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Axn 09204 User Manualv18 20180719

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AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (READ FIRST!) ....................................................................................... 2
1.1 Important Directions for Use ....................................................................................... 3
1.2 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls ...................................................... 4
1.3 Instructions with regard to Specific Dangers ................................................................ 6
2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Specifications .............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Ambient Conditions .................................................................................................... 14
3 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Notes for Operation .................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Installation Environment ............................................................................................. 17
3.3 Overall Dimensions ..................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Installation Orientation and Spacing ........................................................................... 19
4 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Standard Connection Diagram .................................................................................... 22
4.2 Main Circuit ................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.1 Main Circuit Connection Diagram ................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Power Supply Input Port (P1) .......................................................................... 24
4.2.3 AC Power Supply Input .................................................................................... 25
4.2.4 DC Power Supply Input .................................................................................... 26
4.2.5 Brake Resistor .................................................................................................. 28
4.2.6 Motor Power Output Port (P2) ........................................................................ 30
4.2.7 Motor Power Output ....................................................................................... 31
4.3 Control Circuit ............................................................................................................. 33
4.3.1 Auxiliary Power Supply (AUX Power)............................................................... 33
4.3.2 Safe Torque Off (STO) ...................................................................................... 34
4.3.3 System Relay (R1) ............................................................................................ 35
4.4 Communication Port ................................................................................................... 37
4.4.1 Overview of Communication Port Panel ......................................................... 37
4.4.2 E1 Connector——Main Encoder Port.............................................................. 38
4.4.3 Sincos Encoder ................................................................................................ 39
4.4.4 Endat Encoder ................................................................................................. 40
4.4.5 Digital Incremental Encoder with Hall ............................................................. 41
4.4.6 Resolver ........................................................................................................... 42
4.4.7 Hiperface Encoder ........................................................................................... 43
4.4.8 S1 Connector——Serial Bus Port..................................................................... 44
4.4.9 RS-232 ............................................................................................................. 44
4.4.10 RS-422/RS-485 ................................................................................................. 47
4.4.11 Auxiliary CAN ................................................................................................... 48
4.4.12 C1 Connector——Main CAN Port .................................................................... 50
4.4.13 Main CAN ........................................................................................................ 50
4.4.14 Auxiliary Encoder............................................................................................. 52
4.4.15 EtherCAT IN/OUT——EtherCAT Port ............................................................... 53
4.4.16 U1/U2——User Connectors ............................................................................ 54
5 APPENDIX: ACCESSORIES......................................................................................................... 56
5.1 Prefabricated Motor Power Output Cable .................................................................. 57
5.2 Prefabricated Encoder Cable (for Phase Motors) ....................................................... 58
5.3 Cable Support .............................................................................................................. 59

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform



AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Powered by Phase Motion Control

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

1.1 Important Directions for Use

Appropriate Use

PMC products represent state-of-the-art developments and manufacturing. They are tested prior
to delivery to ensure operating safety and reliability.

The products may only be used in the manner that is defined as appropriate. If they are used in an
inappropriate manner, then situations can develop that may lead to property damage or injury to

Note: PMC as manufacturer is not liable for any damages resulting from inappropriate use. In
such cases, the guarantee and the right to payment of damages resulting from inappropriate use
are forfeited. The user alone carries all responsibility of the risks.

Before using PMC products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for an appropriate use of the
products are satisfied:
» Personnel that in any way, shape or form uses our products must first read and understand
the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with appropriate use.
» If the products take the form of hardware, then they must remain in their original state, in
other words, no structural changes are permitted. It is not permitted to decompile software
products or alter source codes.
» Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
» Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described in the relevant

Areas of Use and Application

Drive controllers made by PMC are designed to control electrical motors and monitor their
operation. Control and monitoring of the motors may require additional sensors and actors.

Note: The drive controllers may only be used with the accessories and parts specified in this
document. If a component has not been specifically named, then it may not be either mounted
or connected. The same applies to cables and lines. Operation is only permitted in the specified
configurations and combinations of components using the software and firmware as specified.

Every drive controller has to be programmed before commissioning, making it possible for the
motor to execute the specific functions of an application. The drive controllers have been
developed for use in single- and multi-axis drive and control tasks.

To ensure an application-specific use, the drive controllers are available with different drive power
and different interfaces.

Typical applications of the drive controllers include:

» handling and mounting systems;

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

» packaging and food machines;

» printing and paper processing machines;
» machine tools.

The drive controllers may only be operated under the assembly and installation conditions
described in this documentation, in the specified position of normal use and under the ambient
conditions as described (temperature, degree of protection, humidity, EMC, etc.).

Inappropriate Use
Using the drive controllers outside of the operating conditions described in this documentation
and outside of the indicated technical data and specifications is defined as “inappropriate use”.

Drive controllers must not be used, if

» ... they are subject to operating conditions that do not meet the specified ambient conditions.
This includes, for example, operation under water, under extreme temperature fluctuations
or extremely high maximum temperatures.
» Furthermore, the drive controllers must not be used in applications which have not been
expressly authorized by PMC.
» Please carefully follow the specifications outlined in the general Safety Instructions!

1.2 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls

General Information
Using the Safety Instructions and Passing them on to Others

Do not attempt to install or commission this device without first reading all documentation
provided with the product. Read and understand these safety instructions and all user
documentation prior to working with the device. If you do not have the user documentation for
the device, contact your responsible PMC sales representative. Ask for these documents to be sent
immediately to the person or persons responsible for the safe operation of the device. If the device
is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any other form, then these safety instructions must
be delivered with the device.

Improper use of these devices, failure to follow the safety instructions in this
document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safety devices,
may result in material damage, bodily harm, electric shock or even death!

Instructions for Use

Read these instructions before the initial startup of the equipment in order to eliminate the risk of
bodily harm or material damage. Follow these safety instructions at all times.
» PMC is not liable for damages resulting from failure to observe the warnings provided in this
» Read the operating, maintenance and safety instructions in your language before starting up
the machine. If you find that you cannot completely understand the documentation for your
product, please ask your supplier to clarify.
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

» Proper and correct transport, storage, assembly and installation as well as care in operation
and maintenance are prerequisites for optimal and safe operation of this device.
» Only assign trained and qualified persons to work with electrical installations:
Only persons who are trained and qualified for the use and operation of the device may
work on this device or within its proximity. The persons are qualified if they have sufficient
knowledge of the assembly, installation and operation of the equipment as well as an
understanding of all warnings and precautionary measures noted in these instructions.
Furthermore, they must be trained, instructed and qualified to switch electrical circuits and
devices on and off in accordance with technical safety regulations, to ground them and to
mark them according to the requirements of safe work practices. They must have adequate
safety equipment and be trained in first aid.
» Only use spare parts and accessories approved by the manufacturer.
» Follow all safety regulations and requirements for the specific application as practiced in the
country of use.

For machine and installation manufacturers:

» The devices have been designed for installation in industrial machinery.
» The ambient conditions given in the product documentation must be observed.
» The information given in the documentation of the product with regard to the use of the
delivered components contains only examples of applications and suggestions.
The machine and installation manufacturer must make sure that the delivered components
are suited for his individual application and check the information given in this
documentation with regard to the use of the components, make sure that his application
complies with the applicable safety regulations and standards and carry out the required
measures, modifications and complements.
» Startup of the delivered components is only permitted once it is sure that the machine or
installation in which they are installed complies with the national regulations, safety
specifications and standards of the application.
» Operation is only permitted if the national EMC regulations for the application are met.
» The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance with the limiting
values as prescribed in the national regulations.
» Technical data, connections and operational conditions are specified in the product
documentation and must be followed at all times.

Explanation of Warning Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Seriousness

The safety instructions describe the following degrees of hazard seriousness. The degree of hazard
seriousness informs about the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the safety

Warning symbol with signal word Degree of hazard seriousness according to ANSI Z 535

Death or severe bodily harm will occur.

Death or severe bodily harm may occur.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Bodily harm or material damage may occur.

Hazards by Improper Use

High electric voltage and high working current!

Risk of death or severe bodily injury by electric shock!

Dangerous movements! Danger to life, severe bodily harm or material damage by unintentional
motor movements!

High electric voltage because of incorrect connection! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric

Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to
electrical equipment!

Hot surfaces on device housing! Danger of injury! Danger of burns!

Electrical hazard due to water leakage on electrical component. Risk of injury by improper handling!
Risk of bodily injury by bruising, shearing, cutting, hitting, or improper handling of pressurized lines!

1.3 Instructions with regard to Specific Dangers

Protection against Contact with Electrical Parts
Note: This section only concerns devices and drive components with voltages of more than 50

Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 Volts can cause personal danger and electric
shock. When operating electrical equipment, it is unavoidable that some parts of the devices
conduct dangerous voltage.

High electrical voltage! Danger to life, electric shock and severe bodily injury!

» Only those trained and qualified to work with or on electrical equipment are permitted to
operate, maintain and repair this equipment.
» Follow general construction and safety regulations when working on electrical power

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

» Before switching on the device, the equipment grounding conductor must have been no
detachably connected to all electrical equipment in accordance with the connection diagram.
» Do not operate electrical equipment at any time, even for brief measurements or tests, if the
equipment grounding conductor is not permanently connected to the mounting points of the
components provided for this purpose.
» Before working with electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V, the device must
be disconnected from the mains voltage or power supply unit. Provide a safeguard to prevent
» With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following:
Wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow capacitors to discharge before
beginning to work. Measure the voltage on the capacitors before beginning to work to
make sure that the equipment is safe to touch.
» Never touch the electrical connection points of a component while power is turned on.
» Install the covers and guards provided with the equipment properly before switching the
device on. Before switching the equipment on, cover and safeguard live parts safely to prevent
contact with those parts.
» A residual-current-operated circuit-breaker or r.c.d. cannot be used for electric drives! Indirect
contact must be prevented by other means, for example, by an overcurrent protective device
according to the relevant standards.
» Secure built-in devices from direct touching of electrical parts by providing an external
housing, for example a control cabinet.

With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following:

High housing voltage and large leakage current! Risk of death or bodily injury by
electric shock!

» Before switching on, the housings of all electrical equipment and motors must be connected
or grounded with the equipment grounding conductor to the grounding points. This is also
applicable before short tests.
» The equipment grounding conductor of the electrical equipment and the units must be non-
detachably and permanently connected to the power supply unit at all times. The leakage
current is greater than 3.5 mA.
» Over the total length, use copper wire of a cross section of a minimum of 10 mm2 for this
equipment grounding connection!
» Before start-up, also in trial runs, always attach the equipment grounding conductor or
connect with the ground wire. Otherwise, high voltages may occur at the housing causing
electric shock.

Protection against Electric Shock by Protective Low Voltage (PELV)

All connections and terminals with voltages between 5 and 50 Volt at PMC products are
protective extra-low voltage systems which are provided with touch guard according to the
product standards.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

High electric voltage by incorrect connection! Risk of death or bodily injury by

electric shock!

» To all connections and terminals with voltages between 0 and 50 Volt, only devices, electrical
components, and conductors may be connected which are equipped with a PELV (Protective
Extra-Low Voltage) system.
» Connect only voltages and circuits which are safely isolated from dangerous voltages. Safe
isolation is achieved for example by isolating transformers, safe optocouplers or battery
operation without mains connection.

Protection against Dangerous Movements

Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors. Some common
examples are:
» improper or wrong wiring of cable connections
» incorrect operation of the equipment components
» wrong input of parameters before operation
» malfunction of sensors, encoders and monitoring devices
» defective components
» software or firmware errors

Dangerous movements can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or even after an
unspecified time of trouble-free operation. The monitoring in the drive components will normally
be sufficient to avoid faulty operation in the connected drives. Regarding personal safety, especially
the danger of bodily harm and material damage, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure
complete safety. Until the integrated monitoring functions become effective, it must be assumed
in any case that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faulty drive movements depends
upon the type of control and the state of operation.

Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, severe bodily harm or

material damage!

» For the above reasons, ensure personal safety by means of qualified and tested higher-level
monitoring devices or measures integrated in the installation. They have to be provided for
by the user according to the specific conditions within the installation and a hazard and fault
analysis. The safety regulations applicable for the installation have to be taken into
consideration. Unintended machine motion or other malfunction is possible if safety devices
are disabled, bypassed or not activated.

To avoid accidents, bodily harm and/or material damage:

» Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving parts. Possible measures to
prevent people from accidentally entering the machine’s range of motion are using safety
fences, using safety guards, using protective coverings and installing light curtains or light
» Fences and coverings must be strong enough to resist maximum possible momentum.
» Mount the emergency stop switch in the immediate reach of the operator. Verify that the
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

emergency stop works before startup. Don’t operate the device if the emergency stop is not
» Isolate the drive power connection by means of an emergency stop circuit or use a safety
related starting lockout to prevent unintentional start.
» Make sure that the drives are brought to a safe standstill before accessing or entering the
danger zone.
» Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switching off the motor
power by, for example, mechanically securing the vertical axes, adding an external braking/
arrester/ clamping mechanism or ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axes
» The standard equipment motor brake or an external brake controlled directly by the drive
controller are not sufficient to guarantee personal safety!
» Disconnect electrical power to the equipment using a master switch and secure the switch
against reconnection for maintenance, repair work, cleaning of equipment and long periods
of discontinued equipment use.
» Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equipment near
electronics circuits and supply leads. If the use of such devices cannot be avoided, verify the
system and the installation for possible malfunctions in all possible positions of normal use
before initial startup. If necessary, perform a special electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test
on the installation.

Protection against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields during Operation and

Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors and permanent
magnets in motors represent a serious personal danger to those with heart pacemakers, metal
implants and hearing aids.
Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing
aids in proximity to electrical equipment!

» Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not permitted to enter following
Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are mounted, being operated or
Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are being stored, repaired or
» If it is necessary for somebody with a pacemaker to enter such an area, a doctor must be
consulted prior to doing so. The interference immunity of present or future implanted heart
pacemakers differs greatly, so that no general rules can be given.
» Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids must consult a doctor
before they enter the areas described above. Otherwise health hazards may occur.

Protection against Contact with Hot Parts

Hot surfaces at motor housings, on drive controllers or chokes! Danger of injury!

Danger of burns!

» Do not touch surfaces of device housings and chokes in the proximity of heat sources! Danger
of burns!
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

» Do not touch housing surfaces of motors! Danger of burns!

» According to operating conditions, temperatures can be higher than 60 °C, 140 °F during or
after operation.
» Before accessing motors after having switched them off, let them cool down for a sufficiently
long time. Cooling down can require up to 140 minutes! Roughly estimated, the time required
for cooling down is five times the thermal time constant specified in the Technical Data.
» After switching drive controllers or chokes off, wait 15 minutes to allow them to cool down
before touching them.
» Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.
» For certain applications, the manufacturer of the end product, machine or installation,
according to the respective safety regulations, has to take measures to avoid injuries caused
by burns in the end application. These measures can be, for example: warnings, guards
(shielding or barrier), and technical documentation.

Protection during Handling and Mounting

In unfavorable conditions, handling and assembling certain parts and components in an improper
way can cause injuries.

Risk of injury by improper handling! Bodily injury by bruising, shearing, cutting,


» Observe the general construction and safety regulations on handling and assembly.
» Use suitable devices for assembly and transport.
» Avoid jamming and bruising by appropriate measures.
» Always use suitable tools. Use special tools if specified.
» Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner.
» If necessary, use suitable protective equipment (for example safety goggles, safety shoes,
safety gloves).
» Do not stand under hanging loads.
» Immediately clean up any spilled liquids because of the danger of skidding.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform


AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Powered by Phase Motion Control

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

2.1 Specifications


Technical specifications Symbol AxN 09.20.4 Units

150 ~ 500 Vac 3 phase

Power Supply Voltage 𝑽𝑖𝑛
0 ~ 800 Vdc
Auxiliary supply voltage 𝑽𝑎𝑢𝑥 24V ± 15% / 2A Vdc
Output frequency 𝒇 0 ~ 1200 Hz
Current output, S1 𝑰𝑜 9 Arms
Peak current(1) 𝑰𝑝 20 Arms
Power Losses total(2) 𝑷𝑙 200 W
Maximum output voltage 𝑽𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑽𝑖𝑛 × 0.95 Vac
PWM frequency(3) 𝒇𝑝𝑤𝑚 4 / 8 / 16 kHz
Efficiency at nominal power(1) -- 97.9 %
Input form factor (Full load) -- 0.9 Vac 3 phase
Maximum braking current -- 100% of 𝑰𝑝 (peak current) --
Cooling -- 1 fan 40 × 40 × 20 --
Flow rate -- 25.2 m /hour
Dimensions (H×W×D) -- 201.8×96×164.6 mm
(1) 𝑽𝑖𝑛 = 380 Vac, 𝑽𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑽𝑖𝑛 × 0.95, 𝐓𝑎𝑚𝑏 = 40℃, Comm.Freq.8kHz
(2) Including input rectifier losses
(3) PWM frequency will automatically decrease at Zero Speed, in order to keep Nominal Current Output

Motor Feedback Options

Sincos encoder 5 channels (2 absolute analog tracks/2 incremental

analog tracks/index)
Incremental encoder (1 Vpp or Different Line Driver)
Main Encoder
Sensorless algorithm (w/o feedback)
Endat serial encoder 1.0 to 2.2 (default)
Hiperface encoder
Secondary Encoder Incremental digital encoder without commutation tracks (500kHz)
(500kHz) Endat serial encoder

Programmable Input Signals

2 Differential analog inputs ± 10V (1mV) / Rin = 10kΩ
8 digital inputs 20 ~ 30V / Rin = 6.6kΩ to GND

Programmable Output Signals

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

2 analog outputs 0 ~ 10V (1mV) FS (30mA)

4 digital outputs PNP open collector 24V (100mA)
1 watch dog relay 2A/30Vdc, 0.25A/250Vac, NO/NC contacts

Hardware Configuration
Processor speed: 80 MIPS μC + FPGA
120 MIPS μC + FPGA Extreme Version (Optional)
Task frequency:
– Current /drive monitoring: 1 MHz
– Position/speed loop: 8 kHz
– PLC fast task: 8 kHz
– PLC slow task: 15.625 Hz to 1 kHz user-programmable
Position loop mode available
Target position register: 32 or 64 bits
Full digital control Id/Iq, updated 16 kHz

Drive Operational Area

Max Current VS. Ambient Temperature

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Max Continuous Current VS. Output Voltage (at 40℃)

2.2 Ambient Conditions

Ambient Conditions
Ambient Conditions AxN 09.20.4
Protection IP20
Accident Prevention
According to local regulations
Up to 1000m above MSL, over 1000m above MSL with power reduction
Mounting Altitude
( 1% per 100m up)
Pollution Severity 2
Built-in unit, only for vertical installation in a switch cabinet with min. IP4x
Installation Type
Environment Far away from corrosive, flammable gases, droplets of oil or dust etc.

Climatic Conditions
Climatic Conditions AxN 09.20.4
As per EN 61800-2,IEC 60721-3-2 class 2K3(1)
In Transit Temperature -25℃ to +85℃
Relative air humidity 5 to 90% without condensation

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

As per EN 61800-2,IEC60721-3-1 class 1K3 和 1K4(2)

In Storage Temperature -25℃ to +85℃
Relative air humidity 5 to 95% without condensation
As per EN 61800-2,IEC60721-3-3 class 3K3(3)
In Operation Temperature 0℃ to 40℃,up to 60℃ with power reduction
Relative air humidity 5 to 95% without condensation
(1) The absolute humidity is limited to max. 60 g/m³. This means, at 70 °C for example, that the relative humidity
may only be max. 40 %.
(2) The absolute humidity is limited to max. 29 g/m³. So the maximum values for temperature and relative air
humidity stipulated in the table must not occur simultaneously.
(3) The absolute humidity is limited to max. 25 g/m³. That means that the maximum values for temperature and
relative air humidity stipulated in the table must not occur simultaneously.

Mechanical Conditions
Mechanical Conditions AxN 09.20.4
As per EN 61800-2, IEC 60721-3-2 class 2M1
Frequency (𝐇𝐳) Amplitude (𝐦𝐦) Acceleration (m/s2)
Vibration Limit
2≤𝑓<9 3.5 Not Applicable
in Transit
9 ≤ 𝑓 < 200 Not Applicable 10
200 ≤ 𝑓 < 500 Not Applicable 15
Shock Limit in As per EN 61800-2, IEC 60721-2-2 class 2M1
Transit Drop height of packed device max. 0.25m
As per EN 61800-2,IEC 60721-3-3 class 3M1
Vibration Limit Frequency (𝐇𝐳) Amplitude (𝐦𝐦) Acceleration (m/s2)
of the system(1) 2≤𝑓<9 0.3 Not Applicable
9 ≤ 𝑓 < 200 Not Applicable 1
(1) NOTE: The devices are only designed for stationary use.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform


AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Powered by Phase Motion Control

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

3.1 Notes for Operation

Please be sure to avoid:
1. penetration of damp into the device;
2. aggressive or conductive substances in the immediate vicinity;
3. explosive and flammable substances in the immediate vicinity;
4. drill chippings, screws or foreign bodies dropping into the device;
5. ventilation openings being covered over, as otherwise the device may be damaged

Note the following points:
1. Make sure every part of the drive is anchored before moving the drive. Failure to comply may
result in minor or moderate injury from the drive parts falling.
2. Observe proper electrostatic discharge (ESD) procedures when handling the drive. Failure to
comply could result in ESD damage to the drive circuitry;
3. Prevent foreign matter such as metal shavings or wire clippings from falling into the drive
during installation and project construction. Failure to comply could result in damage to the
drive. Place a temporary cover over the top of the drive during installation. Remove the
temporary cover before start-up, as the cover will reduce ventilation and cause the drive to
4. Install proper cooling to ensure the temperature in the enclosure does not exceed 40 °C.

3.2 Installation Environment

To help prolong the optimum performance life of the drive, install the drive in the proper
environment. The table below provides description of the appropriate environment for the drive.

Environment Condition
Installation Area Indoor
0℃ to 40℃, up to 60℃ with power reduction (2%/℃)
Drive reliability improves in environments without wide temperature
When using an enclosure panel, install a cooling fan or air conditioner in the
area to ensure that the air temperature inside the enclosure does not exceed
the specified levels.
Do not allow ice to develop on the drive.
Humidity 5 to 95% without condensation
Install the drive in an area free from:
1. oil mist and dust
Surrounding Area 2. metal shavings, oil, water or other foreign materials
3. radioactive materials
4. combustible materials (e.g., wood)

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

5. harmful gases and liquids

6. excessive vibration
7. chlorides
Up to 1000m above MSL, over 1000m above MSL with power reduction ( 1%
per 100m up)
Amplitude up to 0.3mm at 2 to 9 Hz
Acceleration up to 1m/s2 at 9 to 200 Hz
Orientation Install the drive vertically to maintain maximum cooling effects.

3.3 Overall Dimensions

Overall Dimensions

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

3.4 Installation Orientation and Spacing

Installation Orientation
To maintain proper cooling, install the AxN drive upright inside the switch cabinet as illustrated

WARNING: The airflow inside the drive must be upright after installation as illustrated below. If
other form of installation must be taken, CONNECT PMC ENGINEER BEFORE INSTALLATION.

Installation Orientation

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Installation Spacing
To maintain sufficient space for airflow and wiring, the space between AxN drive and other device
(including other AxN drives) must comply the requirement below.

Installation Spacing
No. Distance Description
The distance between the top of the switch cabinet, to ensure enough
A >100mm
space for air-out.
The distance between other device (including other AxN drives and
B >10mm
peripheral devices)
C >30mm The distance between the inside wall of the switch cabinet.
The distance between the bottom of the switch cabinet, to ensure enough
D >100mm
space for air-in.
E >100mm Air-out area, do not place any other device in this area
F >100mm Air-in area, do not place any other device in this area
G Airflow Direction

NOTE: The switch cabinet must have air outlets and inlets to ensure the thermal exchange
between the cold air outside and the hot air inside.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform


AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Powered by Phase Motion Control

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.1 Standard Connection Diagram


Disable L N
PE Power


NO Auxiliary supply of
NC Main control circuits.

Aux Power-4
Aux Power-1
COM Voltage:22-30V
Requested current:2A
Drive Ready Relay
From Digital R S T +24V 0V
U1-5 D10 Ground
Output U1-6 D11
U1-7 D12 DO0 U1-9
U1-8 D13 DO1 U1-10

Digital inputs
U1-12 0V
Digital signal Digital signal 0V U1-12

(programmable) U2-18 D14 reference GND reference GND DO2 U2-22 Digital outputs
U2-19 D15 DO3 U2-23 (programmable)
U2-20 D16 Digital signal 0V U2-24
U2-21 D17 reference GND
U2-24 0V
Digital signal
reference GND

U1-1 R0P
U1-2 R0N AO0 U1-3
U1-4 U1-4
Differential analog inputs Analog signal Analog outputs
(programmable to four U2-14 R1P reference GND Analog signal AO1 U2-16
single ended signal) U2-15 R1N reference GND U2-17

Analog signal Analog signal

reference GND reference GND X1-1
X1-1 TX+ TX+
X1-2 TX- X1-2
Ethercat IN TX-
Ethercat OUT
X1-3 RX+ RX+ X1-3
RJ45 X1-6 RJ45
X1-6 RX- RX-

Serial communication

RS-232/422/485 Port
Standard RS-232 DCE CAN Connector(C1)
Ground Ground

internal resistor
Main Encoder(500kHZ)
Motor Feedback options Ground
Blue Red Yellow
A B C B- DC+/B+ Jump DC-

external jumper
Encoder Motor


AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.2 Main Circuit

4.2.1 Main Circuit Connection Diagram

AxN 09.20.4 Drive can use AC power or DC power as its power supply. DO NOT USE BOTH AC power
supply and DC power supply AT THE SAME TIME! Refer to the following figures for standard drive
connection diagram.

NOTE: the input and output ports in the following figures do not represent the true location on
the drive, please refer 4.2.2 Power Supply Input Port and 4.2.6 Motor Power Output Port to know
more details.

AC Power Supply

Main Circuit Connection Diagram: AC Power

DC Power Supply

Main Circuit Connection Diagram: DC Power

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.2.2 Power Supply Input Port (P1)

AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Power Supply Input Port (P1) has 4 functions: AC Power Supply Input, DC
Power Supply Input, External Brake Resistor Connection and Internal Brake Resistor Activation.

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Power Supply Input Port (P1) is on the bottom of the drive. Refer to the
following figure for exact locations.

Power Supply Input Port

Terminal Configuration
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Power Supply Input Port (P1) has 8 terminals: PE, R, S, T, DC-, B-, Jump and
DC+/B+ (the PE terminal is a shared PE terminal). And the P1 port has different functions by using
different combinations of terminals. Refer to following table for more details:
Function Terminal Definition Description
T Three phase AC power supply: phase
150 ~ 500 Vac three
AC Power S Three phase AC power supply: phase
phase AC power
Supply Input R Three phase AC power supply: phase
PE Three phase AC power supply: grounding
DC+/B+ DC power supply: positive (+)
DC Power 0 ~ 800 Vdc DC
DC- DC power supply: negative (-)
Supply Input power supply
PE DC power supply: grounding
External Brake DC+/B+ External brake resistor: positive (+) More details refer to
Resistor B- External brake resistor: negative (-) 4.2.5 Brake Resistor
Internal Brake DC+/B+ Internal brake resistor: positive (+) More details refer to
Resistor Jump Internal brake resistor: negative (-) 4.2.5 Brake Resistor

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.2.3 AC Power Supply Input

AC Power Supply Requirement

Mains Supply AxN 09.20.4
Voltage 150 ~ 500V
Type Three-phase AC power
Frequency 50/60Hz
Fluctuation of Frequency ±10% (45 ~ 66Hz)
Asymmetry ±3%

Wire Gauge
AxN 09.20.4 drive must use a 4 wire cable with shield as its AC power supply cable. The table
below lists the appropriate cable:
Current (Arms) Cross-sectional Area (mm2) AWG
AxN 09.20.4 9 2.63 13

Pre-insulated Crimp Terminals

Crimping pre-insulated Terminals on the wires will enhance the connection stability and simplicity
between the cable and drive. R, S, T terminals of AxN 09.20.4 drive are recommended to use the
E Series Cord End Terminals manufactured by KST. And PE terminal is recommended to use the
RNY Series Ring Terminals also manufactured by KST. The table below lists the appropriate
Recommended Strip
Recommended Pre-insulated Crimp Terminals
AxN 09.20.4 E2508(phase wire)/ RNYBS22-6(ground 10

Cable Shield Grounding

Wiring the cable shield to ground is a very helpful method to reduce interference. Follow these
two precautions to ground the cable shield: 1. Pull out some shield and fix it on the outside of the
cable with heat-shrink tube; 2. Use a drainage line to connect the Cable Shield and PE wire.

Cable Sketch

AC Power Supply Cable Sketch

AC Power Installation
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Wiring and Torque Specification

Connect the 4 wires of the AC power supply cable to the correspond terminals on the P1 port: T to
T, S to S, R to R and PE to PE.

Cable Fixing
Use a hose clamp to fix the cable on the cable support. For AxN 09.20.4 drive, the nominal torque
to tight these terminals is 0.5 ~ 0.6 N∙m.

AC Power Supply Cable Installation

4.2.4 DC Power Supply Input

DC Power Supply Requirement
Main Supply AxN 09.20.4
Voltage 565V
Type DC power
Fluctuation of Voltage 0 ~ 800V
Nominal Current Output 9A
Peak Current Output 20A
Nominal Power at 565V 6.3KW
Peak Power at 565V 13.8KW

Note: please do not install filters, reactors and other equipment between DC power and AxN
drive. Connect DC power and AxN drive directly with the power line.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Wire Gauge
AxN 09.20.4 drive must use a 3 wire cable with shield as its DC power supply cable. The table
below lists the appropriate cable:
Current (Arms) Cross-sectional Area (mm2) AWG
AxN 09.20.4 10.4 2.63 13

Pre-insulated Crimp Terminals

Crimping pre-insulated Terminals on the wires will enhance the connection stability and simplicity
between the cable and drive. DC+ and DC- terminals of AxN 09.20.4 drive are recommended to
use the E Series Cord End Terminals manufactured by KST. And PE terminal is recommended to
use the RNY Series Ring Terminals also manufactured by KST. The table below lists the
appropriate terminal:
Recommended Strip
Recommended Pre-insulated Crimp Terminals
AxN 09.20.4 E2508(phase wire)/ RNYBS22-6(ground 10

Cable Shield Grounding

Wiring the cable shield to ground is a very helpful method to reduce interference. Follow these
two precautions to ground the cable shield: 1. Pull out some shield and fix it on the outside of the
cable with heat-shrink tube; 2. Use a drainage line to connect the Cable Shield and PE wire.

Cable Sketch

DC Power Supply Cable Sketch

DC Power Installation
Wiring and Torque Specification
Connect the 3 wires of the DC power supply cable to the correspond terminals on the P1 port: DC+
to DC+/B+, DC- to DC- and PE to PE.

Cable Fixing
Use a hose clamp to fix the cable on the cable support. For AxN 09.20.4 drive, the nominal torque
to tight these terminals is 0.5 ~ 0.6 N∙m.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

DC Power Supply Cable Installation

4.2.5 Brake Resistor

Dynamic braking (DB) helps bring the motor to a smooth and rapid stop when working with high
inertia loads. As the drive lowers the frequency of a motor with high inertia connected,
regeneration occurs. This can cause an overvoltage situation when the regenerative energy flows
back into the DC bus capacitors. A brake resistor prevents these overvoltage faults.

AxN 09.20.4 Drive has an internal brake resistor inside the drive. And it can also connect an external
brake resistor (Recommended).
WARNING: Do not operate AxN Drive without any brake resistor. Failure to comply may result in
damage to braking circuit or drive.

Internal Brake Resistor

Every AxN 09.20.4 Drive has an internal brake resistor. Regard to its properties, using internal
brake resistor in real applications is NOT recommended. Refer to the following table for more
Resistance (Ω) Power (W)
AxN 09.20.4 30 30

Use the attached shortcut wire to connect the Terminals, Jump and DC+/B+, in order to activate
the Internal Brake Resistor inside the AxN 09.20.4 Drive.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Internal Brake Resistor Activation

External Brake Resistor

The External Brake Resistor must be sized properly in order to dissipate the required power to
decelerate the load in desired time. There are three important factors: Resistance, Maximum
Absorb Energy and Maximum Power.

The selection of the external brake resistor resistance must be proper. If the resistance is smaller
than Minimum Resistance, the IGBT might be damaged by the overload brake current. And if the
resistance is bigger than Maximum Resistance, the brake procedure might be abort because of the
high DC-Bus Voltage (over 900V).Refer to following table to check the Minimum and Maximum
Resistance of external brake resistor:
Minimum Resistance (Ω) Maximum Resistance (Ω)
AxN 09.20.4 19 30

Maximum Absorb Energy and Maximum Power

Maximum Absorb Energy and Maximum Power are two important factors to evaluate the energy
absorption ability of the brake resistor. The values of these two factors may differ from one
application to another, but the basic idea is always the same, to dissipate the required power to
decelerate the load in desired time.
NOTE: Brake resistor wires’ insulation grade must be higher than 1000Vac and 3000Vdc.

Connect the brake resistor’s wires to the Terminals, DC+/B+ and B-. For AxN 09.20.4 drive, the
nominal torque to tight these terminals is 0.5 ~ 0.6 N∙m.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

External Brake Resistor Installation

4.2.6 Motor Power Output Port (P2)

AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Motor Power Output Port (P2) has one function: output power to the motor.

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Motor Power Output Port (P2) is on the bottom of the drive. Refer to the
following figure for exact locations.

Motor Power Output Port

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Terminal Configuration
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Motor Power Output Port (P1) has 4 terminals: A, B, C and PE (the PE
terminal is a shared PE terminal). The wires of the Motor Power Cable must correspond one to
one with the terminals on the P2 port. Refer to following table for more details:
Motor Power Motor Power
Output Port (P2) Cable
A U/1 Phase U wire must connect to A terminal
B V/2 Phase V wire must connect to B terminal
C W/3 Phase W wire must connect to C terminal
PE PE Ground protection
WARNING: The correspondence between the Motor Power Output wires and terminals should
be adhered! Otherwise the motor cannot work properly!

4.2.7 Motor Power Output

Wire Gauge
AxN 09.20.4 drive must use a 4 wire cable with shield as its Motor Power Output cable. The table
below lists the appropriate cable:

Current (Arms) Cross-sectional Area (mm2) AWG

AxN 09.20.4 9 4.17 11

Pre-insulated Crimp Terminals

Crimping pre-insulated Terminals on the wires will enhance the connection stability and simplicity
between the cable and drive. A, B, C terminals of AxN 09.20.4 drive are recommended to use the
E Series Cord End Terminals manufactured by KST. And PE terminal is recommended to use the
RNY Series Ring Terminals also manufactured by KST. The table below lists the appropriate
Recommended Strip
Recommended Pre-insulated Crimp Terminals
AxN 09.20.4 E4012(phase wire)/ RNYBS22-6(ground 14

Cable Shield Grounding

Wiring the cable shield to ground is a very helpful method to reduce interference. Follow these
two precautions to ground the cable shield: 1. Pull out some shield and fix it on the outside of the
cable with heat-shrink tube; 2. Use a drainage line to connect the Cable Shield and PE wire.

Cable Sketch

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Motor Power Output Cable Sketch

Motor Power Output Installation

Wiring and Torque Specification
Connect the 4 wires of the motor power cable to the correspond terminals on the P2 port: U to A,
V to B, W to C and PE to PE.

Cable Fixing
Use a hose clamp to fix the cable on the cable support. The nominal torque to tight these terminals
is 0.5 ~ 0.6 N∙m.

Motor Power Output Cable Installation

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.3 Control Circuit

4.3.1 Auxiliary Power Supply (AUX Power)

Auxiliary Power Supply Requirement

Main Supply AxN 09.20.4
Voltage 24V
Type DC power
Fluctuation of Voltage ±15% (22.8 ~ 25.2V)
Nominal Power 48W
Nominal Current 2A

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Auxiliary Power Supply Port (Female Plug, 4Pin) is on the top of the drive. And
a corresponding Auxiliary Power Supply Terminal (Male Plug, 4Pin) is provided in the accessories.
Refer to the following figure for exact locations.

Auxiliary Power Supply Port

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Terminal Configuration
Pin Name Function Description
1 24V_AUX Control circuit power supply 24Vdc Positive
2 24V_SAF_H STO high-side power bridge power supply 24Vdc Positive
3 24V_SAF_L STO low-side power bridge power supply 24Vdc Positive
4 GND_AUX Reference ground 24Vdc Negative

4.3.2 Safe Torque Off (STO)

STO Function
Normal version AxN 09.20.4 Drive does not have the STO function. If you want to use the STO
function, you must order a STO version AxN 09.20.4 Drive. Normal version AxN 09.20.4 Drive has
already internally short cut Pin 24V_AUX, 24_SAF_H and 24V_SAF_L, so that STO function is

STO Function Enable

The STO function is implemented using two redundant channels: SH and SL, each channel uses its
own +24V DC power supply. Another two channels (+24V and GND) power the drive control and
logic circuits. The connection diagram is shown as the following figure:

STO Function Disable

If you do not want to use Safe Torque Off function in any circumstance, you can use an insertion
bridge which is attached in the accessary bag to short cut Pin 1: +24V, Pin2: SH and Pin 3: SL to
disable the STO function. The connection diagram is shown as the following figure:

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.3.3 System Relay (R1)

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s System Relay Port (Female Plug, 3Pin) is on the top of the drive. And a
corresponding System Relay Terminal (Male Plug, 3Pin) is provided in the accessories. Refer to the
following figure for exact locations.

System Relay Port

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Terminal Configuration
Pin Name Function Description
1 Com Common relay contact
2 N.O. Relay normally open contact To be used as drive system OK signal
3 N.C. Relay normally closed contact

AxN 09.20.4 Drive uses a relay to indicate the status. When Drive is power off or system is not ready,
the circuit is connected between N.C. (Normally Closed) and Com. In the meantime, the circuit is
disconnect between N.O. (Normally Open) and Com, illustrated as below.

System NOT Ready

When the drive is ready, N.O. connects Com and N.C. disconnects Com, illustrated as below.

System Ready

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4 Communication Port

4.4.1 Overview of Communication Port Panel

Name Function Description

SinCos, Endat, Digital Incremental with Hall,
E1 Encoder Connector
Resolver and Hiperface
4 Analog Inputs, 2 Analog Outputs;
U1/U2 User Connectors
8 Digital Inputs, 4 Digital Outputs
S1 Serial Bus Connector RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 / Secondary CAN
C1 CAN Connector Main CAN / Auxiliary Encoder
EtherCAT IN/OUT EtherCAT Connector RJ45 100Base-TX

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.2 E1 Connector——Main Encoder Port

AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Main Encoder Port is used to connect motor‘s position sensor (encoder). AxN
09.20.4 Drive can support 5 different kinds of position sensor: Sincos Encoder, Endat Encoder,
Digital Incremental Encoder with Hall, Resolver and Hiperface Encoder. Different position sensor
has different pin assignment, refer to correspond section for more details.
If the motor is manufactured by Phase Motion Control, our Prefabricated Encoder Cables are
recommended. Refer to: Appendix: Accessories ——5.2 Prefabricated Encoder Cable for more

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Main Encoder Port (Female Plug, 15 Pin D-Sub) is on the right bottom of the
Communication Port Panel. Refer to the following figure for exact location.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.3 Sincos Encoder

Pin Assignment
Pin Name Function Signal Description
1 GND Supply ground Encoder ground
2 SIN+ Encoder absolute channel 1 Vpp differential
3 COS+ Encoder absolute channel 1 Vpp differential
4 COS- Encoder absolute channel 1 Vpp differential
5 SIN- Encoder absolute channel 1 Vpp differential
6 +Vcc Encoder supply, 5Vdc Positive supply voltage
7 A+ Encoder incremental channel 1 Vpp differential
8 KTY+ Thermal sensor positive
9 I- Encoder index 1 Vpp differential
10 —— —— ——
11 —— —— ——
12 A- Encoder incremental channel 1 Vpp differential
13 B- Encoder incremental channel 1 Vpp differential
14 I+ Encoder index 1 Vpp differential
15 B+ Encoder Incremental channel 1 Vpp differential

Connection Table (with Ultract Series Motors)

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.4 Endat Encoder

Pin Assignment
Pin Name Function Signal Description
1 GND Supply ground Encoder ground
2 —— —— ——
3 CLOCK+ Endat clock TTL
4 CLOCK- Endat clock TTL
5 —— —— ——
6 +Vcc Encoder supply, 8Vdc Positive supply voltage
7 —— —— ——
8 KTY+ Thermal sensor positive
9 DATA- Endat data TTL
10 —— —— ——
11 —— —— ——
12 —— —— ——
13 —— —— ——
14 DATA+ Endat data TTL
15 —— —— ——

Connection Table (with Ultract Series Motors)

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.5 Digital Incremental Encoder with Hall

Pin Assignment
Pin Name Function Signal Description
1 GND Supply ground Encoder ground
2 —— —— ——
3 H1 Hall sensor TTL
4 H2 Hall sensor TTL
5 H3 Hall sensor TTL
6 +Vcc Encoder supply, 8Vdc Positive supply voltage
7 B+ Encoder incremental channel TTL
8 KTY+ Thermal sensor positive
9 I- Encoder index TTL
10 —— —— ——
11 —— —— ——
12 B- Encoder incremental channel TTL
13 A- Encoder incremental channel TTL
14 I+ Encoder index TTL
15 A+ Encoder incremental channel TTL

Connection Table (with Ultract Series Motors)

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.6 Resolver

Pin Assignment
Pin Name Function Signal Description
1 —— —— ——
2 SIN+ Absolute channel Differential signal
3 COS+ Absolute channel Differential signal
4 COS- Absolute channel Differential signal
5 SIN- Absolute channel Differential signal
6 —— —— ——
7 —— —— ——
8 KTY+ Thermal sensor positive
9 —— —— ——
10 RESEX+ Resolver energising + 8kHz sinusoidal wave
11 RESEX- Resolver energising - 8kHz sinusoidal wave
12 —— —— ——
13 —— —— ——
14 —— —— ——
15 —— —— ——

Connection Table (with Ultract Series Motors)

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.7 Hiperface Encoder

Pin Assignment
Pin Name Function Signal Description
1 GND Supply ground Encoder ground
2 —— —— ——
3 —— —— ——
4 —— —— ——
5 —— —— ——
6 +Vcc Encoder supply, 8Vdc Positive supply voltage
7 COS+ Process data channel TTL
8 KTY+ Thermal sensor positive
9 DATA- RS-485 parameter channel TTL
10 —— —— ——
11 —— —— ——
12 COS- Process data channel TTL
13 SIN- Process data channel TTL
14 DATA+ RS-485 parameter channel TTL
15 SIN+ Process data channel TTL

Connection Table (with Ultract Series Motors)

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.8 S1 Connector——Serial Bus Port

AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Serial Bus Port (S1) supports RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 and CAN protocol. But
only one communication interface can be used at a time.

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Serial Bus Port (Male Plug, 9 Pin D-Sub) is on the downside of drive‘s
communication port panel. Refer to the following figures for exact location.

4.4.9 RS-232

Pin Assignment
Pin Standard RS-232 AxN RS-232 Function
1 DCD --- Data Carrier Detect
2 RXD RXD Received Data
3 TXD TXD Transmitted Data
4 DTR DTR Data Terminal Ready
5 GND GND Common Ground
6 DSR DSR Data Set Ready
7 RTS RTS Request To Send
8 CTS CTS Clear To Send
9 RI --- Ring Indicator

1. RS-232 devices may be classified as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Communication
Equipment (DCE); this defines at each device which wires will be sending and receiving each
signal. AxN 09.20.4 Drive is a Data Communication Equipment (DCE), and a controller or a
computer is a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

2. The signal voltage is ±12V, and the max current of DTR (Pin4) is 100mA.

Minimal "3-wire" Connection

A minimal "3-wire" RS-232 connection consisting only of transmit data, receive data, and ground,
is commonly used when the full facilities of RS-232 are not required. And it is also the minimal
connection requirement of Cockpit communication with AxN 09.20.4 Drive.

Connection table

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

Connection diagram

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Maximal "7-wire" Connection

When the controller has full facilities of RS-232, "7-wire" connection is the maximal connection
which AxN 09.20.4 drive can support.
NOTE: Do NOT use "9-wire" connection, AxN 09.20.4 drive does not support DCD and RI function.

Connection table

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

Connection diagram

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.10 RS-422/RS-485
Pin Assignment
Pin RS-422 RS-485 Function
1 TX+ TX+(LN+) Transmit Data +
2 TX- TX-(LN-) Transmit Data -
3 RX+ RX+(LN+) Receive Data +
4 RX- RX-(LN-) Receive Data -
5 GND GND Ground
6 —— —— ---
7 —— —— ---
8 —— —— ---
9 —— —— ---

RS-422 Connection Table

AxN Drive Twisted pair Controller
TX+ 1 RX+
TX- 2 RX-
RX+ 3 TX+
RX- 4 TX-
6 N/C
7 N/C
8 N/C
9 N/C

RS-485 Connection Table

AxN Drive Twisted pair Controller
TX+ 1
RX+ 3
TX- 2
RX- 4
6 N/C
7 N/C
8 N/C
9 N/C

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.11 Auxiliary CAN

AxN 09.20.4 Drive supports CANOpen protocol and it has two independent CAN access. The
auxiliary CAN controller links to the S1 connector.

Pin Assignment
Pin CANOpen Function
1 CAN_H CAN_H bus line (dominant high)
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 --- ---
5 GND Ground connection
6 --- ---
7 --- ---
8 --- ---
9 CAN_L CAN_L bus line (dominant low)

Note: CANOpen pin assignment on S1 connector does NOT meet CiA 102 Standard.

Connection Table

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Connection diagram

Note: Only the first and the last CAN node device should use a 120Ω terminal resistor.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.12 C1 Connector——Main CAN Port

AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Main CAN Port (C1) connects to the main CAN controller inside the AxN drive.
It the default CAN network port of AxN drive. Moreover, C1 port can also be used as Auxiliary
Encoder Port.

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s Main CAN Port (Female Plug, 9 Pin D-Sub) is on the middle side of drive‘s
communication port panel. Refer to the following figures for exact location.

4.4.13 Main CAN

AxN 09.20.4 Drive supports CANOpen protocol and it has two independent CAN access. The main
CAN controller links to the C1 connector.

Pin Assignment
Pin CANOpen Function
1 --- ---
2 CAN_L CAN_L bus line (dominant low)
3 GND Ground connection
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 --- ---
7 CAN_H CAN_H bus line (dominant high)
8 --- ---
9 --- ---

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Connection Table

1) N/C——No Connection;
2) Connector back shell shielded 360°(Both ends);
3) ● means that the shield or cable should connect to connectors.

Connection diagram

Note: Only the first and the last CAN node device should use a 120Ω terminal resistor.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.14 Auxiliary Encoder

C1 port is also the Auxiliary Encoder Port. It supports Endat Encoder IN, Incremental Encoder IN
and Simulated Incremental Encoder OUT. The output voltage of Simulated Incremental Encoder is
0 ~ 3.3V.

Endat Encoder (IN)

Pin Name Function
1 DATA+ Endat Data
2 --- ---
3 GND Ground connection
4 CLOCK- Endat Clock
5 --- ---
6 DATA- Endat Data
7 --- ---
8 CLOCK+ Endat Clock
9 --- ---

Incremental Encoder (IN/OUT)

Pin Name Function
1 B+ Encoder incremental channel
2 --- ---
3 GND Ground connection
4 A- Encoder incremental channel
5 I- Encoder index
6 B- Encoder incremental channel
7 --- ---
8 A+ Encoder incremental channel
9 I+ Encoder index

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.15 EtherCAT IN/OUT——EtherCAT Port

AxN 09.20.4 Drive supports EtherCAT fieldbus protocol. And it can be connected to an EtherCAT
network through two connectors: EtherCAT IN and EtherCAT OUT.

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s EtherCAT Port is on the upside of drive‘s communication port panel, formed by
two RJ45 100Base-TX female plug. Refer to the following figure for exact location.

Pin Assignment
Pin Name Function
1 TX + Transmit Data +
2 TX - Transmit Data -
3 RX + Receive Data +
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 RX - Receive Data -
7 --- ---
8 --- ---

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

4.4.16 U1/U2——User Connectors

Port Location
AxN 09.20.4 Drive’s User Connectors (Male Plug, 2 × 12 pin) are on the left bottom of the
Communication Port Panel. Refer to the following figure for exact location.


NOTE: All analog signal reference GND are the same, and all digital signal reference GND are the

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Pin Assignment

Pin Name Function Signal Description

±10V, Zin=10KΩ, able to switch between
1 R0P (AI0) Programmable analog input
differential mode and single end mode(1)
±10V, Zin=10KΩ, able to switch between
2 R0N (AI1) Programmable analog input
differential mode and single end mode(1)
3 AO0 Programmable analog output 0 ~ 10V f.s., 30 mA
4 GND Analog reference ground Analog signals reference
5 DI0 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
6 DI1 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
7 DI2 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
8 DI3 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
9 DO0 Programmable digital output PNP open collector, 24 V, 100mA max
10 DO1 Programmable digital output PNP open collector, 24 V, 100mA max
11 N/C —— ——
12 COM Digital reference ground Digital signal reference

Pin Name Function Signal Description

13 GND Analog reference ground Analog signals reference
±10V, Zin=10KΩ, able to switch between
14 R1P (AI2) Programmable analog input
differential mode and single end mode(1)
±10V, Zin=10KΩ, able to switch between
15 R1N (AI3) Programmable analog input
differential mode and single end mode(1)
16 AO1 Programmable analog output 0 ~ 10V f.s., 30 mA
17 GND Analog reference ground Analog signals reference
18 DI4 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
19 DI5 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
20 DI6 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
21 DI7 Programmable digital input 6.6 kΩ to ground, 20-30 V
22 DO2 Programmable digital output PNP open collector, 24 V, 100mA max
23 DO3 Programmable digital output PNP open collector, 24 V, 100mA max
24 0V Auxiliary supply negative Digital signal reference

1. AxN 09.20.4 Drive has 4 single end analog inputs or 2 differential analog inputs, and they can
be switched by software. The default mode is differential mode. When analog inputs are in
differential mode, pin R0P (U1-1) and pin R0N (U1-2) map the R0 channel in software, and pin
R1P (U2-14) and pin R1N (U2-15) map the R1 channel in software. On the other hand, when
analog inputs are in single end mode, pins: AI0 (U1-1), AI1 (U1-2), AI2 (U2-14) and AI3 (U2-15)
respectively map channels AI0, AI1, AI2 and AI3 in software.
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform


AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

Powered by Phase Motion Control

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

5.1 Prefabricated Motor Power Output Cable

The Order Code can provide all the necessary specifications about a Prefabricated Motor
Power Output Cable. Choose the specifications and use the corresponding order cable to order.
Order Code PW -C -D16 -5 -GTV

Cable Type Power Cable

Motor Side/Drive Side

C = Ring terminal/Cord end terminal
F = Ring terminal/Ring terminal
Terminal Type
S = Stripped wires/Cord end terminal
R = Stripped wires/Ring terminal
A = Aviation plug/Cord end terminal

D1.5=4×1.5mm² B1.5=4×1.5mm²+2×__mm²
D2.5=4×2.5mm² B2.5=4×2.5mm²+2×__mm²
D04 =4×4mm² B04 =4×4mm²+2×__mm²
Wire Gauge(1) D06 =4×6mm² B06 =4×6mm²+2×__mm²
D10 =4×10mm² B10 =4×10mm²+2×__mm²
D16 =4×16mm² B16 =4×16mm²+2×__mm²
D25 =4×25mm² B25 =4×25mm²+2×__mm²

X(2)=X m

Shield Type G = General shielded I = General + Internal shielded N = No shield

Trace Chain or Not S = Standard T = Trace chain
Coat material V=PVC U=PUR(3)
1. B in the Wire Gauge means power cable for motor with brake, the gauge of brake wires should
be provided either;
2. Cable Length are not just 3m, 5m and 7m, order whatever cable length you want;
3. Cable Coat made by PUR is oil resistant and wear resistant.

Order Code: PW-C-D16-7-GTV

Power cable; terminal type of motor side is ring terminal, terminal type of drive side is cord end
terminal; wire gauge is 4×16mm²; length is 7m; general shielded; trace chain; insulating layer
material is PVC.
AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

5.2 Prefabricated Encoder Cable (for Phase Motors)

The Order Code can provide all the necessary specifications about a Prefabricated Encoder
Cable. Choose the specifications and use the corresponding order cable to order.
Order Code CE -X -A28 -5 -ISU -xx

CN = Endat Encoder
CE = Endat Encoder
Cable Type
CS = Sincos Encoder
CR = Resolver
CH = Incremental with
Hall sensor

X=Aviation plug /
Terminal Type

Wire Gauge(1) A28=AWG28

X(2)=X m

G = General shielded
Shield Type I = General + Internal shielded
N = No shield
Trace Chain or Not S = Standard T = Trace chain
Coat material V=PVC U=PUR(3)

Reserve Code Reserve

Order Code: CE-X-A28-5-ISU

Endat cable(ECI1319/EQI1331); terminal type of motor side is aviation plug, terminal type of drive
side is DB15 connector(180 °outlet); internal diameter is AWG28; length 5m; general and internal
shielded; standard, not trace chain; insulating layer material is PUR.

AxN Configurable Motion Control Platform

5.3 Cable Support

AxN 09.20.4 drive metal cable support is connected with the shell after the installation is
completed. Large area of the metal plate can ensure that the cable shield is effectively grounded
and the grounding impedance is reduced.

Put the open holes of cable support together with the ports of the drive located on the
right side of power supply input ports. Use the cross slotted head screw of M4*10 to connect the
cable support and the drive.

Use the PH2 screwdriver to tighten the screw.


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