Dragon 83 Onepage
Dragon 83 Onepage
Dragon 83 Onepage
Your character has attributes for Strength, You begin your adventure with simple The Priest can call upon their deity when 2d6, and d6 are common) and add their
Intellect, Willpower, Deftness, Toughness weapons and armour. Your Armour score confronted with the undead. Roll 2d6 and relevant ability score to the result. If the
and Leadership. Roll 3 six-sided dice for is determined by your class: Warrior, compare the result of the roll to the value result is greater than the score the Game
each attribute. If you roll a 3 your score is Dwarf, Priest start with 5; Adventurer, Elf, needed to succeed against the Health Dice Master has decided needs to be rolled, the
-3, 4-5 your score is -2, 6-8 your score is Gnome with 7; and Wizard with 9. If you (HD) of the undead: character is successful.
-1, 9-12 your score is 0, 13-15 your score have a positive Deftness score, reduce your Save Checks
is +1, 16-17 your score is +2, and if you Armour score by that many points. If your Undead HD 1 2 3
get an 18 your score is +3. Name your Deftness is negative you must add that Success 7 9 11 When a character needs to resist against
character and write a short description. many points instead. The Warrior, Dwarf, some sort of spell or hazard the Game
Priest and Elf may choose to carry a shield If successful then 2d6 Health Dice (HD) Master may ask them to make a save. To
Choose Your Profession which lowers their armour score by one worth of the monsters will turn and flee. make a save roll a twenty-sided dice (d20)
Your character’s profession determines any point. and get a 14 or higher. Some hazards or
Adventures spells will indicate a higher number, while
special abilities as well as the kind of dice
you roll for health points. Your character Magic Spells Adventures typically begin with one player some professions will have a bonus applied
can be an Adventurer (d6), Dwarf (d8), Elf The Elf, Gnome, and Wizard all start the (the Game Master) describing a scene. The to certain rolls. This will be determined by
(d6), Gnome (d4), Priest (d6), Warrior (d8), game with a magic spell. game then alternates between the other the adventure or the game master.
or Wizard (d4). The game master will let players describing the actions that their
Spirit Animal character wishes to take and the Game Treasure and Experience
you know when your profession provides
an advantage during an adventure. When this spell is cast a glowing animal Master describing the results of those Characters will usually find treasure during
appears in front of the caster. The spirit actions. When it would be unclear if a their adventures and this will help
Roll Your Health Points animal creates a bright light illuminating character would succeed at an action the determine when the Game Master will
Starting characters roll their health dice dark areas, and monsters with allegiance to dice can be rolled as outlined in these rules. reward the players by giving their character
(HD) once to determine their health points Chaos must immediately make a bravery When the group does not wish to leave the additional Health Dice (HD) to represent
(hp). As your character gains more check as if they had lost an ally in a results to chance, the Game Master should their growing experience. In addition to
experience on their adventures the game fighting encounter. The spell caster can not simply narrate what will happen next. gold and silver coins, character may
master will tell you when you can roll more move while conjuring the spirit animal. discover magical items that grant bonuses
Skill Checks in fighting encounters or have spell like
HD and have a higher amount of hp.
Adjust each HD roll by your Toughness More spells, scrolls, and magical items may When a character attempts to perform a abilities to help on their adventures.
score. You get at least 1 point per roll. be discovered during adventures. task that may result in failure the Game
who wish to cast a spell this turn. monster will retreat.
hand combat during the previous turn, or used in fighting encounters to see if the
their turn except those attacked in hand-to- Bravery is a score between 2 and 12 and
Characters and monsters may move during
game your own! one of the character professions.
score they will retreat or surrender. Monsters typically use the same saves as
or remove any of these rules to make the If the result is higher than their Bravery
for your players to discover. Add, change some magic spells and other effects.
if they are scared by rolling two dice (2d6). Save is used when attempting to resist
adventures, monsters, spells and treasure reduced to half their number, check to see
This is just the start. You will need to create combatant, and again when they are can attack multiple times on their turn.
Expanding the Game The first time the Monsters lose a Attacks are usually 1 but some creatures
unconscious or dying. with the highest roll going first. can move during their turn.
hp, they are out of the fight - either Roll a dice (d6) for each side in the fight, Movement indicates how far the monster
that many points. Once reduced to zero
reduce the defender’s health points (hp) by combatant chooses and resolves an action. fighting encounters with the monster.
If an attack is successful roll a dice (d6) and A fight is divided into turns where each Health Points (hp) are used during
Success 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Fighting Encounters with each dice.
Armour 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bonus or penalty to the hit points rolled
by the adventure or the Game Master. point above 1. Some monsters may have a
opponent’s armour score. attacks or even magic spells as determined 1 to a monster’s attack role for every HD
the value needed to succeed agains the Some monsters may have special abilities, dice used to determine health points. Add
Compare the adjusted result of the roll to Allegiance Chaos. Health Dice (HD) indicates the number of
their deftness score for ranged attacks. 90’, Attack 1, Save Dwarf1, Bravery 6,
strength score for hand-to-hand attacks or Encounters to determine successful attacks.
Toadie the Goblin HD1-1, hp 4, Move Armour which is used in Fighting
sided dice (d20) adjusted by the character’s
Attacks are resolved by rolling a twenty- Here is an example of a Monster: these rules and have the following scores:
affected by the magic. particular allegiance. Game Master is considered a “Monster” in
opponents to make a save to see if they are serves the forces of Law, Chaos, or has no Any creature or character controlled by the
Spells cast in combat may require Allegiance indicates whether the monster Monsters