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B2 FFS - Passive Voice 1

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ral Kno Passive Voice


Welcome to our General Knowledge Quiz!

You'll be presented with a series of questions about famous
landmarks, artworks, and everyday items.
Pay close attention to the questions and think about what you
already know.
There's no pressure to get everything right - this is just a fun
way to activate your thinking!
After each question, jot down your answer or discuss it with a
Focus on Language partner.
What did you notice about the Look at some other examples of Passive Voice:
structure of the questions in the quiz?
"The impact of climate change on coastal communities has been
Did you find any patterns or similarities extensively studied."
in the language used? "The treasure was hidden deep within the cave."
"The button should be pressed to start the machine."
What role does the passive voice play
"The experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis."
in the questions?
"The new law was passed by the parliament yesterday."
How do you think the passive voice "The contract was signed by both parties."
helps convey information in these
Match the examples above with the contexts in which passive
voice is used. A. News Reports and Journalism
Can you think of any real-life B. Scientific Writing
situations where you've encountered C. Formal Writing and Academic Essays
similar language structures? D. Instructions and Manuals
E. Official Documents and Reports
Now, read the explanations provided below to check your
F. Literature and Storytelling
answers from 3. As you read, pay close attention to the
functions (what we can do with it) of passive voice.

News Reports and Journalism: Passive voice is frequently used in news articles and reports to emphasize
the action or event rather than the doer. For example: "The new law was passed by the parliament
Scientific Writing: Passive voice is often used in scientific papers to maintain objectivity and focus on the
process or results rather than the researcher. For instance: "The experiment was conducted to test the
Formal Writing and Academic Essays: Passive voice is preferred in formal writing and academic essays,
especially when the focus is on the action or when the doer is unknown or less important. For example:
"The impact of climate change on coastal communities has been extensively studied."
Instructions and Manuals: Passive voice is used in instructional materials and manuals to give clear
directions or describe procedures without specifying the doer. For instance: "The button should be
pressed to start the machine."
Official Documents and Reports: Passive voice is commonly found in official documents, reports, and
legal texts to maintain impartiality and convey information objectively. For example: "The contract was
signed by both parties."
Literature and Storytelling: Passive voice can be used in literature and storytelling to create a sense of
mystery, suspense, or to shift focus onto the action rather than the character performing it. For example:
"The treasure was hidden deep within the cave."

Transforming Sentences from Active to Passive Voice

Identify the Subject

Move the Object to the Beginning of the Sentence

Use the Appropriate Form of the Verb "to be"

Use the Past Participle of the Main Verb

Optional: Include the Doer (Agent) with "by"

Transforming Sentences from Active to Passive Voice
In English, sentences can be written in either active voice or passive voice. In active voice, the subject
performs the action expressed by the verb, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action.
Transforming sentences from active to passive voice involves changing the word order and conjugating the
verb appropriately.
Click here to read more about
transforming from active to passive.
Try transforming these sentences into passive voice:
Then do the activities 1 and 2
1. The company launched a new product last month.
2. Scientists discovered a new species of plant in the rainforest.
3. The teacher assigned homework to the students.
4. The construction workers are building a new bridge downtown.
5. The volunteers cleaned up the beach after the storm.
6. The committee selected a winner for the competition.
7. The artist painted a beautiful mural on the wall.
8. The goalkeeper stopped the ball from entering the goal.
9. The company will release the new software update next week.

There is more to learn:

By + Agent =is used to say who or what did the action.

She was knocked over by a car.
With + instrument/material is used to say what the agent used, or after past participles such as coloured
crammed, crowded, filled, flavoured, packed, etc
She was killed with a hammer.
By + Agent is omitted when the agent is unkown, unimportant, obvious from the context.
They revealed the truth

Here are 10 passive voice sentences where you can fill in the gap with "by" or "with":
1. The window was broken __________ a stray baseball.
2. The cake was decorated __________ icing roses.
3. The book was written __________ a famous author.
4. The message was delivered __________ a carrier pigeon.
5. The house was built __________ bricks and mortar.
6. The song was composed __________ a talented musician. Part 4: 'Key' Word Transformation
7. The vase was shattered __________ a careless gesture. (Passive/Active
Clic to do teh activity)
8. The painting was created __________ oil paints.
9. The project was completed __________ a dedicated team. BBC Learning
10. The car was stolen __________ a skilled thief. Passive Voice, reporting structures

Look at the pictures below and try to put them in the correct order based on what you think

Click on the link

to listen to the
radio news
report and
check if the
order you
predicted was

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