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Management Question Bank

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Note: Correct answer is marked with bold.

Q.1. -------------------- is recruitment of right people at right place in an organization.

a) Planning c) Organizing
b) Staffing d) Controlling
Q.2. The great thought of motivating the workers or employees for better results have come upfrom ----------
------ of management.
a) The classical school c) The quantitative or management science
b) The behavioral school d) All of the above.
Q.3. -----------------ensures that things fall within the standards defined by an organization and shouldnot
given from it.
a) Strategically level c) Tactical level
b) Operational level d) All of the above
Q.4. Top level includes peoples like:
a) Managing Directors (MD) C) Chairman
b) Chief Executive Officers (CEO) d) All of the above
Q.5.---------------was one of the renowned management thinkers. He was a French mining engineer
a) Henry Fayal c) Frederick W. Taylor
b) Lillian G d) Henry Gantt

Q.6. ---------------------can be defined as the set of steps to do the particular activity or activities in
systematic manner

a) Planning c) Organizing
b) Directing d) All of the above
Q.7. -----------------is an unbroken line of authority that links all persons in an organization.
a) Work specialization c) Chain of Command
b) Authority d) Delegation
Q.8. Suggest the suitable organization structure for a big steel plant:
a) Line organization c) Line and Staff Organization
b) Functional organization d) Flexible Organization
Q.9. The organization chart will not show:
a) How the work is divided c) the informal organization
b) Chain of command d) the nature of work performed by component
Note: Correct answer is marked with bold.

Q.10. ……………..are a guide to action only.

a) policies c) Procedures
b) Activities d) None of the above
Q.11. The process of dividing the work and then grouping them into units and subunits for the purpose of
administration is known as;
a) Depart mentation c) Formation of expert committee
b) Organization Structure d) Dividing in sections
Q.12.Policy Making in an industry is a role of
a) Management c) Public
b) Administration d) Workers
Q.13. Organizations are association of
a) machines c) Men with common goal
b) men d) None of the above
Q.14.What are the tasks of the supervisor?
a) Assigning jobs to worker c) Communicate between management and workers
b) Maintain discipline at shop Floor d) All of the above
Q.15.Characteristics of budget are
a)It is mainly a forecasting and c) It is in connection with a definite future period
controlling device
b) It is prepared in advance d) all are true
Q.16.How is the nature of planning?
a) past oriented c) future oriented but not consider past
b) future oriented d) future oriented but take clues from past
Q.17. Planning is a ...............
a)One time process c) Mental and continuous process
b) Continuous process d) Physical and one time process
Q.18. Supervisor is involved at shop floor level in,
a) completing daily production targets c)completing dispatched
b) Completing sales targets d) None of the above
Q.19. Operational plans are………
Note: Correct answer is marked with bold.

a)Soft side of the planning c) None of above

b) Hard side of the planning d) Both
Q.20.Planning is a ............
a)one time process c)mental and continuous process
b) continuous process d) physical and one time process
Q.21. What are the benefits to supervisor of understanding team.
a) To take perfect decision c)Status
b)Promotion d)Increments
Q.22. Directions by supervisors cannot avoid following problems
a)Wastages of time c) Machine capacity
b) Rework d) Repetitive mistakes
Q.23. Instructions by supervisor should be…a)Clear b) Simple c)on time d) specific Application
a) 1,2 correct, 3,4 wrong c) All correct
b) 1 2 wrong, 3 4 correct d) all wrong
Q.24. What are the types of audits
a) Internal c) management
b) external d) all
Q.25.Communication with all department is
a) one loop c) oral
b) closed loop d) Non verbal

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