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03 Checklists

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Citation 650 Series Training Manual


COCKPIT .................................................................. 1
INTERIOR / EXTERIOR ............................................ 1
CABIN ....................................................................... 1
LEFT NOSE .............................................................. 1
LEFT NOSE COMPARTMENT ................................. 1
RIGHT NOSE ............................................................ 2
RIGHT WING ............................................................ 2
RIGHT NACELLE ...................................................... 2
LOWER AFT FUSELAGE ......................................... 2
EMPENNAGE ........................................................... 2
AFT BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT ............................ 3
LEFT NACELLE ........................................................ 3
LEFT WING ............................................................... 3
CABIN DOOR ............................................................ 3
COCKPIT PREPARATION ........................................ 3
BEFORE START ....................................................... 3
STARTING ENGINES ............................................... 4
BEFORE TAXI ........................................................... 4
PARKING .................................................................. 4
SHUTDOWN ............................................................. 4
APU START (PATS APU) ......................................... 4
APU SHUTDOWN (PATS APU) ................................ 4


Citation 650 Series Training Manual

15. Fuel Quantity/Balance ............................... CHECK 4. Emergency Exit .........................................SECURE
a. Maximum allowable asymmetric differential a. Handle lock pin REMOVE
fuel loading between tanks is 200 pounds b. Check fit of escape hatch assembly, handle
stowed, guard in place and locking pin


5. Gear Retract Hydraulic Shutoff Valve .......... CHECK
.......................................................... HANDLE DOWN
1. Landing Lights Switches .................................... ON
6. Manual FUS TANK XFER T-Handle ............ CHECK
..................................... (OFF, IF SEEN FROM CKPT)
MAINTENANCE PREFLIGHT 2. EMER LTG Switch ............................................ ON
................................ STOWED (Airplanes -0092 & on)

INSPECTION ..................................... (OFF, IF SEEN FROM CKPT)

3. Other Lights On .................................................. ON LEFT NOSE
..................................... (OFF, IF SEEN FROM CKPT)
1. Engine/Pitot Covers ............................... REMOVED 4. Engine Anti-Ice Switches ...... ON 30 SEC THEN OFF 1. Fairing Tank Fuel Vents ............................... CLEAR
5. RAT/Pitot/Static Heat Switches ............ ON 30 SEC 2. Drain Lines ................................................... CLEAR
COCKPIT ................................................................... THEN OFF a. Check emergency landing gear and brake air
6. LH AOA Probe.................................... FREE/WARM bottle vents and alcohol bottle vent for
1. Documents/Manuals/Equip/Charts ....... ON BOARD 7. LH Static Ports ................................ CLEAR/WARM obstructions and damage
2. Oxygen System ........................................... CHECK 8. LH/RH Pitot Tubes .......................... CLEAR/WARM 3. Oxygen Blowout Disc .................................. GREEN
..............1600 to 1850 PSI indicates adequate service 9. RAT Probe....................................... CLEAR/WARM a. Green disc should be in place and intact
3. Portable Fire Extinguisher ..... SERVICED/SECURE 10. Landing Lights ................................ ILLUMINATED b. If it is missing, oxygen bottle may be empty
a. Located in quick-release holder under 11. Taxi Lights ...................................... ILLUMINATED c. The cause of the missing disc must be
copilot’s seat 12. RH Static Ports .............................. CLEAR/WARM determined
b. Pressure gage should read in the white arc, 13. RH AOA Probe ................................. FREE/WARM 4. Landing Light ....................................... CONDITION
indicating a 150 PSI charge 14. RH Wing Fairing ......................................... WARM a. Check lenses for cracks and lights for security
4. Circuit Breakers ............................................... All IN 15. RH Wing Inspection/Nay/Strobe ..... ILLUMINATED 5. NLG/Doors/Wheel/Tire/Strut............... CONDITION/
5. Cockpit Switches ...............................................SET 16. RH GEN/ALT Air Inlet .................... CLEAR/WARM ......................................................................SECURE
6. Throttles .................................................... CUTOFF 17. RH Tail Flood Light ......................... ILLUMINATED a. Chine and tread of nose tire must be in good
7. Battery Switch ............. BATT/CHECK VOLTS 1 & 2 18. Ground Recognition Light ............... ILLUMINATED condition and tire must be properly inflated to
a. Position the battery disconnect switch to 19. Aft Wing Nav Lights ........................ ILLUMINATED meet the water/slush runway operating
BATT DISC 2 to read voltage for battery 20. LH Tail Flood Light ......................... ILLUMINATED limitation
number 1, then position switch to BATT 21. LH GEN/ALT Air Inlet .................... CLEAR/WARM b. Approved nose tires must be inflated to 125
DISC 1 to obtain voltage for battery number 22. LH Wing Inspection/Nav/Strobe ..... ILLUMINATED PSIG, +5 or -5 PSIG unloaded for gross
2 23. LH Wing Fairing .......................................... WARM weight up to 21,000 pounds, and 138 PSIG
b. Position the battery disconnect switch to 24. Light Switches ................................................ OFF unloaded or 140 PSIG loaded for gross gear
NORM after checking the voltage 25. Battery Switch ................................................ OFF assembly, power steering centering
8. Gear Handle .................................DOWN/3 GREEN Mechanism, friction brake, wheel well area
9. Engine Fire Switches ................................... CHECK CABIN and doors for damage and security
c. Proper oleo strut extension of a fully fueled
10. AUX HYD PWR Switch................................NORM
a. HYD PRESS 2900 PSI MIN, VOLUME 300- airplane is approximately two inches
1. Portable Fire Extinguisher ..... SERVICED/SECURE
450 IN³ a. Located in a quick release holder near the
11. Parking Brake ..................................................SET front section of the cabin on the right side LEFT NOSE COMPARTMENT
a. Depressing the brake pedals and pulling the b. Pressure gage should read in the white arc
parking brake handle out traps applied indicating a 150 PSI charge 1. Emer Gear/Brake Press ..................... GREEN ARC
pressure to the wheel brakes 2. Door Entry Lights .............................................. OFF a. Pressure should read between 1800 and
12. AUX HYD PWR Switch................................... OFF 3. Passenger Seats ................ UPRIGHT/OUTBOARD 2050 PSI
13. Ground Power, Freon A/C or APU .................... AS a. Position seats forward and aft of the 2. Windshield Alcohol Reservoir Sight Gauge ... FLUID
.................................................................. REQUIRED emergency exit to seat track extremities for VISIBLE
14. Flaps.......................................................... CHECK unobstructed access to exit a. Ball should be at top of sight gage


Citation 650 Series Training Manual
3. Nose Wheel Steering Accum ... 1500 ± 200 PSI MIN 7. Vortex Generators (11) .........CONDITION/SECURE 6. Thrust Reverser Buckets .................... CONDITION/
4. Left Nose Compartment Door .... SECURE/LOCKED a. Eleven vortex generators are installed on ..................................................................... STOWED
a. Check latches closed and properly engaged each wing 7. ENG/Exhaust/Bypass Ducts ......................... CLEAR
b. For additional security, the door should be key b. No more than one per wing may be missing to a. Check for fuel leakage, damage to turbine
locked dispatch for flight blades, cracks and general security
c. Remove key 8. Fuel Filler Cap ...........................................SECURE 8. Cowling (No Red Latch Ind........................ SECURE
a. Check locking latch closed and directed aft, a. Check that all fasteners are properly
RIGHT NOSE cover closed and secured
9. Fuel Tank Vent .............................................CLEAR
engaged, and access doors closed
b. Check for cracks and general security
a. Vent must be clear of obstruction and free
1. Landing Light ....................................... CONDITION
2. Right Nose Compartment Door ................ SECURE/
from damage
10. Recog/Nav/Anti-Coll Lights................ CONDITION
...................................................................... LOCKED
a. Check lenses for cracks and integrity
1. Freon A/C (If Installed) .................................CLEAR
11. Static Wicks (6) ......................................... CHECK
RIGHT WING a. There should be two static wicks on the
2. Single Point Refuel Door ........... SECURE/LOCKED
3. Antennas ..............................CONDITION/SECURE
trailing edge of the aileron, three on the wing
4. FUS Fuel Tank Drains/Vents ........... DRAIN/CHECK
1. Dorsal Fin Air Inlet ........................................CLEAR trailing edge outboard of the aileron and one
5. APU Drain (If Installed) .................................CLEAR
a. A visual check can be made of the air inlet on the wing tip
6. Hydraulic Access Panel ............................. SECURE
from a position in front of the wing that will b. For dispatch no more than one static wick
7. APU Oil Level (If Installed) .......... CHECK/ACCESS
provide maximum visibility should be missing from each aileron
.......................................................... DOOR-SECURE
2. Engine Fan Duct/Fan...............CLEAR/CONDITION 12. Aileron/Flaps/Spoilers.........CONDITION/SECURE
8. Tail Skid................................CONDITION/SECURE
a. Assume a position forward of the wing that will a. Check aileron for freedom and hinge points
9. Static Wick on Stinger (1) ............................ CHECK
provide maximum visibility of the engine inlet for security
and visually check for obstructions or damage b. Check spoilers and flaps for security
3. Fuel Quick Drains ............................ DRAIN/CHECK EMPENNAGE
a. Drain a fuel sample from each quick drain and
check for water or contamination
RIGHT NACELLE 1. APU Inlets/Exhausts (If Installed) .................CLEAR
b. Push straight up on the drains when taking a. Visually check inlet and exhaust as closely as
1. GEN/ALT Air Inlet .........................................CLEAR
fuel samples, as the drain may lock open if it possible from the ground
2. GEN/ALT Cooling Air Exhaust ......................CLEAR
is rotated b. Check that three air intakes (two rectangular
3. Oil Level/Filler Cap/Door ............. CHECK/SECURE
4. Wing Fairing Inlet .........................................CLEAR and one round) are unobstructed
a. Check for correct level in sight gage
5. MLG DR/Wheel/Tires/Strut ...CONDITION/SECURE c. Inlet and exhaust must be clear of obstruction
b. To obtain an accurate oil check, the check
a. Check tire for wear and inflation and free of damage
must be accomplished with the engine still hot
b. Tire inflation pressure is 155 or 168 PSIG 2. PAC Heat Exchanger Exhausts .................... CLEAR
c. If in doubt about oil quantity, run engine at idle
c. Visually inspect doors and taxi light for 3. Freon A/C Exhaust (If Installed) .................. CHECK
for 5 minutes, shut down and recheck
security 4. Static Wicks ................................................. CHECK
d. The oil level must be checked within 15
d. Inspect wheel well area for damaged or 2 on bullet, 4 on stab, 2 on elevator and 2 on rudder
minutes after shutdown to obtain an accurate
broken lines and electrical wiring for condition 5. Elevator/Rudder/Trim Tab ................... CONDITION
e. Check actuator and oleo for damage, leaks a. There should be one static wick on the
e. Check that filler cap is on securely, then close
and proper attachment outboard trailing edge of each elevator
and fasten access door
f. Proper oleo extension of a fully fueled b. There should be two static wicks on the
4. ENG Oil Bypass Valve Indicator .................. CHECK
airplane is approximately 5 inches when trailing edge at the top of the rudder
a. Depress inspection hole cover and visually
measured from the centerline of the lower c. Should a static wick be missing, it must be
check for popped (extended) red indicator
attaching bolt to the lower face of the upper replaced before the airplane is flown to
b. When red indicator is visible, the oil filter has
barrel assembly ensure proper control surface balance
bypassed and the cause must be determined
6. Wing Leading Edge ..............CONDITION/SECURE d. Check rudder system for proper operation if
prior to flight
a. Check stall strips (3 installed) and the airplane has been exposed to high or
5. Drain Lines ...................................................CLEAR
aerodynamic fence for damage and security gusty winds


Citation 650 Series Training Manual
6. Horizontal Stabilizer........... CONDITION/POSITION
a. Visually check that the horizontal stabilizer is
LEFT WING 12. Cockpit Air Dist Valves (if installed) .. AS DESIRED
13. All Other Switches .......................... OFF/NORMAL
set to the same position indicated on the trim 14. Battery Switch .............................................. BATT
1. Flaps/Spoilers/Aileron...........CONDITION/SECURE
indicator during cockpit inspection 15. Battery Voltage ..................... 24 VOLTS MINIMUM
2. Static Wicks (6) ........................................... CHECK
b. Check for two static wicks installed on each 16. Gear Handle ...............................DOWN/3 GREEN
3. Recog/Nav/Anti-Coll Lights.................. CONDITION
horizontal stabilizer trailing edge, one on top 17. APU ............................................................ START
4. Fuel Tank Vent .............................................CLEAR
of the vertical fin bullet fairing, and one on the GPU......................... CONNECTED (IF DESIRED)
5. FUS Tank Transfer Door ........................... CLOSED
aft end of the bullet fairing 18. Avionics/Inverters ................................ ON/INV-ON
6. Fuel Filler Cap ...........................................SECURE
7. PT2 Sensor Line Drains .. DRAIN/CHECK CLOSED 19. Warning System ................................ CHECK/OFF
7. Vortex Generators (11) .........CONDITION/SECURE
a. Drain left and right PT2 lines and verify drains 20. EFIS/CVR/GPWS/TCAS (If Installed) ........... TEST
8. Wing Leading Edge .............. CONDITION/SECURE
are fully closed 21. Stab Position ....................... VERIFY INDICATION
9. MLG DR/Wheel/Tires/Strut ...CONDITION/SECURE
8. Hydraulic Overflow Vent ...............................CLEAR 22. Rudder Bias.................................. TEST/NORMAL
10. Fuel Quick Drains .......................... DRAIN/CHECK
9. Windshield Heat Exchange Exhaust ............CLEAR 23. APU (With Hyd):
11. Engine Fan Duct/Fan.............CLEAR/CONDITION
a. Speedbrake/Spoiler........................... CHECK
12. Wing Fairing Inlet .......................................CLEAR
AFT BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT b. Aux Hyd Pwr .................................. NORMAL
c. Aileron Boost ............................... CHECK/ON
1. Battery/Cable........................CONDITION/SECURE
a. PRI/SEC Trim.................................... CHECK
a. Release fasteners securing cover over
1. Precatch Button ............................................ FLUSH b. Autopilot ................... CHECK/DISENGAGED
battery compartment and ensure that the
2. PRI/SEC Door Seals ........................... CONDITION 25. No APU/GPU........... AVIONICS/INVERTERS OFF
batteries and cables are properly secured,
a. Carefully inspect primary and secondary door 26. Fuel Transfer ..................................... CHECK/OFF
that cables are not frayed or damaged and the
seals for cuts and abrasions 27. Cabin Altitude Warning Horns ................... CHECK
compartment is free of foreign objects
b. Damaged door seals may cause 28. Pressurization .................................... CHECK/SET
2. Battery Compartment Cover ......................SECURE
pressurization loss or difficulty in achieving 29. Engine Sync ................................................... OFF
3. Starter Disable Switch .............................. NORMAL
cabin pressurization; therefore, it is important 30. ENG Instruments ............................ NO WARNING
4. GPU Batt Charge Switch ...............................NORM
that both seals be carefully checked for 31. Fuel Temperature ...................................... CHECK
5. Spoiler Hold Down Accum ...................... 1500 ± 200
.............................................................. PSI MINIMUM
a. Open access cover and check that the
3. Door Frame ................................................. CHECK
a. Check door frame for condition to ensure that
pressure on accumulator gage does not read
no damage or foreign material will prevent the
below 1300 PSI minimum 1. Cabin Door ................................ CLOSED/LOCKED
door seals from properly engaging the frame
6. Hydraulic Accum ............ 1500 ± 200 PSI MINIMUM 2. Passenger Briefing ............................... COMPLETE
when the door is closed
a. Check that pressure indication on the 3. Seat/Seat Belts/Harness ... ADJ/SECURE/UNLOCK
hydraulic accumulator gage is above the 1300 4. Rudder Pedals....................................... ADJUSTED
PSI minimum COCKPIT PREPARATION 5. Standby Gyro ....................................... ON/CAGED
7. Accum Manual Bleed Down Valve ............ CLOSED 6. EMER LTG Switch ...........................................ARM
8. Baggage Light .................................................. OFF 1. Preflight Insp ........................................ COMPLETE 7. Battery Switch ................................................ BATT
9. Access Door .............................. SECURE/LOCKED 2. Standby Gyro ............ ON, UNCAGED, VERIFY NO 8. Generators ...... GEN (OFF FOR GPU/APU START)
............................................ OFF FLAG, TEST, CAGE 9. GND REC Light .................................................. ON
LEFT NACELLE 3. LH/RH GYRO SLAVE Switches .....................AUTO
4. GND IDLE Switch ..........................................NORM
10. Door Unlocked Annun ............................... CHECK
11. Parking Brake (Hyd Press Required)...............SET
5. Ignition Switches ...........................................NORM 12. AUX HYD PWR Switch................................... OFF
1. ENG/Exhaust/Bypass Ducts .........................CLEAR
6. ANTI-SKID Switch .............................................. ON 13. Freon NC (If Installed) .................................... OFF
2. Thrust Rev Buckets ............. CONDITION/STOWED
7. Fuel Boost Pump Switches............................NORM 14. FMS Aux Power (If Installed) .......................... OFF
3. Oil Level/Filler Cap/Door ............. CHECK/SECURE
........................... (AS REQUIRED IF APU RUNNING) 15. Avionics/Inverters ........................................... OFF
4. ENG Oil Bypass Valve Indicator .................. CHECK
8. Fuel Computer Switches ...............................NORM
5. Drain Lines ...................................................CLEAR
9. PAC BLD SELECT Switch.............................NORM
6. GEN/ALT Cooling Air Exhaust......................CLEAR
10. Aileron/Spoiler Disconnect .............. T-HANDLE IN
7. GEN/ALT Air Inlet Exhaust ...........................CLEAR
11. Environmental Knobs ........................ 12 0’CLOCK
8. Cowling (No Red Latch Ind) ......................SECURE


Citation 650 Series Training Manual


1. Either Engine ................................................ START 1. Parking Brake ....................................................SET
2. GND Idle..........................................................HIGH 2. Stabilizer Trim Backdrive Monitor ................... TEST
........ (61% N2 MINIMUM IF X-GENERATOR START) 3. AUX HYD PWR Switch..................................... OFF
3. Second Engine ............................................. START 4. Defog/Anti-Ice................................................... OFF
4. GND Idle........................................................NORM 5. Freon Air (If Installed) ....................................... OFF
5. Hydraulic Pressure ...................................... CHECK 6. Throttles .................................................... CUTOFF
6. Generators ....................................................... GEN 7. Pass Advisory Lights ........................................ OFF
7. APU .................................................... AS DESIRED 8. Standby Gyro ...................................... OFF/CAGED
8. GPU..................................... DISCONNECT/CLEAR 9. Avionics/Inverter ...................................... PWR OFF
9. Freon NC (If Installed) ........................ AS DESIRED 10. Emergency Lights ........................................... OFF
11. APU (If Installed) ............................................ OFF
BEFORE TAXI 12. Exterior Lights ................................................ OFF
13. Battery Switch ................................................ OFF
14. Control Lock ........................................... ENGAGE
1. Avionics/Inverters ............................................... ON
2. Battery ..............OFF/CHECK 24 VOLTS MIN/BATT
3. DC Volts/Amps ............................................ CHECK APU START (PATS APU)
4. If Not Previously Accomplished:
a. Speedbrake/Spoiler........................... CHECK 1. Battery Switch ................................................ BATT
b. AUX HYD PWR ...................................NORM .......................................................... (24 VOLTS MIN)
c. Aileron Boost ............................... CHECK/ON 2. APU Master Switch...................................... PRESS
d. PRI/SEC Trim.................................... CHECK 3. Lamp Test Switch ........................................ PRESS
5. Flight Controls ............................. FREE/CORRECT 4. APU Fire Test .............................................. PRESS
6. Control Lock ......................................... RELEASED 5. APU Gen Switch .................................... PRESS ON
7. Flight Instruments/Avionics.................. CHECK/SET 6. APU Bleed Air Switch ....................................... OFF
8. Fuel Quantity/Balance ................................. CHECK 7. Right FUEL BOOST PUMP ................................ ON
9. Fuel Totalizer.....................................................SET 8. Start Switch ................................................. PRESS
10. Anti-Ice Systems ....................................... CHECK 9. APU Bleed Air Switch ......................................... ON
11. Cockpit Aux Heater............................ CHECK/OFF 10. Battery Switch .............................................. BATT
12. Defog Fan.......................................... CHECK/OFF
13. Auto Temp ........................................ AS DESIRED
14. Inverters ....................................................... TEST
15. Nose Wheel Steering........................................ ON
1. APU Bleed Air .................................................. OFF
16. Exterior Lights ............................... AS REQUIRED
2. APU Gen .......................................................... OFF
3. Stop/LOP ..................................................... PRESS
PARKING 4. APU Master Switch........................................... OFF
5. Boost Pump .............................................. NORMAL
1. Thrust Reversers ........................................... STOW
2. Spoilers/Speedbrakes ............................. RETRACT
3. Flaps....................................................................UP
4. Anti-Ice ............................................................. OFF
5. RAT/Pitot/Static Heat........................................ OFF
6. BAG HTR Switch .............................................. OFF
7. CKPT AUX FAN/HEAT Switch ......................... OFF
8. W/S BLD Switch ............................................... OFF


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