1. What is bullying?
Bullying usually happen when the bully wants something that he cannot achieve like attention, love
or maybe respects.
Bullying can be done by anyone from youngster to elderly people even though it usually done by
Bullying happens when the bully feels like he need something like attention or respect. This need of
attention or respect usually happen because bully do not get it from special people around them like
their parents or siblings. This situation will make people feel like they are not important and do not
have enough attention. These needs trigger the aggressive action that they do to express their
feeling passively. Most of them think that by doing this they will get attention without understanding
that the attention that they are getting is because of their bad behavior.
The people that got bullied will feel troubled or hated for something that they do not even know.
Some of them might even feel down and this will lead to another problem for the bullied ones such
as depression, stress or even suicide.
People usually got bullied because they look different or odd in the eyes of the bully. Some of them
even have nothing to defend them self from bullying so it will be easier for the bully to attack these
Honorable all teachers attending this program and all my friends who are here today
Before I continue my speech about bullying, lets thank God who has been giving us his blessing. So,
we can attend today without any obstacle.
Bullying is one of the serious problems that happen repeatedly until this day. Bullying is an aggressive
behavior towards someone that happened repeatedly in the form of physical or verbal abuse. Most of
the victim got harmed physically or emotionally. This thing will lead to more serious problem like
depression, stress or even suicide in the worst case. Most bullying at school happens between
classmate or seniors and juniors. These day bullying can happen when they mee face to face or in
internet. They think bullying action is just a joke between classmate or colleagues. But this isn’t true.
Most bullying victim at school experience fear, terrors, or even lose their motivation to go to school.
This will ruin their future and this is very harmful for the victim.
Actually, bullying already gets a lot of attention from many people but bullying never solved until today.
Like any other problems, bullying also have reason behind it. Bullying is done by the bullies who doesn’t
get enough attention from special people around them. This special people can be their parent or
maybe sibling or even someone they love. Because of that, bullies will try to find another place to get
attention that they need. The reason is acceptable but the way they act is wrong. They usually abuse
someone physically or verbally and they will do it repeatedly. Bullies usually create a group to support
their action. Because of this, their actions will be seen as normal behavior by some people that is
interested with it and more people will join the bullying. This might lead into another problem because
more people will follow and stuck in bullying. Their aggressive action will give them attention and
satisfaction for themselves but their bad behavior will hurt people around them.
After we know the reason behind bullying, we as a student must be aware about how harmful bullying
is for the victim. We need to stop bullying at school. Bullying is not the right way to solve the problem
that we have. So, Let’s make a better environment by supporting and caring one another instead of
harming someone else for self-satisfaction. I am sure we can reach a better future without bullying.
That’s all. Thank you for your time and attention today. Good afternoon