DNV RP B401 2021
DNV RP B401 2021
DNV RP B401 2021
The PDF electronic version of this document available at the DNV website d nv.com is the official version. If there
are any inconsistencies between the PDF version and any other available version, the PDF version shall prevail.
This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this
document. The use of this document by other parties than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liabi lity or responsi b i l i ty
for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.
This document supersedes the June 2 0 1 7 ed ition of DNVG L- RP-B40 1 . I
The n u m bering a nd/or title of items conta i n i n g changes i s h i g h l i g hted i n red . ::J
Limits of cathodic protection [2.2] Amended to emphasize the purpose of cathodic protection for
carbon and low-alloy steels.
Protection potential criterion [2.4] Updated to clarify the protection potential criterion and its
relation to the design protective potential.
Detrimental effect of cathodic [2.5.5] The HISC susceptibility of precipitation hardening or annealed
protection corrosion resistant alloys has been updated to no longer be
related to any maximum hardness criterion.
Cathodic protection design [3.1.3] New guidance related to structures located in water with high
parameters water current velocities has been added.
Mean design current density [3.3.5] Added explanatory text referring to the mean design current
Design current density for [3.3.11] Added guidance note related to the correlation between the
aluminium design current density and contaminating elements in the
aluminium alloy.
Current drain to reinforcing [3.3.12] Steel reinforcement for concrete structures is referred to in
steel in concrete terms of current drain rather than cathodic protection.
Coating breakdown factors [3.4.6] A new coating category with new coating breakdown factors has
been introduced.
Subject to defined provisions, proprietary thin film coatings of
anti-friction type may be accounted for as coating category II.
Determination of seawater [3.7.1] It has been clarified that seawater resistivity shall be based on
resistivity conditions at the anode location.
Seawater resistivity [3.7.2] A guidance note has been added recommending that the impact
that a variation in the seawater resistivity may have on the
anode current output should be evaluated.
Topic Reference Description ..µ
Anode utilization factor [3.8.2] A guidance note has been added to highlight the importance Q)
of implementing the anode/anode core dimensions from the I-
design in anode production. ::J
Minimum anode size [4.8.6] The minimum ratio of net anode mass to design life has been
Anode current output [4.9.1] A guidance related to anode distribution and anode current Q)
interference output has been added. O'I
[4.11.3] The specific minimum distance between anodes has been ro
removed. Advice to use computer modelling to quantify the ..c
reduction in anode current output due to anode interference has u
been added.
Provisions for electrical [4.12.2] Provisions for electrical continuity. Description: bolted or
continuity clamped connections are included as an alternative to cable
connections when full electrical continuity cannot be ensured
Inspection, maintenance and Sec.7 New section giving advice on the inspection, maintenance and
retrofitting retrofitting of anodes has been added.
Reference electrodes Sec.9 and Sec.10 Updated reference electrode such that only silver/silver
chloride/ saturated KCI is referred to for checking of the
working reference electrode, due to restriction on the use of
mercury containing ones.
Rebranding to DNV All This document has been revised due to the rebranding of DNV
GL to DNV. The following have been updated: the company
name, material and certificate designations, and references to
other documents in the DNV portfolio. Some of the documents
referred to may not yet have been rebranded. If so, please see
the relevant DNV GL document.
Editorial corrections
In a d d ition to the a bove stated changes, ed itorial corrections may have been made.
Changes - current . . . . . . 3
....... ............................ ..... ...................... ..... ...................... ...
Section 1 General .................................................................................................... 8 u
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 8
1.2 Objective........................................................................................... 8
1.3 Scope................................................................................................ 8
4.6 Selection of anode type . . ...... . ... .. . ..
. .. . .. . .. .
. . . . .. . .. . .. . ..... .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .... . 3S (/)
4.7 Anode mass calculations . .. ..... .... . .. . .. ..... . . . .. . .. . ..... .. .. . ... .. ..... . . . .. . .. . .. . 3S
4.8 Calculation of number of anodes. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . 3S Q)
.. . . .. ..... .. . .. . . . .. ..... .. .....
7.1 General . . . . . . ..
.. .. .. . .. .. . .... .
... . .. . .
. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ......... . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . ..... . ........ S3
Section 8 Tables and figures . .. ..... . ... . .. . .. ... . ...... . .. . ..... . ..... .. .. . ... ...... . .. . ..... . ..... .. .. . .. . S8
Section 9 Laboratory testing of galvanic anode materials for quality control ....... 62
9.2 Sampling and preparation of test specimens.................................. 62 (/)
9.3 Equipment and experimental procedure......................................... 63 c
9.4 Acceptance criteria and re-testing.................................................. 64 Q)
9.5 Documentation ................................................................................ 65 c
Section 10 Laboratory testing of galvanic anode materials for qualification of
the electrochemical performance..........................................................................66
10.1 General......................................................................................... 66
10.4 Documentation.............................................................................. 68
Section 11 Bibliography........................................................................................ 69
11.1 Bibliography.................................................................................. 69
1 .1 Introduction
Cathodic protection (CP) prevents loca l i zed forms of corrosion and u n iform corrosion attacks . CP e l i m i n ates
the possi bil ity of ga lva n ic corrosion when meta l l i c materi a l s with d ifferent electrochem ical characteristics a re
i n electrolytica l contact with each other. CP a lso effectively prevents corrosion attacks on sta i n less steels/
corrosion resistant materials (CRA) with a low pitti ng resistance equiva lent ( PRENw), e . g . U N S 53 1600, wh ich
ca n be particu larly v u l n era ble to corrosion in seawater.
This recom mended practice ( RP) is primarily i ntended for the design of cathodic protection (CP) systems
using galva n i c a nodes of perma nently i nsta l led offshore structu res associated with the prod uction of o i l and
gas, i ncl u d i ng fixed platforms, permane ntly moored floati ng structu res, su bsea structu res a n d o i l and gas
h a n d l i ng eq u i pment. For CP of fl oati ng structu res associated with o i l and gas prod uction, support structures
for offshore w i n d turbi nes, a n d submarine p i peli nes, see DNV-RP- B l O l , D NV-RP-04 1 6 and DNV-RP- F103
Sec . 2 to Sec.4 conta i n design aspects for cathodic protection with ta b u lated data g iven in Sec. 8 . The
man ufacture and i nsta l lation of a nodes a re covered i n Sec. 5 a n d Sec . 6, while advice on i n s pectio n ,
mon itoring and retrofitting is g iven i n Sec. 7 .
1 .2 Objective
The objective of this recommended practice is to :
fac i l i tate the execution of conceptual a n d deta i led CP desi g n of marine structures for s u b m e rged service
serve as a basis for the verification of galvanic a node cathod ic protection (GACP) design
serve as a contractual and tech nical refe re nce document between the p u rchaser and co ntractor.
1 .3 Scope
This recom mended practice s pecifies req u i rements for the cathod ic protection of perma nently i nsta l led
offshore structures associated with the prod uction of oil and gas. The fol lowing topics a re covered :
proced u res for the execution a n d docu mentation of m a ri n e structure GACP desig n using a l u m i n i u m - or
zinc- based galva n ic a nodes
defa u lt desig n para m eters for GACP design
req u i reme nts for the man ufactu ri ng of ga lvanic a n odes fo r m a rine structu res with a n emphasis on q u a l ity
req u i reme nts for the i nsta l lation of a nodes on marine structures
advice on the i nspection, mon itoring a n d retrofit of GACP systems.
The docu ment d oes not include :
potential attenuation ca lcu lations related to a voltage d ro p i n the steel structu re and i n the el ectrolyte
remotely from the a nodes
the deta i led design of anode faste n i n g devices for structural i nteg rity
considerations related to safety and environ menta l haza rd s associated with galvanic a node manufacture
and i nsta l lation .
1 .4 Application
CP is a pp l i ca ble for a l l types of meta ls a n d a l loys com m o n ly used i n m a rine su bsea a pp l ications, although
ca ution and possibly specific materi a l testing may be req u i red fo r ce rta i n h i g h strength and high hard ness
materials, see [ 2 . 5] .
This RP may be used for the design of cathodic protection for m a rine structures by e n g i neering contractors
a n d by org a n izations ca rrying out third - pa rty verification , a n d as a contractual and tec h n ica l reference
docu ment between the purchaser a n d contractor.
If the purchaser has chosen to refer to this RP i n a p u rchase d ocument, the contractor s h a l l treat a l l
req u i rements i n th is document as mand atory, u n less su perseded b y amend ments and deviations for the
specific contract.
Specific req u i re ments for mobile i nsta l lations for o i l and gas p roduction, such as semi-submersi bles, jack
u ps and mono- h u l l vessels, a re not incl uded in the scope of this docu ment. At the d iscretion of the owner,
parts of this RP may be a ppl ica ble for the GACP of marine structu res not covered in this document. The
sa me a p p l ies to other marine structures not associated with oil a n d gas productio n . Some of the design
recom mendations and methods descri bed may be va l i d for C P systems using other cu rrent sou rces, such as
mag nesi u m a nodes a n d d i rect cu rrent ( DC) power sources, i . e . i m p ressed cu rrent.
1 .5 References
In the context of this docume nt, the term sta ndard shall be understood to cover docu ment types such as
codes, g u ideli nes and recommended practices i n addition to bona fide sta ndards.
Referenced releva nt sta n d a rd s and recom mended practice d ocu ments a re g ive n i n Ta ble 1-1 a n d Ta ble 1 - 2 .
The latest va l i d ed ition of each of the DNV reference docu me nts a p plies.
For other sta n d a rds, the ed ition va lid at the time of publ i s h i n g this document a pp l i es, u n less dated references
a re g iven .
ASTM A193 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless SteelBolting for High Temperature or High
Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications
ASTM A320 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for Low-Temperature Service
ASTM D1141 Standard Practice for the Preparation of Substitute Ocean Seawater
ASTM E527 Standard Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)
ISO 3506-1 Fasteners - Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 1:
Bolts, screws and studs with specified grades and property classes
Document code Title
ISO 3506-2 Fasteners - Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 2: Nuts
with specified grades and property classes
ISO 3506-3 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 3: Set screws and
similar fasteners not under tensile stress
ISO 3506-4 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 4: Tapping screws
ISO 3506-6 Fasteners - Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 6:
General rules for the selection of stainless steels and nickel alloys for fasteners
ISO 8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated
steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
ISO 8503-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 1: Specifications and
definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned
ISO 8503-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 2: Method for grading
surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel - Comparator procedure
ISO 8503-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 3: Method for the calibration
of ISO surface profile comparators for the determination of surface profile - Focusing
microscope procedure
ISO 8503-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 4: Method for the calibration
of ISO surface profile comparators for the determination of surface profile -Stylus instrument
ISO 8503-5 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 5: Replica tape method for
the determination of the surface profile
ISO 12944 Paints and Varnishes - Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by Protective Paint Systems
ISO 15257 Cathodic protection - Competence levels of cathodic protection persons - Basis for certification
ISO 15589-1 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Cathodic protection of pipeline systems
- Part 1: On-land pipelines
ISO 15589-2 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Cathodic protection of pipeline
transportation systems - Part 2: Offshore pipelines
NACE SP0176 Corrosion Control of Submerged Areas of Permanently Installed Steel Offshore Structures
Associated with Petroleum Production
Document code Title
NACE SP0387 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Galvanic Anodes for Offshore Applications
NACE SP0492 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet Anodes
Term Definition
shall verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the document
should verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable,
without mentioning or excluding others
may verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the document
Term Definition
calcereous scale/layer thin layer consisting primarily of calcium carbonate deposed at the metal surface when
cathodically polarized
cathodic protection electrochemical protection by decreasing the corrosion potential to a level at which the
corrosion rate of the metal is significantly reduced (ISO 8044: 2015)
contractor party to whom the work, i.e. CP design, anode manufacture or anode installation, has been
galvanic anode casting of an electrochemically active alloy, normally aluminium (Al), zinc (Zn) or magnesium
(Mg) based, which is the current source for the CP system and will be consumed
impressed current electrochemical protection where an inert (insignificant consumption rate) anode is used and
cathodic protection the current to the anode is supplied by a direct current power source
owner party legally responsible for the design, construction and operation of the object to receive CP,
in some standards also referred to as the end user
protection object the cathode of the electrochemical cell, i.e. the structure, subsystem or component to receive
Term Definition
purchaser party (owner or main contractor) issuing an inquiry or contract for CP design, anode
manufacture or anode installation work, or a nominated representative
verification confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have
been fulfilled (ISO 9000: 2015)
Ta b l e 1-5 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
CP cathodic protection
CV curriculum vitae
DC direct current
HV Vicker's hardness
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
RP recommended practice
Abbreviation Description
YS yield strength
Symbol Description
C [Ah] current charge associated with quality control testing of anode materials [9.3.10]
Symbol Description
Llw [g] weight loss associated with quality control testing of anode materials [9.3.10]
2.1 General
This section a d d resses aspects of cathod ic protection wh ich a re pri marily releva nt to CP conceptual
design, i n c l u d i n g the com pati bil ity of CP with meta l lic materia ls and coati n g s . The content of this section is
i n formative a n d i ntended as g u i d e l i nes for owners and their contractors preparing for conceptual or deta i led
CP desi g n .
For structural com ponents of ca rbon a n d low-a l loy stee ls, cathod ic protection should be considered as a
tech n i q ue for corrosion contro l . It fol lows that cathod ic protection is not an alternative to corrosion resistant
a l loys for components with very strict d i mensional tolera nces, e . g . sea l i n g asse m b l ies associated with su bsea
production syste ms. For those lower a l loy sta i n less steels a n d N iCr( Mo) a l loys that a re v u l nerable to corrosion
in seawater, GACP provides protection a g a i n st loca lized and crevice corrosion if correctly d esig n ed .
For offshore structures with water fi l led i nternals such as bracings a n d legs of jacket structures, a nodes
located on external su rfaces ca nnot be expected to provide C P of i nternals via holes made to facil itate
flood i n g .
The major seawater pa ra meters affecting CP in situ a re :
d issolved oxygen content
sea cu rrents
tem perature
m a ri n e g rowth
sa l i n ity.
In a d d ition, va riations in seawater pH a n d carbonate content a re factors w h i ch affect the formation of
ca lcareous layers associated with CP a n d thus the cu rrent needed to achieve and mai nta i n CP of bare metal
s u rfaces. I n seabed sed ime nts, the major pa ra m eters a re : temperature, pH, bacteria l activity, sa l i n ity and
sed iment coarseness.
The a bove para m eters a re i n terrelated a n d vary with geog ra p h ica l location, depth a n d seaso n . It is not
feasible to g ive an exact relationsh i p between the environmenta l para m eters ind icated a bove a n d cathodic
cu rrent demands for achieving and m a i nta i n i ng CP. To ration a l i ze CP design for marine a p p l ications, defa u lt
design cu rrent densities, ic (A/m ) , a re defi ned i n this docu m e n t based on 1 ) c l i matic reg ions related to mean
seawater su rface temperatu re and 2 ) depth . The a m bient tem perature a n d salinity determ i n e the specific
resistivity, p ( o h m · m ) , wh ich is used to calcu late the anode resistance, Ra ( o h m ) , a contro l l i n g factor for the
cu rrent output from a n a node.
2.4 Protection potential criterion and design protective potential
A CP potential of - 0 . 80 V relative to the Ag/Ag Cl/ seawater reference electrode recorded without any
s i g n ificant voltage d rop due to oh mic resista nce is genera l ly recog n ized as a protection potential criterio n , E�
for ca rbon a n d low-a l loy stee l s .
Guidance note:
It has been argued that, to achieve efficient corrosion protection, a CP protection potential criterion of -0 . 90 V should apply
in anaerobic environments, especially those conta i n i n g s u l p h ate reducing bacteria (SRB) as typically encountered i n marine
environments. DNV is not aware of any documentation that a n i n stant- off potentia l , i . e . measured without o h m i c resistance in
the range - 0.80 to - 0 . 90 V, has led to any significant corrosion damage, including corrosion damage by bacteria. Some surface
discolouration or a m i nor resi d u a l corrosion rate has been reported d u r i n g laboratory testi n g . However, CP is not intended to give
In the design proced u re advised i n this RP, the design protective potential E� used to calcu late the i n itial a n d
fi n a l cu rrent output has a defa u l t va l u e o f - 0 . 80 V a n d is not a va ria b l e .
For a correctly designed GACP syste m , the CP potenti a l , i . e . as recorded without any effect of o h m i c
resistance, w i l l for t h e m a i n part o f the d e s i g n l ife be between - 0 . 90 V and - 1 . 0 5 V, w h i ch a re a lso the
favou rable conditions for the formation of protective ca lcareous sca le. A less negative potenti a l will l ead to
enha nced a node con s u m ption and the desig n l i fe based on the mean design cu rrent densities recom mended
in this RP may not be ach ieved . Towards the e n d of the service l i fe, the CP potenti a l i ncreases ra pidly towards
- 0 . 8 0 V, a n d eventu a l ly to even less negative va lues, ge nera l ly referred to as under- p rotectio n . The term
over-protection is only a p p l ica ble to protection potentials more negative than - 1 . 1 5 V. Such potentials w i l l not
a pply for CP by galvanic a nodes based on Al or Z n .
Guidance note:
For a review of experimental data related to the formation of protective calcareous scale see e . g . / 1 / .
Cathodic protection is accompa n ied by the formation of hyd roxyl ions a n d hyd rogen at the su rface of the
protected object. These prod ucts may cause d i sban d i n g of non- meta l l i c coatings by mecha n isms i nc l u d i n g
chemica l d issolution and e lectrochemical red u ction processes at t h e meta l/coati ng interface, poss i b l y
i nc l u d i n g a b u i l d - u p o f hyd rogen pressure at this i n terface . T h i s process o f coati ng deterioration is referred to
as cathod ic d isband i n g . On components conta i n i n g hot fl u ids, the process is accelerated by heat flow to the
metal/coati ng i nterface.
Coatings appl ied to machi ned or as-del ivered su rfaces a re particu larly prone to cathod ic d i sband i n g .
However, with su rface preparation to ach ieve a n opti m u m su rface rou g h ness, some coati ng systems (e. g .
those based on epoxy or polyurethane) have shown g ood resista nce to cathodic d i sban d i ng by GACP when
a ppl ied to CRAs as well as to ca rbon and low-al loy steel . For coating systems whose compati b i l ity with GACP
is not well docu mented, the owner s h o u l d consider carry i n g out q u a l ification testi ng, includ i n g laboratory
testi ng of resista nce to cathodic d isband i n g . The testing of ma ri ne coati ngs' resista nce to cathod ic disban d i n g
has been sta ndard ized, e . g . i n ASTM G S . Further req u i rements fo r t h e q u a l ification o f m a r i n e coati ngs a re
g iven in NORSOK M - 5 0 1 and ISO 1 2944.
Cathodic protection w i l l cause the formation of ato m i c hyd rog e n at the meta l surface . With i n the potenti a l
ra nge for CP b y a l u m i n i u m - or zinc- based a nodes ( i . e . - 0 . 80 V t o - 1 . 1 0 V Ag/AgCl/seawater), the production
of hyd rogen i ncreases exponenti a l l y towa rd s the neg ative potential l i mit. The hyd rogen atoms ca n either
com b i n e to form hyd rogen molecules or become a bsorbed in the meta l matrix. I n the latter case, they may
i n teract with the m icrostructure of compone nts s u bj ect to h i g h stresses, ca u s i n g the i n itiation and g rowth
of hyd roge n - related cracks, here referred to as hyd rogen i n d uced stress cracking ( H ISC). CP desig n will not
norm a l l y take into account materials selection, so it is essential that com pati bil ity with CP is e n s u red for
components wh ich may receive CP when the materia ls selection is being specified .
For a l l practica l a p p l ications, a usten itic sta i n less steels a n d n ickel-based a l l oys a re gen era l ly considered
i m m u ne to HISC in the sol ution a n nealed cond ition. With the exceptions of U N S S30200 (AISI 302) and U N S
S30400 (AISI 304) sta i n l ess steel, moderate cold work does not i n d uce H I S C sensitivity i n these materia l s .
T h e sa me a p p l ies for wel d i ng or h o t form i n g accord i n g t o a n a ppropriate proced u re . Bolts i n AISI 3 1 6
sta i n less steel man ufactured accord ing to ISO 3506- 1 , g ra d e A4, prope rty class 8 0 a n d lower, i . e . u p to S M YS
640 M Pa , have proven com pati bil ity with GACP.
N ickel- based a l l oys being a n nealed or precipitation hardened to enhance mechan ica l properties a re
potentially susceptible to HISC a n d fa i l u res of h ig h ly stressed compone nts i n c l u d i n g bolting have been
reported . This is a lso rel eva nt fo r materi a l with S M YS below 720 M Pa . HISC fa i l u res of these materi a l s have
been observed as i nterg ra n u l a r fractures, thus i n d icating g ra i n bou n d a ry effects and not strength e n i n g as
the ca use of i ncreased se nsitivity. The h a rd n ess req u i rement as specified for H 2 S service, typica l ly 350 HV
- 400 HV maxi m u m , may not be sufficient to prevent HISC fa i l u res and it is not proven that any hard ness
crite ria a re relevant to preve nt HISC in this type of materi a l . S i m i l a r considerations a pply for the preci pitation
h a rd e n i n g of sta i n less steel a lthough it appears that no CP i n d uced fa i l u res have been reported .
Based on practical experience, ferritic and ferritic-pearlitic structural steels with a s pecified m i n i m u m yield
strength ( S M YS) u p to at least 500 M Pa have proven compa t i b i l ity with CP systems provided they a re
man ufactu red a n d fabricated acco rd i ng to relevant sta ndard s . However, laboratory testing has demon strated
suscepti bil ity to HISC d u ring extreme cond itions of yield i n g . It is recom mended that a l l wel d i ng is carried
out accord i n g to a q u a l ified proced u re with 3 50 HV as an a bsol ute u p per l i mit. With a q u a l ified maxi m u m
h a rd n ess i n t h e ra nge o f 300 to 350 HV, desig n mea s u res s h o u l d b e i m plemented to avoid loca l yield i n g .
For m a rtensitic carbon, low-a l loy a n d sta i n less steels, fa i l u res caused by CP i n d uced HISC have been
enco u n te red i nvolvi n g materials with a n actu a l YS and hard n ess of a bout 700 M Pa and 350 HV respectively.
It is widely recog n ized that u ntem pered martensite is especi a l ly pro n e to HISC. The weld i n g of materi a l s
suscepti ble t o martensite formation s h o u l d b e followed b y post w e l d heat treatment ( PWHT) to reduce t h e
heat-affected z o n e ( HAZ) h a rd ness and res i d u a l stresses fro m weld i n g . T h e s a m e recommend ations for
h a rd n ess l i m its a n d design measures as for ferritic steels [ 2 . 5 . 6 ] a pply. Bolts i n martensitic steel that have
been heat treated to S M YS up to 720 M Pa , e . g . ASTM A 1 93 g rade B7 and ASTM A320 g rade L7, have we l l
docu mented compati b i l ity w i t h CP. However, fa i l u res d u e t o i nadeq uate heat treatment have occ u rred, a n d
for critica l a p p l ications, batch wise testing is recommended t o verify a maxi m u m hard n ess o f 3 5 0 HV.
Ferritic-a ustenitic ( d u plex) sta i n less steels should be reg a rded as potentia l ly susceptible to HISC,
i n dependent of S M YS, typica l l y 400 M Pa to 550 M Pa or a specified maxi m u m h a rd ness. Wel d i ng may cause
i ncreased HISC suscepti bil ity i n the weld meta l a n d in the HAZ adjacent to the fusion l i n e . Th is is related
to an i ncreased ferrite conte nt rather than h a rd ness. Qualification of we l d i ng s h o u l d therefore prove that
the max i m u m ferrite content in the weld metal and the i n n e r HAZ, a bout 0 . 1 m m wide, ca n be efficiently
control led . Ferrite contents of maxi m u m 60% to 70% a re typ i ca l ly specified , wh ich exc l udes fi l let welds
and a utogenous wel d i ng of pressure reta i n i n g com ponents and other critical structu ra l a ppl ications. Coa rse
m icrostructure is more susceptible since HISC would propagate prefe rentially in the ferrite phase. Cold bent
u n coated pipes of s m a l l d i a meter with mechan ica l con n ections, i . e . without welds, have a proven record of
CP compatibil ity when used as production control p i ping for su bsea i nsta l lations. Desi g n preca utions should
i nclude measures to avoid loca l plastic yield i n g , see DNV- RP- Fl 1 2 .
The 5000 and 6000 series a l u m i n i u m a l loys and copper a re genera l ly considered i m m u n e to HISC, reg a rd less
of fa brication methods. For h i g h -strength tita n i u m a l loys, documentation is l i m ited and special considerations
( i nclud i n g e . g . q u a l ification testi ng, see [ 2 . 5 . 1 0 ] ) should a p p ly.
There is no genera l ly recogn ized test method to verify the CP compati bil ity of different meta l l i c materi a l s .
Consta nt extension rate testing, a lso referred t o as slow stra i n rate testi n g , is a p p l ica ble t o compare the
HISC suscepti b i l ity of materials of the same type, e . g . relative suscepti b i l ity of marte nsitic steels. For more
q u a ntitative testi n g , u n i -axially loaded tensile specimens with a constant load, a n d 4-point bend s peci mens
with constant d is placement, crack tip opening d i splacement (CTO D) a n d other testing confi g u rations have
been a pp l i ed at control led CP conditio n s . Such testi ng is, however, beyond the scope of this d ocu ment.
Specia l tech n i q ues h ave been a p p l ied to reduce the CP potential to a less neg ative ra nge, e . g . - 0 . 80 V to
- 0 . 90 V, i ncludin g the use of d i odes a n d specia l anode a l loys. A major d i sadvantage of this a p proach is that
the i n d iv i d u a l com ponent or system needs to be electrica lly i nsu lated from adjacent sta ndard CP systems.
Cathodic protection i n closed compa rtments without venti lation may cause hyd rogen gas to develop to a n
extent that a n explosive gas m i xture, i . e . hyd rogen/oxygen, m a y eventually develop. T h e risk is moderate
with Al- a n d Z n - based galva n i c a nodes. However, at least one explosion d u ring external welding on a water
flooded platform leg conta i n i n g Al-a nodes has been related to this phenomenon.
Al u m i n i u m a l loy a nodes acid ify their envi ronment d u e to the hyd rolysis of d i ssolved a l u m i n i u m ions. In
closed compartments, the accu m u lation of acid ity can reach levels that ca use a uto-corrosion of the a nodes,
resulting in the enha nced production of hyd rogen gas and premature anode con s u m ptio n . Zinc a l loy a nodes
a re therefore recom mended fo r use i n closed co mpartments . Com p l etely closed, e . g . by weld i n g or secure
va lves, water fl ooded com partments without access to exte rnal a i r w i l l not norma l l y req u i re CP, see [ 3 . 3 . 7 ] .
2.5. 13
A conseq uence of CP appl ication i s that a calca reous layer, consisting primarily of ca lci u m a n d mag nesium
ca rbon ates a n d b ica rbonates, w i l l form on ba re metal s u rface s . The th ickness is typica l ly of the order of
a te nth of a m i l l i metre, but th icker deposits may occu r. The ca lcareous layer red uces the cu rre nt demand
for mai ntena nce of CP and is therefore beneficia l . A ca lcareous layer may, however, obstruct the mati ng
of subsea electrica l and hyd ra u l i c cou plers with s m a l l tolera n ces. This may be prevented by a pplyi ng a n
i n s u lating layer consisting o f a thin fi l m coating, e . g . ba ked e poxy res i n . A n alte rnative measure is to
electrica l l y insu late the con nectors from the CP system a n d use seawater resistant materials for a l l wetted
parts. H i g h - a l loyed sta i n less steels, n ickel-chro m i u m - molybd e n u m alloys, tita n i u m and certa i n copper- based
a l loys, e . g . n icke l - a l u m i n i u m bronze, have been used for this pu rpose.
2 . 5 . 14
Galva n ic a nodes may i nterfere with su bsea operations a n d i n crease d rag forces caused by flowing seawater.
2.5. 15
CP e l i m inates the a nti-fo u l i n g properties of copper- based a l l oys i n seawater.
2.6. 1
Galva n ic a nodes for offshore a p p l ications a re genera l ly based on either a l u m i n i u m or z i n c . The generic
type of anode material, i . e . a l u m i n i u m or zinc base, is typica l l y selected by the owner and specified i n the
conceptua l CP design report a n d/or in the design pre m i ses for the deta i led CP des i g n . Recom mendations for
max.jm i n . contents of a l loying elements and max contents of i m p u rity elements a re g iven i n Ta ble 8-5 .
Al u m i n i u m a l loy a nodes a re norma lly preferred d u e to their h igher electrochem ica l capacity, € (Ah/kg ) .
However, the electrochem ical perform a n ce of zinc a l loy a nodes has sometimes been considered more relia ble
for a p pl ications i n marine sed i ments or i nternal compartments with high bacteri a l activity, w h i ch a re both
a n a erob i c cond itions.
Some a node man ufacturers offer proprietary a node a l l oys. The p u rchaser may req u i re the a node
man ufacturer to d ocu ment the electrochem ical perform a n ce of its products by operational experience or by
long term testing i n n atura l seawate r. A reco m m e nded test i n g procedure is conta ined i n Sec. 1 0 .
2.7 Anode geometry and fastening devices
There a re three major types of a nodes for offshore structu res :
slender sta nd-off
- elongated, fl ush-mou nted
- bracelet.
Sta n d -off and fl u s h - mo u nted a nodes may fu rther be d ivided i nto short and long, based on the length to width
ratio. The a node type determi nes the anode resistance fo rm u l a [ 3 . 6] a n d a n ode uti l ization factor [ 3 . 8 ] to be
a ppl ied .
The slender sta n d -off type is typica l ly cast on a tubular insert a n d used for relatively large a nodes on e . g .
platform su bstructures a n d su bsea templates . The cu rrent output, I a (A), i n relation to net anode mass, M a
( kg ) , is h i g h , as is the util ization factor u .
Bracelet a nodes a re used primarily for p i peli nes but have a lso found some use on platform l egs i n the u p per
zone, com b i n i ng a h i g h cu rrent output to weight ratio with low d rag .
The type of a nodes a n d any special a node faste n i n g req u i re ments should be defi ned d u ring the conceptua l CP
design, ta k i n g i nto account the forces exerted d u ring i nsta l lation phase, e . g . p i l i n g operations and operati ng
phase, e . g . wave forces. For sta nd -off type a nodes, special p reca utions may be necessary while des i g n i n g
a n d d istri buting a nodes t o avoid i m pe d i n g su bsea operations [4 . 1 0 . 2] .
The use of non- meta l l i c coatings d rastica lly reduces the CP cu rrent demand of the protection object a n d
hence t h e req u i red a n o d e weig ht. For weig ht-sensitive structures w i t h a long d e s i g n l ife, t h e combi nation of
a coating and CP is l i kely to g ive the most cost-effective corrosion contro l . For some systems with very long
design l ives, CP may be i m p ractica l u n less com b i n ed with coati ngs.
The use of coatings s h o u l d be considered fo r a ppl ications where the demand for CP of ba re metal su rfaces
is known or expected to be h ig h . This i nc l u d es deep water a p p l ications for wh ich the formation of calca reous
deposits may be slow, see [ 3 . 3 . 2] ) . It should fu rther be considered for s u rfaces that a re partly shielded from
CP by geometrical effects.
The a ppl ication of coatings may not be su ita ble for pa rts of submerged structures req u i ri ng frequent
i nspection for fatigue cracks, e . g . critica l welded nodes of jacket structures.
Meta l l i c coatings with a z i n c or a l u m i n i u m basis a re compatible with g a lva n ic anode CP.
For material components that a re sensitive to HISC, the use of a non- meta l l i c coating system should a lways
be considered as it w i l l reduce hyd rog en adsorption if design loads a re exceeded d u ri ng operation, see
[ 2 . 5 . 6] a n d [ 2 . 5 . 7] .
3.1 General
This section describes design para m eters to be used for the conceptual a n d detailed design of GACP syste ms
a n d g ives g u i d a n ce on the selection of such pa ra m eters . With the exception of the design l ife, see [ 3 . 2] and
possibly a lso coating brea kdown factors, see [ 3 . 4 . 3 ] , the actual design va l u es to b e applied for a specific
project a re normally selected by the contractor from Sec . 8, based on environ m enta l conditions and other
para m eters identified i n the project design basis. However, sometimes certa i n or all CP desig n para m eters
have a l ready been defi ned by the purchaser in a project document, e . g . the project design basis or materi a l
selection p h i l osophy.
If refere nce is made to this RP i n a purchase d ocument, and u n less otherwise specified or ag reed with owner,
the defa u lt design va lues referred to in this section s h a l l a pply.
The design va lues recom mended i n this section a re consistently selected using a conservative approach .
Adherence to these va lues is the refore l i kely to provide a service l i fe that exceeds the design life of the CP
syste m . For CP of support structures associated with offshore wind turb i nes, see DNV-RP-04 1 6 .
G u idance note:
The defa u l t values for i n itial/final design current densities recommended in Sec.3 have been developed for structures relatively
far from shore, and may not be conservative in water with h i g h sea water cu rrent velocities, such as shal low water with a large
difference between HAT and LAT. When DNV - RP - 8401 is specified for CP design for structures located i n such waters, it should be
considered whether to i ncrease the i n itial design current densities for all i n itial l y bare steel su rfaces to account for the effect of
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The contractor may propose the use of a l te rnative design va l ues, but any such data is then s u bject to the
acceptance of the owner, e . g . i n response to a concession req uest, prefera bly before the CP design work has
sta rted .
A l l electrochem ica l potenti a l s associated with CP i n this section refer to the Ag/AgCl/seawater reference
electrode. The potenti a l of th is reference electrode is virtually e q u a l to that of the saturated ca lomel electrode
(SCE). The Ag/Ag Cl/saturated KCI reference electrode has a potenti a l -50 mV vs the SCE, see EN 1 3 509,
Annex A.
Guidance note:
The Ag/AgCl/ O . S M KCI reference electrode potential i s virtually equal to that of the SCE . However, it should be noted that these
anodes may not be stable in seawater, especia l l y for long -term use.
- - - e - n - d - - - o - f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o - t - e - - -
3.2 Design life
The design l i fe of a CP system is specified by the owner [ 3 . 1 . 1 ] , and s h a l l take i nto account the CP
req u i rements in structural design sta n d a rds, design l i fe of the protection object, l i keli hood of the design l i fe
being extended, and any period of time when the CP system will be active prior to sta rt of the operating
phase of the protection object.
G u idance note:
The ma intenance and repair of CP systems for fixed offshore structures are generally very costly and sometimes im practica l .
It i s therefore normal practice to apply a t least the same anode design life as for the protection object. However, i n certain
circumstances the planned retrofitting of galva n i c anodes may be an economica l l y viable alternative to the insta llation of very l a rge
anodes i n itial ly. This a l ternative should then be planned such that necessary provisions for retrofitting are made d u ri n g the i n itial
design and fabrication.
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
In this docu ment, cu rrent density, ic , refers to the cathod ic p rotection cu rrent per u n it su rface a rea ( i n A/
m ) . The i n itial a n d fi nal desi g n cu rrent d ensities, ici ( i n itia l ) a nd i cf (fi n a l ) , respectively, g ive a measure of the
a nticipated cathodic cu rrent density demand to ach ieve catho d i c protection of a bare meta l su rface with i n a
reasonably short period . They a re used to calculate the i n itial a n d fi n a l cu rrent demands w h i ch determ i n e the
n u m ber and s i z i n g of a nodes. The effect of any coating on cu rrent demand is ta ken i nto acco u n t a p plying a
coating brea kdown factor, see [ 3 .4] .
The i n itial design cu rrent density refers to the cathodic cu rrent density that is req u i red to effectively pola rize
a bare meta l surface, typica lly for structural steel su rfaces with some rusti ng and/or m i l l sca l e .
Guidance note:
The initial design cathodic cu rrent density i s necessarily h i g h e r than the final design current density because the calcareous scale,
see [2 . 5 . 1 3 ] , and possibly marine fouling layer developed du ring this initial phase reduce the subsequent current demand, i . e . the
polarization to more negative potentials is fac i l itated. A sufficient initial design current density enables rapid formation of protective
- -- e- n - d - -- o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e --- n - o- t- e- - -
The fi n a l design cu rrent density refers to meta l su rfaces with esta b l i shed ca lca reous sca le a n d m a rine
g rowth. It takes i nto acco u n t the cu rrent density req u i red to re-polarize a structu re if such layers a re pa rtly
damaged, e . g . by period ic removal of marine g rowth .
G u idance note:
An a ppropriate fi n a l design current density (and hence CP polarizing capacity) w i l l further ensure that the protection object
remains polarized to a potential of -0 . 9 5 V to - 1 . 05 V throughout the design life. In this potential range, the current density
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The i n itial a n d fi nal cu rrent densities a re used to ca lcu late the req u i red n u m ber of a nodes of a specific type
[ 4 . 8 ] to achieve a sufficient polarizing ca pacity by use of O h m 's law based on the fol l owi ng req u i re ments, see
[ 5 . 4 . 2] :
1) the anode potential is i n accorda nce with the desig n cl osed circu it potential [ 3 . 5 . 3 ] and
2) t h e cu rrent d e m a n d s h a l l be suppl ied w i t h t h e potential of t h e protection object ( i . e . cathode) at the
design protective potenti a l for C-steel and low-a l loy steel, i . e . - 0 . 80 V [ 2 . 4 . 2 ] .
G u idance note:
It follows from the above relationship that the anode current and hence the cathodic current density decreases l i nearly when the
cathode i s polarized towards the closed circuit anode potential, reducing the driving voltage for the galvanic cel l .
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The ta b u lated mean (or mai ntena nce) design cu rrent density, icm (A/m ) i n Ta ble 8-2, is a measu re of
the a nticipated cathodic current density once the CP system has atta ined its steady-state protection
potenti a l . This is typica lly 0 . 1 5 V to 0 . 2 0 V more negative than the design protective potentia l . The va lues
recom mended in Ta ble 8-2 conta i n a certa i n co nservatism to take i nto consid eration that retrofitti ng of
a nodes may not be practica l and that the design l ife of a structu re is frequently exceeded by 20% or more .
A red uction o f the reco m m ended m e a n desi g n cu rrent d ensities m a y therefore be justified . However, such
design sha l l be specified or a p p roved by the owner.
G u idance note:
The decrease in cathode potential ( i . e . cathodic polarization) reduces the anode current so that the mean design current density
becomes about 50% of the initial/final design current density. As the initial polarization period preceding the steady- state condition
is norma l l y short com pared to the design life, the time - weig hted cathodic current density to be used to calculate the required
anode net mass becomes very close to the steady - state cathodic current density.
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
Cathodic cu rrent densities to achieve a n d m a i nta i n CP a re d e pendent on factors that va ry with geogra p h ical
location and operational depth . Recom mendations for i n itial/fi n a l and mean design cu rrent densities a re g iven
in Ta ble 8- 1 and Ta ble 8-2 respective ly, based on climatic reg ions a n d depth . These design cu rrent de nsities
have been selected i n a conservative m a n n e r to account for h a rsh weather co nd itions, i n c l u d i n g waves a n d
sea cu rrents, b u t not erosive effects on calca reous layers ca used b y s i lt or ice. They further assume that the
seawate r at the s u rface is saturated with a i r, i . e . at 0 . 2 bar oxygen pa rtia l pressure.
G u idance note:
The data in Table 8 - 1 and Table 8 - 2 reflect the expected influence of seawater temperature and depth on the properties of
a calcareous scale formed by cathodic protection and of the content of dissolved oxygen. The properties of such layers are
dependent on the seawater ambient temperature and, moreover, on certain depth dependent parameters other than temperature,
see [ 2 . 3 . l ] . Oxygen is d i ssolved from the air or generated by microorganisms in the seawater close to the surface through
photosynthesis such that the oxygen content at a large depth i n a tropica l region is l i kely to be substantia l ly lower than in
temperate or Arctic surface waters of the same ambient seawater temperature. The higher design current densities i n the
uppermost zone are a result of wave forces and marine growth degrading calcareous scales a n d convective mass transfer of
oxygen. In certain areas, the decomposition of organic material may reduce and u l timately consume a l l oxygen in the seawater.
No such reduction in oxygen content is accounted for in Table 8 - 1 and Tab l e 8 - 2 . See also [ 3 . 1 . 3 ] , higher current densities may be
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
For CP of freely fl ooded com partments and fo r closed com partments with free access to a i r, desig n cu rrent
densities for depths of 30- 1 00 m g iven in Ta ble 8 - 1 a n d Ta ble 8 - 2 a re recom mended . However, lower va l ues
than those in Ta ble 8-2 may be considered for co mpartments that can read i l y be retrofitted with a nodes or
where very s i m i l a r cond itions have been demonstrated to req u i re lower cu rrent d ensities. For CP in seawater
fi l led compartments, the use of zinc a nodes should be considered if sufficient exchange of seawater ca nnot
be e n s u red , see a lso [ 2 . 5 . 1 2 ] . Pe rmanently closed a n d sealed flooded compartments do not normally need
For ba re steel su rfaces b u ried in sed i ments, an i n itia l , mean a nd fi nal design cu rrent density of 0 . 020 A/m is
recom mended i rrespective of geogra p h ical location and depth .
For p i p i n g and other com ponents heated by an i ntern a l fl uid, the design cu rrent densities as specified in Ta ble
8 - 1 , Ta ble 8-2 and [ 3 . 3 . 8 ] sha l l be i ncreased by 0.001 A/m for each °C that the meta l/environ ment interface
is assumed to exceed 25°C. For single wa l l co n d u its this te m peratu re shall be assumed to be eq u a l to the
temperature of the i nternal fl u i d .
Guidance note:
The additional CP current density is to account for the increased convective and d iffusive mass transfer of oxygen i n d u ced by heat
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The design cu rrent den sities in Ta ble 8 - 1 and Ta ble 8-2 sha l l a lso apply for surfaces of any sta i n less steel or
non-ferrous com ponents of a CP system wh ich i ncludes com ponents in C-steel or low-a l loy steel. To ca lcu late
the anode cu rrent output accord i n g to [ 4 . 8 . 2] , a design protective potential of - 0 . 80 V s h a l l then also a pply
for these materials.
For a l u m i n i u m components, or those coated with either meta l l i c a l u m i n i u m or zinc, a design cu rrent dens ity
of 0 . 0 1 0 A/m is recom mended fo r the i n itial/fi n a l as well as mea n va lues. For i ntern a l l y heated com ponents,
the design cu rrent density s h a l l be i ncreased by 0 . 0002 A/m for each °C that the m etal/seawater is
assu med to exceed 25°C.
Guidance note:
The current demand for a l u m i n i u m components may be h i g h e r than 0 . 0 1 0 A/m 2 . In a recent study it was found that the cu rrent
demand varied significantly with the type of a l loy, a pparently depending on the Cu and Fe content.
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
For the cu rrent d ra i n to rei n forci ng steel and other concrete e m bedded steel components associated with
offshore structures, the design cu rrent densities in Ta ble 8-3 a re recommended . For the extern a l cu rrent
d ra i n to re i nfo rc i n g steel in shafts that a re norma l l y em pty, the design cu rrent de nsities in Ta ble 8-3 should
be m u ltipl ied by a facto r of 1 . 5 .
Guidance note:
This RP does not account for any cathodic protection of reinforcement steel in concrete structures. However, CP systems
for external steel components attached to such structu res can experience some current drain from the reinforcement. The
reinforcement is expected to be embedded in a concrete q u a l ity giving sufficient corrosion protection for the service life. The
cathodic current density of steel embedded i n concrete is m a i n l y control led by a reduction of oxyg e n . In the splash zone and in
internal dry compartments, oxygen i s tra nsported by ca p i l lary action of p o re water, driven by evaporation at the atmospheric
su rface. Hence, the cathodic current density depends on the exposure conditions ( i . e . d i stance to atmospheric exposure of
concrete) and ambient temperature.
- -- e- n - d - -- o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e --- n - o- t- e- - -
2 3
When the ratio of the actual rei n forci ng steel su rface a rea in m to the re i n forced concrete vol u me in m ,
ratio B, exceeds 5, an adjustment factor of 5/B may be a p p l i ed to the design cu rrent densities i n Ta ble 8-3 .
The coating breakdown facto r, fc , descri bes the antici pated red uction in cathodic cu rrent density d u e to
the a ppl ication of an electrica l ly i n s u lating coati ng . When fc 0, the coating is 1 00% electrica l l y insu lati n g ,
t h u s decreas i n g t h e cathodic cu rrent density t o zero. fc 1 means that the coati ng has no cu rrent red ucing
Guidance note:
The coating breakdown factor should not be confused with coating degradation that is a pparent d u ri n g a visual examination. A
coating showing extensive blistering may sti l l reta i n good electrically i nsu lating properties. Conversely, an a p parently perfect
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
The coating breakdown facto r is a function of coati ng properties, environ mental parameters a n d time. As a
s i m ple engi neeri ng approach, fc sha l l be expressed as :
fc = a + bt
where t (years) is the desi g n l ife a n d a a n d b a re consta nts that a re dependent on coating properties and the
environ ment.
Guidance note:
The effect of marine growth is hig hest in the upper 30 metres where wave forces may further contribute to coating degradation .
Another factor i s periodic cleaning o f marine growth i n this zone.
- - - e - n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The owner s h o u l d prefera bly specify constants a a n d b for the ca lcu lation of coating breakdown factors based
on its own practical experience of specific coating systems i n a particu lar envi ronment. When the owner has
not specified any such data, the defa u l t va l ues i n Ta ble 8-4 sha l l be used . The coating brea kdown factors as
esta bl ished in Sec . 8 a re based on considerations addressed in [ 2 . 8 . 3 ] .
Once a a n d b a re defi ned, the mean a n d fi nal coating breakdown facto rs, fem and fcf, respectively, to be used
for CP design pu rposes sha l l be ca lcu lated by i ntrod ucing the CP design l ife, tt (years) :
fei = a ( 3 . 2)
If the ca lculated va l u e, fer' accord i n g to [ 3 .4 . 4] exceeds 1, fer = 1 shall be appl ied in the des i g n . When the
design l i fe of the CP system exceeds the actua l ca lculated l ife of the coati ng system acco rd i ng to [ 3 . 4 . 2 ] , fem
may be calculated as :
To account for the effect of a coating system on coati ng breakdown factors, fou r coating categories have
been defi ned for inclusion i n Ta ble 8-4 :
One or more layers of marine pa i n t coating ( e poxy-, polyurethane- or vi nyl- based ) , total
Category II
nom i n a l D FT m i n i m u m 250 µ m .
Category III Two or more layers o f m a rine epoxy-based p a i n t coating total n o m i n a l DFT m i n . 350 µ m .
Category IV Two or more layers o f epoxy-based coatings acco rd i n g to NO RSOK M - 5 0 1 syste ms 3 B o r 7 ,
with total n o m i n a l D FT o f m i n i m u m 350 µm or t h e equiva lent a n d meeti ng a l l req u i rements
for coati ng system q u a l ification, coating a p p l icatio n , i n s pection and rep a i rs g iven in the
same sta n d a rd . The p u rchaser is fu rther req u i red to be i nvolved in q u a l ity control by
accepting the coati ng a p pl ication procedure a n d carry i n g out q u a l ity s u rvei l l a nce d u r i n g
coati ng work.
Category I i ncludes shop primer type coati ngs. It is assu med for categories II, III and IV that the
man ufactu rer-specific coating materials to be a p p l ied have been q u a l ified by documented perform a n ce in
service, or by relevant testi n g . It is fu rther assu med for all categories that a l l coati ng work has been ca rried
out accord i n g to the man ufactu rer's recom mendations a n d that su rface preparation has i ncluded blast
clea n i n g to m i n i m u m Sa 21/2 i n accorda nce with ISO 8 5 0 1 . The s u rface roug h ness shall be i n accorda nce with
ISO 8503 series and the coating man ufacturer's recommendation.
M a n u factu rer-specific thin- layer coating systems of the a nti-friction coating type, typica l ly conta i n i n g PTFE
with a h eat cured polymeric b i nder, may be defi ned as catego ry I or category II coati n g , s u bject to the
fol lowing provisions : the substrate has been prepared by blasting to a d efi n ed su rface rou g h n ess, the
prepared su rface has been phosph atized accord i n g to a defi n ed proced u re, coati ng has been a pplied by
spraying to a m i n i m u m DFT of 50 µm (category II) and 20 µ m (category I) and subseq uently heat cured at
control led cond itions, and the resistance to cathod ic d isbond i n g accord i n g to ISO 1 2944-9 has been q u a l ified
at the max operating te mperatu re of the steel su bstrate .
For any other paint coati ngs a p p l ied without blast clea n i n g to a defi ned su rface rou g h ness, includ i n g
machined, g ro u n d , brushed and as-rol led su rfaces, a coati ng brea kdown factor o f fem fcf 1 s h a l l be = =
appl icable values for a and b may be found i n other codes/standards, e.g. DNV - RP - F 1 0 3 o r ISO 15589 - 2 or the owner should
specify or accept applicable values for a a n d b .
- - - e - n - d - - - o - f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o - t - e - - -
The va l ues for the a and b consta nts for a depth of 30- 100 m in Ta ble 8-4 a re a pplicable for calculating the
cu rrent demands of flooded co mpartments and of closed com pa rtments with free access to a i r.
The constant a i n Ta ble 8-4 does not acco u n t for sign ifica nt d a mage to pa i n t coatings d u r i n g fa brication
a n d i nsta l lation or su rfaces deli berately left ba re at e . g . welds. If such da mage or u n coated su rfaces a re
a nticipated, the affected s u rface a rea shall be estimated a n d i ncluded in the design calcu lations as bare meta l
s u rface .
U n less otherwise specified or accepted by the owner, the com positio n a l l i m its for a l loying a n d i m p u rity
elements for Al- a n d Zn- based a nodes i n Ta ble 8-5 shall apply. If the m a n u factu rer is able to demonstrate
a n d assure better performa nce with these a l loys, a broader ra nge of com positions than those g ive n in Ta ble
8-5 may be used . The CP design parameters related to anode material perform a n ce a re :
design electrochem ical capacity, E (Ah/kg)
- design closed circu it a node potenti a l , E� (V).
The design electrochemical ca pacity, E (Ah/kg ) , design closed circu it a node potential, E� (V) and uti l ization
factor, u , a re used to ca lcu late :
- the design a node cu rrent output
- the req u i red net a node mass
u s i n g O h m 's a n d Fa raday's laws, respectively.
The design va lues for electrochem ical capacity, E (Ah/kg ) , in Ta ble 8-6 shall be used for the design u n less
otherwise specified by the owner. For z i n c anode su rface tem peratures exceeding the l i m its g iven in Ta ble
8-6, it is recommended to q u a l ify the a n ode material for the project-specific maxi m u m temperature
accord i n g to Sec. 1 0 (free-ru n n i ng test) .
Guidance note:
This RP strongly recommends that the i n h e rent conservatism of using the defa u lt values in Ta ble 8 - 6 is uti l ized for the design, also
if a n anode manufacturer claims that its product is capable o r achieving a hig her performance. Data on anode electrochemical
efficiency from short- term laboratory exa m i nations of galvanic anode materials will typica l l y resu lt i n values close to the theoretical
l i m it (e.g. <: 2,500 Ah/kg for Al - Z n - In materia l ) . This is due to the relatively h i g h anodic current densities that are util ized for
testin g . Such data should not replace the recommended design values for electrochemical capacity. Even long - term testing
accordi n g to Sec. 1 0 w i l l tend to result i n slightly non - conservative values as the testing time is sti l l relatively short a n d the anodic
current density relatively h i g h compared to the working conditions for real anodes. If the anode m a n ufacturer's data based on such
testing is sti l l used for the for design, it should be ensured that the casting conditions and composition of a l loying and i m p u rity
element l i m its for all the anode production are very close to the composition of the a l loy originally tested. This w i l l mean the
composition being with i n a smaller range than i n Ta ble 8 - 5 for both a l l oying and i m purity l i m its, see [ 10 . 2 . 2 ] .
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The design va l u es for closed circu it a node potential, E� (V), i n Ta ble 8-6 sha l l be used for the desi g n .
The a node resista nce, Ra ( o h m ) , shall be calcu lated using the form u l a in Ta ble 8 - 7 that is a p p l icable to the
actual a node shape. Calcu lations s h a l l be performed for the i n itial anode d i mensions and for the estimated
d i mensions when the a node has been consumed to its uti l ization factor [4.8] .
The seawate r resistivity, p (oh m · m ) , is a fu nction of the seawater sa l i n ity a n d tem perature. In the open
sea, the sa l i n ity d oes not vary s i g n ificantly and tem perature is the main factor. The relationship between
resistivity and temperature at a sa l i n ity of 30%0 to 40%0 ( p a rts per thousa n d ) is shown in Fig u re 8- 1 . Local
seawater tem perature and salinity at the a node location sha l l be used to determine the seawater resistivity
accord i n g to Fig u re 8- 1 .
In coastal a reas, particu larly at river outlets and in encl osed bays, the sa l i n ity will vary sign ifica ntly. It is
recom mended that the design of CP systems i n such locations is based on resistivity measureme nts reflecti ng
the a n n u a l mean va l u e and the va riation of resistivity with depth .
Guidance note:
The i m pact of periods of time during which the resistivity is above the a n n u a l mean should be assessed, and during these periods
when the anode current output may be reduced, it should be evaluated if sufficient current can be delivered to maintain the mean
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
Compared to seawater, the resistivity of marine sed iments is hig her by a factor ra n g i n g from a bout 2 for very
soft clays to a pproximately 5 fo r sa n d . U n less sed i ment data for the location a re ava i lable, the h i g hest factor
( 5 ) sha l l be assu med when calculati ng the resistance of any b u ried a nodes.
In temperate reg ions ( a n n u a l average su rface water te mperature of 7°C to 1 2°C), resistivities of 0 . 30 o h m · m
i n seawater a n d 1 . 5 o h m · m i n m a rine sed i ments a re reco m m ended as reasona bly conservative estimates for
the ca lcu lation of anode resistance in seawater and marine sed i ments, respectively, i rrespective of depth .
Lower va l u es shall be d ocu mented by actual measure ments, ta k i n g into acco u n t a ny seasona l va riations i n
temperatu re .
The a node util ization factor, u, is the fraction of anode material of an anode with a specific design that may
be uti l i zed when ca lculating the net a node mass req u i red to susta i n protection th roughout the desi g n l ife of
a CP system , see [ 4. 7. l ] . When a n a node is consumed to its uti l ization factor, the pola riz i n g capacity (as
determi ned by the anode cu rrent output) becomes u n p red icta ble due to the loss of s u p port of the anode
materi a l , or ra pid i n crease i n anode resistance d u e to other factors, see [ 4 . 10] .
The util ization factor depends on the a node desig n , pa rtic u l a rly the anode d i mensions and location of anode
cores [4 . 1 0 .4] . U n less otherwise specified by the owner, the a n ode uti l ization factors i n Ta ble 8-8 shall be
used for design ca lcu lations.
Guidance note:
If the anode design dimensions and anode core design used in the design are not i m plemented in the purchase of anodes, the
- -- e- n - d - -- o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e --- n - o- t- e- - -
The CP cu rrent d ra i n to co mponents that a re electrica lly con nected to the protection object sha l l be
considered d u ring the desig n . This may include e . g . com ponents in alloys that a re rega rded as fu lly resistant
to corrosion i n seawate r and components that do not need corrosion protection for structu ra l pu rposes due to
h i g h wa l l thickness relative to expected corrosion rates ( e . g . p i l es and cas i n g s i nsta lled in the seabed ) .
The design cu rrent den sities a n d coating breakdown factors in [ 3 . 3 ] and [ 3 . 4] , respectively, a re a p p l icable
when calcu lating the cu rrent d ra i n s to com ponents that a re not considered to need CP, but will be (or may
possibly become) electrica l ly con nected to the CP system bei ng desig ned .
For bu ried su rfaces of m u d mats, skirts, pi les a n d suction a nchors, a cu rrent d ra i n ( i . e . 0 . 020 A/m ) i n
accorda nce with [ 3 . 3 . 8] ) sha l l be acco u n ted for, based o n the outer (sed iment exposed ) external su rface
a rea. For open pile ends, the top i ntern a l s u rface shall be i n c l uded for a d i sta nce of 5 times the d i a mete r a n d
s h a l l b e reg a rded as seawater exposed u n less potenti a l atten uation ca lcu lations j ustify a lower cu rrent d ra i n .
I ntern a l su rfaces of closed piles fi l l ed with sed i ments do not have to b e i ncl uded .
U n less otherwise specified or accepted by the owner, a cu rrent d ra i n of 5 A per we l l casi n g , sed i m ent buried
section, sha l l be i ncl uded in cu rrent d ra i n ca lcu lations. Cu rrent demands of con d uctors freely exposed to
seawate r sha l l be ca lcu lated as for structu ra l compone nts.
G u idance note:
A current of 5 A m i g h t not be sufficient to account for the cu rrent d rain to mu lti lateral well completions. A conservative a pproach to
include additional current drain to a m u lti lateral well is to add 5 A for each lateral branch and u p to 15 A for three or more lateral
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
It is recom mended that the cu rrent d ra i n to a nchor cha i n s is accou nted for by 30 m of seawater exposed
cha i n below mea n seawater level ( M S L) .
Any cu rrent d ra i n to steel a rm o u ring of flexible pipeli nes should be ca lculated using a desig n cu rrent density
of 0 . 0005 A/m , based on the circu mferential su rface of the outer steel rei nforcement layer.
4.1 General
For large protection objects such as platform su bstructures, the deta i led design of a CP system is norm a l ly
preceded by conceptual design activity. D u ri n g this conceptu a l design phase, the type of a nodes a n d
faste n i n g d evices s h o u l d b e selected , ta king i nto acco u n t forces exerted on a nodes d u r i n g i nsta l lation a n d
operati o n . Moreover, a ny coating systems t o b e a pp l i ed t o s pecific a reas or com ponents s h o u l d a lso norma l l y
be specified , a l lowing for a pre l i m i n a ry ca lcu lation o f current demands for cathod ic protection and the
associated tota l n et mass of a n ode material req u i red . If no C P conceptua l report has been prepared, then the
pre m i ses and basic concepts for deta i led CP desi g n sha l l be d efi n ed by the p u rchaser i n some other refere nce
docu ment(s) to be i ncl uded in an i n q u i ry for a CP deta i led desi g n . The perso n nel who a re to ca rry out the CP
design or its verification should have adeq uate com petence a nd experience as documented by a CV accepted
by the p u rchaser or a certification scheme, e . g . ISO 1 52 5 7 .
Besides any reference to this RP in a p u rchase docume nt, see [ 1 . 2 ] , t h e following i nformation a n d any
optional req u i rements ( i ntended as a check- l ist) shall be provided by the purchaser:
I nformation :
conceptual CP desi g n report, if com pleted [ 4 . 1 . 1 ]
design life of the CP system to be insta l led [ 3 . 2 ]
re leva nt information from t h e project design basis [4. 1 . 1 ] , e . g . s a l i n ity a n d tem perature as a fu nction of
depth ca lculati ng the anode resista nce, location of seawater level a n d m u d l i n e fo r platform su bstructures,
and the environ menta l and i nsta l lation pa ra meters affecting forces exerted on a nodes
structural d rawings and i nformation on coating systems as req u i red to calcul ate the su rface a reas to be
protected , including components w h i ch may exert tem pora ry or perma nent cu rrent d ra i n [4. 1 . 3 ]
identification of any i nterfaces with electrica lly co n nected components/systems with self-su pporti ng CP
systems, e . g . p i p e l i nes.
Req u i rements (option a l ) :
req u i reme nts for d ocu mentation a n d 3 r pa rty verificati o n , i nc l u d i n g a supply sched u l e [ 4 . 1 3 ]
a n y specific req u i rement fo r t h e CP desi g n para m eters t o b e applied, e . g . coati ng breakdown factors
a n y specific req u i rements fo r t h e a node materia l [ 3 . 5] a n d a n ode design [4.6]
any further amend ments a n d deviations to this RP a p plicable to the CP desig n .
The purchaser sha l l ensure that va l i d revisions of d rawings a n d specifications affecti n g the calculation of
the cu rrent demand for CP and location of a nodes a re ava i l a b l e to the contractor d u ri n g the design work. It
sha l l be ensured that a l l necessary i nformation is provided for the contractor to ca lculate the overa l l cu rrent
dema n d .
4.2 S u bdivision of cathodic protection o bject
In the design of CP systems for large and/or com p l ex objects, it is a l ways convenient to d ivide the protection
object i nto separate u n its to be protected .
The division i nto u n its may be based on e . g . depth zones or physical i nterfaces of the protection object, such
as retrieva b l e u n its with i n a subsea production system .
For each CP u n it [4 . 2] , su rface a reas to receive CP shall b e calcu lated sepa rately for su rfaces with and
without a coating, see coating categories i n [ 3 . 4 . 6] , and for s u rfaces affected by othe r para m eters, e . g .
su rface tem peratu res which i nfl u ence the CP cu rrent demand . For su rfaces located in more s h a l low waters,
i . e . depth < 50 m, the cu rrent demand [ 3 . 3 ] s h o u l d be ca lcu lated based on the su rface a rea wetted at HAT.
It is practica l to a pply some s i m pl ification when the calculati ng su rface a reas of objects with com plex
geometries. However, it shall be ensured that the overa l l resu l t of any such s i m pl ification is con servative.
G u idance note:
For major su rface areas, an accu racy of - 5/+10% is adequate. For s m a l l e r components, the requi red accuracy may be lower
depending on whether or not a coating w i l l be applied to such items and to the major surfaces, respectively.
Su rface a rea calculations for each u n it sha l l be based on d ra w i ngs or co m puter a i ded design (CAD) models
and docu mented in the CP design report, see [4 . 1 3 ] .
The contractor sha l l m a ke sure that a l l ite ms affecting CP cu rrent d e m a n d a re i ncluded in the su rface a rea
ca lcu lations. This may include va rious types of outfitting to be i nsta l led by d ifferent contractors.
G u idance note:
For subsea production systems, production control equipment is typically manufactured from u n coated sta i n l ess steel ( p i p i n g
components, c o u p l i n g s , connectors, cable trays, etc.) which constitutes a significant current dema n d . R O V override components
are also often m a n ufactured from stainless steel without a coati n g . Moreover, some components l i ke valve blocks and hydra u l ic
cylinders may have coating applied d i rectly to machined su rfaces, increasing the coating breakdown factor to be used for the
design [ 3 . 4 . 6 ] .
4.4 Current demand calculations
To calcu late the cu rrent demand, le (A), to provide adeq uate polarizing ca pacity, see [ 3 . 3 . 1 ] to [ 3 . 3 . 4] , a n d
t o mai nta i n cathod ic protection d u ring t h e design l ife [ 3 . 3 . 5 ] , the i ndivid u a l su rface a reas, Ac ( m ) , o f each
CP u n it shall be calculated accord i n g to [ 4 . 2 ] a n d m u ltipl ied by the relevant desig n cu rrent density, i c (A/m ) ,
a n d b y t h e coati ng breakdown factor, fc , if a p p l ica ble :
For items with major su rfaces of u n coated meta l , the CP current demands for both initial polarization a n d
polarization at t h e end o f t h e d e s i g n life, lei (A) a n d /cf (A), respectively, sha l l be ca lculated , together with
the mea n cu rrent demand req u i red to mai nta i n cathod ic protection throug hout the design period, /cm (A) . For
protection objects with cu rrent demand primarily associated with coated su rfaces, the i n itial cu rrent demand
may be deleted i n the design ca lculations. For future refere nce, a l l ca lcu lated data shall be documented i n the
design report.
A l l items w h i ch a re expected to, or may, beco me electrica l ly con nected to a CP system s h a l l be considered i n
cu rrent d ra i n calculations.
G u idance note:
Complex offshore structures often include temporary o r permanent components which are not considered to require CP but w i l l
drain current from the CP system, e . g . mooring systems for floating i nsta llations or secondary structural components, e . g . piles
a n d skirts, which can readi l y tolerate some corrosive wear. Also, meta l l i c materials with intrinsic resistance to corrosion i n seawater
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
Calculations of cu rrent d ra i n s h a l l use the design cu rrent den sities [ 3 . 3 ] a n d coating brea kdown factors [ 3 . 4 ]
for items req u i ri n g CP. Ca lcu lations o f s u rface a reas a n d cu rrent d e m a n d s shall b e carried o u t accord i n g to
[ 4 . 3 ] and [4.4] , respectively.
For calculations of the cu rrent d ra i n to m u d mats, skirts, pi les, well cas i n g s and steel anchor chains, see
[ 3 . 9 . 3 ] , [ 3 . 9 .4] a n d [ 3 . 9 . 5] .
4.6 Selection of anode type
For certa i n structures, a node types may be specified by the owner/purchaser, ta k i n g i nto account the effects
of e . g . sea current d rag and i nterference with su bsea i nterve ntions [4. 1 ] .
If no anode type has been specified by the owner/ p u rchaser, the contractor shall select the anode type
ta k i n g i nto account e . g . the net a node mass to be i nsta l led a n d ava i la ble space for the location of a nodes.
The selection of the a node type is primarily determi ned by the size and geometrica l confi g u ration of the
protection object, in add ition to forces exerted on a nodes d u ring i nsta l lation and operation. The anode type
fu rther affects the a node util ization factor a n d the anode cu rrent output in relation to weight. For genera l
considerations reg a rd i n g t h e a node type selectio n , see [ 2 . 7] .
G u idance note:
Long stand - off type anodes are usually preferred for relatively large anodes, about 100 kg and more to be installed on platform
substructures and su bsea templates. A flush - mou nted anode with the same net anode mass w i l l have a lower anode current output
a n d lower uti l ization factor.
The total net a node mass, M a ( kg ) , req u i red to m a i nta i n cathodic protection throughout the design life, tf
(years ) , shall be ca lculated from I cm (A) for each u n it of the p rotection object, i n c l u d i n g any cu rrent d ra i n :
From the anode type selected [4.6] , the n u m ber of a nodes, ( N ) , a node d i mensions a n d anode net mass, ma
( kg ) , shall be defi ned to meet the req u i re ments for :
1) i n itia l/fi n a l current output, I a / I af (A), a n d
2) a n o d e cu rrent capacity Ca (Ah)
w h i ch relate to the CP cu rrent demand, le (A), of the protection object.
G u idance note:
The preliminary sizing of anodes should be based on commerci a l ly available products, requiring liaison with potential anode
The i ndivid u a l anode cu rrent output, Ia (A), req u i red to meet the cu rrent demand, le (A), is calcu lated using
O h m 's law :
where E� (V) is the desi g n closed circuit potential of the anode materi a l , see [ 3 . 5] , a n d Ra ( o h m ) is the
a node resista nce, see [ 3 . 6 ] . The i n itial and fi nal cu rrent output, I a i and I af, sha l l be ca lcu lated using the
i n itial and fi nal a node resista nce, Ra i and Raf, respectively. To calculate the a node resista nce, see [4.9] . E�
(V) is the design protective potential which is - 0 . 8 0 V, see [2 .4] . This mea ns that it sha l l a l ways be used for
ca lcu lations accord i n g to eq uation ( 4 . 3 ) i n com b i nation with this potential, even if a more negative protection
potential, e . g . � - 0 . 90 V, is a i med for, see [ 3 . 3] . !iEo (V) is the desig n d riving voltage.
G u idance note:
As the design driving volta ge in equ a tion ( 4 . 3 ) is defined using the design protective potenti a l for C - steel, the driving volta ge
refers to the req u i red a node current output at the design protective potenti a l . Hence, the i n iti a l/fi n a l design current densities given
in Ta ble8-3 a re ba sed on a design protection potenti a l of -0.80
V. .
The i ndivid u a l anode cu rrent ca pacity, Ca (A · h ) , is g ive n by :
where ma (kg) is the net mass per anode. The total cu rrent ca pacity for a CP u n it with N a nodes thus
becomes N Ca (Ah ) .
Calculations shall be ca rried out to demo nstrate that the fol lowi ng req u i reme nts a re met :
Ca tot i n eq uation (4 . 5 ) is the total a n ode cu rrent capacity. I cm/ Id I cf i n equations (4.5), (4.6) and ( 4 . 7 )
a re t h e cu rrent demands o f a CP u n it, i nc l u d i n g any cu rrent d ra i n . 8760 is t h e n u m ber o f hours p e r yea r.
I a i a n d I af in eq uations (4.6) and ( 4 . 7 ) a re the i n itial a n d fi n a l cu rrent output for the ind ivid ual a nodes. If
a nodes with a diffe rent size and he nce d ifferent anode cu rrent ca pacity Ca (Ah ) , and cu rrent output, I a (A),
a re utilized for a CP u n it, then N Ca and N la i I N l af s h a l l be ca lcu lated fo r each i n d ividual size and added to
ca lcu late the total a node cu rrent ca pacity, Ca tot r and total a n ode cu rrent outp ut, I a tot i I I a tot f·
If the a bove criteria ca nnot be fu lfi l led for the a node d i mensions a n d net mass i n itially selected, a nother
a node size shall be selected and the calculations repeated until the criteria a re fu lfi l led .
G u idance note:
Optimizing the requ irements in equations ( 4 . 5 ) , (4.6) and (4.7) is a n iterative process where a simple computer spreadsheet may
be helpfu l . In general, if equation ( 4 . 5 ) i s fulfilled, but not (4.6) and/or ( 4 . 7) , a higher n u m ber of smaller anodes, or the same
n umber of more elongated anodes should be used. On the other hand, if Nla i n equations (4 . 6 ) a n d (4.7) i s much larger than le;
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
U n less a h i g h i n itial cu rrent capacity is deli berately a i med for, e . g . in the case of protection objects consisti ng
pri marily of u n coated meta l su rfaces, the a nodes to be i nsta l led should have a s i m i l a r anode cu rrent output
O a ) to n et anode mass ( m a ) ratio. Sma l l a nodes with high a node cu rrent output to net mass ratio ca n be
more ra pidly consumed than l a rge a nodes with a lower ratio, w h i ch cou l d result i n a n i n sufficient total a node
cu rrent ca pacity towards the end of the design l ife . For any specific protection object or CP u n it, see [4 . 2 . 1 ] ,
the h i g hest anode cu rrent output to net a node mass ratio should not exceed that of a n y other anode by more
than 5 0 % .
G u idance note:
When anodes have the same anode resistance and hence same anode current output, but a major difference in net anode mass,
i . e . due to different anode geometry, the anode with the lowest net anode mass is consumed first. Si m i l arly, when anodes have
the same net anode mass but a major difference i n anode resistance and hence anode cu rrent output, the anode with the lowest
anode resistance is consumed first.
- - - e - n - d - - - o - f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o - t - e - - -
For a l l a nodes to be uti l ized for the fu l l design l i fe, the ratio between the n et anode mass ( kg ) a n d design l ife
(years) should be at least 0 . 2 a n d 0 . 5 for Al-based a n d Zn- based a nodes, respectively.
G u idance note:
For very small p rotection objects to be designed with a self- su pporting CP system although being electrically connected to larger
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The a node resista nce, Ra ( o h m ) , to be used in eq uation ( 4 . 3 ) sha l l be based on the appl icable form ulas i n
Ta ble 8-7 u s i n g the actua l a n o d e d i mensions a n d specific resistivity o f t h e su rrou n d i ng environment. Specific
resistivities of the surro u nd i n g environment s h a l l be selected accord i n g to [ 3 . 7] . The use of formulas i n
Ta ble 8 - 7 presu mes that a nodes can b e d i stributed such that interference between a nodes d oes not cause
a s i g n ificant reduction in their cu rrent output. If a nodes have to be a rra nged in a rrays where s i g n ificant
i nterference effects may be ex pected , see [4. 1 1 . 3 ] , a n u merical model a n a lysis s h o u l d b e carried out to
d eterm ine a red uction factor for the cu rrent output as ca lculated without a n y i n terference acco rd i ng to
[ 4 . 8 . 2] .
To calcu late the i n itial a node resistance, Ra i ( o h m ) , the i n itial a node d i mensions a re inserted in the releva nt
a node resista nce form u l a i n Ta ble 8-7 . The fi nal a node resista nce, Raf ( o h m ) , is ca lcu lated based on the
expected d i mensions when the anode has been consu med to its util ization factor, u , see [ 3 . 8] Ta ble 8-7 .
When the a node has been consumed to its util ization factor, u, at the end of the design l ife, tr (yea rs) , the
rema in in g net a node mass, mat ( kg ) , is g iven by :
The fi n a l vol u me of the a node to be used when calculating Raf can be ca lculated from the rema i n i n g n et
a node mass, maf ( kg ) , specific density of anode material a n d vo l u m e of insert materials. When deta i l s of
a node i n se rts a re not ava i la ble, their vol u me s h o u ld either be neglected or esti mated to g ive a conservative
a pproach .
For long a n d short slender sta nd -off a nodes consumed to their util ization factor, a l ength red uction of 1 0 %
sha l l be assu med . Furthermore, ass u m i n g that the fi nal a node s h a p e is cyl i n d rica l , t h e fi nal rad i u s s h a l l be
ca lcu lated based on this length red uction and the fi n a l anode mass/vol u me as explai ned i n [ 4 . 9 . 3 ] .
For long fl ush-mou nted a nodes, the fi nal shape shall be assu med to be a sem i - cy l i nder a n d the fi n a l length
and rad i u s ( = width/2) s h a l l be calculated as i n [ 4 . 9 . 4 ] .
For short fl ush-mou nted a nodes, b racelet a nodes and other s h a pes mou nted fl ush with the protection object,
the fi nal exposed a rea s h a l l be assu med to be equivalent to the i n itial a rea facing the s u rface to be protected .
The contractor sha l l specify i n the CP design report the tentative d i mensions and net mass of the a nodes to
be used .
For a nodes that may become su bject to s i g n ificant forces d u ri n g i nsta l lation and operatio n , the desi g n of
a node faste n i ng devices s h a l l be add ressed in the design report. Speci a l considerations apply fo r l a rge
a nodes to be insta l led on structu ra l members su bject to fatig ue loads d u ri n g pile d rivi ng operatio n s . Doubler
a nd/or g u sset plates may be req u i red for l a rge a nodes .
4. 10.3
When using the a node resista nce form u l a i n Ta b l e 8-7 for sta nd -off type a nodes, the dista nce from the anode
to the protection object sha l l be m i n i m u m 300 mm. However, for distances down to 1 50 m m , the form ula
may sti l l be used by m u ltiplying the a n ode resista nce with a factor of 1 . 3 .
4. 10.4
The deta i led anode design s h a l l ensure that the uti l ization factor assumed d u ring ca lcu lations of the req u i red
a node net mass accord i n g to [ 4. 7] is met. He nce, it shall be e n s u red that the a n ode inserts a re sti l l l i kely to
s u p port the rema i n i n g a node mass when the anode has been consumed to its design uti l ization factor. U n less
otherwise a g reed, a node cores of stand-off type a nodes s h a l l protrude th rough the end faces.
Except for sta n d -off type a nodes, the appl ication of a marine g rade paint coati n g , typica l l y epoxy coati n g ,
m i n i m u m 100 µm O FT sha l l be specified for a n ode su rfaces fac i n g t h e protection object. Th is is t o avoid
b u i ld - u p of anode corrosion products that could ca use the d istortion and eventu a l ly fracture of a node
faste n i ng devices.
4. 1 1 . 1
The ca lcu lated n u m ber of a nodes, N , fo r a CP u n it s h a l l be d i stributed to provide a u n iform cu rrent
d i stri b utio n , taking into account the cu rrent demand of ind ivid u a l mem bers d u e to diffe rent s u rface a reas
and any coati ngs used . On platform substructures, special a reas to be considered when d istri buting a nodes
a re e . g . nodes, p i l e g u ides a n d con d uctor b u n d les. The locati on of a l l i ndivid u a l a nodes shall be shown on
d rawings.
4. 1 1 .2
Whe never practica l , a nodes dedicated to CP of su rfaces buried i n sed i m ents s h a l l be located freely exposed
to the sea .
4. 1 1 .3
For pl atform s u b structu res exte n d i n g through the splash zone, a l l a nodes s h o u ld be located m i n i m u m 2 m
below LAT. Anodes should fu rther be located with sufficient s paci ng between each other to avoid i nteraction
effects that reduce the usefu l cu rrent output. As fa r as practica l , a n anode shall be located so that those of its
su rfaces i ntended for cu rrent output a re not in close proxim ity to structural mem bers as this w i l l red uce the
cu rrent output. On jacket legs, a nodes s h o u ld face the centre of the structu re . On d iagonals and bracings,
a nodes should be located a lternati ngly on the u p per and lower su rfaces except on the u ppermost horizonta l
bracing where a l l a nodes should b e located facing downwa rd s . Anodes ded icated for con d u ctor b u n d les
s h o u ld be located as close as practica l to b u nd les and s u p port fra mes . On su bsea prod uction systems,
a nodes for cu rrent d ra i n may be located on the tem p late protection structu re if they have a rel ia ble electrical
con n ection to the va lve tree.
G u idance note:
Interference effects are most sign ificant for long anodes mou nted in para llel o n a flat surface or a s u rface with low curvature.
If two anodes are located opposite each other o n a tubular member, anode i n terference can be neglected. The m i n i m u m anode
spacing to avoid sign ificant interaction effects depends o n e.g. the anode size and n u mber of parallel anodes. It is therefore
recommended to consider the effect of anode i nterference for para l lel anodes on a flat or low curvature surface. A conservative
a p p roach to calcu late the anode current output may be to consider two or more adjacent anodes as one long anode, o r as one
wide anode, depending on their location in relation to each other. An a l ternative approach to account for interference between
adjacent anodes is to use computer mode l l i ng to q u a ntify the anode i nterference. Computer mode l l i ng of the electrolytic voltage
drop away from the anodes using the design current densities in Table 8 - 2 m i g ht result i n excessively high electrolytic voltage
drops, i n d icating marg i n a l or even insufficient cathodic p rotection i n terms of the estimated protection potentia l .
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t - e- - -
No a nodes s h a l l be welded to pressure conta i n i n g com ponents or a reas with h i g h fatig u e loads. For m a i n
structu ra l components, t h e m i n i m u m d i stance from a n ode faste n i n g welds t o structu ra l welds s h a l l b e 1 50
m m . On jacket structu res, no a n odes shall be located closer t h a n 600 mm to nodes.
The location of a nodes sha l l ta ke i nto account restrictions i m posed by the fa brication, i nsta l lation a n d
operation o f the protection object. For large a nd/or com p l i cated objects, early l i a ison with other eng i neeri ng
d i scipli nes, as well as with fa b rication and i nsta l l ation contractors, is advised .
Besides welded conn ections, fu l l e lectrica l conti n u ity may be assumed fo r cold forged con nections, meta l l i c
sea ls a n d th readed con nections, i . e . across t h e mated threads without insu lati ng coati n g , e . g . anti -friction
For a nodes attached to the protection object by means other than wel d i ng , and for components of a CP
u n it without a rel iable electrical connection as d efi ned a bove, electrica l conti n u ity shall be ensured by a
ca ble con nection or a bolted or cla m ped con nection, see [4 . 1 2 . 4] . Ca bles for electrical conti n u ity sha l l be
of stra nded copper w i re having a m i n i m u m cross section of 1 6 m m . Coati ng on contact surfaces between
the bolt head a n d the meta l su rface beneath the bolt head s h a l l be removed a n d the com ponents shall
be assembled before any fl ash rust appears at the bolti ng s u rface. To prevent any loss of bolt pretension,
the stacking of ca bles at o n e con nection is not allowed . The cables shall be attached by b ra z i n g , friction or
explosion wel d i ng, or by a mech a n i ca l co n n ection u s i n g e.g. se rrated washers to provide a re l i a b l e electrica l
connection at bolt h eads or washers. In case of a node sleds, at least two cables per anode sled shall be
i nsta l led in order to g u a ra ntee the electrica l safety of the system if one ca ble is lost/damaged.
G u idance note:
Cable di mension having a cross section of 16 mm may not be practical for providing electrical continuity to small objects and
other types of conti n u ity cables may be considered, i n c l u di n g small d i a meter sta i n l ess steel wire. The maximum voltage drop i n the
- - - e - n -d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
The mechan ica l i nteg rity of con nections u s i ng ca bles shall be ensured . Any ca ble shoes s h a l l have a brazed or
cri m ped con n ection to the ca ble. The fu l l con nectio n , including the ca ble shoe con nection to the ca ble, s h a l l
be tested d u r i n g i nsta l lation as specified i n [ 6 . 6 . 3] .
If the CP design i ncl udes the use of ca bles or bolted or cla m ped con nections for electrical conti n u ity,
req u i rements for the verification of electrical conti n u ity shall be specified i n the CP design report. The prod uct
of the con nection resista nce and the cu rrent demand or cu rrent output for a non-welded anode sha l l not
exceed 10% of the design d riving voltage, e . g . 25 mV for Al-Zn-In a nodes i n seawate r. In no case shall the
resistance across a conti n u ity cable exceed 0 . 1 o h m . The tota l resista nce over the ca ble, a n d the bolted and
cla mped con n ections sha l l be assessed and i ncl uded i n the anode cu rrent output ca lcu lations.
The deta i led engi neeri ng documentation , CP detai led design report, s h a l l conta i n the fol lowing items :
design premises, includ i n g a l l releva nt CP desi g n para meters
incl. reference to a l l re levant project specifications, codes a n d sta n d a rd s
su rface a rea ca lculations
incl. reference to a l l re levant d rawings, incl. revision n u m bers or the date/revision of CAD d rawings
cu rrent demand calcu lations
i n itial/fi n a l and mea n
cu rrent d ra i n calculations, if appl icable
i n itial/fi n a l and mea n
calculations of the m i n i m u m req u i red net anode mass
a node resista nce calcu lations
i n itial a nd/o r fi n a l , as releva nt
calculations of the m i n i m u m n u mber of a nodes req u i red
incl. a node cu rrent output a n d anode capacity for the i n iti a l and fi nal l ife of the system
calculation of net a node mass based on the req u i red n u m ber of a nodes, if h i g h e r than the req u i red net
a node mass
calculation of tota l cu rrent output based on the n u m ber and type/size of a nodes to be insta l led
tentative a node design i nc l u d i n g any special provisions for structura l i nteg rity and electrica l conti n u ity.
Any req u i rement for util ization factors h ig her than the defa u lt va l ues in Ta ble 8 - 8 sha l l be h i g h l ig hted .
anode d istri bution d rawings
eva l uation of anode i nterference if appl icable
provisions fo r e lectrica l conti n u ity, i nclu ding verification by testing if a pp l i ca ble
a node m a n ufacturing req u i rements, e . g . by reference to Sec. 5 of this RP.
A l l relevant CP desig n para m eters and a l l results of calculations shall be conta i ned i n the m a i n report. Any
pri nt-outs fro m ca lcu lation sheets shall be conta i ned in an a ppendix tog ether with d rawings and s h a l l not
replace a CP design report.
The scope of any (a) conceptual CP desig n report sha l l be a g reed . The same a p p l ies to the detai led CP design
of protection objects i nvolv i n g o n ly a few a nodes .
The docu mentation shall be sufficiently wel l org a n ized a n d deta i led to a l low third - p a rty verification a n d
possible future ca lcu lations for a l i fe extension or retrofit.
5.1 General
5. 1 . 1
This section covers the man ufacture of ga lvanic a nodes, including the preparation of a node cores prior to
casti n g . The req u i rements in this section com ply with th ose i n NACE SP0387, and g ive some amend ments,
pri marily related to q u a l ity contro l .
Besides any reference to this RP i n a p u rchase docume nt, see [ 1 . 2 ] , t h e following i nformation a n d any
optional req u i rements, i nte nded as a check-l ist, sha l l be encl osed by the purchaser:
I nformation :
a node material type, i . e . a l u m i n i u m or zinc- base a n d any specia l req u i rements fo r the chem ica l
com positio n , i . e . other than those specified i n [ 3 . 5 . 1 ] , a n d for t h e q u a l ification o f a node material [ 2 . 6 . 3 ]
tentative a node d i mensions a n d n et a node mass for each anode type a n d a n y specia l req u i reme nts for
a node fastening devices [ 4 . 1 0 ] .
Req u i rements (option a l ) :
any specia l req u i rements for the a node util ization facto r [ 3 . 8]
any specia l req u i rements for pre-production q u a l ifi cation testing ( PQT), includ i ng a sched u l e for
notification and the s u p ply of documentation [ 5 . 3 . 2] to [ 5 . 3 . 4]
any specia l req u i rements for the man ufactu ri ng proced u re specification ( M PS) [ 5 . 2 ] or i nspection and
testing plan ( ITP) [ 5 . 4 . 2] , includ i ng a sched u l e for the s u pply of documentation
any specia l req u i rements for the frequency of d i mensiona l testi ng [ 5 . 6 . 2 ] , destru ctive testing [ 5 . 6 . 5 ] a n d
electroche m i ca l testing [ 5 . 6 . 6 ] d u ring production
any specific req u i rements for the contractor's management of non -conform ities [ 5 . 6 . 10] and concession
req uests [ 5 . 5 . 6 ]
any reduced req u i reme nts for tracea bil ity [ 5 . 5 . 1 ] a n d [ 5 . 5 . 1 0 ]
a n y req u i rements for reta i n i n g a node materi a l speci mens [ 5 . 6 . 1 ]
a n y specia l req u i rements for the marking o f a nodes [ 5 . 7 . 1 ]
any specia l req u i rements for the h a n d l ing, storage and s h i pping of a nodes [ 5 . 8 . 1 ]
any specia l req u i rements for the fi nal docu mentation, i n c l u d i ng a sched ule fo r su pply [ 5 . 7 .4]
any fu rther a mend ments a n d deviations to this RP.
U n less otherwise a g reed , electrochem ical testi ng of galva n i c a node materi a l s for q u a l ity control sha l l be
ca rried out accord ing to Sec.9 .
5. 1 .4
The testi ng proced u re for documenting long -term performance i n Sec. 1 0 is non-mandatory and sha l l be
specified by the p u rchaser in the p u rch ase document if applicable.
5.2 M anu facturing procedure specification
U n less otherwise a g reed , a man ufactu ri ng proced u re specification ( M PS) s h a l l be prepared for p u rchase
orders of 1 5 ,000 kg n et a l loy or more. However, the p u rchaser may a lso specify an M PS fo r smaller orders.
The M PS shall i nclude as a m i n i m u m :
specification of anode core materials
recei pt, hand l i ng and storage of materi a l s
maximum a nd/or m i n i m u m contents o f a n o d e materi a l a l l oying elements a n d maxi m u m conte nts of
i m p u rity elements
deta i led anode d rawi n g , with a node i nserts, i n c l u d i n g g ross/net weight and d i m e n sional/we i g ht
tolerances, see the comment below i n this para g ra p h
weld i n g proced u re specification a n d reference t o t h e q u a l i fication test (W PQT) fo r a ny weld i n g o f a node
cores, and q u a l ification req u i reme nts for welders
preparation of anode cores prior to casting
a node cast i n g , including control of tem perature and add ition of a l loying elements
i nspection a n d testing of a nodes
coati ng of su rfaces fac i n g the protection object, except fo r sta nd-off type a nodes
hand l i n g , stora g e a n d s h i p p i n g of a n odes
m a rki n g , tracea b i l ity and docu mentation.
The deta i led anode design s h a l l ensure that anode i nternal cores a re not sign ifica ntly exposed and s u p port
the rema in in g a node mass when the a node is consumed to the uti l ization factor specified in Ta ble 8-8, or a ny
less conservative, i . e . h ig her, factor specified by the p u rchaser.
The purchaser may specify that deta i led proced u res for testing/inspection a n d othe r i n formation releva nt to
q u a l ity control a re a lso to be i ncl uded i n the M PS, e . g . deta iled procedures for i nspection a n d test i n g , and the
h a n d l i ng of non -conformances and concession req uests . The purchaser may fu rther specify that the M PS sha l l
b e s u b m itted for review a n d acceptance before the a node m a n ufactu ring sta rts .
The pri mary objective of pre-prod uction q u a l ification testing ( PQT) is to verify that the M PS is adeq uate
to ach ieve the specified anode properties. Of partic u l a r i nterest a re those aspects that req u i re destructive
testi ng a n d hence ca nnot be freq uently verified d u ri ng reg u l a r prod uctio n . The PQT sha l l use the sa me
specific materia l s a n d equi pment as fo r reg u l a r prod uction .
U n less otherwise a g reed , a PQT s h a l l be prepared for a purch ase order of 1 5,000 kg net a l loy or more .
However, t h e p u rchaser m a y a lso specify a PQT for smal ler o rders.
Specific req u i re ments for the PQT, includ i n g e . g . the n u m ber of a nodes to be i n spected for each m o u l d ,
i nc l u d i n g those for destructive exa m i nation, a n d a sched u le for notification a n d reporti n g , shall be s pecified i n
t h e purchase documents.
An M PS a n d an i n spection a n d test p l a n ITP, see [ 5 . 4 . 2 ] , specific for the PQT, together with a deta i led
sched ule fo r a node casti n g , i n s pection a nd/or test i n g , and re porting shall be subm itted to the p u rchaser i n a
timely m a n n e r as per the p u rchase d ocument, prior to the start- u p of the q u a l ification activities.
Data sheets and ca l i bration certificates for i n stru ments essential to q u a l ity control, e . g . tem perature sensors,
sha l l be ava i l a ble for the pu rchaser's review d u ri ng the PQT.
The results of a l l the i nspections, tests and ca l i brations d u ri n g q u a l ification, record ings of essential
operational pa ra m eters for casti n g , and material certificates shall be compiled i n a PQT report. U n less
otherwise a g reed, the report shall be accepted by the p u rchaser before prod uction starts.
Prior to the start- u p of reg u l a r production ( i . e . fo r p u rchase o rders of 1 5,000 kg net a l loy or more, or for
h i g her/lower q ua ntities as a g reed o n , see [ 5 . 2 . 1 ] ) , the contractor shall submit the following docume nts to
the purchaser for accepta nce :
a project-specific M PS, updated to reflect the process parameters used d u ring the completed a n d
approved PQT [ 5 . 3 ]
a project-specific i nspection a n d testing p l a n ( ITP), u pdated to reflect the process para mete rs used d u ring
the completed and a p proved PQT
a d a i ly log format, see [ 5 . 6 . 1 1 ]
a descri ption of the res ponsibil ities of personnel i n volved i n q u a l ity contro l .
The ITP shall meet the g enera l req u i rements of ISO 10005, Sec. 5 . 1 0 . It s h a l l be i n ta b u l a r form, d efi n i ng a l l
q u a l ity control activities associated with t h e receipt o f materi a ls, preparation o f a node cores, a n d cast i n g ,
i nspection, testi ng and marking o f a nodes . The activities s h a l l b e listed i n consecutive order, w i t h each
activity assig ned a u n i q u e n u mber a n d with reference to the a p plicable codes, sta n d a rds and contractor's
proced u res or work i nstructions a pplicable to the specific project. Fu rthermore, the freq u ency a nd/or extent
of i nspection and test i n g , acceptance criteria and actions in the case of non -conformances shall be defi ned
in the p l a n . The ITP sha l l further conta i n a col u m n for i nspection codes, e . g . i nspection , witness i n g and hold
poi nts i n d icating the i nvolvement of the contractor, p u rchaser and any 3 pa rty. It is g ood practice to i nclude
a refere nce to the appl icable reporti ng form or d ocu ment, a n d to refe r to the specific equ i pment or tools to
be used for ve rificatio n .
The M PS, ITP, and d a i ly log shall be in E n g l i s h , u n less othe rwise a g reed .
Proced u res a n d work i n structions referenced in the ITP, and a p p l ica ble acceptance crite ria, sha l l be ava i l a b l e
t o a l l persons concerned w i t h t h e associated work i n their native l a n g u a g e .
The purchaser sha l l have the right to i nspect a n y activity associated with the work throughout production
and to carry out a u d its of the contractor's QA / QC syste m . The p u rchaser s h a l l identify any hold poi nts for
witness i n g in the ITP and i n form the contractor accord i n g ly.
Anode insert materials sha l l m eet a l l the req u i rements in NACE SP0387 a n d , u n l ess otherwise a g reed , inserts
for weld ing to the protection object s h a l l be tracea ble to a certificate accord i n g to EN 1 0 204, 3 . 1 or ISO
1 0474, 3 . 1 .
The contractor sha l l verify that a l l materi a l s received for a node m a n u facture a re in accorda nce with the
specified req u i rements . The verification may i nclude actu a l testing or a review of the suppl ier's certificates .
A review of the certificates a n d any verification testi ng to be performed by the contractor sha l l be i ncl uded i n
the ITP. Any materia ls checked a n d fou nd non -conforming s h a l l b e ma rked a n d q u a ra nti ned .
Materia ls to be used for su rface preparation a n d coating sha l l be conta i ned in their ori g i n a l packi ng until use
and shall be adeq u ately ma rked, i nc l u d i n g the fol lowing i nformation :
m a n u factu rer's name a n d location of m a n u factu re
material type a n d prod uct desig nation
batch/lot n u mber
date of m a n ufacturing and shelf l ife, if a p p l ica ble
the man ufactu ring sta ndard , if appl icable
i n structions for storage and h a n d l i n g , i nc l u d i n g health and safety notes.
The contractor sha l l ensure that any materials for coati ng a n d su rface preparation a re stored a n d hand led so
as to avoid da mage by the environ ment or other effects. The suppl ier's recommendations for storage a n d use
sha l l be rea d i l y ava i l a b l e for the pu rchaser's review.
A l l fa brication weld i n g of steel inserts a n d su rface preparation before casting shall meet the req u i rements i n
NACE SP0387 and sha l l be s u bject t o v i s u a l i nspection j ust prior t o casti n g .
A l l work associated with the preparation of a node cores a n d casting of a nodes sha l l be ca rried out accord ing
to the q u a l ified M PS, if a p p l icable, descri b i n g the equ i pment a nd proced u res to be used . Once the M PS has
been q u a l ified , any changes s h a l l be formally accepted by the p u rchaser th rough a concession request (CR) .
E q u i pment fo r mon itoring process para meters critical to q u a l ity, e . g . temperatu re sensors, spectro meters or
other a n a lysis eq u i pment a n d sca les, sha l l be ca l i b rated at sched u led i n terva ls as specified i n the ITP.
Galva n ic a nodes of zinc or a l u m i n i u m-zinc- i n d i u m type may not be su bjected to heat treatment.
Flush mou nted type a nodes sha l l be coated accord i n g to a coating procedure and after completion of a visual
i nspection for su rface defects.
U n less otherwise a g reed , a l l a nodes prod uced shall be tracea ble to certificates for coati ng materials, if
a pplica b l e .
Sa m p l i ng for chem ical a n a lysis pu rposes sha l l be carried out accord i n g to NACE SP0387 and for each anode
heat, i . e . after all a l loy i n g and homogen ization work is com p leted, except that, for a l u m i n i u m - based a nodes,
two sa m pl es shall be collected for a l l heats exceed i n g 500 kg , u n less otherwise a g reed . For spectrometric
a n a lyses of the a node chem ical com position, reference sta n d a rds with a known chem ical composition, i . e . for
the specified contents of a l l a l loy i n g and i m p u rity eleme nts certified by an i n dependent pa rty, sha l l be used .
The purchaser sha l l have the right to req u i re anode sa m p l e m ateria l fo r verification testing in an i n d epe ndent
la boratory, or to del iver sa m pl es with a known composition for testi n g . This is to verify the equi pment and
proced u res for chem ica l a n a lysis used by the m a n u factu rer. The purchaser may fu rther specify that the
contractor sha l l reta i n sa mple material for a ny add itional chem ical ana lyses a nd/or electrochem ica l testi n g .
A l l a nodes prod uced from a testing lot not meeting t h e specified co mposition s h a l l b e rejected .
The a node weight and d i mensions s h a l l be verified u s i n g the freque ncy a n d acceptance criteria specified i n
NACE S P 0 3 8 7 . T h e positions o f protru d i n g i nserts s h a l l comply with tolera nces i n t h e m a n u factu rer's d rawing
a n d shall be checked for a m i n i m u m of 1 0 % of the a nodes of a specific desi g n . The pu rchaser may specify
extended i n s pection of anode d i mensional to lera nces .
I nspections fo r cracks a n d othe r s u rface i rreg u la rities s h a l l be ca rried out on a l l a nodes using the acceptance
criteria specified in NACE SP0387, with the following a me n d m e nts :
for zinc-based a nodes, no cracks visible to the na ked eye a re accepta ble
cracks that a re seen to penetrate to a node i nserts a re not permitted
with i n the section fu l l y supported by a node i nserts, cracks wider than 2 mm a re o n l y permitted if the
crack length is maxi m u m 100 m m .
G u idance note:
Cracks within sections fully s u pported by anode i n serts are defined in NACE SP0492 as 'cracks that would i ntersect with the core if
they propagate indefi nitely'.
- - - e - n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
Any coating a p p l ied s h a l l be visually i n spected on a l l a n odes. Any coati ng spi l l on su rfaces not i ntended for
coating s h a l l be removed .
U n less otherwise a g reed , a m i n i m u m of two a nodes of each s ize shall be s u bject to destructive testi ng
to verify the a bsence of i nternal defects and adeq uate locatio n of anode inserts . The cutting proced u re
a n d acceptance crite ria i n NACE SP0387 shall ap ply. Such testing shall be ca rried out as pa rt of the PQT,
if a p p l ica ble. If no PQT is performed, testing should be carried out d u ri ng the first day of prod uctio n . The
owner/purchaser s h a l l have the rig h t to select a nodes for testi n g . Any batch-wise destructive testing of
a nodes d u ring prod uction s h a l l be specifi ed i n the p u rchase o rder.
As a m i n i m u m , electrochem ica l testing shall be performed a s part of a PQT or first day prod uction test for
purchase orders exceed i n g 1 5 , 000 kg of net anode materi a l a nd for each further 1 5 , 000 kg of net anode
materia l prod uced . The owner/purchaser may s pecify exte n d ed testing a nd/or 3 pa rty testi ng .
When electrochem ica l testing a p p l i es, sampling for testing s h a l l be ca rried out for each heat prod uced,
see [9 . 2 . 1 ] . For a defi n ition of heat, see [ 5 . 6 . 1 ] . U n less oth e rwise a g reed , the testi ng s h a l l be carried out
accord i n g to the procedure i n Sec . 9 and the following accepta nce criteria shall a pply :
Al u m i n i u m - based a nodes :
- electroche m i ca l capacity : m i n i m u m 2,500 Ah/kg ,
closed circu it potential : � - 1 . 0 5 V at the end of the 4 testi ng period .
Zi nc- based a nodes :
- electrochem ica l capacity : m i n i m u m 780 Ah/kg ,
closed ci rcuit potential : � - 1 . 0 0 V at e n d of the 4 testi ng period .
In the case of fa i l u re to meet specified electrochem ical properties, contractor shall i m med iately issue a non
conforma nce report.
Fa i l u res d u ring testi ng which a re obviously d u e to defective sampling or operational fa u lts in testing
equ i pment may be d isregarded a n d testing repeated on the same a node (sa m ple) .
In case of fa i l u re d u r i n g the fractional testing of properties other than electrochem ica l performa nce, e . g .
destructive testing o f o n e p e r 50 a nodes, t h e prece d i n g a n d fol lowing a nodes shall b e tested i ndivid u a l ly u ntil
at least 3 successive a nodes a re accepta b l e .
In case of repeated non -conform ity with specified properties, i . e . other than electrochem ica l performance,
production s h a l l be d isconti n ued , the anode man ufacturer s h a l l issue a non -conformance re port and the
ca use of the fa i l u re shall be determ i ned . Non-conform i ng a n odes, either i n d ivi d u a l or lots, s h a l l be ma rked
a n d q u a ra ntined . For fa i l u res d u r i n g electrochem ica l testi n g , see [ 9 . 4 . 3 ] .
A l l data from the i nspection and testi ng of a nodes and ca l i bration of testing a n d mon itori ng eq u i pment sha l l
b e noted i n t h e d a i ly log . For a node-specific data, reference s h a l l b e made to the u n i q u e anode n u mber o r
h eat [ S . 7 . 2 ] . The log shall b e updated d a i ly a n d b e ava i la ble for the pu rchaser's review a t a n y time d u ri ng
man ufacture .
As a m i n i m u m , each a node s h a l l be ma rked with the man ufacturer's n a m e or symbo l , a node materi a l , e . g .
A for a l u m i n i u m , Z for zi nc, heat n u m ber a n d serial n u m ber. Any fu rther marking req u i rements shall be
specified in the p u rch ase document.
A l l resu lts of the i nspection a n d testing d u ri ng PQT, if a pplica b le, and production s h a l l be docu mented and
traceable to a u n iq u e a node n u m ber or batch of a nodes, as a p p l icable, a n d certificates for anode core
materials and coating materials, if a pplica b l e . For specific req u i rements for a d a i l y log, see [ S . 6 . 1 1 ] .
The contractor sha l l issue a n i nspection document accord i n g to EN 1 0 204 or ISO 1 0474 and a n i nspection
certificate 3 . 1 .
The purchaser may specify req u i re ments for the fi nal docu mentation in additi o n a l to th ose i n NACE SP0387,
e . g . documentation to be suppl ied to the p u rchaser, including the format and sched ule and that the
contractor is to reta i n docu mentation for more than the two-year m i n i m u m req u i rement in NACE SP0387.
Any req u i rements in addition to those i n NACE SP0387 shall be specified in the pu rchase d ocu ment.
6.1 General
The i nsta l l ation of galvanic a nodes on offshore structures w i l l norma l ly i nvolve weld i n g or a nother connection
e n s u ri n g fu l l electrical conti n u ity as descri bed in [4. 1 2 . 1 ] , a n d sometimes a lso the cla m p i n g of a node
s u p ports to structural steel components. I n the l atter case, e lectrical conti n u ity sha l l be provided by a
ca ble, attached to the a node support and the protection obj ect by bra z i n g , or by some special m echan ical
con n ection designed to ensure reliable electrical conti n u ity. Electrica l conti n u ity cables may a lso be i nsta l led
to provide electrical conti n u ity to com ponents of a CP u n it that has no reliable electrical connection to
a nodes. The desig n req u i rements for such con n ections stated in [ 4 . 1 2 ] s h a l l app ly.
Considerations of the mech a n ical i n teg rity of anode faste n i n g devices d u ring the i nsta llation and operation
of the a p p l icable structures a n d any specia l req u i reme nts s h a l l be incl uded i n the CP detailed design report.
For large a nodes, the design may include the use of dou bler a nd/or g u sset plates. No welding or brazing
to pressu re-conta i n i ng co mpone nts sha l l be performed . Thermite wel d i ng is not recommended for CRAs.
Alternative methods l i ke p i n brazing or soft soldering may be considered .
Besides any reference to this RP in a p u rchase docume nt, see [ 1 . 2 ] , t h e following i nformation a n d any
optional req u i rements i ntended as a check l i st sha l l be enclosed by the p u rchaser:
I nformation :
- anode d raw i n g s from the deta i led CP desig n , or prepa red by the anode m a n u factu rer if completed
- d rawings from the detai led CP design showing the location of i ndividual a nodes .
Req u i rements (option a l ) :
any req u i rement for preparation of a n I PS [ 6 . 2 ]
any specia l req u i rements for docu mentation [ 6 . 7 . 2 ]
a n y fu rther a mend ments t o a n d deviatio n s from this RP.
The contractor may specify that a l l work related to the anode i nsta l lation sha l l be described in an i nsta l lation
proced u re specification (IPS). If a p plica b l e, this document s h a l l include, as a m i n i m u m :
specification of the materi a l s and equ i pment to be used, i ncluding certificates and materi a l data sheets
recei pt, hand l i ng and storage of a nodes a n d materials for a node i nsta l lation
reference to wel d i ng a nd/or bra z i n g procedure specifications and q u a l ification of perso n n e l carry i n g out
weld i n g/brazing
i nspection and testing of a node faste n i n g
documentation o f materials a n d i nspection records.
6.3 Q u alification of the install ation
A l l wel d i ng associated with anode i nsta l lation sha l l be q u a l ified accord i n g to a recognzsed sta ndard . Only
q u a l ified welders a nd/or operators of b razing equ i pment sha l l be used .
A l l a nodes su pplied by the p u rchaser shall be i n s pected by the contracto r to confirm com p l i a n ce with the CP
design and anode d rawings and to confirm no sign ifica nt damage or other adverse effects . Non-conform ing
a nodes a n d othe r materi a l s shall be q u a ra ntined .
The contractor sha l l ensure that a nodes a n d other materials for anode i nsta l lation a re stored a n d hand led so
as to avoid da mage by the environ ment or other effects .
Anodes s h a l l be i nsta l led accord i n g to d rawings a pproved for construction, showing the locations of i n d iv i d u a l
a nodes a n d any othe r rel eva nt specifications for fa brication o f t h e protection object. A l l wel d i n g associated
with a node i n sta l lation shall be carried out accord i ng to the q u a l ified W PS and by q u a l ified welders.
Any s i g n ificant changes to the anode i nsta l lation compared to approved d rawings a re s u bject to the a p proval
of the p u rchaser. Howeve r, for ease of i nsta l lation, sta nd-off a nodes to be mounted on structural com ponents
may be d isplaced latera l ly by no more than one anode length a n d circumfe rentially by a maxi m u m of 30°.
G u idance note:
For some CP designs, the detailed location of the anodes is so crucial, e . g . due to sign ificant i nterference between the anodes and/
or i n restricted spaces where the anode current output may be h i ndered. that any changes to the anode location are considered
sign ificant. See also the g u idance note in [4. 1 1 . 3 ] .
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t - e- - -
When weld i n g a n odes to components su bject to h i g h externa l loads, welded con nections s h a l l be placed
at least 1 50 mm away from other welds, a n d m i n i m u m 600 mm away from structu ral nodes of jacket
I nsta l led a nodes sha l l be adeq u ately protected d u ri ng any su bseq uent coati ng work. Any spi l l of coati ng
on a nodes sha l l be removed . Exposed anode cores s h a l l be coated to the same sta n d a rd as the rest of the
coated object.
Anode i nsta llation inspections s h a l l , as a m i n i m u m , i ncl ude a visual exa m i n ation of we lds a n d any brazed
con n ections. For weld i n g to structura l com ponents, further N OT may apply in accorda nce with the a p p l ica ble
fa brication specificatio n .
Su bseq uent to com pleted anode i nsta l lation, com plia nce with the a node i nsta l lation d rawings sha l l be
confi rmed .
For brazed a n d mech a n ical con nections to e n s u re electrical continu ity, mea s u rements shall be carried out
accord i n g to a documented proced u re and using a n i nstru ment ca pable of verifying a maxi m u m electrica l
resistance of 0 . 1 o h m or such lower va l u e as req u i red by the CP desig n . The mech a n ica l integ rity of the
ca ble-to-cable l u g connection shall be q u a l ified a n d docu mented .
6.7 Documentation
The fi n a l location of a nodes shall be docu mented on a s - b u i l t d rawings.
Measurements to verify electrica l conti n u ity shall be docu mented .
The purchaser may specify further req u i re ments for the a node i nsta l lation documentati o n .
7.1 General
A pri mary adva ntage of GACP systems is that they req u i re a m i n i m u m of i nspection a n d mai ntena nce
to e n s u re rel ia b l e corrosion control for the overa l l design l ife. Sti ll, with a typical design l i fe in the ra nge
of 1 0 - 3 0 years and i n some cases up to 50 yea rs, some effo rts a re perti nent to ensure that the GACP
system fu nctions as ex pected for the overa l l design of the protection object. I n add ition, a n i n itial s u rvey
is sometimes req u i red by the owner or a reg ulating a uthority to confirm that the desi g n , m a n ufacturing
and i nsta l lation of the GACP a re adeq uate. I n some cases it h a s been fou n d necessary to retrofit a CP to
compensate for deficient design a n d man ufacturi n g , or d a m a g e d u ri n g i nsta l lation, or to extend the l i fe of
the GACP system beyo nd the i n itial design life . With the life of offshore structures i ncreas i n g , the need for CP
i nspection and possi bly a lso retrofitti ng is l i kely to be e n h a n ced .
The need to i n spect, m a i nta i n a n d retrofit a GACP, both i n it i a l l y and while o perati n g , is d i ctated by the
actual fu nction of the protection object, any reg u latory req u i rements and the owner's corrosion control
phi losophy. For steel su bstructures for oil and gas platforms, the fatig u e desi g n ca lcu lations may be based
on a protection crite rion more negative than - 0 . 80 V, see [ 5 . 4] , may b e a prereq u i site for the fatig u e
ca lcu lations used for t h e desi g n .
The pu rpose of GACP i nspection may be to :
confirm that desig n , m a n ufacturing a n d i nsta l lation proce d u res have been adeq uate to provide an i n itial
corrosion control fu nction, i n com plia nce with the req u i re ments of the owner a nd/or a reg u l ating a uthority
verify adeq uate CP throughout operation and assess any need for mai ntena nce or retrofitti ng accord i n g to
the owner's a n d any reg u latory authority's req u i rements for CP
collect data to verify and optim ize the CP design for future a p p l icatio n s .
The fo l lowi ng i nspection tech n i q ues a re com m o n l y used in GACP i nspections:
record i n g s of CP potentials of protection objects that a re remote from ga lvanic a n odes and typica l l y a lso
closed -circu it potentials of some selected a n odes
visual i nspection by ROV operated ca meras or possibly by d i vers i n sha l low and ca l m waters.
Othe r tech n iq ues may be rel eva nt fo r col lecti ng data from a CP system , e . g . measurements of electric
field g ra d i ents at a nodes for assessments of the cu rrent output from i n d ividual a nodes . Also, for the same
pu rpose, fixed mon itoring systems for o n - l i n e record ing of the protection potential and anode cu rrent output
have been developed .
For the pu rpose of b u l let point 1 in [ 7 . 2 . 1 ] , a n i n itial i nspection i s mostly performed within a yea r o f the
i nsta l l ation of the GACP system . For structures with major su rfaces in bare steel, the i n itia l polarization may
be sl uggish and steady state co nd itions with respect to CP potentials may not have been reached within
one year. Howeve r, with a correct desi g n , a protection potential criterion of - 0 . 80 V should be obta i ned
with i n this period of time. For platform su bstructures, visual i nspection is of seco n d a ry i m porta nce d u ring
a n i n itial su rvey except to confirm that a nodes have not been da maged d u ri n g insta l lation . However, for
su bsea production syste ms with bare components i n CRAs with poor resista nce to seawater, e . g . U N S
3 1 600 com ponents for production control systems, early v i s u a l i nspection is recom mended t o d isclose a n y
components i n stal led without electrical conti n u ity t o anodes. For t h e pu rpose o f b u l l et point 2 i n [ 7 . 2 . 1 ] ,
i nspections a re typica l l y performed at five-year interva ls u n l ess a previous i nspection has d isclosed a
marg i n a l cathod ic protection, w h i lst fo r the pu rpose of b u l let point 3 in [ 7 . 2 . 1 ] , steady state cond itions
s h o u ld have been esta bl ished prior to inspection.
The pa rty to be contracted to del iver the CP s u rvey should document adeq uate experience from the
execution of s i m i l a r work. It is essenti a l that the scope and o bjectives of a GACP survey with a pu rpose
accord i n g to [7 . 2 . 1 ] a re defi ned in deta i l by the owner/purchaser, w h i ch should fu rther e n s u re that the
contractor has access to releva nt i n formation on the CP d esi g n , e . g . d raw i n g s showing the locations a n d
i n itial d i mensions o f a nodes and resu lts o f a ny previous survey. A n y preferred locations for i nspection, e . g .
specific steel jacket nodes with h i g h cyc l i c loads, should fu rth ermore b e advised .
The contractor s h o u l d su bseq uently prepare a deta i led i n spection proced u re that as a m i n i m u m addresses :
capa b i l ities of ROV tools that a re releva nt for the GACP i nspection
q u a l ification of personnel to p l a n , su pervise a n d eva l uate the i nspection
descri ption of the equ i p ment to be used in the GAC P i nspectio n , i nc l u d i n g data acq u isition/record i n g and
considerations of conti ngency n eeds for equi pment to be bro u g h t offshore
deta i led proced u re for verifying reference electrodes to be used for a CP potential su rvey
pre-determ i ned locations for CP potential record i ngs, othe r record ings, selected a nodes for visual
i nspection a n d potential record i ngs, ta king i nto acco u n t the locations, results of potenti a l record i ngs, other
record i n g s and anode con s u m ption estimates from any p revious surveys of the protection structure
pre-determ i ned locations for CP potential record ings a n d other record i n g s a n d selected a nodes for visual
i nspection a n d potential record i ngs, ta king i nto acco u n t the locations and resu lts of potential record i ng s
and other record i n g s and the a n o d e con s u m ption estimates from a ny previous surveys o f t h e protection
reporting fo rmat a n d i n dex, i nc l u d i n g exte nt of photog ra p h ic docu mentation of a nodes.
CP potential su rveys ca n either be su rface deployed or ROV or d iver assisted . In both cases the potential
mea s u ring u n it contains one or two Ag/Ag Cl/seawater cel l s of the type 'open-electrolyte', i . e . d i rect access by
seawate r.
A s u rface-depl oyed potential su rvey, a lso referred to as a d ro p ce l l su rvey, uses a reference electrode u n it
attached to a s i n ker weight su spended by a polymeric rope a nd with a n electrica l l y insu lated g ro u n d i ng w i re
attached topside to the steel structure via a voltmeter. This tech n i q u e is pri m a rily a p p l ica ble i n relatively
sha l l ow and ca l m waters, a l lowi ng the reference to be located with i n one or a few metres from the protection
object. It is pri mari ly i ntended to record variations in the g lobal protection level vertically along a n offshore
s u b structure, from splash zone to sea bed . Depe n d i ng on the location of the probe in relation to a nodes a n d
t h e size/geometry o f t h e structure, a ppl ication o f coating, a n d properties o f t h e ca lca reous layer a n d marine
g rowth, the local protection potenti a l , i . e . without the effect of a n ohmic voltage d rop, may be 1 0 mV to
50 mV l ess negative. Sti l l , the record i n g of a potential more negative than - 0 . 8 5 V should i n d icate that the
protection potential criterion of - 0 . 80 V is fulfi l l ed a lso at more remote locations at the same horizonta l leve l .
To confirm a n adequate protection level i n steady state cond itions, a n average potential va lue of < - 0 . 9 0 V
s h o u ld be recorded since less negative va l ues i n d i cate that the a nodes a re operating with a h ig her d riving
voltage than designed for and this may potentially lead to premature anode con s u m ptio n .
In princi ple, an ROV or d iver assisted potential s u rvey may util ize a g rou n d i ng w i re attached to the topside. A
contact probe that typica l l y has a small sta i n less steel tip, referred to as, e . g ., a tip contact probe or sta bbing
probe, may a lso be used to esta b l i s h d i rect meta l l i c contact su bsea and to d efi ne the d i sta nce between
the refere nce ce l l and the steel su rface for acc u rate a n d reprod ucible record i n g s of potentials without any
s i g n ificant effect from ohmic resista nce. For ROV assisted s u rveys, the voltmeter a n d data acq u i s ition may
be conta i ned in the ROV. For d iver assisted s u rveys, the voltmeter may be i nsta l led i n a h a n d - held tool with a
d i g ita l d isplay for record ing by the d iver. CP potential record i n g s should be su pervised by a com petent person
to e n s u re that data being recorded m a n u a l ly or a utomatica l l y a re free from deficiencies d u e to defective
equ i pment or the fa u lty execution of record i n g procedures.
I m mediately prior to a CP potential survey a n d following its com pletion, the reference electrode(s) used for
i n -situ record i ng s s h o u l d be checked accord i n g to an a p proved proced u re . It is good practice to und ertake
reference electrode a n d i nstru ment ca l i b ration ch ecks offsho re d a i ly, to avoid the need to repeat several
days of s u rveys if excessive errors in equi pment a re detecte d . This may be ca rried out in a plastic conta i ne r
fi l led with fresh seawater a n d u s i n g one or more master e l ectrodes ca l i brated and certified i n a n accredited
la boratory. In the following, the offshore checki ng of a worki ng reference e lectrode is referred to as
ca l i brati o n . Resu lts from offshore ca l i brations s h o u l d be i n c l u ded in the survey report. Accurate ca l i bration
and use of a tip contact probe defi n i n g the dista nce to the object should a l low CP potentials to be recorded
with an accuracy of we l l with i n ± 10 mV. Potential va lues recorded will to some exte nt be affected by
va riations in a m bient seawate r temperature and sa l i n ity. Any i n s u lation damage to g ro u n d i n g or lead wires
that exposes meta l lic copper to seawater ca n severely d i sturb potenti a l record i ng s and ca n be detected
d u ring ca l i b rations to pside if w i res a re s u b m e rged in seawate r d u ring the offshore ca l i bration. ROV tools
a re prefera bly to conta i n two reference e lectrodes to a l low i ntern a l ca l i b rations d u ring operation so as to
exclude fa u lty record i ngs, whi lst a d ive r held tool ca n be checked i n -situ agai nst a sma l l piece of p u re z i n c . In
case fa u lty read i ngs d u e to poor meta l l ic contact a re suspected, a new sta b b i n g with the s p i ke tip should be
performed .
The CP potential mea s u rements should be carried out at pre-determi ned locations of the protection object
[ 7 . 2 .4] . The n u mber of mea s u rements to be performed depends on the size and geometry of the object and
the pu rpose of the s u rvey [7 . 2 . 1 ] . For a platfo rm su bstructure, mea s u rements should be performed all the
way from the splash zone down to the sed i ment line and s h o u l d include some locations remotely located
from a nodes but sti l l accessi ble with the ROV or d i ver. Add itional mea s u rements should be considered at
locations where anomal ies a re seen d u ri n g the s u rvey. Measu rements should fu rther be performed on some
representative a nodes w h i lst steel potentials i n the i m med iate vicin ity of a nodes a re of l i m ited i n te rest.
7 .4 Visual surveys
A visual CP su rvey may be carried out i n com b i nation with a CP potential s u rvey or a s u rvey with a nothe r
m a i n pu rpose wh ich does not i nclude potential record ings. For subsea production systems, t h e a bsence
of ferric rust on carbon and low a l loy steel s u rfaces as confi rmed by a visual s u rvey may be sufficient to
concl ude that a GACP system provides adeq uate protectio n . D u ring the su rvey, some pre-determined a nodes
s h o u ld be checked fo r the degree of consumption as evidenced by photog ra p h i c docu mentatio n . Any a nodes
noticed to have especia l ly sma l l or h i g h consumption s h o u l d a lso be documented by photos a n d locatio n . If
a nodes a re fou n d to be covered by thick deposits, water blasting s h o u l d be performed on some a nodes to
a l low for a more accu rate estimate of their con s u m ption. If corrosion prod ucts a re blasted off, the a node ca n
be measured u s i n g ph otogrametry or lasers and the measured d i mensions used to ca lculate the rem a i n i ng
a node mass. A factor cou ld be applied to compensate for i rreg u l a r corrosion patterns, cavities etc. When
esti mating the percentage a node consumption, a n accuracy of ± 1 0 % should be a i med for a n d th is req u i res
knowledge of the i n itial anode d i mensions.
The extent of a ny mari n e g rowth on the protection object should be docu mented d u ri ng the survey a n d
observations o f rust de posits or other anomal ies releva nt t o corrosion control should a lso be docu mented .
The a bsence of fe rric rust deposits is of particular i m porta nce for su bsea prod uction systems where deficient
electrica l conti n u ity to one or more a nodes is by far the most common fa i l u re mode and is d ifficult to
d isclose u s i n g potenti a l record i n g s alone. Specia l attention s h o u l d then be paid to a ny rust accu m u lations at
pressu re conta i n i n g compone nts of the prod uction control system . Any degradation of paint coating including
excessive bl istering or genera l fla ki n g s h o u l d fu rthermore be docu mented .
For GACP systems of protection objects perman ently i nsta l led su bsea, m a i ntenance is not practica l . For u n its
retrieved to the surface, a n d fitted with CP, e . g . va lve tree m o d u l es, the re placement of l a rgely or com pletely
consumed a nodes and rectification of fa u lty electrica l connections may be considered as mai ntenance . D u ring
retrieval of components with self-supporti ng CP syste ms, it is recom mended to ca rry out photog ra p h ic
docu mentation of a nodes a n d any degradation of coati ngs.
Once the need to retrofit CP has been identified, two a lternative approaches may apply. For offshore
structu res with a conti nuous AC sou rce ava i la ble, i m p ressed cu rrent cathodic protection (ICCP) is i n pri nciple
a n a lternative to the use of add itional galva n ic a nodes. Proprietary systems have been developed, typica l l y
based on inert ICCP a nodes bei n g suspended b y wire ropes w i t h i n a structure or at buoys a nchored on the
seabed a ro u n d the stru cture . However, the a ppl ication of s u ch systems a ppears to have been ham pered
pri marily by the v u l nera b i l ity of ca bles to a nodes and refe rence electrodes being damaged by physical effects
a n d the u ncerta i n long-term performance of a nodes a n d refe rence electrodes. It is therefore recommended
that the management of a ny retrofitted su bsea ca bles s h o u l d be considered in the design to avoid the fa i l u re
of such systems. Retrofitting using ga lvanic a nodes has util ized sta n d -off or b racelet type a nodes with specia l
h i nges for attachment t o jacket bracings. Othe r concepts i n c l u d e a rrays o f galva n ic a nodes placed on sledges
on the seabed with ca b l e attachment to the protection object and electrical cont i n u ity provided by e . g .
friction weld i n g .
The design of GACP retrofitti n g should take i nto acco u n t h istorica l data, e . g . potential measu rements and
other measureme nts, the estimated ca pacity of any re m a i n i ng a nodes a n d the cond ition of the steel su rfaces,
rema in in g coating, ca lca reous layers and mari n e g rowth in add ition to the rem a i n i ng l ife of the structure to
be retrofitted . C i rcuit resista nce in a n y ca ble connections a n d anode i nte rfe rence effects shall be considered
if m u ltiple a nodes a re placed on sledges fo r i nsta l lation on the sea bed . In a ny case, the design of CP retrofit
systems req u i res adva n ced knowledge of CP design a n d offsh o re i nsta llation procedures. It is recommended
that verification of the design docu mentation should be performed by a com petent th i rd pa rty.
> 30-100 0.120 0.080 0.140 0.090 0.170 0.110 0.200 0.130
> 100-300 0.140 0.090 0.160 0.110 0.190 0.140 0.220 0.170
> 300 0.180 0.130 0.200 0.150 0.220 0.170 0.220 0.170
Ta b l e 8-2 Reco m m e n d ed mean design cu rrent densities (A/ m ) for seawater exposed b a re metal
su rfaces, a s a fu n ction of depth and c l i matic reg i o n based o n surface water temperature, see [ 3 . 3 ]
Ta b l e 8-3 Reco m m e n d ed mean design cu rrent de nsities for cu rrent d ra i n of reinforcing steel
( i . e. in con crete structures) a s a fu nctio n of depth a n d c l i m atic reg ion based on s u rface water
temperatu re, see [ 3 . 3 . 1 2 ] )
Ta b l e 8-4 Reco m m e n d ed val ues for a a n d b constants for ca l c u l ation of pa i nt coating breakdown
factors (coating categories a re defined in [ 3 . 4 . 6 ] )
(a = 0. 1 0) (a = 0. 05) (a = 0. 02) (a = 0. 02)
Ta b l e 8-5 Reco m m e n d ed compositio n a l l i m its for Al-based a n d Zn-ba sed a node materi a l s, see
[ 3 . 5]
Zn-base Al-base
Zn rem. 2.5-5.75
Al 0.10-0.50 rem.
In na 0.015-0.040
Si na :-:; 0.12
Pb :-:; 0.006 na
Ta b l e 8-6 Reco m m e n d ed design e l ectrochemical capa city a n d desi g n cl osed circuit potential for
a n ode materi a l s at seawater a m bient temperatu res, see [ 3 . 5 ]
Anode temperature
Closed circuit Electrochemical Closed circuit Electrochemical
material ( potential capacity potential capacity
t'CJ [VJ [Ah/kg] [VJ [Ah/kg]
1) For zinc anode surface temperatures exceeding 50° C, it is recommended to qualify the anode material for the project-
specific maximum temperature according to Sec.10 (free-running test).
Ta b l e 8-7 Reco m m e n d ed anode resistance fo rm u l ae for cathod ic protection design ca l c u l ations
L � 4r - r -
l) 2>
2 2
2�L [1n{ 2/ ( Vl ({L) )} {L - vl ({L) ]
Short slender stand-off
Ra = 1 + + + +
L< 4r
Long flush-mounted 3l
L � 4
L � 4
width and
Ra -
Short flush-mounted, bracelet and other types Ra
- {A
1) The equation i s valid for anodes with a minimum distance of 0.30 m from the protection object. For anode-to-object
distances of less than 0.30 m but minimum 0.15 m the same equation may be applied with a correction factor of
2) For non-cylindrical anodes: r = cf 2 rr where c (m) is the anode cross-sectional periphery.
3) S [m] is the arithmetic mean of the anode length and width.
Ta b l e 8-8 Reco m m e n d ed anode util ization factors for cathodic protection design c a l c u l ations
Long flush-mounted
L � 4 width and 0.85
L � 4 thickness
Resistivity (ohm - m)
0.35 \
\ Salinity (%0)
0.30 '
\ '
\ '
\ '
\ '
\ '
\ '
\ '
\ '
' '
\ '
0.25 ' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
40 '
' '
' '
' '
' '
' ,
' '
0.20 '
10 20 30
Temperature (°C)
Fig u re 8-1 Seawater resistivity a s a fu ncti on of temperature for sa l i nity of 30°/oo to 40°/oo.
9.1 General
This laboratory test proced u re is i nte nded for q u a l ity control of Al- base a n d Z n - base anode materi a l s d u r i n g
man ufacture o f ga lvanic anodes.
G u idance note:
The results of testi ng accord i n g to this procedure are not applicable to cathodic protection design because electrochemical
data from short- term testing, typica l l y using h i g h anodic current densities, will tend to be non - conservative with respect to
the actual long - term performance in the field. The primary q u a lity control measu res in anode production are composition, by
rigorous analysis of the a l loy during production, d i mensions, weights and casting q u a l i ty. However, even very s m a l l contaminant
levels of elements not norma l l y analysed during production or listed i n Table 8 - 5 can cause a serious reduction in anode q u a l ity
and performance. These short, accelerated, laboratory electrochemical tests are recom mended in order to detect any such
- - - e- n - d - - - o -f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
The testi ng sha l l be performed accord i n g to a deta i led proced u re descri bing a l l re levant steps. The owner/
purchaser sha l l have the right to witness any testing at the contractor's pre m i ses.
A l l these proced u re's req u i rements s h a l l be considered mand atory, u n less deviations have been ag reed , see
[ 5 . 1 . 3 ] . The owner/purchaser may, however, choose to specify an a l te rnative test procedure .
U n less otherwise specified, the q u a l ity control of electrochem ical properties, i . e . electroche m i ca l efficiency
a n d closed -circu it a node potential, s h a l l be ca rried out for each 1 5 , 000 kg of a nodes prod uced . S a m p l i ng
for potential testi ng by separate m i n i -casti ngs shall, however, be performed for each heat of anode material
produced . All sa m ples for testing shall have adeq uate marki n g . For retention of sa m ples, see [ S . 6 . 1 ] . The
owner/purchaser s h a l l have the rig h t to select the sa m p l e for test i n g , e . g . based on a review of the chem ical
composition of the i n d ivi d u a l heats .
G u idance note:
The i n d i v i d u a l heats are sometimes much smaller than 1 5 , 0 0 0 kg and it i s then essentia l that the testing i s performed on a heat
that is representative of all those produced. Hence, the heat selected should have contents of a l loying and/or i m purity elements in
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
Cyl i nd rical test specimens with a d i a meter of 10 mm ± 1 mm and a length of 50 mm ± 5 mm sha l l be
prepared by mach i n i ng sa m ples. A hole of a bout 3 mm in d i a m ete r s h a l l be drilled and ta pped on o n e end
for connection of a tita n i u m or sta i n less steel s u p port rod . The speci men s h a l l subsequently be ri nsed i n ta p
water fol lowed by eth a n o l , then d ried a n d weighed to an accu racy of ± 0 . 1 mg .
The specimens sha l l be adeq uately ma rked throug hout a l l stages of the preparation, storage and testi n g .
After mounting the support rod, the speci men ends and the part of the rod exposed to the test solution shall
be coated with a su ita ble sea ling compound such as polych l o roprene g l ue or s i l i con rubber.
The testi ng sol ution s h a l l be n atura l seawate r of adequate pu rity a n d a s a l i n ity of m i n i m u m 30%0 or synthetic
seawate r accord i n g to ASTM D 1 14 1 .
G u idance note:
Seawater constituents other tha n chloride, sul phate, bicarbonate/carbonate, sod i u m , calcium and magnesium ions have no effect
on the electrochemical performance of galvanic anodes and may be omitted when preparing synthetic seawater. Tap water is
accepta ble for preparation of the solution.
- - - e - n - d - - - o - f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o - t - e - - -
A m i n i m u m of 10 l itres per test speci men sha l l be used . The solution s h a l l be conti n uou sly p u rged with a i r
a n d s h a l l n o t b e exchanged d u ring t h e test period . T h e temperatu re sha l l be mai ntai ned at 20 ± 3 °C.
Each specimen sha l l be suspen ded in the centre of an uncoated cyl i n d rical steel co nta i ner, e . g . made of a
pipe section, the wetted su rface a rea of wh ich sha l l be m i n i m u m 20 times the exposed a node specimen a rea,
i . e . m i n i m u m 400 cm , a p proximately. The genera l a rra ngement is shown in Fig u re 9- 1 .
Galva nostatic control sha l l be effected by means of a DC consta nt cu rrent source, ca pable of contro l l i n g the
cu rrent acco rd i ng to [9. 3 . 7] . The speci men and cathode sha l l be coupled to the positive and negative rectifie r
term i na ls, respectively. M u ltiple testing ce l l s m a y be con nected i n series t o o n e DC source.
A cu rrent i nteg rator, e . g . a copper cou lometer or an electro n i c device capable of determ i n i ng the tota l
d i scharged cu rrent to a n accu racy of ± 2%, shall be inserted i nto the circu it conta i n i ng one or more test cells
in c i rcuit.
The cu rrent thro u g h the cel l (s) s h a l l be adj usted to provide a nodic cu rrent densities, based on the i n itially
exposed s u rface a rea, i n accord a n ce with the fol lowing scheme :
Day 1 1 . 5 mA/cm
Day 2 0 . 4 mA/cm
Day 3 4 . 0 mA/cm
Day 4 1 . 5 mA/cm .
The cu rrent density s h a l l be control led to an accuracy of 0 . 1 mA/cm a n d s h a l l be m a i nta i n ed for a period of
24 hours ± 1 hour. The total testi ng time shall be 96 hours ± 4 hours.
At the end of each testi ng period, the anode potenti a l shall be measured at three positions per speci m e n . A
sta n d a rd refere nce electrode (si lver/si lver chloride/satu rated KCI) with an electrolyte b ridge, e . g . a Lug g i n
ca pillary, sha l l be used . T h e tip o f t h e bridge sha l l be positioned within 1 m m from t h e speci men su rface,
but without d istu rbing any corrosion prod ucts formed on the a node speci men . Reference electrodes s h a l l be
checked a g a i nst a certified, max 1 , yea r refe rence el ectrode at i n terva ls not exceed ing one week. Potenti a l
record ings u s i n g a si lver/si lver chloride/saturated K C I reference electrode s h a l l be converted t o potential
record i n g s using Ag/Ag Cl/seawater [ 3 . 1 . 5 ] .
After completion of the fu l l test period, the su pport rod and sea ling compound sha l l be removed and the
speci men clea ned of corrosion products . Al u m i n i u m - based s peci mens shall be clea ned for 1 0 m i n at 80°C i n
a solution o f 2 0 g chro m i u m trioxide a n d 30 m l phosphoric acid per l itre water. Zi nc-based speci mens s h a l l be
i m mersed for 2 hours in a saturated a m m o n i u m c h loride sol ution at a m bient temperature . S peci mens shall
su bseq uently be rinsed i n ta p water, thereafter i n eth a n o l and weighed to a n accuracy of ± 0 . 1 mg.
The electroche mica l efficiency, E (Ah/kg ) , s h a l l be ca lculated from
E = ( l OOOC)/ Ll w
where C is the total cu rrent charge i n A h a n d Llw is the wei g h t loss i n g rams.
The acceptance criteria in [ 5 . 6 . 7] apply.
Fa i l u res d u ring testi ng which a re obviously d u e to operatio n a l errors may be disregarded and testi ng
repeated on a n ew speci men of the same sa m ple, see [ 5 . 6 . 8 ] , or a speci men cut from a n anode of the sa me
If the specified req u i rements ca nnot be met, re-tests may be ca rried out on 3 specimens fro m each heat of
the testi ng lot norma l l y representing up to 1 5 ,000 kg of a n ode materi a l . Fa i l u re of a n y speci men of a h eat
sha l l lead to rejection of all a nodes from that heat.
9.5 Documentation
The test report s h a l l conta i n relevant data for the anode materi a l ( s ) tested, i nc l u d i n g the heat n u m ber,
chemica l com position a n d casti ng date. The speci men preparation, test eq u i p m ent and testing proced u re
sha l l be outlined.
A l l recorded potentials, i . e . 3 per speci men, shall be presented in ta bular form, as-recorded and converted to
Ag/Ag Cl/seawater, if a p p l ica ble. The speci men weight loss a n d total cu rrent charge sha l l be g iven in a d d ition
to the ca lculated electrochemical efficiency. A photog ra p h of the cleaned speci men sha l l be i ncl uded in the
Fig u re 9-1 G enera l arrangement for q u a l ity control testing of g a lvanic a n ode materi a l s
10.1 General
This section g ives a recom mended proced u re for d ocu menting the electrochem ica l performa nce of g a lva n i c
a node materi a l s i n natu ra l seawater o f a m bient temperature . T h e proced u re m a y b e mod ified t o i nclude
testi ng i n hot or cold seawater.
G u idance note:
The performance of anodes is best docu mented by field testing of fu l l - size anodes. However, such testing is elaborate and often not
practica l .
Qual ification testing should prefera b l y be performed by, or at least witnessed by, a pa rty independent of the
a node man ufactu rer.
Testi ng accord i n g to this proced u re is non-ma ndato ry and s h a l l be specified by the pu rchaser, see [ 5 . 1 . 3 ] .
Mod ifications of the test para meters may be a g reed .
Specimens for testing sha l l be cut from fu l l -sca le a nodes u s i n g the same type of raw materials, smelting
and casti ng practices as for norma l prod uction. The net mass of the a node sha l l be m i n i m u m 30% of the
maxi m u m anode n et mass of a nodes to which the docu mentation shall a p p ly.
G u idance note:
The performance of a n anode material may be affected by solid ification a nd cooling such that specimens from smaller anodes, or
The chemica l com position of the a node(s) to be used for docu mentation shall reflect the compositional
l i m its that sha l l apply d u ring the m a n ufactu rer's normal prod uction, see [ 3 . 5 . 2 ] . This will norma l l y req u i re
preparation of a speci a l heat, com b i n i ng the maxi m u m specified contents of i m p u rity elements a n d m i n i m u m
contents o f t h e actual a l loy i n g elements. No heat treatment o f t h e casti ng is allowed for Zn a n d Al-Zn-In
a node materi a l s .
G u idance note:
To j u stify the compositional l i m its specified by the manufacturer, testing of m o re than one heat may be required.
- - - e - n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
M i n i m u m 5 specimens of each heat to be documented shall be tested . Cyl i nd rica l speci mens with a d i a meter
of m i n i m u m 25 mm and a length of 100 mm sha l l be prepared . A hole of about 4 mm in d ia meter shall be
dril led and tapped on one e n d for con nection of a tita n i u m su pport rod . The specimen s h a l l su bseq uently be
rinsed in ta p water fol lowed by eth a n o l , then d ried and weighed to an accuracy of ± 0 . 1 mg
The speci mens sha l l be adeq uately ma rked throug hout a l l stages of prepa ration , storage and testi n g . Anode
materia l from the a node casting should be reta i ned for any add itional testi ng later o n .
After mounting the support rod, the specimen ends and the part of the rod exposed to the test solution shall
be coated with a su ita b le sea ling compo u n d such as polych l o roprene g l ue or s i l i con rubber.
The testi ng environment s h a l l be clean natura l seawater with a sa l i n ity of � 30 %0 . The temperature may
be a l lowed to va ry in the ra nge + 7°C to + 20°C. The te m perature and s a l i n ity of the seawater shall be
recorded at least once per wee k. The test shall be confi g u red as outl i ned in Sec. 9, however, there sha l l be a
conti nuous excha n g e of seawater i n the cel l , m i n i m u m 1 I/m i n . The seawater sha l l be co nti n uously purged
with a i r.
G u idance note:
Seawater temperature variations i n the range above are not considered to affect the electrochemical performance of anode
materials sign ificantly. However, lower temperatures are sometimes believed to reduce the performance, a n d pu rchasers of the
anodes may require documentation of the anode materials' performance a t such temperatures.
- - - e- n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n -c - e - - - n - o -t - e- - -
Testi ng may be performed either with g a lvan ostatic control or as a free-ru n n i ng test. The testi ng time sha l l
b e m i n i m u m 1 2 months.
G u idance note:
A free - r u n n i ng test, which means that the anode/cathode assembly is a l lowed to polarize spontaneously during the test. The
driving voltage and hence the anodic cu rrent density will thus vary during the test. For a galva nostatic test, the anode potential is
- - - e - n - d - - - o- f- - - g - u - i - d - a - n - c - e - - - n - o- t- e- - -
With ga lvanostatic contro l , the a nodic cu rrent density sha l l be maxi m u m 1 mA/cm based on the i n itial
exposed a node su rface a rea. The i nteg rated cu rrent, i.e. for m i n i m u m 1 2 months, may be determi ned as
for [ 9 . 3 . 6 ] but m a n u a l rea d i ng s m i n i m u m once per day and five days per wee k for the fi rst two weeks,
thereafter once per wee k, w i l l suffice. Record ings of the a node potential, see [ 9 . 3 . 8 ] , shall be performed with
the same m i n i m u m frequency as for m a n u a l cu rrent rea d i n g s .
For a free-ru n n i ng test, the a node a n d cathode sha l l be con n ected over a 10 o h m ± 1 o h m precision
resistance. The actual resistance is to be recorded with a n accu racy of ± 0 . 2 o h m . The inner uncoated
cathode su rface a rea sha l l be a p p roxi mately 30 ti mes the exposed a node su rface a rea . The outer su rface
sha l l be coated to achieve a defi ned su rface a rea of a bout 1 : 3 0 .
T h e cu rrent sha l l be ca lculated from measurements o f t h e voltage d rop across the precision resistance u s i n g
a h i g h i m pedance ( � 1 0 7 o h m ) voltmeter. Measu rements o f t h e a node potential, cathode potential a n d ce l l
cu rrent sha l l be ca rried o u t at the maxi m u m i nte rva ls specified a bove .
Refere nce electrodes used for record i n g anode potential shall be checked agai nst a certified refe rence
electrode at reg u l a r i n te rva ls, m i n i m u m once per month. The reference electrode shall not be more than
one year old. After the test is com pleted, the specimens sha l l be cleaned a n d the e lectrochemical efficiency
ca lcu lated as i n [ 9 . 3 . 9 ] and [9 . 3 . 10] .
10.4 Documentation
The test report s h a l l conta i n re levant data on the smelting a n d casting of a nodes a n d location of test
speci mens. The contents of a l loying a n d i m p u rity elements shall be specified with n o m i n a l a n d g u a ranteed
contents as a reference.
The average and maxi m u m/m i n i m u m s a l i n ity a n d tem peratu re of seawater sha l l be reported .
Sa m p l i ng , speci men preparation, m a rking, testi ng eq u i pment, ca l i b rations a n d record i ngs of data shall be
described i n the report. Anode potentials (versus Ag/Ag Cl/seawater) shall be d isplayed g ra p h i ca l ly as a
fu nction of time. For free-ru n n i n g tests, the calcu lated anodic cu rrent density based on the orig i n a l exposed
su rface a rea and the cathode potential sha l l a lso be g iven in g ra p h ica l form .
Data from measure ments of the anode weight loss sha l l be i ncl uded i n the report in add ition to the ca lcu lated
electrochemica l efficiency ( i n Ah/kg ) . The mea n va lue a n d sta ndard deviation shall be reported . Photog ra phs
of anode speci mens prior to and after clea n i ng shall be included .
G u idance note:
A steady state electrochemical potential of � - 1 . 07 V and a n electrochemical efficiency of m i n i m i u m 2 , 2 5 0 Ah/kg are considered
adequate to verify the performance of an Al - based material that has been tested and j u stify the use of the defa u lt values in Ta ble
8 - 6, see the g u idance note to [ 3 . 5 . 2 ] .
1 1 .1 Bibliography
/1/ Hartt WH, 2012 Frank Newman Speller Award: Cathodic Protection of Offshore Structures-
History and Current Status, CORROSION. 2012;68(12): 1063-1075.
J u ne 20 1 7 ed ition (/)
This document supe rsedes the October 2010 ed ition of DNV- RP- 840 1 .
The pu rpose of the revision of this service docu ment i s to com ply with the new DNV G L docu ment refe rence
code system a n d profile req u i rements following the m erge r between DNV a n d G L in 20 1 3 . Changes m a i n ly O'I
consists of u pdated co mpany n a me and references to other docu ments within the DNV G L portfo l i o . c
S o m e references i n t h i s service document m a y refer t o docu m ents i n t h e DNV G L portfo l i o n o t yet p u b l i shed ro
( p la n ned p u b l ished with i n 2 0 1 7 ) . In such cases please see the releva nt leg acy DNV or GL docu ment. ..c
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About DNV
DNV is the i ndependent expert in risk ma nagement and assura nce, operating i n more than 100
cou ntries. Through its b road experience and deep expertise DNV adva nces safety and sustainable
performance, sets i n d u stry bench marks, and i nspires a n d i nvents sol utions.
Whether assessing a new ship desi g n , opti m iz i n g the performance of a wind fa rm, a n a lyzing sensor
data from a gas pipe l i n e or certifying a food compa ny's s u pply chain, DNV enables its customers and
their sta keholders to m a ke critica l decisions with co nfide nce.
D riven by its pu rpose, to safe g u a rd l i fe, property, and the enviro n m e nt, DNV h el ps tackle the
challenges and g lobal tra nsformations facing its customers and the world today and is a trusted
voice for m a ny of the world 's most successfu l and forwa rd -th i n ki n g compan ies.