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Furman Catalog

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FOUNDED IN 1974, Furman is the leading provider

of power management solutions for audio, video and broadcast
professionals. From pioneering the concept of power conditioning in
1983 to introducing advanced technologies such as Series Multi-Stage
Protection and Linear Filtering Technology, Furman is committed to
providing the highest level of performance and protection to equipment
used in mission-critical applications around the world.


For over 40 years, Furman has been the industry’s most years of experience focusing on the specific needs of industry
trusted name in AC conditioning, regulation, balanced isolation professionals who cannot afford equipment failure or downtime.
transformers, sequencing and distribution for audio, video,
Furman has earned its reputation of trust around the world as a
and broadcast professionals. Our clients include respected
result of the millions of dollars worth of equipment saved from
professional musicians, renowned recording studios, commercial
contractors, touring groups that handle major concert tours across power problems, and because of its innovative technologies
the world, and commercial clients ranging from small business which maximize an A/V system’s performance. For our clients,
to Fortune 500 companies. They choose Furman because of operating a system without the safe, clean power delivered by a
our reputation for reliability, our engineering expertise, and our Furman unit is simply out of the question.



Audio/video professionals can never accept downtime, corrupted and surges your equipment is exposed to on a daily basis.
data, or unreliability. It is for this reason that a robust, professional These common voltage fluctuations, although small, can have a
level transient voltage surge suppression system, such as SMP, serious adverse effect over the long-term. Even when protected
is the best choice for critical applications. by a standard surge protector, digital circuits can see long-term
With SMP, there is virtually no downtime. In fact, the circuit is damage due to exposure to voltage on the ground line, causing
tested to handle multiple 6000 volt or 3000 amp pulses without intermittent behavior, equipment lock-ups, and data loss.
sustaining any damage. This is far beyond the demands placed on
typical surge suppressors. But because of the extreme conditions
and critical applications faced by Furman’s clients, the SMP
circuit has been designed to pass this severe test and ensure that
equipment damage or maintenance is extremely unlikely.
Furman’s SMP relies on a network of components to slow down
the impact of a potentially catastrophic surge by capturing it, TOP: Furman’s SMP Circuit: 188V Pk measured let-through voltage
dissipating it in the form of heat, and absorbing the remaining BOTTOM: Typical non-sacrificial circuit: 461V Pk measured let-through voltage
excess energy. When tested with multiple 6,000V/3,000A surges,
the SMP circuit’s maximum let-through voltage is only 376V Pk /
266V RMS on a 230V line. Due to the design of the circuit, it will
not degrade over time (unlike most standard surge suppressors)
and will show minimal increase in line impedance (unlike many
advanced surge suppressors).
The SMP circuit is not simply designed to protect from a
catastrophic surge, such as a lightning strike – it is engineered By absorbing these everyday surges without deterioration of
to provide maximum life to connected equipment. This means it the circuit or contamination of the ground line, Furman’s SMP
not only protects from devastating spikes and surges, but also maximizes the longevity of connected equipment and minimizes
offers protection from the dozens to hundreds of small spikes the risk of downtime or failure in mission-critical applications.


Transient spikes and ground contamination are not the only
problems faced by today’s sensitive electronics. There are also
sustained over voltage conditions, sometimes called extreme
voltages. Many surge suppression devices will not be able
to protect equipment from sustained over voltages. These
conditions can occur for multiple reasons: wiring faults, storms
and traffic accidents, and accidental connections can result in
delivery of over 400V to your connected equipment. Many surge
suppression devices are not equipped to handle these kinds of
conditions. Without proper protection, the end result is destroyed
equipment, or at best, a destroyed surge suppression system.
Furman’s EVS constantly monitors incoming voltage, and once
any overvoltage condition over 275 volts AC is detected, a relay
opens which immediately shuts down the unit and all connected
equipment. An indicator light informs the user there is a problem,
TYPICAL SURGE STRIP • APPLIED OVERVOLTAGE = 280V and once the condition has been corrected, the unit may be reset
Standard power strips are not equipped to handle sustained over-voltage conditions. and will operate normally.

www.furmanpower.com 3


While delivering your power, your AC tap also delivers a significant
amount of line noise. This is due to many reasons: the widening
popularity of switching power supplies and the harmonics they
backfeed into our AC power mains, the deterioration of our power
grid from age and use, and the noise pollution generated from the
massive amounts of electronic devices on our grid at any given
time, among others. When this AC noise couples into critical
circuits, it will distort and mask low-level signal information. This
information is vital to today’s high-performance, high-definition
video and audio.
Furman’s LiFT employs a finely tuned low-pass filter to reduce the Output of real-time noise analysis software, showing the noise
differential AC noise coming through your line. What is significant attenuation curve of a standard AC noise filter. Note the uneven
about Furman’s filtering is that it reduces the AC noise in a linear shape of the output curve (the green line).
fashion across a very wide bandwidth. Prior filtering schemes
(such as those found in most AC conditioners and in Furman’s
own conditioners prior to developing LiFT) reduce noise unevenly,
creating a noise attenuation curve that resembles a roller coaster.
This is akin to a poor job of equalizing a recording.

With Furman’s LiFT, differential

AC noise is reduced linearly, across
a very wide bandwidth, even extending
into the video frequencies.
This results in a lower noise floor for your audio system, improved
picture on your video display, and protection from possible data Output of the same analysis using Furman’s Linear Filtering
corruption and losses caused by low-level differential AC noise fed Technology. As you can see, the output noise attenuation curve
is smooth and linear, without the resonant peaking seen in the
into digital systems standard filter.


SmartSequencing technology allows large and complex Pro A/V at runs of over 300 meters with bi-directional communications
systems to be safely powered on and off with a simple press of between units for sequencing on and off large and/or complex
a button or turn of a key. Multiple units may be daisy chained systems.



Another power quality issue facing today’s electronics is damage your equipment. When the voltage is lower than optimal,
irregular voltage. While we may expect constant voltage to be your equipment’s power supply must work harder to create
supplied by our power utility, such an expectation is not realistic. more electrical current in order to make up for the difference,
Because of the chaotic demands on many power facilities and creating a “tug-of-war” in your power supply. This can cause
deterioration of power lines, AC voltage is often reduced so your equipment to malfunction or sustain permanent damage.
that it can be stretched to fulfill excess demand. This creates a Furman’s True RMS Voltage Regulation is designed around an
substantial negative impact on your A/V equipment performance. ultra-low noise toroidal autoformer. A microprocessor within the
Additionally, many regions and many applications require regulator monitors the incoming RMS voltage with each cycle,
equipment be run by generator power. Since generators typically measuring the phase angle in time with the advancing cycle.
have voltage output specifications based on a constant current Most commercial voltage regulators using multiple-tapped
load, they are far from ideal for use in an A/V system which will transformers switch taps at uncontrolled times. This creates
typically see massive swings in the current draw. For this reason, voltage spikes and clicks that can leak into audio. When a voltage
generator power should always be followed by voltage regulation fluctuation requires correction, Furman’s True RMS Voltage
in an A/V application. Regulation advances a new tap with less stress than other
technologies and, in turn, avoids distortion to the AC waveform.
True RMS Voltage Regulation is Hysteresis in the circuitry avoids the unnecessary switching
achieved through the use of an back and forth between the adjacent taps (or “chatter”) found in
ultra-quiet, microprocessor controlled many commercial voltage regulators. If necessary, Furman’s True
autoformer with solid-state switching. RMS Voltage Regulation technology can switch taps as often
as once each cycle and do so with a shorter recovery time than
a commercial voltage regulator. In addition and unlike voltage
Today’s power supplies are designed to operate at their optimum regulators that employ ferroresonant transformers, Furman
input - anywhere between 120V to 240V, depending on the region. regulators are not sensitive to small errors in line frequency,
When the voltage delivered is higher than the regional standard, making them ideal for use with generators. The autoformer’s
your equipment is subject to extra electricity that can overheat or toroidal design assures minimal leakage of stray magnetic fields.


Power sequencing is useful whenever various kinds of equipment any large system whose components present an inductive load to
must be powered up or down in groups, rather than all the AC line (including electric motors, power supplies, and power
simultaneously. In audio systems, sequenced powering is often amplifiers of all kinds), sequenced powering can avoid excessive
necessary to allow turn-on transients from low level amplifiers and inrush currents that can cause circuit breakers to trip even though
processors to settle down before any power amps are turned on, the steady-state currents are not excessive. Power sequencing is
because simultaneous powering would result in a loud, annoying, particularly suited to applications where large installations must
and potentially destructive “pop” reaching the speakers. And, in be switched by inexperienced personnel.

IP/RS-232 CONTROL Available on select models for custom control and integration.

www.furmanpower.com 5


Furman’s most affordable rackmount power conditioners provide eleven total outlets, standard level surge suppression, standard level
EMI/RFI filtration, and a robust steel chassis.

M-10X E 10A Power Conditioner

Standard Level Standard Level 11 Outlets 10A Rating Protection OK

Surge Protection RFI/EMI Filtration Indicator

M-10LX E 10A Power Conditioner

Standard Level Standard Level 11 Outlets 10A Rating Protection OK Front Panel
Surge Protection RFI/EMI Filtration Indicator Retractable


Merit X Series Specifications: Maximum Output Current:10 Amps. Line Cord: 1.5 meter, removable, IEC C-13 female to Schuko male. Lamps (M-10Lx E): Two multi-LED, dimmable lamps.
Spike Protection Mode: Fused MOV, Line to neutral. Operating Voltage: 230VAC 50 Hz. Energy Dissipation: 305 joules. Peak Impulse Current: 12,000 amps.
Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode): Greater than 20dB, 1.5Mhz to 200 Mhz. Dimensions: 44.45mm H x 482.6mm W x 190.5mm D. Weight: 2.3 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Three Year.



An update to Furman’s popular Series II line, all Classic Series models provide advanced features such as SMP Surge Protection,
EVS Voltage Protection, Linear Filtering Technology, pull-out LED lights, and isolated rear panel outlet banks.

PL-8C E 10A Advanced Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering EVS Voltage 11 Outlets 10A Rating Diagnostic Lights Isolated Outlet Front Panel Rear Panel BNC
Surge Protection Technology Protection Banks Retractable Connector for
Lights Gooseneck Lamp

PL-PLUS C E 10A Advanced Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering EVS Voltage 11 Outlets 10A Rating Diagnostic Lights Isolated Outlet Front Panel Rear Panel BNC LED Voltmeter
Surge Protection Technology Protection Banks Retractable Connector for
Lights Gooseneck Lamp


Classic Series (10A) Specifications: Maximum Output Current:10 Amps. Line Cord: 2.5M, removable, IEC female to Schuko male. Lamps: Two multi-LED dimmable lamps.
Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground leakage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 274V. Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps.
Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz, 50 dB @ 500 kHz. BNC Connector: 12VAC 500MA max (lamp not included). Dimensions: 482.6mm W x 266.7mm D x 44.45mm H
Weight: 6 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Five Year.

www.furmanpower.com 7


Furman’s Classic Series PL-PRO DMC E provides additional features such as a higher current capacity (16A), USB front panel charger,
and dual digital voltmeter/ammeter with color-coded “Voltage Range” indicator.

PL-PRO DMC E 16A Advanced Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering EVS Voltage 11 Outlets 16A Rating Diagnostic Lights Isolated Outlet Front Panel Rear Panel BNC Dual Voltage/ USB Charger
Surge Protection Technology Protection Banks Retractable Connector for Current Meter
Lights Gooseneck Lamp

Classic Series (16A) Specifications: Maximum Output Current:16 Amps. Line Cord: 2.5M, removable, IEC female to Schuko male. Lamps: Two multi-LED dimmable lamps.
Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground leakage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 274V. Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps.
Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz, 50 dB @ 500 kHz. BNC Connector: 12VAC 500MA max (lamp not included). USB Circuit: 500 mA@5VDC, USB-A Connector.
Dimensions: 482.6mm W x 266.7mm D x 44.45mm H Weight: 6 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Five Year.


Ideal for flat panel televisions, video projectors, or anywhere advanced power conditioning is needed for components away from the main
equipment rack, The AC-210A E provides advanced protection and filtration in a compact, 44.5mm H x 127mm W x 216mm D chassis.

AC-210A E 10A Compact Advanced Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering Auto-Reset EVS 2 Outlets 10A Rating Diagnostic Lights
Surge Protection Technology Voltage

AC-210A E Specifications: Maximum Output Current:10 Amps. Line Cord: 2.5M, removable, IEC female to Schuko male. Spike Protection Mode: SMP, line to neutral, zero ground leakage.
Extreme Voltage Shutdown: 275 VAC (Auto-Reset). Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps. Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz, 50 dB @ 500 kHz.
Dimensions: 44.5mm H x 127mm W x 216mm D. Weight: 1.36 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Three Year.



Furman’s Advanced Voltage Regulators/Power Conditioners provide consistent voltage (selectable between 230V and 240V, ±10V) output
while also offering all of the advanced protection and noise filtering benefits of Furman’s advanced power conditioning technologies.

P-1400 AR E 6A Advanced Voltage Regulator / Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering EVS Voltage True RMS Voltage 11 Outlets 6A Rating Diagnostic Lights USB Charger Isolated Outlet Dual Voltage/ Rear Panel BNC
Surge Protection Technology Protection Regulation Banks Current Meter Connector for
Gooseneck Lamp
P-1400 AR E Specifications: Maximum Output Current: 6 Amps. Output Voltage: Selectable between 230V and 240V, ±10V. In Regulation Range: 174 to 264 VAC.
Line Cord: 2.5M, removable, IEC female to Schuko male. Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground leakage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 275V.
Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps. Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz, 50 dB @ 500 kHz. USB Circuit: 500 mA@5VDC, USB-A Connector.
BNC Connector: 12VAC 500MA max (lamp not included). Dimensions: 482.6mm W x 305mm D x 45mm H Weight: 7 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Five Year.


Designed for the most critical low-noise applications, Furman’s flagship P-2300 IT E provides pristine balanced power to connected
equipment with 100% isolation from the power grid.

P-2300 IT E 10A Balanced Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering EVS Voltage Symmetrically 14 Outlets

Surge Protection Technology Protection Balanced Power

10A Rating Diagnostic Lights USB Charger Isolated Outlet Dual Voltage/
Banks Current Meter

P-2300 IT E Specifications: Maximum Output Current: 10 Amps. Line Cord: Detachable cord, 1mm x 3, 2.5m long, Schuko plug to IEC C13. Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground
leakage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 275V. Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps. Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz,
50 dB @ 500 kHz. Noise Attenuation (Common Mode): >80 dB @ 20 kHz, >40 dB @ 20 kHz-1 MHz. Dimensions: 133mm H X 483mm W X 356mm D Weight: 43 kg. Warranty: Five Year.

www.furmanpower.com 9


P-6900 AR E 30A Advanced Voltage Regulator / Power Conditioner

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering EVS Voltage True RMS Voltage 11 Outlets
Surge Protection Technology Protection Regulation

30A Rating Diagnostic Lights USB Charger Isolated Outlet Dual Voltage/
Banks Current Meter

P-6900 AR E Specifications (Note - Preliminary Specifications, subject to change): Maximum Output Current: 30 Amps. Output Voltage: Selectable between 230V and 240V, ±10V.
In Regulation Range: 174 to 264 VAC. Line Cord: 30A C-Form connector with female mating connector for termination of custom line cord. Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground
leakage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 275V. Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps. Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz,
50 dB @ 500 kHz. USB Circuit: 500 mA@5VDC, USB-A Connector. Dimensions: 482.6mm W x 406.4mm D x 133.35mm H (without line cord connector), 482.6mm W x 597mm D x 133.35mm H
(with line cord connector). Weight: 26 kg. Warranty: Five Year.

P-2300 IT E
Furman’s 40 kg. isolation transformer (in the P-2300 IT E) works much
like balanced audio at a higher voltage. The incoming AC is split from
230V on the line to 115V on the line and neutral when referenced to the
new 0V ground. Since these voltage paths are in opposite polarity, all
noise on the incoming AC line is cancelled, resulting in a substantially
lower noise floor and allowing harmonics and overtones in audio content
to shine through without the masking effects of AC noise.



Furman’s CN-3600 SE SmartSequencerTM combines protected AC power distribution and filtration, sequential system power on/off,
remote control (IP control available) in a 1RU, 220-240VAC, rack-mount unit.

CN-3600 SE 16A SmartSequencerTM

with addition of BB-RS232 adaptor
(sold separately)
front panel
Security covers and sequence on/off key switch prevent unauthorized personnel from tampering
or running/shutting down equipment with DIP switches.

Sequence On/Off Switch SmartSequencing Delay 1, 2, Potentiometer DIP switches LED Indicators for Convenient Circuit Key switch Integrated
Primary Port Status and 3 LED to Fine Tune for configuring Unswitched Power, Front Panel Breaker (2 keys Rack Ears
Indicators Delay Time outlet delay Protection OK, Outlet 16A Thermal included)
SmartSequencing and Extreme Voltage
Secondary Port

rear panel Remote Terminal Phoenix 4-pin

connector with screw terminals
SmartSequencer Port Phoenix 4-pin
connector with screw terminals
Force Off/Delay 3 Contact Closure Terminal
Phoenix 5-pin connector with screw terminals
DELAY 3 (bottom)

1.5mm2x3, 2.5 m Long IEC 60320 C-20 Unswitched Delay 1 Duplex Delay 2 Duplex Delay 3 Duplex Ethernet Accessory Port D-Subminiature 9-pin female
Female to Schuko CEE 7/7 Male Plug Duplex (Configurable Delay) (Configurable Delay) (Configurable Delay) with threaded standoffs, IP Addressability: Optional, via
BB-RS232 Ethernet/RS-232 Adaptor (sold separately) for
IP control via Telnet, HTTP, BlueBOLT®

CN-3600 SE AC Cord
1.5mm2x3, 2.5 m Long
IEC C-19 Female to
CEE 7/7 Male Plug

Removable, Other cord

options available from Furman.
Unswitched Duplex Delay 1 Duplex Delay 2 Duplex Delay 3 Duplex
Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker
10 AMP 10 AMP 10 AMP 10 AMP

CN-3600 SE Specifications: AC Voltage Input Range: 180-270 VAC, 50/60Hz. Maximum AC Current Rating: 16 Amps (Thermal breaker). AC Cord: 1.5mm2x3, 2.5m Long, black, IEC C-19 Female to Schuko
CEE 7/7 Male Plug. AC Receptacles: Convenience Outlet (Front Panel) 1 IEC C-13 (Unswitched); Rear Panel Outlets: 1 IEC C 13 pair (Unswitched), 3 IEC C13 pairs (Sequenced, each pair is controlled by separate
relay). Surge/Under-Overvoltage Protection: AC Surge Protection: Series Multi-Stage Protection (SMP); Spike Protection Mode: Line to neutral, zero ground leakage; Spike Clamping Voltage: 375 V peak
@ 6,000 volts/3,000 amps ; Response Time: 1 nanosecond; Maximum Surge Current: 6,500 Amps; AC Undervoltage Protection: 175VAC+/-5VAC; AC Overvoltage Protection: EVS, 275VAC+/-5VAC; AC Overvoltage
Reset Modes: Manual and Auto-reset (configurable). AC Filtering: LiFT; Noise Attenuation: Linear, 10dB @10KHz, 40dB@100KHz, 50dB@500KHz. Operating Temperature Range: 5C (40F) to 40C (105F)
degrees. Humidity Range: <90% rH (Relative Humidity). User Interface: Key switch: Front panel, 3-position key switch (On, Off, Remote); Keys: Included, 1 pair; Pushbutton Switch: Front panel, hidden by
security cover; Circuit Breaker: Front panel, pushbutton, 16A Thermal Breaker; Front panel diagnostic indicators: Primary link, Secondary link, Ethernet, Remote off, Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3, Power, Protection
OK, Extreme Voltage; Front Panel DIP Switches: Hidden by security cover, 1 Minute Delay, 2 Minute Delay, 4 Minute Delay, Force Off NO/NC, 12V Mode On/Off GND Mode On, Momentary/Maintained, Primary/
Secondary, EVS Reset Auto/Manual; Potentiometer: Front panel, hidden by security cover, fine tune delay adjust. Control/Status/Triggering (Rear Panel): Remote Terminal: +5-30VDC In, 12VDC (10mA) Out;
SmartSequencing: Phoenix-type 4-Pin Connector, Screw Terminals, Primary & Secondary Links (Current Loop - 300 m nominal); Remote Terminal: Phoenix-type 4-Pin Connector With Screw Terminals; +12V, STAT,
REM, GND; Force Off/Delay 3 Terminal: Phoenix-type 5-Pin Connector With Screw Terminals, FORCE OFF, DELAY 3; RS-232 Compatible: Yes, DE-9 Connector; IP Accessibility: Optional, via BB-RS232 Ethernet/RS-232
Adaptor (sold separately) for direct IP control via Telnet, HTTP, BlueBOLT®; Voltmeter: Available data via RS-232 or Ethernet option, +/- 2VAC accuracy; Ammeter: Available data via RS-232 or Ethernet option,
+/-1A accuracy. Power Consumption (No Load): 10 Watts. Dimensions: 483mm W x 280mm D x 45mm H Weight: 5.44 kg. Warranty: Fifteen Years. Safety Agency Mark: CE. RoHS Compliant: Yes

www.furmanpower.com 11


Furman’s rackmount Power Sequencer/Conditioner provides a solution for control of system start-up and shut-down along with
advanced power protection and filtration.

PS-8RE III 10A Advanced Power Sequencer/Conditioner

Linear Filtering EVS Voltage Power Sequencing 9 Outlets 10A Rating Diagnostic Lights Isolated Outlet Rear Panel BNC
Technology Protection Banks Connector
for Gooseneck Lamp

PS-8R E II Specifications: Maximum Output Current: 10 Amps. Delay Banks: 3 banks, adjustable delay, local or remote control. Line Cord: 2.5M, removable, IEC female to Schuko male.
Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground leakage. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 276V. Let Through Voltage: 376V Pk / 266V RMS @ 3,000 Amps.
Noise Attenuation (Transverse Mode):10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz, 50 dB @ 500 kHz. BNC Connector: 12VAC 500MA max (lamp not included). Dimensions: 482.6mm W x 220mm D x 44.45mm H
Weight: 3.1 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Thee Year.


F1500-UPS E Battery Backup

with BlueBOLT-CV1 interface card (sold separately): provides remote
access to reboot components, power equipment on or off, and monitor
power quality overthe Internet from anywhere in the world.

SMP Advanced Linear Filtering Extreme Voltage Battery Backup Digital Indicators Dual Learning IR Custom Critical Load BlueBOLT
Surge Protection Technology Shutdown Protects Data Blasters Programming Management Compatible

F1500-UPS E Specifications: Current Rating: 10 Amps. Outlets: 4 Critical Load (2 banks - 2 outlets per bank), 6 Non-Critical load (2 banks - 3 outlets per bank) Line Cord: 3M, removable, with retention clip.
Spike Protection Mode: SMP, Line to neutral, zero ground leakage. Voltage: 170 - 286 VAC Overvoltage Shutoff, fast rise: 300±10V Overvoltage Shutoff, slow rise: 296±5V
Noise Attenuation:10 dB @ 10 kHz, 40 dB @ 100 kHz, 50 dB @ 500 kHz. UPS Output Capacity: 1500VA, 900W @ 0.75pf (7.5A) UPS Back-up Time: 12 Minutes at full load, 32 Minutes at half load
Dimensions: (without rack ears) 432mm W x 488mm D x 90mm H Weight: 32.7 kg. Safety Agency: CE. Warranty: Three Year.


GN-I / GN - LED Gooseneck Lamps
Furman’s 12” gooseneck lamps provide incandescent (GN-I) and LED (GN-LED)
illumination with a locking BNC connector, ideal for use with many Furman
products that provide a rear BNC connector for discreet illumination at the back
of an equipment rack.



Isolation of rear panel outlet banks provides further noise Provides emergency power to connected equipment
reduction at the point of use by eliminating electrical crosstalk, when the input power source fails.
which can be particularly troublesome when analog and digital
equipment is plugged into the same circuit.

Switchable, dimmable digital meter displays incoming voltage,
switchable to output current in amps. Display also features
FRONT PANEL RETRACTABLE LIGHTS Protection OK, Extreme Voltage, and color-coded Voltage Range
Furman’s signature front panel retractable lights provide indicators for comprehensive power monitoring.
convenient, discreet illumination to a rack full of equipment.
Standard models include incandescent lights. Advanced
models feature long-lasting, cool running LED lights.

Front-panel USB charger provides convenient charging
outlet for most personal media devices and cell phones.
Provides remote access to reboot components, power
equipment on or off, and monitor power quality over the
Internet from anywhere in the world.


Rear-panel BNC Connector allows connection of
BNC gooseneck lamp for rear rack illumination.
Diagnostic lights provide information regarding power quality
and operational status of the Furman unit, including Protection
OK indicator, Extreme Voltage indicator, and color-coded
Voltage Range indicator (on select models). STANDARD LEVEL SURGE PROTECTION
Standard level, MOV-based sacrificial surge protection.

Segmented LED Voltage Meter. Indicates incoming voltage STANDARD LEVEL EMI/RFI FILTRATION
ranging from 180V to 254V. The LED’s are color coded Standard level non-linear AC noise filtration.
(Red=Stop, Yellow=Caution, Green=Go) to inform users
at a glance if voltage is within a nominal range.

www.furmanpower.com 13


Now with Embedded Web Control

BB-RS232 BlueBOLT-CV2 Online Remote Power Management

(For use with F1500-UPS E)
Contractor Series
Provides secure, hosted IP system control and monitoring for the MB1500
BlueBOLT Adapter as well as additional BlueBOLT® compatible products from Furman/Panamax

The BB-RS232 Adaptor provides
• Control for individual outlet banks featuring power, trigger and delay settings
Ethernet connectivity to BlueBOLT-
• Auto rebooting for connected network devices
supported products that are otherwise
• Remote diagnostics: check unit status and incoming line voltages
only capable of RS-232 communication.
• Easy, plug-in installation
Once the Adaptor is connected between • Email alerts for over and under-voltages help you anticipate or prevent service calls
the BlueBOLT supported product
(via RS-232) and the site’s Local Area
Network (via Ethernet), the product
can communicate with our BlueBOLT
servers or a local control system.

BATT1500-EXT (For use with F1500-UPS E)

RS-232 (DTE pinout, DE-9)
Extend Runtime with External Battery Pack Component for F1500-UPS E
up to 100 minutes when used in combination with F1500-UPS E.
One BATT1500-EXT may be used at a time.

Run Times
Extended Run Time with F1500*
Half Load...........................................100 Min.
Full Load .............................................45 Min.



Commercial Integration Application Guide

What Is BlueBOLT?
BlueBOLT is a free, cloud-based platform
for control and monitoring of Panamax
and Furman power management prod-
ucts. BlueBOLT can be used in integrated
electronics systems to drastically reduce
service calls by remotely rebooting problem
components, send alerts regarding onsite
system issues, manage energy use, monitor
network connectivity, and much more.

House of Worship
Medical Offices
Fitness Centers
Dance Clubs
Property Management
Corporate Meeting Rooms

www.furmanpower.com 15

Furman products are engineered to be universally

compatible with the many regional power requirements

around the globe. All 220V-240V Furman power
management products feature IEC outlets for maximum
convenience and flexibility in installation.
Furman offers a wide variety of adaptor cords to COLOMBIA

provide connection solutions for all global applications.


ADP-10E1 (1 meter long) ADP-10E2 (2 meters long) ADP-16E2 (1 meter long)

To plug components with removable To plug components with removable To plug components with removable
10A IEC cords into Furman products 10A IEC cords into Furman products 16A IEC cords into Furman products
with 10A IEC outlets. 10A Male IEC with 10A IEC outlets. 10A Male IEC with 16A IEC outlets. 16A Male IEC
to 10A Female IEC. to 10A Female IEC. to 16A Female IEC.


ADP-IEC UK (0.1 meter long) UK-10 (2.5 meters long) UK-16 (2.5 meters long)
To plug components with UK plugs into For use with 10A Furman products For use with 10A Furman products
Furman products with 10A IEC outlets. with removable IEC power cord. with removable IEC power cord.
10A Male IEC to Female UK. 10A IEC Female to 10A UK Male. 16A IEC Female to 16A UK Male.


ADP-IEC EURO (0.1 meter long) SCHUKO-10 (2.5 meters long) SCHUKO-16 (2.5 meters long)
To plug components with European For use with 10A Furman products For use with 10A Furman products
SCHUKO plugs into Furman products with removable IEC power cord. with removable IEC power cord.
with 10A IEC outlets. 10A Male IEC 10A IEC Female to SCHUKO Male. 16A IEC Female to SCHUKO Male.
to Female SCHUKO.



Afghanistan 240 V Cyprus 240 V Korea, South 220 V Puerto Rico 120 V
Albania 220 V Czech Republic 230 V Kuwait 240 V Qatar 240 V
Algeria 230 V Denmark 230 V Kyrgyzstan 220 V Réunion 220 V
American Samoa 120 V Djibouti 220 V Laos 230 V Romania 230 V
Andorra 230 V Dominica 230 V Latvia 220 V Russian Federation 220 V
Angola 220 V Dominican Republic 110 V Lebanon 110 V/200 V Rwanda 230 V
Anguilla 110 V East Timor 220 V Lesotho 220 V St. Kitts and Nevis 110/230 V
Antigua 230 V Ecuador 120 V Liberia 120/240 V St. Lucia 240 V
Argentina 220 V Egypt 220 V Libya 127 V St. Vincent 230 V
Armenia 220 V El Salvador 115 V Lithuania 230 V São Tomé and Príncipe 220 V
Aruba 127 V Equatorial Guinea 220 V Liechtenstein 230 V Saudi Arabia 127 V/220 V
Australia 230 V Eritrea 230 V Luxembourg 230 V Senegal 230 V
Austria 230 V Estonia 230 V Macau S.A.R. of China 220 V Serbia 220 V
Azerbaijan 220 V Ethiopia 220 V Macedonia 220 V Seychelles 240 V
Azores 220 V Faroe Islands 220 V Madagascar 127 V / 220 V Sierra Leone 230 V
Bahamas 120 V Falkland Islands 240 V Madeira 220 V Singapore 230 V
Bahrain 230 V Fiji 240 V Malawi 230 V Slovakia 230 V
Balearic Islands 220 V Finland 230 V Malaysia 240 V Slovenia 230 V
Bangladesh 220 V France 230 V Maldives 230 V Somalia 220 V
Barbados 115 V French Guiana 220 V Mali 220 V South Africa 220 V
Belarus 220 V Gaza Strip 230 V Malta 230 V Spain 230 V
Belgium 230 V Gabon 220 V Martinique 220 V Sri Lanka 230 V
Belize 110 V/220 V Gambia 230 V Mauritania 220 V Sudan 230 V
Benin 220 V Germany 230 V Mauritius 230 V Suriname 127 V
Bermuda 120 V Ghana 230 V Mexico 120 V Swaziland 230 V
Bhutan 230 V Gibraltar 240 V Micronesia 120 V Sweden 230 V
Bolivia 220 V Greece 230 V Moldova 220-230 V Switzerland 230 V
Bonaire 127 V Greenland 220 V Monaco 127 V/220 V Syria 220 V
Bosnia 220 V Grenada 230 V Mongolia 230 V Tahiti 110 V/220 V
Botswana 231 V Guadeloupe 230 V Montenegro 220 V Taiwan 110 V/220 V
Brazil 127 V/220 V Guam 110 V Montserrat 230 V Tajikistan 220 V
Brunei 240 V Guatemala 120 V Morocco 127 V/220 V Tanzania 230 V
Bulgaria 230 V Guinea 220 V Mozambique 220 V Thailand 220 V
Burkina Faso 220 V Guinea-Bissau 220 V Myanmar/Burma 230 V Togo 220 V
Burundi 220 V Guyana 240 V Namibia 220 V Tonga 240 V
Cambodia 230 V Haiti 110 V Nauru 240 V Trinidad & Tobago 115 V
Cameroon 220 V Honduras 110 V Nepal 230 V Tunisia 230 V
Canada 120 V Hong Kong 220 V Netherlands 230 V Turkey 230 V
Canary Islands 220 V Hungary 230 V Netherlands Antilles 127 V/220 V Turkmenistan 220 V
Cape Verde 220 V Iceland 230 V New Caledonia 220 V Uganda 240 V
Cayman Islands 120 V India 230 V New Zealand 230 V Ukraine 220 V
Central African Republic 220 V Indonesia 127 V/230 V Nicaragua 120 V United Arab Emirates 220 V
Chad 220 V Iran 220 V Niger 220 V United Kingdom 230 V
Channel Islands 230 V Iraq 230 V Nigeria 240 V United States of America 120 V
Chile 220 V Ireland 230 V Norway 230 V Uruguay 230 V
China 220 V Isle of Man 240 V Okinawa 100 V Uzbekistan 220 V
Colombia 120 V Israel 230 V Oman 240 V Vanuatu 230 V
Comoros 220 V Italy 230 V Pakistan 230 V Venezuela 120 V
Congo-Brazzaville 230 V Jamaica 110 V Panama 110 V Vietnam 220 V
Congo-Kinshasa 220 V Japan 100 V Papua New Guinea 240 V Virgin Islands 110 V
Cook Islands 240 V Jordan 230 V Paraguay 220 V Western Samoa 230 V
Costa Rica 120 V Kazakhstan 220 V Peru 220 V Yemen 230 V
Côte d’Ivoire 230 V Kenya 240 V Philippines 220 V Zambia 230 V
Croatia 230 V Kiribati 240 V Poland 230 V Zimbabwe 220 V
Cuba 110 V Korea, North 220 V Portugal 220 V

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Furman® is a registered trademark of Core Brands, LLC.
Part# L1P201 Rev D, 8/2017
Petaluma, CA 94954, USA

All 220V-240V Furman products are 100% RoHS Compliant.

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