Honorable all the judges, the honorable of the audience and my beloved friends. Fisrt of
all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT for his blessing and mercies so we can gather in this
place in good condition.
I am a student from Smk Karya Bhakti Brebes, my name is …………(sebut nama & kls)
I am standing here right now want to deliver my speech about the viral one, it is about
Before I go on to the point, I have a question for you all, “ Is it permitted for you for doing
bullying to other person?” I do believe most of you will say :Of course not, it is even forbidden
in our country”.
As we know Bullying is physical or verbal agression that is repeated over a period and in
contrast to meanness, involves an imbalance of power.
Do you know how bad the impact for the bully’s victim is? And Do you know how to
prevent bullying surrounding us. Those questions will be delivered in my speech.
However I will only focus on school bullying, as the viral one, how the victim really
physically hurt and mental hurt after he got the bullying from his friend.
As I asked you in previous time, how bad the impact for the bully’s victim. It can result
in physical injury, social and emotional distress, self-harm, and even death. It also increases the
risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of
So, with all those impact, how can we prevent bullying?. Bullying is preventable. To
prevent bullying, we must understand the factors that put people at risk for or protect them from
Moreover, students and parents need to be a part of the solution and involved in safety
teams and antibullying task forces, students can inform adults. Educate the children about
bullying , make your home bully free. The important thing report bullying.
It is obvious how bad the impact for bullying’s victim, we must prevent or even stop
bullying surrounding us. That is why let us do positive activities, positive interests and hobbies
as you like. These activities give us a chance to have fun and meet others with the same interests.
In addition it can build confidence and friendship that help and protect kids/students from
Now my speech goes to the end, thank you for your attention. I hope my speech will be
useful and be aware for us for stop bullying. I am sorry if I have mistakes, the last of all, see you
and wassalamualaikum wr wb.