From A Monolithic PLM Landscape To A Federated Domain and Data Mesh
From A Monolithic PLM Landscape To A Federated Domain and Data Mesh
From A Monolithic PLM Landscape To A Federated Domain and Data Mesh
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is one of the most business-critical IT backbones of manufacturing
companies. It often consists of numerous, rigidly interwoven monolithic applications and is seen as
synonymous with costly maintenance, lack of extensibility, and poor scalability. This paper proposes an
approach for transforming a monolithic PLM landscape into a federated Domain and Data Mesh. This
enhances semantic interoperability and enables data-driven use cases by treating data as first-class citizens.
User-centric PLM domains moreover help to increase productivity in the workplace.
Keywords: product lifecycle management (PLM), semantic modelling, software engineering, data
mesh, domain-driven design
1. Introduction
Managing product data along its lifecycle has always been a challenging task for enterprise IT in
manufacturing companies. Based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (2015), the generic life cycle of a product
consists of the following stages: Concept, Development, Production, Utilization/ Support, and Retirement.
During these stages, various tools are used to manage the generated product data. For example, in early
phases of the Concept stage, Requirements Management (RM) tools are often used to define, to document
and to manage the requirements. As development continues, various applications such as Product Data
Management (PDM), Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Enterprise-Resource-Planning (ERP),
and Internet of Things (IoT) Platforms come into play. Each of these applications is used to manage a
subset of product data that is generated during product lifecycle and pertaining to a product context. The
product data is exchanged between these applications realizing business use cases across applications and
across departments. Figure 1 shows the product lifecycle phases as well as the PLM landscape of a
manufacturing company with more than 100 software tools for data handling and numerous interfaces for
data exchange.
The business issues facing manufacturing companies, such as the abrupt electrification of powertrains, the
demand for connected devices, and the handling of (big) data, are emerging at an accelerating pace. This is
leading to challenges in realizing unconventional business requirements using conventional IT Landscape.
To overcome this, on one end companies are trying to align their IT Landscape to new internal and external
requirements. On the other end, independent software vendors are offering platform solutions that promise
a homogeneous IT landscape to be competitive in disruptive situations. However, the platform solutions do
not cover all aspects of changing business requirements. Furthermore, the challenges related to semantic
interoperability, semantic configuration, and data consistency in the IT landscape, as well as data
discoverability and usability, are not properly addressed. These are essential for an organization to be both
data-driven and user-centric in order to thrive in disruptive situations.
5. Summary
In this article, a new PLM landscape in the form of a federated Domain and Data Mesh is proposed. By
leveraging modern approaches such as Domain-Driven Design and Data Mesh, as well as technologies
such as Semantic Web, the proposed Domain-driven PLM landscape tackles various technical, operational
and business challenges faced by manufacturing companies. It also meets new requirements essential to
make an enterprise data- and knowledge-driven. In addition, the new landscape is inherently user-centric in
design, helping to make enterprise IT more focused on users and their real needs for their daily tasks. The
model-driven software components and services help to significantly increase the synergy between the
domains and improve efficiency in the development, maintenance and reuse of the software components.
By shifting from traditional Single Source of Truth philosophy to Nearest Source of Truth based on Single
Source of Change philosophy, the monolithic legacy PLM solutions are efficiently replaced with modern
user-centric domains in a federated landscape. This enables enterprises to respond quickly and flexibly to
new requirements. A cross-domain Semantic Layer ensures cross-domain semantic interoperability and
enables holistic data-driven solutions and analytical use cases transforming the fragmented PLM landscape
into a living knowledge graph.
Finally, a domain-agnostic PLM infrastructure leverages platform thinking across all domains and ensures
global interoperability through global standards as well as domain self-sovereignty through local standards.
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