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Question 2: Today's low-cost airlines are able to offer fast and cheap travel.

However, some people believe this is at a cost to the planet. Suggest ways that
governments and individuals could tackle the environmental impact of low-cost

ANS : It has become apparent in recent years that low-cost airlines are an issue
that a plethora of people strongly argue. A number of people suppose that
traveling by these kinds of transports causes an adverse impact on the
environment due to the fact that they burn fossil fuels at a higher rate than any
of the others. To tackle this problem, it is necessary to mention the
responsibility of the government and individuals. This essay will offer some
solutions that they should take to protect our environment.

On the one hand, the government needs to put more effort into reducing air
pollution from the airway. They should enact stronger regulations to control
aviation industry emissions or encourage airline companies to switch to biofuels
in order to lessen their use of carbon-emitting fossil fuels. Furthermore, they
could impose taxes on airlines with cheap prices, which might encourage people
to take fewer long-distant flights, consequently limiting emissions.

On the other hand, besides the government’s role, all individuals need to be
interested and partly contribute to maintaining our green home. Each person
should be aware of the serious consequences that derive from air travel. They
also take responsibility for propagating to everyone around them these adverse
impacts. In addition, each individual should minimize unnecessary flights, even
low ticket prices. They could choose other alternative transport that is less
harmful to the environment.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that air travel at low prices is affordable and

prompt for everybody. On the contrary, it leads to unexpected results for our
habitat. Therefore, both governments and individuals try together to look after
our planet by donating green projects or limiting emissions.

Qs 3 Private car ownership has grown dramatically in recent years. This has
led to a rise in traffic congestion. What could governments and individuals do to
reduce congestion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience

Most people would agree that car ownership has increased in recent years and is
causing a rise in traffic congestion. The concern about reducing congestion lays
in the responsibility of both individuals and governments. Therefore, measures
that must be taken to avoid traffic jams these days will be discussed in the

To begin with, the main reason for increasing car consumption, leading to
traffic congestion and other problems, is people's ignorance and unawareness. It
should be noted that governments should insist on putting a limit on the number
of vehicles in a day and inform individuals about a given issue. For instance, the
Japanese government decided to allow cars with an odd registration number to
move on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while owners of even numbers
are allowed to use their properties the rest of the week in order to facilitate the
roadblock. As a result, the problem of traffic congestion is more likely to be

In addition, people should strive to reduce their dependence on cars. To

illustrate, they can choose to briskly walk to the shops nearby whenever they
need to buy groceries without driving. It is indirectly giving them a valuable
opportunity to exercise so as to rebuild their bodies and regain health. By
encouraging environmentally friendly forms of transport, not only the number
of cars will be shortened, but also people will help to avoid different ecological
problems such as air pollution.

In conclusion, even if people afford themselves to become vehicle owners, it

can lead to traffic jams, thereby becoming a huge problem for the entire world.
Thus, all measures should be taken until we face it.

3. Today's teenagers have more stressfull lives than previous generations.

Discuss this view and give your opinion.

Despite a continuing improvement in the standard of living, many people

believe that young people suffer more stress than older generations. In this
essay, the arguments surrounding the issue of teenage stress will be discussed.

Firstly, nowadays, teenagers are exposed to more products than earlier

generations as an output of living in modern society. They get attracted through
films, advertisements, and offers for consumer products like expensive shoes,
clothes, gadgets, and vehicles. In order to achieve luxuries, teenagers take on
extra pressure, which increases their stress level and also affects their health.

Moreover, parents' demands and expectations play their own role in increasing
the stress level of teenagers. Although parents support their loved ones in their
every decision, they sometimes force their children to study subjects in which
they are not interested. Furthermore, not only guardians but also the
expectations of other members of the community lead adolescents to live a life
of stress. This is because students are in the most sensitive and crucial stage of
their lives, where they always want the best for themselves. But the feeling of
being unsuccessful and not fulfilling others' demands makes them worry about
their future.

However, in the past, education and parents were not advanced and demanded,
respectively. People mostly depend on labour for their livelihood. As a result,
children also felt free from the burden of studies, as they wanted to follow their
elder's path from a work perspective. Take India as an example. In the past,
about 58% of the Indian population relied on agriculture. Therefore, parents
also wanted their children to grow up as farmers. As this profession has no
requirement for studies, children live a stress-free life.

To sum up, consumerism and academic pressures are powerful causes of stress
for today's teenagers. Nevertheless, it is my view that these stresses are no
greater than those experienced by earlier generations of teenagers.

2. Many governments state that they value equal opportunities for all but do
not provide edequate support for the disabled. Discuss this view and give your

Nowadays, the standard of living has been improved over the past decade,
which helps people live more and more comfortable as well as convenience.
However, there’s still unbelievable truth in many countries, the lacking in
convenience facilities for handicapped people. Perhaps governments do not pay
enough attention to this problem, they tend to put too much faith in charities and
voluntary organizations. Therefore, it is considered by many that extra
approaches are available and needed to be taken into action by the government.

First of all, enhancing medical advancements is a great measure to deal with this
issue. Prosthetics such as arms or legs can be developed by using 3D printing
technology and used widely for disabled patients. The result is spectacular, the
fake parts can help them to move easily whenever they want and it also brings a
great opportunity for them in getting back to the society by erasing the gap
between the paralyzed and healthy individuals.
Secondly, to meet the requirements of disabled people, the public transport
system should be improved. For example, some buses are specially designed for
disabled people. These buses can take handicapped people from home to
anywhere they need to go. Besides, the transporters should be trained to assist
the aforesaid persons. Moreover, the welfare for restricted people in using
public transport is also a good idea to help them as well.

Besides, the financial demands of disabled people should also be catered by

governments. A severely handicapped person cannot earn sufficient income for
themselves. In my point of view, governments should arrange disability
pensions for all of them and exempt them from any kind of taxes.

In conclusion, as has been discussed above, all foregoing points have justified
the idea that while alternative methods are available, we cannot rely wholly on
charity and voluntary work.

4. The increasing use of modern drug technology encourages the treatment of

symptoms instead of treating the causes. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this?

Nowadays, people are all familiar with modern medicine used to treat ailments.
Recently, there has been an argument that people are using more and more
modern drug technology as a cure for symptoms rather than treating the causes
of illness. I absolutely agree with this statement and believe that this situation
has come about for several reasons.

To begin with, modern drugs have high effectiveness against symptoms, and
those drugs are made with high technology to reduce the side effects. As a
result, people usually visit a doctor to get a list of prescribed medicines
whenever they get sick and pay no attention to the causes of their illnesses.
Secondly, illnesses often come from a problematic lifestyle, which could be
unhealthy eating habits or unbalanced daily routine activities. Using medicine
as a short-term cure is much easier than changing habits for a long-term benefit.

There is also an increase in the amount of medicine produced and advertised

due to the business strategy of many pharmaceutical companies. This
phenomenon has indirectly bumped up drug consumption, as the price of
medicines is more affordable and drugs are more easily accessible. People are
unlikely to notice the need to consider the causes of illness, while the illness
itself could be conveniently treated by using medicine.
It is often argued that medicine is necessary to treat both the symptoms and the
causes of illness. While there is some truth to this claim, there are further points
to take into consideration regarding the number of ailments that could be treated
permanently by using drugs. Statistics have shown that most of the illnesses
recorded in hospitals are chronic, such as type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure,
and heart disease, all of which can be prevented by having a healthy routine.
This is prime evidence proving that increasing the use of medicine might not be
the proper solution for some cases.

In conclusion, although medicine is effective in treating symptoms, people are

using an excessive amount of medicine and pushing aside the causes of their
ailments. In my opinion, treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable;
that is to say, people should think about the reason why they are ill beforehand.

6. An increasing number of people are turning to vegetarianism. Some people

believe that people are following a vegetarian diet for reasons other than animal
rights issues. Do you agree with this?

Nowadays, it is a trend for amount of people to return to vegetarianism. Many

food companies are also competing in the development of vegetarian food
products. Some people claim that this is brought about by the care for animal
rights issue. Others think it is much beyond that. It is clear to me that people
avoid eating meat, mostly for the sake of their health and religious aspects.

Firstly, health improvement is the main reason the vegetarian diet has become
so popular. It is a fact that vegetarians have a much lower possibility of
suffering many serious health problems than their meat-eating counterparts,
such as gout, diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart-related diseases. In the long
term, this can also be financially beneficial for vegetarians because they do not
have to spend as much as meat-eaters on medical care. For example, my
grandmother has been a vegetarian for over 20 years, and thanks to his well-
planned diet, which provides him with all necessary nutrients, he is healthier
than most of her friends who consume meat.

In addition, religious beliefs also contribute to a vegetarian diet. Some religions,

such as Buddhism, believe that animals were human beings in their previous
lives, so eating their meat means you eating the flesh of your parent sentient
beings. It is often said that this view is rather unscientific; however, I am
convinced that it is vital to follow one's own religious practices, which can bring
enlightenment to mind.
To sum up, it is evident to me that people choose to become vegetarians for
health and religious concerns rather than the benefits of animals. However, a
meal that is nutritionally balanced is always highly recommended.


U1: The line graph depicts the proportion of staff training provided by four
businesses between 2003 and 2006. During this period, it is clear that the
training employees provided by four companies considerably increased. The
most dramatic increase was Company B, Company C, and Company D.

The rate of company A stayed unchanged from 2003 to 2004 at about 27

percent. In the year 2005, the figure for this cooperation started to fall gradually
and then slightly raised to reach 28 percent in 2006. Although the percentage of
staff trained by company B saw an exponential rise to 31 percent in the first
year, this figure experienced an insignificant decrease. Similar to company A,
followed by the rapid escalation, hitting a peak at 34 percent in 2006. In the first
two years, the proportion of both companies C and D is opposite to each other.
While company C dramatically surged from 25 percent to 36 percent from 2003
to 2004, the graph illustrates that company D dropped to the lowest point of 17
percent. Between 2004 and 2005, the percentage of staff training from company
C went down stunningly from 36 percent to 31 percent. In contrast, it saw a
doubling in the rate of company D from 17 percent to 34 percent. Both
companies' figures increased in the period from 2005 to 2006. Besides company
C having a growth of 36 percent, the other reached a peak at 35 percent.

Overall, the graph underlines the exponential increase in the rate of staff
training of four companies A, B, C, and D from 2003 to 2006.

U3: The given table describes the rate utilization of four dissimilar fuel types to
generate electricity in five European nations in 2001.

Overall, nuclear is mostly used in Belgium while the energy in Germany is

generally sustained by coal and lignite. The lowest fuel in use among the given
in all countries except Italy is petroleum products.

While data suggest a preference for coal and lignite in Germany and Britain,
each 50% and 34% respectively, natural elements provide the biggest amount of
electricity in Sweden. Belgium obtains more than half of its power through
nuclear energy, in contrast, the other half consists of coal and other several
methods. In most countries, a similar trend follows of petroleum products
having the lowest percentage, an average of 1-2%, except in Italy where it is the
second most relevant source of power. Notably, in Italy, nuclear power has no
presence in energy production, while 42% is produced by other means.

U5: The diagram below illustrates the circulation of carbon in nature. Initially,
carbon exist under solid and liquid which specifically are oil and coal, or called
fossil fuels. After that, fossil fuels will be taken away from the ground through
mining and extraction. After then, fossil fuels will fulfill their obligations
through the power source running the machinery. For instance, factories and
cars both depend on fossil fuels to manufacture things, while the energy sector
uses fossil fuels primarily to provide electricity. Simultaneously, the waste
product of carbon is produced when coal and oil are burned. This carbon
dioxide, if present in large enough quantities in the atmosphere, can seriously
harm the environment by rupturing the ozone layer and causing ultraviolet rays
to directly strike Earth, which can then cause diseases in all species, including
humans, as numerous studies have demonstrated. Luckily, vegetation absorbs
most carbon dioxide; without it, plants would not be able to photosynthesize
and produce nutrients. When plants age and naturally die, their process of
collecting carbon dioxide continues day after day without interruption. The
decomposition of vegetation will release carbon dioxide and initiate the
synthesis of new fossil fuels. After finished, a fresh carbon cycle begins.

U7: The bar chart illustrates the reasons men and women chose to work from
home in 2019. Overall, running own business was the main reason for both
males and females (69% and 65% respectively). In contrast, approximately a
quarter of males put flexibility as a reason, which was twice as high as the
female response (26% and 12% respectively). For childcare, the pattern was
different again with almost a quarter of females giving this reason compared to
very few males at 5 percent.

The table shows the hours men and women worked from home in 2005. The
vast majority of males worked over 30 hours per week (82%) contrasting with a
minority of females (5%) doing similar hours. This pattern is reversed when
examining the under ten hours category with almost three-quarters of females
working this amount compared to only 2% of males. The 10 to 30 hours per
week category shows fewer marked differences.
To sum up, it can be seen that men and women do not always give the same
reasons for home working and, in general, men work longer hours from home.

U8: Whether the role of Art in giving meaning and purpose to our lives is under
discussion. Some individuals cling to the idea that art serves as a source of
inspiration and helps us find purpose in life while others contend that art is a
mere interruption from the realities of life. In this essay, both views and present
the perspective that art will be discussed on the following grounds.

First and foremost, it is undoubted those who believe that art provides our lives
signifying and objective argue that it is a source of inspiration and creativity.
That is to say, art enables us to express our emotions, beliefs, and experiences,
allowing us to communicate and connect with others. Furthermore, art has the
potential to raise awareness and spark social change, as seen in the work of
activist artists who use their art to highlight social and political issues. For
instance, the renowned street artist Banksy’s powerful murals often tackle social
and political issues, such as his artwork in 2019 that depicted a child holding a
flare to draw attention to the refugee crisis.

On the other hand, some people consider art as a mere interference from real
life. They argue that art is a luxury that we cannot afford, as it does not
contribute to our basic needs or economic progress. In other words, our time
and resources should be focused on more practical pursuits, such as work or
education. Additionally, they may argue that art is inaccessible to many people
due to its cost, which further reinforces its status as a luxury. A specific case
that exemplifies this is the controversy surrounding the high prices of artworks
at prestigious art auctions, where masterpieces can sell for millions of dollars,
highlighting the exorbitant prices associated with renowned artworks, which can
indeed make art appear exclusive and reserved for the wealthy elite.

In my opinion, art is integral to our emotional and spiritual well-being. Through

art, we may really connect with ourselves and others and find meaning and
purpose in our lives.

In conclusion, some people see art as a way to escape reality, while others think
it gives life significance and meaning. In addition to being a source of
inspiration and personal development, art is vital to our emotional and spiritual
U10: Whether the causes of violence worldwide in this day and age are under
discussion. Some cling to the idea that it is connected to people's exposure to
violent scenes on television and in films, whilst others point to wider problems
in society such as unemployment, poor housing, and education as the root of
anti-social behavior. My essay sheds light on how brutality in the media plays
an integral role in encouraging violent behavior on the following grounds.

Initially, a first point is that as the media's roughness levels increase, so does
young people's exposure to it. Even films aimed at children often contain
violence and despite the difficulty of proving whether this directly affects
society, it is hard not to be concerned. After all, children learn through modeling
adult behavior, so if the models they choose are brutal then it is highly likely
that they may be violent themselves.

Furthermore, the way violence is portrayed in the media is often stylized

resulting in violence being seen as attractive. Individuals who are easily
impressed may then behave violently themselves. Although research has shown
that aggressive behavior is often the result of having aggressive parents, I still
believe that the unrealistic way violence is shown in the media must have an
adverse result on society.

Lastly, there is a global audience for violent television shows and movies due to
the remarkable globalization of the media. I contend that there must be a
detrimental factor in society behind the rising frequency and intensity of
violence observed across the globe.

In conclusion, I contend that the effects on the young, the unrealistic manner it
is portrayed, and the worldwide nature of media communications all have a
substantial and harmful impact on society, even if it can be tough to establish
beyond a reasonable doubt the effect of violence in the media on society.

Violence in playgrounds is increasing. However, it is important that

parents should teach children not to hit back at bullies. Discuss this
view and give your own opinion.
Essay 1

219 words

Nowadays, there are a lot more incidents on playgrounds, and the most of
them are violent. Some individuals believe that parents play a significant role in
teaching their children not to retaliate against bullies. I partially concur with
the premise but endurance isn't always the best course of action.

One the one hand, I firmly believe that retaliating against bullies leads to bad
habits. Violence may not be able to resolve some issues since they are more
serious and will only make the situation worse. Parents have a significant duty
when it comes to teaching their kids life skills. To prevent disputes, they must
react appropriately to all circumstances. Instead of responding violently to
bullying, children might ask adults or those nearby for assistance

On the other hand, parents and educators always teach their kids not to hick
back, which frequently leads to more severe altercations. Additionally, students
should be taught the value of and necessity for self-expression. For instance,
responding right away can effectively address the issue; similarly, taking action
in the heat of the moment is to shield oneself from further harm.

In conclusion, parents should teach their children to behave nicely and politely
when playing with friends. However, there are situations when protecting
oneself from harm by striking back right away is the better course of action.

Essay 2

306 words

The increasing violence in playgrounds is a matter of growing concern,

prompting discussions about how parents should guide their children in
responding to bullies. In my view, it is crucial that we address this issue with a
balanced approach that considers both non-violent conflict resolution and self-
defense awareness.

On one hand, there is a valid argument that parents should teach children not
to retaliate physically against bullies. This approach promotes non-violence,
enhances conflict resolution skills, and fosters empathy. By avoiding physical
retaliation, children learn to address bullying without resorting to aggression,
which can have detrimental consequences for both the victim and the bully.
For instance, when a child encounters bullying on the playground, they may be
encouraged to communicate their feelings, seek assistance from trusted
adults, or utilize peaceful strategies like walking away from the situation. These
techniques equip them with lifelong skills that extend beyond the playground,
enabling them to navigate conflicts and challenges in various aspects of their

On the other hand, in cases of immediate physical threat, children should be

equipped with self-defense knowledge to protect themselves without causing
harm. This practical skill can provide a sense of security and empowerment,
ensuring that children are not defenseless when faced with dangerous
situations. Moreover, self-defense training can boost a child's self-confidence
and resilience, enabling them to stand up for themselves assertively when
needed. It instills a mindset of personal safety and the ability to assess threats
and respond appropriately, contributing to their overall well-being and
confidence in navigating the world beyond the playground.

In conclusion, a balanced approach that combines non-violent conflict

resolution with self-defense awareness is essential to create a safer
playground environment for children. By teaching them to navigate conflicts
peacefully while also knowing how to protect themselves when necessary, we
empower our children to grow into responsible and confident individuals.

U2: Playground incidents are increasing dramatically in the day and age which
has worried parents and teachers. Some people think that the parents play a big
role to teach their kids not to hit back at bullies. In this essay, I'll explain why I
concur with this assertion as well as offer some instances to illustrate my point.

To commence with, things become bigger and more serious because of the
constant fights and hitting backs. More and more bullying incidents emerge in
schools or playgrounds, occasionally, pupils do not even aware that they are
bullying or being bullied. Therefore, it is vital for families to lecture their kids
on how to react and the solutions when bullies happened to them. For instance,
parental roles can educate kids to leave the place and do not ever using words to
provoke bullies, which normally makes things worse.

On the other hand, encouraging youngsters to fight back in response to bullies

would be detrimental to their moral and emotional growth. In other words, the
encouragement of pupils to use violence to cope with bullies at school might
inspire youngsters to use violence as a way to deal with issues with their
siblings and friends. Children who are tormented at school by an older or
stronger youngster, for instance, sometimes strike or insult their siblings in

In conclusion, teaching kids about nonviolent defenses against violence is a

well-liked strategy for defending kids and creating a peaceful world for them.

U4 Since the world population goes up, it is becoming more obvious to find
numerous ways to supply and feed the world population. Also, we may
encounter a serious food crisis. All the while, it is claimed that genetically
modified food is the only solution to solve this situation. Overall, there is no
justification for farming crops that they may exert detrimental impacts on
human well-being and the environment.

First and foremost, scientists are often convinced that genetically modified
products are available and it is considered as the quickest way to solve this
problem. Through sciences, plants can be made to grow faster and give
massively production. Even though the quality of these crops is extremely
essential, genetically modified food is not seen as an efficient way. However,
many parts of the world such as Africa continuously experience famine and
starvation, therefore there is one country that can claim genetically modified
food can help to reduce the shortage of food. Many components of the world are
used to relying on international food aid. That is to say, the government should
cogitate on creating different new methods for improving supplies. Also, they
might assign bigger budgets to such areas for aid.

In conclusion, since, we are to meet the demands of an increasing world

population the government should pay special attention to the issue.
Furthermore, we have to consider the impacts of genetically modified food on
human health and the environment before advancing the production of GM food
and people using it.

U4.2 Grocery stores are places where people can access a variety of foods and
commodities to use in their homes. To attract more customers and serve more
variety, these shops are selling food imported from overseas. This has had a
negative effect on both the country exporting these items and the localities in
which the imported goods are sold, which this essay sheds light on.

To begin with, countries have a lot of relaxed policies when it comes to the
trading of consumer products. This has enabled big-box stores to purchase
exotic fruits and vegetables around the world at a lower price. As a result,
supermarkets are giving preference to selling imported products rather than
buying them from local suppliers and farmers. Furthermore, with a decline in
the availability of buyers for the locally produced crops, most of them are rotten
and have had to be thrown out. For example, corn used to be a big industry in
the US, but when Mexico started exporting corn to the US for a fraction of the
price, it crippled the cornfields in the US.

Another negative impact of trading crops is that it can cause stress on the
production of a particular crop in the home country. Overproduction of one kind
of crop for the sole purpose of selling to other countries. This can exhaust the
nutrients in the soil and eventually make the land barren. For instance, in the
USA, the demand for avocados crossed over 5 million in the last year. To meet
this demand, several tonnes of avocado have been brought in from Mexico
which has resulted in a shortage of avocado in Mexico itself.

In conclusion, giving preference to local produce is vital, as it supports the

farmers of the country as well as will have less stress on supply and demand.
Having too many exports or imports of certain products can cause production
issues in both countries.

U6: In some countries privately owned transport systems have a poor safety
record. Yet it is the government who have ultimate responsibility for public
safety. How can governments ensure that private transport companies do not
neglect safety regulations?

Whether private companies that provide transportation services to the public do

not follow the rules regarding safety properly is a matter of discussion.
Considering the government has to guarantee that passengers are safe at all
times, they should tackle this issue by imposing fines on the companies that
disrespect safety regulations and prohibiting them from providing this service if
they frequently disobey the legislation.

First and foremost, it is undeniable that the government should set fines on any
and every transport company that does not follow safety legislation. In case
these institutions are afraid of getting fines, they will more likely abide by the
rules, which will definitely make people who use this kind of transport feel
safer. However, there are private organizations that do not care about paying
fines because they have too much money. Therefore, there is a reasonable
likelihood that these corporations would continue to ignore safety regulations.

Ignoring the safety regulations too frequently would make it illegal for these
firms to continue operating, which is another excellent way to improve public
safety. This move would definitely make other private enterprises pause before
breaking laws pertaining to passenger safety, even if it would reduce the options
available to locals for transportation. As an example, the mayor of my city
recently implemented this strategy, and the results were astounding: the
percentage of accidents resulting from inadequate transportation safety
plummeted to 5%.

In conclusion, the government has to hold private companies who provide

public transportation services accountable for their unacceptable practice of
disobeying safety regulations. This can be resolved by fining the organizations
that disobey the law and, in the event that they persist in doing so, preventing
them from operating as a company.

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