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Fee Lab 3 Zhiger

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Faculty of Information Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Laboratory work №3

Network Analysis

Checked by: Amanzholova Raushan

Done by: Zhanpeis Zhiger

Laboratory work №
3 Network Analysis

Purpose of laboratory work:

1. To find the currents on resistors Source Transformations Superposition
2. To Find the voltage on 𝑅1 by Thevenin’s Theorem
3. To identify Norton’s Equivalent Circuit Analysis
4. To identify Maximum Power Transfer

1. Find the currents on resistors by using Superposition.

R2=10kΩ,R3=5kΩ(in series)
R1=20kΩ,R4=12kΩ(in parallel)
1. Currents Due to V1 (15V):
a. Turn off V2:

Remove V2 and short it.

b. Analyze the circuit:

Using circuit analysis techniques (e.g., Ohm's Law, KVL, KCL), we can find the

 Current through R2 (I2): I2=R2+R1+R3V1

 Current through R1 (I1): I1=R2+R1+R3V1
 Current through R3 (I3): I3=R2+R1+R3V1
 Current through R4 (I4): I4=0(since V2 is shorted)
Substitute the given values:

I2=I1=I3=15V/ (10kΩ+20kΩ+5kΩ)= 15V/ 35kΩ≈0.4286mA

I4=0(since V2 is shorted)

2. Currents Due to V2 (7V):

a. Turn off V1:

b. Analyze the circuit:

Using circuit analysis techniques:

 Current through R3 (I3): I3=R3V2

 Current through R4 (I4): I4=R4V2
 Current through R1 (I1): I1=0(since V1 is shorted)
 Current through R2 (I2): I2=0(since V1 is shorted)

Substitute the given values:



3. Combine the Results:

Add the individual currents from the two cases to get the total current through each





Substitute the calculated values:




So, the total currents through the resistors are:





2. Find the voltage on 𝑅1 by using Thevenin. Find the voltage on 𝑅4 by using

Thevenin Voltage Across R1:
1. Turn off all independent sources except V2:
 Replace V3 with a short circuit.
2. Find the equivalent resistance Rth across R1:
 Combine R2, R3, and R5 in series.



3. Find Vth using voltage division:

 Apply voltage division to find the voltage across R1 when V2 is applied.

Vth=V2× R5 /Rth

Vth=5V×100Ω/15.1kΩ ≈0.0331V

Norton Voltage Across R4:

1. Turn off all independent sources except V3:
 Replace V2 with a short circuit.
2. Find the equivalent resistance RN looking into R4:
 Combine R1 and R2 in parallel.

RN=(R1×R2)/(R1+R2) RN=(1kΩ×10kΩ)/(1kΩ+10kΩ)=1110kΩ≈0.9091kΩ

3. Find IN using current division:

 Apply current division to find the current through R4 when V3 is applied.

IN= V3/(R4+RN)

IN=12V /(20kΩ+0.9091kΩ)≈0.00059A


1. Build circuit below on your breadboard. If you finish, ask instructor to

check your circuit. Connect your circuit to Elvis Evaluation Board, and get
measurements. Compare with In-Lab results.
𝑽𝑹1 𝑽𝑹2 𝑽𝑹3 𝑽𝑹4 𝑰𝑹 1 𝑰𝑹 2 𝑰𝑹 3 𝑰𝑹 4 𝑰𝑽 1
3.64V 2.92V 11.35V 3.64V 0.32mA 1.35mA 1.68mA 1ma 2.68mA
In lab process after few checks I understood that measurement are similar. The
accuracy around 95%.Which means error is +-5%.

After getting all measurements, check for satisfying KCL and KVL.


I have made calculations for KCL and KVL and according the laws measurements
are correct.
1. Build
circuit below on your breadboard. If you finish, ask instructor to
check your circuit. Connect your circuit to Elvis Evaluation Board, and get
measurements. Compare with In-Lab results.
𝑽𝑹1 𝑽𝑹2 𝑽𝑹3 𝑽𝑹4 𝑽𝑹5 𝑰𝑹 1 𝑰𝑹 2 𝑰𝑹 𝑰𝑹 4 𝑰𝑹 5 𝑰𝑽
3 2
1.05V 4.87V 1.05V 6.94V 5.05V 0.89mA 1.18mA 1.18mA 0.29mA 1.86maA 1.86mA

1. Find currents that goes through 𝑅3, 𝑅1 and 𝑉2 by using Thevenin. Find the
currents that goes through
𝑅2and 𝑅4 by using Norton.
Thevenin Analysis for R3, R1, and V2:
1. Turn off all independent sources except V2:
 Replace V3 with a short circuit, I1 with an open circuit.
2. Find the equivalent resistance Rth across R3, R1, and V2:
 Combine R1 and R4 in series.



3. Find Vth using voltage division:

 Apply voltage division to find the voltage across R3 when V2 is


Vth=20V×(15kΩ /57kΩ)≈5.26V

4. Find the currents through R3, R1, and V2:

 Use Ohm's Law to find the currents:
 IR3= Vth /R3
 IR1= Vth/ R1
 IV2= Vth/ Rth
Norton Analysis for R2 and R4:
1. Turn off all independent sources except I1:
 Replace V2 with a short circuit, V3 with an open circuit.
2. Find the equivalent resistance RN looking into R2 and R4:
 Combine R2 and R4 in parallel.


RN=(18kΩ×2kΩ)/ (18kΩ+2kΩ)=1.8kΩ

3. Find IN using current division:

 Apply current division to find the current through R4 when I1 is


IN=100mA×1.8kΩ/ (2kΩ+1.8kΩ) ≈47.37mA

IR3≈5.26V /15kΩ≈0.00035A

IR1≈5.26V /40kΩ≈0.0001315A

IV2≈5.26V/ 57kΩ≈0.000092A

Norton Equivalent:
 IN≈47.37mA
Thevenin Equivalent:
 Vth≈5.26V
 IR3≈0.00035A
 IR1≈0.0001315A
 IV2≈0.000092A

Practice work

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