Technology Infrastructure and Business Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
Technology Infrastructure and Business Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
Technology Infrastructure and Business Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(Tatikonda& Stock, 2003) exerts influence on various The Central Bank of Kenya serves as the primary
aspects such as product cycle time regulator overseeing microfinance banks, foreign exchange
(MontoyaWeiss&Calantone, 1994), innovation velocity trading bureaus, credit reference bureaus, and commercial
within the firm (Coombs &Bierly III, 2006), as well as the banks. Within Kenya, there exist a total of 42 commercial
speed and efficiency of new product introduction to the banks, each holding an equal market share (Central Bank of
market (Calantone& Di Benedetto, 2012). Moreover, it Kenya Annual Report, 2021). The commercial banking
impacts product development costs and the success rate in sector in Kenya has witnessed a proliferation of players,
bringing new products to fruition (Tatikonda& Stock, 2003), including locally incorporated banks and internationally
underscoring its significance as a fundamental component of incorporated commercial banks (multinationals), both
organizational knowledge and expertise (Renko, originating from within the continent and beyond (Aburime,
Carsrud&Brännback, 2018). A firm's competitiveness and 2009). This influx of diverse participants underscores the
performance hinge upon its adeptness at performing across competitive landscape within the industry, where all banks
various dimensions, implying that its success emanates from vie for market dominance amidst a mix of public and private
its multifaceted capabilities (Stouder& Gallagher, 2015). As banking entities. Chowdhury and Rasid (2015) contend that
elucidated by Kim, Shin, and Min (2016), a firm's private commercial banks, in particular, have witnessed
capabilities enable it to navigate daily operations, facilitate steady growth across various branches, leading to increased
growth, adapt to dynamic market shifts, and ultimately employment opportunities, higher deposit volumes,
attain a competitive edge within the industry. expanded loan disbursements, and augmented net income
and earnings per share over time.
IT capabilities encompass a trifecta of components: IT
infrastructure, IT applications, and human IT skills According to Ongore and Kusa (2013), the ability of
(Bharadwaj, 2000). This amalgamation provides the commercial banks to fulfill their role as financial
requisite hardware and software infrastructure for intermediaries hinges on their capacity for financial
establishing networks that serve as conduits for fostering innovation and the tailored development of financial
firm innovation. Effective deployment of IT infrastructure products. Indeed, there is a pressing need for financial
enables firms to seamlessly integrate suitable applications at institutions to recognize the value of technology-driven
opportune moments, thereby widening pathways for financial services in order to sustain profitability and
technological breakthroughs (Zeng& Lu, 2020). By operational efficiency. In recent years, banks have faced
leveraging IT infrastructure, organizations can expedite the intensified competition stemming from heightened
identification and development of pivotal technologies, innovation among existing players and the emergence of
facilitate information sharing across products, services, and new market entrants (Cegarra-Navarro, Reverte, Gómez-
geographical locations, institute standardized transaction Melero, &Wensley, 2016). These shifts include the
processing, and streamline supply chain management across transition from traditional decentralized banking to a more
various business functions (Zahra et al., 2019). Furthermore, centralized model, facilitated by the integration of diverse
firms endowed with robust human IT skills are not only business capabilities (PWC, 2012). To maintain brand
better positioned to anticipate and cater to the future leadership and foster customer loyalty within the
business needs of the organization but also possess the commercial banking sector in Kenya, various strategies are
acumen to innovate novel product features ahead of employed, such as the introduction of innovative products
competitors, thereby reaping intangible benefits such as and the implementation of robust customer relationship
enhanced customer satisfaction (Bharadwaj, 2000). management initiatives.
nurturing a conducive culture, and effective technology Consequently, IT capabilities contribute to enhancing
management. Dynamic capabilities can be analyzed and innovation activities and firm performance (Del Giudice&
classified based on different business contexts and a Straub, 2011). Therefore, it is imperative to conduct studies
spectrum of dimensions where they can be applied. aimed at gaining a clear understanding of how Technology
Research conducted on a Japanese automobile company Infrastructure enhances the operations of commercial banks.
revealed that dynamic capabilities constituted the primary
and most potent source of competitive advantage. Nevo and C. Conceptual Framework
Wade (2010) assert that IT capabilities play a supportive The conceptual framework shows the anticipated
role for other dynamic capabilities by introducing new relationship between Technology Infrastructure and firm
modules and facilitating various routine business processes. performance (dependent variable).
D. Empirical Review overall firm performance (Byrd & Turner, 2001; Jacks et al.,
Information Technology Infrastructure
IT infrastructure encompasses an organization's IT infrastructure holds significant importance among
capacity to deploy hardware platforms and associated the dimensions of IT capabilities (Flyvbjerg&Budzier,
software systems (Lu & Ramamurthy, 2006). IT 2011). According to Sambamurthy et al. (2003), the
infrastructure capability refers to a firm's proficiency in integration of infrastructure can generate myriad digital
implementing shareable platforms and encompasses its possibilities that enhance organizational learning, thereby
effectiveness in managing data management services, supporting the organization's capacity to leverage and apply
network communication services, and application portfolio available knowledge. A robust IT infrastructure enables
and services tailored to the firm's specific information organizations to rapidly implement new IT initiatives. By
system applications (Bharadwaj, 2000; Broadbent, Weill, & fostering information technology sharing, IT infrastructure
St Clair, 1999; Laudon&Laudon, 2013). A flexible IT facilitates diverse organizational functions, thereby
infrastructure synergizes information generation and streamlining processes and bolstering innovation activities
distribution, thereby enhancing a firm's competitiveness in (Bharadwaj, 2000).
dynamic environments and fostering a competitive
advantage (Lyver& Lu, 2018). IT infrastructure flexibility empowers firms to enhance
innovation and optimize the efficiency of all business
IT infrastructure encompasses the array of IT functions (Pavlou& El Sawy, 2006; Ray et al., 2005).
resources, including hardware, software, and networks, Through its adaptability, IT infrastructure flexibility
structured through systems, which forms the technical facilitates firm development, fostering market equilibrium
foundation for implementing IT and process innovation in by catalyzing the introduction of innovative activities (Todd
product development (Basheer et al., 2016; Lu & &Javalgi, 2007). Firms must cultivate robust IT
Ramamurthy, 2011). Huang et al. (2012) shed light on IT infrastructure flexibility to drive innovation initiatives.
capability, emphasizing its role in acquiring, disseminating, Researchers have identified IT infrastructure as a pivotal
gathering, and recycling IT resources to bolster business resource, serving as a new competitive weapon that can
strategies and operational processes. Effective management bestow sustained competitive advantage (Bharadwaj, 2000).
of diverse tasks within an organization, facilitated by a well- From the perspective of resource-based theory, IT
coordinated system supported by flexible IT infrastructure, infrastructure enabling firms to implement innovations
is crucial for reducing production costs and enhancing represents a type of causally ambiguous resource
(Bharadwaj, 2000; Reed and DeFillippi, 1990).
IT infrastructure comprises two primary components: summaries, it helps researchers to explore the intricacies and
technical IT infrastructure and human IT infrastructure. nuances of the topic under investigation
Managerial IT skills are often tacit and reliant on
interpersonal relationships, which may require years to C. Target Population
cultivate (Chatfield and Bjorn-Andersen, 1997; Mata, The target population was commercial Banks in Kenya
Fuerst, and Barney, 1995). These relationships are typically register by the Central Bank of Kenya. The population
localized or specific to the organization, making skill consisted of all 42 commercial banks in Kenya.
development a socially intricate process (Mata, Fuerst, and Respondents’ population comprised of five top managers
Barney, 1995). For instance, IT managers must collaborate from each bank translating to 210 top managers. The top
with functional managers, suppliers, and customers to managers were targeted because top managers of a firm
develop suitable IT applications. Bush (2001) provides mostly handle strategic management issues.
evidence supporting the impact of IT infrastructure on
supply chain integration. However, previous research has D. Sample Size and Sampling Technique
predominantly focused on technical infrastructure while Sample size refers to the number of individual subjects
overlooking human IT resources concerning integration and or units selected from a larger population for inclusion in a
performance. research study or experiment. It is a critical aspect of
research design, as the size of the sample directly affects the
Cash et al. (2020) posited that an IT infrastructure validity and reliability of the study's findings (Mugenda &
evolves through learning and assimilation of a firm’s Mugenda, 2003).Respondents’ population comprised of five
information requirements. Exploration of the environment top managers from each organization translating to 210 top
can facilitate the development of appropriate capabilities. managers. Slovin’s formula (1960) was applied as
Research also indicates that the development of IT skills, illustrated:
integrated into specific business practices, requires
knowledge assimilation over time (Lu & Ramamurthy, n = N/ (1+Ne2),
2011). In a quantitative study investigating the direct
influence of intangible IT resources on sustainable Where;
competitive advantages in the high-tech industry in Algeria, n = Sample Size
Makhloufi, Abu Al-Rejal, and Mohtar (2018) discovered N = Total Population
that IT infrastructure significantly affects sustainable e = Error of Tolerance with a confidence level of 95 %
competitive advantage. Similarly, Bhatt, Wang, and Rodger (giving a margin error of 0.05)
(2017) examined the moderating effect of organizational n = 210 / (1+ 210*0.05*0.05) = 138
learning intensity on the relationships between information
systems and the competitive advantage of Chinese firms, Hence, the sample size was138.
collecting data from 122 IT managers. The results indicate
that flexible IT infrastructure has a significant impact on E. Data Collection Instruments
competitive advantage. This study employed a self-administered questionnaire,
comprising both closed and open-ended questions, to gather
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY primary data. Additionally, secondary data regarding the
performance of commercial banks was gathered, guided by
A. Research Philosophy predefined parameters. These parameters were established
This research was guided by Positivism. Positivism is a by the researcher, drawing upon information supplied by the
philosophical perspective and approach to knowledge that respondents.The selection of a questionnaire as the data
emphasizes empirical observation, scientific method, and collection instrument for this study was deliberate, driven by
the objective analysis of data(Mulwa 2013). Positivism its practicality and efficiency in gathering information from
holds that knowledge should be derived from empirical a large number of individuals within a relatively short
observation and sensory experience. It emphasizes the timeframe. Moreover, questionnaires offer the advantage of
importance of gathering data through direct observation or facilitating scientific and objective analysis compared to
measurement rather than relying on speculation or other research methods (Kothari, 2004).
intuition(Saunders et al., 2007).
F. Pilot Study
B. Research Design A pilot test was conducted to identify any weaknesses
The study used descriptive design. Descriptive in the instrumentation and to gather proxy data for selecting
research design serves as a fundamental approach in the a probability sample. The pre-testing procedure for the
realm of research methodology, offering crucial insights and questionnaire mirrored that of the actual study and data
advantages in various fields. Its significance lies in its collection process. Cooper and Schindler (2011) recommend
ability to systematically describe and summarize that the pre-test sample size should be relatively small,
characteristics, phenomena, or trends within a population or ranging from 1% to 10% of the total sample size. In
sample (Mohajan, 2018). Sekaran and Bougie (2010) adherence to this guideline, 21 respondents, constituting
indicates that descriptive research allows researchers to gain 10% of the sample size, participated in the pilot study.
a comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon Notably, these participants were not included in the main
or subject. By providing detailed descriptions and survey.
From the results, the respondents agreed that SD=0.786). Further, the respondents agreed that their bank
information technology facilities support the connection of is informed of key IT emerging technologies related
various digital platforms (such as, on-line transactions) applicable in banking sector(M=3.889, SD=0.896). The
(M=4.168, SD=0.905). In addition, the respondents agreed respondents also agreed that bank’s ICT capability is
that system software or functional components supporting characterized by investment towards improvement of the
the integration and extension of digital platforms (M=3.959, ICT hardware(M=3.875, SD=0.897).
SD=0.885). Further, the respondents agreed that their bank
easily retrieve relevant information from their partner From the results, the respondents agreed that data
databases (M=3.970, SD=0.605). The respondents also management services are reasonably good (M=3.852,
agreed that the components of their bank’s IT infrastructure SD=0.934). In addition, the respondents agreed that the
are evolving with their business partners (M=3.955, communication network is largely fulfilled in terms of
SD=0.981). connectivity, reliability, and availability (M=3.786,
SD=0.763). Further, the respondents agreed that the quality
The respondents agreed that IT standards are defined of IT service applications such as ERP is able to meet needs
and enforced across functional units, and with joint (M=3.765, SD=0.852). The respondents also agreed that IT
coordination among their strategic business management services is able to coordinate the physical
partners/alliances(M=3.911, SD=0.873).In addition, the infrastructure effectively and efficiently (M=3.721,
respondents agreed that IT systems is an enablers and SD=0.743). The respondents agreed that IT management
drivers for the bank’s business strategy (M=3.897,
services can manage relationships with business units enhancing both information generation and distribution
effectively and efficiently(M=3.652, SD=0.733). within organizations. This capability, in turn, augments the
firm’s capacity to compete effectively in turbulent
The research findings corroborate the assertions of environments, thereby fostering competitive advantage.
Sambamurthy et al. (2003) regarding the potential of Furthermore, the research by Huang et al. (2012) sheds light
infrastructure integration to generate numerous digital on the diverse functions of IT capability, including its
alternatives, thereby enhancing organizational learning and capacity to acquire, disseminate, collect, and recycle IT
facilitating the effective utilization of available knowledge. resources to support and advance business strategies and
A robust IT infrastructure enables organizations to promptly operational procedures.The success of firms is contingent
implement new IT initiatives, thereby supporting the diverse upon their adept management of various tasks facilitated by
operational needs of the firm through the sharing of a well-coordinated system supported by the flexibility of IT
information technology resources and fostering innovation infrastructure (Byrd & Turner, 2001). Such infrastructure
activities (Bharadwaj, 2000).Moreover, the effectiveness of not only streamlines production processes but also
a company in leveraging IT resources is intricately linked to contributes to cost reduction, ultimately enhancing overall
the interaction between the IT function and the various firm performance (Jacks et al., 2011).
business units (Panda &Rath, 2018). This relationship
infrastructure entails a shared risk and responsibility for IT Business Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
application management between IT and business unit The respondents were requested to indicate their level
management (Zahra et al., 2019). of agreement on various statements relating to business
performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. The results
The study conducted by Lyver and Lu (2018) were as presented in Table 2.
underscores the role of flexible IT infrastructure in
From the results, the respondents agreed that service market share of commercial banks (M=3.721, SD=0.821).
delivery in commercial banks has improved over time The respondents also agreed that net profit of commercial
(M=4.084, SD=0.997). In addition, the respondents agreed banks has been increasing as a result of adopting
that adoption of information technology capability has information technology capabilities (M=3.698, SD=0.828).
enhanced competitive advantage of commercial banks
(M=3.917, SD=0.831). Further, the respondents agreed that The findings of this study align with the observations
they are satisfied with the level of competitive advantage in of Basheer et al. (2016) and Galliers et al. (2020), who
their organization(M=3.898, SD=0.563). The respondents emphasized the widespread adoption of IT capabilities by
also agreed that there are few customer complaints on the companies for various functions such as information
quality of services offered by their organization(M=3.851, collection, processing, storage, and retrieval. These
SD=0.851). capabilities have significantly enhanced companies' capacity
to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats in the
The respondents agreed that the net profit has business environment. Additionally, IT plays a crucial role
increased with technology implementation (M=3.832, in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of business
SD=0.923). In addition, the respondents agreed that strategies (Chu et al., 2019).By integrating IT into their
generally, quality of service delivery has improved hence operations, businesses gain insights into external
contributing positively to bank annual profitability environmental dynamics and develop strategies for
(M=3.795, SD=0.865). Further, the respondents agreed that processing incoming data to predict external factors (Lu &
they are satisfied with the level of performance of their Ramamurthy, 2011). This integration not only enhances the
organization (M=3.767, SD=0.785). The respondents also understanding of external environmental factors but also
agreed that adoption of IT capability has improved the
informs decision-making processes aimed at adapting to encompasses the hardware and software necessary for
changing business landscapes. establishing networks that facilitate firm innovation.
Through the proper implementation of IT infrastructure,
Hadjet al. (2020) highlighted the fundamental role of firms gain the ability to deploy the appropriate applications
IT capabilities in achieving competitive advantage, at the opportune moment, thereby expanding opportunities
suggesting that they may offer insights into the seemingly for technological innovation (Sambamurthy, Bharadwaj, &
contradictory impact of IT capabilities on competitive Grover, 2003).
advantage. Information Technology Capability (ITC)
B. Correlation Analysis
The findings demonstrated a highly significant statistical significance. These results align with those of
relationship between Technology Infrastructure and the Minjeong and Sungyong (2021), who similarly identified a
business performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya (r = robust correlation between technology infrastructure and
0.859, p value = 0.000). This significance was evident as the organizational performance.
p-value of 0.000 was below the threshold of 0.05, indicating
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