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Mapper 34R1 Rundesign

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OS 1100

MAPPER® Run Design

Reference Manual

Relative to Release June 1988

Level 34R1
Printed in U S America
Priced Item UP-9662.5
MAPPER® Run Design
Reference Manual

Copyright © 1988 Unisys Corporation

All Rights Reserved
Unisys is a trademark of Unisys Corporation
MAPPER is a registered trademark
of Unisys Corporation

Relative to Release June 1988

Level 34R1
Printed in U S America
Priced Item UP-9662.5
The names, places, and/or events used in this publication are not intended to correspond
to any individual, group, or association existing, living, or otherwise. Any similarity or
likeness of the names, places, and/or events with the names of any individual living or
otherwise, or that of any group or association is purely coincidental and unintentional.


and related material disclosed herein are only furnished pursuant and subject to the
terms and conditions of a duly executed Program Product License or Agreement to
purchase or lease equipment. The only warranties made by Unisys, if any, with respect
to the products described in this document are set forth in such License or Agreement.
Unisys cannot accept any financial or other responsibility that may be the result of your
use of the information in this document or software material, including direct, indirect,
special, or consequential damages.

You should be very careful to ensure that the use of this information and/or software
material complies with the laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdictions with respect to
which it is used.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions may be
issued to advise of such changes and/or additions.

Correspondence regarding this publication should be forwarded, using the remark form
in this manual, or remarks may be addressed directly to Unisys Corporation, MAPPER
System Test and Publications, P.O. Box 64942 MS: 4792, St. Paul, Minnesota,
55164-0942, U.S.A.
Page Status

Page Issue

ATM-1 through ATM-14 Original

Contents-1 through Contents-9 Original
Section 1 tab Original
1-1 through 1-7 Original
Section 2 tab Original
2-1 through 2-13 Original
Section 3 tab Original
3-1 through 3-10 Original
Section 4 tab Original
4-1 through 4-30 Original
Section 5 tab Original
5-1 through 5-17 Original
Section 6 tab Original
6-1 through 6-15 Original
Section 7 tab Original
7-1 through 7-7 Original
A-E tab Original
7-8 through 7-139 Original
F-O tab Original
7-140 through 7-264 Original
P-Z tab Original
7-265 through 7-414 Original
Appendixes tab Original
A-1 through A-18 Original
B-1 through B-11 Original
C-1 through C-8 Original
13-1 through ID-10 Original
E-1 through E-10 Original
F-1 through F-26 Original
Glossary/Index tab Original
Glossary-1 through Glossary-35 Original
Index-1 through Index-15 Original

UP-9662.5 PS-1
About This Manual


This manual provides complete descriptions, formats, and examples for

all run statements, as well as instructions for designing runs and getting
them registered. By using this manual, the run designer can write and
update complete runs, obtain quick access to statement syntax, and
learn about efficiency techniques by following examples.


This manual contains reference information about run statements and

offers complete sample runs. It is not meant to teach run design; it is
designed to provide quick reference to run statement information.


The Run Design Reference is for all run designers —from beginning run
designers to advanced users who design sophisticated applications.


Before using this manual, beginning run designers should feel

comfortable with using MAPPER software and should be familiar with
the demonstration database. Ideally, the beginning run designer should
understand basic run design concepts. To learn about writing runs,
read the OS 1100 MAPPER Run Design Operations Training Guide or
attend a MAPPER run design class.

UP-9662.5 ATM-1
About This Manual


If you are an experienced run designer, review "New Run Design

Features" in Section 1. Then use Section 7 and the appendixes as
references while writing runs.

If you are a novice run designer, read the first six sections before
beginning to write your own runs. Then use Section 7 and the
appendixes as references. In addition, you may want to review the
sample runs in Appendixes B and C for more insight into MAPPER

Until you're a registered MAPPER run designer, sign on as JDOER to

practice writing runs. Ask your coordinator for a valid JDOER sign-

Use the EXAM run to check your MAPPER run-writing skills on line.
See the OS 1100 MAPPER Manual Functions Operations Training Guide
for more information.


To help you understand this manual and find MAPPER software easy
to use, certain style conventions are used. Following is a description of
how this manual handles run statement syntax, tab characters, examples,
key names, uppercase letters, italics, color, and important terminology.

ATM-2 UP-9662.5
About This Manual

Run Statement Syntax

The format of a MAPPER run statement consists of these conventions:

❑ The call is capitalized (for example, CHG). However, you can type
it in either uppercase or lowercase letters.

❑ Fields and subfields are italicized whenever they call for variable
data. Variable data is information you supply according to the
explanation that follows the statement.

NOTE: Field and subfield abbreviations are listed and described

in Appendix A.

❑ Fields or subfields enclosed in brackets are optional. In this

example, field2, sub field], and sub field2 are optional:

field] [field2 sub field 1,subfield2]

Whenever you make an entry in an optional subfield, you must

type all intervening commas. For example:

@AUX,O,B,2,123,COP,Y„,Y„2 .

❑ Braces around items separated by a vertical bar mean that you may
choose from among the items listed; for example:

(item] I item2)

Tab Characters

A special character called a quadrate (0) always represents a tab

character. You can't see tab characters on the screen, but when you
place the cursor over a tab character, the cursor blinks.

UP-9662.5 ATM-3
About This Manual


The examples in this manual appear in uppercase letters; however, you

can type them in lowercase. Some examples appear with brief
comments similar to comments you might type in your run control
report. These comments may start anywhere after the space-period-
space that follows a run statement. For example:


Some examples are presented with directory names as well as with

traditional column-character syntax. In these cases, both statements are
presented, followed by one set of field descriptions.

CAUTION: Be careful when trying examples that update the

demonstration (JDOE) database provided on the release
tape. If, for example, you want to try an example that
deletes lines in RID 2B, be sure to use a duplicate report
so you do not change RID 2B in the demonstration

Keyboard Key Names

The key names used in this manual are based on the UTS family of
keyboards. If you need definitions for keys other than those on a UTS
keyboard, refer to your terminal documentation.

Uppercase Letters

These items appear in uppercase letters:

O MAPPER functions and run statement calls (for example, CHG)

O MAPPER runs (for example, FCC run, RUNA run)

O MAPPER files (for example, MAPER1 file)

O Reserved words (for example, INPUTS)

ATM-4 UP-9662.5
About This Manual


Italics appear for a number of reasons:

❑ The italicized letter N (ii or N) stands for a numeral (nn calls for
two digits; nnn for three, and so on).

❑ Other italicized letters (for example, x and y) indicate user-

supplied variables.

❑ In date formats, y or Y means year; m or M means month; and d or

D means day.

❑ Words in bold italics are key terms that are defined in the glossary.


Run statement formats and information that you are instructed to type
are shown in color.

Enter and Resume

The term "enter" means type the necessary information and press XMIT.

"Resume" means press Fl (you must use the UPPER FUNCTION key at
the same time) or enter rsm.

UP-9662.5 ATM-5
About This Manual


This manual contains seven sections and six appendixes:

Section 1. Introduction contains a list of new run design features and

provides a brief description of MAPPER runs.

Section 2. Using the Data Directory describes the Data Directory and
how to use it.

Section 3. Formulating Run Statements introduces you to run statement

formats and guidelines. It also explains how to use labels and special
characters in run statements.

Section 4. Variables and Reserved Words introduces you to variables

and reserved words and explains how to use them in runs.

Section 5. Using Online Runs describes how to use HELP and other
online run design aids.

Section 6. Designing and Debugging Runs discusses how to handle

reports and results and how to design, register, and debug runs.

Section 7. Run Statements presents the MAPPER run statements in

alphabetical order, along with their formats, field descriptions, and

A. Summaries: Statements and Options lists all MAPPER run statement

formats and field abbreviations.

B. Reserved Words provides a table of all reserved words, a detailed

example using reserved words, and a discussion of how to use reserved
words directly in run statements.

C. Sample Runs: DEMO, EDIT, and MARK provides three detailed

sample runs.

D. Efficient Run Techniques offers suggestions for making your runs


ATM-6 UP-9662.5
About This Manual

E. Character Sets lists the Limited Character Set and the Full
Character Set.

F. Data Transfer Module explains how to use the DTM interface

through the QSND, QSNR, QRSP, QREL, and QCTL run statements.


This manual is part of the MAPPER software level 34R1 library, which
contains documents that you may find helpful while using MAPPER
software. The following list provides the exact title of each document
in the library, followed by its short title in parentheses and its previous
title. The documents are listed in the order a new MAPPER site might
use them. A separate list describes how to order copies of the MAPPER
software level 34R1 manuals. In addition, there are several documents
of related Unisys products that are referenced throughout this manual;
these are listed under "Related Unisys Documents."

Documents in This Library

0 OS 1100 MAPPER Software installation Guide, UP-10786.9

(Installation Guide)

Previous titles: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Installation Guide

MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Release Description

This guide is for systems analysts who install and maintain

MAPPER systems. It contains information previously found in the
Release Description, such as new features for this software level,
compatibility with other software and hardware, any restrictions
that apply, and information about product support. It also lists the
contents of the release tape and procedures used to install,
configure, verify, start, and generate MAPPER software level 34R1.

UP-9662.5 ATM-7
About This Manual

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Software Operations Guide, Vol. 1: Coordinators,

UP-9194.6 (Coordinator's Guide)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Coordinator's


This guide is for MAPPER system coordinators. It describes their

responsibilities and gives examples of the reports they use to
establish and monitor a MAPPER system.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Software Operations Reference Card: Coordinators,

UP-14074 (Coordinator's Reference Card)

This reference card lists the most commonly used runs, functions,
run statements, and reserved words for coordinators.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Software Operations Guide, Vol. 2: Operators,

UP-9195.6 (Operator's Guide)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Operator's Reference

This guide is for MAPPER system operators. It describes and gives

examples of all operator tasks, including starting the MAPPER
system, maintaining the system database, and creating recovery and
history tapes.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Software Operations Reference Card: Operators,

UP-14073 (Operator's Reference Card)

This reference card lists directives used by MAPPER system


❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Manual Functions Operations Reference Manual,

UP-9193.6 (Manual Functions Reference)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Software Reference

This manual is for users who have a basic knowledge of the

MAPPER system. It provides comprehensive descriptions and
examples of the MAPPER functions. It also includes an overview
of form type design and run design.

ATM-8 UP-9662.5
About This Manual

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Manual Functions Operations Reference Card,

UP-9196.7 (Manual Functions Reference Card)

This reference card provides a summary of formats for MAPPER

functions and runs, along with the available options.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Run Design Operations Reference Manual,

UP-9662.5 (Run Design Reference)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Run Designer's


This manual is for MAPPER run designers. It provides complete

descriptions, formats, and examples for all run statements, as well
as instructions for designing runs and getting them registered.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Run Design Operations Reference Card, UP-12999.1

(Run Design Reference Card)

This reference card provides all MAPPER run statement formats,

along with their field definitions and available options. It also
lists reserved words used for run design.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Word Processing Operations Guide, UP-11619.1

(Word Processing Guide)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Word Processing


This guide is for all users of MAPPER word processing. It

provides complete descriptions and examples of MAPPER word
processing functions.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Word Processing Operations Reference Card,

UP-13019 (Word Processing Reference Card)

This reference card lists and describes all word processing control
parameters, control characters, and commands.

UP-9662.5 ATM-9
About This Manual

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Color Graphics Operations Guide, UP-11615.1

(Color Graphics Guide)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Color Graphics Guide

This guide is for all users of MAPPER color graphics. It provides

complete descriptions and examples of MAPPER color graphics
functions, runs, and graphics codes.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Color Graphics Operations Reference Card,

UP-13020 (Color Graphics Reference Card)

This reference card lists all graphics runs, functions, primitive

graphics code commands, and expanded syntax commands. It also
contains GOC (Generate Organization Chart) commands and tables
for colors, marker symbols, line patterns, and fill patterns.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER SCHDLR Interface Programming Reference

Manual, UP-11616.1 (SCHDLR Reference)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, SCHDLR

Programmer's Reference

This manual is for COBOL programmers who want to use the

SCHDLR interface. It provides the procedures and coding needed
for a COBOL program to interface with the MAPPER system. This
manual assumes you have knowledge of COBOL and Transaction
Processing (TIP).

ATM-10 UP-9662.5
About This Manual

Optional Documents

These documents are not part of the standard MAPPER library and
must be ordered separately.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Manual Functions Operations Training Guide,

UP-13964 (Manual Functions Training Guide)

Previous title: A Guide to Using MAPPER Software

This guide helps beginners use MAPPER software productively. It

provides an overview of what MAPPER software is and how it can
be used, and it introduces the most commonly used MAPPER
functions. For complete details on all MAPPER functions, see the
Manual Functions Reference.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Run Design Operations Training Guide, UP-13965

(Run Design Training Guide)

Previous title: A Guide to Creating MAPPER Software Runs

This guide is for users who have never written a run. It covers
only basic information and should be read and followed, step by
step, at a MAPPER terminal. When you need more details than are
given in this manual, see the Run Design Reference.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Software Operations Quick-Reference Guide, UP-

11628.1. (Quick-Reference Guide)

This guide is a handy, durable summary for all users of MAPPER

systems. It contains MAPPER functions, run statements, function
and run statement options, and reserved words. It also lists color
graphics and word processing information, commands for the
MAPPER system coordinator, and directives for the operator.

UP-9662.5 ATM-11
About This Manual

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER Software Operations Guide, Vol. 3: Using an IBM®

3270 Terminal, UP-11632.1 (Using an IBM 3270 Terminal Guide)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Using an IBM 3270


This guide explains how to use MAPPER software from an IBM

3270 series terminal (or equivalent). It shows examples for signing
on to the MAPPER system and using MAPPER software in one of
the two modes of operation, native or UTS emulation. It also lists
considerations for MAPPER run design and word processing.

❑ OS 1100 MAPPER New Features Operations Reference Manual,

UP-11631.1 (New Features Reference)

Previous title: MAPPER Software Level 33R1, Summarizing Level

33R1 Features

This manual provides an overview of MAPPER software level

34R1. It is a handy summary of new features for users who have
previous experience with MAPPER software.

Ordering MAPPER Software Level 34R1 Documents

The MAPPER documentation is ordered by PL, PK, and UP numbers:

❑ Use the PL (Product Library) number to order an entire standard

library. Note that this does not include the optional MAPPER

❑ Use the PK (Package) number to order an individual manual with

its binder.

❑ Use the UP number to order documents that do not have binders.

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

ATM-12 UP-9662.5
About This Manual

Use the following PK, PL, and UP numbers to order MAPPER


Standard Library

Reference cards are included in the binders of the corresponding

manuals. To order additional copies of the reference cards, order them
by the UP number.

PL-0284 MAPPER Software Level 34R1 Standard Library

PK-1328 Manual Functions Reference

UP-9196.7 Manual Functions Reference Card

PK-1329 Run Design Reference

UP-12999.1 Run Design Reference Card

PK-1330 Word Processing Guide

UP-13019 Word Processing Reference Card

PK-1331 Color Graphics Guide

UP-13020 Color Graphics Reference Card

PK-1333 Coordinator's Guide

UP-14074 Coordinator's Reference Card

PK-1332 Operator's Guide

UP-14073 Operator's Reference Card

PK-1334 SCHDLR Reference

PK-1335 Installation Guide

UP-9662.5 ATM-13
About This Manual

Optional Documents

These are optional documents that do not come with the standard
library and must be ordered separately:

PK-1834 Using an IBM 3270 Terminal Guide

PK-1336 New Features Reference

PK-1835 Manual Functions Training Guide

PK-1836 Run Design Training Guide

UP-11628.1 Quick-Reference Guide

Related Unisys Documents

These Unisys manuals are referred to in this documentation, but they

are not part of the MAPPER library. Use the version that corresponds
to the level of software in use at your site.

❑ OS 1100 Distributed Data Processing (DDP-PPC/DDP-FJT) Messages

Reference Manual, UP-13510 (DDP-PPC/DDP-FJT Messages
Reference Manual)

This reference contains information about all messages and error

codes for DDP-PPC and DDP-FJT.

❑ OS 1100 Distributed Data Processing File and Job Transfer (DDP-

FJT) Operations Guide, Vol. 1: IPF Interface, UP-9740.3 (DDP-FJT
Operations Guide, Vol. 1: IPF Interface)

This guide describes how to transfer files and jobs from terminals
in a DDP network.

ATM-14 UP-9662.5

Page Status PS-1

About This Manual ATM-1

1. Introduction 1-1
New Run Design Features 1-2
New Run Statements 1-2
Enhancements to Existing Statements 1-3
New Reserved Words 1-4
Other New Features 1-4
Discontinued Runs 1-6
What Is a MAPPER Run? 1-7

2. Using the Data Directory 2-1

Naming Fields 2-2
Report Headers and the Header-Divider Line 2-2
Field Names 2-4
Field Names in Variables 2-4
Naming Partial Fields 2-5
Field Order 2-6
Field Size Variable Definition 2-6
Selecting Fields to Display 2-6
Converting to Field Names 2-7
Efficiency Considerations 2-7
Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports 2-8
Mode, Form Type, and Report Names 2-9
Names in Variables 2-9
Naming Results 2-9
NAME —Updating the System Directory 2-10
System Directory Information 2-12
Naming Data Using Reserved Words 2-13

3. Formulating Run Statements 3-1

Run Statement Format 3-2
Valid Statements and Error Messages 3-3
Formulating Run Statements 3-3
Labels 3-6

UP-9662.5 Contents-1

Label Table Definition Lines 3-7

Special Characters 3-8
Semicolon —Field Delimiter 3-8
Slant —Multiple Parameter 3-9
Reverse Slant — Continue Statement 3-9
Apostrophe—Literal Data 3-10

4. Variables and Reserved Words 4-1

Variables—Names, Types, and Sizes 4-2
Naming Variables 4-2
Assigning Variable Types and Sizes 4-3
Using Variables 4-4
Initializing and Redefining Variables 4-9
Using an LDV Statement 4-9
Using a CHG Statement 4-10
Initializing Variables with Other Statements 4-11
Changing the Contents of Variables 4-12
Using Exponential Notation with Variables 4-13
Examples Using Variables 4-14
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input
Parameters 4-17
Using INPUT$ to Capture Data from the Screen 4-18
Using 1NPUT$ to Capture Initial Input Parameters 4-19
Using INSTR$ to Capture Data from the Screen 4-21
Using INVAR$ to Capture Data from the Screen 4-21
Using INVR1$ to Capture Data from the Screen 4-22
Using ICVAR$ to Capture Data from the Control Line 4-23
Using FKEY$ to Capture Function Key Input 4-24
VARIABLE Run—Testing Contents of Variables 4-25
BVT Run —Building Variable Tables and Converting
Variables 4-27
Reserved Words 4-30

5. Using Online Runs 5-1

HELP Run 5-2
Using HELP for Run Statement Formats 5-3
Using HELP with Error Messages 5-3
LIMITS Run—Displaying Report and Line Limits 5-4
CC Run—Displaying Horizontal Column Count Positions 5-5
FCC Run —Examining Report Fields 5-6
FORM Run —Displaying Statement Fields and Subfields 5-7

Contents-2 UP-9662.5

FORMC —Creating Statements for Functions

that Use Function Masks 5-9
MARS Run—Creating Statements in Run Control Report 5-10
RUN Run—Automatically Generating and Registering
Runs 5-11
Controlling the Run Generation 5-11
Displaying a Report or Result 5-14
Limitations 5-15
RUNA Run—Analyzing Your Run 5-16

6. Designing and Debugging Runs 6-1

Handling Reports and Results 6-2
The Output Area 6-3
Results 6-3
The Relationship Between Output Area and Results 6-4
Designing and Registering a Run 6-5
Debugging Your Run 6-8
Interactive Debugging 6-8
The HELP Run 6-8
Checkpoint Displays 6-9
RDB Statement or Function 6-9
RAR and RER Statements 6-9
Using RDB (Run Debug) 6-10
RDB Commands 6-12
RDB Error Mode 6-15

7. Run Statements 7-1

List of Statements by Name 7-2
Statements with No Corresponding Manual Function 7-6
ADD (Append Report) 7-8
ADR (Add Report) 7-9
ART (Arithmetic) 7-11
AUX (Auxiliary) 7-16
BFN (Binary Find) 7-18
BLT (Build Label Tables) 7-26
BR (Background Run) 7-28
BRG (Break Graphics) 7-30
BRK (Break) 7-32
CAL (Calculate) 7-34
CAR (Clear Abort Routine) 7-56
CAU (Calculate Update) 7-57

UP-9662.5 Contents-3

CER (Clear Error Routine) 7-61

CHD (Command Handler) 7-62
CHG (Change) 7-67
CLK (Clear Link) 7-70
CLT (Clear Label Tables) 7-71
CLV (Clear Variables) 7-73
CMU (Commit Updates) 7-74
CPY (Copy) 7-75
CSR (Clear Subroutine) 7-77
DAT (Date) 7-78
DC (Date Calculator) 7-82
DCPY (DDP Copy) 7-86
DCR (Decode Report) 7-90
DCRE (DDP Create) 7-92
DCU (Decommit Updates) 7-95
DEC (Decrement Variables) 7-96
DEF (Define) 7-97
DEL (Delete) 7-101
DEV (Device) 7-102
DFU (Defer Updates) 7-104
DIR (Directory Information) 7-106
DIS (Diskette) 7-109
DLL (Downline Load) 7-112
DLR (Delete Report) 7-113
DPUR (DDP Purge) 7-114
DSG (Display Graphics) 7-116
DSM (Display Message) 7-119
DSP (Display Report) 7-122
DUP (Duplicate Report) 7-124
DVS (Define Variable Size) 7-126
ECR (Encode Report) 7-128
ELT (Element) 7-130
EL- (Element Delete) 7-134
ESR (Exit Subroutine) 7-137
EXT (Extract) 7-139
FDR (Find and Read) 7-140
FMT (Format) 7-144
FND (Find) 7-146
GOC (Generate Organization Chart) 7-150
GS (Graphics Scaler) 7-153
GTO (Go To) 7-159

Contents-4 UP-9662.5

IDU (Index User) 7-162

IF (Conditional) 7-165
INC (Increment Variables) 7-170
IND (Index) 7-171
INS (Insert) 7-173
JUV (Justify Variables) 7-174
KEY (Function Key Input) 7-177
LCH (Locate and Change) 7-178
LCV (Locate/Change Variable) 7-182
LDV (Load Variables) 7-191
LFC (Load Format Characters) 7-199
LFN (Load Field Name) 7-200
LLN (Last Line Number) 7-203
LMG (List Merge) 7-205
LNI (Line Insert) 7-207
LNK (Link to Another Run) 7-208
LNM (Line Move) 7-214
LNX (Line Duplicate) 7-215
LN+ (Line Add) 7-216
LN- (Line Delete) 7-217
LOC (Locate) 7-218
LOG (Accounting Log) 7-222
LOK (Update Lock) 7-223
LSM (Load System Message) 7-225
LZR (Line Zero) 7-226
MAU (Match Update) 7-229
MCH (Match) 7-232
MOD (Mode) 7-236
MSG (Message to Console) 7-237
OK (Acknowledge Message) 7-239
OUM (Output Mask) 7-240
OUT (Output) 7-245
PEK (Peek Variables) 7-265
POK (Poke Variables) 7-267
POP (Pop Variables) 7-269
PRT (Print) 7-271
PSH (Push Variables) 7-273
RAR (Register Abort Routine) 7-276
RDB (Run Debug) 7-279
RDC (Read Continuous) 7-280
RDL (Read Line) 7-284

UP-9662.5 Contents-5

REH (Retrieve from History) 7-288

REL (Release Display) 7-290
REP (Replace Report) 7-291
RER (Register Error Routine) 7-292
RET (Retrieve File) 7-295
RFM (Reformat Report) 7-299
RLN (Read Line Next) 7-301
RMV (Remove Variables) 7-305
RNM (Rename) 7-307
RPW (Read Password) 7-309
RRN (Remote Run) 7-311
RS (Run Status) 7-314
RSI (Remote Symbiont Interface) 7-315
RSL (Create Result Copy) 7-318
RSR (Run Subroutine) 7-319
RTN (Return Remote) 7-323
RUN (Run Start) 7-325
SC (Screen Control) 7-330
SEN (Send Report) 7-360
SFC (Set Format Characters) 7-361
SOR (Sort) 7-363
SRH (Search) 7-366
SRU (Search Update) 7-371
STN (Station Information) 7-373
STR (Batch Start) 7-376
SUB (Subtotal) 7-380
TCS (Tape Cassette) 7-385
TOT (Totalize) 7-388
TYP (Form Type) 7-393
ULK (Unlock) 7-396
UPD (Update) 7-397
USE (Use Variable Name) 7-398
WAT (Wait) 7-400
WDC (Word Change) 7-401
WDL (Word Locate) 7-403
WPR (Word Process) 7-405
WRL (Write Line) 7-408
XCH (Exchange Variables) 7-410
XIT (Sign-Off) 7-412
XQT (Execute Run Statement) 7-413

Contents-6 UP-9662.5


A. Summaries: Statements and Options A-1

MAPPER Run Statements A-2
Field and Subfield Abbreviations A-6
Options for Ten Common Run Statements A-13

B. Reserved Words B-1

Table of Reserved Words B-2
Example Using Reserved Words B-10
Using Reserved Words Directly B-11

C. Sample Runs: DEMO, EDIT and MARK C-1

DEMO—Designing a Menu Screen C-2
EDIT —Finding Status Codes in Form Type B C-4
MARK—Determining Orders and Retail Dollars per
Customer C-7

D. Efficient Run Techniques D-1

Character Sets D-2
Run Control Reports D-2
Analysis/Registration D-3
Loading Variables D-4
Statements/Functions D-5
Updating Reports D-7
Logic D-9
Batch Processing D-10

E. Character Sets E-1

Overview E-2
C Option E-2
Limited Character Set E-4
Full Character Set E-7

F. Data Transfer Module F-1

Sending Messages F-2
QSND (Send Message, No Response) F-3
QSNR (Send Message, Response Expected) F-7
Processing Messages F-13
QRSP (Send Response Message) F-14
QREL (Release Message) F-16
QCTL (Queue Control) F-17

UP-9662.5 Contents-7

More on Input Process Runs F-24

Processing a Response F-24
Processing Delayed Responses F-26



Evaluation Card

Contents-8 UP-9662.5

4-1. Variables: Types, Sizes, Limitations 4-6

6-1. RDB Commands 6-12
7-1. ART: Arithmetic Operators 7-12
7-2. ART: Priority of Arithmetic Operations 7-13
7-3. ART: Arithmetic and Trigonometric Functions 7-15
7-4. CAL: Priority of Arithmetic Operations 7-40
7-5. CAL: Priority of Relational Operations 7-41
7-6. CAL: AND and OR True/False Conditions 7-42
7-7. CAL: Internal Arithmetic/Trigonometric Functions 7-42
7-8. CAL: DEF Statement Report Fields/Values 7-44
7-9. DATE and TIME Formats 7-49
7-10. M Characteristics 7-253
7-11. N Characteristics 7-254
7-12. Emphasis Characters 7-255
7-13. Five-to-One Color Codes 7-261
7-14. STR: Data Control Commands 7-377
A-1. Options for Ten Common Run Statements A-13
B-1. Reserved Words B-2
E-1. Limited Character Set (Fieldata) E-4
E-2. Full Character Set (ASCII) E-7
F-1. INFO Function Variables F-18
F-2. STAT Function Variables F-20

UP-9662.5 Contents-9
I. Introduction

This manual contains reference information about new and existing run
statements. By using this manual, you can write and update complete
runs, obtain quick access to statement syntax, and learn about
efficiency techniques by following examples.

This section contains:

❑ New Run Design Features

❑ What Is a MAPPER Run?

UP-9662.5 1-1
New Run Design Features

MAPPER software level 34R1 contains many new run statements,

enhancements to existing run statements, reserved words, and other new
run design features. Following are brief descriptions of these new


BRG (Break Graphics)

Packs data, such as primitive graphics code, in the output area and
places it into a result.

DCR (Decode Report)

Transforms an encoded report into a readable report by specifying
the key. See ECR.

DSM (Display Message)

Allows you to display your own one-line message at the top of the

ECR (Encode Report)

Encodes a report, changing the data from readable text into code
that can be read only if a key is specified.

RDB (Run Debug)

Halts the run and enters into debug mode, which allows you to
interactively examine the contents of variables, reserved words, and
renamed results.

SC (Screen Control)
Allows you to create menus and other input screens or to edit text
already on the screen. You can also use it to overlay existing OUT
or DSP screens.

1-2 UP-9662.5
New Features

STN (Station Information)

Provides you with information about a specific station number.
Use it when sending data to another terminal via a DSG, OUT, or
SC statement.

USE (Use Named Variables)

Allows you to assign a variable name to a specific variable number.


ADR Allows you to specify the RID number to add in a particular

mode and type. You can also enter the label or relative line
number to go to in case of an error.

DEF Added the V option to define the variable name that is

assigned to a specific variable number.

DLR Allows you to delete results as well as reports.

DSG Allows you to send DSG displays to other terminals. You can
specify a label or line number to go to in case of error.

DUP Allows you to specify a different mode and type to duplicate a

report into.

LDV Allows you to specify only the receiving variable when loading
a variable with its own contents.

MAU Added the A option to allow match updates on all line types.

MCH Added the A option to allow matching all line types.

OUT Allows you to send OUT displays to other terminals. You can
specify a label or relative line number to go to in case of error.

REP Allows you to specify a particular receiving report to be

created by the REP statement.

UP-9662.5 1-3
New Features

SRH Added the vrid variable to capture the RID number where the
find is made when doing a range search. This is useful when
using the B(n) option.

TYP Added the vrlmt variable to capture the highest RID number
allowed in the form type; the vllmt variable to capture the
highest number of lines allowed per report in the form type;
and the vrids variable to capture the total number of reports in
the form type.


ELINE$ Contains the line number currently being executed in a run

control report.

MAXTYP$ Contains the maximum octal form type available on your

MAPPER system.

MSEC$ Contains the current number of milliseconds since



❑ The RDB (Run Debug) function and run statement allow you to
execute a run interactively and examine the contents of variables,
reserved words, and renamed results. You can step through the run
one line or command at a time; or you can set a breakpoint to halt
the run at a specific line number, label, run statement, or variable.

❑ Type A variables now allow up to sixteen characters rather than


❑ The new LIMITS run displays the highest RID number and lines
per report that are allowed for the mode and type you are
currently in.

❑ The SCHEDULE run can now be called from a run control report
using the LNK (Link to Another Run) statement.

1-4 UP-9662.5
New Features

❑ Chart runs can now be called from a run control report using the
LNK (Link to Another Run) statement.

❑ Variables can now be assigned meaningful names rather than

numbers. These variable names are enclosed in greater than and
less than signs; for example, you can use <Finds> rather than V 1.

❑ The DEMO, EDIT, and MARK sample runs have been updated to
show the use of named variables.

❑ The BVT (Build Variable Table) run allows you to build or rebuild
a variable table displaying the location of variables and convert
variables in your run control report. The BVT run replaces the
VAL run, which is no longer supported.

❑ The RUN run now includes function keys that allow you to control
the operation of runs and a screen that allows you to display,
execute, and register results or exit the run.

❑ You can use zeros in substring variables to specify two kinds of

trailing substrings. The first kind is a known trailing substring, in
which you indicate the starting character position and use the
remaining characters in the field. The second kind is an unknown
trailing substring, in which you don't know the starting character
position, but indicate the number of ending characters to use.

❑ Run statements now check the specified report to determine

whether the requested column exists. If the column number does
not exist, the run errs rather than returning the message "No more
finds." This enhancement does not apply to four run statements:
LFN (Load Field Name), RDC (Read Continuous), RDL (Read
Line), and RLN (Read Line Next).

UP-0662.5 1-5
New Features

❑ The HELP run contains a new option for run designers,

HELP @rfc, where rfc is the run function call. When this is
entered with a run control report on display, the format of the
specified run function call is displayed on the control line. You
can obtain additional help about that run statement by pressing Fl
or entering

❑ The FKEY$ reserved word now allows you to capture the number
of up to 22 function keys.


❑ The FORMD run has been discontinued. However, you can now
use the new HELP @rfc to display a run statement format.

❑ The VAL run has been discontinued and is replaced by the new
BVT run.

1-6 UP-9662.5
What Is a MAPPER Run?

A MAPPER run is a sequence of statements based on MAPPER

functions that specify step-by-step instructions for generating reports
or results or for executing other applications. You type these run
statements in a run control report (see Appendix C for examples).

MAPPER runs efficiently execute sets of MAPPER functions. Runs are

especially appropriate for repetitive processing because they provide
both report generating as well as automatic database updating

You can make logical decisions based on variables or results (for

example, jumping, branching, and decisions based on data content).
You can also design MAPPER runs that run users can interrupt to
display data on the screen or enter information to be captured and
processed by the run.

You can format reports in your MAPPER runs to suit your needs.

UP-9662.5 1-7
2. Using the Data Directory

The Data Directory is a run design tool that allows you to dynamically
identify fields, modes, form types, and reports in run statements by
naming them.

Database naming has its own special syntax; however, it does not
replace standard run syntax. You can use both conventions in the same
run, even within the same run statement.

This section includes:

❑ Naming Fields

❑ Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports

❑ Naming Data Using Reserved Words

UP-9662.5 2-1
Naming Fields

You can process fields in reports by name. The names are derived
either from the headers of the report, or from RID 0 if you're
processing the entire form type. Field names, therefore, are an integral
part of the database.

For example, in standard run syntax, this statement searches the report
for customer code AMCO:

@SRH,O,D,1 " 26-4 ❑ ,AMCO .

Using named fields, this statement does the same thing:

@SRH,O,D,1 " ' CUST CODE' ❑ , AMCO .

You don't have to specify the starting column number or the field size;
only the field name is required.

If a field moves within a report or if the size of the field changes, you
don't have to change the reference to it.


When a run reads the first named field in a statement, it scans the
report for a header-divider line (*=). The report must contain a header-
divider line within the first 16 lines of the report.

The run derives starting columns and field sizes from the grouping of
equal signs on the header-divider line, extracting field names from up
to two asterisk lines immediately preceding it. If the report has more
than two asterisk lines, the run recognizes only the last two.

2-2 UP-9662.5
Naming Fields


This example shows the first five fields in RID 2B in mode 0:



From these fields, the following field names are derived:

ST CD (2-2)
BY IN (12-2)

This example shows the first fields of a report with three asterisk lines
containing field headers:


The field names are:



Therefore, if you're using named fields for reports with three or more
asterisk type header lines, keep the important information in the two
header lines immediately preceding the header-divider line.

UP-9662.5 2-3
Naming Fields


Enclose field names within apostrophes ('). Names can be either

uppercase or lowercase and can contain from 1 to 32 characters. Field
names must be unique within the report header; if duplicate names are
present, the run uses the leftmost one.

You can use any characters in your field names. However, the run
considers only alphanumeric characters (A to Z and 0 to 9) when
comparing the field name to the report header; it ignores any other
characters, such as spaces or special characters. For example,
'CUSTCODE', 'CUST-CODE', and 'CUST CODE' are all acceptable field

You can also abbreviate field names by omitting trailing characters, as

long as the characters specified are unique to that field.

For example, you can specify a search of the CUST CODE field like

@SRH,O,D,1 " 'CUST' ❑ ,AMCO .

This makes the run statement shorter, which generally makes it more


Enclose the name of a variable within apostrophes if it contains a field

name. Do not place any other characters, such as spaces, within
apostrophes. You can use any variable type, including a variable-
variable designation. However, you cannot use substrings of variables.

This example searches the CUST CODE field for AMCO; notice that
there are no spaces or other characters between the apostrophes in 'VV:


@GRH.0,D,1 " 'V1' ❑ ,AMCO .

2-4 UP-9662.5
Naming t mins


You can also specify a partial field. For example, you may want to
scan a field for specific starting or ending characters.

To name a partial field, enclose the relative starting column position

and number of characters of the partial field in parentheses after the
field name.

For example, this statement searches the first character of the


@GRH,O.D.1 " 'PRODUCT TYPE(1-1)' ❑ ,B .

To process a named field from any column to the end of the field,
specify the starting column and define the number of characters as

For example, this statement searches the PRODUCT TYPE field

starting at the sixth column in the field for the remainder of the field:

@GRH.O.D.1 " 'PRODUCT TYPE(6-0)' ❑ ,BOX1 .

To name the trailing portion of a named field, specify a starting

column of zero and the number of characters to process.

This example searches the last character of the ORDER NUMBER


@SRH,O,D,1 " 'ORDER NUMBER(0-1)' ❑ ,S .

UP-9662.5 2-5
Naming Fields


You can list multiple named fields in any order; they don't have to be
in the same order in which they appear in the report, as long as the
parameters and named fields are in the same order.

For example, these two statements perform the same search and have
identical results:




Whenever an input parameter is used to process a report field, the

variable used for input must match the field size. The input field size
on a screen may also need to match a corresponding report field.

You can use the DVS (Define Variable Size) statement to create
variables equal to the size of the report fields (see DVS in Section 7).
When the run executes, it defines the size of the variable; any input
parameter or screen using that variable dynamically adjusts to a change
in the size of the field.

You can also define the variable to a field size in these statements that
load variables with data from report fields: RDC (Read Continuous),
RDL (Read Line), RLN (Read Line Next), and SUB (Subtotal). See
RDC, RDL, RLN, and SUB in Section 7.


Use the FMT (Format) statement to select which fields you want to
display in a following DSP, OUT, or OUM statement (see FMT in
Section 7).

2-6 UP-9662.5
Naming Fields


Use the LFN (Load Field Name) statement to translate standard column
number syntax into field names (see LFN in Section 7). You can use it
to convert existing run statements to use field names, or to translate
data from the OUM statement into field names (see OUM in Section 7).

When a run encounters a field name, it must read the report header,
which requires one additional I/O access. However, it does not read the
header for other field names in the same run statement. Also,
succeeding run statements that specify the same report, or a result
derived from it, do not cause the run to read the report header again.

In this example, the SRH statement causes the run to read the headers;
the SOR and TOT statements do not.

@SRH,0,D,1 " 'ST CD' ❑ ,OR .

@SOR,O,D,-0 " 'ORDER NUMBER' ❑ ,1 .

You typically reprocess the result of a previous function. This

distributes the overhead of reading report headers and minimizes its
impact on any individual statement.

UP-9662.5 2-7
Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports

You can identify a mode, a form type, or a report by name in a run


In standard run syntax, for example, this statement searches mode 0,

RID 1 D:

@SRH . 0 , D , 1 " 'GUST CODE' El ,AMCO

Using a named report, this statement does the same thing:


You don't have to specify the mode, form type, and report number —only
the name of the report.

Mode, form type, and report names are defined in the System
Directory, which you can access and update using the NAME run. (See
"NAME—Updating the System Directory" in this section.) Before using a
named mode, form type, or report, you must enter it in the System

Depending on how it is defined, this name replaces one or more of the

mode, type, and RID (m,t,r) subfields in a run statement. If the name
defines a mode, it replaces only the first subfield. A name that defines
a report replaces all three subfields.

You can also assign a name to a range of reports in a form type. With
BFN (Binary Find), FND (Find), and SRH (Search), the system
automatically adds the R option to the run statement if you use a name
that defines a range of reports.

2-8 UP-9662.5
Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports


Enclose the names of modes, form types, and reports within apostrophes
('). Names must start with an alphabetic character (A to Z), can be
either uppercase or lowercase, and can contain from 1 to 16 characters.

You can use any characters in your data names. However, the run
considers only alphanumeric characters (A to Z and 0 to 9) when
comparing the name to the System Directory; it ignores any other
characters, such as spaces. For example, 'ORDERSTATUS', 'ORDER-
STATUS', and 'ORDER STATUS' are all acceptable names.


Enclose the name of a variable in apostrophes if it contains a mode,

form type, or report name. Do not place any other characters, such as
spaces, within the apostrophes. You can use any variable type,
including a variable-variable designation. You cannot use substrings of
variables, however.

This example searches the ORDER STATUS report for AMCO in the
CUST CODE field; notice that there are no spaces or other characters
between the apostrophes in 'VV.




Wherever you specify the current result (-0) or a renamed result (-1 to
-4), you can omit the mode and type (rn and t) fields.

For example, instead of the following statement:

@DSP 0 , B , - .

you can use this statement to do the same thing:

@DSP - 0 .

UP-9662.5 2-9
Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports


The System Directory is a report that contains data names for modes,
form types, and reports. You can use data names in run statements to
define modes, types, and reports to process.

The NAME run updates the System Directory. You can enter a new
name, delete an existing name, or change the definition of an existing

To use the NAME run, enter name to display this screen:


RID Number(s)
Department (your department) (ALL.All)
USER-ID (your user-id) (ALL=AtL)
Function ADD (ADD,CHG,DEL)
Update Directory Y (Y or N)

2-10 UP-9662.5
Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports

In field: Enter:

Name the data name (up to 16 characters, beginning with an

alphabetic character). Only alphanumeric characters are
stored in the System Directory; any other characters
entered in this field are ignored.

Mode* the mode number.

Type* the form type (A to I).

RID Number(s)* the RID number, or a range of RIDs defined by a

lower-higher designation (1-12, 500-999, and so forth).

Department the department number qualifier. (Default = user

department.) If you want to allow all departments to use
the name, enter ALL.

USER-ID the sign-on. (Default = your user-id.) If you want to

allow all users to use the name, enter ALL.

Function the type of update to the System Directory, where ADD =

add new item (default), CHG = change the definition of
an existing item, and DEL = delete an existing item.
Note that only the user who entered a name can change or
delete it.

Update a Y to include the name in the System Directory.

Directory If you are naming several reports, it is more efficient to
enter N for all but the last report. You must enter a Y for
the last report to include all reports that you named.

* To name a mode, leave the Type and RID Number fields blank. To name a form type, leave only the
RID Number field blank. When deleting a name, you can leave the Mode, Type, and RID Number fields

UP-9662.5 2-11
Naming Modes, Form Types, and Reports

To use the fast-access method, use this format:

NAME namel,m,t,r,dept,user,junc,update?)

In field: Enter:

name the data name.

m,t,r the mode, form type, and RID number.

(Default = current -0.)

dept the department number. (Default = user's department.)

user the user's sign-on. (Default = your user-id.) Enter ALL

to allow all users to access the name.

func the function, where ADD = add (default), CHG = change,

DEL = delete.

update? a Y to include the name in the System Directory.

(Default = Y.)


The DIR (Directory Information) statement allows you to retrieve

information about a particular data name from the System Directory.
(See DIR in Section 7.)

2-12 UP-9662.5
Naming Data Using Reserved Words

You can use reserved words directly in run statements, which means
you don't have to load them in variables beforehand. Because many
reserved words represent data entities, such as form types, this is also a
form of data naming.

For example, instead of the following sequence:

@CHG V114 MODE$ .

@CHG V3I4 R1D$ .
@DSP,V1,V2,V3 .

you can use just one statement to do the same thing:

@DSP , MODE$ , TYPE$ , R I D$ .

In addition, you can use reserved words that represent numeric form
types to replace the mode and type (m and t) fields of run statements.

For example, this statement can replace the preceding example:


UP-9662.5 2-13
3. Formulating Run Statements

MAPPER run statements begin with an at sign (@) and follow a

specific format. The next page shows a typical run statement format.
In addition, run statements often contain labels and special characters.

This section includes:

❑ Run Statement Format

❑ Labels

❑ Special Characters

UP-9662.5 3-1
Run Statement Format

Here's a typical MAPPER run statement format:

@labehfunction-call,mode,type,rid options column-characters

Aline-type,parameters variables . comments

Note the space-period-space before the comment. Your runs execute

more efficiently if you type a space-period at the end of each
statement and a space before typing a comment.

This SRH (Search) statement uses data from mode 0, type C, report 1:

@7:SRH. 0,C. 1 D 2-9 0 ,BLACKBOX7 V115. V216


@ control character

7: label and separator (optional)

SRH function call

0 mode number

C form type of report

1 report identifier (RID) number

D D option (deletes search information lines)

2-9 column-character positions to process: column 2

for nine character positions

0 line type: process tab lines (you can enclose the

invisible tab character in apostrophes if you
want to remind yourself that it is there)

BLACKBOX7 parameter: search for BLACKBOX7s

3-2 UP-9662.5
Run Statement Format

V1I5 five-digit variable named VI, which captures the

number of finds

V2I6 six-digit variable named V2, which captures the

number of lines searched


MAPPER software considers any line in a MAPPER run that begins

with an at sign (@) a run statement line; the line must have a valid
statement. If the system finds something invalid in a line, it responds
with an error message like one of these:




Follow these guidelines when formulating run statements:

❑ Type an @ in column 1.

❑ Enter multiple run statements on one line and separate them with
spaces. Use just one @ per line.

❑ Terminate a line with a space-period-space ( LS.A ). Beginning a

line with an at sign-period (@.) or an at sign-label-period (@label .)
also terminates the line. You can begin comments (which are
useful for analyzing MAPPER runs) anywhere after the space-
period-space on any line.

❑ These statements terminate the line (the MAPPER system ignores

statements that follow them on the same line): DSP, ESR, LNK,


UP-9662.5 3-3
Run Statement Format

O You can specify fields to process in the cc (column-characters)

subfield in any order, regardless of their order in the report, as
long as you list the parameters in the same order. For example,
these two run statements work the same:

@SRH , 0 , C , 1 " 2 - 5 , 16 - 1 0 , BLACK , A .

@SRH, 0,C, 1 " 16-1,2-5 0 ,A, BLACK .

O Define columns only once in the cc (column-characters) field.

O Terminate fields with spaces. A comma does not terminate a field.

O Separate subfields with commas. This includes blank subfields.

O Subf ields that define character positions to process must correspond

to control parameter subfields. The subfields must be equal in
number to, and in the same sequence as, the character position
subfields they correspond to.

O You can use variables in fields and subfields.

O Never exceed 19 variables in a field or subfield. In some cases, the

maximum number of variables allowed is fewer than 19 and noted
as such.

O Enclose fields or subfields that require significant spaces within


O The required fields and subfields for a run statement vary from
statement to statement. Include all required fields. Enter two
apostrophes (") if you're not entering options in the o (options)

O To get the literal representation of variables in the output area,

enclose them within apostrophes (for example, 'V1').

O Do not use an at sign or a colon (@ or :) in the first character

position of any line in the output area.

3-4 UP-9662.5
Run Statement Format

❑ Whenever you use a comma for something other than a subfield

separator, enclose it within apostrophes; for example, to include a
comma in the replacement string of an LCH (Locate and Change)
statement, use ' change, and'.

❑ In run statements that require an issuing and a receiving report,

designate the issuing report first and the receiving report second.

❑ Run statements that access or lock reports (IDU, LOK, RDL, SOR,
SRH) cannot access their own run control report.

See Appendix D for more ways to improve your MAPPER runs.

UP-9662.5 3-5

You can identify any statement line in a run with a label. Use labels
in these situations:

❑ At the start of a run statement to match a label specified in the lab

subfield of another run statement

❑ In logical IF GTO statements

❑ When you want to identify sections in a run

A comment in a run might, for example, say:

check vl at label 5 for information at your site


@n: ( followed by a statement)


where is a line label number from 1 to 199 (or 1 to 399 if your system
is set up to handle up to 399 labels; check with your coordinator).

Each label must be unique; duplicates are not allowed.

3-6 UP-9662.5


Label table definition lines predefine label locations (that is, they tell the
run which lines have labels).

Use label table definition lines in larger, more stable production runs,
but not in runs that change frequently.

Here's an example of a label table:

:L 22=13.33=26,44=39

Label 22 is on line 13, label 33 is on line 26, and label 44 is on line 39.


:L label-number=line-number, .


label-number is the label number.

line-number is the line number in the run control report

where this label is located.

Use BLT to build label tables. See BLT in Section 7. See also the BLT
function in the Manual Functions Reference.

UP-9662.5 3-7
Special Characters

Use these special characters in MAPPER runs:

❑ Semicolon ( ; ) as a field delimiter

❑ Slant ( / ) to indicate multiple parameters (for example, in a range


❑ Reverse slant ( \ ) for continuing a run statement on the next line

❑ Apostrophe ( ' ) to specify literal data in parameters fields of run



In an ART or CAL statement, use a semicolon (;) to separate

expressions. For example:

@ART V2+V3:V4*4 V10112.V11112


@CAL,O,C.1 L 50-5.56-8.65-15 ❑ ,A.B.0


In an IF statement, use a semicolon to control more than one decision

on the same line. For example:

@IF V1 = 3 GTO 9 ; IF V1 = 6 GTO 8 ; GTO END

See GTO and IF in Section 7 for more examples.

3-8 UP-9662.5
Special Characters


Use a slant (/) to separate multiple parameters in a statement. For


@GRH,O,B,2 D 2-2 0,0R/1],SC V113,V2I3 .


Use a reverse slant (\) whenever a run statement is too long for one
line. For example:

@CAL,O,C,1,,,99 L 25-7,33-8,65-15 ❑ ,A,B+,C+


The reverse slant at the end of the first line tells the system that this
statement continues on the second line.

For readability, use the reverse slant at the end of a subfield, and if
possible, avoid starting a second or succeeding line with a space.

You can use up to 640 characters in a run statement on multiple lines.

The system counts all characters in the last line, including unused

UP-9662.5 3-9
Special Characters


Normally, characters in the parameters fields of run statements need

not be enclosed in apostrophes. The following characters, however,
must be enclosed in apostrophes:

❑ Spaces; for example:

@SRH , 0 , D, 1 D 'CUSTOMER' 0, 'DIGI TAL CORP ' .

❑ Slants; for example:

@SRI-1, 0 , D, 1 / 'CUSTOMER' 0 , 'UN ION STEEL /SULFR ' .

❑ Commas; for example:

@SRH , 0 , C , 1 F 'PRODUC COST' 0 , ' 13,500' .

3-10 UP-9662.5
4. Variables and Reserved Words

Variables and reserved words are important aspects of run design, so

you should know how to use them properly and efficiently. This
section defines variables and reserved words and tells why you use
them in run design. It also presents two runs (VARIABLE and BVT)
that you use with variables.

This section includes:

❑ Variables —Names, Types, and Sizes

❑ Initializing and Redefining Variables

❑ Changing the Contents of Variables

❑ Using Exponential Notation with Variables

❑ Examples Using Variables

❑ Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters

❑ VARIABLE Run—Testing Contents of Variables

❑ BVT Run—Building Variable Tables and Converting Variables

❑ Reserved Words

UP-9662.5 4-1
Variables—Names, Types, and Sizes

A variable is a labeled entity that can assume different values. These

values are assigned by you or by the system.

When you use a variable, you must first initialize it. This means that
you assign it a name, a variable type, a size, and an initial value.


You can name variables in two ways:

❑ You can use the traditional naming conventions, in which you

name a variable with a V followed by a number from 1 to 199.
(You can use up to 399 variables if your system is set up to handle
more than 199. Ask your coordinator for the maximum number of
variables allowed at your site.) You refer to the variable with the
letter V and its number (for example, V10).

❑ You can use the variable-naming method, in which you assign a

meaningful name for a variable rather than a number. The
variable name can be no greater than twelve characters, it must
begin with an alphabetic character (A-Z), and contain only
aphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9). You enclose the name in
less than (<) and greater than (>) signs (for example, <NAME>).

You can use these named variables anywhere you would use
numbered variables in a run. When a named variable is defined,
the system assigns it the lowest unused variable number. Therefore,
the first variable in a run is assigned to VI, the second is assigned
to V2, and so on. After a name is assigned to a variable, it can no
longer be referenced by its variable number.

4-2 UP-9662.5
Variables —Names, Types, and Sizes

Mixing named and numbered variables in the same run is not

recommended. However, if it is necessary to do so, you can use the
USE run statement, which allows you to assign a name to a specific
variable number. See USE (Use Variable Name) in Section 7.

NOTE: Named variables are slightly less efficient than numbered

variables. Although the difference is small, you may want to
consider it when using logic-intensive runs.


When you use a variable for the first time, you must assign it a type
and a size. There are six types of variables:

A Alphanumeric
F Fraction
H Hollerith (any characters)
I Integer (whole numbers)
0 Octal
S String

You specify the size by using a number (or another variable) to

indicate the number of characters the variable can have.
When you initialize a variable, you specify its name, its type, and its

For example, this means that V9 is an integer variable with three


V9 i3

Using the new variable-naming conventions, this means that <PHONE>

is an alphanumeric variable with eight characters:


Table 4-1 shows types and sizes of variables used in ART, CHG, and IF

UP-9662.5 4-3
Variables—Names, Types, and Sizes


You can refer to parts (substrings) of a variable:


where position-characters are the starting character in the variable and

the number of characters. For example, this means start at character
position I for three characters:

V10(1-3) or <PHONE> ( 1 -3)

NOTE: Substrings of H, I, and S type variables are treated as A type

variables. See Table 4-1 for information about types, sizes,
and limitations of variables.

You can also use zeros in substrings to specify known trailing substrings
and unknown trailing substrings. To use a known trailing substring, you
specify the starting character position, then a zero to indicate the
remaining characters of the field. For example, this means start at
character position 3 for the remaining characters in VI:


To specify an unknown trailing substring, you specify zero because you

don't know the starting character position; then specify the number of
ending characters to use. For example, this means to use the last two
characters of VI:


You can use another variable that has a number from 1 through 199 to
name a variable. For example, if VI contains the value 2, this
references variable V2:


4-4 UP-9662.5
Variables—Names, Types, and Sizes

You can also use the new variable-naming conventions to reference a

variable with another variable. You specify this by enclosing the
variable name within two less than and greater than signs. For
example, if variable <ONE> contains the value TWO, this references
variable <TWO>:


You can use another variable that contains a valid number (depending
on the type of variable) to specify the size of a variable. For example:


You can use variables in many places and for many purposes in
MAPPER runs. As you become increasingly familiar with MAPPER
run statement syntax and special commands, you are better able to
determine where a variable might be useful.

Here are just a few places you can use variables in place of hard-coded

❑ In any field or subfield in run statements.

❑ In the run's output area. See BRK in Section 7.

❑ As counters and checks for logical decisions. See IF in Section 7.

Table 4-1 lists the maximum size, examples, and contents of each type
of variable. It also describes the contents of each type when used with
ART, CHG, and IF statements.

UP-9662.5 4-5
Variables—Names, Types, and Sizes

Table 4-1. Variables: Types, Sizes, Limitations

Type A (Alphanumeric):
Maximum Size: 16
Examples: V10a16 <PHONE>a8
Contents: Alphanumeric and special characters.

ART: Must have exclusively numeric characters.

CHG: For arithmetic, numeric characters produce

numeric answers and change letters and special
characters to the next letter in the character set.

IF: Treats spaces and some special characters (. + -) as


Type F (Fraction):
Maximum Size: 18
Examples: V10f18.10 <TOTAL>f 18.10
Contents: Fractional numbers, positive and negative.
Positive numbers may be unsigned; that is, they
don't need a plus sign (+). The maximum size of
18 includes the sign and decimal point. The
fractional portion may be up to ten characters. In
the above example, 18 characters are allowed —7
before the decimal point, the decimal point, and 10
after the decimal point. If more positive numbers
are added to the left of the decimal point, the
decimal portion is truncated.

ART, CHG, and IF are allowed.


4-6 UP-9662.5
Variables—Names, Types, and Size:

Table 4-1. Variables: Types, Sizes, Limitations (cont.)

Type H (Hollerith):
Maximum Size: 18
Examples: V10h16 <CODE>h18
Contents: Hollerith, any characters.

ART: Not allowed.

CHG: Changes all characters to the next character in the

set, including numbers.

IF: Characters must be identical to satisfy a true


Type I (Integer):
Maximum Size: 16
Examples: V10i12 <FINDS>i3
Contents: Integer (whole numbers), positive and negative.
Positive numbers may be unsigned; that is, they
don't need a plus sign (+). Include the sign in the
variable size —it is a significant character.

ART, CHG, and IF are allowed.


UP-9662.5 4-7
Variables —Names, Types, and Sizes

Table 4-1. Variables: Types, Sizes, Limitations (cont.)

Type 0 (Octal):
Maximum Size: 12
Examples: V5o12 <TYPE>o12
Contents: Numbers 0 through 7.

ART: Not allowed.

CHG: For arithmetic, produces octal answers.

IF: Considers the number's decimal value, not its octal


Type S (String):
Maximum Size: 132
Examples: vlOs132 <ADDRESS>s40
Contents: Alphabetic, numeric, and special characters, any
combination (for a total of 2,016 characters in all
string variables combined).

ART: Not allowed.

CHG: Not allowed.

IF: Substrings up to 18 characters.

Full redefinition of string variables, of both size and type, is allowed.

4-8 UP-9662.5
Initializing and Redefining Variables

You can initialize and redefine variables in these ways:

❑ With an LDV statement

❑ With a CHG statement

❑ By way of another statement

NOTE: You can also initialize and redefine variables with a colon.
However, this method is no longer recommended because it is
less efficient and more difficult to use.


Using an LDV statement is the most efficient way to initialize and

load a variable, as in these examples. The first LDV statement
initializes VI to 1; the second redefines VI to A and initializes V2 to

@LDV V112=1 .

@LDV V1A1=A,V212.10 .

UP-9662.5 4-9
Initializing and Redefining Variables


You can use a CHG statement against all variables except type S
variables. You can initialize multiple variables on one line with
multiple CHG statements, as in this example:


This example shows how to name a variable with the contents of

another variable. If V2 contains 10, the following initializes V10 to


This example also names a variable with the contents of another

variable. If <ONE> contains the value TWO, the following statement
initializes variable <TWO> with 2:

@CHG «ONE»12 2 .

Redefined variables lose their previous content. In the following

example, the first two CHG statements initialize V10 and VII, and the
last two CHG statements redefine them:

@CHG V10A3 AAA CHG V11A1 A .

@CHG V10F4.2 1.23 CHG V1114 1234 .

4-10 UP-9662.5
Initializing and Redefining Variables


Several statements initialize variables (for example, RDC, RDL, and

RLN). Some statements (for example, FND and LOC) place certain
information in variables; some statements (for example, ART and TOT)
place values in variables. As you learn the functions and run
statements, you'll discover these and other possibilities.

This example shows how to use an RDL statement to place the data in
column 5 for six characters in <DATE> and the data in column 71 for
five characters in <ORDER>:

@RDL,O,B,2,<LINE>12,99 5-6,71-5 <DATE>1,<ORDER,H .

This example uses a FND statement to place the RID number of the
report where the find was made in <RID> and the line number in

WND,O,B " 'ST-CD' ❑ ,IP <RID>16,<LINE>16 .

This example uses a TOT statement to place the number of lines

processed in <LINES> and the sum of the values totalized in <SUM>:

@ITOT,O,C,1 E 42-7 ❑ ,+ <LINES>14,<SUM>I7 .

UP-9662.5 4-11
Changing the Contents of Variables

You can change a variable's content several ways, as in these examples.

Note that these examples are shown as if in sequential order in a run.



@LDV V11I3=123 . INITIALIZE V11 TO 123


@LDV V12S15=0123456789ABCDE .

The following statement loads the first three character positions of V12
with V10:

@LDV V12(1-3)=V10 . V12 = BBB3456789ABCDE

Note that this INS statement does the same as the preceding LDV
statement, but it is slower and less efficient:

@INS V10 V12(1-3) .

The following statement loads two characters of V12 starting in column

14 with two characters of VI 1 starting in column 2:

@LDV V12(14-2)=V11(2-2) . V12 = BBB3456789ABC24

This LDV statement initializes V13 to 4 and changes VIO to equal the
three character positions starting in column V13 of V12:

@LDV V1311=4,V10=V12(V13-3) . V10 = 345

4-12 UP-9662.5
Using Exponential Notation with Variables

Type A, type I, and type F variables can have numbers in exponential

notation, as in this example:

@CHG V1Al2 12E5 + 1 . V1 EQUALS 1200001

If the numbers in a variable get too large for the variable, the system
changes the value to exponential notation if variables are defined as A,
I, or F type. For example:

@CHG V218 12345678 * 10 . V2 EQUALS 1.234E+8

UP-9662.5 4-13
Examples Using Variables

This DSP statement:

@DSP,V1.V2.113 .

is requesting that the following be displayed:

❑ Mode VI (that is, the mode number in VI)

❑ Type V2 (that is, the form type in V2)

❑ Report V3 (that is, the report number in V3)

Variables V1, V2, and V3 could be initialized in any number of ways.

Here are some possibilities:

❑ You could load the variables earlier in the run so that if the data
you want to display is moved to another mode or report, you need
to change that information only once in your run control report —at
the place where you initialized VI, V2, and V3. This is especially
useful if the report is processed repeatedly in the run, and is much
easier than changing every applicable statement in the run.

❑ You could write the run to pick up information entered on the

screen by the run user. For example:


@BRK OUT,-0,3,3,1,1,Y„,P .
@CHG INPUT$ V113,V2A1,V314 DSP,V1,V2,V3 .

In this example, VI is initialized as the mode entered, V2 as the

type entered, and V3 as the report entered on the screen. The
MAPPER system displays the requested report on the screen.

4-14 UP-9662.5
Examples Using Variables

❑ Certain statements load variables automatically with pertinent

information. For example, this statement executes a find across all
reports in mode 2, type D, and loads V3 with the report number of
the first find:

@LDV V113.0,V2A1=D .
@FND,V1,V2 " 22-3 ❑ ,' 1' V3I5 .

❑ You could also load the variables with a combination of screen

information and internal run loading (LDV), as in this example:


@BRK OUT,-0,3,3,1,1,Y„,P .
@CHG INPUT$ V4A2,V3I4 LDV V111=0,V2A1=8 .
@FND,V1,V2,V3 " 2-2 ❑ ,V4 ,V5I5 .
@OSP,V1,V2,V3,V5 .

In the last statement, V5, which is the line number of the find, is
the line the display is started on.

UP-9662.5 4-15
Examples Using Variables

0 You can use variables as counters that the MAPPER system

increases whenever logically necessary and then later checks to see
if looping should continue, as in this sequence of statements:

@LDV V113=0,V2A1=D,V314=1,V415=6
@LZR,V1,V2,V3 V5I5 . V5=NR.LINES
@fND,V1,V2,V3,V4,196 " 22-3 0,' 2' ,V4 .
@DSP,V1,V2,V3,V4 . V4=LINE
@INC V4 IF V4 NOT > V5 GTO LIN -2 .
@196: .
No More Finds

In this example, V4 is the counter for the line to start the find on,
as well as the line number of the find for use in the display. V5 is
the number of lines in the report. As V4 is increased, the find
process begins further into the report. When V4 becomes greater
than V5, the entire report has been processed and the run ends.

You can use loops and counters like these in many other ways. In
the same example, you could execute a find across reports and
display the correct report at the appropriate line by using more
variables and checks.

4-16 UP-9662.5
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial
Input Parameters

You can load variables with the contents of these reserved words to
capture initial input (run call) parameters or information the user has
entered on the screen:

INPUT$ Captures user input from the screen or initial input

parameters (18 characters maximum for input fields)

INSTR$ Captures user input from entire lines on the screen

INVAR$ Captures user input from fields on the screen

INVR1$ Captures user input from fields on the screen (terminated

by the size of the variable rather than the size of the

ICVAR$ Captures input the user has entered at the control line
(used only with the CHD [Command Handler] run

FKEY$ Captures the number of the function key the user pressed

Here are some guidelines for using these reserved words:

❑ To resume the run after the output is displayed, press XMIT with
the cursor below the control line. You can also press Fl or enter
to resume the run, but any data you entered on the screen is
not captured.

❑ If you specify Y in the interim? subfield of an OUT (Output)

statement or use the I option of the SC (Screen Control) statement,
the run continues automatically and you cannot load variables with
these reserved words.

❑ If you specify Y in the fxmit? subfield of an OUT statement or use

the X option of the SC statement, the run continues automatically
also, but you can load variables with these reserved words.

UP-9662.5 4-17
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters

NOTE: All input captured from the screen using these reserved words
is in the character set of the run control report.


When using INPUTS to capture data from the screen, remember these

❑ String variables are not allowed.

❑ Specify @CHG 1NPUT$ after an OUT or SC statement.

❑ The data entered in variables starts from a tab character: the data
after the first tab character in the first variable, the data after the
second tab character in the second variable, and so on.

❑ The number of characters loaded from a field depends on the

defined length of the variable.

This example, a portion of a run, uses the reserved word INPUTS to

enter data from the screen:

1. @BRK,O,A .
6. @BRK OUT,-0,2,6,1,1,Y .

4-18 UP-9662.5
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters

Here are descriptions of the lines in this example:

1. The first BRK statement defines the next output area (that is, the
lines that follow) as mode 0, type A. (See "Handling Reports and
Results" in Section 6 for an explanation of the output area.)

2-5. Place these lines in the output area.

6. The second BRK statement places the preceding lines from the
output area into the -0 result. The OUT statement displays the new
-0 result on the screen.

7. CHG 1NPUT$ loads <STDATE> with the start date and <ENDATE>
with the end date that is entered.


Here are some examples of initial input parameters:

❑ Information the user enters after the run name (for example,

❑ RUN (Run Start) statement (See RUN in Section 7.)

❑ RRN (Remote Run) statement (See RRN in Section 7.)

❑ LNK (Link to Another Run) statement (See LNK in Section 7.)

❑ BR (Background Run) statement (See BR in Section 7.)

❑ BPRUN$ command in a batch runstream

When using INPUT$ to capture initial input parameters, remember

these guidelines:

❑ You can capture up to 40 variables.

\....i ❑ Check the maximum size of the variable (see Table 4-1).

❑ String variables are not allowed.

UP-9662.5 4-19
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters

This example, a portion of a run, uses the reserved word INPUT$ to

capture input parameters and, later, to enter data from the screen:

1. @CHG INPUT$ V1H2,V214,V3F5.2

. (other run statements)

2. @BRK , 0 , A .
5. @BRK OUT,-0,2,2,1,1,Y .
6. @CHG INPUT$ V1H14,V2I8 .

Here are descriptions of the lines in this example:

1. The first statement in the run captures three variables from initial
input parameters.

2. The first BRK statement clears the output area and defines the
next output area as mode 0, type A.

3. Place this line in the output area.

4. Place this line in the output area.

5. The second BRK statement places the output area in a result (-0);
the OUT statement displays the new -0 result on the screen.

6. CHG 1NPUT$ loads the value of the part number into VI and the
value of the quantity into V2.

4-20 UP-9662.5
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters


When using INSTR$ to capture data from the screen, remember these

❑ You can use string variables.

❑ No leading tabs are required.

❑ Input variables are terminated by the end of the line.

❑ The maximum usable number of variables is the vertical screen


❑ Specify @CHG INSTR$ before the OUT or SC statement.

❑ Do not use INSTR$ with formatted or protected output screens,

where the data received depends on the terminal type.

This example loads variables with two lines of data on the screen:

@CHG INSTR$ V1S80,V2S80 .

V I contains up to 80 characters, starting with the first character

following the SOE. If there is no SOE on the screen, it contains the
first 80 characters starting with the home position. V2 contains up to
80 characters starting with the first character on the next line.


When using INVAR$ to capture data from the screen, remember these

❑ You can enter up to 40 variables.

❑ You can use string variables.

❑ Specify @CHG INVAR$ before the OUT or SC statement.

UP-9662.5 4-21
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters

❑ The data entered in variables starts from a tab character: the data
after the first tab character in the first variable, the data after the
second tab character in the second variable, and so on.

❑ The length of an input field varies; it depends on the variable's

defined length.

This example, a portion of a run, uses the reserved word INVAR$ to

enter data from the screen:

@CHG INVAR$ V1S17,V213.V316 .


In this example, after the user enters the solicited information, the run
continues at the statement that follows the OUT statement. VI, V2, and
V3 contain the information the user entered.


INVR1$ is similar to INVAR$, but it allows you to load several fields

into one variable. When using INVR1$ to enter data from the screen,
remember these guidelines:

❑ You can capture up to 40 variables.

❑ You can use string variables.

❑ Specify @CHG INVR1$ before the OUT or SC statement.

❑ Do not use INVR1$ with formatted or protected output screens,

where the data received depends on the terminal type.

❑ The variable's length determines how many characters, including

intervening tab characters, are loaded into each variable.
Characters beyond the current screen line are not loaded.

4-22 UP-9662.5
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters

In this example, after the user enters the solicited information, the run
continues at the statement that follows the OUT statement. V1 contains
both the first and last name the user entered. Note that protected
format is not used.

@CHG INVR1$ V1S25 .

First Last

@BRK OUT.-0,2,4,1,1,Y


When using ICVAR$ to capture data from the control line, remember
these guidelines:

❑ ICVAR$ captures information only when the user presses XMIT

from the control line and you have specified a CHD statement.

❑ Specify @CHG ICVAR$ before the DSP, OUT, or SC statement.

❑ No leading tabs are required.

❑ You can use string variables.

This example displays a report and loads VI with input the user
transmitted from the control line:

@CHD 100 .
@OSP.0,8,2 .

UP-9662.5 4-23
Loading Variables with Screen Input and Initial Input Parameters


In this example, the KEY statement requests function key input, the
DSP statement displays RID 2B in mode 0, and the LDV statement loads
VI with the contents of FKEY$. VI can then be tested for its contents,
and the run can be processed accordingly.

@KEY .
@OSP,O,B,2 .
@LDV,W V112=FKEY$ .

4-24 UP-9662.5
VARIABLE Run—Testing Contents of Variables

The VARIABLE run determines how variable types and input methods
affect a variable's content.

To execute the VARIABLE run, enter:


You get a message prompting you to enter a value. If you enter a

value, you get a result. You can resume and continue testing values as
long as you want. You can print the results you want to keep.

This example shows the Variable screen and a value to test:

Enter a value ► (up to 6 characters)

The VARIABLE run displays the contents of variables

after initialization and arithmetic operations

UP-9662.5 4-25

This is the result:

line► 2 fmtl. - shft► hld chr0 hid «<RESULT>» ►

Variable values for entry (100.00)


V1A6 = (100.00) V2A6 = (100.00) V3A6 = ( 101) V1A6 = ( 101)

V1I6 =( 100) V2I6 = ( 100) V3I6 = ( 101) V1I6 = ( 101)
V1F6.3 = (100.00) V2F6.3 = (100.00) V3F6.3 = (101.00) V1F6.3 = (101.00)
V106 = (100.00) V206 =( 100) V306 = (N/A ) V106 = (100.00)
V1H6 = (100.00) V2H6 = (100.00) V3H6 = (100.01) V1H6 = ( 101)

.. Press F1 to enter another value

If you want to test another value, press Fl.

4-26 UP-9662.5
BVT Run —Building Variable Tables and Converting

Use the BVT (Build Variable Table) run to build or rebuild a table that
displays the location of all the variables in your run control report.
You can also use it to name variables so you can easily convert to or
from named variables. (See "Variables—Names, Types, and Sizes" in this
section for information about named variables.) The variable table
result is displayed at the end of your run control report.

To use the BVT run, display your run control report and enter one of
these requests:

BVT The Build Variable Table request builds a variable table

and displays it as a result at the end of your run control

BVT,Q The Quick build lists only the variables that are defined
(for example, V1A3 rather than V1).

CVT The Convert request converts V-type variables (such as VI)

to named variables (such as <name>) using a previously
built variable table from the end of your run control

CVT,N The Convert from Named Variables request converts all

named variables to V-type variables.

CVZ This request converts all V-type variables to three-

character variables (for example, VI to V001).

Note that each of the previous requests also calls the BLT (Build Label
Table) function, which builds or rebuilds the label table.

When you rebuild a variable table, the new table is matched with the
existing table to preserve any user-defined names or comments.

UP-9662.5 4-27

Building or rebuilding a variable table produces this information as a

result at the end of your run control report:

Name .Vnum.Sq. Line Numbers Comment

Field Description

Name The variable name (<name>) to equate to the V-type

number. (Default = N000.)

Vnum The V-type number to equate to the variable name


Sq The sequence number used to match and save user


Line Numbers The line number where the variables are located. The
line numbers containing defined variables are flagged
with asterisks.

Comment Any user-supplied comments.

4-28 UP-9662.5

Here are some additional points to remember:

❑ When you use BVT or BVT,Q to build or rebuild a variable table

locating a named variable, the run first checks for an existing table
to determine a V-type variable to associate the named variable
with. The run does not read USE run statements to determine a
V-type variable (see USE in Section 7). For example,
@USE NAME=V199 does not necessarily associate <NAME> with

❑ When you use CVT or CVT,N to convert variables, you are not
notified when a variable/variable is converted. For example, if
you convert VV199 to «name», it may not execute correctly.

❑ When you use CVT, CVT,N, or CVZ, and the size of the new
variable causes the run statement to extend beyond the end of the
line, the original report is displayed at that line number. No
changes are made to the run control report until you change that
run statement line.


The run control report for the MARK Run, shown in Appendix C, is in
RID 3E of mode 0. After the BVT run is executed against this run
control report, this information is displayed at the end of the run
control report:

* •

QTY V001 01 7*,13,18*,19 ORDER QUANTITY

RETAIL V002 01 7*,8,13,18*,19 RETAIL US$

UP-9662.5 4-29
Reserved Words

A reserved word is a character string that is reserved for specific use in

a MAPPER run.

You can initialize a variable with the value of a reserved word using
CHG and LDV statements. For example, this CHG statement initializes
V2 as an SOE character:


This LDV statement initializes <MODE> to contain the mode number,

<TYPE> to contain the numeric form type number, and <RID> to
contain the report number of the last report or result processed or on


See also CHG and LDV in Section 7.

You can also use reserved words directly —where you might otherwise
use a variable —in these subfields of a run statement:

171 Mode
t Form type
r RID number
1 Line number
f Format
p Parameters

NOTE: You cannot use reserved words in the output area, where
MAPPER software reads them literally. You can use
variables in the output area, however. (See BRK and OUT in
Section 7 and "Handling Reports and Results" in Section 6 for
more details.)

See Appendix B for a list of all reserved words and more examples.

4-30 UP-9662.5
5. Using Online Runs

This section contains information about online help and MAPPER runs
you can use to help you write your own runs. For more information
about the runs in this section, enter help,run,aid,

This section includes:

❑ HELP Run

❑ LIMITS Run —Displaying Report and Line Limits

❑ CC Run—Displaying Horizontal Column Count Positions

❑ FCC Run —Examining Report Fields

❑ FORM Run —Displaying Statement Fields and Subfields

❑ FORMC Run—Creating Statements for Functions That Use Function


❑ MARS Run—Creating Statements in Run Control Report

❑ RUN Run—Automatically Generating and Registering Runs

❑ RUNA Run—Analyzing Your Run

UP-0662.5 5-1

The HELP run displays information on your screen about individual

run statements and other items related to run design.

To execute the HELP run, enter:

ielp run

You get the RUN Information screen.

System Response

RUN Information

ROLL1 1 (Tab to Selection or enter TARGET)

ADD I Append report

ADR ► Add report
AID I Run design aids
ART 1 Arithmetic calculator
AUX ► Auxiliary device control
BFN ► Binary find in reports
BLT ► Build label tables

This screen lists run targets. A target is an item on the screen that you
can get information about. Notice that the cursor is located after
ROLL. Just press XMIT to roll through the target list.

Here's how to get more information about a target from the list:

❑ Enter the name of the target after ROLL.

❑ Or tab to the target and press XMIT.

If you want to roll backwards through the list, enter

5-2 UP-9662.5

If you know the target you want help with, you can enter the target on
your help call:

help run,target

where target is either the actual function call or statement, or an

abbreviation for other kinds of information.

For example, press CURSOR TO HOME and enter:

oeip run,au.

This takes you directly to the online help for the ADD statement and
tells you how to append one report to another.


You can now use HELP to display a run statement format on the
control line while you are writing a run. With a run control report on
display, enter:

help grfr

where rfc is the run function call you want the format for. You can use
this format as a reference while supplying the fields for your own run
statement. If you need more information about the run statement, press
Fl or enter rsm to display detailed HELP information. Press Fl or
enter rsm again to return to your run control report.


If an error message appears in the control line while you're executing a

run and you would like more detailed information about the error,
press CURSOR TO HOME and enter:


After reading the information, press Fl or enter rsm. The system

returns you to the line where your error occurred.

UP-9662.5 5-3
LIMITS Run—Displaying Report and Line Limits

Use the LIMITS run to display the highest RID number and the
maximum number of lines per report allowed for the current mode and
type. This information is displayed on the first line of the report,
overlaying the control line.

To execute the LIMITS run, display a report and enter:

System Response

This example shows the system's response if you execute the LIMITS
run with mode 0, RID 2B on display:

Highest Report = 2000 Lines/Report = 131071

.DATE 15 FEB 88 08:27:51 RID 2B 22 JAN 86 JDOER
IP 831224 LS BLACKBOX1 436767 84389 AMCO 831223 831224
IP 831225 LS BLACKBOX1 436768 84390 AMCO 831223 831225
IP 831219 LS BLACKBOX2 637071 84353 INTR 831218 831219

5-4 UP-9662.5
CC Run—Displaying Horizontal Column Count

The CC run gives a horizontal column position count for a form type.

The column numbers appear in lines 2 and 3 of the screen. Since the
CC run is format sensitive, the column numbers are correct no matter
which format you display.

To execute the CC run, display a report and enter:

System Response

This example shows the system's response if you execute the CC run
with mode 0, RID 2B on display:

* •

IP 831224 LS BLACKBOX1 436767 84389 AMCO 831223 831224

IP 831225 LS BLACKBOX1 436768 84390 AMCO 831223 831225
IP 831219 LS BLACKBOX2 637071 84353 INTR 831218 831219

To get a column count on a specific line, enter:

where n is the line number on your display terminal where the column
count lines are to start.

To redisplay the original report, press Fl.

UP-9662.5 5-5
FCC Run—Examining Report Fields

The FCC run displays field headers, the position of the first character
in each field, and the size of each field.

To execute the FCC run, display a report and enter:

System Response

This example shows the system's response if you execute the FCC run
with mode 0, RID 2B on display:

line► 1 fmt► rlI - shftI hld chrs► hld <<<RESULT>>> ►

* •

2-2 12-2 25-6 32-6 39-5 45-4 50-6 57-6 64-6 71-5 77-3
5-6 15-9

Take note of the column-character positions. If you want, print the

result for future reference.

To redisplay the original report, press Fl.

5-6 UP-9662.5
FORM Run—Displaying Statement Fields and

The FORM run displays the format of run statements (fields and
subfields). You get the @ control character, the function call, and the
abbreviated fields and subfields. It fills in all open function calls in
the report.

To execute the FORM run, type the function calls you want the formats
for in your run control report, and enter:



Here's an example of a request to execute the FORM run with some

function calls entered:


.DATE 15 FEB 88 08:22:20 RID 75 15 FEB 88
* •



UP-9662.5 5-7

System Response


.DATE 15 FEB 88 08:24:20 RID 75E 15 FEB 88 JDOER
BSRH,m,t(,r,l,q,lab) o cc Ityp,p (ylines,yls,yrid) .
BSOR,m,t,r o cc Ityp,p .
BMCH,im,it,ir,rm,rt,rr(,lab) o icc iltyp,ip rcc rItyp,rp .
BDSP,m,t,r(,I,tabp,f,int?,hold,msg80) .


5-8 UP-9662.5
FORMC — Creating Statements for Functions that
Use Function Masks

The FORMC run creates run statements for functions that use function
masks, as well as for RDC, RDL, and WRL.

To execute the FORMC run:

❑ Enter the function call in a run control report including all

necessary modes, form types, and report numbers (for example,
@MCH,O,B,1,0,C,1 .).

❑ Roll the line with the desired statement to the top of the screen.

❑ Enter formc in the control line.

The function mask or masks appear on your screen. Fill in the options
and parameters and modify the mask, if necessary, just as you would
for the equivalent manual function.

For RDC, RDL, and WRL, fill in the variables in the desired fields.

The system writes the statements in your run control report. Modify
the statements as needed.

UP-9662.5 5-9
MARS — Creating Statements in Run Control Report

The MARS run creates MAPPER run statements and places them in a
run control report. If you don't have a run control report, the MARS
run adds one for you.

The MARS run is especially useful for capturing functions you use
repeatedly in a run control report. You can name the run and execute
it at any time. Call your coordinator for more information.

The MARS run prompts you for the information it needs to write the
run statements. It writes the statements in the run control report as it
creates them.

To execute the MARS run, enter:




where rt is the RID number and form type (if you already have a run
control report), and means use Directory field names instead of
column-character positions in affected statements.

You get a menu of functions. You can do either of the following:

❑ Tab to the function you want and press XMIT.

❑ Enter the function call at the top of the menu after Enter call.

If you need help, enter:


If you have the MARS run menu on your screen and you want help
with any function, tab to the call you want help with and enter a .

5-10 UP-9662.5
RUN Run—Automatically Generating and
Registering Runs

The RUN run automatically generates a run as you perform the manual
functions. The manual functions appear to execute normally, but the
RUN run converts them to run statements and accumulates them in a

When you finish typing the sequence of manual functions, you can
register the run statements accumulated in the result as a separate run
or you can append them to an existing run.

To execute the RUN run, enter:


where * means use report field names instead of column-character

positions in affected statements.

You can now begin entering manual functions in the sequence in which
you want them saved as a run. Each function is converted into a run
statement until you exit the RUN run.


You use these function keys to control execution of the run:

Fl Displays the generated run result.

F2 Displays the report currently being processed.

F3 Displays the Automatic Run Generation Logo.

F4 Terminates automatic run generation.

UP-9662.5 5-11

When you press F4 to end the automatic run generation, this screen is


Automatic Run Generation Terminated

Display the result

Execute it
Register it in Type (B-I)

(You are in mode nnn)

Place the cursor in one of the fields and press XMIT, or if you want to
register your run, enter the form type (B-1) in which to register it.

Field Description

Display the result Display the run as a result. If you want to return to
this menu, press Fl.

Execute it Execute the run that has been generated. Note that you
must press Fl for each DSP in the result. After the run
has finished executing, the menu is redisplayed.

Register it in Type Place the generated result in the form type you specify
and register it as a run. The run name is your user-id
and only you can execute it. Because the system deletes
any runs previously generated with the same name, you
may want to ask your coordinator to change the name.

Exit Exit Automatic Run Generation.

* Note that the RUN run may be restricted on some systems; contact your coordinator if you have
problems registering the run.

5-12 UP-9662.5

These functions generate run statements and terminate automatic run


X Generates an XIT statement. When the XIT is

encountered in the run, the user is signed off.

REL Generates a REL statement. When the REL is

encountered in the run, the screen is released.

You can use most manual functions, except these:

A Arithmetic
AL Alarm
CALL Interactive message switching
CUT (PASTE) Cut (Paste)
LANG Language
LZ Line Zero
PC Phrase Change
PL Phrase Locate
PSW Password
RPSW Read Password
RSI Remote Symbiont Interface
(demand mode)
SP Spelling Check
SS Station-to-Station Message
WP Word Process

You also cannot use:

OK Acknowledge a message

or these auxiliary device directives:

SI Activate a screen bypass to an offline terminal

SQ Resend a report to an auxiliary device
SR Reactivate printing at the specified page number
SX Terminate printing on an auxiliary device

UP-9662.5 5-13

These functions work when you are entering them as manual functions,
but do not generate run statements:

FUN Function
L Line Control
PNT Paint
RSM Resume
T Type


While you are executing manual functions within automatic run
generation, the RUN run generates a DSP (Display Report) statement
each time you display a report and when you terminate automatic run
generation with a report or result on display. If you don't want the
final DSP statement, press F3 to get the Automatic Run Generation logo
before pressing F4.

The RUN run does not generate a DSP statement for each function
result. For example, if you execute the S (Search), SORT (Sort), and
TOT (Totalize) functions, the generated run statements are entered into
your run and only the final result is displayed. If you want your run
to display each result, enter d - after each result is displayed.

You can also display a result at a specified line number and in any
format. To display the result at a specific line, roll the line to the top
of the screen. To display the result in a different format, enter the
format in the control line. Remember to enter d - if you want your run
to display this result.

5-14 UP-9662.5


Here are some limitations of the RUN run:

❑ Entering for line control is the same as pressing F2 or entering

❑ You can use only the first three control line fields: LINE, FMT,
and RL. The system ignores the others.

❑ You cannot reuse a function mask after an error message appears

on the control line. Instead, you must reenter the function, get the
function mask a second time, and execute the function again.

❑ To update displayed reports or results, you must use the CHG

(Change) function or an updating function such as SU (Search
Update) followed by an UPD, or use a line change function such as
ADD LINE (]+n). However, when the generated run is executing,
you can update in the usual way.

❑ The system does not save the report number produced by the AR
(Add Report) or XR (Duplicate Report) function. The report
becomes the current result (-0) for further processing.

NOTE: Report numbers will probably be different at execution

time from what they were at generation time.

❑ You cannot generate run statements that have no manual

counterparts (such as IF and LDV). See "Functions and Statements"
in Section 7 for a list of statements with no manual function

❑ You cannot generate output screens or obtain user input from any
other source (for example, by using the reserved words INPUT$ or

UP-9662.5 5-15
RUNA Run—Analyzing Your Run

The RUNA run identifies certain inefficient run design techniques.

The RUNA run is not an absolute or total test of run design quality,
but it does give you a good indication whether your run is acceptable.
Carefully review any indications of inefficient techniques identified
in the analysis and try to correct them. If you have a problem
correcting something, call your coordinator. Your coordinator must
give final approval of your run for production.

Even if your run passes the RUNA run analysis satisfactorily, it may
not be ready for use in production. Your coordinator must still
approve your run.

The RUNA run has its own built-in online HELP. To read it, enter:




(Note that if you enter without a log list on display, you get the
RUNA run's online HELP.)

Before executing the RUNA run against your own run, do the

❑ Make sure you have a LOG statement (see LOG) at the beginning of
the run (but after the label table, if there is one).

❑ Replace the REL statement (if used) with a GTO END statement to
keep the log list intact after the run completes.

❑ Execute your run.

5-16 UP-9662.5

Follow these steps after your run completes:

1. Wait a few seconds; then press Fl.

2. When the log list appears on your screen (almost immediately),

enter runa to get the RUNA analysis result.

At this point, you can print the result, or go to the next step.

3. If you want even more details, press Fl.

The RUNA run appends a detailed explanation of recommended

corrective guidelines to the end of the result.

❑ Print the result if you want to refer to it in the future.

❑ If you don't want to print the result, you can press Fl to return
to the log list.

UP-9662.5 5-17
6. Designing and Debugging Runs

Before writing a run, it's important to know how to handle reports and
results. In addition, you should follow a step-by-step procedure in
creating your run. Finally, you need to know some debugging methods
in order to create an error-free run.

This section includes:

❑ Handling Reports and Results

❑ Designing and Registering a Run

❑ Debugging Your Run

❑ Using RDB (Run Debug)

UP-9662.5 6-1
Handling Reports and Results

You can process several reports in a single MAPPER run. The simplest
run acts on a report or result from a previously executed function and
produces a result or updated report, as shown in this figure:




You can use several reports and results from different modes for input,
provided your coordinator has registered the modes for access. This
figure shows a run using reports and results from different modes:

/Reports/Results Reports/Results Reports/Results

Input Input Input


6-2 UP-9662.5
Handling Reports and Results


The output area is a temporary scratch area that you build in your run
control report to hold information. This information is composed of
output lines, which are lines of data that do not have @ signs or colons
in column one (and are not continuations of run statement lines). They
may be, for example, messages or special screen displays you create that
you want to display later in the run.

To examine the output area at any time during the run, enter a GTO
END statement. This displays the contents of the output area as a

You can use output area data as a result at any time by executing a
BRK statement (see BRK in Section 7). The BRK statement places the
output area into the current result and clears the output area. You can
then use the DSP or OUT statement to display the result. The output
area is now empty, so you can place new data in it.


A result is a temporary copy of data obtained by executing a MAPPER

function or run statement. The current result is the latest result, and its
report number is always -0. Only one current result (result -0) exists at
any moment. In addition to the current result, a MAPPER run can save
up to four results for subsequent access. To save up to four results,
rename them with an RNM statement (see RNM in Section 7).

To access results, specify the result identifier (the renamed result, such
as -1, or the current result, -0) in the appropriate subfields of a
MAPPER run statement. To access a report or result on display before
the run started, refer to it as -0 until your run creates another result.

UP-9662.5 6-3
Handling Reports and Results


Do not confuse the output area with a result. You create a result using
a function or run statement, such as SRH or TOT. You create the
output area by adding output lines to your run control report. You can
create an output area without affecting the current result or previously
renamed results.

The following figure shows how runs use the output area and results:

,.__ Area ....„i

/ Results Result

For more detailed information about the output area and results, see
the Run Design Training Guide.

6-4 UP-9662.5
Designing and Registering a Run

When you're ready to write a MAPPER run, follow this logical step-by-
step procedure:

1. Plan the run. Determine which statements you want to execute

and whether you're going to use any logical decisions, paths, or
loops. It may be helpful to draw a flow chart, as shown here, to
map out the processing steps:







UP-9662.5 6-5
Designing and Registering a Run

If you're unsure what effect a run statement has in a run, you can
usually test the statement by running it separately. If it uses a
manually executable processing function, test it manually first.

2. Register your run control report through your MAPPER system

coordinator. First, execute the T (Type) function to see which
form type is available in your mode for MAPPER runs. Next, use
the AR (Add Report) function to add a report in that form type.
Give your coordinator such information as report number, form
type number, modes to be used, and your proposed run name.
Explain the general plan of the run to your coordinator to assess
its impact on the MAPPER system. If everything is acceptable,
your coordinator registers the run for online debugging.

3. Enter the required run statements in the run control report. With
manual updating, natural pauses between transmissions disperse
the processing load; but in a run, where the statements are
executed rapidly one after the other, virtually no pauses occur
between the execution of statements. A run that executes several
individual functions may put a severe load on the MAPPER
system. You should consider loading effects of the run and adjust
run user response expectations accordingly.

4. When the run is designed and ready for use, execute it in a

production mode with logging (see LOG in Section 7) turned on.
Have your coordinator assess your run's impact on the MAPPER
system by examining the log list. Your coordinator may suggest
improvements for your run.

After accepting your run and obtaining a final log list, your
coordinator registers it by its name. The coordinator may restrict
user accessibility, mode accessibility, time of execution,
input/output quantity, logic line count, and station numbers for
your run.

If you change your run significantly, your coordinator must

reanalyze it.

6-6 UP-9662.5
Designing and Registering a Run

5. You should give the run control report a report password and a
save flag in this format:


The save flag must start in the first column of line 2 (the line
below the date line) and must be a period line (notice the period
beginning in column 1).

UP-9662.5 6-7
Debugging Your Run

There are several methods you can use to debug your run:

❑ Interactive debugging

❑ HELP run

❑ Checkpoint displays

❑ RDB statement and function

❑ RAR and RER run statements


When your run is halted because of an error, you see a one-line error
message and the erring run statement line at the top of the screen. You
can interactively correct the error instead of returning to the run
control report. This technique works well for simple errors, such as an
incorrect form type or variable name.

With the halted run on display, correct the erring line, move the cursor
to the end of the line and press XMIT. The change is added to your
run control report. To test the corrected run, execute it again.


You can also use the HELP run to debug your run. When the run stops
because of an error, an error is displayed on the control line. If you
need more information, enter .ie1p to show a screen with a detailed
explanation. Press Fl or enter rsm when you are ready to continue.
The screen shows the line where the error occurred.

6-8 UP-9662.5
Debugging Your Run


If your run has several stages of processing, add DSP (Display Report)
run statements to display intermediate results. You can check the
results to see if the previous run statements have executed properly. If
you write your run in modules, where each module performs a specific
task, you can easily run each module with a checkpoint display to test
it. As you debug the run, take the checkpoint displays out.


You can use the RDB (Run Debug) function or run statement to debug
your run while it executes. This is different from interactive
debugging because you can do the following:

❑ Display or change the value of any variable

❑ Display a window of the run control report or another report or


❑ Examine a specific run statement line

❑ Stop the run when it comes to a specific variable

See "Using RDB (Run Debug)" in this section for more information.


Additional bugs may be found while the run is being used in

production. The RAR and RER run statements help track down the
type of errors that occur so you can correct the run and produce a
better version.

Sometimes a run stops because a user presses MSG WAIT, or a run

statement error causes a problem. You can add the RAR statement so
that your run jumps to a subroutine in case a user presses MSG WAIT.
You can use the RER statement to jump to a subroutine if a run
statement error occurs. See RAR and RER in Section 7 for more

UP-9662.5 6-9
Using RDB (Run Debug)

The RDB utility is a powerful run design tool. Use it to debug your
run interactively, examining the contents of variables, reserved words,
and renamed reports and results —all as the run is being executed. You
can step through the run one line or command at a time, or you can set
a breakpoint to halt the run at a specific line number, label, run
command, or variable.

You can use RDB manually or in a run. In either case, you must be a
registered run designer and the last person to update the run control
report; otherwise, the RDB request is ignored.

Manual Function Format

To use the manual function, this is the format to enter on the control

RDB run(,v v]

In field: Enter:

run the name of the run to debug.

any input variables supplied to the run.

Run Statement Format

@RDB .

6-10 UP-9662.5
Using RDB

If you use the manual function, the run halts before executing line 3 of
the run control report and displays a screen. If you use the run
statement, the run halts when it encounters the RDB statement and
displays a screen. The following example illustrates the lines from the
screen that is displayed:

RUN=testrun MODE=0 RID=2E

D 'Cust Code' *,AMCO .

Each line on the screen serves a specific purpose:

❑ The first line is the RDB prompt line; you enter RDB commands
after the SOE (►) on this line.

❑ The second line is the RDB Status Line. It displays the run name,
mode number, report name, and other information.

❑ The third line is blank.

❑ The fourth line contains the line in the run control report to
execute. It contains the line number and up to 70 characters of the
line (up to 122 characters on a 132-character terminal). If you used
the manual function, this line contains the first line (line 3) of the
run control report. If you used the RDB run statement, this line
contains the line in the run control report following the RDB

The lines that follow the fourth line of the screen contain subsequent
run statements as they are executed. Whenever a run halts, the next
statement to execute is always the bottom line on the screen.

UP-9662.5 6-11
Using RDB

You execute RDB commands by entering information on the RDB
prompt line or by pressing function keys. Table 6-1 describes the RDB

Table 6-1. RDB Commands

Help Enter a to display a summary of RDB commands.

Press Fl or enter to return to the run.

Exit Enter a to terminate the run and release the screen.

Throttle Use function keys Fl through F4 to advance the run:

Fl (Line Step) executes an entire line of logic, even

if it contains more than one run statement. The
run halts and displays the next line to execute.

F2 (Command Step) executes only a single run

command. The run halts and displays the line
starting at the column of the next run command
to execute. (Note that a space-period-space
terminator is considered a run command.)

F3 (Normal Speed) returns the run to normal

execution speed. Pressing F3 a second time
halts the run.

F4 (Stream) causes continuous step execution of the

run. Each line is displayed before it is
executed (or, each command is displayed if the
most recent step command was F2). Pressing F4
a second time halts the run.

NOTE: The run always halts and displays the RDB

prompt when resumed after a display or
output command.


6-12 UP-9662.5
Using RDB

Table 6-1. RDB Commands (cont.)

Display Enter one of the following commands to display a

variable, reserved word, the run control report, or a
renamed report or result:

displays variable number n. The variable

size and type are displayed, followed by its
contents enclosed in slant (/) characters. If
your run uses named variables, you can
display the variable by entering the name
(for example, <name>).

displays reserved word $ (for example,

USER$ or LLP$). The reserved word name
is displayed, followed by its value enclosed
in slant (/) characters.

displays the run control report at the line

currently being executed. You can use any
control line commands (such as ROLL,
SHFT, and so forth) to manipulate the run
control report. However, you cannot use
manual functions such as S (Search) or LOC
(Locate). Press Fl or enter rsm to return to
the run.

displays renamed report or result number n.

You can use any control line commands
(such as ROLL, SHFT, and so on) to
manipulate the renamed report or result, or
you can update it with a line change or
SOE Update. However, you cannot use
manual functions such as S (Search) or LOC
(Locate). Press Fl or enter to return to
the run.


UP-9662.5 6-13
Using RDB

Table 6-1. RDB Commands (cont.)

Breakpoint You can set a breakpoint to cause the run to halt at a

specified item. Only one breakpoint can be active at a
time; setting a new breakpoint clears any previous one.
When you set a breakpoint, it is displayed in the RDB
Status Line. To set a breakpoint, enter one of these

breakpoints at line number n. The run halts

before executing line n.

breakpoints at label number n. The run halts

before executing the line at label n.

breakpoints after variable number n. The

run halts after executing any run statement
that references variable n.

breakpoints at run command x (for example,

SRH, OUT, and so forth.). The run halts
before executing run command x.

clears the breakpoint.

Monitor You can monitor a variable or reserved word by

displaying its contents whenever the run halts (between
line or command steps). Only one item can be
monitored at a time; setting a new monitor clears the
previous one. When you set a monitor, it is displayed
on the RDB Status Line. To set a monitor, enter one of
these commands:

M Vn monitors variable number n. The size, type,

and contents of variable n are displayed
whenever the run halts.


6-14 UP-9662.5
Using RDB

Table 6-1. RDB Commands (cont.)

M$ monitors reserved word $ (for example,

USER$, LLP$, and so forth). The contents of
reserved word $ are displayed whenever the
run halts.

M clears the monitor.

Execute You can dynamically insert a temporary run statement

to execute. Enter the statement in the RDB prompt
line. For example:

RDBI@LDV V114=1234 .


If a run errs while under RDB control, press Fl or enter to activate

RDB Error Mode. While in RDB Error Mode, you can examine
variables, reserved words, and renamed reports and results as they
existed when the run erred. You can execute only the RDB Display
commands; the other commands (Breakpoint, Monitor, and Execute) are
not allowed.

UP-9662.5 6-15
7. Run Statements

This section presents the MAPPER run statements in alphabetical order

by the abbreviated call name.

The first subsection contains a reference list of all run statements in

alphabetical order by the complete run statement name. The second
subsection lists all run statements that have no manual counterpart.
The rest of this section lists all MAPPER run statements; each
subsection includes the run statement, its format, and brief examples.

Here's an overview of this section:

❑ List of Statements by Name

❑ Statements with No Corresponding Manual Function

❑ All Run Statements

UP-9662.5 7-1
List of Statements by Name

Name Call

Accounting Log LOG

Acknowledge Message OK
Add Report ADR
Append Report ADD
Arithmetic ART
Auxiliary AUX
Background Run BR
Batch Start STR
Binary Find BFN
Break BRK
Break Graphics BRG
Build Label Tables BLT
Calculate CAL
Calculate Update CAU
Change CHG
Clear Abort Routine CAR
Clear Error Routine CER
Clear Label Tables CLT
Clear Link CLK
Clear Subroutine CSR
Clear Variables CLV
Command Handler CHD
Commit Updates CMU
Conditional IF
Copy CPY
Create Result Copy RSL
Date DAT
Date Calculator DC
Decode Report DCR
Decommit Updates DCU
Decrement Variables DEC
Defer Updates DFU
Define DEF

7-2 UP-9662.5
List of Statements by Name

Define Variable Size DVS

Delete DEL
Delete Report DLR
Device DEV
Directory Information DIR
Diskette DIS
Display Graphics DSG
Display Message DSM
Display Report DSP
Downline Load DLL
Duplicate Report DUP
Element ELT
Element Delete EL-
Encode Report ECR
Exchange Variables XCH
Execute Run Statement XQT
Exit Subroutine ESR
Extract EXT
Find FND
Find and Read FDR
Form Type TYP
Format FMT
Function Key Input KEY
Generate Organization Chart GOC
Graphics Scalar GS
Increment Variables INC
Index IND
Index User IDU
Insert INS
Justify Variables JUV
Last Line Number LLN
Line Add LN+
Line Delete LN-
Line Duplicate LNX
Line Insert LNI
Line Move LNM
Line Zero LZR
Link to Another Run LNK
List Merge LMG
Load Field Name LFN

UP-9662.5 7-3
List of Statements by Name

Load Format Characters LFC

Load System Message LSM
Load Variables LDV
Locate LOC
Locate and Change LCH
Locate/Change Variable LCV
Match MCH
Match Update MAU
Message to Console MSG
Mode MOD
Output OUT
Output Mask OUM
Peek Variables PEK
Poke Variables POK
Pop Variables POP
Print PRT
Push Variables PSH
Read Continuous RDC
Read Line RDL
Read Line Next RLN
Read Password RPW
Reformat Report RFM
Register Abort Routine RAR
Register Error Routine RER
Release Display REL
Remote Run RRN
Remote Symbiont Interface RSI
Remove Variables RMV
Rename RNM
Replace Report REP
Retrieve File RET
Retrieve from History REH
Return Remote RTN
Run Debug RDB
Run Start RUN
Run Status RS
Run Subroutine RSR
Screen Control SC
Search SRH
Search Update SRU
Send Report SEN

7-4 UP-9662.5
List of Statements by Name

Set Format Characters SFC

Sign-Off XIT
Sort SOR
Station Information STN
Subtotal SUB
Tape Cassette TCS
Totalize TOT
Unlock ULK
Update UPD
Update Lock LOK
Use Variable Name USE
Wait WAT
Word Change WDC
Word Locate WDL
Word Process WPR
Write Line WRL

UP-9662.5 7-5
Statements with No Corresponding Manual

Most MAPPER run statement calls have corresponding manual function

counterparts. These statements, however, cannot be done manually:

BRG Break Graphics

BRK Break
CAR Clear Abort Routine
CER Clear Error Routine
CHD Command Handler
CHG Change
CLK Clear Link
CLV Clear Variables
CMU Commit Updates
CSR Clear Subroutine
DCU Decommit Updates
DEC Decrement Variables
DEF Define
DFU Defer Updates
DIR Directory Information
DSM Display Message
DVS Define Variable Size
ESR Exit Subroutine
FDR Find and Read
FMT Format
IF Conditional
INC Increment Variables
INS Insert
JUV Justify Variables
KEY Function Key Input
LCV Locate/Change Variable
LDV Load Variables
LFC Load Format Characters
LFN Load Field Name
LLN Last Line Number

7-6 UP-9662.5
Functions and Statements

LNK Link to Another Run

LOG Accounting Log
LOK Update Lock
LSM Load System Message
MSG Message to Console
OUM Output Mask
OUT Output
PEK Peek Variables
POK Poke Variables
POP Pop Variables
PSH Push Variables
RAR Register Abort Routine
RDC Read Continuous
RDL Read Line
RER Register Error Routine
RLN Read Line Next
RMV Remove Variables
RNM Rename
RPW Read Password
RRN Remote Run
RSR Run Subroutine
RTN Return Remote
SC Screen Control
SFC Save Format Characters
STN Station Information
TYP Form Type
ULK Unlock
USE Use Variable Name
WAT Wait
WRL Write Line
XCH Exchange Variables
XQT Execute Run Statement

UP-9662.5 7-7
Add (Append Report)

The ADD statement appends the issuing report to the end of the
receiving report and creates a result.

The ADD statement is equivalent to either the ADD ON or ADD TO

manual function, depending on the order in which you specify the
issuing and receiving reports.

If the receiving report has longer lines than the issuing report, the
system fills the lines in the issuing report with spaces. If the receiving
report has shorter lines, the system truncates the lines in the issuing


@ADD,im,it,ir,rm,rt,rr .

In field: Enter:

im,it,ir the mode, type, and RID number of the issuing report.

rm,rt,rr the mode, type, and RID number of the receiving report.


This statement appends RID 2B to RID 1B, both in mode 0:

@ADD , 0 , B , 2 , 0 , B , 1

Refer to the result as -0. For example:

@OSP , - 0 .

7-8 UP-9662.5
ADR (Add Report)

The ADR statement adds a new report in a specified form type. You
can specify the number of the report to be added. If you specify a
report number, that report is added, provided that it does not already
exist. If it does exist, the run continues at the label or relative line
number specified; if you did not specify a label or line number, the
run errs.

If you don't specify a report number, the MAPPER system selects the
next available report number in the form type and puts the RID
number in R1D$.

The added report becomes the current -0.

NOTE: You can create a permanent report to use as a scratch area

during run execution, but only if you intend to use it later as
a place to permanently store the results of the run. It is
inefficient to use an added report as a scratch area, then
delete it at the end of a run. See also Appendix D.


@ADR,m,d,rjab] .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report to be


the label or relative line number to go to if the RID

number specified already exists or the form type
specified exceeds the maximum number of reports.

UP-9662.5 7-9

Reserved Word

Reserved word: RIDS

Word Content

RIDS RID number of the report you just added

Example I: Adding a New Report

This example uses an ADR statement to add a new report in mode 0,

type B. The LDV statement captures the new RID number:

@ADR.0.8 .

Example 2: Adding a New Report to Specified RID Number

The following example adds RID 10B to mode 0. The run goes to label
99 if 10B already exists or if type B is full.

@ADR.0.13,10.99 .

7-10 UP-9662.5
ART (Arithmetic)

The ART statement performs arithmetic operations on variables or

constants. Variables capture the numbers resulting from these

Use the ART statement primarily for solving complex operations,

including arithmetic and trigonometric functions, which are discussed
in this subsection. Use a CHG statement for simple computations.


@ART exp vrslts .

In field: Enter:

exp an arithmetic expression or expressions.

vrslts variables to capture the results of the expressions.

(Initialize variables for the number of results you
want to capture.)

Use type A, type F, and type I variables only. (See Table

4-1 for a description of variable types.)

UP-9662.5 7-11

Table 7-1 lists arithmetic operators that you can combine to form an

Table 7-1. ART: Arithmetic Operators

Operator Operation Expression Gives

+ Addition a+b value a plus value b.

- Subtraction a-b value a minus value b.

/ Division a/b value a divided by value b.

// Integer Division a//b value a integer divided by value b.

* Multiplication a*b value a times value b.

** Exponentiation a**b value of a raised to the power of value b.

- Unary Minus -a negative the value of a.

NOTE: Values a and b are real integers and numbers and can include
decimal fractions or expressions composed of such numbers.


When formulating expressions, specify arithmetic operators for every
operation; for example, enter the operation a times b as a*b. Forms
such as (a)(b) or ab are not valid.

Table 7-2 shows the priority by which the FORTRAN-based calculator

of the MAPPER system performs arithmetic operations.

7-12 UP-9662.5

Table 7-2. ART: Priority of Arithmetic Operations

Priority Operator Operation

First - Unary minus

Second *1, Exponentiation

Third *,/,// Multiplication, division, integer division

Fourth +,- Addition, Subtraction


This statement raises 3 to the 4th power, divides the result into 2, and
places the answer in VI:

@ART 2/3**4 V1F6.2

Don't precede or follow operators with spaces.

Evaluating multiple expressions in a single statement is more efficient
than using a separate ART statement for each expression. This example
adds V33 to V34 and puts the answer in V36I3. It then subtracts V34
from V33 and puts the answer in V37I3. Note that a semicolon (;)
separates the expressions.

@ART V33+V34;V33-V34 V3613,V37I3 .

UP-9662.5 7-13


You can refer to variables that are created internally by an ART

statement (A, B, etc.), then use these variables for computing
expressions within the same ART statement, as in this example:

@ART V1+V2;A*V3;B+5 ,V413,V5I3 .

In this example, the addition of V I to V2 produces answer A, which is

used in the second expression. The second expression, A*V3, produces
answer B, which is used in the third expression. The first subfield in
the variables field is skipped and a comma is used in its place, so the
answer from the first expression (A) is not captured in a variable.
Variable V4 contains the answer to the second expression, and V5
contains the answer to the third expression.

If it's possible that a variable used in an arithmetic expression has a
negative number, place the variable in parentheses; otherwise, the
calculator reads it as part of an expression and the run errs. Place all
negative numbers in arithmetic expressions in parentheses. For
example, in this statement, V5 contains a negative number:

@ART 3+(V5) V613


Use parentheses to change the hierarchy of expressions. In this

example, 2 is divided by 3, the product is raised to the power of 4, and
the answer is placed in VI:

@ART (2/3)**4 V1F6.2 .

7-14 UP-9662.5


You can perform the arithmetic and trigonometric functions shown in

Table 7-3 using an ART statement. Note that x is a numeric value
(whole or fraction) or an arithmetic expression.

Table 7-3. ART: Arithmetic and Trigonometric Functions

Function Description

ABS(x) absolute value or magnitude of x

ACOS(x) arc cosine: angle in radians that has a cosine of x
ASIN(x) arc sine: angle in radians that has a sine of x
ATAN(x) arc tangent: angle in radians that has a tangent of x
CBRT(x) cube root of x
COS(x) cosine of x radians
CTN(x) cotangent of x radians
DEG(x) x radians expressed in degrees
EXP(x) exponent: natural number "e" raised to power x
FRAC(x) fractional portion of x
HCOS(x) hyperbolic cosine of x
HSIN(x) hyperbolic sine of x
HTAN(x) hyperbolic tangent of x
INT(x) integer portion of x
LOG(x) logarithm of x in base "e"
LOGIO(x) logarithm of x in base 10
PI pi (1T)
RAD(x) x degrees in radians
SIN(x) sine of x radians
SQRT(x) square root of x
TAN(x) tangent of x radians

The calculator uses double-precision arithmetic. This produces a

~, greater number of digits, resulting in greater accuracy.

UP-9662.5 7-15
AUX (Auxiliary)

The AUX statement sends reports to auxiliary devices—usually auxiliary

printers—connected to display terminals. The AUX statement does not
create a result (no -0 result exists).


@AUX,m,t,r,sn,devLdlnos?,f,tabs?,dhdrs?,d1char?,Isp,transp?,unit,s1,spcc] .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and report number of the report to send.

the station number where the auxiliary device is


aev the auxiliary device type reference:

COP Communications Output Printer

CQP Correspondence Quality Printer
TC I Cassette 1
TC2 Cassette 2
TD I Diskette 1
TD2 Diskette 2

dlnos? a Y to delete line numbers. Use Y if the report is 132

characters and you're printing basic format.
(Default = N.)

f the report format (1 to 6). (Default = basic.)

tabs? a Y to include tab characters in the output or an N to

change them to spaces. (Default = N.)


7-16 UP-9662.5

( continued )

In field: Enter:

dhdrs? a Y to delete report headers in the output. (Default = N.)

d lchar? a Y to delete the first character of each line in the

output. (Default = N.)

lsp 1, 2, or 3 for the line spacing. (Default = 1.)

transp? a Y to write lines exceeding 80 characters. (Default = N.)

Applicable only for cassettes/diskettes.

unit the unit on which to locate data in subsequent search

operations. Applicable only for cassettes/diskettes.

s/ the station letter, which is on all station numbers. Use it

only to access the station through the Communications
Management System (CMS 1100). Call your coordinator if
you do not know the station letter.

spcc a — to delete special print control characters —B, —H, —U,

—V, and —X; also, if the printer is able, it can bold,
underline, etc. (Default = blank; does not delete control
characters before printing.) See the Word Processing
Guide for more information on special print control


This statement prints RID 2B, mode 0, at station 123, on device name
COP, with deleted line sequence numbers, deleted headers, and double

@AUX.0,13.2,123.COP.Y.„Y.,2 .

UP-9662.5 7-17
BFN (Binary Find)

The BFN statement finds items very quickly in a sorted list. It does so
by sampling the data at midpoint in the report or series of reports to
determine whether or not the data to find precedes or follows this point
(thus, the term "binary"). BFN ignores blank lines within the report. It
continues sampling, dividing, and sampling until it finds the first
occurrence of the data. With the N or 0 option, it creates a result.

NOTE: If a find is made, the report in which the find is made

becomes the current -0. Any previous -0 result is destroyed.

The data in a report must be sorted on the fields the find is to be done
on. If you want to perform a binary find on a range of reports, make
sure the data is sorted across all reports.

If BFN detects a sort order discrepancy, doesn't find data, or doesn't

find blanks when looking for them, it gives control to the label
specified in the lab subf ield.

If you specify a range of reports, make sure there are no empty reports
(containing no valid data or headers only) within the range. If the
BFN statement encounters an empty report, then finds the data that
matches the search criteria in a subsequent report, it ignores any
reports preceding the empty report. In this case, no error message is
supplied because a valid find is made.

. 7-18 UP-9662.5


o cc ltyp,p [vrid,vinol .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report to scan.

1 the line number where the binary find starts. If you

have an idea where the data is located in your report,
you can speed up the binary find process by designating
a line number slightly before that location. If the data
is actually located before the line number you specify,
BFN searches the entire report and still finds the data.

If you want to locate data after a specific line only

(disregarding the previous lines of the report), use a
FND statement instead.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no finds are

made or in case of error.

o options:

A Process all line types.

B Build an index containing the first data line of

each report. Use an index to speed up the find
operations across multiple reports. Enter a K in
the p (parameter) field for the target field or
fields. If you use more than one field, they
must be in order from left to right. Be sure the
targets do not cross reports.

With the B option, BFN creates a result that you

must replace into the report immediately
preceding the first report of the specified range.


UP-9662.5 7-19


In field: Enter:

If you would like the RID number placed in a

field, enter an equal sign in the corresponding
parameter field.

C(x) Alter normal character set processing:

C(F) Full character set

C(L) Limited character set
C(S) Strict character set of report

See also Appendix E.

E Display last item only if item appears more

than once.

I[n] Index in type at report n. Enter only I for the

default report (report 2); BFN scans report 2 or
report n to determine where to find items,
assuming that the reports having data to scan
follow the index report.

K Verify that reports are sorted in ascending

order. Enter a K in the corresponding
parameter field. Note that when you specify
the K option, BFN tests each line of every
report specified, so use it with discretion on
large databases.

7-20 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

N Create a result containing a separate line for

each item with the number of times the item
appears. Enter a K in the corresponding
parameter field to compare. Place an equal sign
in the parameter field if you want to store the
number of times the item appears in the

To subtotal a field, enter =N in the parameter

field. The =N subtotals only fields containing
integer values. Note that you cannot use the =
and =N parameters at the same time.

O Create a result containing the items found,

including their trailer lines. (Also, you can
capture the information in four variables
instead of just two. See the end of this table.)
You cannot use the 0 option with the N option.

P Include trailer lines (all line types other than

the target line type) from the last valid find in
the result. Valid only with the N option.

Q Quick-find an item that appears only once in

the report. Use the Q option if you know that
the item appears only once in the report. When
used with the 0 option, no trailer lines are

UP-9662.5 7-21


In field: Enter:

Rx-y Scan a range of reports from report x through

report y. Normally, when you process all
reports in a type, report numbers 1 and 2 are
skipped. You can use the R option to specify a
range of reports, including reports 1 and 2.
Note that you must specify a range; it cannot be
a series of selected reports such as R3,5-10.

S Scan each report separately.

U Set an update lock on the report in which the

find is made (or would have been made).

@ Find blank lines or fields at the end of the

report. Use this option in runs that write blank
lines at the end of the report. When a blank
field is found, it is the first blank field after
the last line with data in it. If lines with blank
fields are interspersed with lines containing
data, the blank fields are not found.

When using the @ option, enter a K in the

corresponding parameter field.

/ Find slant as data.

the column-character positions or names of the fields in

which to scan.

the line type to scan. (If you specify the A option,

leave this subfield blank.)

7-22 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

p one of these four kinds of parameters:

the find parameters

the K parameter if you are using the N, K, B, or @


the = parameter if you are using the B or N option

the =N parameter if you are using the N option

NOTE: If no finds are made, and if the statement

contains a label to go to, you can use vrid and

vrid a variable to capture the RID number where the find

would have been made.

vino a variable to capture the line number where the find

would have been made.

NOTE: With the 0 option, you can capture information

in four variables (which replace vrid and vino).
(Note that if no finds are made and a label is
specified, variables 3 and 4 are loaded with 0.)

variable 1 a variable to capture the number of finds.

variable 2 a variable to capture the number of lines in the result.

variable 3 a variable to capture the RID number of the first find.

variable 4 a variable to capture the line number of the first find.

UP-9662.5 7-23

Reserved Word

ReseNed Word: STAT1$ (error codes)

Code Error

1 Data not found

2 All lines with space fields filled ( @ option)

3 Data not sorted

Example 1: Finding All Occurrences of an Item

@BFN , 0 C , 1 0 ' PRODUCT - TYPE ' ❑ , BLACKBOX4 .


0,C, I Search in RID 1C in mode 0.

O Use the 0 option to create a result.

'PRODUCT-TYPE' Look in the PRODUCT TYPE field.

0 Process tab lines.


7-24 UP-9662.5

Example 2: Finding the Only Occurrence of an Item

The following example uses the Q option and captures the line number
where the find was made in <LINE>:

OCFN,O,C, 1 „ 99 0 2-9 0 ,BLACKBOX4 ,<L INE> 13 .


0,C,1 Search in RID IC in mode 0.

99 Go to label 99 in case of no finds or an error.

Q Use the Q option to find it quickly.

2-9 Look in the PRODUCT TYPE field (column 2 for

nine characters).

0 Process tab lines.

BLACKBOX4 Find the only BLACKBOX4.

<LINE> Capture the line number where the find was

made in <LINE>.

UP-9662.5 7-25
BLT (Build Label Tables)

Use a BLT statement to build label tables in a run control report and
create a result.

At the start of a run, label tables indicate on which lines labels are
located in the run control report. When the run reaches a statement that
directs it to a label, the run already knows where the label is. This
saves on overhead.

You can use the BLT statement to implement label tables in a database
made up entirely of runs. Label tables increase the efficiency of runs
with GTO statements that branch to labels (see GTO).

A new BLT statement in a report clears any old label tables before
creating new ones.

NOTE: You will most of ten use the manual BLT function rather than
the run statement. To use the manual function, simply
display your run control report, enter bit, and replace the
result. See the Manual Functions Reference for more details.


@BLT,m,t,r[,1ab] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the run control report
to build label tables in.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if an error

condition exists (such as a duplicate or invalid label).

7-26 UP-9662.5


@BLT,O,E,10,99 .


0,E,10 Build a label table in RID 10E, mode 0.

99 Go to label 99 in case of error.

See also CLT.

UP-9662.5 7-27
BR (Background Run)

Use a BR statement to start a background run.

When you execute a BR statement, the system removes the current result
(-0) from your run, if one exists, and passes it to the background run.
Your original run continues executing.

Background runs cannot contain DSP, OUM, REL, RSI, or XIT

statements; they can contain DSG, SC, or OUT statements only if the
output is sent to another terminal. Also, a BR statement cannot be
executed from a background run.


@BR[,snjab] run[,vId] .

In field: Enter:

sn (optional) the station number to be notified when the

background run completes. If omitted, the station is not

the label or relative line number to go to if the number

of active background runs has already reached the
maximum allowed at your site. If you omit the label, the
run stalls until the background run is able to start.

the name of the background run to start. The run must

be registered for execution as a background run by the

variables, literal data, reserved words, or any combination

of these, to be picked up by the background run via

7-28 UP-9662.5

Reserved Word

Reseeed word: ORSTAN$ .:

Word Content

ORSTAN$ Station number from the BR statement that started the run, or originating
station number if not supplied in the BR statement. ORSTAN$ always equals
zero for nonbackground runs.


This statement starts the background run KISMET, picking up input

from USER$, and notifies station 123 when the run completes. If the
number of active background runs has already reached the maximum
allowed at this site, the run goes to label 99.

@BR.123,99 K1SMET,USER$ .

UP-9662.5 7-29
BRG (Break Graphics)

Use a BRG statement to pack data in the output area and place it into
a result. It is particularly useful for packing primitive graphics code
and processing the result with MAPPER chart runs. The BRG
statement packs leading and trailing spaces from a single line, but does
not pack spaces embedded within the line.

The BRG statement is similar to a BRK statement (see BRK). When the
run encounters a BRG statement, it places all data in the output area
into a scratch result (-0) and clears the output area.

If you don't specify a mode and type for the output area, they are the
same as those of the run control report. You can change the mode and
type of the output area with a BRG statement without affecting the
current result. You do, however, change the mode and type of the
output area for subsequent results created by another BRG statement.


@BRGLm,t,q] .

In field: Enter:

m,t the mode number and form type of the output area. The
t field is required if you specify a mode.

q how many output lines (quantity). For output exceeding

500 lines, estimating improves efficiency by substantially
reducing the I/Os.

If you don't specify a mode and type, skip only one

subfield (for example, @BRG„2500).

7-30 UP-9662.5

Example 1: Packing Primitive Graphics Code

In this example, the first BRG statement places the current output area
into a scratch result. (Note that a BRK could also be used here.) The
primitive graphics code then becomes the current output area in the
same mode and type as the run control report. The second BRG
statement packs the primitive code and places it into a result that can
be processed by MAPPER chart runs.

@BRG .

Primitive Graphics Code

@BRG .

Example 2: Estimating Subsequent Output Lines

This statement places the output area into a result and estimates that
the following output area will be 2,500 lines:

@BRG„2500 .

Example 3: Specifying Next Output Area

This statement places the output area into a result. The next output
area will reside in mode 2, type B.

@IBRG.2,8 .

UP-9662.5 7-31
BRK (Break)

Use a BRK statement to place the run's output area into a result. The
run builds the output area automatically (see Section 6 for more

When the run encounters a BRK statement, it places all data in the
output area into a scratch result (-0) and clears the output area.

If you don't specify the mode and type for the output area, they are
the same as those of the run control report. You can change the mode
and form type of the output area with a BRK statement without
affecting the current result. You do, however, change the mode and
form type of the output area for subsequent results created by another
BRK statement.


@BRIO,m,t,q1 .

In field: Enter:

m,t the mode number and form type of the output area. The
t field is required if you specify a mode.

q how many output lines (quantity). For output exceeding

500 lines, estimating improves efficiency by substantially
reducing the I/Os.

If you don't specify a mode and type, skip only one

subfield (for example, @BRK„2500).

7-32 UP-9662.5

This example uses multiple BRK statements:

1. @BRK .


2. @BRK , 0 , B .


3. @BRK „ 2500 .


4. @BRK .

Here is an explanation of each BRK statement:

1. The output area that follows resides in the same mode and type as
the run control report.

2. DATA] is now the -0 in the same mode and form type as the run
control report; the output area that follows resides in mode 0, type

3. DATA2 is now the -0 result in mode 0, type B.

4. DATA3 is now the -0 result, at an estimated 2,500 lines, in mode 0,

type B.

UP-9662.5 7-33
CAL (Calculate)

The CAL statement performs arithmetic computations and conditional

evaluations on reports and results, and creates a result (except when the
0 option is used).


@CAL,m,t,r[,1,q,1ab] o cc ltyp,p eq [yrsIts] .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report to process.

the line number at which to start processing.

how many lines (quantity) to process.

the label or relative line number to go to if no data exists.

Be sure to use this field if there is any possibility that
some reports will not contain data; otherwise, no result is


A Process all line types.

C Conditionally display specific result lines. After

all equations are processed, include only those
lines that meet a true condition based on the last
IF statement in the result. For example, if the last
IF statement is IF:A=O, include only those lines
where field A is equal to zero in the result.


7-34 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

E Erase fields (fill with spaces) if the answer equals


I Produce integer results: Truncate any fractional

part (that is, any numbers on the right side of the
decimal point) in the result.

J(x) Justify result value, where x is the justification:

C Insert commas in the integer portion every

three digits; eliminate nonsignificant zeros;
place the resulting value in the leftmost
portion of the field.

L Left-justify, eliminate nonsignificant zeros,

and place the resulting value in the leftmost
portion of the field.

R Right-justify, eliminate nonsignificant zeros,

and place the resulting value in the rightmost
portion of the field.

X Expand: Eliminate nonsignificant zeros, place

the resulting value in the leftmost column, and
fill the remaining fields with zeros.

Z Eliminate nonsignificant zeros, right-justify,

and fill preceding fields with zeros.

Kn Initialize a value label to n. Default value of

value label = zero.

L List all value label names and their final values at

the end of the result.


UP-9662.5 7-35


In field: Enter:

Nn Substitute the numeric value n for nonnumeric

fields. The default value of nonnumeric fields is
zero; a nonnumeric field has either no data (all
spaces or tab characters) or data that has a
nonnumeric character in its leftmost significant

0 Omit data lines. Include only header lines and all

value label names and their final values.

Rn Round results to the nearest n:

R.0000000000000001 through R100000 (nearest
100,000 units).

NOTE: To control rounding equation by equation,

use the R option as an equation option.

S(x) Set character set interpretation to x. (The system

compares limited character set strings to limited
character set internal codes, and full character set
strings to full character set codes; it interprets
uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters in
the same way.) x may be:

F Use full character set internal codes (use only

when processing Limited Character Set [LCS]

L Use limited character set internal codes (use

only when processing Full Character Set [FCS]
or Full Character Set Upper [FCSU] reports).


7-36 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

S Use strict character set internal codes to

differentiate between uppercase and lowercase
alphabetic characters (use only when
processing FCS reports).

T Include both processed and unprocessed lines in

the result. Do not use the T option if you want to
include only the line type being processed.

V Process only those equations whose result values

are calculated from valid data (invalid data is
either nonnumeric data or an invalid date). Note
that a nonnumeric field has either no data (all
spaces or tab characters) or data that has a
nonnumeric character in its leftmost significant
position. Skip equations with an invalid value for
a result. Do not alter the receiving label.

X Exclude invalid values in minimum, maximum,

sum, and average computations (MIN, MAX, SUM,
functions specified by vertical operators. (Invalid
values include field labels that represent
nonnumeric data and labels whose value was
calculated from nonnumeric data or from an
invalid date.)
* Flag all invalid results with asterisks (*) after the
value. Invalid results are values or labels
calculated from nonnumeric report data, or values
calculated from invalid dates. Note that a
nonnumeric field has either no data (all spaces or
tab characters) or data that has a nonnumeric
character in its leftmost significant position.


UP-9662.5 7-37


In field: Enter:

cc the column-character positions or names of the fields in

which to calculate.

Ityp the line type to process. (If you specify the A option,
leave this subfield blank.)

P the parameters, which include:

Alphabetic field labels

Vertical operators (+, /,< , and >)

the equations in this format:

receiving-label Loptionsi=expression1; .


receiving-label may have:

Alphabetic field labels

One- to six-character value labels (beginning

with alphabetic character, and containing both
alphanumeric characters and characters
$, %, !, and ?).

Constant labels PI, LINE, LT, and RLINE


7-38 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

Note that receiving-label can be a partial label in

the format:

partial-receiving-label=receiving-label( x-y)

where is the starting column and y is the number

of characters.


Equation options that override statement

options, if entered. Options E, I, J(x), Kn, Nn,
Rn, and * are valid (see statement options field
o). Enter the option followed by a minus sign
to override the statement option (for example,
N-). If you use the J option, the minus sign
must be enclosed in parentheses.


Combination of one or more operands and zero

or more operators regarded as a single numeric

vrslts the variables to capture the final results of vertical

operations and final values of value labels in the order
initialized. (Initialize variables for the number of results
and final values you want to capture.)

UP-9662.5 7-39

Reserved Words

Reserved words: STAT1$ and STAT2S

Word Content

STAT1$ Number of lines processed (i.e., number of lines of line type specified)

STAT2$ Total number of lines in report (excluding header lines)

Reserved word- TICS

If you use apostrophes in a CAL statement, use TICS if the run control report
is in Limited Character Set (LCS). Use TICS or quotation marks (") for FCS and FCSU

Table 7-4 shows the priority by which the calculator performs

arithmetic operations.

Table 7-4. CAL: Priority of Arithmetic Operations

Priority Operator Operation

First - Unary Minus

Second ** Exponentiation

Third *,/,// Multiplication, Division, Integer Division

Fourth +,- Addition, Subtraction

7-40 UP-9662.5

Table 7-5 shows the priority by which the MAPPER system evaluates
relational operations.

Table 7-5. CAL: Priority of Relational Operations

Priority Operator Relational Operation

First = Compare equal to

<> or >< Compare not equal to

> Compare greater than

<= or =< Compare not greater than (Less than or equal to)

< Compare less than

>= or => Compare not less than (greater than or equal to)

Second & AND (Boolean)

Third OR (Boolean)

NOTE: The operators ampersand and comma (& and ,) don't perform
a numeric comparison, but are based on a true/false concept.

UP-9662.5 7-41

Table 7-6 shows the result of all possible true/false conditions. value]
and value2 are usually relational expressions (such as a>1000).

Table 7-6. CAL: AND and OR True/False Conditions

AND Operation OR Operation

(valuel) & (value2) (valuel) , (value2)

valuel value2 result valuel value2 result





Equations can include internal arithmetic and trigonometric functions,

as shown in Table 7-7.

Table 7-7. CAL: Internal Arithmetic/Trigonometric Functions

Function Description

ABS(x) Absolute value or magnitude of x

ACOS(x) Arc cosine: angle in radians that has a cosine of x
ASIN(x) Arc sine: angle in radians that has a sine of x
ATAN(x) Arc tangent: angle in radians that has a tangent
of x
AVG(x/ .....xn) Average value of all subfields specified
CBRT(x) Cube root of x
COS(x) Cosine of x radians
CTN(x) Cotangent of x radians

7-42 UP-9662.5


Function Description

DEG(x) x radians expressed in degrees

EXP(x) Exponent: natural number "e" raised to power x
FRAC(x) Fractional portion of x
HCOS(x) Hyperbolic cosine of x
HSIN(x) Hyperbolic sine of x
HTAN(x) Hyperbolic tangent of x
INT(x) Integer portion of x
LOG(x) Logarithm of x in base "e"
LOGIO(x) Logarithm of x in base 10
MAX(x/ .....xn) Maximum value of all subfields specified
MIN(xl xn) Minimum value of all subfields specified
MOD(x,y) Modulus: remainder value of x//y
RAD(x) x degrees in radians
RAN(x) Random integer value in range x to y
SIN(x) Sine of x radians
SQRT(x) Square root of x
SUM(x/, ,xn Sum: total value of all subfields specified
TAN(x) Tangent of x radians
VAVG(xl xn) Vertical average of all subfields
VMAX(xl xn) Vertical maximum of all subfields
VMIN(x/ .....xn) Vertical minimum of all subfields
VSUM(xl xn) Vertical sum of all subfields

Equations can also include DEF statements in the format:


to produce a numeric value that defines the contents of a report field

(see Table 7-8).

UP-9662.5 7-43

Table 7-8. CAL: DEF Statement Report Fields/Values

Contents of Report Field (field-label)* Value

All tab characters or spaces or both 0

All numeric characters 1

All alphabetic characters 2

Alphabetic and numeric characters 3

All special characters 4

Special and numeric characters 5

Special and alphabetic characters 6

Special, numeric, and alphabetic characters 7

The contents of a report field can include either just the characters indicated or both the characters
indicated and spaces.

Equations can include these conditional statements:

IF:expression1; . . .


THEN:equationi; . .


ELSE:equationt; . .

7-44 UP-9662.5


You can use the CAL statement to perform computations on dates and
times. CAL converts the date and time data to numeric values and
processes them with equations.

The results of these computations represent numbers of days or hours.

You can then convert these numbers to a specific format. See Table 7-9
for the available formats.

Using the DATE functions, you can process dates from January 1, 1944,
through December 31, 2043.

Using the TIME functions, the CAL statement translates times into
numbers of hours relative to midnight. You can also process minutes
and times in computations; just convert them into hours by dividing
minutes by 60 and seconds by 3,600. All times are based on a 24-hour

There are two constant labels, which you can use directly in equations
when you want to perform calculations or comparisons with the current
date or time:

TODAY contains the current date expressed in the number of days

relative to January 1, 1944.

TIME contains the current time expressed in the number of hours

relative to midnight.

UP-9662.5 7-45

Input Functions

DATE INPUT functions translate dates in any of several formats into a

number of days relative to January 1, 1944. You can use this number
to compare dates or create a new date by adding or subtracting a
number of days. Its format is:



is a number (0 through 8) identifying the date format.

is a numeric date value or any type of label except a multiple

field label other than the receiving label.

TIME INPUT functions translate times in any of several formats into a

number of hours relative to midnight. You can use this number to
compare other times or create a new time by adding or subtracting a
number of hours. Its format is:



is a number (0 through 3) identifying the time format.

is a numeric time value or any type of label except a multiple

field label other than the receiving label.

7-46 UP-9662.5

Output Functions

The DATE OUTPUT functions translate the number of days relative to

January 1, 1944, into one of several formats. You enter a DATE
OUTPUT function as an equation option on an individual equation,
such as:



receiving-label is a field label or value label.

(x) is the output format the number of days is

to be translated into. The format must be
in parentheses.

expression is a date calculation, usually the addition or

subtraction of days from a date.

TIME OUTPUT functions translate the number of hours relative to

midnight into one of several output formats. You enter a TIME
OUTPUT function as an equation option on an individual equation,
such as:



receiving-label is a field label or value label.

(x) is the output format the number of hours is

to be translated into. The format must be
in parentheses.

expression is a time calculation, usually the addition

or subtraction of hours from a time.

UP-9662.5 7-47

When you specify a DATE or TIME OUTPUT function in an equation,

the E, I, J, and R function and equation options are disabled since they
also specify a type of output format.

If you specify a receiving label that is not large enough to contain the
output format or if the result value of the expression isn't a valid time,
CAL fills the field with asterisks (*) and assigns it a value of zero.

The system always right-justifies numeric formats and left-justifies

alpha formats in the output field. It fills any unused columns in the
output field with spaces.


Table 7-9 shows all available input and output formats for dates and
times. The Min Size field specifies the minimum number of columns
required to display that specific format.

7-48 UP-9662.5

Table 7-9. DATE and TIME Formats

Format Input Output Min Size

DATEOS (YMMDD) D0(x) D(0) 5

DATE1$ (YYMMDD) D1(x) D(1) 6
DATE2$ (DD MMM YY) D2(x) D(2) 9
DATE3S (YDAY) D3(x) D(3) 4
DATE4$ (YYDAY) 04(x) D(4) 5
DATE5$ (DDMMYY) D5(x) D(5) 6
DATE6$ (MM/DD/YY) 06(x) D(6) 8
DATE7$ (Month DO, YYYY) D7(x) D(7) 18*
DATE8$ (MMDDYY) D8(x) D(8) 6
TIMM (HH:MM:SS) TO(x) T(0) 8
TIME1S (HH:MM) T1(x) T(1) 5
T I ME2$ (HHMMSS) T2(x) T(2) 6
TIME3$ (HHMM) T3(x) T(3) 4

More Output Time Formats

Hour number T(H) 2

Minute number T(M) 2
Second number T(S) 2

More Output Date Formats

Month name D(C) 1**

Day D(D) 2
Julian day D(J) 3
Month D(M) 2
Day nunber 0(N) 1
Day name D(W) 1**
Year D(Y) 2

DATE7$ fields must be exactly 18 characters; fewer displays all asterisks.

The number of characters for output formats C and W depends on the field size of the
receiving label.

UP-9662.5 7-49

In addition to the date and time equation options (Dn and Tn), you can
use one of two W options in your equations:

Wn specifies the number of days in a work week, from 1 to 6.

(Default = 7.) A work week is considered to start on Monday.

W- overrides the W option.

The last example in this subsection shows date processing.


You can use the ICAL run to create a CAL statement. For information
on how to use the ICAL run, see the Manual Functions Reference.

To create a CAL run statement equivalent of an equation set, use the

ICAL run to process the equation set, press F4, and select the Display
Run Statement option. This displays a freeform Full Character Set
(FCS) type A result containing the CAL run statement. Note that you
can't use the ICAL run to create a CAL run statement if your site is
using a Limited Character Set (LCS) type for the freeform type A

The Manual Functions Reference shows a detailed example using ICAL.

If you try that example, pressing F4 and selecting the Display Run
Statement option, you receive the following statement:

@CAL,O,C,2 'R.01' 25-7.33-8.42-7,56-8 ❑ ,A,B,C,D k

C=B-A:D=C/B*100 .


NOTE: All CAL examples except the last one process tab lines in RID
IC, mode 0.

7-50 UP-9662.5

Example 1: Multiplying Two Fields




Use no options.

'SPACE-REQ' Label the SPACE REQ field:

A Field A.

'DEMO-QUAN' Label the DEMO QUANTITY field:

B Field B.


C Field C.

C=A*B Multiply the SPACE REQ field (A) by the

DEMO QUANTITY field (B) and place the
product in the DEMO RESULTS field (C).

Example 2: Moving Values into Fields Based on Values

The following example moves all values that exceed 24,000 from one
field into another field:


D,A,B IF:A>24000;THEN:B=A .

Use no options.

'RETAIL $$$$' Label the RETAIL $$$$ field:

A Field A.


B Field B.

UP-9662.5 7-51

IF:A>24000; Put all RETAIL $$$$ field (A)

THEN:B=A values that exceed 24,000 into the DEMO
RESULTS field (B).

Example 3: Averaging Items in a Field

@CAL.0,C,1 R.01 42-7,65-15 ❑ ,A,B B=VAVG(A) .


R.01 Use the R option. Round result to nearest

one hundredth.

42-7 Label the SALES COMMIS field (column 42

for 7 characters):
A Field A.

65-15 Label the DEMO RESULTS field (column

65 for 15 characters):
B Field B.

B=VAVG(A) Put the cumulative vertical average of the

SALES COMMIS field (A) into the

Example 4: Using Apostrophes and Quotation Marks

The following example uses CAL in an LCS run control report. (Notice
the apostrophes around the string BLACKBOX; these are necessary for
the MAPPER system to distinguish between the string and the reserved
word TIC$):

@CAL,O,C,1„,99 C 2-8 ❑ ,A IF:A=TICVBLACKBOX'TIC$ .

7-52 UP-9662.5

Here is the same example using an FCS/FCSU run control report. (Note
that if the string contained a space, it would need to be enclosed in
apostrophes as well as quotation marks.)

@CAL,O,C,1,„99 C 2-8 ❑ ,A IF:A="BLACKBOX' .


99 Go to label 99 if no data exists.

C Use the C option to include in the

result only those lines that meet a
true condition based on the last IF

2-8 Label the first eight characters of

the PRODUCT TYPE field (column
2 for 8 characters):
A Field A.

IF:A=TICVBLACKBOX'TIC$ Include all lines with

IF:A="BLACKBOX" BLACKBOX in the first eight
characters of the PRODUCT TYPE

UP-9662.5 7-53

Example 5: Calculating Vertical Totals and Maximum Values

@CAL,O,C,1„,99 L 25-7,33-8,65-15 0,A,B+,C+ X

MAXA.VMAX(A);MAX13.VMAX(B);C=B-A V119,V219,1
V319,V419 .


99 Go to label 99 if no data exists.

L Use the L option to list all value label

names and their final values at the end of
the result.

25-7,33-8,65-15 Label the WHOLE SALE$ field (column 25

for 7 characters), the RETAIL $$$$ field
(column 33 for 8 characters), and the DEMO
RESULTS field (column 65 for 15

A,B+,C+ Fields A, B, and C, with the vertical

operator + on fields B and C.

MAXA=VMAX(A); Put the highest value found in the WHOLE

SALE$ field (A) in the value label MAXA.

MAXB=VMAX(B); Put the highest value found in the RETAIL

$$$$ field (B) in the value label MAXB.

C=B-A Subtract field A from field B and put the

difference in field C.

V119,V219, Capture the vertical total of RETAIL $$$$

V319,V4I9 (field B) in VI, the vertical total of DEMO
RESULTS (field C) in V2, the contents of
the MAXA value label in V3, and the
contents of the MAXB value label in V4.

7-54 UP-9662.5

Example 6: Processing Dates

Here's an example of processing dates using CAL. It adds a constant

number of days to a date and specifies the same input and output date

@CAL.0.13,2 V 50-6 ❑ ,A A,D(1)=D1(A)+30 .


0,B,2 Process RID 2B in mode 0.

V Use the V option to process only valid data.

50-6 Label the PRODUC PLAN field (column 50

for six characters):
A Field A.

A,D(1)= Add 30 days to the date in the

D 1(A)+3 PRODUC PLAN field (A); both the input
and output dates are in DATE1$ format.

UP-9662.5 7-55
CAR (Clear Abort Routine)

Use a CAR statement to cancel an abort routine previously registered

by an RAR statement (see RAR).


@CAR .

7-56 UP-9662.5
CAU (Calculate Update)

The CAU statement performs arithmetic computations and conditional

evaluations on reports and creates an updatable result.

You can do one of the following:

❑ Follow the CAU statement with a DEL statement to delete the

found lines from the report (see DEL).

❑ Follow the CAU statement with an EXT statement to extract the

found lines from the report and create a result (see EXT).

❑ Make changes to the updatable result and follow the CAU

statement with a UPD statement to blend the updated lines from
the updatable result back into the report (see UPD).

You cannot execute a CAU statement against a result.

See CAL; the same information applies to CAU.


@CAU,m,t,r[J,q,lab] o cc Ityp,p eq [vrslts] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report to process.

the line number at which to start processing.

how many lines (quantity) to process.

the label or relative line number to go to if no data exists.


UP-9662.5 7-57


In field: Enter:

options (use CALCULATE options from the CAL


the column-character positions or names of the fields in

which to calculate.

the line type to process. (If you specify the A option,

leave this subfield blank.)

the parameters, which include:

Alphabetic field labels

Vertical operators (+, /,< , and >)

equations in the format:

eceiving-label Loptions1=expressionr; . . . I


receiving-label may have:

Alphabetic field labels

One- to six-character value labels (beginning with

an alphabetic character, and having both
alphanumeric characters and characters $, %, !,
and ?)

Constant labels PI, LINE, and RLINE


7-58 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:


Equation options that override statement options,

if entered. Options E, I, J(x), Kn, Nn, Rn, and *
are valid (see statement options field o). Enter
the option followed by a minus sign to override
statement option (for example, N-). If you use
the J option, the minus sign must be enclosed in

expressionl; .

Combination of one or more operands and zero or

more operators regarded as a single numeric

vrslts the variables to capture the final results of vertical

operations and final values of value labels in order
initialized. Initialize variables for the number of results
and final values you want to capture.

Reserved Words

Reserved words: STAT1$ and STATn..

Word Content

STAT1$ Number of lines processed (i.e., number of lines of line type specified)

STAT2$ Total number of lines in report (excluding header lines)

UP-9662.5 7-59


@CAU , 0 . D , 2 C 'ORDER( 1 - 2 ) ' 0 , A I F : A=96 EXT .


0,D,2 Process RID 2D in mode 0.

C Use the C option to include in the result

only those lines that meet a true condition
based on the last IF statement.

'ORDER(1-2)' Label the first two characters of the

A Field A.

0 Process tab lines.

IF:A=96 EXT If the first two characters of ORDER

NUMBER (A) equal 96, delete the lines
from RID 2D and place the lines in the

7-60 UP-9662.5
CER (Clear Error Routine)

Use a CER statement to cancel an error routine previously registered by

an RER statement (see RER).


@CER .

UP-9662.5 7-61
CHD (Command Handler)

Use a CHD statement to register a routine to be executed whenever the

user of the run enters information in the control line after a DSP,
OUT, or SC statement.

The command handler routine can be in the same run control report
(internal) or in another run control report (external). External
command handler routines must be in the same character set type as the
calling run control report.

NOTE: Don't use the CHD statement unless you're an advanced run
writer. Its use is intended primarily for intercepting and
interpreting commands that normally go to MAPPER software.

Without a CHD statement in the run, MAPPER software interprets all

entries made in the control line. With a CHD statement in the run,
however, the run itself interprets and processes input from the control
line, except for the RELEASE function (a caret); MAPPER software
continues to perform the RELEASE function unless you choose to give
control to the run.

Whenever a run user transmits with the cursor on the control line, the
run continues at the label for the report specified in the CHD
statement and cancels any active subroutines. For example, if a
subroutine contains a DSP, OUT, or SC statement, an ESR statement
won't work (see ESR).

7-62 UP-9662.5


@CHD[,m,t,r,rel?] lab .

In field: Enter:

• the mode, type, and RID number of the report that

contains an external command handler routine.

rel? a Y to transfer release control (^) to the run. If you do

not specify a mode, type, and report, skip only two
subfields (for example, @CHD,,,Y 99 .).

lab the label where the command handler routine starts (use 0
to cancel the currently registered command handler

You can also put a line number in the lab field. For
external routines, use the absolute line number (LIN n,
where n is 1 or greater); for internal routines, use the
relative line number (LIN nI LIN -11).

UP-9662.5 7-63

Reserved Words

Reserved words: ICVAR$ and FKEY$

ICVAR$ works only with a CHD statement; FKEY$ works with a CHD or KEY statement

Word Content

ICVAR$ Captures user input from the control line. Remember to put ICVAR$ before
the variable in the CHG statement, and put the CHG statement before the
DSP, OUT, or SC statement. If you specify Y in the forced transmit
(fxmit?) subfield of an OUT statement, it has the same effect as pressing
XMIT. If the cursor is on the control line, it also affects ICVAR$ input.

You should use string variables (type S), but you can use type A or type H
variables if the data fits in them. The system copies all input (except
leading tab characters) into the specified variable up to the end of the

Other reserved words used to capture input (INMSV$, INPUTS, INSTR$, INVAR$,
and INVR1$) are not affected if the user transmits with the cursor below
the control line.

FKEYS You can find out which key the user pressed with the reserved word FKEYS,
whose value is always 0 if a CHD or KEY statement hasn't been used.
Whenever the user presses a function key, the run continues executing at
the statement following the DSP, OUT, or SC statement--not in the CHD
routine--and FKEY$ contains a number indicating the key pressed:

-1 MSG WAIT (not applicable with the KEY statement)

0 XMIT (with cursor below control line)
1 F1 or RSM
2 F2 or PNT
3-22 F3-F22

7-64 UP-9662.5


If the user presses XMIT from the control line, go to label 52 in this
run control report:

@CHD 52 .

If the user presses XMIT from the control line or enters a release
character, go to label 100:

@CHD„,Y 100 .

If the user presses XMIT from the control line, go to the current line
plus 3 in this run control report:

@CHD LIN +3 .

Cancel the currently registered command handler routine:

@CHD 0 .

Here is an example using ICVAR$, INVAR$, and FKEY$:

@CHD 10 .
@OUT,O,A,-0,2,1,„Y .
@CHG V412 FKEY$ .
@IF V4 = -1,(20),0,(30),1,(40),2,(50),3,(60),4,(70)

Processing continues at different points in the run, depending on which

key the user presses:

❑ If the user presses XMIT from the control line, the run goes to label
10, with VI capturing command input (entire control line).

If the user presses MSG WAIT, the run goes to label 20.

❑ If the user presses XMIT with the cursor below the control line, the
run goes to label 30, with V2 or V3 capturing data input.

UP-9662.5 7-65

❑ If the user presses Fl, the run goes to label 40.

❑ If the user presses F2, the run goes to label 50.

❑ If the user presses F3, the run goes to label 60.

❑ If the user presses F4, the run goes to label 70.

7-66 UP-9662.5
CHG (Change)

Use a CHG statement to initialize or redefine the contents of variables

(see Section 4 for more information about initializing and redefining
variables). You can initialize or redefine all variable types except
string variables with a CHG statement.

Also use a CHG statement for simple arithmetic computations. You can
add, subtract, multiply, divide, and integer divide numbers or the
contents of variables.

NOTE: To simply increase or decrease the numeric value of a

variable, use the INC or DEC statement.


@CHG v vld .

In field: Enter:

v the variable and, optionally, the variable type.

vld variables, literal data, arithmetic expressions, reserved

words, or any combination of these, to load the variable


This statement initializes the variable <CHAR> as an SOE character:


UP-9662.5 7-67

The following statement creates V3 from the computation. Note that the
CHG statement evaluates the computations from left to right.

@CHG V316 V1 + V10 * V12 - 3 .

In this statement, V3 contains 3 (2.5 rounded to 3):

@CHG V316 5 / 2 .

In this statement, V3 contains 2 (the integer portion of the answer):

@CHG V316 5 // 2 .

In this statement, V3 contains 2.50:

@CHG V3F5.2 5 / 2 .

NOTE: Precede and follow each operator (+, *, /, //) with a space.


Use a CHG statement to place the contents of reserved words in

variables. Put the reserved word in the vld field, as in this example:


Put reserved words that capture user input be fore the variable. These
reserved words capture user input:

ICVAR$ (see CHD)

INMSV$ (see OUM)
INSTR$ (see OUT)
INVAR$ (see OUT)
INVR1$ (see OUT)

Here's an example:


7-68 UP-9662.5


Type 0 variables have these additional operators:

A logical AND
0 logical OR
X exclusive OR
L left shift
R right shift
C circular shift

NOTE: Right shift = +; left shift =

A shift of a type 0 variable is actually a bit-count shift. If the data

being loaded is a literal value, MAPPER software assumes an octal
value. If the data resides in another variable, MAPPER software
assumes a decimal value and converts it to octal before processing.

In this example, VI is changed to an octal variable with four

characters, with an initial value of 2:

@CHG V104 2 .

The following statement performs a logical AND of the contents of VI

with 7:

@CHG V1 V1 A 7 .

The following statement performs a circular shift on the contents of V I

to the left one bit:

@CHG V1 V1 C -1 .

UP-9662.5 7-69
CLK (Clear Link)

Use a CLK statement in a run that was started by a LNK statement to

clear the link to the original run (see LNK). Note that after you clear
the link, you can link to another run.


@CLK .

7-70 UP-9662.5
CLT (Clear Label Tables)

Use a CLT statement to delete label tables in a run control report and
create a result.

A CLT statement is especially useful for deleting existing label tables

in a run control report for easier run development and testing.

NOTE: You will most of ten use the manual CLT function rather than
the run statement. To use the manual function, simply
display your run control report, enter clt, and replace the
result. See the Manual Functions Reference for more details.


@CLT ,m,t,r[lab] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the run control report
in which to clear label tables.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if there is an


UP-9662.5 7-71


@CLT,O,E,10,99 .


0,E,10 Clear label table in RID 10E, mode 0.

99 Go to label 99 if no labels are found in the run

control report.

See BLT for information on building label tables in a run control


7-72 UP-9662.5
CLV (Clear Variables)

Use a CLV statement to clear the definition and contents of a range of


Typically, you use a CLV statement to release string variable space,

where only a limited amount is available. After releasing the string
space, you can use it for other variables.


@CLII,stvno,q1 .

In field: Enter:

stvno the starting variable number to clear (q is assumed if

stvno is not specified).

q how many variables (quantity) to clear. All variables are

cleared if this field is not specified.


This statement clears variables 1 through 10:

@CLV , 1 . 1 0 .

This statement clears all variables:

@CLV .

See also PSH.

UP-9662.5 7-73
CMU (Commit Updates)

Use a CMU statement to make updates that were previously deferred in

a report.

Use a CMU statement after a DFU statement if you want to commit the
updates made since the DFU statement executed.



7-74 UP-9662.5
CPY (Copy)

The CPY statement copies an OS 1100 program file or element, or a

data file, from one site to another through the remote run link. The
file must be a sector-formatted file with no read or write keys. A
remote run link (see RRN) must exist between the two sites.

If the receiving file does not exist, the Executive System (Exec) creates
it with a maximum granularity of 6400 tracks.


@CPY,o Isfq,Ifn[,lelv] rms[ymq,rmfir,rme,rmv] rmu,rmd,rmpw[f] .

In field: Enter:

0 options:

A Absolute element
O Omnibus element
R Relocatable element
S Symbolic element

the local site number.

the local qualifier.

the local file name.

le the local element name.

/v the local version.

rms the remote site number.


UP-9662.5 7-75


In field: Enter:

rmq the remote qualifier.

rmfn the remote file name.

rme the remote element name.

rmv the remote version.

rmu the user-id registered at the remote site.

rmd the user department number registered at the remote site.

rmpw the user sign-on password at the remote site.

1 the line number on the screen where progress messages



This statement copies qualifier MAPPER, file 2, absolute element

THREE, version 1, to site number 2. Since the rest of the receiving
subfields are blank, the copied element has the same identification—
qualifier MAPPER, file 2, absolute element THREE, version 1.

JDOE is the user-id and 7 is the department number at the receiving



7-76 UP-9662.5
CSR (Clear Subroutine)

Use a CSR statement in an external subroutine to clear the return path

to the calling run control report.

Once you use a CSR statement, you can no longer return to the calling
run control report. You must use a CSR statement in the external
subroutine run control report before calling another external
subroutine. (See also RSR.)

NOTE: Use a CSR statement only in conjunction with an equivalent

ESR statement. Use an ESR statement only in conjunction
with an RSR statement. Call your coordinator for further

Register run control reports that have external subroutines with

associated calling runs.


@CSR .

See RSR for examples using subroutines.

UP-9662.5 7-77
DAT (Date)

The DAT statement performs computations on dates (from 1964 to 2063)

within reports and results, and creates a result.


@DAT,m,t,r o cc Ityp,p .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report to perform

computations in.


A Process all line types.

T Convert the time in a field designated with a plus

sign ( + ) to decimal hours, and place the converted
time in the field with an equal sign ( = ). If you
don't specif y an equal sign, the result overlays the
data in the time field.

NOTE: The only valid parameters are the plus and

equal signs. The input data must be in the
format hh:mm:ss or hhmm.

W Determine the day of the week.

n Specify the number of workdays in a week for

computations, where n is the number of workdays.


7-78 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

the column-character positions or names of the fields

where dates are located in the report.

the line type to process. (If you specify the A option,

leave this subfield blank.)

the parameters:

date format: arithmetic:

A ymmdd + add
B yymmdd subtract
C dd mmm yy = move result to this field
D yddd K constant (integer)
E yyddd place day of week here
F ddmmyy
G mm/dd/yy
I mmddyy

The parameters subfield tells you at a glance which

operations are performed in a DAT statement, how many
date fields are used, their format, and which arithmetic
functions are performed on each one. Always specify a
result date field, such as B= or =.

If you don't specify a format in either the + or - field,

format B is assumed in both fields.

If you specify a format for either the + or - field

(but not both), the specified format is assumed for both

If you don't specify a format for the = field, the format

specified for the + field (if one exists) is assumed;
otherwise, the format specified for the - field is assumed.

UP-9662.5 7-79

Example 1: Subtracting Dates


'SHIP-DATE' ❑ ,-,+,_ .


.DAT,O,B,2 " 57-6,50-6,64-6 0, .


0,B,2 Process RID 2B in mode 0.

Use no options.

'PRODUC-ACTUAL' Subtract the date in the

57-6 PRODUC ACTUAL field (column 57 for 6

'PRODUC-PLAN' from the PRODUC PLAN field

50-6 (column 50 for 6 characters)

'SHIP-DATE' and put the difference in the SHIP

64-6 DATE field (column 64 for 6

❑ Process tab lines.

7-80 UP-9662.5

Example 2: Converting Dates to a Different Format

@DAT,0,13,2 " 50-6,32-6 0,B,F=


0,B,2 Process RID 2B in mode 0.

Use no options.

50-6 Convert the format B date in the

B PRODUC PLAN field (column 50 for 6

32-6 to a format F date, and place it in

F= the PRODUC COST field (column 32 for 6

0 Process tab lines.

UP-9662.5 7-81
DC (Date Calculator)

The DC statement performs arithmetic computations on dates (from

1944 to 2043) or times that reside in variables, or on literal dates or


@DC eq vrslts .

In field: Enter:

eq equations. Separate equations with a semicolon.

vrslts variables to capture results of the equations in the order


For each date you use in an equation, specify its format first. Enter
dates in this format:

Dn (x)


n is the number (0 through 8) identifying the date format.

is the variable containing the date, or the actual date.

7-82 UP-9662.5

Enter times in this format:

Tn (x)


is the number (0 through 3) identifying the time format.

is the variable containing the time, or the actual time.

NOTE: If you add 1 to the time, it appears in the hours position.

Use these formats:


D7(x) DATE7$ MONTH DD, YYYY* (format of constant
label TODAY)
TO(x) TIMEO$ HH:MM:SS (format of constant
label TIME)
T1(x) TIME1$ HH: MM
Since these formats have spaces, enclose actual dates in apostrophes. Don't enclose variables that
have these formats in apostrophes.

UP-9662.5 7-83

Each equation in a DC statement creates a label (A through Z,

consecutively) that you can use in subsequent equations in the same
statement. You don't need to specify the format of a date represented
by a label —it stays the same as the answer it represents and the system
remembers it. You cannot name your own labels (as you can with an
ART statement). However, two constant labels are available for
calculations based on current date and time (TODAY and TIME).

Your answer appears in the same format as the date you use in the
equation, unless you specifically change the format.


Change formats with these equations:



is the date.

is the time.

is the format number.

changes the answer of an expression to the day-of-the-week

name of the resulting date.


VI equals today's date plus 90 days in DATE7$ format:

@DC TODAY+90 V1H18 .

VI equals today's date in DATE1$ format; V2 equals current time in

TIMEO$ format:

@OC D1=TODAY;T1ME V116,V2I8 .

7-84 UP-9662.5

V1 equals the day of the week that January 25, 1980, was; V2 equals
850125 plus five days, changed to DATE7$ format; V3 equals the
number of days difference between the date in V2 (label B) and today's

@DC DW=D7('JANUARY 25, 1980');D7=D1(850125)+5:1

TODAY-B V1H1O.V2H18.1/314 .

VI equals 831007 (V5) plus 60 days in DATE1$ format; V2 equals the

day of the week that the date in VI (A) is; V3 equals the date in VI
(A) in DATE7$ format; V4 equals the date in V3 (C) minus two days in
DATE7$ format:

@LDV V516=831007 .
@OC D1(V5)+60;DW=A;D7=A;C-2 V116.V2H10,113H18.1/4H18 .

UP-9662.5 7-85

Use a DCPY statement to copy an OS 1100 program file or element, or

data file, from one host to another using DDP 1100.

The MAPPER system implements the DDP file transfer capability

asynchronously. When the DCPY statement is executed, the MAPPER
system transfers the copy request to DDP. DDP then does preliminary
error checking and returns a status to the MAPPER system indicating
that the copy is in progress. If the preliminary error checking does not
pass, however, no error condition is returned. In either case, control is
returned to the MAPPER system. Because the MAPPER system does not
wait for the copy to complete, there are no reserved words that
determine the status of the copy; you must determine the status outside
of your MAPPER run.


@DCPYLIabl host,fn,rhostin,typel,pos,transl] .

In field: Enter:

lab the label or relative line number to go to if an error

status is returned by DDP 1100.

host the name of the host configured in DDP 1100 that

contains the file to be copied from. Specify the host here
as you specify it in the IPF environment.

fn the name of the file contained on the host. If the file

name contains special characters, enclose the field in
single quotation marks.

rhost the name of the host configured in DDP 1100 that is to

receive the file.


7-86 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

the name of the file on the receiving host. If the file

name contains special characters, enclose the field in
single quotation marks.

the type of file or element to copy. If you need more

than one type, separate them with commas and enclose the
field in single quotation marks.

These are valid types:

DDP Copy the entire file

ALL Copy all elements of the program file
SYM Copy a symbolic element
REL Copy a relocatable element
ABS Copy an absolute element
OMN Copy an omnibus element

pos ADD to add to the end of a file, or REP to replace the

existing file or element. (Note that you cannot use ADD
if you are copying to an OS 1100 file.)

transl a data translation entry. Files transferred between two

OS 1100 sites must use transparent (TRA), which is also
the default.


UP-9662.5 7-87


In field: Enter:

These are the valid entries (you need to specify only the
first three characters):

TRAnsparent Do not translate the file or element.

ASCii Translate the file or element to


EBCdic Translate the file or element to


Please refer to the DDP-FJT Operations Guide, Vol. 1: IPF Interface for
more information about each field of the DCPY run statement.

Reserved Words

The reserved words STAT1$, STAT2$, and STAT3$ contain error codes.
These codes are listed in the DDP-PPC/DDP-FJT Messages Reference

Reserved words STAT1$ STAT2$, and STAT3$ (error codes)

Word Content

STAT1$ Interface error



7-88 UP-9662.5


This statement copies all symbolic elements from the file A*B. located
on host RSL2 to the file D*E. on host TOC. The elements replace any
existing elements on host TOC. If there was an error in the statement
or DDP configuration, STAT1$, STAT2$, and STAT3$ contain the
status code and the label 1 exit is taken.

When the DCPY is in progress, the file cannot be completely copied

before control is returned. MAPPER software waits up to one minute
for a status from the other host. If the status is not received, a COPY
IN PROGRESS error is returned (STAT2$=1 and STAT3$=15).
Depending upon the system usage, it may take some time for the copy
to complete.

fOCPY.1 RSL2,'A*B.',TOC.'D*E.',SYM,REP .

UP-9662.5 7-89
DCR (Decode Report)

Use a DCR statement to decode a report that has been encoded with the
ENCODE function or ECR run statement (see ECR). The decoded report
becomes the current (-0) result.

Use caution when encoding and decoding reports. Here are some
important things to remember:

❑ Don't forget your key. A report cannot be decoded if you lose or

forget the key because no record of it is kept by the MAPPER
system. Your coordinator cannot tell you what it is.

❑ Invalid characters and corresponding error messages are produced

in these cases:

- You specified the wrong key.

- The encoded report has been corrupted.
- The report is not encoded.

❑ If you are using a normal ASCII terminal, you may not be able to
decode a report that was encoded from a National Character Set
(NCS) terminal. In addition, you may not be able to decode a
report that contains special NCS characters from a normal ASCII

❑ Because of high processing overhead, you may impact system

performance if you use the DCR statement excessively.

7-90 UP-9662.5


@DCR,m,t,r,key .

In field: Enter:

m,tl the mode, type, and RID number of the report to decode.

key the one- to eight-character key that was used to encode

the report (A-Z and 0-9).


This statement decodes RID 10B of mode 0, which was encoded using
the key JMT6077:

WR,O,B,10.0.4T6077 .

UP-9662.5 7-91
DCRE (DDP Create)

Use a DCRE statement to create a file on a DDP 1100 host. Before a

file is copied with DCPY, it must already be created on the remote host
with DCRE.


@DCREL jab] host,f4devAnit,gran,maxfz,vol,accessl .

In field: Enter:

lab the label or relative line number to go to if an error

status is returned by DDP 1100.

host the name of the host configured in DDP 1100 where the
file is to be created or allocated. Specify the host
here as you specify it in the IPF environment.

the name of the file to be created or allocated. If the file
name contains special characters, enclose the field in
single quotation marks.

dev the name of the device where the file is to be created.

(See the DDP-FJT Operations Guide, Vol. 1: IPF Interface
for a list of valid device types.)

init the initial file size in bytes. (Default = 0.) Note that on
an 1100 host, this number multiplied by the granularity
and divided by 7168 gives the number of tracks to

gran the granularity of the file that specifies the size (in 9-bit
bytes) of the units used in the hilt and maxfz subfields.
(Default = 7168 bytes, which is one track.)


7-92 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

maxfz the maximum file size in bytes. (Default = system

default size.)

vol the volume-id for a removable or system disk pack.

(Default = system fixed mass storage volume.)

access the access type for the file (you need to specify only the
first three characters):

PUBlic This is a public (shared) file.

PRIvate This is private (nonshared) file (default).

Please refer to the DDP-FJT Operations Guide, Vol. 1: IPF Interface for
more information about each field of the DCRE run statement.

Reserved Words

The reserved words STAT1$, STAT2$, and STAT3$ contain error codes.
These error codes are listed in the DDP-PPC/DDP-FJT Messages
Reference Manual.

Reserved words: STAT1$,.:,STT2S, and STAT3$ (error code

Word Content

STAT1$ Interface error



UP-9662.5 7-93


This statement creates the file A*B in host RSL2 on an 8450 disk with
a movable head. The file is public and has an initial size of 10 tracks
with a maximum of 500 tracks.

@OCRE.1 RSL2,'A*B.',F50M.10..500„PUB .

This Exec control statement creates the same file in a batch or demand

@CAT,P A*B.,F50M/10/TRK/500 .

7-94 UP-9662.5
DCU (Decommit Updates)

Use a DCU statement to decommit deferred updates and restore the

reports to their state before a DFU statement (see DFU).


@Dcu .

UP-9662.5 7-95
DEC (Decrement Variables)

Use a DEC statement to decrease the numeric value of variables.

You cannot use a DEC statement with string (type S) variables. Also, if
the variable you're trying to change contains alphabetic or special
characters, the variable remains unchanged. A DEC statement is more
efficient than a CHG statement, and it requires fewer characters.


qp,DECi,n1 v I,v,...v] .

In field: Enter:

n the floating-point or integer number by which you want

to decrease the value. (Default = 1.)

the variables you want to decrease by n.


To subtract 1 from the numeric value of V3, use:

@DEC V3 .

instead of:

@CHG V3 V3 - 1 .

To subtract 5 from the numeric values in <COST> and <TOTAL>, use:


7-96 UP-9662.5
DEF (Define)

Use a DEF statement to do the following:

❑ Test a variable, variable substring, or reserved word for its current

contents or characteristics

❑ Set another variable to a value based on the option used


@DEFI,o,/abl (setv,testv I selv,testv) .

In field: Enter:

o an option. If you use an option, use only one. These are

the options:

A Change the numeric form type in the test variable

(which must be a valid, positive octal number and
have a valid numeric form type number) to its
equivalent alphabetic designation. The variable
being set must be a type A or H variable.

C Set the variable to contain the number of significant

characters in the test variable. A significant
character is any nonspace character or tab character.


UP-9662.5 7-97


In field: Enter:

I Set the variable to contain a number based on the

initialized type of test variable, as follows:

Test type: Set to:

A 1
F 2
S 3
I 4
H 5
O 6

K If the test variable has Kanji characters, set the

variable to 8. Otherwise, set it to 0 through 7 (see the
testy and setv values at the end of the options in this

M Change the numeric form type in the test variable to

its equivalent mode designation. A test variable must
have a valid octal number and a valid numeric form
type number. Set the variable to contain the mode
number in which its numeric form type resides. For
example, if the test variable's numeric type is 1 (form
type A), set the variable to equal 0 (mode zero).

N Define the numeric form type of the mode number

and alphabetic type in the test variable. The test
variable must contain modetype (for example, 24C).

P Set the variable to contain the packed size of the test

variable, as if it had been packed. (Packed size
equals the number of nonspace characters and any
intervening spaces.)


7-98 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

S Set the variable to contain the size of the test


T Set the variable to contain the number of tab

characters in the test variable.

V Set the variable to contain the variable name that is

assigned to the test variable number. (If testy does
not have a variable name assigned, setv is loaded with

If you don't specify an option, the DEF statement sets the

setv variable to a value from 0 to 7, depending on the
contents of the testy variable:

Contents of testy Value of setv

All tab characters or spaces or both 0

All numeric characters 1
All alphabetic characters 2
Alphabetic and numeric characters 3
All special characters 4
Special and numeric characters 5
Special and alphabetic characters 6
Special, numeric, and alphabetic characters 7

Note that the contents of testy can include either just the
characters indicated or both the characters and spaces.

the label or relative line number to go to if testy is not


the variable to set.

the variable or reserved word to test.

UP-9662.5 7-99


This example sets VI to the code defining the kinds of characters in


@DEF V1 V2

This statement sets <CODE> to the code defining the kinds of

characters in <CHARS>:


This statement sets V5 to equal the alphabetic form type of the valid
numeric form type in V6:

@DEF,A V5A1,V6 .

This statement sets <SIZE> to equal the number of characters in


@DEF,S <SIZE>12 <NAME> .

If VI was previously assigned to the variable name CAT, the following

statement loads V199 with CAT:

@DEF,V V199H12 V1 .

7-100 UP-9662.5
DEL (Delete)

The DEL statement deletes the lines appearing in the result of an

update function from the report.

The following statements produce update results:

LCH (with the OU option)
LOC (with the OU option)


@DEL .


In this example, the SRU statement searches tab lines for IP in column
2 for two characters. The DEL statement deletes all lines found in the
search update from the report:

@SRU,0,13.2 D 2-2 ❑ ,IP .

@DEL .

To save a logic line, put both statements on one line, as in this example:

@SRU,O,B,2 D 2-2 ❑ ,IP DEL .

UP-9662.5 7-101
DEV (Device)

The DEV statement lists auxiliary devices and their status for a
specified station. It creates a type A result if the device type you
specify exists at the station number specified, and you do not specify a
unit name.


@DEV,snLdev,unit,lab] .

In field: Enter:

sn the station number.

dev the device type:

C printers
D 5 1/4" diskette
T tape cassettes/diskettes

If you use the dev field, you must also use the unit field.

unit the name of the unit in the terminal configuration report

(such as COP, CQP, DS1, etc.). If you use the unit field,
you must also use the dev field.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no device or

unit exists at the station number specified.

7-102 UP-9662.5

Reserved Words

ReServed words: STAT1$, STAT2$, and STAT3$

Word Content

STAT1$ Number of devices specified in dev or unit subfield

STAT2$ Number of devices connected to the station

STAT3$ 0 if requested station does not exist

1 if requested station exists



The following statement lists type C devices, registered as COP, at

station 123; the run goes to label 99 if no device (as specified) is found:


UP-9662.5 7-103
DFU (Defer Updates)

Use a DFU statement in conjunction with CMU and DCU to control

multiple report updating. A DFU statement defers all updates to
reports (that is, the updates are not made) until a CMU statement is

If the run fails or aborts, the system restores all updates to the reports
to their state before the DFU statement.

If the system fails during a run before the CMU statement executes,
associated report updates are also decommitted.

You can control up to five reports with a DFU statement. Follow each
DFU statement with a CMU or DCU statement before specifying
another DFU statement.

If your run terminates for any reason, the system executes a DCU
statement automatically and terminates the run with an error. Once a
DFU statement executes, you must decommit or commit updates before
you end a run normally.

You cannot specify just the mode and type in an attempt to lock an
entire type.

These run statements cannot logically follow a DFU statement until a

CMU or DCU statement executes:

DFU set deferred update on a report

DSP display a report
LOK prevent other users from updating
OUM mask output to screen
OUT place lines on terminal screen
REL stop run by releasing
RTN return to a remote MAPPER run
RUN start another MAPPER run
SC create input screens or edit displayed data
WAT stall run for a timed wait
XIT sign user off from display terminal

7-104 UP-9662.5


@DFUllabi .

In field: Enter:

the label or relative line number to go to if an update

lock cannot be granted for any of the reports.

the modes, form types, and RID numbers of the reports

to lock (up to five reports).


This statement defers updating of reports 2B and 1C in mode 0; the run

goes to label 99 if either of these reports is locked:

@DFU,99 0,6,2.0.C.1 .

UP-9662.5 7-105
DIR (Directory Information)

Use the DIR statement to load variables with information about a data
name from the System Directory.

With the DIR statement, you can determine whether a data name is
valid and the kind of data the name represents (mode, form type, or


@DIR[Jab] name [vmode,vtype,vrid,vhiridr] .

In field: Enter:

the label or relative line number to go to if the name is


name the data name to define. The data name can include
nonsignificant characters, such as spaces or punctuation.
The name need not be enclosed within apostrophes unless
it contains embedded spaces.

vmode * the variable to capture the mode number.

vtype * the variable to capture the alphabetic form type.

vrid * the variable to capture the RID number.

vhiridr * the variable to capture the higher RID number if the data
name defines a range of reports.

* A data name can represent a mode, a form type, a report, or a range of reports. Variables that do not
apply for a particular data name are loaded with spaces.

7-106 UP-9662.5

Reserved Word

If the data name supplied is invalid, the run continues at the label.
Examine STAT1$ for error codes. If there is no label, the run errs.

Reserved Word STAT1$:

Code Error

1 Data name was not found in the System Directory.

2 Data name does not begin with an alphabetic character (A to Z).

3 Data name contains no alphanumeric characters (A to Z and 0 to 9).

4 Data name contains more than 16 alphanumeric characters.





99 Go to label 99 if ORDER-STATUS does not


ORDER-STATUS Data name to obtain information about.

<MODE>I4 Load <MODE> with the mode number of


<TYPE>H1 Load <TYPE> with its form type.

UP-9662.5 7-107

<RID>I4 Load <RID> with its report number.

<HIRID>I4 Load <HIRID> with its higher range report


7-108 UP-9662.5
DIS (Diskette)

Use a DIS statement to write data to and read data from a 5-1/4-inch
diskette drive connected to a Unisys UTS 30 display terminal.

The DIS statement is not supported on a UTS 60 display terminal. In

addition, both the DIS statement and the corresponding manual
function require level 3R4 microcode on UTS 30 display terminals.

NOTE: The DIS statement doesn't work on an IBM 3270 terminal.


@DIS.m,a,r,f,labl code,dev,fn[,ext,tabs?,hdrs?,transp?1 .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and report to write to or read from.

the report format to read or write.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if a diskette

error occurs.

code a W (for write), an R (for read), or a D (for delete).

dev a three-character device name.

fn a one- to eight-character file name.

ext a one- to three-character file name extension.

tabs? for writes: a Y to include tab characters.

for reads: a Y to replace spaces with tabs from RID 0, or
use predefined line type 0 to 9.


UP-9662.5 7-109


In field: Enter:

hdrs? for writes: a Y to include headers from the report.

for reads: a Y to include headers from RID 0.

transp? for writes: a Y to preserve lines longer than 80

characters. Enter Y for 132-character reports.

Reserved Word

Ree'rVed Word: STAT1$ (error codes)

Code Error

1 READY status was received when the diskette should be busy.

2 Diskette not ready or end of disk, directory, or file.

3 Diskette data error.

4 Diskette unable to proceed or no response.

5 Diskette device DLE 8.

6 Diskette timeout; THRU status wasn't received after BUSY.

7 Diskette file is empty or does not exist.

If you don t use a label, the run terminates and you get an error message (unless you
have an RER statement in the run to register an error routine).

If you use a label, STAT1$ indicates the type of error.

7-110 UP-9662.5


This statement writes RID 2B in mode 0 to a 5-1/4-inch diskette DS1

and gives it the file name FILE1:

@OIS,0,B,2 W,DS1,FILE1 .

UP-9662.5 7-111
DLL (Downline Load)

The DLL statement loads a precompiled program stored in a MAPPER

report into a Unisys UTS 400 master or UTS 40 display terminal.

NOTE: The DLL statement doesn't work on an IBM 3270 terminal.


@DLL,m,t,r,trfadr,deitproglab] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report to

downline load.

tr fadr the address to transfer control to after loading.

dev the auxiliary device to load.

proglab the program label reference to use when loading to



This statement downline loads the program in RID 10A into the
terminal's memory and transfers control to address A018 after loading:

@OLL,O,A,10,A018,MEM .

7-112 UP-9662.5
DLR (Delete Report)

The DLR statement deletes a MAPPER report, result, or renamed report.

Normally, only the last person who updated a report can delete that
report, but the DLR statement ignores this restriction, as well as read or
write password restrictions.


@DL R,m,t,r[jab] .

In field: Enter:

r the mode, type, and RID number of the report or result to


the label or relative line number to go to if the report or

result does not exist.



The following statement deletes the current result; the run goes to label
99 if the result does not exist:


UP-9662.5 7-113
DPUR (DDP Purge)

Use a DPUR statement to delete a file on a DDP 1100 host.

Here are some guidelines for using the DPUR statement:

❑ You can remove all evidence of a file's existence with the DPUR

❑ DDP provides protection to ensure that unauthorized deletion of

files does not occur. Therefore, the name you specify must include
any read/write keys.

❑ You can delete only one file with each DPUR statement.

❑ You can use the DPUR statement to delete only entire program or
data files; you cannot delete elements of a file.


@DPUR[Jabl host,fn .

In field: Enter:

lab the label or relative line number to go to if an error

status is returned by DDP 1100.

host the name of the host configured in DDP 1100 where the
file is to be deleted or purged. Specify the host here as
you specify it in the IPF environment.

fn the name of the file to be deleted or purged. If the file

name contains special characters, enclose the field in

7-114 UP-9662.5

Reserved Words

The reserved words STAT1$, STAT2$, and STAT3$ contain error codes.
These error codes are listed in the DDP-PPC/DDP-FJT Messages
Reference Manual.

Reserved wordst STAT1$ STAT2S, and STAT3$ (error codes)

Word Content

STAT1$ Interface error




This statement deletes the file A*B. on host RSHS:


UP-9662.5 7-115
DSG (Display Graphics)

The DSG statement translates the primitive graphics code in a report

and displays it on your terminal or another terminal. If you specify
interim display, the run continues automatically; if you don't, you must
press Fl or enter rsm to continue the run.

NOTE: The DSG statement clears the output area after executing.


@DSG,m,tAdisplay,interim?„sn,labl .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, form type, and RID number of the report
containing the primitive graphics code.

display an A to display alphanumeric text, a G to display

graphics (default), or an M to display both text and

interim? a Y for interim display (the run continues without the

user resuming). (Default = N.)

sn the station number where the DSG is to be displayed. If

you leave this field blank or specify 0, the DSG is
displayed at the station that is executing the run.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if a DSG to

another station cannot be successfully completed. If you
leave this field blank, and the DSG statement cannot be
successfully completed, the run is terminated with an
error. See "DSG TO ANOTHER STATION" in this section
for STAT1$ error codes.

7-116 UP-9662.5


You use the sn and lab subfields to display graphics on terminals other
than the one executing the run.

If you do not specify lab and the DSG statement cannot be successfully
completed, the run is terminated with an error. Examine STAT1$ for
the status code.

Reserved Word

Reserved word: STAT1$

Code Error

1 Station does not exist or it is a batch port, remote run, MM, or

background station.

2 Station is not available because it is not currently connected to the

MAPPER system.

3 Either no one is signed on at the specified station and interim was not
specified, or the terminal is not a graphics terminal.

4 There is no answer. The user at the specified station did not respond to
the message wait signal within one minute.

When you send a DSG to another terminal where a user is signed on,
that user's message wait signal is activated and your run stalls. If the
user responds to the message wait signal, the DSG information is
displayed on the user's screen. If you specified N in the interim?
subfield, your run stalls until the user at the receiving terminal presses
any key; if you specified Y in the interim? subfield, your run continues

UP-9662.5 7-117

If the user at the other terminal does not respond within one minute,
your run either continues at the specified label or terminates with an
error (STAT1$=4). If subsequent DSGs are sent to that station, the user
must respond to each message wait signal.

If you know that no user is signed on at the specified station, specify a

Y in the interim? subfield. In this case, the message wait signal is not
activated, the DSG information is displayed on the screen, and your
run continues. If you do not specify an interim DSG, your run
continues at the specified label or terminates with an error (STAT1$=3).

You cannot obtain exclusive use of any station. When more than one
run is sending a DSG to the same station, the outputs may be
intermixed and not displayed in the same order as they were sent. In
addition, the one minute time limit may elapse for the second DSG
before the first DSG is completed.


This statement displays text from the primitive graphics code in RID
1A, mode 0. The user must press Fl or enter rsm to continue:

00SG,O,A.1 .

The following statement displays text and graphics from the primitive
graphics code in RID 2B, mode 0. The run continues automatically:

alOSG.O.B.2.M.Y .

The following statement displays graphics from the primitive graphics

code in RID 3C, mode 0, on station 123. The run continues

WSG,O,C,3„Y„123 .

7-118 UP-9662.5
DSM (Display Message)

Use a DSM statement to display your own one-line message at the top
of the screen in place of the control line. You can use DSM in one of
two ways:

❑ Display a message at the top of an existing screen.

❑ Display a report or result, placing a message at the top of the

screen. You can display the report or result beginning at line one
or at a specified line number.

The message to display resides in a report or result. You display it by

specifying its line number.

The DSM statement stalls the run until the user transmits or resumes,
unless you specify the interim display, in which case the run continues
automatically. Note that the DSM statement clears the output area.

Here are some characteristics of the DSM messages:

❑ The text appears as is does for MAPPER system error messages:

reverse video for most monochrome terminals and white characters
on a red background for color terminals.

❑ Less than (<) and greater than (>) signs are translated into blink

❑ If you have a 132-character terminal, the messages are

automatically centered.

UP-9662.5 7-119


@DSM,m,t,rimsetabp,erase?,interim?,pdq,dm,d1.dr,dspl,dspfl .

In field: Enter:

M,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report or result
containing the message.

lmsg the line number of the message in the report.

tabp the tab position (maximum of 63) at which to place the

cursor after the message is displayed. If you use a
positive number (1-63), the cursor tabs forward from the
HOME position; if you use a negative number, it tabs
backwards from the HOME position.

erase: a Y to erase the rest of the screen.

interim? a Y to continue the run without the user transmitting or


pdq the number of lines to push down on the screen.

dm the mode number of the report to display.

di the form type of the report to display.

dr the RID number of the report to display.

dspl the line number of the specified report at which to start

the display.

dspf the format (1-6) of the report to display.

7-120 UP-9662.5


This statement displays a message at the top of the current screen. The
message is located on line 4 of the current result.

@OSM,-0,4 .

The following statement displays RID 2D of mode 0, and places a

message (located on line 4 of RID 12A in mode 0) on the top of the
screen. The cursor is positioned at the 10th tab position.

@OSM.O.A.12,4,10„„0.D,2 .

UP-9662.5 7-121
DSP (Display Report)

The DSP statement displays a report or result on your display terminal

and clears the output area. To continue the run after the display, press
Fl or enter rsm .

You can use the DSP statement to display and manually update reports
during run execution or to print the reports that are on display.

NOTE: Don't put other run statements on the same line after a DSP
statement. The logic scan of the line terminates after
executing the DSP statement.


@DSP,m,t,r1,1,tabp,f,interim?,hold,msg80] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report to display.

1 the line number in the report at which to start the


tabp the tab character after which to position the cursor in the
report. Keep in mind that if you are displaying a report
with a control line, the default cursor position is in the
RL field.

f the report format.

interim? a Y for interim display (the run continues without the

user resuming). (Default = N.)


7-122 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

hold the number of lines already on the display screen to hold.

The new report is displayed beginning at the first non-
held screen line.

msg80 a message of up to 80 characters to display in the control

line. Remember to place significant spaces within





This statement displays format 5 of RID ID, mode 0, starting at line 3:

fOSP,0,D.1,3„5...' This line displayed on control

line. '

This example displays a simulated control line with a message. It

allows the user to select a line number or format or to roll the display
without first requesting line control:

fOSP. -0.1, 3 „ „ I ine'SOE$111 fmt 'SOEST r I 'SOESX

'D <Press Fl or enter RSM to return>' .

UP-9662.5 7-123
DUP (Duplicate Report)

Use the DUP statement to create a new report by duplicating an

existing report or result. The run loads the reserved word RID$ with
the number of the new report.


@DUP,m,t,r[,rm,rt] .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report to


rm,rt the receiving mode and type to duplicate the report into.

Reserved Word

Reserve0 - word: RIDS

Word Content

RIDS RID number of the new report

7-124 UP-9662.5


This example duplicates RID 1B in mode 20 into mode 0, type B.

Variable <RID> captures the RID number of the new report.

@OUP,20,B,1,0,B .
@CHG <RID>13 RID$ .

UP-9662.5 7-125
DVS (Define Variable Size)

Use the DVS statement to create variables equal to the size of report
fields. For example, use it to capture input parameters to be processed
against report fields, or to build screens whose input fields must be the
same size as report fields.

Generally, you'll use a DVS statement with named fields, because a

name does not directly specify the field size. The run defines the size
of the variable when it executes. Any input parameter or screen using
the affected variable dynamically adjusts to changes in field sizes.

In a DVS statement, you specify the variable number and its type; you
don't specify the variable's size. The run assigns a size to the variable
equal to its corresponding report field, then fills it with spaces.


@DVS],m,t,r] field[,..., field] v[,v ..... v] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, form type, and RID number of the report or
result where the fields reside. (Default = -0.)

field the field whose size you want to define (can be field
names or column-character positions).

v the variables to define. Specify the variable number and

type (for example VIH, V2S, and so forth).

7-126 UP-9662.5


This example initializes a variable to the size of the CUST CODE field
in RID 2B, mode 0, for use as an input parameter:



The following example initializes variables to the size of the ORDER

NUMBER and ORD QTY fields from the current -0, and creates a
screen using their sizes:


@BRK .
Enter Order Number: O<NUM>,
Enter Quantity: O<OTY>.

Transmit from here: II ,

@IBRK OUT,-0,2,23,1,1,Y„,P

UP-9662.5 7-127
ECR (Encode Report)

Use an ECR statement to transform a report into code, making it

unreadable unless the correct key is specified. The encoded report
becomes the current (-0) result.

The ECR statement is particularly useful for highly sensitive reports

and messages. If used appropriately, it is more secure than read/write
passwords because no one, including the coordinator, can decode the
report without knowing the key.

You decode an encoded report with the DECODE function or the DCR
run statement (see DCR).

Use caution when encoding reports. Here are some important things to

❑ Don't forget your key. A report cannot be decoded if you forget

the key because no record of it is kept by the MAPPER system.
Your coordinator cannot tell you what it is.

❑ Don't update an encoded report. Any change to the encoded report

will corrupt it and you will not be able to decode it. Protect your
report from updates by using an update password (see the PSW
function in the Manual Functions Reference).

❑ You cannot move encoded data between form types with different
report widths because you will not be able to decode it. If a form
type width is changed, all encoded reports in that type will be
corrupted and they will not be able to be decoded.

❑ If you are using a normal ASCII terminal, you may not be able to
decode a report that was encoded from a National Character Set
(NCS) terminal. In addition, you may not be able to decode a
report that contains special NCS characters from a normal ASCII

7-128 UP-9662.5

❑ Because of high processing overhead, you may impact system

performance if you use the ECR statement excessively.

❑ Encoding a report approximately doubles the size of that report.


@ECR,m,t,r,key[,hdrs?] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report to encode.

key a one- to eight-character key used to encode the report.

Valid characters are A-Z and 0-9. The more characters
(up to eight) you use, the more difficult it is for an
unauthorized user to guess the key.

hdrs? a Y if you want report headers to also be encoded.

(Default = N.)


This statement encodes RID 10B of mode 0, including headers, using

JMT6077 as the key:

@ECR,0.13,10.JMT6077,Y .

UP-9662.5 7-129
ELT (Element)

The ELT statement copies a MAPPER report or result to a standard OS

1100 program file or symbolic element, or to a data file. The file must
be a sector-formatted file with no read or write keys.

If the file you're copying is not a currently assigned file, the ELT
statement assigns it with a maximum granularity of 6400 tracks.


@ELT ,m,t,d,lab] qual,fn[,cyc,elt,ver,mapper f?,hdrs?,cs,newcyc?] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report to copy.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if the run

encounters an error (see the STATI$ and STAT2$ codes
following this table).

qual the qualifier.

fn the file name to transfer the report to.

cyc the file cycle.

elt the element name.

ver the version.

mapper f? a Y to copy the report in MAPPER format.


7-130 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

hdrs? a Y to include the form type headers. Note that if you

enter N in this subfield while processing a result, only
the date line is omitted.

CS the character set of the new report:

L Fieldata
F ASCII (default)
U ASCII, uppercase

newcyc? a Y to create a new cycle (+1) for the file, and ignore the
entry in the cyc subfield. Note that the run errs if you
try to create a new cycle of a nonexistent file.

Reserved Words

Reserved - Words:. STAT1S (error COdes) and STAT2S

Code Error

1 File (relative cycle requested) does not exist.

2 File already assigned to MAPPER system.

3 File already assigned exclusively to MAPPER system.

4 File already assigned to another user.

5 File already assigned exclusively to another user.


UP-9662.5 7-131


Code Error

6 File rolled out.

7 Facilities currently unavailable.

8 Private file, under different project-id.

9 Read or write restrictions on file.

10 File not sector-formatted mass storage file.

11 File not program file (if element specified).

12 File is a MAPPER file.

13 System I/O error.

14 Facility warning or reject.

15 Insufficient or improperly formatted statement.

16 File not data file (if element not specified).

17 Cycle attempted on nonexistent file.

18 Attempt to write past end of file.

STAT2$ has a line number identifying the error message.

Use an ISM statement to read the message. Place the number in STAT2$ in the msgno
subfield in an LSM statement (see LSM).

7-132 UP-9662.5


This statement creates qualifier MYQUAL file MYFILE and copies the
data in RID 2B, mode 0, to it; or the run goes to label 99 if there is an
error and the system cannot copy the data:



Use the same data control commands you use with an STR statement to
control data in the report you're copying (see Table 7-14 under STR).

Enter these commands on any line in the report; they take effect from
that point on in the data.

UP-9662.5 7-133
EL- (Element Delete)

The EL- statement deletes a standard OS 1100 program file or symbolic

element, or a data file. The file must be a sector-formatted file with
no read or write keys.


@EL-[,lab] qual,f4cyc,elt,ver] .

In field: Enter:

lab the label or relative line number to go to if the run

encounters an error (see the the STAT1$ and STAT2$
codes following this table).

qua! the qualifier.

fn the name of the file to delete, or the file name containing

the element to delete.

cyc the file cycle.

elt the element name.

ver the version.

7-134 UP-9662.5

Reserved Words

Reserved words: STAT1$ (error codes) and STAT2$

Code Error

0 Requested element not found in specified file.

1 File does not exist.

2 File already assigned to MAPPER system.

3 File already assigned exclusively to MAPPER system.

4 File already assigned to another user.

5 File already assigned exclusively to another user.

6 File rolled out.

7 Facilities currently unavailable.

8 Private file, under different project-id.

9 Read or write restrictions on file.

10 File not sector formatted mass storage file.

11 File not program file (if element specified).

12 File is a MAPPER file.

13 System I/O error.


UP-9662.5 7-135


Code Error

14 Facility warning or reject.

15 Insufficient or improperly formatted statement.

STAT2$ has a line number identifying the error message.

Use an LSM statement to read the message. Place the number in STAT2$ in the msgno
subfield in an LSM statement (see LSM).


This statement deletes file MYQUAL*MYFILE:


7-136 UP-9662.5
ESR (Exit Subroutine)

Use an ESR statement to exit a subroutine and return to a specified

line in the run control report that contains the calling RSR statement
(see RSR).

NOTE: Don't put other run statements on the same line after an ESR
statement. The logic scan of the line terminates after
executing the ESR statement.


@ESRICq1,-q)] .

In field: Enter:

the location in the run control report to return to, where

q is the relative number of lines after or before (-) the
line following the RSR statement that called the
subroutine. (Blank = 0.)


This example shows a series of statements that could be used to run and
execute a subroutine:

UP-9662.5 7-137


HERE IF q=-1
FROM -5 to 5

See RSR for other examples using an ESR statement.

7-138 UP-9662.5
EXT (Extract)

Use the EXT statement with updatable results to extract processed lines
from the report. The system deletes these lines from the report; these
lines become the current result (-0).

The following statements produce updatable results:

LCH (with the OU option)
LOC (with the OU option)


@EXT .


In this example, all lines found in the Search Update result are deleted
from the report; these lines become the current result (-0):

6GRU,O,B,2 DH 2-2 ❑ ,IP EXT .

UP-9662.5 7-139
FDR (Find and Read)

Use an FDR statement to find a line. Follow it with one or more RLN
statements (or an RDL statement) to read the line or lines.

Of the following two combinations, the first is more efficient because

it uses fewer I/Os.

@FDR . . . RLN ... (or RDL)

@FND . . . RDL...

See also RDC, RDL, and RLN.

NOTE: If a find is made, the report in which the find is made

becomes the current -0.


@FDR,m,1[,0,q,lab] o cc ltyp,p vrid,v1no .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which

to find (and later read) a line.

I the line number at which to start the scan.

q how many lines (quantity) to scan.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no find is



7-140 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:


A Process all line types.

C(x) Alter normal character set processing:

C(F) full character set

C(L) limited character set
C(S) strict character set of report

Rx(-yl,y) Scan a range of reports from report x

through report y; or reports x,y,...,y


R2,5 Scan reports 2 and 5

R2-10 Scan reports 2 through 10
R2-10,14 Scan reports 2 through 10 and 14

Find spaces

Find slashes

cc the column-character positions or names of the fields to


Ityp the line type to scan. (If you specify the A option, leave
this subfield blank.)

p the find parameters.

vrid the RID number where the find was made.

vino the line number where the find was made.

UP-9662.5 7-141

Example 1: Finding a Particular Line in a Type

@FDR,O,B " 'ST-CD' 0 ,IP <RID>16,<LINE>16

@IRIN , <L I NE> , 99 'ORDER' <ORD> I


0,13 Find a line in form type B, mode 0.

Use no options.

ST-CD Look in the ST CD field (column 2 for two


0 Process tab lines.

IP Look for the characters IP.

<RID>I6 Capture the report number where the find was

made in <RID>.

<LINE>I6 Capture the line number where the find was

made in <LINE>.

RLN,<LINE>,99 Read the line (captured in <LINE>I6) and go

to label 99 if no line number exists.

'ORDER' Read the data in the ORDER field.

<ORD>I Capture the order number from the ORDER

field of the line read.

7-142 UP-9662.5

Example 2: Finding a Line in a Report

@FDR,O,B,2,6,100,99 " 15-5 ❑ ,GREEN ,V1I6 .

@HLN,V1,99 39-5 V2I5 .


0,B,2 Find a line in RID 2B in mode 0.

6 Start looking at line 6.

100 Scan 100 lines.

99 Go to label 99 if no finds are made.

Use no options.

15-5 Scan column 15 for five characters.

0 Process tab lines.

GREEN Look for the characters GREEN.

V116 Capture in V1 the line number where the find

was made.

RLN,V1,99 Capture in V2 the order number on the

39-5 V2I5 found line in VI.

UP-9662.5 7-143
FMT (Format)

Use the FMT statement to create a display format by selecting which

fields of a report or result to display on a following DSP, OUM, or
OUT statement.

You can use directory names or standard column-character syntax to

define report fields:

❑ If you name the fields, the display includes the columns of each
field as well as the character immediately following the field.

❑ If you use the column-character positions, the run displays only the
columns specified.

The system always includes column 1, which contains the line type
designator, in the format.

You can list fields in any order; however, fields are always displayed
in the same order they appear in the report.


@FMT[,m,t,r] field] field] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, form type, and RID number of the report or
result from which to display fields. (Default = -0.)

the fields to display (can be field names or column-

character positions).

7-144 UP-9662.5


This statement displays the ST CD, SHIP DATE, and CUST CODE
fields of the current -0:


This example displays column 2 for 3 characters, column 45 for 5

characters and column 64 for 7 characters from report 2B in mode 0:

@FMT,O,B,2 2-3,45-5,64-7 .
@OSP,O,B,2 .

UP-9662.5 7-145
FND (Find)

The FND statement scans vertically through a report for an item,

multiple items, or a range of items.

A find is different from a search. With a FND statement, you load a

variable with the line number where the find is made; a search creates
a result.

To update a single line, use a FND statement followed by a WRL

statement (see WRL).

NOTE: If a find is made, the report in which the find is made

becomes the current -0.


@FND,m,d,r,l,lab] o cc ltyp,p vrid,v1no .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to find data.

1 the line number at which to start the find.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no lines or

data are found.

o options:

A Process all line types.


7-146 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

C(x) Alter normal character set processing:

C(F) Full character set

C(L) Limited character set
C(S) Strict character set of report

See also Appendix E.

Rx(-yf,y) Scan a range of reports from report x

through report y; scan reports x,y,...,y.


R2,5 Find in reports 2 and 5.

R2-10 Find in reports 2 through 10.
R2-10,14 Find in reports 2 through 10
and 14.

Find spaces.

Find slant as data.

CC the column-character positions or names of the fields in

which to find.

ltyp the line type to scan. (If you specify the A option, leave
this subf ield blank.)

p the find parameters.

vrid the RID number where the find was made.

vino the line number where the find was made.

UP-9662.5 7-147

Example 1: Searching a Type for an Item

This statement searches for IP in the ST CD field and captures the

report and line numbers where the find was made:

@FND,O,B " 'ST-CD' a. IP V116.11216 .


0,B Find data in form type B, mode 0.

Use no options.

ST-CD Look in the ST CD field (column 2 for two


0 Process tab lines.

IP Look for the characters IP.

V116 Capture in V1 the report number where the find

was made.

V2I6 Capture in V2 the line number where the find

was made.

Example 2: Searching a Report for an Item

This statement uses traditional column-character syntax, searching for

GREEN in column 15 for five characters, and captures the line number
where the find was made:

WND.0,6.2.6,99 " 15-5 ❑ ,GREEN ,cLINE>16 .


0,B,2 Find data in RID 2B in mode 0.

6 Start looking at line 6.

7-148 UP-9662.5

99 Go to label 99 if no finds are made.

Use no options.

15-5 Scan column 15 for five characters.

0 Process tab lines.

GREEN Look for the characters GREEN.

<LINE>I6 Capture the line number where the find was

made in <LINE>.

Example 3: Searching for Spaces

This statement searches a field for spaces and captures the line number
where the find was made:

@F N D , 0 B 2 . 9 9 @ 25-6 0 @NW@ . V 1 I6 .


0,B,2 Find data in RID 2B in mode 0.

99 Go to label 99 if no finds are made.

Use the @ option to find spaces.

25-6 Find spaces in the SERIAL NUMBER field

(column 25 for six characters).

0 Process tab lines.

@@@@@@ Look for spaces.

,V1I6 Capture in V1 the line number where the find

was made.

UP-9662.5 7-149
GOC (Generate Organization Chart)

Use a GOC statement to generate organization charts using the

statement's own command language.


@GOC,m,14,1ab] ulv11,notxt?,ige?,igcz?,fxcz?] optmz?[,outrslt?,unp?

vlinesi,vlineso,vco,vbuffz] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, form type, and RID number.

lab the label or relative line number to go to in case of error.

ulvl? a Y if you want an upper level chart. If you type a Y,

the statement produces a special chart that contains only
one box at all levels except the bottom level.

notxt? a Y to eliminate all text. This produces a chart

containing boxes with no text (useful for determining the
size of the boxes).

ige? a Y to ignore all error conditions.

igcz? a Y to ignore the character size. If you type a Y, the

statement does not check whether the resulting character
size is within the correct range for the selected display

fxcz? a Y to select a fixed character size to use; this character

size is dependent upon the selected display device.


7-150 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

optmz? a Y to optimize the result. A Y in this field reduces the

number of characters necessary to produce the chart. (If
you select the LOGO or FONT parameter, optmz? must be

outrslt? a Y to display the graphics result on the screen.

unp? a Y to unpack the result. If you type a Y, the result is

displayed in unpacked format, where the resulting
primitive commands are not split across successive lines.
(Ignored if optmz?=Y.)

vlinesi the variable to capture the number of input lines scanned

following the header-divider line (*=).

vlines. the variable to capture the number of output lines in the

result following the header-divider line (*=).

VCO the variable to capture the number of characters to


vbuffz the variable to capture the size of the buffer used to hold
chart information.

UP-9662.5 7-151

Reserved Words

If the run encounters an error in the data RID, it goes to the label in
the lab subfield and loads STAT1$ and STAT2$ with information about
the error.

Reserved wordt: !TAT1S and STAT2$

Word Content

STAT1S Message number. (Use an LSM statement to obtain the message.)

STAT2$ The line number where the error occurred.


The Color Graphics Guide contains an example of an organization

chart and the code used to produce it. With that code in RID 81H,
mode 0, the following statement generates the organization chart:

@GOCA,H,81 N N .

See the Color Graphics Guide for more details about generating
organization charts.

7-152 UP-9662.5
GS (Graphics Scaler)

Use the GS statement to increase or decrease the size of your charts and
to create custom graphics using the expanded syntax.

See the Color Graphics Guide for more details about the GS statement
as well as information about using primitive graphics code.


@GS,m,t,r[lab] maxyf,o,ige?,unp?,aga?,expand?,ighitxt?,outrs1t1
sfl,offx,offy] angle[,absx,absy vci,vco,vminx,vmidx,vmaxx,
vminy,vmidy,vmaxyl .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, form type, and RID number of the report
containing the primitive graphics code.

lab the label or relative line number to go to in case of error.

maxy the maximum Y value to check the limits on (ranging

from 0 to 32767). Type 0 if you want 32767.

o options:

A Put all absolute commands in the result (whenever


C Optimize and combine successive commands into a

single command separated by commas.

0 Optimize resulting code.


UP-9662.5 7-153


In field: Enter:

S Strict interpretation of primitive graphics code.

(Without the S option, all lowercase characters not in
a text string are interpreted as uppercase characters.)
If you use the S option, the ige?, unp?, aga?, and
expand? subfields must all be N. (Type N or leave
them blank.)

Leave the options field blank or type N for normal mode

(where leading spaces, for example, are ignored).

ige? a Y to ignore errors. If you type a Y, values that are out

of range are truncated, and invalid commands and
sequences are ignored. (If you use the S option, ige? must
be N.)

unp? a Y to unpack the result. If you type a Y, the result is

displayed in unpacked format with one command per
line. (If you use the S option, or if outrslt? = Y, unp?
must be N.)

aga? a Y to assume graphics active. If you type a Y, it is

assumed that ZI preceded the data, and no closing ZT is
required to end the data. (If you use the S option, or if
outrslt? = Y, aga? must be N.)

expand? a Y to handle expanded syntax. (If you use the S option,

expand? must be N.)

ighitxt? a Y to ignore high text. If you type a Y, it is never

converted to high-quality text, even if it encounters a
CT2 or rotated text.

outrslt? a Y to display the graphics result on the screen. If you

type a Y, unp? and aga? must be N.


7-154 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

sf the scaling factor (floating point 0.0 to 32767.0). 0 =

default value 1.0; 2.0 produces a result twice as large as
input; .5 a result half as large.

offx the offset value (-9999999999 to 9999999999) added to the

absolute X components.

offy the offset value (-9999999999 to 9999999999) added to the

absolute Y components.

angle the rotation angle (-360.0 to 360.0) used to rotate all X

and Y values and angles. Positive angles produce
counterclockwise rotation; negative angles produce
clockwise rotation.

absx the absolute X rotation value (-9999999999 to 9999999999).

ably the absolute Y rotation value (-9999999999 to 9999999999).

vci the variable to capture the number of characters scanned.

vco the variable to capture the number of characters to


vminx the variable to capture the minimum X value.

vmidx the variable to capture the midpoint X value.

vmaxx the variable to capture the maximum X value.

vminy the variable to capture the minimum Y value.

vmidy the variable to capture the midpoint Y value.

vmaxy the variable to capture the maximum Y value.

UP-9662.5 7-155

Reserved Words

If the run encounters an error in the data RID, it goes to the label in
the lab subfield and loads STAT1$ and STAT2$ with information about
the error.

Reserved words STATWand STAT2$

Word Content

STAT1$ Message number. (Use an LSM statement to obtain the message.)

STAT2$ One less than the Line number in report being processed where error

Example 1

@GS,0,A,1 20000 1 0 .


0,A,1 Scale RID 1A, mode 0.

20000 Create maximum Y values to 20,000.

1 Set scale factor to 1.

0 Rotate angle to 0.

7-156 UP-9662.5

Example 2

@GS,0,13,2,10 23999,0,N,N,N,N,N,Y 0.75,2000,1000 k

45,16383,11399 V115,V215,V315,V415,V515,V615,k
V715,V815 .


0,B,2 Scale RID 2B, mode 0.

10 Go to label 10 in case of error.

23999 Maximum Y value.

O Optimize the results.

N,N,N,N,N Do not ignore errors, unpack result, assume

graphics code, handle expanded syntax, or ignore
high text.

Y Display the result on the screen.

0.75 Reduce to 3/4 size.

2000 Move to the right 2000.

1000 Move up 1000.

45 Rotate result 45 degrees counterclockwise.

16383 Rotate around the X value 16383.

11399 Rotate around the Y value 11399.

V115 Capture in VI the number of characters scanned.

V2I5 Capture in V2 the number of characters in the


V3I5 Capture in V3 the minimum X value.

UP-9662.5 7-157

V4I5 Capture in V4 the midpoint X value.

V5I5 Capture in V5 the maximum X value.

V6I5 Capture in V6 the minimum Y value.

V7I5 Capture in V7 the midpoint Y value.

V8I5 Capture in V8 the maximum Y value.

7-158 UP-9662.5
GTO (Go To)

Use a GTO statement to branch within a run.


@GTO (lab I ENDLn,n,n] I LIN 14-In I LIN -n I RPX r) .

In field: Enter:

lab the line label number (may be a variable).

EN 1131,n,n,n1 END to indicate the end of run and display the

output area. For runs started from a LNK statement,
n,n,n are up to three status codes that the linked run
can return to the original run. Codes can be integers
(or variables with integer values) in the range
-34359738367 to +34359738367. The codes are ignored
if the run was not started via LNK (see LNK).

LIN to indicate the present line position.

the number of lines following the present line (rz must

be an integer greater than 0).

the number of lines preceding the present line (n

must be an integer greater than 0).
+n, -n, and r may be variables. Do not, however, type a minus sign in front of the variable. The plus
sign is optional with the line number, so if V1 contained 5, you could use @GTO LIN V1. Here's
another example: @GTO LIN V2, where V2 contains the value -5, is the same as saying @GTO LIN -5.


UP-9662.5 7-159


In field: Enter:

RPX, which is the call to go to another run control report

in the same mode and type.

the RID number of a run control report in the same mode

and type (cannot be a result).

* +n, -n, and r may be variables. Do not, however, type a minus sign in front of the variable. The plus
sign is optional with the line number, so if Vi contained 5, you could use @GTO LIN V1. Here's
another example: @GTO LIN V2, where V2 contains the value -5, is the same as saying @GTO LIN -5.


This statement continues the run at label 7:

@GTO 7 .

The following statement continues the run at the line with the label
equaling the contents of V6:

@GTO V6 .

This statement stops the run and displays the contents of the output


This statement continues the run two lines beyond the current statement

@GTO L IN +2 .

7-160 UP-9662.5

This statement causes the run to go to the MAPPER run in report 2 of

the same mode and type:


The GTO RPX statement executes the run statements in the specified
run control report, with these considerations:

❑ The run control report being entered must be in the same mode and
form type as the run that has the GTO RPX statement.

❑ All security checks for the first run must be met by the run control
report being entered.

❑ All variables established in the run having the GTO RPX statement
are valid in the run being entered. Labels are not valid.

❑ The run being entered by a GTO RPX statement need not be

registered. However, since the RPX run control report resides in a
form type especially for MAPPER runs, inform your coordinator
that you intend to use RPX in the form type as part of the plan.

For examples of computed IF/GTO statements, see IF.

UP-9662.5 7-161
IDU (Index User)

An IDU statement produces an index of users' reports by mode, form

type, date, and range, and creates a result. An IDU statement lets you
find reports created (or last updated) by a specific user.

NOTE: You cannot use the IDU statement to index a mode and type
in which your run control report is located.

@IDU,m,t1,q,user,stdate,endate,strid,endrid vrids,v1ines,vridst,vhiridt1 .

In field: Enter:

m,t the mode and type to index.

q how many lines (quantity) to display. (Default = header


user the user-id to index or ALL to index all users).

stdate the starting date for a date range (in format ddmmmyy).
This is the date of the most recent update to the report,
or the creation date if there are no updates.

endate the ending date for a date range (in format ddmmmyy).
This is the date of the most recent update to the report,
or the creation date if there are no updates.

strid the starting RID (for a range of reports).

end rid the ending RID (for a range of reports).


7-162 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

vrids the variable to capture the number of RIDs found.

vlines the variable to capture the number of lines found.

vridst the variable to capture the number of RIDs in the form


vhiridt the variable to capture the highest RID number in the

form type.


This statement indexes all of this user's form type A reports, including
header lines from each report in the result:

@IOU, 0.A .

The following statement indexes a range of reports under the user-id of


@IDU,0,13,7,JDOE,01JAN87,31DEC87,5,10 V113,V219,X
V314,V4I4 .


0,B Index mode 0, type B reports.

7 Display seven lines of data from each report


JDOE Index user-id JDOE.

01JAN87 Index reports starting on January 1, 1987.

UP-9662.5 7-163

31DEC87 Index reports ending on December 31, 1987.

5 Start indexing at report 5.

10 Stop indexing at report 10.

V113 Capture in VI the number of reports found.

V2I9 Capture in V2 the number of lines found.

V3I4 Capture in V3 the number of reports in the type


V4I4 Capture in V4 the highest report number created.

7-164 UP-9662.5
IF (Conditional)

Use an IF statement to test and compare values and make logical


Format 1 —Common

@InClvall op vall stmt ; .

Format 2—Logical OR

@IFLCII vall op val2,val3[,valn,...,valn] stmt ; .

Format 3 —Logical AND

@IF[,C] vall op va12 & op va13 [& op vain ... & op vain] stmt ; .

Format 4 —Computational IF/GTO

@IF[,C] vall op vall,(lab )[,valiz,(lab) valndlab)] ; .

In field: Enter:

C a C to distinguish uppercase from lowercase


vall a value, usually in a variable or a reserved word

(reserved words must end with a dollar sign).


UP-9662.5 7-165


En field: Enter:

one of these relational operators:

= or EQ Equal

GE Greater than or equal to

> or GT Greater than

LE Less than or equal to

< or LT Less than

NE Not equal

NOT = or Not equal


NOT < or Not less than


NOT > or Not greater than


a value to compare to vall.

stmt a statement indicating the action to take if the IF

statement condition is met (TRUE).

A; space-semicolon to terminate the IF statement.

Always enter a space before the semicolon.

,val3,valn a comma (logical OR) and a third value, fourth value,

and so forth.


7-166 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

& op val3 & an ampersand (logical AND), another

op vain relational operator, and a third value, fourth value,
and so forth.

,(lab) a comma and label number or location in the run to

go to if the IF statement condition is met (TRUE).

Here are valid GTO locations:

END End of run

LIN +n Number of lines following present line,

where n is an integer

LIN -n Number of lines preceding present line,

where n is an integer

RPX r RID r (another run control report),

where r is a RID number in the same
mode and form type

If the condition or conditions of the IF statement are met (TRUE), the

run executes the statement specified.

If the conditions of the IF statement are not met (FALSE), the run
continues executing at the next logical line. The next logical line
begins after the run encounters either a semicolon (;) or the end of the
actual line. Note that all examples contain a semicolon.

UP-9662.5 7-167


If USER$ equals JDOE, go to label 2; or else continue:


If VI equals V2, load VI with 1 and continue; or else continue:

@IF V1 = V2 LDV V1=1 ; .

If <VALI> and <VAL2> are not equal, go to label 3; or else continue:

@IF <VALI> NE <VAL2> GTO 3 ; .

If V21 is greater than V20, go to label 3; or else continue:

@IF V21 > V20 GTO 3 ;

If <NUM> equals 2 OR 4, go to label 1; or else continue:

@IF <NUM> Ea 2,4 GTO 1 ;

If V 1 is greater than 0 AND less than 100, go to label 3; or else


@IF V1 > 0 & < 100 GTO 3 ;

If V22 is greater than 10 AND less than 50, go to label in V99; or else

@IF V22 > 10 & < 50 GTO V99 ; .

This example uses two IF statements. If VI equals A and if V2 is less

than B, go to label 1; or else continue:

@IF V1 = A IF V2 LT B GTO 1 ;

7-168 UP-9662.5

The following examples use a computed IF/GTO sequence.

If <TOTAL> equals 30, go to label 1; if <TOTAL> equals 40, go to label

2; if <TOTAL> equals 50 OR 60, go to label 3; or else continue:

@IF <TOTAL> = 30,(1),40,(2),50,60,(3) ;

If V2 equals 4, go to the next line, OR if V2 equals 5, go to the end of

the run; or else continue:

@IF V2 = 4,(LIN +1),5,(END) ; .

If V1 equals 2, execute the LDV statement (load V3 with the value 4),
go to label 1 and continue; if V1 does not equal 2, go to label 2:

@IF V1 = 2 LDV V3=4 GTO 1 ; GTO 2 .

Execute the LDV statement (load V3 with the value 4) only if V 1

equals 2; in either case (TRUE or FALSE), go to label 2 and continue:

@IF V1 = 2 LDV V3=4 ; GTO 2 .

Note that in the previous example, the run goes to label 2 even if the
condition of the IF statement is not met, because the GTO statement is
on the next logical line.

This example uses an unknown trailing substring. (The 0-3 specifies

the last three characters; the starting column position is unknown.) If
the last three characters of V 1 contain MON, go to label 25:

@IF V1(0-3) = MON,(25) ; .

This example uses a known trailing substring. (The 3-0 specifies the
known starting position of 3 for the remainder of the field.) If the
characters beginning with character 3 through the end of the field
contain FRI, go to label 26:

@IF V1(3-0) = FRI,(26) ;

UP-9662.5 7-169
INC (Increment Variables)

Use an INC statement to increase the numeric value of variables. You

cannot use an INC statement with string (type S) variables. Also, if the
variable you're trying to change contains alphabetic or special
characters, the variable remains unchanged.

An INC statement is more efficient than a CHG statement, and it

requires fewer characters.


@INCI,n1 v[,v,...v] .

In field: Enter:

n the floating-point or integer number by which to increase

a value. (Default = 1.)

the variables you want to increase by n.


To add 1 to the numeric value of V2, use:

@I NC V2

instead of:

@CHG V2 V2 + 1

To add 3 to the numeric values in VI and V3, use:

@INC,3 V1.1/3 .

7-170 UP-9662.5
IND (Index)

The IND statement indexes a specific form type in a specified mode,

and creates a result. The result contains a date line and lists the
number of reports in the form type, the total number of lines in the
form type, the number of lines contained in each report, and a
specified number of lines from each report.

NOTE: If you are indexing reports that are fewer than 80 characters
wide, the information containing the number of lines from
each report is added as trailer lines.


@IND,m,t,q[jab] .

In field: Enter:

ma the mode and type to index.

how many lines (quantity) to display from each report.

1 the label or relative line number to go to if no reports

exist in the specified form type.

Reserved Words

:i. Rewyed words; STAT1$ and STAT2$

Word Content

STAT1$ Number of reports in form type

STAT2$ Total number of lines in form type

UP-9662.5 7-171


This example indexes mode 0, type A, and creates a result that has the
first four lines from each report in the form type. If no reports exist,
the run goes to label 99.

• IND.0.A.4,99 .

7-172 UP-9662.5
INS (Insert)

Use an INS statement to insert data from one variable into another.


vld substry .

In field: Enter:

vld variables, literal data, reserved words, or any combination

of these, to insert.

substry a substring of a variable not exceeding 18 characters to

receive data.


This statement inserts ABCD in <STRING>, starting at column <COL>

for four characters:


This statement inserts a portion of V2 from column V1 for V3

characters into V4 at column 6 for V3 characters:

@INS V2(V1-V3) V4(6-V3) .

This example uses a CHG statement to initialize V1 to QQ and V2 to

AAA, and an INS statement to insert VI in V2. V2 then equals AQQ:

@CHG V1H2 000 CHG V2H3 AAA .

@INS V1 V2(2-2) .

UP-9662.5 7-173
JUV (Justify Variables)

Use a JUV statement to numerically justify the contents of variables.

You can justify any numeric variable up to 18 characters. Once
justified, a variable retains that justification until its content is
altered. If the JUV statement finds the content of a requested variable
to be nonnumeric or finds that the variable's size is greater than 18
characters, it does not justify the variable.


@JUV,o v[,v,...vJ .

In field: Enter:

o an option (you must use one of these options):

C Insert commas in the integer portion of the variable

every third digit, eliminate leading zeros and
nonsignificant trailing zeros, and insert the resulting
value in the rightmost portion of the variable.

NOTE: You must remove commas inserted by the C

option before executing a CHG or IF
statement against the variable. Use any other
option to remove commas.

D Delete commas, eliminate any leading zeros, and

insert the resulting value in the rightmost portion of
the variable.


7-174 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

L Left-justify the contents of the variable,

eliminate leading zeros and nonsignificant
trailing zeros, and insert the resulting value
in the leftmost portion of the variable
followed by spaces.

R Right-justify the contents of the variable,

eliminate leading zeros and nonsignificant
trailing zeros, and insert the resulting value
in the rightmost portion of the variable
preceded by spaces.

X Expand the contents of the variable;

eliminate leading zeros; insert the resulting
value in the leftmost portion of the variable,
add a decimal point where required, and
insert zeros in the rightmost portion of the

Z Right-justify the contents of the variable and

insert leading zeros in the leftmost portion;
eliminate nonsignificant trailing zeros.

a variable or variables to justify.


In the following examples, A stands for a blank character position.

Initialize <STRING> to a type A, 12-character variable with a value of


OCHG <STRING>Al2 6543.210 . <STRING> = 6543.210AA AA

UP-9662.5 7-175

Insert commas in <STRING>:

ti,JUV,C <STRING> . <STRING> AAA6,543.210

Delete commas from <STRING>:

(Lb./MI.0 <STRING> . <STRING> AAAA6543.210

Left-justify the contents of <STRING>:

@JUV,L <STRING> <STRING> = 6543.210

Right-justify the contents of <STRING>:


Expand the contents of <STRING>:

e*JUV,X <STRING> . <STRING> = 6543.2100000

Right-justify the contents of <STRING> and add leading zeros:

@JUV,Z <STRING> . <STRING> = 000006543.21

7-176 UP-9662.5
KEY (Function Key Input)

Use the KEY statement before a DSP, OUT, or SC statement to

determine which function key the user pressed after the noninterim


Reserved Word

R6Set'VOd* word:

The run continues executing after the DSP, OUT, or SC statement, and FKEY$ contains:

0 MIT (with cursor below the control tine)

1 F1 or RSM
2 F2 or PNT
3-22 F3-F22

FKEY$ always contains 0 if a KEY statement has not been executed.


In this example, the KEY statement requests function key input, the
DSP statement displays RID 2B in mode 0, and the LDV statement loads
VI with the contents of FKEY$. VI can then be tested for its contents,
and the run can be processed accordingly.

@KEY .
@OSP,0.8.2 .
@LDV,PW V112=FKEY$ .

UP-9662.5 7-177
LCH (Locate and Change)

The LCH statement scans specific column-character positions of a

report for a specified target string, changes it to a specified
replacement string, and creates a result.


@LCH,m,14,1,1ab] o cc tgtstr/replstrI,v1ines,vridl .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to locate and change data.

1 the line number at which to start the scan.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no target

string is located.

o options (use the A, F, and M options to change strings

regardless of line type):

A Process all line types. (If used alone, it ignores

the first character of the target string and
changes the line type of all lines having finds to
the first character of the replacement string.)

C Distinguish between uppercase and lowercase

characters. (Applies only to FCS reports.) See
also Appendix E.


7-178 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

F Process all line types and locate and change the

entire string. (Does not locate strings that start
in column 1.)

M Treat the first character of the target string as

the line type designator. (Use the M option
instead of a line-type subfield. Also, you must
use the M option to locate a string beginning in
column 1.)

0 Create a result containing the items found.

OU Create a result; then do one of the following:

enter to delete the changed lines from the

report (see DEL),

enter ext to delete the changed lines from the

report and redisplay the result (see EXT), or

make changes in the result (if desired) and enter

upd to blend the changed lines from the result
back into the report (see UPD).

You cannot execute LCH with the OU option

against a result.

Sx Start the scan at line x, where x is a positive


Sx-y Start the scan at line x and stop at line y.


UP-9662.5 7-179


In field: Enter:

Sx,n Start the scan at line x and scan n lines.

Tx Set x to a transparent character to match any

character in that position. Don't use the
transparent character in the first character
position of the target string.

cc the column-character positions or names of the fields in

which to scan.

tgtstr the string of characters to locate.

replstr the string of characters with which to replace the target


This subfield is not used in LCH statements. (Type the

comma if continuing the statement.)

vlines the number of lines located that contain the target string.

vrid the RID number where the target string was located.

7-180 UP-9662.5


@ICH , 0 , A , 1,40,99 AFM 2-79 EXECUTION/PROCESSING ,\

<L 1 NES›I4 ..


0,A,1 Process mode 0, type A, RID 1.

40,99 Start scan at line 40 and go to label 99 if no

target string is located.

AFM Use A, F, and M options.

2-79 Start scan in column 2 for 79 characters.

EXECUTION/ Target and replacement strings: each time

PROCESSING EXECUTION is encountered, replace it with

<LINES>I4 Capture number of lines located that contain the

target string in <LINES>i4.

UP-9662.5 7-181
LCV (Locate/Change Variable)

Use an LCV statement to locate (and optionally change occurrences of)

a string within a variable.

You can use an LCV statement to literally compare the contents of one
variable to another. Using an IF statement and a GTO statement to
compare the contents of variables limits you to 18 characters in the
variables. Using an LCV statement with a label lets you compare up to
132 characters, and it is more efficient than using IF and GTO

An LCV statement is to variables what a LOC or an LCH statement is

to data in reports.

You can use an LCV statement on all variable types, and you can use


@LCV[lab] o v tgtstr[/replstr vcol,voccs] .

In field: Enter:

the label or relative line number to go to if no finds are



B{nln-x} "Bail out" option

Bn: Locate the nth occurrence of the target string

or change n occurrences.


7-182 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

If you're locating but not changing, B1 is

assumed (thus, you don't need to specify the B
option). If you're locating and changing and you
know there's only one occurrence, use B1; if there
are two occurrences, use B2; etc.

Bn-x: Starting at the nth occurrence, change x

occurrences of the target string.

C Distinguish uppercase from lowercase characters.

Lx If the first character in the variable doesn't

match x, don't consider it a find. The L option
is especially useful for locating in lines that were
read from a report.

M When changing, do not insert transparent

characters (see Tx option) from the replacement
string in the variable, but leave these character
positions the same. (Valid only if the replstr
field is used.)

N Do not go to the label if no finds are made (or if

the bail-out quantity specified in the B option is
not found). Instead, go to the label if a find is

Tx Set x to a transparent character to automatically

match any character in that position.

Since the transparent character's default value is

a space, you must use the T option to locate


UP-9662.5 7-183


In field: Enter:

the variable to locate (and optionally change).

tgtstr the string of characters in a variable to locate (1

to 132 characters).

replstr a string of 0 to 132 characters to replace the target string

in the variable with. If you don't use the B option, it
changes all occurrences.

vcol the column number in the variable where the first

occurrence of the target string begins. With the B option,
it is the column of nth occurrence of the target string. It
contains 0 if there are fewer than n occurrences in the

voccs the number of occurrences of the target string found.

This is useful when doing a change or locate with the B

Example 1: Locating Second Occurrence of an Item

Here are the contents of VI for this example:


column 15 column 34
I locate columns I

7-184 UP-9662.5

This statement locates the second occurrence of CAT in VI starting at

column 15 for 20 characters:

@LCV.1 B2 V1(15-20) CAT V216 .


1 Go to label 1 if fewer than two occurrences of

CAT are found.

B2 Bail out on the second occurrence of CAT.

V1(15-20) Scan VI starting in column 15 for 20 characters.

CAT Locate target string CAT.

V2I6 Capture the column number where the second

occurrence of CAT begins in V2.

After the statement executes, V2 contains 22 (the column in VI where

the second occurrence of CAT was found).

Example 2: Counting Occurrences of an Item

In this example, VI contains:


This statement counts the number of times DOG occurs in VI:

@LCV B99 V1 DOG .V316 _


B99 Bail out on the 99th occurrence of DOG.

VI Scan VI (the entire variable).

UP-9662.5 7-185

DOG Locate target string DOG.

V3I6 Capture the number of occurrences of DOG in


In this example, the bail-out count was set to a value higher than the
number of occurrences of DOG because we didn't want to bail out. V3
continues to count each occurrence of DOG. After the statement
executes, V3 contains 5.

Example 3: Changing Character Strings

In this example, VI contains:


This statement changes the second, third, and fourth occurrences of

DOG to CAT in VI:

(LCV L*B2-3 V1 DOG/cat V216 .


L* Make the change only if the first character of VI

is an asterisk (the line type indicator).

B2-3 Change target string starting at the second

occurrence for three occurrences.

V1 Scan VI.

DOG Locate target string DOG.

cat Change target string DOG to cat.

V2I6 Capture column number of first occurrence of

target string changed.

7-186 UP-9662.5

Since the first character of VI matches the character specified in the L

option, the change is made. V2 equals 11 and V1 contains:


1 2 3 4 5

Example 4: Comparing Strings

Here are the contents of <STRING1> and <STRING2>:


This statement compares <STRING1> to <STRING2>:

fCCV.1 " <STRING1> <STRING2> .


1 Go to label 1 if <STRING1> is not equal to <STRING2>.

Don't use any options.

VI V2 Variables to compare.

Since <STRING1> is not equal to <STRING2>, the run goes to label 1.

Remember, if you use the N option, the run does NOT go to the label
unless the two variables are equal.

UP-9662.5 7-187

Example 5: Masking Transparent Characters in the Replacement String

For this example, VI contains:


This example uses the M option to locate each occurrence of BLACK

followed by any three characters, followed by the number 1. Each time
the locate string is found, the characters BLACK are changed to
GREEN, the next three characters remain unchanged, and the last
character, 1, is changed to 2.

@LCV M V1 'BLACK 1'/'GREEN 2' V216,V3I6 .


M Mask option—transparent characters in the

replacement string are not inserted into the
variable being changed.

VI Variable in which to locate.

'BLACK 1' Target string (characters to locate).

Change string delimiter.

'GREEN 2' Replacement string (characters with which to

replace each occurrence of the target string).

V2I6 Variable to capture the column of the first

occurrence changed.

V3I6 Variable to capture the number of occurrences


Variable VI now contains:


7-188 UP-9662.5

Example 6: Using an Unknown Trailing Substring

For this example, VI contains:


This statement uses an unknown trailing substring and bails out after
the second find:

@LCV,1 B2 V1(0-6) 01 V2I3 .


1 Go to label 1 if no finds are made.

B2 Bail out after the second occurrence.

V1(0-6) Scan the last six characters of VI. (The 0-6

specifies the last six characters; the starting
character position is unknown.)

01 Locate the target string 01.

V2I3 Capture the column number where the second

occurrence of 01 begins in the specified
substring. (In this example, V2 contains 10
because the second 01 begins in the tenth column
of VI.)

UP-9662.5 7-189

Example 7: Using a Known Trailing Substring

In this example, <MONEY> contains:


This example uses a known trailing substring to scan column 4 through

the end of the field and changes the word "DOLLARS" to the word
"YEN" in all occurrences:

@LCY,1 " <MONEY> (4 - 0) DOLLARS/YEN .


1 Go to label 1 if no finds are made.

Use no options.

<MONEY>(4-0) Scan <MONEY> beginning with column 4 through

the remaining characters. (The 4-0 specifies the
known starting position of 4 through the end of
the field.)

DOLLARS/YEN Change the target string DOLLARS to YEN.

7-190 UP-9662.5
LDV (Load Variables)

Use an LDV statement to perform these tasks:

❑ Initialize variables

❑ Load variables from other variables

❑ Load variables already initialized, including those with a substring

of unlimited length

❑ Load variables with the contents of reserved words

❑ Load a variable with its own contents

When you load a variable with its own contents, you need only specify
the receiving variable. This is particularly useful for packing
variables. You can use, for example, @LDV,P V1,V2 rather than
@LDV,P V1=V1,V2=V2. Loading variables in this manner is also useful
when centering, left-justifying, right-justifying variables, and
initializing space filled variables without setting the characters equal
to spaces.

You cannot do arithmetic computations with an LDV statement as you

can with a CHG statement (see CHG). However, an LDV statement is
faster and more efficient than a CHG statement for loading literal data
and reserved words.

Whenever an LDV statement encounters a space or comma, it stops

loading the variable with data. To place a space or comma in a
variable without placing either character in a variable beforehand,
enclose spaces and commas in apostrophes.

UP-9662.5 7-191


@LDVI,o1 v=v1dLy =yid , v=v1c11 .

In field: Enter:


C Center data within the variable.

H Test the remote run link.*

N Load the variable with a number based on the input.

(For case sensitivity, use the S option also.)*

L Left-justify the data being loaded.

P Pack the variable down to significant characters only.

R Right-justify the data being loaded.

S Treat the input as case sensitive (valid only with the

N option).*

U Convert all alphabetic characters to uppercase.

W Load the variable with the value of the reserved

word. (The reserved word value will be
left-justified.) Make sure the variable is large enough
to hold the information in the reserved word. You
can also use the P option to pack the variable. Use a
DEF statement with the S option (DEF,S) to
determine the size of the reserved word (see DEF).

* Don't use the v=vld subfield with these options. See further explanation in this subsection for the


7-192 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

Z Zero fill the data being loaded.

the variable being loaded.

the information to load (variables, literal data, reserved

words, or any combination of these).


In the following example, the first LDV statement loads VI through V4;
the second LDV statement then loads these four variables into V5:

64_13V V1A5=THIS,V2A3.1S,V3A3=AN,V4A8=EXAMPLE .
@LDV V5S40=V1V2V3V4 .

V5 now contains THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.


The H option tests the remote run link between two sites to see whether
the remote site is online or offline.

NOTE: With a non-GCS remote run link, the H option only indicates
whether or not the remote site is configured.

UP-9662.5 7-193


@LDV,H v=rms .

In field: Enter:

v the variable to capture test result:

0 site is offline.
1 site is online.

the remote site number.



The N option produces a number within a specified range for a data

item such as a name, address, or item description. As long as the LDV
statement remains the same, the data item always receives the same
number. The number is especially useful for indexing related reports
to specific data.

7-194 UP-9662.5


@LDV,N v=v1d,minmax

In field: Enter:

the variable being loaded.

vld the information to load (variables, literal data, reserved

words, or any combination of these).

minmax the range within which the number being loaded is to

reside (for example, 3-12).


Here are some comments about the following example:

❑ Part (a) displays the menu.

❑ Line (b) executes the LDV,N that produces a number between 1 and
20, which the run uses later on as the report number. This number
is based on the data entered and remains the same as long as the
LDV,N statement remains unchanged. Line (b) also checks to see
whether the user is attempting to add or display an item.

❑ Part (c) displays an existing product whenever requested by the

user. The number produced by LDV,N for the product name is
always the same, and is used by the run as the report number in
which to find the product.

❑ Part (d) finds a blank line to write and writes the line with the
new product name, whenever requested by the user. The number
produced by LDV,N for the product name is always the same, and
is used as the report number to write the new product name into.

UP-9662.5 7-195

❑ Part (e) displays an error message when the user attempts to display
a product that does not exist.


(a) @1:CHG 1NVAR$ V4H9 .
(a) OR
(a) @BRK OUT,-0,2,8,1,1,Y„,P
(b) @10 : LDV , N V2012=V4,1-20 IF CURV$ = 2 GTO 2
(c) @FND , 0, B , V20 „ 99 " ' PRODUCT ' 0 , V4 , V5 I 5
(c) @DSP , 0, B, V20, V5
(c) @GTO 1 .
(d) @2 :FND, 0 , B , V20 „ 4 @ ' PRODUCT ' ❑ ,@ , V2 I 4
(d) @LOK , 0 , B , V20 .
(d) @3:WRL , 0 ,B ,V20 ,V2 'PRODUCT' 0 ,V4 ULK GTO 5 .
(d) @4:10K,O,B,V20 LN+,0,B,V20,5,15 LDV V214=6 GTO 3.
(d) @5:DSP , 0 , B , V20 , V2 ' \
(d) @GTO 1 .
(e) @CHG 1NVAR$ V4H9 BRK OUT , - 0,2,1 „ 3 , N .
(e) @GTO 10 .


With the P option, you can delete leading or trailing spaces from a
variable. This is called packing a variable. Don't, however, pack a
variable to contain no characters at all. If you do, other functions
trying to use the variable will err.

Once you pack a variable to contain fewer than its original number of
characters, you must reinitialize the variable to make it larger. If you
try to place more than the original number of characters in a variable,
you'll lose the extra characters.

7-196 UP-9662.5


The following statements are shown as if in sequential order in a run.

The A stands for a blank character position.

This statement initializes VI to 1:

@LDV V112=1 .

The following statement initializes VI to A and V2 to 10:

@ILDV V1A1=A,V212=10 .

This statement loads VI with THIS IS DATAAAAAAAAA:


This statement loads VI with AAAAAAAAA2AAAAAAAAAA:

@LDV,C V1=2 .

This statement loads VI with 2:

@LDV,P V1=2 .

This statement loads V1 with 1•

@LDV,R V1S20=1

This statement loads VI with 00000000000000000001:

@LDV,RZ V1=1 .

This statement loads Vi with AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-1.

@LDV,R V1=-1 .

This statement loads VI with -0000000000000000001:

@LDV,F1Z V1=-1 .

UP-9662.5 7-197

This statement loads VI with AAM0000000000000001:

@LDV.FI V1(1-4)=2 .

This statement loads VI with 00020000000000000001:

.I.DV,RZ V1(1-4)=2 .

This statement loads V1 with ABCAZSALSALSAUSLAZIALIAAA:

@IDV,U V1=abc .

In this statement, <MODE> contains the mode number, <TYPE> the

numeric form type number, and <RID> the RID number of the last
report or result processed or on display:

@CDV,W <MODE>14=MODE$,<TYPE>16=TYPE$,<R1D>14=RID$ .

In the following statement, if JDOE is on station 12, V4 contains



The following statement uses an unknown trailing substring to load V2

with the minutes and seconds (MM:SS) substring from VI. The 0-5
specifies the last five characters, but the starting character position is



The following statement uses a known trailing substring to load V2

with the seconds (SS) substring from VI (from the previous example).
The 7-0 specifies the substring beginning with the seventh character
through the end of VI.


7-198 UP-9662.5
LFC (Load Format Characters)

Use an LFC statement to capture the format of the report currently on

display (the -0 RID).

An LFC statement works only in runs registered as format sensitive.


@LFC v

In field: Enter:

the variable to capture the format of the report currently

on display.


In this statement, the variable receives a string of Xs and blank

characters. The Xs stand for character positions displayed, similar to
RID 0:

LFC V1S80 .

You'll probably want to use an SFC statement after an LFC statement.

See SFC for how to set format characters.

UP-9662.5 7-199
LFN (Load Field Name)

Use the LFN statement to load variables with the names of report
fields that correspond to the column-character positions supplied. See
Section 2 for a general description of named fields.

The LFN statement is especially useful for converting an existing run

to one that uses named fields. It is also useful for translating column
position data, such as that obtained from the OUM statement (see
OUM), into field names.

Here are some things to remember:

❑ You can have field names enclosed in apostrophes; this makes it

easier for you to create run statements.

❑ If a specified variable isn't large enough to contain an entire field

name, the statement truncates any trailing characters in the name.

❑ If the specified columns don't represent an entire field, the

statement loads the name followed by a partial field description.

❑ If the run cannot load a field name, it continues at the label.

❑ If the statement has no label and a field name cannot be loaded,

the run continues at the next statement, loading the variable with
column position data.

7-200 UP-9662.5


@LFNI,m,t,r,tics?,lab] cc vt,v ..... vi .

In field: Enter:

the mode, form type, and RID number of the report or

result to load field names from. (Default = -0.) If you
don't specify the m,t,r subfields, use only two commas to
represent these subfields rather than three.

tics? a Y to enclose the field name in apostrophes.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if the field

name cannot be loaded.

CC the column-character positions of the fields.

the variables to load with field names.

Reserved Word

„gpSqf.yed,.. word!„ STAI1S.

Code Error

Report header is improperly formatted for field names.

2 Columns supplied do not fall within field boundaries.

3 Field name in report header has no significant characters.

4 Field name is not unique in the report header.

5 Field name was truncated because of variable size, and name is not unique
in report header.

UP-9662.5 7-201


@LFN.O.B.2,Y 2-2,45-3 V1H18,V2H18 .


0,B,2 Load field names from RID 2B in mode 0.

Y Enclose field names in apostrophes.

2-2,45-3 Get names from column 2 for two characters and

column 45 for three characters.

V1H18 Load VI with the name from positions 2-2 (V1 =


V2H18 Load V2 with the name from positions 45-3 (V2

= 'CUSTCODE(1-3)').

7-202 UP-9662.5
LLN (Last Line Number)

Use an LLN statement to set a variable equal to the last line number of
the specified report or result.

An LLN statement is especially useful for determining whether or not a

report or form type exists.


@LLN,m,t4,1ab] vlines .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report or result in

which to locate the last line.

the label or relative line number to go to if no report (or

result) or form type exists.

the variable to capture the number of lines in the report

or result.

UP-9662.5 7-203

Reserved Words

Reserved WordS STATWand STAT2$

Word Content

If report exists. ..

STAT1$ Date of last update in DATE1S format (yymmdd)

STAT2S Creation date of report in DATE1S format (yymmdd)

If report has never been updated. . .


If report does not exist. . .

STAT1$ RID number of highest report

STAT2S Disregard

If form type does not exist. . .


STAT2$ Disregard

If neither the report nor form type exists, the LLN statement goes to the label in the
lab subfield. If you don't specify a label, the run continues at the next statement.


This statement determines the number of lines in RID 1B, mode 0, and
places that quantity in <LINES>. If the report or form type does not
exist, the run goes to label 99:

@tLN,0,13,1,99 <LINES>I3 .

7-204 UP-9662.5
LMG (List Merge)

The LMG statement extracts lines or partial lines from a standard

column-formed report (issuing report) and inserts them into the
receiving report according to the following control character sequences
within the receiving report. Note that each sequence begins with a
tilde (~) character.

—=cc-cq[,n] extract part of line starting at column cc for cq

characters at line n beyond tab line (line n must
be 4 or less; to process the tab line, omit the ,n).
For example, ~=2-4,3.

—=0,y-z extract full lines starting at line y beyond tab

line for z lines; (number of full lines that can
follow a tab line is unlimited). For example,
— =0,3-4.

—&cc-cq extract tab lines starting at column cc for cq

characters and produce one line for each line
merged. For example, —&2-17. You can use up
to nine —& control characters on a line.


@LMG,im,it,ir,rm,rt,rrl,lab] .

In field: Enter:

im,it,ir the mode, type, and RID number of the issuing report.

rm,rt,rr the mode, type, and RID number of the receiving report.

lab the label or relative line number to go to in case of an


UP-9662.5 7-205


This statement merges lines and partial lines from RID 7H into RID
8H, both in mode 0:

g_MG.O.H.7.0,H,8 .

7-206 UP-9662.5
LNI (Line Insert)

The LNI statement inserts lines in a report or result. It duplicates the

specified lines in the same report, but does not delete them from their
original location. The report expands to make room for the new lines.

Unless you are processing a result, you must precede an LNI statement
with a LOK statement. See LOK.


@LNI,m,t,r1b4[,x],11,0 .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to insert lines.

IF' the line number before the inserted lines. (The inserted
lines follow this line.)

how many times to insert the lines. (Default = 1.)

the number of the first line to insert.

how many lines (quantity) to insert for each x starting at

1. (Default = 1.)


This statement inserts line 8 one time for two lines (lines 8 and 9) in
mode 0, RID 3B, after line 6:


UP-9662.5 7-207
LNK (Link to Another Run)

Use a LNK statement to execute another run in the MAPPER system.

A LNK statement is like a RUN statement (see RUN), except that after
the linked run executes a GTO END, the original run continues

The system can transfer up to 40 input parameters, as well as the

current result (-0), to the linked run. Pack or right-justify variables
used to specify either the run name or other input parameters.

The linked run can return up to three status codes and the current
result of the linked run to the original run via a GTO END statement
(see GTO). Following the LNK statement in the original run, you can
examine the reserved words STAT1$, STAT2$, and STAT3$ to obtain
the status codes.

If the linked run terminates because it encounters a REL statement,

because of an error, or because of manual intervention after a DSG,
DSP, OUM, OUT, or SC statement, the original run does not resume

You cannot nest LNK statements. Also, a run started by a LNK

statement cannot itself contain another LNK statement unless it first
clears the original link.

Use a CLK statement to terminate the link (see CLK).

7-208 UP-9662.5


@LNK run[,vldl .

In field: Enter:

run the name of the other run to start.

vld input parameters: variables, literal data, reserved words,

or any combination of these, to send to the other run to
be picked up via INPUTS. The maximum number of
input parameters is 40; the maximum number of
characters per parameter is 18. Pack or right-justify all

Reserved Word

Reserved word: LINKS

Word Content

LINKS 0 if the run was not started by a LNK statement or

non-zero if the run was started by a LNK statement.


This example executes a run, TEST, with the contents of VI, V2, and
SAM as input parameters to be picked up via INPUTS, and continues at
the next statement when TEST executes a GTO END:


UP-9662.5 7-209

This statement examines the status codes returned by the linked run:

601-DV,PN V116=STAT1$,V216=STAT2$,V316=STAT3S .


You can also use the LNK statement to call the SCHEDULE run from
within a run. The SCHEDULE run schedules a registered background
run for execution at a later time. See the Manual Functions Reference
for more information on the SCHEDULE run.


@LNK SCHEDULE,run,extime[,exdate,sn] .

In field: Enter:

the name of the run to be scheduled. Note that this run

must be registered for execution as a background run
for the person executing your run.

the time (in the format hhmm) the run is to be executed

or NOW for the current time.

exdate the date (in the format yymmdd) the run is to be

executed. (Default = today's date.)

sn the station number to be notified when execution of the

SCHEDULE run is complete or N if no one is to be
notified. (Default = user's station number.)

7-210 UP-9662.5

Reserved Word

Code Error

0 The background run has been scheduled.

1 The background run name specified is not a registered background run

for the person executing your run.

2 The specified time is invalid.

3 The specified date is invalid.

4 The specified time and date have already passed.


This example calls the SCHEDULE run to schedule the run called
"myrun" at 1:30 P.M. on July 5, 1988. It notifies station 123 when the
SCHEDULE run execution is complete.

@LNK SCHEDULE myrun.1330,880704,123 .

UP-9662.5 7-211


You can also use the LNK statement to call a chart run from within
your run control report. You receive a result containing the primitive
graphics code; the chart is not displayed. The primitive graphics code
is then sent to the linking run via the -0 result. If you are linking to
the MULTI run, see "Linking to the MULTI Run" in this subsection.
See the Color Graphics Guide for more information on graphics runs.


@LNK chartrun,r1[,sn,psiz?,transpcy?] .

In field: Enter:

chart run the name of the chart run to link to (for example, PIEG
or BARG).

rt the RID number and form type of the chart input report
(leave this subfield blank if you want the current -0

the station number of the plotter.

psiz? a Y if you want to use 11 x 17 inch paper. (Default = N,

8 1/2 x 11 inches.)

transpcy? a Y if you are making transparencies. (Default = N.)

7-212 UP-9662.5

Linking to the MULTI Run

If you are linking to the MULTI run, use this format:

@LN K MULTI,o,f,sn,psiz?,transpcy?1,m,t,r,m,t,d,m,t,r,...] .

In field: Enter:

q the quantity (2-4) of the charts to place into one chart.

f the format for the MULTI charts. Specify:

formats 1, 2, or 3 for two charts,

formats 1 or 2 for three charts, or
no formats (leave blank) for four charts.

Note that the f subfield is optional only if you specify

four charts.

sn the station number of the plotter.

psiz? a Y if you want to use 11 x 17 inch paper. (Default = N,

8 1/2 x 11 inches.) Specify this subfield only if you
specified a plotter station number in the sn subfield.

transpcy? a Y if you are making transparencies. (Default = N.)

Specify this subfield only if you specified a plotter
station number in the sn subfield.

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the reports

containing the primitive graphics code. You must specify
at least two reports.

UP-9662.5 7-213
LNM (Line Move)

The LNM statement moves lines within a report or result. It deletes the
lines from their original location and moves them to the new location.

Unless you are processing a result, you must precede an LNM statement
with a LOK statement.


@LNM,m,t,r1b41,4/1,q1 .

In field: Enter:

the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which

to move lines.

1b4 the line number before the moved line or lines. (The
moved lines follow this line.)

x how many times to move the lines. (Default = 1.)

1 the number of the first line to move.

q how many lines (quantity) to move for each x starting at

1. (Default = 1.)


This statement moves line 8 one time for two lines (lines 8 and 9) in
mode 0, RID 3B, after line 6:

WAM.0,13.3,6,1,8.2 .

7-214 UP-9662.5
LNX (Line Duplicate)

The LNX statement duplicates lines within a report or result. The

report expands to make room for the new lines.

Unless you are processing a result, you must precede an LNX statement
with a LOK statement.


@LNX,m,t,r,1,44] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to duplicate lines.

1 the number of the first line to duplicate.

how many times to duplicate the lines. You must enter a

number because x doesn't default to 1.

how many lines (quantity) to duplicate. (Default = 1.)


This statement duplicates line 12 five times in mode 0, RID 3B:

@LNX.O.B.3,12,5 .

The following example duplicates a three-line paragraph, starting at

line 6 of RID 3B in mode 0, five times:

WAX.0,B,3,6,5,3 .

UP-9662.5 7-215
LN+ (Line Add)

The LN+ statement adds lines to a report or result. The report expands
to make room for the new lines. The system automatically inserts tab
characters in the locations defined for the form type.

Unless you are processing a result, you must precede an LN+ statement
with a LOK statement.


@LN+,m,t,r1b4,q1,pred111 .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to add lines.

!b4 the line number before the added lines. (The added lines
follow this line.)

q how many lines (quantity) to add. You must enter a

number because q doesn't default to 1. (Maximum of 999

pred fl the reference number of the predefined line to add from

RID 0 of the form type.


This statement adds one type 2 predefined line to mode 0, RID 3B,
after line 5:

ftN+.0,B.3.5.1,2 .

7-216 UP-9662.5
LN- (Line Delete)

The LN- statement deletes lines from a report or result.

Unless you are processing a result, you must precede an LN- statement
with a LOK statement.



In field: Enter:

mix the mode, type, and RID number of the report from
which to delete lines.

1 the number of the first line to delete.

q how many lines (quantity) to delete. You must enter a

number because q doesn't default to 1.


This statement deletes one line from mode 0, RID 3B, starting at line

UP-9662.5 7-217
LOC (Locate)

The LOC statement locates a character string within a report or result,

and with the 0 or OU option, creates a result.


@LOC,m,t,r1,1,1ab] o cc tgtstr vcol,vino,vrid .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to locate a string of characters.

1 the line number at which to start the scan.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no target

string is located.

options (use the A, F, and M options to locate strings

regardless of the line type):

A Process all line types. (If used alone, it ignores

the first character of the target string.)

Bn Display the report n lines before the line where

the find was made, where n is a one-digit
number. Do not use the B option with the 0

C Distinguish between uppercase and lowercase



7-218 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

F Process all line types and locate the entire

string. (Does not locate strings that start in
column 1.)

M Treat the first character of the target string as

the line type designator. (Use the M option
instead of a line-type subfield. Also, you must
use the M option to locate a string beginning in
column 1.)

0 Create a result that contains the items found.

NOTE: With the 0 option, vcol contains 0, vino

contains the total number of lines that
contain the target string (not the line
number where the target string was
located), and vrid contains the RID
number where the target string was

OU Create a result; then do one of the following:

enter del to delete the lines in the result from the

report (see DEL).

enter to delete the lines in the result from the

report and redisplay the result (see EXT).

enter to make changes to the result and blend

these lines into the report (see UPD).

You cannot execute LOC with the OU option

against a result.


UP-9662.5 7-219


In field: Enter:

Sx Start scan at line x, where x is a positive number.

Sx-y Start scan at line x and stop at line y.

Sx,n Start scan at line x and scan n lines.

Tx Set x to a transparent character to match any

character in that position. (Don't use the
transparent character in the first character
position of the target string. For example, the
character string A$$D, where $ is the transparent
character, locates all four-character strings, where
A is the first character and D is the fourth
character, such as ABCD, A 2D, and A%CD.)

cc the column-character positions or names of the fields to


tgtstr the string of characters to locate.

vcol the column number where the target string was located.
This variable contains one less than the column number if
you use the F option; add one to get the actual column

the line number where the target string was located.

vrid the RID number where the target string was located.

7-220 UP-9662.5


@LOC 0 8,2 „ 99 AFM 2-79 FED <COL> , <L I NE>


0,B,2 Process RID 2B in mode 0.

99 Go to label 99 if no target string is located.

AFM Use the A, F, and M options.

2-79 Start scan in column 2 for 79 characters.

FED Locate the target string FED.

<COL> Capture a number one less than the column

number where the target string was located
(leftmost column of report is column 0) in

<LINE> Capture the line number where the target string

was located in <LINE>.

UP-9662.5 7-221
LOG (Accounting Log)

Use a LOG statement to log each function executed in a run.

Normally, whenever a run is executed, the system logs only one entry in
the accounting log, which is a summary of the data compiled while the
run is executing.

A LOG statement, however, produces an entry in the accounting log for

each function executed in the run.

Enter a LOG statement in the run control report ahead of all other
statements (except :L statements, if your run has them). If the run
contains a REL statement, replace it with a GTO END statement. This
keeps the log list intact after the run completes.

When you're finished evaluating the log result, reinstate the REL
statement and delete the GTO END statement (if you added one).


@LOG .


You can evaluate the general quality of your run by studying the log
result produced by the LOG statement. You can also submit your log
result to the RUNA run (see Section 5), a run analyzer.

After executing your run, wait a couple of seconds, then resume to

display the log list. If your run does not terminate normally because of
a loop or if you have other problems and cannot get a log list, call your
coordinator, who can obtain the log list for you.

7-222 UP-9662.5
LOK (Update Lock)

Use a LOK statement to get update control of a report and to prevent

.._./ other run users from updating your report until you release update

You don't need a LOK statement to update results.

Use a LOK statement before these statements:


These statements release update control:



NOTE: The MAPPER system releases update control whenever a run

terminates —for any reason. The run does not terminate until
the calling run and any runs called from within the run

If another user already has update control of the report and if the LOK
statement in your run has no label, the run stalls until the other user
releases update control; otherwise, the run continues at the label
specified in the lab subfield.

UP-9662.5 7-223


@LOK,m,t,r[fab] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report in which
to get an update lock.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if another user

has update control of the report.

Reserved Word

lesOved itord: MT 1$

Word Content

STAT1$ Station number that has report locked


This statement gets update control of mode 0, RID 6B:

@LOK,O,B,6 .

7-224 UP-9662.5
LSM (Load System Message)

Use an LSM statement to load a variable with the contents of a

MAPPER system message.

Messages can be up to 132 characters long, but usually take up one line
of data. They are formatted so that columns 1 through 80 have the
message and columns 82 through 88 have the message mnemonic.

Specify the number of characters of the message you want loaded in

the variable size.


@LSM,msgnoLlabi vmsg .

In field: Enter:

msgno the message number.

If using an LSM statement in an error subroutine, capture

this message number with the reserved word XERR$ (see

lab the label or relative line number to go to if the message

number does not exist.

the variable in which to place the message.


This example loads V I with the message number and V2 with the

@LDV.W V114=XERR$ LSM,V1 V2S80 .

UP-9662.5 7-225
LZR (Line Zero)

The LZR statement creates or loads variables with information from

line 0 of the designated report or result.

The LZR statement does not create a result. Results (-0) existing before
LZR executes continue to exist after LZR executes.


@LZR,m,ty[,lab vlines,vcpl,vhdrs,vcs,vupds,vdept,vuser,vrpw,vwpw] .

In field: Enter:

m,t,r the mode, type, and RID number of the report that
contains the information.

lab the label or relative line number to go to if no report (or

result) or form type exists.

NOTES: 1. Use the lab subfield without any of these

variables if you just want to find out
whether the report or form type exists.

2. Use any of the following variables to

capture the desired information.

3. If you specify a renamed result that is not

previously renamed with an RNM
statement, the run errs; it does not go to the
specified label.


7-226 UP-9662.5


In field: Enter:

vlines the variable to capture the number of lines.

vcpl the variable to capture the number of characters per line.

vhdrs the variable to capture the number of protected header

lines as defined in RID 0. The number of header lines
always equals I for a result on display.

VCS the variable to capture the number of the character set

type: 0 = LCS, 1 = FCS, and 2 = FCSU.

vupds the variable to capture the number of updates to the

report since it was created.

NOTE: The next four variables contain 0 if no

password is set.

vdept the variable to capture the department number if the

report has a department-private read access lock.

vuser the variable to capture the user-id if the report has a

user-private read access lock.

vrpw the variable to capture the read password, or the word

LOCKED*if the report has a read password.

the variable to capture the write password, or the word

LOCKED*if the report has a write password.
The word LOCKED is indicated unless access is by the key user sign-on accessible to coordinators.

UP-9662.5 7-227

Reserved Words

Resery0 words; STAT1S, STAT2S,:and STAT3S

Word Content

If report exists. . .

STAT1S Date of last update in DATE1S format (yymmdd)

STAT2S Creation date of report in DATE1S format (yymmdd)

STAT3S Save flag date, if one exists

If report has never been updated. . .


If report does not exist. . .

STAT1S RID number of highest report

STAT2S Disregard

If form type does not exist. . .


STAT2S Disregard

If neither the report nor form type exists, the LZR statement goes to the label in the
lab subfield. If you don't specify a label, the run continues at the next statement.


In this statement, <LINES> captures the number of lines in RID 2B,

mode 0, or the run goes to label 99 if no report or form type exists:

@LZR,O,B,2,99 <LINES>I5 .

7-228 UP-9662.5

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