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Seminar On Politeness

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 Make the following more polite and indirect:

Let’s cancel the project.
It’s a bad idea.
Did you finish the report yet?
We are having problems with the new product.
We will run over budget.
The marketing campaign is behind schedule.
We should redesign the company logo!
We must hire a new advertising agency.
I hope we can sign the contract today.
I think we need to hire more employees.
I aim to finish this project by the end of the month.
You have broken my computer!
You said you were going to sign the deal today.
You agreed to lower your fees.
I want more time to finish this presentation.
Aveti posibilitatea de a anula proiectul.
Cred ca acesta nu este o idee prea bună.
Ma scuzati dar mai aveti mult sa lucrati la raport?
Au intervenit niste probleme cu noul produs.
O sa intrecem un pic limita bugetului.
Este ceva in neregula cu campania de marketing. Aveti ceva neclaritati cu campania de marketing?
Ce parere aveti daca am reproiecta logo-ul companiei! Ati fi deacord ca sa reproiectam logo-ul
Ar fi necesar să angajăm o nouă agenție de publicitate.
Sunteti disponibil sa semnați contractul astazi.
...Ar fi nevoiea de a primi la munca mai mulți angajați.
Sper ca pina la sfirsitul luni sa finisez acest proiect.
Ma gindesc ca sunteti la curent ca miati stricat calculatorul! Cind il puteti lua sa il reparati?
Dumneavostra aveti planificat astazi sa semnati contractul, am inteles bine?
Ce parere aveti despre reducerea onorariilor Domneavostre?
Ati putea va rog sa imi oferiti un pic de timp pentru a termina aceasta prezentare.

You have the possibility to cancel the project.

I think this is not a very good idea.
Excuse me but do you have much more work to do on the report?
There have been some problems with the new product.
We are going a bit over budget.
There is something wrong with the marketing campaign. Do you have any problems with the
marketing campaign?
How about we redesign the company logo! Would you agree that we redesign the company logo.
We would need to hire a new advertising agency.
You are available to sign the contract today.
..We would need to get more employees on the job.
I hope to finish this project by the end of Monday.
I guess you are aware that you broke my computer! When can you get it fixed?
You were planning to sign the contract today, am I right?
What do you think about the reduction of your fees?
Could you please give me some time to finish this presentation.
 Which of each pair of requests below are more formal or polite and why?
Can you...? / I’d like to request...
I need some help with... / I need a hand with...
I was wondering if you would be able to... / Could you...?
I would be very grateful if you could... / Could you...?
If you’re not too busy,... / Do you have time to...?
Thanks in advance. / Thanks.
There’s something I think you can help me with. ... / I need your help with...
Would it be possible for you to...? / Could you...?
Would you mind...ing (...)? / You don’t mind ..ing (...) (for me), do you?
If..., that would be a great help. / Help!

- Care dintre perechile de cereri de mai jos sunt mai formale sau mai politicoase și de ce?
Puteți să...? / Aș dori să cer...
Am nevoie de ajutor cu... / Am nevoie de o mână de ajutor cu...
Mă întrebam dacă ați putea să... / Could you...?
V-aș fi foarte recunoscător dacă ați putea... / Could you...?
Dacă nu sunteți prea ocupat,... / Aveți timp să...?
Vă mulțumim anticipat. / Mulțumesc.
E ceva cu care cred că mă puteți ajuta. ... / Am nevoie de ajutorul tău cu...
Ar fi posibil ca tu să...? / Ai putea să...?
Te-ar deranja să...ing (...)? / Nu te deranjează să ..ing (...) (pentru mine), nu-i așa?
Dacă..., ar fi de mare ajutor. / Help!

Read the following dialogues. Identify the setting, the participants in the communicative
situation and the relationship between them. Translate the dialogues into Romanian.
a) Man: Anita, will you come for a minute? Could you get me the file on sales in France? I just need
to check on delivery arrangements. Oh and Anita I’d love a cup of coffee if that’s at all possible.
Woman: Oh, yes, Mr. James.
b) Father: Turn that wrecked music down, will you? Or better still turn it off.
Child: Oh, all right.
c) Father: what sort of time do you call this?
Girl: I’m sorry.
Father: So you should be! It’s two a.m.
Girl: Oh dad, do stop nagging. I’m over seventeen. It’s up to me what time I come home.
Father: Not while you are living here, it isn’t. Anyway, what on earth where you doing till two in the
Girl: We weren’t doing anything. We were just talking.
Father: I was worried stiff about you.
Girl: Honestly, Dad, I really am sorry, but you do not have to wait up for me, you know.
d) Receptionist: I’m sorry, sir. The manager’s busy.
David: I’m very sorry. But I want to talk to the manager.
Citiți următoarele dialoguri. Identificați cadrul, participanții la situația de comunicare și relația dintre
ei. Traduceți dialogurile în limba română.
a) Bărbat: Anita, vrei să vii un minut? Poți să-mi aduci dosarul cu vânzările din Franța? Trebuie
doar să verific aranjamentele de livrare. Oh, și Anita, mi-ar plăcea o ceașcă de cafea, dacă este
Femeie: Oh, da, domnule James.
b) Tatăl: Vreai sa dai mai încet muzica aia nenorocită? Sau, mai bine, închideo.
Copilul: Oh, în regulă.
c) Tatăl: Ce fel de timp numești tu asta?
Fata: Îmi pare rău.
Tată: Ce s-a întâmplat? Așa ar trebui să fie! Este ora două dimineața.
Fata: Oh, tată, nu mă mai bate la cap. Am peste șaptesprezece ani. Depinde de mine la ce oră vin
Tată: Nu cât timp locuiești aici, nu este. Oricum, ce naiba făceai până la două dimineața?
Fata: Nu făceam nimic. Doar vorbeam.
Tată: Eram foarte îngrijorat pentru tine.
Fata: Sincer, tată, chiar îmi pare rău, dar nu trebuie să mă aștepți treaz, să știi.
c) Recepționerul: Îmi pare rău, domnule. Managerul este ocupat.
David: Îmi pare foarte rău. Dar vreau să vorbesc cu managerul.
a) In case the action environment is at work, the participants are the man, the boss and the woman
named Anita. A working partner relationship persists between the couple.
b) The setting of the action is in the family, the participants in the action are father and son. They
have a family relationship.
c) The setting of the action is in the family, the participants of the action are father and girl, with
family relationships.
d) The setting of the action is at the reception, the participants in the action are the receptionist and
David, and the relationship between them is that of customer and receptionist.

Writing Practice
Choose one of the situations below and write an email. Be polite and indirect. Use modals, distancing
phrases, tentative language, introductory phrases, positive language.
1) You have some suggestions about how to get more business. You want to meet with one of the
managers and talk about this business opportunity. Write a polite email requesting a 30-minute meeting.
2) You have some personal issues you need to take care of on Tuesday morning. You’d like to take
Tuesday morning off and make up the time later in the week. Write a polite email to your supervisor
explaining the situation. Ask for permission to take the time off and make it up later in the week.
3) Your own situation: Are there any situations you regularly deal with that require polite, indirect emails?
Think of a situation and write a polite email.

Date: 03.12.2021

Good afternoon, Mrs Maria.

I am writing this e-mail because I would like to ask your permission, to take Tuesday morning off work.

The reason would be, that I have to go with my child to the doctor, he urgently needs an eye

If possible I could make up that day during the week.

Thank you in advance. I look forward to your reply!

With respect,

Elena Dodon.

Phone: 060999332

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