Ablative Therapies For Central Airway Obstruction
Ablative Therapies For Central Airway Obstruction
Ablative Therapies For Central Airway Obstruction
1 Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, Address for correspondence Kamran Mahmood, MD, MPH, Division of
Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, Department of
Durham, North Carolina Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, DUMC 102356, Durham,
NC 27710 (e-mail: k.mahmood@duke.edu).
Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2014;35:681–692.
Abstract Central airway obstruction (CAO) is seen in malignant and nonmalignant airway
Keywords disorders and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Endobronchial ablative
► central airway therapies are used in conjunction with mechanical debridement to achieve hemostasis
obstruction and restore airway patency. These therapies can be classified into modalities with
► ablative therapy immediate or delayed effect. Therapies with immediate effect include heat therapies
► electrocautery (such as electrocautery, argon plasma coagulation, and laser) and cryorecanalization
► argon plasma using a cryoprobe for tissue extraction. These modalities can be used in severe CAO for
coagulation immediate relief of obstruction. Therapies with delayed effect include cryotherapy,
Central airway obstruction (CAO) is a significant cause of return to a grounding plate, usually applied to the limb of
morbidity and mortality in patients with bronchogenic car- the patient.10
cinoma and metastatic cancer to the lungs.1 It is also seen in Tissue coagulation occurs at approximately 70°C, desicca-
nonmalignant airway disorders such as postintubation tra- tion at 100°C, carbonization at 200°C, and vaporization
cheal stenosis and following lung transplantation.2 A multi- at 500°C.10 The tissue effect is dependent on the power
modality and multidisciplinary approach is required for the (watts) and voltage of the electrocautery as well as tissue
management of these patients.1 Relief of CAO has been shown resistance. In soft coagulation, voltage of < 200 V is applied.
to improve symptoms, spirometry, and quality of life.3–5 In forced coagulation, voltage of > 500 V is applied resulting
Ablative therapies are commonly used in conjunction with in deep coagulation and carbonization. Increasing power or
tumor debridement or airway dilation to achieve airway watts concentrates the energy in the tissues closer to the
patency.1 These can be classified as therapies with immediate probe tip, causing rapid but shallow effect.
or delayed effect,6,7 as shown in ►Table 1. Cutting is achieved by a knife or snare, using voltage
greater than 200 V that creates an electric arc between the
tissue and the electrode. Simultaneous hemostasis or coagu-
Ablative Therapies with Immediate Effect lation is achieved by increasing the voltage and introducing
voltage modulation (blend mode).
Principle Technique
Electrocautery is a contact thermal ablative modality that Different electrocautery probes and devices are available,
uses the flow of electricity to generate heat to burn the including rigid and flexible probes, snare, knife, and forceps
tissue.6,8,9 A monopolar probe or device is applied to the (►Fig. 1). The flexible electrocautery probe can be inserted
target allowing electricity to flow through the body and through a flexible bronchoscope (►Fig. 2). Although the
Table 1 Types of endobronchial ablative therapies the probe is recommended to mitigate bleeding.11 For treat-
ment of endobronchial lesions, soft or forced coagulation
Ablative therapies with immediate effect mode is used at 20 to 40 W in short bursts of < 5 seconds
I. Thermal therapy (►Table 2).10 Once the tissue is coagulated, it is removed with
• Electrocautery
mechanical debridement. If the contact time is prolonged,
• Argon plasma coagulation
• Laser desiccation, carbonization, and vaporization of the tissue can
II. Cryorecanalization occur.
Ablative therapies with delayed effect The electrocautery snare is typically used for polypoid
I. Cryotherapy lesions. It is looped around the base or stalk of the polyp and
II. Brachytherapy retracted while activating the electrocautery for cut and
III. Photodynamic therapy coagulation (►Fig. 3). As the polyp is cut, hemostasis is
achieved with coagulation and charring of the stalk. A major
benefit of the snare is that it can preserve tissue for
surface area is relatively small, it can be used for both pathologic evaluation. The electrocautery knife is common-
proximal and distal lesions. The rigid probe needs to be ly used for making radial incisions in nonmalignant airway
inserted through a rigid bronchoscope. It has a large surface stenosis, as an adjunct to dilation (►Fig. 4). Electrocautery
area, and is used more efficiently in more proximal lesions forceps can be used for both endobronchial and transbron-
(►Fig. 3). It has a central suction, which can be used to clear chial biopsies and coagulation at the same time to decrease
the airway from blood and debris at the same time. These bleeding (►Fig. 1), but its efficacy in hemostasis is not
probes need to be cleaned frequently, as burnt tissue build up proven.12
on the tip prevents proper functioning.11 As these are contact
• Bleeding: Bleeding may be aggravated because of the need
for contact.11 The tip of the probe should gently touch the
target lesion.
• Airway perforation and damage can occur, if attention is
not paid to the duration and power of electrocautery.13,14
It is recommended to use short bursts and appropriate
power settings: 30 W for snare, 20 W for probe, and 10 W
for knife. Duration of electrocautery application should be
limited to less than 5 seconds per pulse.8
Fig. 1 Top (left to right): argon plasma coagulation probe, electro- • Airway fire: FiO2 should be maintained below 0.4, and
cautery forceps, electrocautery flexible probe, snare, and knife. Rigid ideally below 0.3 to prevent airway fire.8,9 The use of
electrocautery probe at the bottom.
electrocautery should be avoided near endotracheal tube
or covered metal and silicone stents.15 The probe should
extend at least 5 mm beyond the bronchoscope to prevent
damage to the scope.
• Electrocautery can be used with caution in patients with
implanted permanent pacemakers or cardioverters.8 The
grounding pad should not be placed on the devices and an
interrogation of the electrical device should be performed
in case of any intraprocedural events.
• The grounding plate should also not be placed on the skin
over a metallic prosthesis.8
• Electrocautery use should be avoided in extrinsic com-
pression with intact mucosa.9
• It should also be avoided if FiO2 cannot be decreased9 to
Fig. 2 Flexible electrocautery probe use.
below 0.4.
ionized to produce “plasma” as it flows around the tungsten objects, such as stents or clips, as electric arc can flash over and
electrode. Electric current flows through the plasma to the damage the object or cause unintended coagulation.
nearest tissue, and heat is produced as it passes through the The tissue effect depends on the power setting (watts),
tissue. Increased resistance created by coagulated tissue duration of activation, and probe distance from the target. The
impairs the flow of electric current, and keeps the ablation higher the power and duration of activation, the more the
depth to 1 to 2 mm.10 This superficial effect makes APC depth of ablation. APC is a noncontact mode and a distance of
unsuitable for vaporization purposes but renders it ideal for 1 mm or more should be kept between the probe and tissue.
coagulation of bleeding and enhances its safety. In addition, In general, it is recommended to start with lower power and
APC seeks the nearest electroconductive areas and, there- activation duration, and increase these as necessary
fore, can target lesions located laterally or “around the (►Table 2).
corner.”24 The newer generation APC machines have forced or pulsed
settings. Forced APC has continuous output, with superficial
Technique to deep ablation depending on power. It is designed for rapid
The APC probe is flexible, 1.5 mm in diameter, and can be devitalization and control of acute bleeding. Pulsed APC has
advanced through the working channel of a flexible broncho- discontinuous output and is suited for situations where
scope (►Figs. 1 and 5). Straight fire, side fire, and circumfer- controlled output is preferred like in thin walled structures.
ential probes are available. Black marks are present at the distal Pulsed APC can be of two frequencies: Effect 1 has higher
tip of the catheters at 10-mm intervals. The distal tip should be energy output at slow pulses (1 pulse/second) causing deeper
at least 10 mm away from the bronchoscope to prevent scope coagulation. Effect 2 has lower energy output with fast pulses
damage. It should not be used in close proximity to metal (16 pulses/second) and superficial coagulation.
Fig. 5 (A) Argon plasma coagulation (APC) probe use for an endobronchial lesion. (B) Eschar is left after APC application.
• Hemostasis of bleeding from endobronchial lesions
• Tumor debridement in CAO is possible but less efficient
Laser stands for light amplification of stimulated emission of
• Destruction of granulation tissue and other nonmalignant
radiation. This technique uses heat energy delivered by light
to coagulate and vaporize tissue.8,9 Several types of laser use
Table 3 Types and tissue effect of laser
• Extrinsic compression
• Inability to decrease the FiO2 to less than 40% Laser type Wavelength Tissue effect
Evidence (nm)
APC was first used in the gastrointestinal tract in 1994, when Coagulation Vaporization
catheters were developed to deliver it endoscopically.30 Nd:YAG 1,064 þþ þþ
Afterward, the modality was rapidly adopted for airway
Nd:YAP 1,340 þþþ þ
use. Reichle and colleagues described their experience of
KTP 532 þþ þ
APC use in 364 patients. Ninety percent of the cases were
done with rigid bronchoscopy. Airway patency was achieved CO2 10,600 þ þþþ
in 67% patients and hemostasis was achieved in 99% pa- Abbreviations: CO2, carbon dioxide laser; KTP, potassium titanyl phos-
tients.28 Many other case series have also shown similar phate; Nd:YAG, neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet; Nd:YAP, neo-
results.24,31 dymium: yttrium-aluminum- perovskite.
are power of 20 to 40 W and pulse duration of 0.5 to 1 second at least 5 mm beyond the bronchoscope to prevent dam-
(►Table 2).1 Laser’s biggest advantage is its precise and age to the scope.
immediate ablation. Its major disadvantages lie in its high • Cardiac and cerebrovascular gas embolism. Keeping the
cost, requirement for additional training, and the need to flow of air coolant of the laser fiber to a low setting and
wear protective eye wear.19 using the laser as a noncontact mode are recommended to
avoid this complication.27,33
Indications • Myocardial infarction.32
• Cardiac arrest.32
• Endobronchial malignant and nonmalignant lesions caus- • Death (0.35%).32
ing CAO as an adjunct to debridement
• Treatment of early lung cancer
• Hemostasis
• Radial incisions along with airway dilation • Laser use should be avoided in extrinsic compression with
intact mucosa.
• It should also be avoided if FiO2 cannot be decreased to
below 0.4.
• Bleeding (1%).32
• Airway perforation, leading to pneumothorax (0.4%) and Evidence
pneumomediastinum (0.2%).32 Attention is required to the The first airway application of laser was with carbon dioxide
power, proximity of the laser probe to the airway wall, and (CO2) laser described in early 1970s.34,35 Although the CO2
duration of the therapy. Power should be kept at below laser (wavelength 10,600 nm) is extremely precise, it has poor
40 W. coagulating properties. It is used commonly by otolaryngol-
• Airway fire: FiO2 should be maintained at below 0.4, and ogists in upper airway and trachea.1,6
ideally at below 0.3 to prevent airway fire. Use of laser The use of laser in the airways gained popularity with the
should be avoided near an endotracheal tube, covered advent of Nd:YAG, which can be delivered via a flexible quartz
metallic stents, or silicone stents. The fiber should extend fiber and continues to be the most commonly used laser to
date. It has a wavelength of 1,064 nm, which lies in the treatment of tracheal hemangiomas and glottis papillo-
invisible infrared range and needs a pilot light for use mas. 39–41 Its use in the lower airways has been limited with
(►Table 3). Dumon et al reported the first large case series only one case report of its application in endobronchial
of Nd:YAG use in 111 patients with benign and malignant tuberculosis.42
CAO.36 Immediate relief was achieved in most patients,
except four patients with extrinsic compression. Cavaliere
and colleagues later published their experience of using Nd: Ablative Therapies with Delayed Effect
YAG laser in 1,000 patients and showed improvement in
airway lumen in 92% of patients with malignant CAO and
cure of nearly all carcinoid lesions and benign tumors.32 In Principal
addition, many patients were able to undergo surgery who Cryotherapy ablates tissue using freeze followed by thaw. A
were deemed nonsurgical cases before the laser treatment, or gas is released from high pressure to the tip of a flexible or
underwent less extensive surgery. Mehta et al used Nd:YAG rigid probe, and as it expands, the temperature is brought
for radial incisions followed by dilation of tracheal stenosis, down up to 40°C by Joule–Thompson effect.1,8,9 Nitrous
with good success.37 oxide is the preferred gas, as it brings down the temperature
Neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-perovskite (Nd:YAP) with faster compared with liquid nitrogen.1 The tissue necrosis
higher wavelength of 1,340 nm offers more absorption by occurs by formation of intra- and extracellular ice crystals,
water compared with Nd:YAG (►Table 3). It leads to better dehydration, vasoconstriction, vascular thrombosis, and ap-
coagulation and devascularization, but decreased vaporization optosis.1 There is a speculated immune effect by activation of
and cutting ability. Lee and colleagues described the experi- natural killer cells that may augment the effect of cryotherapy
ence with Nd:YAP laser in 44 patients.38 All patients with CAO on the tissue.1 The major disadvantage of cryotherapy is the
Fig. 7 (A) Distal left mainstem bronchus endobronchial lesion. (B) Cryotherapy with flexible probe. (C) Left mainstem bronchus after cryotherapy
and debridement.
Endobronchial Brachytherapy
Endobronchial brachytherapy refers to placement of a radia-
tion source within or alongside a tumor in the airway, with
the help of a bronchoscope.1,8 Local radiation is provided to
the lesion with the intent of sparing the tissues in the pathway
Fig. 8 Cryospray (Courtesy: Michael Machuzak, MD, Cleveland Clinic, of external beam radiation. Inverse square law governs the
Cleveland, OH). therapy, which means that radiation dose rate decreases as a
function of inverse square of distance from the source.7 • Early-stage lung cancer
Gamma radiation emitted during brachytherapy does not • Airway granulation tissue
cause direct killing of the cells, but rather it causes single
chain breaks of DNA, resulting in apoptosis and decreased cell Contraindications
proliferation.7 The effects are delayed, with visible and maxi-
• Upper lobe lesions of squamous histology
mal effects usually seen after approximately 3 weeks. Hence,
• Concern for bronchovascular fistula
it cannot be used for treatment of acutely symptomatic CAO. It
can be used for treatment of submucosal disease, but it is not Complications
effective for extrinsic disease.
• Fatal hemorrhage: Massive hemorrhage is reported in up to
7% patients.52 Risk is higher in upper lobe locations
because of the proximity to vessels, in squamous histology
Iridium-192 is the most commonly used isotope or radiation
and with high radiation dose.51,53
source.1,8,51 An afterloading technique is used. A blind-ended
• Radiation bronchitis and bronchial stenosis.
catheter (applicator) with a radiopaque “dummy” wire is
• Bronchospasm.
placed in the desired location, transnasally through a bron-
choscope using fluoroscopy. The bronchoscope is removed and Evidence
the catheter is secured to the nose of the patient. Computer- Since Yankauer first described the use of brachytherapy in
ized planning is done (►Fig. 9) and dose is prescribed at a 1922, it has been used extensively.54 It can provide symptom
distance of 5 to 10 mm from the catheter. The dummy wire is relief in patients with endobronchial tumors. It is very effec-
removed and 192Ir radiation source, attached to a steel cable, is tive for treatment of hemoptysis, but radiological or endo-
loaded in the applicator. It is moved in 5-mm increments or scopic improvement may not be as good.53 Its role may be
dwell positions along the planned pathway. Radiation dose at especially important in patients who have already received
the target volume depends on diameter and length of the definitive external-beam radiation and radiation toxicity
treatment field, which are determined by the dwell time and needs to be minimized.51 It can also be used in combination
dwell positions, respectively. High-dose rate of 12 Gy/hour or with external-beam radiation in previously radiation-naive
more is commonly used, and three fractions of 5 to 7.5 Gy are patients for better local control.55 Brachytherapy has been
administered, about 1 week apart. The treatment session can used for treatment of radiologically occult lung cancer in
be done as outpatient and takes a few minutes. patients who are not surgical candidates, in combination with
external-beam radiation.56 Another use is suppression of
Indications granulation tissue formation related to lung transplantation
• Malignant CAO airway complications or airway stents.57,58
Photodynamic Therapy
• Malignant CAO
• Early-stage lung cancer
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses activation of a photosensi-
tizer by light of a specific wavelength to generate singlet Complications
oxygen (Type II photooxidation reaction) that causes cell
• Skin photosensitivity, which can last up to 8 weeks.61
death. There is direct cell damage by singlet oxygen, apoptosis
Patients are advised to avoid sun, and use sunscreen,
and indirect effect due to vascular stasis, inflammation, and
hats, and sun glasses for this duration.
immune repsonse.1,7
• Bleeding.61
Technique Evidence
Porphyrin-based photosensitizers are used for PDT, and First bronchoscopic PDT was performed by Hayata and
porfimer sodium (Photofrin) is currently the most widely colleagues62 in 1982. Since then, PDT has been well estab-
used agent.1,8,59,60 After intravenous injection at a dose of lished in the treatment of inoperable, early and advanced
2 mg/kg, Photofrin is metabolized by the body but selectively endobronchial lung cancer. Moghissi and colleagues re-
concentrated in malignant cells, skin, liver, and spleen, with ported their experience with PDT in 21 patients with ear-
the maximal concentration reaching in 24 to 48 hours. Light ly-stage central lung cancer who were ineligible for
of a specific wavelength that matches the absorption band of surgery.59 Fifteen patients were alive at 12 to 82 months.
the photosensitizer is required for activation of the drug. Endo et al reported their experience with radiologically
Currently, dye or diode laser at a wavelength of 630 nm in the occult bronchogenic squamous cell cancer in 48 patients
red range is used to activate Photofrin. This light is delivered older than 12 years.63 Complete response rate was 94%, with
Fig. 10 Photodynamic therapy. (A) Left lower lobe lesion. (B) Illumination using diode laser (630 nm), with a flexible fiber, 2 days after Photofrin
injection. (C) Lesion 4 months after photodynamic therapy.
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