29259-Article Text-85947-100688-10-20240305
29259-Article Text-85947-100688-10-20240305
29259-Article Text-85947-100688-10-20240305
e-ISSN: 2622-5867
p-ISSN: 2685-743x
Volume 8 number 1, March 2024
Page 156-173
In this research, researchers aim to find out the problems and causes of introverted
students and introverted students' strategies in speaking English. Researchers used
descriptive quantitative methods. In the first questionnaire researchers used a
random sampling technique, in which 104 students of SMAN 4 Bengkulu in the
Science majors’ grades 10 and 11 became the sample. And for the second and
third questionnaires researchers used a purposive sampling technique, in which 67
students were categorized as introverts. The results of the study showed that
introverted students have many problems in speaking English. The problem that most
introvert students face is pronunciation problems in speaking English, with a total
average of 2.01; then followed by the problem of lack of vocabulary (2.02); and the
problem of lack of confidence (2.07). Researchers also found several causes of
introverted students' speaking problems, namely students accustomed to using their
mother tongue when forced to speak English (2.02) as the dominant cause based
on the total average result; feeling lost the topic when speaking English (2.11), and
feeling stuck in thinking (2.16). Then the last result, there are three strategies used by
introverted students to overcome speaking problems. Metacognitive as the
dominant strategy used by introvert students in overcoming speaking problems, the
strategy is paying attention (3.25), then followed by cognitive strategies regarding
practice strategies (2.79) and the socio-affective strategy regarding cooperative
strategies (2.71). The problems and causes that most introvert students face in
speaking English are pronunciation problems and students are used to using their
mother tongue when they feel pressured. Furthermore, introverted students used
many strategies with moderate mean total.
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
Speaking is one of the most important skills in learning English. Every school
provides English lessons as a course to help students develop language skills,
especially in English speaking skills. Speaking as a form of communication for
expressing ideas, feelings and transferring specific messages between individuals.
Ramasari (2017) stated that speaking becomes known for learners when people
learn English. The aim of teaching English speaking skills is to provide learning in using
of English accurately thus that students can communicate better. This is in line with
the fact that speaking is a common way of communicating.
English language skills are very important to learn and develop thus that by
mastering English, people can communicate with other people from various
countries. Anggreini (2020) says that humans must be prepared to interact with
people from various nations to master English speaking, which is an important skill to
learn and improve. The ability to speak English has a significant impact on a variety
of different facets of society, such as economics, tourism, and education. In
addition, there are benefits of having good English-speaking skills for students, such
as students having the opportunity to convey ideas or knowledge they have actively
in class, students can develop their ideas or ability to think rationally and they can
have greater opportunities to get a better education and get a better job.
Anggreini (2020) also argues that speaking English has various advantages for
learners. Such as, speaking helps students to exchange concepts, knowledge, and
experiences. Furthermore, speaking helps learners to develop their personalities and
speaking helps students to explore their critical thinking.
Moreover, several previous studies have investigated learning problems and
strategies for speaking English skills based on the personality types of introverted
students. First, previous research was conducted by Hanifa et al. (2022) to find out
the difficulties that introverted English learners face in speaking and examine
possible solutions. The results of this study indicate that there are problems faced by
introverted students in speaking English, such as problems in grammar,
pronunciation, lack of vocabulary, feeling nervous, insecure, and feeling
embarrassed. Also found six strategies for overcoming the problems of speaking
English for introverted students. The other previous research conducted by Yusuf,
Basalama & Bay (2021) discusses the strategies used by introverted and extroverted
students in learning to speak English. The results of this study state that extroverted
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
Research Methodology
In this research, researchers used a quantitative descriptive method.
Quantitative means that this research emphasizes data collection in the form of
numbers. Aliaga and Gunderson in Apuke (2017) stated that in quantitative
research, processes are explained by collecting numerical results and then
evaluating using techniques with a mathematical foundation (in particular statistics).
In addition, this study uses descriptive research to describe the results obtained from
the data in the form of numbers. Gall and Borg (2007) in Khapsoh (2020) say that
explaining a topic itself and its aspects is the aim of a descriptive study. In short, to
identify students' problems in speaking English, the causes, and the strategies used
by introverted students in overcoming the problems.
This research was conducted at SMAN 4 Bengkulu in the Science major. The
subjects of this research were the grade X and XI students of Science majors
academic year 2022-2023. The random sampling technique was used for the first
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
questionnaire, the population was taken from 1/3 of each class X MIPA and XI MIPA.
Researchers only takes 1/3 of the entire population for each class because the large
population allows for more time to be needed in the study. For the next
questionnaire, researchers used a purposive sampling technique which was
obtained based on the criteria of introverted students through the first questionnaire.
There were 104 students of class X and XI of SMAN 4 Bengkulu who filled out the
questionnaire. This means that 67 introverted students from the personality test results
at SMAN 4 Bengkulu became the sample in this study.
This study used three questionnaires as instruments for data collection. The
questionnaire was used to determine students' personality types, researchers
adapted a questionnaire from Wulandari (2017) which was based on Eysenck's
personality theory. And to find out the problems and causes of introverted students
in speaking English, researchers adapted the questionnaire from Oktavia,
Suryatiningsih & Mabaroh (2022) and Ayu (2018) which was based on the theory
from Scott Thornbury and Ur in Siti Ratna Ayu's 2018 research. Then, to find out
introvert students' strategies in overcoming English speaking problems, researchers
adapted the questionnaire from Yusuf et al. (2021) which is based on the Strategy
Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) theory by O'Malley & Chamot (1990).
The data collection method in this study used three questionnaires.
Researchers used a personality type questionnaire to determine introverted
personality types. The questionnaire uses a Likert Scale as a choice of answers. There
are 4 answer choices which contain Strongly Agree (SA=4), Agree (A=3), Disagree
(D=2), and Strongly Disagree (SD=1) choices. However, the Likert Scale answer
choices with Strongly Agree (SA=1), Agree (A=2), Disagree (D=3), and Strongly
Disagree (SD=4) were used in the second questionnaire. And the answer choices of
Never (1), Seldom (2), Often (3), and Always (4) are used in the third questionnaire.
Moreover, researchers came directly to SMAN 4 Bengkulu, then researchers asked
for the help of an English teacher to assist researchers in giving the questionnaire to
the students. Thus, researchers gave the questionnaire that had been made via a
link on the Google Form, and researchers supervised each student so that students
filled out the questionnaire.
The data obtained from a questionnaire about the problems and factors that
cause introverted students' problems in speaking English were analyzed using the
percentage formula from Sudijono (2010).
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
P: Percentage (%)
F: Total response/item
N: Total respondents
Researchers used negative statements in the problems and causes
questionnaire. Thus, the smaller results of the points obtained, the greater response.
However, researchers used positive statements in the strategies questionnaire. Thus,
the greater results of the points obtained, the greater response.
a. Aspect on Knowledge
Table 4.1 Percentage of knowledge statements
SA A D SD Mean
Aspect Statement Category
(1) (2) (3) (4) Total
1. I have a limited
13 42 9 3
vocabulary when 2,02 Agree
(19,4%) (62,7%) (13,4%) (4,5%)
speaking English.
2. I find it difficult
to use grammar 11 39 9 8
2,20 Agree
Knowledge when speaking (16,4%) (58,2%) (13,4%) (11,9%)
3. I feel hesitant in
pronouncing 15 38 12 2
2,01 Agree
words when (22,4%) (56,7%) (17,9%) (3%)
speaking English.
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
13 40 10 4
AVERAGE 2,07 Agree
(19,4%) (59,2%) (14,9%) (6,4%)
Based on the results in the table above, in statements 1, 2 and 3. It can be seen
that the average total students gave an agree response. The highest percentage for
the strongly agree response is in statement 3 with 22.4% of students choosing this
option. While statement 1 has the highest percentage for the agree category with
62.7% response. However, the negative responses with the highest percentage were
found in statement 2. Thus, it can be concluded that the lower result of this total
average indicates introverted students agree and realize that they have problems in
English pronunciation, this means that the most problems faced by introvert students
are statement number 3 with a total average of 2.01.
b. Aspect on Skill
Table 4.2 Percentage of skill statements
Aspect Statement Mean Category
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4. I feel less confident when 5
18 31 13
asked to speak English in (7,5% 2,07 Agree
(26,9%) (46,3%) (19,4%)
front of the class. )
5. I feel anxious when 10 25 28 4
2,38 Agree
speaking English. (14,9%) (37,3%) (41,8%) (6%)
6. I am afraid of being 5
16 30 16
criticized when speaking (7,5% 2,14 Agree
(23,9%) (44,8%) (23,9%)
English in front of the class. )
7. I feel embarrassed to be
Skill seen by my friends when I 17 24 24 2
2,16 Agree
speak English in front of the (25,4%) (35,8%) (35,8%) (3%)
8. I am afraid of being
ridiculed by my friend when 12 28 22
(7,5% 2,29 Agree
I speak English in front of the (17,9%) (41,8%) (32,8%)
9. I am afraid of making
14 35 16 2
mistakes when speaking 2,08 Agree
(20,9%) (52,2%) (23,9%) (3%)
English in front of the class.
15 29 20
AVERAGE (5,7% 2,18 Agree
(21,6%) (43%) (29,6%)
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
In statement four to statement nine. It can be said that this aspect also gets a
total average with an agreed response from introverted students. Where the highest
percentage of 26.9% in the response strongly agree is found in statement 4. And
statement number 9 becomes the highest percentage of 52.2% in the "Agree"
response which is dominantly chosen by introvert students.
However, it can be seen that there are also opposite responses chosen by
introvert students in statement number 5 as the highest percentage for disagreeing
responses. Thus, it can be concluded that the results that are lower than the total
mean show that introverted students agree and realize that they have problems in
lack of self-confidence when asked to speak English. This means that the problem
most introverted students face in this aspect is statement number 4 with a total
average of 2.07.
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
2 23 29 13
2. I practice English pronunciation. 2,79 Often
(3%) (34,3%) (43,3%) (19,4%)
3. I practice pronouncing English 3 24 29 11
2,71 Often
words that I know in different ways. (4,5%) (35,8%) (43,3%) (16,4%)
4. I try to find English passages in
3 31 27 6
books, dictionaries, the internet, or 2,53 Often
(4,5%) (46,3%) (40,3%) (9%)
ask my teacher to practice speaking.
5. I watch English language TV shows
5 21 29 12
spoken in English or go to movies 2,71 Often
(7,5%) (31,3%) (43,3%) (17,9%)
spoken in English.
6. I try to listen to the English speaker 8 23 28 8
2,53 Often
and identify the English pattern. (11,9%) (34,3%) (41,8%) (11,9%)
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
that I understand.
4 27 26 10
AVERAGE 2,60 Often
(6,5%) (39,9%) (39,1%) (14,3%)
It can be seen in the table above, that introvert students have varied
responses. In this aspect, the total average shows that introverted students seldom
use strategies or do not agree with these statements. There is 22.4% in statement 7 as
the highest percentage of introverted students who choose the always response.
However, there were also 11.9% of introverted students who chose the Never answer
in statement 6. Furthermore, there was the highest percentage of seldom responses
in statements 1 and 8 which were predominantly chosen by introvert students. Thus,
it can be concluded that the highest mean total in this aspect is 2.79 which is
contained in statement 2.
16 25 25 10
AVERAGE 2,57 Often
(10%) (37,3%) (37,1%) (15,5%)
Based on the table above, it can be seen that in this aspect the total
average number shows the response with the frequent category. Which means that
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
introvert students are more dominant in agreeing to these statements. Then there
were 38.8% which was the highest percentage in the always response in statement
11. In addition, in statements 13 and 14 some students chose the never response with
a percentage of 17.9%. Thus, through the table above it can be seen that the
highest mean total is 3.25 in statement 11.
It can be seen from the data, that of the total average number of student
responses to all statements in this aspect, the dominant answer is often. This means
that introverted students often use problem-solving strategies. Then statements 18,
19, and 20 became the highest percentage in the seldom response, while statement
16 showed the highest percentage of 22.4% in the always statement. And the
highest percentage for responses is often found in statement 17 of 44.8%. Thus,
based on the table, the statement that has the highest mean total is 2.71 in
statement 16.
This study aimed to find out the problems and causes of introverted students
and introverted students' strategies in speaking English. Based on the discovery of
data from the questionnaire. It can be seen that introvert students have some
difficulties in speaking, both in terms of knowledge and skill aspects. Viewed through
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
students have to make sure that they are really ready or have good preparation to
speak. Thompson (2012) in Jalili & Amiri (2015) argues that introverts have positive
sides, such as being smart or proficient when listening, compiling or planning
something, spending a lot of time thinking. Whereas in speaking, when they are
asked by the teacher to speak English immediately, without giving them time to
prepare properly, they have no preparation to think about the answers or ideas they
want to convey, make notes for what they want to convey and translate their first
language into English. So, they feel confused and doubtful in pronouncing a
sentence or word. Because of that, sometimes introverted students choose not to
speak in learning to speak English.
If the problem of pronunciation is related to the problem of lack of self-
confidence, then the two main problems in each aspect are closely related. The
problem of lack of confidence in speaking English arises because there are also
problems with pronunciation which makes introverted students feel less confident
when they realize there is an inability to pronounce the right word or sentence.
Sometimes when some students know how to pronounce a word or sentence, they
still feel insecure and feel hesitant to say it. This is in line with research from Khapsoh
(2020) which argues that due to their accent or pronunciation variations, fluency
problems, and mispronunciations, students lost confidence in their ability to
pronounce words correctly. Thus, based on research findings related to introvert
students' speaking problems in the overall average total results, the results show that
introvert students agree and realize that they have pronunciation problems as the
main problem when speaking English.
Based on the data that has been collected regarding the causes of introvert
students' problems in speaking English. Introverted students have causes of the
problems they face when speaking English. Some of the causes of these problems
include that they feel they have lost the topic when speaking English. This means
that introvert students feel there is a lack of opinions or things to convey that arise
from a lack of knowledge of linguistics. In line with Oktavia, Suryatiningsih & Mabaroh
(2022) argues that most students find it difficult to answer or respond or convey their
ideas when speaking English, this is because students only have little understanding
in using proper grammar and have little vocabulary.
In addition, introverted students also have causes of speaking problems such
as feeling uninterested in activities or learning to speak English, feeling they do not
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
have the opportunity to speak English and feeling stuck when speaking English. This
means that introverted students feel hampered when they think of conveying their
ideas or opinions in English, such as forgetting to convey the sentences they want to
convey, not having the opportunity to speak because of the limited time available,
or ways of delivering learning that are less understandable so that students do not
understand and do not want to convey their ideas or thoughts. This is supported by
Ayu (2018) who says that students lack interest in expressing opinions using foreign
languages, so that in the process of learning to speak they are only silent or act
However, through a comparison of the four aspects regarding the causes of
introverted students' speaking problems. It can be concluded that the dominant
causes chosen by introvert students is in the aspect of mother-tongue use regarding
the use of Indonesian to convey opinions or ideas when they feel pressured. This
means that introvert students prefer to use Indonesian because they are used to it
and find it easier when asked to convey ideas or opinions. This is in line with Ayu
(2018) who said that the tendency of students to use their mother tongue is because
they feel pressured when asked to speak or express opinions in a foreign language,
so they choose to speak in their mother tongue. In addition, Jannah (2020) also said
that the reason students chose to use their mother tongue was because it was easier
and they felt less comfortable speaking in another language.
Thus, it can be connected between the causes of problems in the use of
mother tongue with the personality of introverted students. Just like the discussion on
the problem section, introverted students have characteristics that require good
preparation before speaking English. They need time to prepare opinions or ideas to
convey, starting from thinking carefully, writing or taking notes on what they want to
convey, translating their first language into English, and preparing their confidence
to speak. Whereas when the teacher asks them to speak immediately, they do not
have good preparation so that the negative side of the aspect of using their mother
tongue makes introverted students forced to speak in their mother tongue instead of
English if they really feel pressured. And they only prepare answers in their mother
tongue and find it easier to say something in the language they always use.
Moreover, this study uses a variety of learning strategies based on the theory
of O'Malley and Chamot (1990) in Yusuf et al. (2021). There are three strategies that
can be used to overcome problems speaking English, namely cognitive strategies,
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
aspects. This means that introvert students are more likely to pay attention to their
learning process in improving speaking skills. And they use self-evaluation to measure
and improve their knowledge or speaking skills. This is also related to the
characteristics of an introvert who can regulate or monitor themselves. Therefore,
introverted students are more likely to use metacognitive strategies. This is supported
by Yusuf, Basalama & Bay (2021) who said that the reason introvert students use self-
evaluation as a way to improve their speaking skills is because they are better at
managing or controlling their emotions.
Based on the results of this research. In the problems and causes, and the
strategies are related to each other. And also, very closely related to the personality
or characteristics of the introvert himself. It can be said that introvert students have
some problems in speaking English. In the problem of English pronunciation,
introverted students find it difficult to pronounce words fluently and they feel
confused or hesitant to pronounce a word or sentence, this problem arises because
of a cause. The thing that causes this problem is the negative side of the habit of
speaking using their mother tongue, they become unfamiliar with English and there is
a negative side influence from the dialect or accent of the language they usually
use, so that they have difficulty pronouncing words or sentences from foreign
However, some introvert students have ways or strategies used to deal with
these problems by self-monitoring or self-regulating and self-evaluating. For example,
like paying more attention when other people speak English and using that as a
reference, realized their own mistake and practicing pronunciation to improve their
English-speaking skills. Thus, it can be concluded that the problems of introverted
students in speaking English, such as having little vocabulary, lack of understanding
of grammar, lack of knowledge in pronunciation, feeling afraid when making
mistakes, not confident, anxious, afraid, embarrassed. Problems in speaking English
for introvert students arise because of the influence of the negative side of
something that causes it, such as a lack of knowledge about linguistics, obstacles
when speaking, not knowing what to say, and getting used to using the mother
tongue. Then, these problems can be overcome by introvert students by using
several English-speaking strategies. Such as practicing speaking, taking notes and
making study plans or self-monitoring, self-evaluating or realizing mistakes and
correcting or trying to improve skills in speaking English.
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
Based on the conclusions above, researchers propose the following
1. Suggestions for the Teacher
It is recommended for English teachers to pay attention to the characteristics
of students so teachers can teach using the right strategy or method.
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
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Undergraduate thesis.
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strategies in speaking English. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris,
15(2), 282-295. https://doi.org/10.24042/ee-jtbi.v15i2.13449
Putri, Syafryadin, Fadhli Problems and Strategies of Introvert Students in
Speaking English
Jalili, S., & Amiri, B. M. (2015). The difference between extrovert and introvert EFL
teachers' classroom management. Theory and Practice in Language Studies,
5(4), 826-836. http://dx.doi.org/10.17507/tpls.0504.19
Oktavia, F., Suryatiningsih, N., & Mabaroh, B. (2022). The students’ problems in
learning english speaking at SMAN 1 Grati Pasuruan. Enreal: English Research
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Yusuf, A., Basalama, N., & Bay, I. W. (2021). Language learning strategies used by
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classes. Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature, 2(2), 97-112.