Unit4 Lithography
Unit4 Lithography
Unit4 Lithography
Lithography comes from two Greek words, “lithos” which means stone and graphein which means
“ writing a pattern on stone”
• Temporarily coat photoresist on wafer
• Transfers designed pattern to photo-resist
• Most important process in IC fabrication
• 40 to 50% total wafer process time
• Determines the minimum feature size
Applications of Photolithography
Photolithography Requirements
•High Resolution
•High PR Sensitivity
•Precision Alignment
•Precise Process Parameters Control
•Low Defect Density
Optical Resists/photoresist
•Photoresist is a viscous polymer resin (solution) containing some
photochemical active polymer(PAC)
•Two types of Photoresist
•Spin coating most common method of putting photoresist on wafer
•Photoresist material is irradiated using photons(photolithography),
electrons(e-beam lithography) and X-rays(X-ray lithography)
What you need here is a use a telephoto lens at its widest aperture.
B1: Optics – Basics and Diffraction
B1: Optics – Basics
and Diffraction
B1: Optics – Basics
and Diffraction
• Qualitative Example of a small aperture being imaged
B2: Projection Systems (Fraunhofer Diffraction)
B2: Projection Systems (Fraunhofer Diffraction)
B2: Projection Systems
(Fraunhofer Diffraction)
B2: Projection Systems
(Fraunhofer Diffraction)
Electron lithography
Next Generation Lithography: E-Beam
• Thermionic emitters:
a) Electrons “boiled” off the surface by giving them thermal energy to overcome the barrier (work function)
b) Current given by Richardson‐Dushman Equation
• Field Emitters:
c) Takes advantage of the quantum mechanical properties of electrons. –Electrons tunnel out when the surface barrier becomes
very narrow
d) Current given by Fowler‐Nordheim equation
• Photo Emitters:
– Energy given to electrons by incident photons
Vector Scan :
Raster Scan :
In the raster scan the beam is deflected repetitively over the exposure field as in Television. The beam is turned on at various
points in the scan to expose the desired pattern .
•Raster image comes in the form of individual pixels, and each spatial location or resolution element has a pixel associated
where the pixel value indicates the attribute, such as color, elevation, or an ID number.
•Raster image is normally acquired by optical scanner, digital CCD camera and other raster imaging devices. Its spatial
resolution is determined by the resolution of the acquisition device and the quality of the original data source
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Beam Lithography
• On account of the finite size of the x-ray source and the finite mask-to-wafer gap, a penumbral effect results which
degrades the resolution at the edge of a feature.
• An additional geometric effect is the lateral magnification error due to the finite mask- to-wafer gap and the
non-vertical incidence of the x-ray beam.
Ion beam lithography
• There are two types of system : a scanning focussed beam system and a masked system.
• Higher resolution than Electron beam due to less scattering
• Can be used to repair the photomask
• Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is used as resist using helium and Argon ions.
After a thin film is deposited, it is usually etched to remove unwanted materials and leave only the desired
pattern on the wafer
A Process by which the unwanted material is removed by chemical reaction/physical means etching.
Etching is used in microelectronics processing for pattern transfer during fabrication process.
● In addition to deposited films, sometimes we also need to etch the Si wafer to create trenches
(especially in MEMS)
● Photoresist is generally used as a mask, but sometimes other thin films also act as masks.
● The masking layer may be photoresist, SiO2 or Si3N4
● The etch is usually done until another layer of a different material is reached
• Two Approaches
-Dry or Plasma Etching
-Wet Etching
Dry or Plasma Etching dominates the modern VLSI Technology
Introduction : Etching
• Etching of thin films and sometimes the silicon substrate are very common process
Dry etching: definition
❑ Dry etching techniques are those that use plasmas (hot
ionized gases) to drive chemical reactions or employ
energetic ion beams to remove material. Dry-etching
processes yield finer patterns than wet etching (surface
tension !). These techniques also offers greater safety as
large quantities of corrosive acids or bases are not required.
❑ Within a dry etching reaction chamber the wafers lie
directly in the plasma glow (also called a discharge), where
reactive ions are accelerated towards the wafer (often
biased). The ions are a species likely to attack the substrate
material chemically with or without selectivity.
Dry Etching Mechanisms
There are three principal mechanisms:
▪ Physical etching (anisotropic, less selective)
▪ Chemical etching (isotropic, selective)
▪ Ion-enhanced etching (anisotropic, selective)
Al CCl4, CCl4+Cl2,
Al- SiCl4,
Si BCl3,
Al- BCl3+Cl
Cu 2
Plasma Etching
• Typical RF-powered plasma etch system look just like PECVD or sputtering systems.
• Both chemical (highly reactive) species and ionic (very directional) species
typically play a role.
• Etching gases include halide-containing species such as CF4, SiF6, Cl2, and HBr,
plus additives such as O2, H2 and Ar. O2 by itself is used to etch photoresist. Pressure
= 1 mtorr to 1 torr.
• Typical reactions and species present in a plasma used are shown above.
RF power input
CF4 + e- → Ionization:
Electrode CF3+ e- → CF3 + + 2e-
RF CF3+ F + e-
generator Plasma Excitation:
Plasma Dissociative ionization:
sheaths CF4 + e- → CF4 * + e-
CF4 + e →
Electrod CF3+ + F + 2e- Recombination:
CF + + F + e- → CF
3 4
F + F→ F2
• In standard plasma systems, the plasma density is closely coupled to the ion energy (as
determined by the sheath voltage). Increasing the power increases both.
Feature size control and anisotropic etch mechanisms
❑ There are two techniques for making the pattern
❖ lift off
❖ Etching
❑ Disadvantage of the lift off technique is rounded
feature (shadowing the deposited layer) and
temperature limitation.
❑ For this reason we use etching technique.
❑ The first layer is blanket layer is deposited
❑ Pattern resist is deposited.
❑ Then etching of the blanket is done by using the
resist as mask
❑ If the etchant attacks equally from all direction it is
called as isotropic etchant.
❑ Isotropic etchant leads to the under cutting and
narrowing of feature size.
❑ For this reason we use plasma etching
A is the degree if anisotropy, VH and Vv
is the horizontal and verticval etching rate
Sputter Etching
• Purely physical etching:
• Highly directional, with poor selectivity
• Can etch almost anything
Ion-Enhanced Etching
Reactive neutral species Reactive neutral species
a) b)
Mask PR Mask
Film Film
• Many different mechanisms proposed for this synergistic etching between physical and
chemical components. Two mechanisms are shown above.
Ion-Enhanced Etching
• Ion bombardment can enhance etch process (such as by damaging the
surface to increase the reaction, or by removing etch byproducts), or can
remove inhibitor that is an indirect byproduct of etch process (such as
polymer formation from carbon in gas or from photoresist).
Barrel Etchers
Gas inlet
Quartz tube Gas inlet
Shield Wafers
To pump
End view Side view
gas outlet,
Gas inlet Ground Gas RF pump
( Ar, CF , outlet, bias supply
O ) pump (13.56
Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Mode
High Density Plasma (HDP) Etch
Specific Etch Processes
Polycrystalline Silicon /Polycide
• Low pressure chemical vapor deposition technique is used for growth of polysilicon
• Higher stability at elevated temperature for polysilicon-SiO2