Draft Bab I, II, & III Bimbingan - Muhamad Nova 187010006
Draft Bab I, II, & III Bimbingan - Muhamad Nova 187010006
Draft Bab I, II, & III Bimbingan - Muhamad Nova 187010006
A Research Paper
Muhamad Nova
from various countries and this is very important for the development of
lessons were only taught by teachers in high schools. But now English lessons
have to start liking and learning English, so that in the future we can master
the language well and if we have high aspirations we can be accepted in the
with the aid of using many humans to trap up with international developments,
other people from other countries. Recognizing the importance of English, the
taught in Indonesia.
Based on research conducted by the world's educational institution, EF
is very low at 34th, while Malaysia is in 9th place. The EF EPI is the first
index uses unique test data (specific methodology) on more than two million
people in 44 countries, who used free online tests over a period of three years
prepare students to achieve communication and the use of a language that has
been learned. Every meeting that is carried out with the learning process is the
acquisition of sentences that have been carried out by student’s, however, the
On the other hand, learning English must involve four skills, namely:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We must also study the language
components that support the mastery of the four language skills. The purpose
language teaching, students are expected to have the ability to communicate
talk or express opinions in a forum (an inter-tribal meeting). Now this method
has been used as a classroom learning method. As the name suggests, Talking
Stick is a group learning method with the help of sticks. The group that holds
the stick must first answer questions from the teacher after they have studied
the subject matter. This activity is repeated continuously until all groups have
in any situation.
There is a problem that arises, so the writer needs to research it. That is
the lack of student motivation in learning English. The motivation from within
the student’s themselves have not found a moment where they have to learn
this international language well and seriously. Student motivation can arise
from outside such as association with friends, family conditions and the
environment. Then the method given by the teachers is still not suitable. So
that many student consider English as a difficult subject. This may be due to
the lack of prior knowledge of students English and the striking differences
and sentence patterns they use. This can be seen when they pay less attention
to the lesson when the teaching and learning process takes place. They even
tend to chat with their classmates and do other activities such as doodling,
study subjects, and some even sleep. The last problem is how to evaluate
learning outcomes that are still lacking. Maybe there are too many students in
the English class. The number of students in the classroom is better around
fifteen or twenty students. In Indonesia, however, teachers can find more than
thirty students.
importance of the research problem. As well as students who are not able to
respond well to the English conversation given by the teacher, because of their
lack of English speaking skill. Even though these students can understand
what the teacher is saying, their speaking skills are still lack so that some
students cannot speak English well. They feel ashamed and afraid if they make
mistakes when speaking in English. That way, based on the situation in the
2021/2022 academic year. So, in this case this research concerned about The
Implementation of Talking Stick Method in Teaching Explanation Text to
Semester 2nd of Pasundan 2 Senior High School Bandung students are not
Lack of confidence, lots of new vocabulary and sentence structures that are
different from Indonesian, make many students lazy or tend to be shy to take
this lesson. There are some students such as a phobia of learning English
until then this fear then makes the students dislike it so that the results of
student’s who learns without motivation or lacks motivation, will not succeed
realize the benefits of learning and the goals to be achieved by learning. The
learning, especially for students who are lazy to study as a result of negative
influences from outside students In this research, the writer wants to analyze
Academic Years 2021/2022. The writer wants to know how to use this
question below:
3. What are the result the implementation of Talking Stick Method in
through explanation text. Based on the question above, the objective of this
2. To find out how are the teaching equipment used in the implementation of
1. Theoretical
2. Practically
a. Students
b. Teachers
To choose the right subject, the writer observes the daily life of the classroom
In this chapter, the writer discusses all of the theories related to the title of
this research. There are the theories of approach, method and technique, the theory
Anthony (1963) Stated that explained these terms with definitions that
were quite easy to understand at the time. The approach (approach) is placed
at the first level of the three elements of the hierarchy in English education. In
his view, the approach is a group of hypotheses related to the type of language
a. Method of Teaching Language
a variety of contexts.
been designed which are still relevant with the teaching approach.
2.2 Talking Stick Method
(2006) in (Miftahul Huda, 2019), the talking stick has been used for centuries
by Indian tribes as tools listen fairly and impartially. Stick talking often used
by the council to decide who has the right Speak up. At the time the chair of
the meeting began to discuss and discuss problem, the leader must hold the
talking stick.
talking stick has been used for centuries by many Indian tribes as a means of
just and impartial hearing. The talking stick was commonly used in council
circles to decide who had the right to speak. When matters of great concern
would hold the talking stick, and begin the discussion. When matters of great
concern would come before the council, the leading elder would hold the
talking stick, and begin the discussion. When he would finish what we had to
say, he would hold out the talking stick, and whoever would speak after him
would take it. In this manner, the stick would be passed from one individual
to another until all who wanted to speak had done so. The stick was then
to it. In this way the talking stick will move from one person to another if the
person wants to express their opinion. When everyone starts talking, the stick
then speaks again to the chair/chairman of the meeting. From the explanation
above, it can be concluded that the talking stick is used as a sign of someone
In applying the Talking stick method, the teacher divides the class
method can be used for all classes and all age levels.
matter quickly, and invites them to be ready in any situation. That's why the
2. The second, the teacher explains the material that will be learned,
then give a chance of the students to read and learn them material.
4. The fourth, after students have finished reading the material /
5. The fifth, the teacher takes the stick and gives to one of the
holds the stick must answer the question or speak. The stick is
rolled on again until each student gets the stick in the learning
Harmer (2001) stated talking happens when people are engaged in talking.
It can be fairly sure that they are doing so for good reason. They want to say
something to achieve their purposes and they also select their language store.
Richards and Rodgers (2001) stated that in the traditional methods, the
speaking skill was ignored in the classrooms where the emphasis was on reading
and writing skills. For example, in The Grammar-Translation method, reading and
writing were the important skills and speaking and listening skills were not of
great significance.
1. Comprehension
2. Grammar
utterance will have a special that means if the speaker makes use
3. Vocabulary
4. Pronunciation
5. Fluency
The speaking skill test is different from other skill tests. For exam
Speaking skills are in the form of an oral exam, so the assessment method
specified topic with the allotted time. For example, the topic of
the teacher asks the students and students answer the teacher's
2.6 Explanation Text
gander at the means instead of the things. The goal of an explanation text is to
tell each progression of the procedure (the how) and to give reasons (the why).
and ideas occur in logical and specialized fields. The grammatical features in
the explanatory text combine passive voice, simple present tense, conjunctions
Anderson and Anderson (1997). The first step is a general statement about the
event or thing to be clarified. Then, a paragraph progressing that tells the how
or why. In this paragraph, the writer tells the succession of explanatory texts.
The last progress is the finishing part as the end. It can be concluded that the
forming the text. The main idea is to use the simple present tense to explain
why something happened. The action words in simple present tense will
change by including‘s’ if the subjects of the sentence are ‘she, he, it’; for
utilizing of passive voice which is usually used when the object of the action
could really compare to the individuals who play out the action. Furthermore,
it is necessary to pay attention to the use of explanatory texts to provide
insight into what, how and why something happens and the use of the word
for how and why something works or occurs. The last is the conclusion
Later on, Hartono (2005) explained that there are six language
d. Passive Voice Passive voice concerns more on the events (what
enzyme changes nectar into sugar. They are called fructose and
2.7 Lesson Planning
teachers and students will find lessons meaningless and also interesting.
contrast, if the lesson planning is carried out well and meaningfully, the
teacher will lead the lesson effectively and of course help build the teacher's
confidence to teach, because the teacher is not worried about what to do next.
At the same time, students will find the lessons easy to understand. Therefore,
Harmer (2007) stated that lesson plan is the art of combining various
different elements into a coherent unity so the lesson has a character that
students can identify, work within and react to. Farrell (2002) said that lesson
during a lesson”. Further he adds lesson plan help the teacher think about the
structure for a lesson, to provide a map for the teacher to follow, and to
In addition, related to the lesson plan specific learning device, the teacher has
There are teachers who do not use technology such as laptops, LCD as
learning media, other things are teachers who rarely make learning media,
Core material:
Time allocation:
Core Competence
Indicator: ...........................
Indicator: ...........................
KD 1 and KD 2 from KI-1 and KI-2 must not developed in indicator
developed only for KD-3 and KD-4 achieving from direct learning process
Learning aims
Learning material
Learning method
Learning activity
1. First meeting
Closing (.....minutes)
2. Second meeting
Core activity (.....minutes)
Closing (.....minutes)
3. Assessment
Kind of assessment
Form of assessment
Technique of assessment
concerning the National education system in the explanation of article 35, where
presentation is part of the 2013 curriculum public test, which is expected to solicit
and in accordance with the development of wholeness and the world of work. The
Based on the attached copy of Permendikbud No. 69 of 2013 concerning
in which students apply what learned in school to the community and take
d. Give enough free time to develop various attitudes, knowledge and skills
core competence
Teaching equipment are things that must be prepared by the teacher
before carrying out learning. In the KBBI (2007), the device is a tool or
equipment to carry out processes that allow educators and students to carry
out learning activities. Learning tools become a guide for teachers in carrying
syllabus and lesson plans that refer to content standards. In addition, the
1. Teaching Materials
Teaching materials are the resources that a teacher uses to deliver
assist and support students learning. These materials play a large role in
both teacher and learners. O’Neill (1990) Stated that materials may
a) Materials should achieve impact
effects of instruction
differ styles
beginning of instruction
The Ministry of Education and Culture Rule No. 81A year
2. Learning Media
more effective and efficient. The use of learning media is expected to be more
learning process.
example: objects that are too large can be replaced with pictures,
films, and so on; (c) The use of various educational media in the
media can be used as a tool for teachers. This is thanks to the same
3. Student Worksheet
Literacy Science can activate and make it easier for students to complete
which contains a sheet of activity steps to complete a task that must be done by
important component that must be done by all students in the learning process
Prastowo (2011) stated that there are at least four points for
train students' learning independence, (4) make it easier for
1) Didactic Aspect
2) Construction Aspect
Construction aspects are aspects related to language
students, (d) avoid questions that are too open, (e) do not
source of motivation.
3) Technical Aspect
large for the topic, and the ratio of large letters to images
4. Evaluation
been achieved. With this function, it can be seen that the level of
words, can it is known that the student learning outcomes are good
or not good.
2) To find out the activeness of the learning process that carried out
obtained by students is not solely caused by student's own
incompetence. But maybe because of the teacher who are not good
assess the teacher himself and the results can be used as material in
with what is expected specially use made with the greatest possible
In this chapter, the writer discusses the research methods related to this
research. There are several research methods which include research methods and
design, data collection procedures, population and samples, and data analysis
English teachers, and classroom observations during the teaching and learning
research activity that provides a pretest before being given a test. After, being
given treatment then given a final test (posttest). After seeing this
known more accurately because it can compare with the situation before being
to identify the elements of effective sentences in the exposition text before and
the treatment can be known more accurately because it can compare with the
situation before being given treatment. The use of this design is tailored to the
researchers can recognize the subject, feel what experienced by the subject in
type of research whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures
a. Observation
b. Test Technique
possessed by students. The types of tests given are in the form of pre-test
and post-test. This test was conducted to determine the students' ability to
identify the elements of effective sentences in the exposition text using the
c. Analysis Techniques
text by using the talking stick model. This technique is used to analyze
explanation text.
3.3.1 Observation
students. First, the writer made observations to find out how the situation
XI MIPA 4 students, the writer still paid attention to their actions during
the learning activities in class. After that, the researcher chose the topic
Basic competencies
Learning objectives
Learning material
Learning method
Giving motivation
Students worksheet
Assessment rubric
making the lesson plans in keeping with the 2013 curriculum. To study the class
state of affairs, the completeness of the factors can affect the elegance situation.
Complete or not, the writer can write it within the to be had and unavailable
containing: the values cited in the K13 syllabus. Traits of properly teaching
in use)
The tittle of teaching material
Students Worksheet
presenting one of the teaching materials that makes it easier for students to
interact with the material provided, (2) presenting tasks that increase
to students.
Identity (name, class, time allocation, and
Basic competence
Learning Objectives
Study guide
Work steps
Learning Media
Audio visual (teaching material that made by teacher)
The media instrument is elective, the teacher can determine whether or not
topics, teachers are cautioned to apply media to assist students recognize the issue.
which are still missing in any issue, so that the next teaching can be higher.
Observed Aspect Indicators Available No Available
The writer uses oral tests as test instruments. The test consists of
pre-test and post-test. In the pre-test, the writer called the students one by
one to come forward to take an oral test on the explanation text in turn.
Then, the writer knows the speaking ability of students who have not been
treated. After that, the writer gave treatment about the explanation text
material and the writer also started using the talking stick method and
As for the post-test, the writer asked the students to come back to
the front to take the final test. The writer during the test and the writer
recorded the students speaking skills. If needed, the writer will enter the
student's speaking skill score at that time based on the student performance
Table 3.2 The Speaking sill Assessment by Syakur (1987)
s Sentences
Vocabulary almost no the
sometimes there are
often use some therethe
use arewrong
many the vocabulary
the grammar is is
grammatical is
pronunciation grammatical
Inaccurate grammaticalso it
vocabulary bad that
very the so
errors and
incorrect errors but they
vocabulary so that errorsbethat affect
can't conversation
that dialogue is
Fluency Smooth not very smooth often doubt and often stop and be
certain sections
3.3.4 Interview
qualitative research. The writer often find interviews easy because in their
daily life. The reality is not that easy. Many writers have difficulty
prioritizing the recording and transcription of verbatim data (word for word),
2. Is there any difficulty when you teach speaking? What are they?
6. How do you encourage of the students in speaking actively?
11. Are the students going to be more motivated in learning speaking by using
12. Is it easier for the students to catch the lessons through media?
13. Are the students going to be bored when they learn the lessons of speaking?
6. Using the talking stick technique has a positive effect on your
significant effect
make it easier to analyze and identify data. Data analysis technique is the
processed and selected what is important and what will be studied. Then make
conclusions so that they are easy to understand. The data analysis is to explain
how the process of improving the results of each step, and to describe the
improvement of the learning process with the talking stick method to improve
students' English speaking skills. The results of the assessment are analyzed as
𝑀= ∑𝑥
∑x = total score
After calculating the consequences of students’ abilities based on the four
points of view above, the author then, then, completes the follow-up effects of
the ability norm if the results obtained with the base score are … Here is the
scoring table:
1. Excellent 4
2. Good 3
3. Enough 2
4. Less 1
4. If a student gets a score of (1) it can be determined as
3.5.1 Population
study". Research can only be done for a limited population and not too many
3.5.2 Sample
students (13 boys and 21 girls). The method used in this sampling is
purposive sampling for self-introduction material taught in all class XI. The
This chapter describes data analysis of the research, finding and the
The writer gains the data using observation, test, and interview. Here are
Basic competencies
Learning objectives
Learning material
Learning method
Giving motivation
information, connect)
After explained, ask the students whether the
Students worksheet
Assessment rubric
As defined inside the table above, those are the points scored in planning.
There are 23 points, 21 points that the writer can fulfill even as the rest can't. The
whether or not the talking stick method procedure is used in improving students
speaking skills. The end result is that the writer is quite good at compiling and
implementing the lesson plans the use of the talking stick method. Even though it
is difficult, there are only 2 points left for the mastering system to run easily
The tittle of teaching material
The rating outcomes for teaching equipment, as defined in the table above.
There are eight points in teaching materials. The writer can fulfill 5 points and 3
points the writer cannot fulfill it. In teaching equipment there are teaching
materials, worksheets, media, and evaluations. Then, this result still cannot be
decided because we still have to see the results of the other three.
Basic competence
Learning Objectives
Study guide
Work steps
the writer. However, as explained in the table above, the writer cannot fulfill all of
them. Only 3 points are available and 6 points are not available in the student
worksheet. The writer still has to look at other results to answer research questions
number 2.
Projected motion media (video, computer, etc)
Learning media can help students understand the subject. Learning media
can be in the form of pictures, songs, maps, or globes, and others. Using audio
Instrument for evaluation as seen above, the writer deletes the available
out a series of teaching and learning processes in teaching English, such as asking
English, answering student worksheets. Also, not all students understand these 5
The results of this teaching equipment instrument to answer research
questions no. 2, namely how are the teaching equipment used in the
respective teaching materials and student worksheets there are points that cannot
be fulfilled by the writer. This shows that the writer has not been able to fully
used for understanding the students' speaking skills earlier than the
use of the talking stick method. Moreover, the post-test was used to
determine the students speaking skills after the usage of the method.
test procedure which includes. Planning, acting, and observing and
first thing the writer did was to prepare lesson plans, the material
b. Acting: The plans that have been prepared are then carried out in
explanation text material with the talk stick technique. The first
example of explanation text, and the last one explains the talking
stick technique. Before the teacher gave the test in the first cycle,
the teacher reviewed the learning topics that had been discussed
in class to make it easier for the Post-test. The writer saw that the
B. The Result of the Pre-test
No Respondent Score
1 Respondent 1 1
2 Respondent 2 3
3 Respondent 3 2
4 Respondent 4 4
5 Respondent 5 4
6 Respondent 6 2
7 Respondent 7 4
8 Respondent 8 1
9 Respondent 9 3
10 Respondent 10 2
11 Respondent 11 4
12 Respondent 12 3
13 Respondent 13 4
14 Respondent 14 3
15 Respondent 15 1
16 Respondent 16 3
17 Respondent 17 1
18 Respondent 18 3
19 Respondent 19 4
20 Respondent 20 3
21 Respondent 21 3
22 Respondent 22 4
23 Respondent 23 4
24 Respondent 24 2
25 Respondent 25 4
26 Respondent 26 4
27 Respondent 27 2
Total score 78
∑x = total score
score is 78 and the number who take the test is 27 students. So, the
average student based on the results of the analysis, the student's ability to
speak is good.
1. Pronunciation
Mean of pre test
∑x = total score
2. Grammar
∑x = total score
3. Vocabulary
∑x = total score
4. Fluency
5. Comprehension
∑x = total score
needs to do a Post test in the second cycle to find out the changes.
The writer has carried out several steps in second cycle, namely
materials related to the use of the talking stick technique and this is
b. Acting: At this step, there are several activities that have been
carried out by the writer. First, the writer has explained the material
speaking skills, the teacher selects students with sticks and the
c. Observing: Observations are still being made last time. What was
second time.
No Respondent Score
1 Respondent 1 2
2 Respondent 2 3
3 Respondent 3 3
4 Respondent 4 4
5 Respondent 5 4
6 Respondent 6 2
7 Respondent 7 4
8 Respondent 8 2
9 Respondent 9 4
10 Respondent 10 3
11 Respondent 11 4
12 Respondent 12 3
13 Respondent 13 4
14 Respondent 14 3
15 Respondent 15 1
16 Respondent 16 4
17 Respondent 17 1
18 Respondent 18 3
19 Respondent 19 4
20 Respondent 20 3
21 Respondent 21 3
22 Respondent 22 4
23 Respondent 23 4
24 Respondent 24 2
25 Respondent 25 4
26 Respondent 26 4
27 Respondent 27 2
Total score 83
Mean of pre test
∑x = total score
score is 83 and the number who take the test is 27 students. So, the
average student based on the results of the analysis, the student's ability to
speak is good.
1. Pronunciation
∑x = total score
2. Grammar
M = the average of students’ score
∑x = total score
3. Vocabulary
∑x = total score
4. Fluency
∑x = total score
5. Comprehension
∑x = total score
Based on the table above shows that the Results of data analysis
what has been completed has advanced students' ability to speak about
explanation text. That is indicated by the pre-test average value of 78, and
of 5%. This is to answer research question no 3 what are the end result the
answer is yes, the usage of the talking stick method can improve students'
No Questions Answer
1 How do you teach speaking for To teach speaking skills, the teacher uses
Senior high school?
hands-on exercises given to students. Like
provide understanding to students, so that
3 What kind of resources do you The learning resources that the teacher
from schools.
listened to.
5 How are the responses of the When students take part in speaking
8 What are the difficulties which Students have difficulty finding the
9 What will you do to solve the To help students with this problem, the
10 Could some media attract the The teacher believes that the media can
11 Are the students going to be When the teacher uses the media, the
12 Is it easier for the students to With the media used, it really helps
bored when they learn the students feel bored because they confused
76 Student Interview
5. Learning to speak using the talking stick technique is easier
significant effect
4.2 Finding
of speaking skills regarding explanation text through the talking stick method.
This method is a technique that can be used or implemented by teachers in
All tables in the observations show that the writer is good at getting
ready material for teaching. From the lesson plan table to the evaluation table
the researcher was able to satisfy almost all points and some couldn't be met.
The answer to research questions no. 1 is the procedure of the talking stick
method which is executed according with the lesson plans primarily based on
through the effects of all tables. The teaching equipment table shows that the
writer is quite good at make it. The table of teaching materials and worksheets
can be seen from 21 points, there are 3 points that the writer cannot fulfill. The
media table shown with the aid of the writer most effective makes use of one
table all empathize. The writer found that every student has their very own
The results of the research conducted by the writer suggest that the
talking stick technique is effective and can be used in teaching speaking. this
can be seen from the table which shows that the results of increasing student
Pre-Test Post-Test
M = the average of students score M = the average of students score
From this improvement, the teacher can control the class well and make
the class active that is not bored besides this technique helps students in mastering
the material easily because their speaking stick easily expresses their ideas.
Talking stick is a method that was originally used by Native Americans to invite
In this research, several things have been concluded logically. First, for
both classes, they tend to have the same problem, which is lack of confidence in
their speaking skills. Second, the subjects in the experimental class showed their
great desire in the learning process. For example, they actively ask questions; they
are active to practice their vocabulary with their classmates even though their
pronunciation is not good. Third, before applying the talking stick in the
Experimental class, the students' competencies were very different. Actually the
learning process is not only dominated by teacher, which in turn causes students
prepare students to achieve communication and the use of a language that has
been learned. Every meeting that is carried out with the learning process is the
acquisition of sentences that have been carried out by student’s, however, the
because of the activities carried out. Learning outcomes are things that cannot
the expected learning objectives can be achieved. In this section, the writer
wants to analyze all the data from the research. The data will illustrate these
This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestions for the English
5.1 Conclusion
After presenting and analyzing the data in the previous chapter, the writer
concludes as follows:
1. The procedure for applying the speaking stick to improve the speaking
2) The teacher explains about the subject and explanation text. 3) After
explaining the subject, the teacher asks the students whether they understand
teacher gives sticks to students until the sticks move from one student to
another. The student holding the stick will be asked a question and he must
answer it. 7) Then, the stick rolls again until each student gets a stick and
follows the learning process. 8) Finally, the teacher gives an evaluation and
draws conclusions.
From the procedure of applying the talking stick mentioned above, the
research shows the behavior of students when the learning process is running.
In the procedure mention that the writer was give the test to the students, the
2. There are significant results for the use of talking stick method in teaching
explanation text to improve students speaking skill. In the pre-test showed that
students mean is 78 while post-test students mean is 83, this showed that using
talking stick method is able to improve students speaking skill. However, the
were the students response is that they feel happy and help students when the
learning process uses the talk stick method. Some students said that they feel
the same way, they still find it difficult to understand and speak skills, the
reason is because they are not used to it and still think English is difficult, so
some students say English is easier if they study in groups. Because there are
5.2 Suggestions
There are suggestions for English teachers and other researchers based on
For teachers
There are lots of learning methods that can be used for learning
English. However, the teacher must choose whether it is suitable for the
subject and student. The teacher's ability to use learning methods and organize
learning the process of students will also have an influence on the success of
For students
For researchers
This research shows that the use of the talking stick method can improve
students speaking skills. Then, other researchers can also use this method to