about
causing physical and economic harm to people with the sue of mystical
powers. The place of witches in African society is that of disdain and
contempt; people do not want to hear about them as everybody believes
that they are evil people who are working against the harmonious and
peaceful existence of the community. It is believed that witches are only
interested in showcasing and exercising their mystical powers; not
minding the impact of such powers on the community and people
involved (Dirk 1996). In most African communities, witches are either
killed or ostracized, in order to cut every tie they might have with the
community. When such witches are ostracized and isolated, they are
usually forced to go on exile, far away from where the news of their
witchcraft could travel (Dirk 1996). How does the society relate with
these witches upon discovery?
Mbiti (1982) argues that, even when the witches are exiled out of the
community, their clients could still travel as far as they are in order to
consult them and contract them to assist them in their heinous activities.
In any family where it is suspected that witches exist, it is almost
impossible for the community to associate with members of the
community, and even their women always find it hard to get men who
will marry them within the community. It is also believed in Africa that
witches are mostly old people who might have lived out their active years
without achieving much; thereby using their old age to envy other people
who might be making progress in their chosen careers and endeavors.
Going by the African conception of personhood which we have examined
earlier, witches who use their mystical powers to visit harm on fellow
members of the community are not considered to be persons in the
African worldview. This is because; such witches areworking against the
interest and welfare of the community. As we have noted, though there
is no scientific proof for these African metaphysical beliefs, the fact that
there are physical evidence of their reality among African societies makes
it difficult for one to argue against.
Just as we have said before, these entire phenomena are part and parcel
of the African metaphysics. Magic is the very foundation of African
metaphysics, and it is the basis of all the mythical and mystical activities
in African religion. Dirk (1996) expresses that when an African does not
understand the source of a particular power, he simply attributes it to
magic. And magic, being the source of medicine, is very difficult to
differentiate from medicine as Parrinder (1976). Magic is the art of
manipulation of natural forces in order to achieve a certain objective
(Ngangah 2020). Mbiti (1977) believes that, according to the belief of
the African, there are powers deposited in nature, powers that belong to
God, and are subject to manipulation by human beings to their own
benefits. That is where magic comes in as a means of manipulating such
powers. Magicians are widely sought after in Africa, basically for the
preparation of different charms and amulets for social and economic
purposes. Mbiti (1982) specifically mentions the act of rain making as a
major kind of magic in Africa. The rain-maker is consulted and paid by
individuals who want to avoid rain fall for one reason or the other within
the community, because they know that the rain maker possesses the
magical powers to cause the rain to fall.
Self-Assessment Exercises
3.8 Summary
In the African traditional communities, the names of these mystical
phenomena often interchanged and one description could be used to
apply to all of them. For example, a sorcerer could be described as a
witch, a magician as a diviner, and so on. But one major fact here is that
all these activities examined in this unit form a part of the African
traditional religious life. Without these mystical attributes, the African
traditional life will not be what it is, as will lose its ancient values and
become unspiritual and therefore, unreligious. Though these beliefs and
practices cannot be scientifically proven as we have said, they are
undeniably experienced in the day- to- day affairs of the traditional
African life. This unit has led us through the major spiritual and mystical
beliefs and practices of the African tradition; we have understood the
essence of diviners, sorcery and even the evil implications of witchcraft
in the African traditional setting. Witches are recognized as the evil
people of the community who manipulate natural powers to some selfish
evil ends, and also capable of commercializing their trade in order to make
money out of it. Sorcerers and medicine men are closely associated in
that one could find it difficult to differentiate them, this is because,
medicine in Africa is rooted in sorcery and magical powers which are
used to manipulate nature and discover solutions to the medical and
economic needs of man in the society.
1. Magic;
2. Witches
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
4.3 The Meaning and Importance of Rituals
4.3.1 Different Types of Rituals
4.3.2 Festivals and their Benefits
4.3.3 Mediums and Sacrifices
4.4 Summary
4.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
4.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
4.1 Introduction
This unit introduces you to the various rituals, sacrifices and festivals in
the African traditional belief system. In African tradition, rituals and
sacrifices are so important that they are believed to the gateway to
appeasing the gods, goddesses and other spirit beings. The ancestors too,
noble men of the clan who had died at a ripe age and are believed to be in
the land of the living dead, are also appeased by rituals and sacrifices. As
we have noted in Module 1, unit 2, rituals and sacrifices are ways of
worship in African religion, and provide authenticity to the worship of the
individual person. This is done through festivals like music, singing,
moving from place to another, clapping, beating of drums, in order to
express the feeling of joy, sorrow or thanksgiving. When a member of the
clan commits abomination, these rituals and sacrifices are needed to
sanctify and cleanse the land; to avoid being punished by a malevolent
spirit. In this unit, we shall expand more on the phenomena of rituals,
sacrifices and festivals in African traditional belief system. Mbiti (1977:
126) defines rites and rituals as a religious ceremony or action. That is,
the means of communicating something of religious significance through
words, symbols and actions. Hence, rituals embody beliefs, and also, the
ritual word and pattern must be a consistent one every time that same
ritual is done. The nature of a ritual or sacrifice is always determined by
the underworld; that is, the spirit being, god, goddess, or ancestor
demanding such rituals and sacrifices. Some rituals are already known by
the community, and those types of rituals and sacrifices are normally done
periodically; daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly rituals, festivals and
sacrifices. Certain blessings from the gods demand certain rituals and
festivals; like in the eastern part of Nigeria, New Yam Festivals are used
to show appreciation to the god of yam for ensuring bountiful harvest,
and also for the people to rejoice and make merry. There are rituals and
sacrifices for virtually everything in African tradition; ranging from
marriages, farming, naming ceremonies, rituals for a departed family
member, and so on.
cohesion and unity among African communities in the sense that when
everyone knows the importance of facilitated and coordinated problem
solving mechanism, people become gradually bound together with the
society. This means that rituals provide the capacity to engage in
cooperation among the people of the community; thereby strengthening
unity and coalitional alliances. However, Watson-Jones & Legare
(2016) argues that in larger local communities, there could be some
difficulties and challenges in coordinating individual members for such
joint actions and ensuring their commitments to group goals, especially
when such rituals involve the entire community. Hobson, et al (2018)
have identified that when the smallest details of such rituals are missing,
or are not in place, the whole process becomes meaningless, so the rules
of the rituals cannot be relaxed because they have significant meaning to
the individual and the community.
i. Personal rituals are rituals performed along the life journey of the
individual. They start during pregnancy, and continue to birth,
naming, teething, puberty, circumcision, initiation, marriage,
childbearing, eldership, death, and even to when one become an
ancestor (Mbiti 1977: 127). This is not to say that rituals are
performed at every stage we have mentioned in every African
society, but there are rituals designed for the various stages, and
it depends on the current traditions in any community. Some chose
to do at birth, others at circumcision, and yet others at
childbearing or even death. Mbiti insists that this kind of ritual has
a way drawing attention to the individual; telling him that he
matters, as well as the world around him. Since this ritual is
according to different stages of life, they separate the individual
from one phase of life and him up with another;
iii. Health rituals have to do with the good health of the individual
and the community. Africans use religion to find out the mystical
cause of diseases, who is responsible, and ways of tackling them.
These rituals are religious practices aimed at physical wellbeing.
The medicine man specifies the kind of rituals that will be
countermeasures to the source and cause of the sickness, thereby
neutralizing them (Mbiti, 1977, p134). The death of many
individuals in the society is believed to have a cause, hence, many
rituals are performed to prevent such death, delay, or to ward it
off (Mbiti 1977). Even at death, part of the funeral rites will be
the chasing away of death from the family of the diseased. The
homestead and the surrounding environment are purified ritually,
in order to restore normal life within the family;
Life is all about happiness as human beings, in the chaotic and stressful
planet we inhabit, festivals are responsible for bringing positivity into
life and living. They centre on cultural and ethnic topics which seek to
inform the members of the community of their customs and traditions;
involving community elders who share stories and experiences to the
younger ones, in order to give them the needed experience (Hobson &
Schroeder 2018). These rituals recognize the essence of unity and
togetherness within the community and give every member a sense of
belonging. Oral tradition is the basic means of transferring the African
values and way of life to the next generation, and festivals where
folklores, proverbs and wise saying are made become a vehicle for the
transmission of these values and customs. By so doing, the new
generation will grasp the basic tenets of the cultural values and traditions
of the people.
Sacrifices are the results of the work done by the mediums. They are to
identify a kind of sacrifice needed to sort out a particular problem. When
sacrifices are made without contacting the necessary mediums, people
run the risk of doing the wrong sacrifices and having their sacrifices
rejected by the gods and spirits. Mediums, seers and medicine men
consult with the spirit world in order to find out the type of sacrifices
necessary for a certain problem or ailment. There are also sacrifices are
designated and meant for a particular spirit being or the other, this type
sacrifice is well known by all concerned and is done within specified
periods, usually a year (Mbiti 1977). D ifferent spirits demand different
sacrifices from their worshippers, so the people are well, aware of the
mode and process of sacrifices to be done for such spirit and gods.
Self-Assessment Exercises
4.4 Summary
1. Mediums;
2. Festivals
Unit Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
1.3 African Views of the Universe and Nature
1.3.1 The Nature of the Universe
1.3.2 The Place of Man in the Universe
1.3.3 Mystical and Religious Order in the Universe
1.4 Summary
1.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
1.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
1.1 Introduction
This unit will attempt to avail you some information about the African
conception of the universe and nature in general. The African people
generally believe that the universe is created, and the creator is an all-
powerful and almighty being who is called God. There is no agreement
on how the creation of the universe happened, but since it seems
impossible that the universe created itself, God is therefore the
explanation for the origin of the universe, both visible and invisible
realities. In many African communities, God is also called The Creator,
even if there are still other names which can be used to describe Him.
When African says that the universe has been created by God, they are
actually looking at the universe in a religious way (Mbiti 1977).
Africans see it as a religious universe and also treat it as such. This is
because, as we have said earlier, the African believes that reality is both
physical and spiritual intertwined in one inseparable link. This religious
interpretation of the universe helps the African to have a sense of
purpose and direction, and also make him to exercise some measure of
control over his environment (Anthony 2013). The universe and reality in
general are very important to the traditional African that is the reason
why it is said that the African sees man at the centre of the universe and
nature, and does not seek to alter the universe but to nurture it. The
universe is divisible into two, there are visible and invisible parts of it; but
African peoples have long observed and reflected the world around them
as they went through life. They looked at the sky above, with its moon,
star, sun and meteorites: with its clouds, rains, rainbows, and the
movement of the wind. And below they saw the earth and its myriads of
forms, animals, insects, rocks and mountains. They became aware of the
limits of the powers and knowledge of man, and the shortness of his life.
They also experienced the process of birth, growth, procreation and
death: they felt agonies of the body and mind, hunger and thirst, and
emotions like joy, fear and love. These experiences and more exposed
them to begin to think about the universe in which they live. And the
outcome of this exposure was the gradual formulation of the African
views and ideas about the world and the universe at large (Mbiti 1977:
31). The challenges that the world, universe and nature posed to the
ancient Africans made to begin to form views about the universe and the
world. Africans formed this view gradually, while investigating and
observing physical nature. The reflections on the physical manifestations
of the universe gave way for the African view on the universe; therefore,
the African has been a very keen observer of nature and the environment.
All over the world, no thinking person can live without forming some
views about the world and life. This might be through individual
reflections which might eventually spread to the rest of the community
and society at large (Mbiti 1977). The spread of the African idea of the
universe happens through discussions, artistic expressions, and so on
(Mbiti 1977). They are mainly done by extending old ideas, abandoning
some of them, acquitting new one and translating others into practical
realities (Mbiti 1977: 31). The African believes that he should be friends
with nature and the universe that he should protect and preserve her at any
cost. One major difference between the Western and African views of
nature, the environment and the universe is that, while the African can go
at any length to protect the universe, the Westerner is ready to sacrifice
the wellbeing of the universe and nature at the altar of economic
prosperity and technological advancement. The West is ready to jettison
the concerns about the environment just for them to remain at the top
echelon of world technology and economy. For us in Africa, we do not
rob the environment for selfish reasons of economy and technological
advancement. The African believes that the universe and man are one
and the same; man being the creature entrusted with the care and
maintenance of the universe and nature.
The universe being studied under this module also implies reality in
general. The interaction and relationship between the two worlds evoke
a sense of the sacred in the African, because he sees and feels the presence
of the Supreme Being, divinities and spirit beings (the ancestors). The
universe is one indivisible creation of God, and man, being at the centre
of it, has the responsibility to preserve and protect it. Although man comes
from God, but his birth is not a separation from God. He still connects to
God through libations, and other prayers and food for the gods and the
ancestors. Ijioma (2005: 87) maintains that in prayer, the Igbo African
tries to normalize the relationship among the three worlds; libation is
made to God through the ancestors, and other deities. Man is just an
individual person, but one born by destiny into the community and whose
survival and purpose is linked with the purpose and survival of the
community. This means that the human person is first, a member of
community, clan or kindred (Ijioma 2005). The way African see and
perceive the universe affects the way they see reality, which in turn,
affects their value systems and traditional orientation (Anthony 2013:
533). The nature of the African universe is the African worldview for the
meaning of life, it is an unconscious but a natural tendency to arrive at a
unifying base that constitutes a frame of meaning often seen as the origin
and end (Anthony 2013). What is the fundamental basis of the African
The nature of the African universe is the underlying thought link that hold
together the Africa value system, philosophy of life, social conduct,
morality, folklores, myths, rituals, rites, rules, ideas, cognition and
theologies (Anthony 2013: 533- 534).
being destroyed by the spirit beings and gods that inhabit the earth.Being
at the centre of the universe, man tries to use his position to derive some
physical, mystical and supernatural influences. Man sees the universe in
terms of himself and endeavours to live in harmony with it. Both man and
the universe are intertwined, one and the same.
Man is not the master of the universe but he is only a friend, a user, a
beneficiary, for that reason he has no other option but to live in harmony
with the universe; obeying the natural, moral and mystical laws of the
orderly universe. If the harmony and laws of nature are unduly disturbed,
man will be at the receiving end of it. The universe is a protective force
for man, hence, when its natural order is disturbed, man loses that
privilege of protection and shelter. Mbiti (1982) suggests that, that is the
reason why African peoples refer to the universe as Mother Nature. This
is to assert her protective and caring role over man. Without the universe
man is nothing, and we are created into orderly cosmos, giving the
responsibility to continue to uphold that order. And the fact that nature
is acting as a mother means that at death, the African is given back to
the mother, which is the source of his existence in thefirst place. Nature
receives man at the end of every physical incarnation. African peoples
have come to these conclusions through experiences, observations and
reflections about the universe. Distant ancestors of Africans who long
settled on the earth observed these things and passed them on to the next
generations through oral traditions like folklores, proverbs, and wise
sayings. Analysing this idea, Nyang (1980: 29) has this to say:
According to this view man is more than a spectator on the stage of life,
though he is a creature who is circumscribed within the parameter set by
the spiritual ancestors and the evil spirits, man still imposes his own will
on both the material and spiritual worlds. For man to function effectively
in the material world, he must indeed learn to pursue his human needs
and personal interests without antagonizing the spiritual forces above.
Man in traditional African cosmology is caught in a matrix of spiritual
relationships. There are the unbreakable ties to the Supreme Being, who
created the earth and everything therein for man and his progeny. These
ties are unbreakable because man’s existence depends upon his creator.
Man lives his life in fear of endangering the life of his community as a
result of bad relation with the universe. And his understanding of this
matrix puts premium on good behavior and respect for communal
customs and practices.
The African man believes that the link between the ancestors and their
current successors comes from the unity of blood and the common life
which circulates in the veins of all the members of the community. In
terms of destiny, the African man believes that he is being given a destiny
to fulfill in the world. This destiny might vary from group to group, but
man is viewed as a cosmic traveler who is destined to cross the equator
of death. This equator serves a demarcation between two inseparable
portions of total reality (Nyang 1980).
The African man believes that the universe is not on autopilot. There it
is a mystical and religious universe which has laws that should be
followed and obeyed by man himself who is at the centre of creation.
The world has been created by the God who also put laws that should
guide the conduct and attitude of man as he goes about seeking
sustenance in the universe. These laws, as we have noted earlier, are
meant for the preservation of harmony and cosmic peace in the universe.
For example, we have the law of sowing and reaping, which enables
man to till the ground and cultivate it, in order to harvest and reap
bountifully from the earth. In this cosmic and religious order in the
universe, it is forbidden for anyone to seek to upturn it, the African sees
such a person as being at war with nature, and no one survives such.
Mbiti (1977) opines that the African belief that the universe is created
and sustained by God lays credence to the thought that the laws of
nature are being controlled directly by God through His servants. The
morals and institutions of the society are believed to have been given by
God; hence any breach of such moral laws is an offence against God and
the spirits. The African believe in taboos which help to strengthen and
keep the moral and religious order in the community. These taboos
range from words, dresses, foods, relations among people, marriages,
burials, work and so on. Breaking a taboo entails punishment in form of
social ostracism, misfortune and even death. If the people do not punish
the offender, then the spirit world will punish him through one
malevolent spirit or the other.
These views point to the idea that the invisible world of God and the
spirits is actively engaged in the affairs of man in the universe.
Orderliness is the hallmark of the African universe because the world
itself is created by a Being who is in charge of it by established laws and
values. An act of violence is views as an act disturbing the equilibrium
and balance of the community. The moral imperative is to achieve right
relationships between the individual, the community and the
environment, and is self-evidently right (Hammand-Tooke 1998: 8). This
order also has to do with the relationship among human beings inthe
community; it should be a healthy one in which people will love and care
for their fellows, and make sure that welfare of other community comes
above that of the individual. Bujo (2008: 22) asserts that the essence of
order in the African cosmology is quite different from the idea of order
in the West. The Western idea of order and morality centre on the
individual person and his ability to employ reason, whereas the African
conception of mystical and religious order has to do more with the
community. The morality is closely related to the communal
embeddedness of the social bearing. This also correlates to the African
concept of UBUNTU: I am because we are. Morality is not an individual
one per se, but according to the relationship and fellowship with the
lives of others. The community is also beyond just the physical as it
includes both the ancestors and even those yet unborn (Bujo 2003: 23-
Self-Assessment Exercises
1. The _______ believes that the link between the ancestors and their
current successors come from the unity of blood and the common
life which circulates in the veins of all the members of the
2. Mbiti suggests that, that is the reason why African peoples refer to
the universe as ________
1.4 Summary
1. African;
2. Mother Nature
Unit Structure
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
2.3 The Meaning and Nature of Destiny and Fate
2.3.1 The Role of Destiny and Fate
2.3.2 Relationship between Character and Destiny
2.3.3 Death and Reincarnation
2.4 Summary
2.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
2.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
2.1 Introduction
Balogun (2007: 119) sees destiny and fate as the belief in African tradition
that whatever happens or that will happen in the future, has already been
preordained and will happen according to an earlier master plan. It is the
mysterious power believed to control human events. It is the belief that
every person has his biography written before he came to this world, and
anything he does will be a fulfillment of that. The African traditional
believer takes the issue of destiny and fate very seriously; this is because
there is nothing that happens to a person in the world which is not linked
to this destiny. The Igbo call it Chi, meaning a personal fate which
invisibly follows the person around in the world. As many Africans
believe that the universe is a mystical and religious world governed by
the Supreme Being and other spirit beings, as well as the ancestors, these
spirit beings apportion a destiny/fate to each person ashe is being born
into the earth. The Yoruba calls this destiny Ori, which is believed to be
not only the bearer of destiny but to be the essence of the human
personality, which rules, controls, and guides the life and activities of the
person (Idowu 1962: 170). Africans also believe that every person has the
moral responsibility to be at peace with, protect and be in good terms with
his destiny in order for one to be able to fulfill his destiny easily. In this
module, we shall use the terms destiny and fate interchangeably. Personal
responsibility and good behavior will go a long way to help one
maintain a good relationship with his Chi and be able to have good
destiny. This simply means that man in African tradition is the centre
piece of the concept of destiny. Good character produces good destiny
and fate, while bad character and inordinate behavior will inevitably
attract bad destiny for a person. So, the concept of destiny and fate in
African worldview is not a strictly deterministic idea. This means that
though a particular destiny is given to one at birth, moral character and
good behaviors still go a long way in shaping one’s destiny on earth.
Again, one can also approach the spirit world through diviners, libations,
Destiny is the choice the individual made with the almighty God before
birth. This choice is made from the lad of the supernatural power. And a
man has responsibility to protect and guard his good destiny by good
character, humility, and sincerity. Above all, he must continue to
persistently propitiate the supernatural by means of offerings, libations,
rituals, rites, and so on, in order to wave off evil powers or forces from
interfering with his destiny (Boston 1970). On the other hand, when an
African is challenged by misfortune, he does not relent against the evil
forces that are believed to have imbued his life with bad destiny. He will
relentlessly consult the oracles in order to find out the cause of the bad
destiny, ill-fates and misfortune, and how to counter it and attract good
fortunes. When the oracle has pronounced the solution to the bad
destiny, they will perform the appropriate rites and rituals to the spirit
world, hoping that such bad destiny will be changed. Some Africans
also believe that the lines on the palms of each individual show the
person’s destiny and fate. Destiny in the African concept covers the entire
life of man from birth to the grave, and even to reincarnation. Ukwamedua
and Omokpo (2016) contend that every child from birth has been
destined to fulfill a purpose on earth, and such destiny is a unique one.
The Igbo believes that there are three basic factors that determine the
success or failure of the individual: the benevolence of one’s Chi, one’s
own efforts symbolized by the IKENGA or the power of actions, and
one’s conscious efforts to maintain the laws and customs of the
The Igbo call it Chi, meaning a personal fate which invisibly follows the
person around in the world. As Africans believe that the universe is a
mystical and religious world governed by the Supreme Being and other
spirit beings, as well as the ancestors, these spirit beings apportion a
destiny/fate to each person as he is being born into the earth. The Yoruba
calls this destiny Ori, which is believed to be not only the bearer of destiny
but to be the essence of the human personality, which rules, controls, and
guides the life and activities of the person (Idowu 1962: 170). It also
instructive to note that this destiny is not fatal and deterministic, one has
to put in efforts and good moral character in order to fulfill his destiny on
earth. Without good morals, one’s destiny maybe be adversely affected
and he will suffer ill-fate and misfortune. So, one continues to desperately
guard his fate and destiny by avoiding bad behaviors and inordinate
ambitions, in order to keep his good destiny alive. In the event of a
misfortune and ill-fate, the African consults the oracles through the
medicine men and diviners, in order to find out the cause of such
misfortunes and remedy them by means of sacrifices and other offerings
to the spirit world. In the African cosmology, one can appease and even
appeal to his guardian spirit, in order to avert a calamity or misfortune.
The African also believes that death is part of the destiny of man, and it
cannot be averted by anyone. Every person will die, those who had lived
good moral lives and died at ripe ages will become ancestors who will
oversee the activities of the clan from the spirit world.
Some Africans also believe that there is nothing like destiny which is
distinct from the personal life and behavior of a person. That what we
call destiny is simply an accumulation of the personal character of a
person which has translated into his own life. As Ekanola (2006) argues
against the idea of a divinely fixed fate:
Choices, if they are consistently made in the same pattern, coalesce into
habits and later into character. A person’s character, which is a product of
past acts of free choice, to a large extent, determines destiny on earth.
Character is all that is requisite. There is no destiny to be called unhappy
in Ife City. Character is all that is requisite. However, in Ekanola
(2006), I also argued that when there seems to be no correlation between
a person’s character and how his or her life turns out, the concept of Ori
(destiny) connotes “the will of God” or “luck.”
destiny while coming into the earth, but has to create his own destiny
byhis own hands by the kind of life he leads, and by his relationship with
his community and clan. Since man is free, his free choices accumulate
to give him the form of destiny he deserves. He cannot have what he does
not deserve as nature rewards according to what each person has done;
that is destiny.
One’s destiny has a significant role to play in his life. That is why the
traditional African believes that the oracles have to be consulted to find
out the nature of one’s destiny, and possibly, reshape it if things are not
going well with such a person. The Igbo believes that everything that
happens in a man’s life is traceable to his destiny, which is his Chi. There
is nothing anybody can do or achieve in life outside his Chi. This
personal destiny guides and directs one in the course of life, that is why
the Igbo believes that Onye buru Chi ya uzo, ya agbabuo onwe ya na oso,
meaning that if one tries to run faster than his destiny, he will run to his
death. One must operate and conduct himself according to how his
destiny has been fashioned. If one suffers any form of misfortune or
ill-fate the African will believe that it was destined to be so. So, in African
society, destiny and fate act as social agents for good moral living and
social cohesion. This is because, each person will struggle to live
according to the prescribed moral rules in order not to attract the anger of
the spirit world and inflict ill-fate on himself. The belief in destiny and
fate also helps to create a moral society where crime and criminality is
eschewed. As Mbiti (1982) opines, this fear of bad destiny helps the
individual to understand that his own destiny is tied to the destiny of the
community, and even the destiny of the universe. Therefore, if a person
refuses to live well in the community or goes about distorting the cosmic
order of the universe, the repercussion will come and he will partake
of it.
Characters like honesty, hard work, humility, and relationship with the
community go a long way to shape and affect one’s destiny. As Ekanola
(2006) has observed, there is a great link between one’s personal
character and approach to life and his destiny. “The will of God” or
“luck” is used to describe one’s success in life when the African cannot
find any empirical reasons for such fortune (Ekanola 2006: 7). The idea
of a chosen Ori, that is destiny, is no more than a complex of all the
various acts of free choice made by individuals up till any specified time
in their life. It is not by any prenatal choice in heaven (Ekanola 2006: 7).
And industry and hard work form an integral part of choice. When man
decides to be lazy, his destiny will also be tied to laziness, and when a
man decides to go about suspending and offending natural laws with
reckless abandon, thatis also what will accumulate to become his destiny.
As we have noted before, the law of sowing and reaping shows that the
earth rewards people according to actions and reactions put into it. The
African also believes that one will reap whatever he sows in nature, when
the reaping occurs, one should understand that it is also destiny. One
should not become a passive participant in the affairs of nature, but one
should bean active participant; taking his destiny in his own hands. There
is always a correlation between a person’s character and his life turns out.
One’s approach to life is what matters a lot in the pursuit of destiny. How
can one understand all of these?
Had it been that Unoka worked hard, his destiny would have been that of
success because, as the Igbo-Africans believe, when one says yes to life,
his personal god also says yes. That is to say that if the hand is not soiled
it cannot bring about a mouth that is smeared with oil. Man is free
and God has given him the earth to work on and till, he will only fashion
his destiny according to the way he has chosen to live his life and relate
with nature and his community. Ekanola (2006) asserts that the Yoruba
idea and concept of Ajala is mythological and metaphorical, as there is
nothing like that which directs the affairs of man without his character
and action in nature.
Nature is just; it can only reward one according to the free choice that has
been made by such a person. As we indulge in our habits and characters,
we are writing our biography, our history and choosing our destiny.
Destiny is not entirely the function of any prenatal choice, but the
accumulation of human efforts, approach to life, moral character and
hard work. Even if man has been given a certain destiny at birth from the
supernatural world, there is still the opportunity to change the course of
such destiny by appeasing the oracle and making some rituals and
sacrifices. In the case of Unoka, the solution to his problem was said
to lie in his hands; he just needed to put more efforts into life so as to
witness a turnaround in destiny. This also teaches us that in traditional
African society, the solution for everything does not lie with the spirits
and the gods; man has a great role to play in helping to make his life a
meaningful and fulfill his destiny.
Makinde (2007) has also theb Yoruba concept of Ori shows that destiny
is not synonymous with fatalism. This is because fatalism in Yoruba
thought is the belief in hopelessness and acceptance of it, while destiny
implies the introduction of human efforts for the choice of good ori.
Oluwole (1995) has described fatalism as an obnoxious theory that
flouts all experience. It is a theory that all events are per-determined by
a deity or a supernatural force called fate (Oluwole 1995: 23) The
choice of good ori, which is combined with human efforts will
ultimately lead to god destiny. Makinde maintains that the
interpretation of the Yoruba thought as strong destiny will bring about
many contradictions. This is because, no matter the kind of ori chosen,
human actions can still amend bad destinies through sacrifices
propitiations (Oluwole 1995: 136). The relationship between ori and
destiny is not an invariable one, it then means that not every good choice
of ori leads to good destiny, neither does every bad choice of ori lead to
bad destiny (Oluwole 1995: 134).
This is where human actions and responsibility comes in. no matter the
kind of ori one chooses, it will always depend on his actions to shape
his destiny positively or negatively. As Ekanola (2006) has opined, there
is no ori which is different from human actions. After all, Orunmila knew
that the individual has an impact on his personal destiny, the reason why
he chose to remain indifferent to our choice of ori (Makinde 2007: 135).
Mbiti (1982: 149) avers that death stands between the visible world of
man and the invisible world of the spirit. It is the journey of all persons
and no one can cheat death. It is an individual affair in which nobody
can interfere or intervene. Relatives watch their loved ones without being
able to stopit. The destiny of death has long been accepted by Africans as
a natural rhythm. The African believes that death has to do with the
physical separation of the body from the spirit, it does not lead to
annihilation.The grave is a point of separation between the living and the
dead, but it nevertheless becomes a point of convergence when it
becomes a shrine of an ancestor. Ibenwa, Okwor & Ukeachusim (2014)
insist that the land of the ancestors, which is a resting place for the dead
is not a permanent place of rest unless one has completed his circle of
English translation, but from the cultural and religious context of the
people. It is the fate of all persons, just like death. Do ancestors really
have a role to play in this grand scheme of things?
The land of the ancestors can only be used for the purpose of waiting,
but except those who have completed their circle of reincarnations,
everybody will come back into the world. The Igbo view reincarnations
as a return from the land of the spirit, where the ancestors live, to the
world. And the existence of the two worlds, as they impinge on each
other in a continuous interaction, for the African, is not a figment of
imagination which modern scientific and technological education can
snuff away completely (Ibenwa et al 2014: 35-36).
So, both death and reincarnation are part of the destiny of man in the
concept. There is nobody who can cheat death, and everybody who
has not completed his circle of reincarnation will come back to this
world and live again as a human being. Achebe captures this succinctly:
Ezeudu! He called in his guttural voice. If you had been poor in your last
life, I would have asked you to be rich when you come again. But you
were rich. If you had been a coward, I would have asked you to bring
courage. Butyou were a fearless warrior. If you had diedyoung, I would
have asked you to get life. Butyou lived long. So, I shall ask you to come
again the way you came before (Achebe 1958: 98).
Self-Assessment Exercises
2.4 Summary
bad destiny is averted through the necessary sacrifices and rituals. Man
also understands that laziness will ultimately bestow bad misfortune on
him, so he tries as much as possible to work and till the earth for his
economic prosperity. Death has been identified as an inevitable destiny
of man, as well the phenomenon of reincarnation. Therefore, no matter
what man does on the earth, he will always bear in mind that one day he
will leave this physical realm of reality to transit to the great beyond. This
unit has taught about the concept of destiny and fate in African
philosophy. This means how Africans view the concepts and how they
prepare themselves to embrace it as part of reality. Our character and
disposition in life determine what our destiny will be and it is instructive
that African philosophy begins to look towards this direction in order to
reposition itself and become relevant in the contemporary world. No
matter what one claims to have been given as destiny in the spirit world,
everything ultimately boils down to work and character. A man with a
bad character will inevitably suffer ill-fate and bad destiny; because
nature only gives us what we put into it. We cannot sow bad behavior
and expect to reap good destiny and fortunes. As we have said, people
only attribute good fortunes to destiny when there is no empirical reason
for such fortune. The idea of prenatal and preordained destiny is mythical
and metaphorical as Ekanola (2006) has made us to understand. Hard
work and good behavior are the only things capable of transforming our
economic and spiritual lives. Africans should be able to emphasize the
essence of those virtues, since man, the agent of such virtues, is the
centerpiece of reality and creation. As can be observed from the
foregoing, the concepts of destiny and freedom are conflated in the
treatment of the topics in African Philosophy. Both cannot coexist. The
belief in destiny cannot be consistently held with that of freedom. If one
believes in destiny and still believes in the need to work hard and be
strategic in one’s ways, then that would not be what is usually understood
as destiny. It is therefore, more appealing to say that there is no such thing
as destiny, conceived as the fate of men, rigidly determined from the
very beginning, that what we are calling destiny is, as Ekanola has
observed, nothing but the accumulated consequences of our use of
freewill. Thus conceived, we can then understand why destiny can
change. For it is a product of freewill. If the will or choice changes, then
the consequence (fate or destiny automatically changes).
1. (a);
2. Ori
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
3.3 The African Concept of Moral Values
3.3.1 Foundations of Morality
3.3.2 Momoh’s Theory of Moralism
3.3.3 Evaluation/Critique of Momoh’s Moralism
3.4 Summary
3.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
3.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
3.1 Introduction
This unit will undertake a study of moral thinking and Moralism in
African philosophy. This simply means how Africans see or conceive
morality. Moral thinking in African philosophy basically has to do with
maintaining healthy relationships between man and the invisible world,
on the one hand and between man and his fellow members of the
community, on the other. Central to this study will be Campbell
Momoh’s theory of moralism. Within the African metaphysical and
holistic tradition, Momoh conceives his doctrine of moralism in the spirit
of an African ethics. He maintains that the aspirational spirit of the whole
and the community is that of moralism (Azenabor 2010). An ideology is
part of one’s image of the world, and moralism, according to Momoh, is
an ideology. It is an ideology that places moral African philosophy at the
center of everything the African does. It is a way of life that seeks to
consider the welfare of others alongside one’s self. The main doctrine of
moralism is that every part and unit of the society has a duty to perform,
and the guideline for performing that duty is the satisfaction of the
legitimate, legal and, moral needs and wants of the other (Momoh 1999).
This theory of African moralism propounded by C. S Momoh is geared
towards making sure that personal responsibility is maintained in the
society and man as a single unit of the African society takes the overall
wellbeing of others seriously.
These same ancestors and spirits are to punish anyone who violates these
moral values in the society (Mbiti 1977: 67). With this belief in
punishment, as well as that of morality being decreed by the Supreme
Being Himself, at least in the religious sense, the authority and strength
of the moral codes and values becomes stronger. Mbiti (1977) has also
argued that morality in African thought is divided into two; one being
about the individual self, dealing with some personal decisions about his
life, and the greater part being about the social cohesion and harmony of
the community (Mbiti 1977). The African concept of morality puts
emphasis on the issue of social conduct since the African believes that
the individual is nothing without the social unit or the community. That
is why the African believes that morality has been evolved not only to
keep the individual alive but more importantly, to keep the society alive.
J. S Mbiti (1977: 181) asserts that the African people understand that
compliance with these moral behaviors could give man peace of mind.
Once there is a breakdown in moral values, the whole society breaks
down as well and such a society does not always end well. These moral
values are shown in the African tradition through myths and legends;
believing that as long as man follows them, he will live and enjoy the
earth. At the family level, the man is said to be the head of the family and
he has the responsibility of ensuring that the family moral values are
passed on to his children diligently so as to ensure its preservation and
continuation. When the family/clan moral values are not passed on
accordingly to the next generation, such a generation becomes one
without any sense of direction and purpose; wondering in the wilderness
of ignorance. That is one major reason why the traditional African prays
to have children who will succeed him in order to carry on the moral
values of the family, and also pass them on to their own children, and so
on. When a man dies, and looks over from the land of the spirits and sees
that his family moral values are not being kept by the children he left
behind, he is not happy about it, and it is believed that he will not be
given his pride of place in the land of the dead. Therefore, Africans
preserve and protect these moral values both for the benefit of an ordered
society, and to keep their place in the land of the living-dead when they
join their ancestors.
We have noted that these moral values have their source in myths,
legends and wise sayings of Africans. But Africans being cosmologically
religious, religion also plays an important role in the formation of these
moral values. That is to say that these wise sayings and religion are what
form a part and parcel of the African moral system, and also part of
African culture. Oluwole (1995) posits that the Yoruba (African) rarely
cares about the source of moral values, but is interested in the reason
behind moral sanctioning. The African does not believe that there is a
The religious school of thought has it that moral values are given by God;
that it is a religious fruit as God made man and planted in him the seed of
morality, the sense of right and wrong. They claim that African moral
values are a priori, and therefore cannot have any other foundation
but the religious one. This view is championed by Idowu (1962) who
asserts that Africans do not separate religion from morality as the creator
is responsible for the endowment of reason on the human being. This
idea of religious foundation of morality is associated with the ancient
traditional African thought that God as the creator has made everything;
including laws of how man should live in the world. But Gbadegesin
(1998: 302) has challenged this view by implying that when you say
that religion is the foundation of a people’s moral values, you are also
saying at the same time that without religion they cannot act morally and
in a responsible manner. It is true that virtually all traditional Africans
have a sense of spirituality, and they think that religion or spirituality has
an influence on moral values, but this does not mean that morality is
founded on religion or that there could be no further ultimate source of
moral values and ideals (Gbadegesin 1998).
No matter the view one chooses to adopt in this raging debate, what
matters to the African is the maintenance of moral and social order in our
communities and villages. Today, Africa is challenged morally,
economically, socially and politically. We are in need of morally sound
individual citizens and leaders who will take responsibility and reposition
the political landscape of Africa in order to bring about sustainable
development. Corruption and misgovernance have become the bane of
the continent. We therefore need people who will live by and maintain
the age-long African moral values, no matter where they are believed to
originate from. Endemic corruption has been a problem dragging the
business of nation-building and development aback in African, and with
the right moral systems, this will be adequately tackled and brought to its
barest minimum.
in factories, and in homes. It can also apply in the political and economic
realms of the society (Azenabor 2010: 136).
This doctrine of moralism could help to put our rulers in the society in
check. If they should understand that the interest of the people comes first,
they will not need to siphon public funds in the name of governance. They
will not be corrupt and they will perform their duties in accordance with
the rules of the system. Let us remember that this doctrine of moralism
teaches that the interest of the greater number should take precedence
to personal and parochial political interests. Momoh advocates that for
this doctrine of moralism to be enforceable, the following measures
have to be taken:
include food, shelter, and clothing; while our secondary desire is the
desire to acquire more than the primary desires; the primitive
accumulation of wealth, and when this secondary desire is not met,
many men are ready and willing to do anything, including violence, in
order to secure them.
Self-Assessment Exercises
3.4 Summary
the wrong thing. African societies will be better off with a well-
structured and organized system that will usher in the much needed moral
1. Religious;
2. (a)
Unit Structure
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
4.3 Nature of African Religion
4.3.1 Structure of African Religion
4.3.2 Challenges of African Religion
4.3.3 Values of Religion
4.4 Summary
4.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
4.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
4.1 Introduction
gods and spirit beings. In studying this religion, we shall explore the
nature, values and challenges of it. The religion as we understand is
embedded deep into the African culture; as it is very difficult for one to
differentiate one from the other. That is why some scholars believe that
African religion is the culture, tradition and customs of the African
peoples. What is known as African tradition and customs can also be
called African religion. We should note that some Africans who are
practicing Christians still value and maintain these customs and
traditions in their day to day lives.
What is the nature of African religion? How does it differ from other
forms of religious practices? Mbiti (1977: 10) observes that religion can
be defined in five different dimensions and parts, as no one aspect has the
entire meaning of religion in it. He explained religion in form of:
• Beliefs, this is that which show the way people think about the
universe and their attitude towards life itself. African religion is
concerned with beliefs such as God, spirits, human life, magic,
the hereafter, and so on.
• Religious objects and places, these are the things the people have
set apart as holy in the religion. These things and places are notb
commonly used except for special worship occasions. Some of
these things are made by man while others are taken in their natural
• Values and morals, these also form part and parcel of any religion
including the African religion. These are the norms that guide the
These are the major components every religion, and the African religion
also has them. They are what contribute to make up any religion and we
cannot define religion by only one or two of these components, they have
to be considered together to form a genuine definition of religion.
As we have stated, second on the structure are the ancestors and other
spirit beings that are believed to be closer to God than the rest of us. The
ancestors are the living-dead who once co-existed with the rest of us, but
later died a natural death at old age in order to keep watch over the
community form the land of the living-dead. That is why Africans
usually describe death as joining one’s ancestors. It is believed that these
ancestors are still alive, ordinary humans cannot be able to see them.
They are the ones who pass the request of the community to God and
also look over from the land of the living-dead to make sure that the
moral values of the community are kept by all and sundry. Anyone who
violates any of these moral codes could be punished by the ancestors,
even with death. Another stage of the structure of the African religion
is the stage of the diviners, priests and priestesses. These are the people
that communicate and commune with the spirit world in order to find
solutions to the challenges of the individual and the community (Edet
2009). They are the ones that, after due consultations, will specify
The African also has its own challenges which it has grappled with for a
very long time. The earlier interpretation of the religion by the Europeans
who came to African did not help matters about the perception of the
religion. They described the religion in derogatory terms like animism,
primitive culture, fetishism, heathenism and so on. This is a challenge of
derogation that the African religion is still contending with till this day
(Mbiti 1982). This wrong characterization of the African religion by
Western colonialists and scholars put a dent on the integrity of the
religion. This was also a ploy by the West to make Africans abandon
their own traditional religion and accept Christianity. Christianity is
another challenge that confronts the religion. This is because Christian
preachers have continued to derogate the religion of the Africans by
demonizing it and associating with evil. This is not to say that, just like
every other religion. African religion does have areas to improve, but the
onslaught against the religion and way of life of the Africans by some
Christian preachers and adherents is quite unwarranted. Another source
of challenge for the African religion is the fact that there is no written
holy book for its adherents to consult, just like other religions. This has
made it difficult to find any form of uniformity in the religion, as
different peoples in African practice it the way they deem fit. Some
scholars have also observed that the lack of written scripture is a unique
distinguishing feature of the African religion, and should not be regarded
as a challenge in any way.
Does religion possess any instrumental end and value? Values are
important because they are regarded as belonging to a higher level. They
cannot be replaced easily, just as they are not negotiable (Cipriani , 2017).
Mbiti (1977) analyses the different values of religion to mankind. And
the African traditional religion also plays these roles in the African
communities. Religion is a very aspect of the human existence and it
helps man psychologically, spiritually, socially and economically. There
is nothing the traditional African does that does not have a religious
meaning, because the African believes that the world is a religious one.
The traditional African religion is responsible for cultivating the whole
person of the African (Mbiti 1977: 198). The following are some the
values of religion according to Mbiti (1977):
Religion is also said to have inspired great ideas (Mbiti 1977: 200)
concerning the moral life- courage, love, endurance, helpfulness,
sense of kinship and so on. It has also helped us in the area of
cultural achievements like arts, dancing, music, carving and
4.4 Summary
Self-Assessment Exercises
1. (d);
2. (a)
Unit Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
1.3 Contemporary African Philosophy
1.3.1 School of Logical Positivism/Analytic Philosophy
1.3.2 The Scholastic School
1.3.3 Philosophical Materialist School
1.3.4 The Conversationalist School
1.4 Summary
1.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
1.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
1.1 Introduction
This group is the group that flatly rejects the concept of ethno-
philosophy. Nwala (2010: 125) argues that most of the philosophers in
this school are largely Western trained and influenced by the logical
Niekerk (2015) asserts that the analytic style focuses on testing the
coherence, validity and truth of specific propositional claims. Analytic
philosophy also has to do with formulating and reformulating
propositions in ordinary language such that the meaning will be broken
down as much as possible. Nwala mentions the likes of Robin Horton,
Kwasi Wiredu, Henry Odera Oruka, Peter Bodunrin, John Sodipo, E. A
Ruch, Gene Blocker, and so on as members of this school of thought in
African philosophy.
This school of thought disagrees with the claim that anything that
does not relate to the analytic tradition of Western philosophy does not
qualify as philosophy. The analytic tradition of African philosophy is
interested in three related assumptions (Kayange 2018: 6):
They insist that the misuse of language and meaning will cause us to
draw false inferences. Analytic philosophy places emphasis and
importance on the concept of analysis, or better still, logical analysis. It
is generally about breaking something into smaller parts so that it
becomes intelligible. In the 19th century, positivism became an
empiricist interpretation and systematization of sciences, which was
combined with the general theory of history of the society as a
theoretical articulation of the definite set of political problems. Positivist
African philosophers believe that African philosophy is supposed to
align with the methods of science, empiricism and the knowledge of the
senses. In the final analysis, we should note that the major belief of the
positivists is that the rules of the experimental sciences should govern
veritable tool for the economic, political, social and material wellbeing
of humanity, and of Africans in particular.
Self-Assessment Exercises
1.4 Summary
1. Analytic philosophy;
2. Conversationalist School
Unit Structure
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
2.3 The Concept of Humanism
2.3.1 The Concept of African Humanism
2.3.2 The Challenge of Post-Modernism
2.4 Summary
2.5 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
2.6 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
2.1 Introduction
concern for the welfare of the human person as the central object of
policy (Eleojo 2014). This ideology of African humanism encourages
the best in the evolution of society and the treatment of mankind, and in
the exploitation or use of her natural environment (Igwe 2002: 189). This
implies that even ecological concern forms part of the humanist
orientation of an African. This unit examines the core ideas of African
Azenabor (2010: 113) expresses that there are five stages and
dimensions to humanism:
• The ethical sense of humanism involves the belief that human
beings should be accorded compassion and respect;
• The sociological sense argues that social structures are best
viewed as the products of human agents;
• The historical sense denotes periods such as renaissance, in
which man became the center of scholarly attention. This sense
may also connote the belief that there is an important distinction
between man and animals;
• The fourth is the idea that human beings are sovereign, as against
the issue of the divine or supernatural. Some scholars have
criticized this idea as an atheistic dimension of humanism. In this
stage, humanism becomes the opposite of supernaturalism,
insisting that man should rely on his own capacities rather on
some supernatural powers believed to exist; and
• The fifth sense is placing primacy on human sense or nature. This
puts primacy on the importance of the virtue shared by humans
as a result of their humanity. And in this sense, we talk of
“Africanity” or Africanness”.
If man relies on the power of reason, courage and vision, he will become
the master of his own destiny. The first notable humanist was
Protagoras, the Greek philosopher who famously said that “man is the
measure of all things”. Humanism is a universal phenomenon; it is
present in all civilizations. At any point where man becomes the center
of active intellectual, religious, philosophical, ideological and artistic
concern, humanism is said to have taken place (Azenarbo 2010: 115).
In descending into a human society, the human person does not live a
solitary and uncooperative life (the type that characterizes Hobbes’ state
of nature. This is itself a rejection of the concept of the state of nature,
as explicated by Hobbes and other eighteenth-century European
philosophers who asserted the existence of an original pre-social
character of man) but from the outset is involved in an intricate web
of social relationships with other humans in the society (Obioha &
Okaneme 2017: 46).
This idea further expands the belief that man in the African conception
of humanism is an important, not an isolated entity, but a part and parcel
of the whole societal process, relations and cohesion.
African humanism believes in God, and also believes that man, being a
creation of God, also possesses some of the intrinsic values and
characters of God, hence deserved of some form of dignity and self-
respect. That we are all children of God has a way of influencing the
values and unity attached to the African people (Obioha & Okaneme
2017). And the belief in the human soul which permeates all human
beings constitutes all persons into a universal family of humankind and
brotherhood. Everybody has the nature of man (soul) and merits dignity
and self-worth. This communal personhood simply means that man is a
social animal who is able to interact and relate within the community,
and also pursue his own dignity, as well as the dignity of others. African
humanism states that human beings deserve help and therefore ought to
be helped, and that human beings should be the object of moral standard
of the society. It is aimed at creating a sense of authenticity, and
dedicated not to abstract thinking and conceptual analysis, but to finding
purpose and meaning in the African life and existence (Azenabor 2010:
Self-Assessment Exercises
2.4 Summary
The idea of humanism is broadly based on the idea of seeking for human
welfare and dignity. It is the concept of keeping the human being at the
center of every activity in the world. Academics and philosophy in
particular, should not be about abstractions, but about the human being,
about solving real life problems of man. African humanism brings the
concept of humanism home to Africa; it gives it a coloration that is
based on African values, culture and tradition. At the center of the
African worldview is the idea of communitarianism, the idea that the
whole is greater than the part, that one person cannot do it alone. That is
what informs that idea of African humanism, and that is also a point of
departure from the Western concept of humanism. Post-modernism has
been a huge challenge to the concept of African humanism; accusing it
of authoritarianism and lack of inclusion. Post-modernists argue that
setting of standards in the world is akin to imposing bias standards on
other people. This unit has been able to introduce the student the
concept of humanism; and especially the concept of African humanism.
We have analyzed the concept and understood that humanism is a
clarion call for philosophy to arise from dogmatic slumber, to arise and
be able to affect human life in tangible forms. African humanism is
concerned with the values and life practices indigenous to Africa and
which distinguish them from Europeans. The spirit of humanism shapes
the thoughts and daily lives of the Africans. It is an attempt to
understand man and nature as regards to relationships with others. The
idea of African humanism is also connected to the idea of African
communalism and cooperation, which keeps everyone bound together.
Azenabor (2010: 130) insists that the idea of tracing African humanism
to the African traditional past is based on the fact that when one does not
have a good knowledge of the past; it will be difficult to have a clear
vision of the present and of the future. We must look at our past in order
to formulate a clear, progressive, relevant and positive idea of the future.
One must have a good knowledge of the past before one can to think
clearly and coherently of the future. Knowledge of the past is essential
for the African in order to understand where we are coming from as a
people, and where we are supposed to go.
1. African humanism;
2. Five
Unit Structure
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Intended Learning Outcomes
3.3 Nyerere’s Ujamaa
3.4 Nkrumah’s Consciencism
3.5 Fanon’s Theory of Violent Revolution
3.6 Summary
3.7 References/Further Readings/Web Resources
3.8 Possible Answers to Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
3.1 Introduction
Love, sharing and work are the basic principles for the existence of any
society. The primitive idea of equality of all human beings is the
foundation of the socialist society, and the equality has to be applied to
the different sectors of the society, economic, political, and social.
Every 14th of October in Tazania is celebrated as Nyerere Day. It is a
public holiday, marking the death of the statesman and the
commemoration is organised in the major cities where politicians
celebrate and pay tribute to the contributions of Nyerere to Tanzania and
the whole of Africa.
Fanon’s travels brought him face to face with the experience of racism
in Europe, African and the French Caribbean (Makumba 2007: 144).
This is because the native intellectual has thrown himself greedily upon
Western culture. Like adopted children who only stop investigating the
new family framework at the moment when a minimum nucleus of
security crystallizes in their psyche, the native intellectual will try to
make European culture his own.
3.6 Summary
The response of African intellectuals and political leaders to colonial
oppression and suppression has been discussed in so many platforms
and in many academic research works. The fact that the average
traditional African is communal by instinct made it possible for all these
political theories to tilt towards the need to cater for the needs of the
majority. As Fanon (1980: 28) notes, decolonisation influences
individuals and modifies them fundamentally. It was really the case for
African nationalists who fought European exploitation and degradation
ideologically. It transformed them to “privileged actors” with the glare
of history’s floodlights on them. Through their actions, Africans
“became men” during the process of decolonisation. It gave a new
impetus to the age-long African attempts to free itself from the clutches
of slavery and racism; it gave Africa a new brand of heroes who rose
to the occasion in order to salvage the continent by putting their
individual intellectual and political effort. This unit has been able to
open our eyes to some of Africa’s political philosophies of the 20th
century. These ideologies helped to usher in a new era of African
consciousness, their deficiencies notwithstanding. As we can see, all
the concepts revolve around this African concept of communitarianism
which the student is advised to take a closer look at by consulting other
relevant materials and reading as wide as possible. If colonialism threw
up African men of timber and caliber that fought to liberate the continent
from exploitation and oppression, it is also a clarion call for this
generation of African leaders to arise from slumber and take the bull by
the horn in order to take the continent to the next stage of political and
economic development and/or liberation. The African continent is still
a developing one after over six decades that some the African
countries had independence. This is a great challenge to the present crop
of intellectuals in the continent.
1. Philosophical Consciencism;
2. Frantz Fanon
Sometimes the influence of thought and its power towards our actions
and inactions is lost on us, we might not really know how powerful
thought is until we act and witness the repercussions of our actions.
Therefore, it is through the power of thought that societies enact laws
and are ordered for the sake of harmony. So, in human life thought is
very crucial. Following from the brief exploration of what thought is, it
is now pertinent to inquire into the question: What are the theories of
Biological theory of thought: This theory argues that the neurons help
us to think through the nervous cell, via electrochemical signaling. That
the thought systems are triggered by nerves, because the nerves are core
components of the brain, vertebrate, spinal cord, the invertebrate
spinal cord, etc. everything is connected to the brain so the brain works
through these parts of the body to help us think. Essentially, that
thinking is coming from the brain and from the nerves that are
connected to the brain. Peripheral nervous system, automatic nervous
system, genetic and epigenetic regulation of brain structure and
function, is a biological basis for our emotions and important chemical
messages. Each of these works together to form who we are and how
we respond to our environment. This thinking is philosophy, because
according to Karl Jaspers: “philosophy is a process of thinking as inner
action comes to an authentic awareness of himself and reality by
pressing beyond or transcending everything objective” (cf Ugwuanyi
2006: 10). It comes from an inner curiosity about reality and wonder
about the universe. The biological theory of thought states that it is our
environment that elicit thought in us, it is our environment that triggers
our thought systems in order to respond to what we feel and how we
feel. Charles Frankel in Sogolo (1993: 160) explains this theory thus:
Ugwuanyi (2010) notes that the African thought and culture have a
theory of humanism. That theory of humanism harbors a potential to
spur a people to seek a human-centered world. So, the issue of African
modern thought should hinge on this human-centered ideology of the
African worldview. One of the challenges of African modernity is that
modernity came to Africa as misleading positions of texts, histories and
interventions that defined modernity as domination and colonialism.
There was no distinction between modernization and colonialism and
undue dominance (ibid). For this reason, the intervention of modernity
in Africa was inhuman and took the shape of what should not be
associated with man in Africa, going by the African concept of
Self-Assessment Exercises
4.4 Summary
Thought systems all over the world have been centered on the cultural
worldviews of the people, and the African thought system is not an
exception. But we have to understand that there are still a lot of
improvements for the African thought system to do. It ought to
improve and develop to such an extent that it will relatively compare
with contemporary thought systems in the other parts of the world. This
does not mean that it will leave behind the defining feature of humanism,
but it means that such development will be done in accordance with the
core principle of humanism, while being able to tackle contemporary
African socio-political challenges. This unit has taken us through the
concept of thought and the African thought system in particular. In
comparison, we found out that, whereas the African traditional thought
system uses common sense, the Western mode of thought employs
theories of science. The aim of the two modes of thought remains the
same; that of creating order in the midst of chaos and apparent
disorder. Again, virtually all civilizations began from the cultural and
supernatural perspective, before proceeding to the modern. But the
challenge for Africa now is how to keep on improving our thought
system in order to be able to solve our contemporary challenges.