1. Write an assembly language program of 8085 to find IO's complement of N bytes (N 2). The [4]
number of bytes N in hexadecimal is stored in 3100 H. The bytes are stored in memory locations CO-3
starting at 3101 H. The least significant byte is in 3101 H. The result is to be stored in memory
locations starting at 3201 H.
Flow charts and comments must be mentioned in your program.
3. The microprocessor 8085 is not synchronized with the peripheral device because microprocessor [3]
8085 is 1.5 sec/ Minute faster than the peripheral device. Therefore, write a program in assembly CO-2
language to synchronize the 8085 and peripheral device. Let the system clock frequency is 3
5. Write an assembly language program for 8085 microprocessors to enable RST 6.5 interrupt and [l]
disable RST 5.5 and RST 7.5 interrupts. CO-2