CV Intern
CV Intern
CV Intern
Career Objective:
A highly motivated and passionate software engineer seeking a position to utilize my technical
knowledge,skill and experience to create reliable,high quality and secured software solutions..
Career Summary:
PHP developer:
Developed many PHP coded websites such as Online File Storage System, Employee Management
System, Mortgage Management System, Advertisement Management System etc.
Laravel developer:
Developed many applications in Laravel such as Url Shortener, Online Identity Management System,
Hostel Management System, POS, Courier Management System, Freight Management System etc.
Special Qualification:
-Versioning Tool:
GitHub, GitLab
-Project Management:
Academic Qualification:
Training Summary:
Professional Qualification:
Language Proficiency:
Personal Details:
Weight (Kg) : 70
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Religion : Islam
Blood Group : A+
Reference (s):
Reference: 01 Reference: 02