Consolidated List ICMR-STS 2018
Consolidated List ICMR-STS 2018
Consolidated List ICMR-STS 2018
Sl Name of the Guides name and
Project Name of the Project
No student Affiliations
Use of scatter plot patterns derived from Dr.Debdatta Basu,
1 Ronit Juthani automated hematological analyzers in the Professor(Senior Scale),
diagnosis of acute febrile illnesses. Department of Pathology
Evaluation of factors responsible for Dr.Sreenath G S,
2018- advanced foot infection at index Additional Professor,
2 A. Lakshanya
00142 presentation among diabetic patients in Department of General
South India Surgery, JIPMER
Analysis of clinico-demographic risk Dr. Elamurugan T P,
2018- factors for postoperative pulmonary Assistant professor,
3 Vijay.S
00961 complications following gastrointestinal Surgery
Study of Knowledge, attitude and Dr. Arun Alexander,
practices of Interns according to Additional Professor and
4 Anirban Deb Biomedical waste Management HOD, Department of ENT
Guidelines 2016 in a tertiary care centre
in South India
Dr. S R Swarna,
2018- A Study on Intestinal parasitic infections Associate Professor,
5 S Sai Teja
03191 among school children in Karaikal Microbiology, JIPMER
Correlation of dysplastic changes of Dr. Packirisamy Aruna,
squamous epithelial cells to bacterial Asst. Professor,
2018- Kashish
6 vaginosis based on Nugent score in the Pathology, JIPMER
02705 Arora
cervical smears of patients with vaginal Karaikal
Dr. C Palanivel,
Pathways to care and out of pocket
Associate Professor,
2018- expenditure in childhood tuberculosis: An
7 R Kamya Department of
01648 operational research in a tertiary care
Preventive and Social
centre, Puducherry
Dr. D. Jeyakumari,
Assessment of bacteriological quality of
2018- Snehapriya Professor and HOD,
8 potable water in and around Karaikal
03805 Thiruman Microbiology, JIPMER
region of Puducherry state
Relevance of Tumor Infiltrating Dr. Pampa Ch Toi,
Lymphocytes (TILs) in breast cancer Additional Professor,
2018- Athira Celine
9 patients treated with neoadjuvant Department of Pathology
04509 Justine
chemotherapy in relation to their ER, PR
and HER2/neu status.
2018- Screening for dysplastic cells in the Dr. M Balamurugan,
10 04977 * Koustav Pal sputum of AFB positive and negative Professor of Pathology,
kept on cases from a TB and Chest hospital – a JIPMER Karaikal
hold by comparative study
2018- Anjali Accuracy of Apex Pulse Deficit for ADDITIONAL PROFESSOR
03986 Rajkumar Detecting Atrial fibrillation AND HEAD, Cardiology,
Association of frontal lobe dysfunction Dr.Balaji Bharadwaj,
12 Darshini S P and poor motivaton to qut in patients Associate Professor,
with alcohol dependence Department of Psychiatry
Assessment of burden of internet Dr. Saranya. K.
addiction and its association with quality Assistant Professor,
13 Amrita Nayak of sleep and cardiovascular autonomic Physiology
function in undergraduate medical
Non-scholastic abilities and its Dr. Ganesh Kumar,
2018- relationship with social media usage Additional Professor,
14 Sahla Sathar
05677 among undergraduate medical students Community Medicine
in Puducherry, India
Assessment of baroreflex sensitivity and Dr. B. S. Suryanarayana,
2018 – Auroprakash
15 heart-rate variability in non-obese and Additional Professor,
04443 Pal
obese type-2 diabetic patients Department of Medicine
Dr S. Shehnaz Illyas,
2018- Devashree Factors driving self-medication with Associate Professor,
05209 Moktan antibiotics in Karaikal, Puducherry Pharmacology, JIPMER
Prevalence and Predictors of insomnia in Dr.Shyama Prem.S,
17 Aparna.S patients with cancer— A Cross Sectional Additional Professor,
study Radiation Oncology
Assessment of endothelial dysfunction by
2018- Ponnusamy,
18 Vivek.A Flow Mediated Dilatation in persons with
00703 Associate professor,
and without ischaemic heart disease.
Nuclear Medicine
Assessment and comparison of cognitive Dr. Y. Dhanalakshmi,
2018- Ria Ann function tests in abacus trained and Associate professor of
02859 Philip untrained students aged 8-13 years in the Physiology
South-Indian population.
Level of anxiety and depression and its Dr. Biswajit Dubashi,
2018 - Shivayan clinical and sociodemographic Additional Professor and
04760 Srivastava determinants among the parents of HOD, Medical Oncology
children with cancer on chemotherapy
Pedometer based physical activity Dr. Subitha
2018- Soumya Jyoti program for nursing staff in a tertiary Lakshminarayanan,
00588 Raha care hospital in Puducherry - a Associate Professor,
randomised crossover trial P&SM
Clinicopathological spectrum of Kidney Dr. BH. Srinivas,
22 Vignesh. H disease in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Associate Professor,
Mellitus: an observational study Department of Pathology
Kinetic estimated glomerular filtration Dr Ramesh Kumar R,
2018- rate and severity of acute kidney injury in Associate Professor,
23 Akarsh VL
06216 critically ill children: A prospective cohort Department of Pediatrics
Factors related to Shunt Infection in Dr. A. Sathia Prabhu,
2018- Adarsh
24 Neurosurgery patients - A Case Control Assistant Professor,
04885 Vijayakumar
Study Neuro Surgery
Assessment of hardships faced by families Dr. Reena Gulati,
2018- of children with multiple disabilities in Additional Professor,
25 V.Hamsika
00356 accessing multi-disciplinary health care - Department of Pediatrics
A comparative study.
A study to assess the long term effects of Dr. Velkumary,
26 Shangeetha Yoga practice on cardiac autonomic Additional Professor,
functions among Type II Diabetes patients Physiology
Radio-pathological characterization of kamalanathan,
2018- Jeevan
27 thyroid nodules using new TIRADS score Addl prof and Head of
03211 Gubbala
and Bethesda classification the department,
Determining the minimal clinically Dr. Laxmisha
Rishab important difference (MCID) of the Chandrashekar,
28 Kaushik urticaria activity score and investigating Additional Professor,
Belavadi the validity, reliability and responsiveness Department of
to change in the Tamil Population Dermatology
omparison of Sick Neonate score and Dr Adhisivam,
TOPS score in predicting neonatal Additional Professor,
2018- Shahana
29 mortality among extramural neonates Neonatology
02654 Singh
transported to a tertiary care hospital in
South India
Dr. N Siddharaju,
2018- Shantanu Significance of Hemophagocytges in
30 Professor and Head, Dept
04057 Mahto serous body fluid cytology
of Pathology
Pathways to care and out of pocket Dr Vikas Menon,
2018- Ragul expenditure among outpatient attendees Associate Professor,
02324 Kalaimathi K at a psychiatric tertiary health care Dept. of Psychitry
facility, Puducherry
Out-of pocket expenditure and other Dr. Hemachandren M,
difficulties faced by the Heart Valve Assistant Professor,
2018- replacement patients for attending Dept. of CTVS
32 Athul MR
06192 monthly follow up visits at a Tertiary Care
Centre in South India: A Mixed method
Dr Sarthak Das,
Exploring father's influence in
2018- Patan Assistant professor,
33 berastfeeding promotion: A Qualitative
04232 Rumaan Department of
cross-sectional study