COMP 202 Reviewer
COMP 202 Reviewer
COMP 202 Reviewer
Network Administrator- Maintains
All the data from attached computers
network infrastructure such as switches
can be stored in one server.
and routers and diagnoses problems with
Sharing of the internet
these or with the behavior of network-
Software program sharing:
attached computers.
Securing of data:
Communication is easy, fast, and
Computer Network- a system of
interconnected computers and peripheral
In LAN computers can exchange data
and messages in
Example: it may connect computers,
printers, scanners and cameras.
3.) Wireless Local Area Network
(WLAN) - is a network that allows
Computer Network Communications-
devices to connect and communicate
Transmitting information or data by
wirelessly. WLAN communicate via
using two types of signals, namely
analog and digital.
•Computers communicate with digital
4.) Campus Area Network (CAN) - is
a network that covers an educational or
• The older forms of communications
corporate campus. A campus area
technology, such as telephone and
network is larger than a local area
radios, use analog signals.
network LAN since it may span multiple
buildings within a specific area
*Data Communication
5. ) Metropolitan Area Network
*Telephone System Communication
(MAN) - is a computer network that
*Radio Communication
connects computers within a
metropolitan area, which could be a
Types of Computer Networks single large city, multiple cities and
1.) Personal Area Network (PAN) - towns, or any given large area with
computer network for interconnecting multiple buildings
electronic devices centered on an different technologies to establish a network
individual person's workspace. A PAN •FDDI (Fiber distribution data interface)
provides data transmission among •ATM (Asynchronous transfer mode)
devices such as computers, smartphones, •SMDS (Switched multi-megabit data
tablets and personal digital assistants. service)