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Eng_abdelmonem shaban

1- Construction of transformer
2- Classification of transformer
3- Sizing of transformer
4- Transformer protection
 Transformer Construction

Ch14: Transformer 212 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

Ch14: Transformer 213 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

1 Oil filter valve 11 Grounding terminal

2 Conservator tank 12 Coil

3 Buchholz relay 13 Coil pressure plate

4 Oil filter valve 14 Core

5 Pressure-relief vent 15 Terminal box for protective devices

6 High-voltage bushing 16 Rating name plate

7 Low-voltage bushing 17 Dial thermometer

8 Oil Tank 18 Radiator

9 Tap changer handle 19 Manhole

10 Oil drain valve 20 oil level inductor

 Classification of transformers
1) according to core type:

Ch14: Transformer 214 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

Ch14: Transformer 215 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

2) Classification of transformers according to turn ratio:

3) Classification of transformers according to their function:

1- Power transformer
2- Distribution transformer

3- Measuring transformers
 voltage transformer
 current transformer
4-Autotransformer- Tapped autotransformer

Ch14: Transformer 216 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

4) Classification of transformers according to type of supply

 Single phase transformer
 Three phase transformer

5) Classification of transformers according to cooling employed

a) self –air—cooled (dry type)
b) air-blast—cooled (dry type)
c) oil–immersed, self –cooled
d) oil–immersed, combination self –cooled air-blast
e) oil–immersed, water –cooled
f) oil–immersed, forced oil –cooled
g) oil–immersed, combination self –cooled and water cooled

Ch14: Transformer 217 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

Types of Distribution transformers: -

There are two types of the distribution transformers
A) Oil type transformer.

Main construction of oil type transformer

1- Low voltage winding

2- high voltage winding
3- Low voltage terminal
4- high voltage terminal
5- core
6- Off-load Tap Changer
7- Earthling Terminal
8- Oil Level Indicator
9- Oil drain valve
10- Thermometer pocket
11- Buchholz Relay
12- Lifting Lugs
13- Air Dryer including
Silica Gel
14- Wheel

Ch14: Transformer 218 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

B) Dry type transformer.

1) Core
2) L.V terminal
3) Resilient spacer
4) H.V terminal
5) L.V coil (copper or aluminium)
6) H.V coil (copper or aluminium)
7) Tapping link
8) Delta connection rods
9) Earthing
10) Yoke clamping and wheelbase
11) Roller

Ch14: Transformer 219 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

 The main difference between the two types are summarized in

the below table.

Oil type Dry type

Operate at normal operation at Operate at normal operation at 100%

80% of loading capacity of loading capacity
May be operate at over load up to
During over load operate at 100%
Suitable location at indoor
Suitable location at outdoor
Low loses High losses
 high Oil>dry

HIGH Maintenance No Maintenance is required

large Size Smaller Size

Low cost compared with dry type High cost compared with oil type

‫ وذلك للمحافظة على‬%08 ‫ المحول الزيتى يجب اال يعمل فى الحالة العاديه على حمل اعلى من‬
. ‫العمر االفتراضى للمحول‬
‫ عباره عن‬FORCED COOLING ‫ ولكن بتبريد‬% 048 ‫ المحول الجاف يمكن تحميله الى‬

Ch14: Transformer 220 Power System Distribution

‫‪Eng_abdelmonem shaban‬‬

‫‪ ‬طبقا لقواعد شركة الكهرباء عند وضع المحول فى ‪INDOOR‬وخاضة فى البدروم البد ان يكون‬
‫محول جاف‬
‫‪ ‬يعتبر المحول الزيتى قنبلة موقوضه ولذلك البد من وضعه فقط فى ‪OUTDOOR‬خارج المبنى‬
‫‪ ‬كفاءة المحول الزيتى اعلى من كفاءة المحول الجاف الن تبريد وعزل الزيد افضل موتبريد وعزل‬
‫الهواء الجاف ولكن كفاءة المحول الجاف عند التشغيل اعلى من المحول الزيتى الن المحول الزيتى‬
‫بيعمل عند ‪ %08‬من الحمل وحيث ان الكفاءة بتكون فى اعلى قيمة عن ‪.FULL LOAD‬‬
‫‪ ‬حجم المحول الجاف الى حجم المحول الزيتى بنسبة ‪2:3‬‬


‫‪ Sizing of Transformer‬‬

‫?)‪How to select the suitable transformer (KVA‬‬

‫‪For example if you have the following loads for administration building:-‬‬

‫‪LOAD‬‬ ‫‪KVA‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Lighting load‬‬ ‫‪150 KVA‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪HVAC load‬‬ ‫‪1600 KVA‬‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪Sockets Load‬‬ ‫‪50 KVA‬‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪Lifts load‬‬ ‫‪50 KVA‬‬

‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪Ups load‬‬ ‫‪45 KVA‬‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪Water pump‬‬ ‫‪5 KVA‬‬

‫‪total connected load‬‬ ‫‪1900 KVA‬‬

‫‪Ch14: Transformer‬‬ ‫‪221‬‬ ‫‪Power System Distribution‬‬

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

TOTAL DIVERSITY LOAD ‫يتم توصيف المحول على‬

T.C. L = 1900 KVA

Diversity factor
As all loads not operate all the time and not operate with full power at
all the time so we can't size the transformer on connected load, but
we size the transformer on the total demand load.

)‫يوضح الجدول التالى قيمة معامل التباين مع نوع المشروع (من الخبرة العمليه وليس كود‬

‫معامل التباين‬ ‫نوع المشروع‬

0.8 ‫مبنى ادارى‬

0.9 ‫مستشفى‬

0.9 ‫مبنى تجارى‬

0.6 ‫مبنى سكنى‬

0.7 ‫تعليمى‬

We assume the diversity factor depend on the project.

In the project for example we selected D.F = 0.8

Total demand load = D.F * total connected load

Total demand load = 0.8 * 1900= 1520 KVA

 For a transformer of oil type (Operate at normal operation at 80%

of loading capacity)

Ch14: Transformer 222 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban


From standard of transformer (2MVA)

Ch14: Transformer 223 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

 For a transformer of DRY type (Operate at normal operation a100%

of loading capacity)

So, select a transformer = 1.5 MVA

Ch14: Transformer 224 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

KVA A (Length)(mm) B (width)(mm) C (height )(mm)

500 1290 810 1495
630 1290 810 1710
800 1430 835 1775

1000 1500 1000 1875

1250 1500 1000 1975

1500 1680 970 2215
2000 1770 1095 2370

Ch14: Transformer 225 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

2500 1940 1140 2425

Transformer protection
 High Rupture Capacity Fuse (HRCF)
Before transformer you must select a suitable (HRCF) which is used as a
protection for the transformer when short circuit occurs.

‫الفيوز تعمل فقط فى حالة حدوث قصر فى الدائرة لحماية المحول وتوضع مع الوحة الحلقية‬
This section is intended as a tutorial to help explain transformer impedance and
how its value is determined.

Transformer impedance is a ratio of the transformer’s normal full load current

to the current available under short circuit conditions.

Ch14: Transformer 226 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

Z%= (Impedance Voltage/Rated Voltage)*100

Transformer formula:

 Single phase full load current: IFL = KVA x 4.5

 Three phase full load current: IFL = KVA x 1.5

Short Circuit Current:

ISC = IFL/Z, where, Z = transformer impedance

An example will serve to illustrate:

Transformer data:
Capacity: 1000 KVA, three phase, At Z%= = 5%
Primary voltage: 11000V
Secondary voltage: 380V

Ch14: Transformer 227 Power System Distribution

Eng_abdelmonem shaban

IFL = 1000 x 1.5 = 1500A

Note that impedance is expressed in percent.
Now that impedance is known, short circuit
current, ISC, can be calculated.
ISC = IFL/Z = 1500/0.05 = 30kA.

Ch14: Transformer 228 Power System Distribution

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