11CS T2 2022 23SetA
11CS T2 2022 23SetA
11CS T2 2022 23SetA
1. Identify the option that contains only Python's fundamental data types. [1]
a) int, float, str, bool
b) list, int, bool, float
c) str, tuple, list, dict
d) int, dict, float, str
4. Which string method would convert a string 'AHMADI, kuwait' to 'Ahmadi, Kuwait'? [1]
a) title()
b) swapcase()
c) lower()
d) capitalize()
11. Identify the statement that will not append 66 to the list. [1]
a) alist.append(66)
b) alist.insert(5,66)
c) alist+=[66]
d) alist+=66
19. Give the output of Python code given below: [2]
20. After the execution of Python program given below, what will be the possible correct output(s)? What will
be the maximum value and minimum value stored in the variable start?
from random import randint
for k in range(start, start+4):
print(alist[k], end='#')
a) 33#55#77#22 b) 77#22#44#66 c) 77#22#44#66# d) 33#55#77#22#
21. Rewrite the Python program given below by replacing the while loop with a for loop: [2]
n=int(input('Input n? '))
s, k=0, 1
while True:
if k==n: break
What will be the output of the Python program, when the inputted value of n is 10?
22. Identify the type of token form the list given below: [2]
a) sum() b) for c) () d) **
23. Write two differences between list and tuple data type. [2]
24. What are two differences between built-in function sorted() and list method sort()? [2]
25. With suitable example explain the concept of run-time error. [2]
26. With examples explain the use of else with either for-loop or while loop. [2]
27. Rewrite the complete Python program after removing all the errors. Underline the corrections. [3]
import randrange
for x in range(50):
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while nlist:
28. Give the output of following code: [3]
for x in range(len(astr)):
if 'A'<=astr[x]<='M':bstr+=astr[x].lower()
elif 'N'<=astr[x]<='Z':bstr+=astr[x+1]
elif 'a'<=astr[x]<='m':bstr+=astr[x].upper()
elif 'n'<=astr[x]<='z':bstr+=astr[x-1]
print(min(bstr), max(bstr))
adata={'S':52, 'E':75, 'R':46, 'V':15, 'E':34, 'R':29}
for k in adata:
print(min(bdata), max(bdata))
30. Write a Python program to input a floating-point value (say x) and an integer value (say n) and find the sum
of the sequence given below (don't use pow(), ** and math module functions): [3]
2 4 6 2n
x x x x
1+ + + +…+
2! 4 ! 6 ! (2 n)!
31. Write a Python program to input an integer and check whether the inputted integer is an Armstrong number
or not. If the inputted integer is an Armstrong number, then display 'Armstrong Number', otherwise display
'Not Armstrong Number'. [3]
32. Write a Python program to input a positive integer (greater than 1) and check whether the inputted integer
is Prime number or Composite number. If the inputted integer is a Prime number then display 'Prime',
otherwise display 'Composite'. [3]
33. Write a Python program to input an integer (say n). If inputted value is a positive single digit integer, then
generate and display a triangle as shown below (assuming n is 5). If the inputted value of n is either less
than 1 or greater than 9, then display an appropriate message.
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Write a Python program to input two positive integers. Calculate and display LCM of two inputted integers
without using any functions from math module.
34. Write a Python program to check whether an inputted string is a Palindrome or not. Display "Palindrome" if
the inputted string is Palindrome, otherwise display "Not Palindrome". Don't use any methods from string
object or string slice. [3]
35. Write a Python program to input a string. Count and display
number of words present in the inputted string
number of words starting with a consonant (ignore case), present in the inputted string
number of words containing at most 6 characters, present in the inputted string [4]
If the inputted string is 'Second Term Computer Science Exam is on 21st February 2023'
Number of words: 10
Number of words starting with consonants: 5
Number of words containing at most 6 characters: 7
36. Create a list to store n 5-digit random integer values where n is a user inputted value. Find the sum and the
average of elements which contain 5. Display the elements, the sum and the average. [4]
If the list contains [65883, 69469, 54420, 39358, 89994, 59405, 10936]
Elements containing 5: 65883, 54420, 39358, 59405
Sum: 65883+54420+39358+59405=219066
Average: 219066/4=54766.5
37. Write a Python program to create a dictionary employee with following keys:
code Employee Code (int)
name Employee Name (str)
bsal Basic Salary (float)
Input Employee Code, Employee Name and Basic Salary from the keyboard during the run-time. Append
two more keys hra and gsal to store House Rent and Gross Salary respectively in the dictionary employee.
House Rent is calculated as:
Basic Salary House Rent
<=100000 10% of Basic Salary
>100000 and <=200000 8% of Basic Salary
>200000 and <=400000 5% of Basic Salary
>400000 3% of Basic Salary
Gross Salary is calculated as Basic Salary + House Rent. Display the key-value pairs present in the
dictionary using a loop.
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