14 Wijayanti (2024) Task Technology Fit Model
14 Wijayanti (2024) Task Technology Fit Model
14 Wijayanti (2024) Task Technology Fit Model
Keywords: This study investigates the factors of Computerized Accounting Information Systems (CAIS) and the application
Computerized accounting information system of Task Technology Fit (TTF) in 190 decision-makers at accredited microfinance in Indonesia that apply tech
Task characteristic nology adoption in decision-making processes. The results of analysis with SEM AMOS highlighted some find
Task technology fit
ings: (1) The system quality of the computerized accounting information system and task analyzability have a
Sustainable performance
significant effect on Task Technology Fit (TTF), (2) Task Technology Fit (TTF) has a positive relationship with
perceived usefulness and sustainable performance. Furthermore, this study contributes to the development of
TTF theory in optimizing integrated technological capabilities, accounting information systems, and task char
acteristics toward Sustainable Performance. The prominent contribution of this research is the importance of
technology (including CAIS and Core Micro Banking System). Finally, this study will enrich references in the field
of Accounting and Finance, especially for the application of technology for Sustainable Performance in
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: provita.w@unissula.ac.id (P. Wijayanti).
According to Law No. 1 of 2013, microfinance in Indonesia can be a competitiveness (Emeka-Nwokeji, 2012). AIS gives information for
bank supervised by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) or planning, controlling, and decision-making. It is the key to preserving an
a non-bank governed by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and organization’s efficiency and effectiveness (El-Dalabeeh & Al-Zeaud,
Medium Enterprises. The progressive development of Indonesian 2012). In microfinance, organizational management must adapt to the
microfinance is inseparable from a large portion of society, with 40 % technologies integrated into AIS for decision-making based on organi
coming from the middle class, 20 % from the lower class, and around 10 zational characteristics. Microfinance has organizational characteristics
% from people experiencing poverty. Therefore, it is necessary to based on values and principles to achieve organizational goals. Ac
develop the society’s economy suitable for most people, i.e., through cording to that concept, organizational characteristics will strengthen
Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperatives (Baitul mal Wattamwil/BMT) the impact of AIS technology on organizational sustainability.
and the optimization of social funds. It makes microfinance existence This study seeks to identify the antecedents of TTF, specifically
relevant and highly accepted by Indonesian societies, becoming the Computerized Accounting Information System/CAIS (information
main driver for financial development (KNKS, 2019b). quality, system quality, and service quality) and task characteristics
The scope of digitalized economics plays a significant role in the (task variability and task analyzability), and the effect of TTF on sus
Indonesian Economic and Financial Industry through technology such as tainable performance and perceived usefulness. This study has some
augmented reality (AR), financial technology (fintech), the Internet of objectives as follows:
things (IoT), big data, e-commerce, artificial intelligent (AI), integrated
system, and cloud facilities. These technologies were used in micro 1. To determine the extent to which Computerized Accounting Infor
finance to help facilitate recording systems, reporting, automation, mation System characteristics (information quality, system quality,
monitoring, and customer service. The contribution of digitalized eco and service quality) influence task technology fit (TTF).
nomics is expected to encourage the advancement of digitalized eco 2. To determine how task characteristics (task variability and task
nomics and finance in Indonesia, which will eventually contribute to analyzability) influence task technology fit (TTF).
GDP. Technology innovation is expected to help financial institutions 3. To examine the nature of the relationship between task technology
become more efficient and effective, specifically for economic devel fit (TTF) and Sustainable Performance in microfinance.
opment and social empowerment. Therefore, they should identify a 4. To examine the nature of the relationship between task technology
suitable alternative method to gain its advantages (KNKS, 2018). fit (TTF) and perceived usefulness.
KNEKS (2020) suggested that the transformation process of digita 5. To examine the relationship between perceived usefulness and Sus
lized microfinance covers four pillars: operational, monitoring and tainable Performance in microfinance.
obedience, service, and business digitalization. First, the digitalized
operation implements information technology to efficiently manage To address these specific challenges, this study examines four gaps.
microfinance and operational activities. Second, digitalized monitoring First, the TTF model is still used to measure cost efficiency and perfor
and obedience are implementing information technology to manage mance in industrial scopes such as SMEs, educational institutions, gov
microfinance according to the regulation of financial institutions. Third, ernment institutes, and companies listed on the stock exchange (gap1).
digitalized service is the implementation of information technology Second, sustainable performance was measured by the indicators of
aimed at microfinance to satisfy and fulfill the various financial service economic, social and environmental (Huy & Phuc, 2020a; Rajdev &
requirements of the users. Fourth, a digitalized business implements Bhatt, 2013; Tasleem et al., 2019) (gap 2). Third, the influence of TTF on
information technology to increase the business’s quality and quantity sustainable performance, especially in microfinance, has yet to be found
and become the profit center. (gap 3). Fourth, sustainable performance is commonly measured with a
Ahmad et al. (2014); Watad (2018) found that an organization qualitative approach, while sustainable performance in microfinance
should redesign its organizational process by focusing on the system, requires a quantitative approach (gap 4).
which can help make it more efficient and productive. Gorgan (2015) This conceptual model was developed based on a literature review
showed that the effectiveness of organizations requires an accurate in presented in Section 2. The hypotheses were then tested with data from
formation system to assist decision-making. Meanwhile, Susanto (2015) an electronic survey among 455 decision-makers of accredited micro
agreed that an Accounting Information System (AIS) can help users finance (Baitul mal Wattamwil/BMT) in Indonesia. The setting of sam
make proper organizational decisions. AIS significantly affects organi ple selection is included in Section 3, which outlines the materials and
zational effectiveness and can enhance financial performance (Onaolapo methods. The study’s response rate was 49.67 %, and 226 data were
& Odetayo, 2012). For instance, AIS informs the data required by in available for analysis. However, due to the outlier issues, 190 data were
ternal and external stakeholders to make valuable decisions. analyzed using AMOS to examine the conceptual model presented in
Based on an accounting perspective, most organizations have used Section 4. The following section discusses the contribution of this study
AIS to help manage their accounting task. The task is the activity that empirically, theoretically, or managerially. The last section gave the
sustains an organization and influences the user’s capability and conclusion, limitations, and recommendations for future studies.
expertise. When there was high task uncertainty, motivational and
cognitive factors were important determinants of performance (Her Literature review and hypotheses development
et al., 2018). The association between TTF and actual information sys
tem (IS) use is higher when there is a greater demand for an opportunity Task technology fit (TTF)
to execute knowledge-related activities. However, simply providing
appropriate IT tools that are task-appropriate is no guarantee that they Task technology fit (TTF) is defined as how a technology could help
will be used to harness the acquisition, transfer, and reuse of knowledge an individual conduct his/her task to reach high self-performance. Two
(Moreno & Cavazotte, 2016). As a component of business information basic levels of TTF are considered unbiased in information system
systems (IS), accounting information systems (AIS) are considered to research, i.e., interaction and system approach, because each yielded
support decision-making within businesses and should be customized to different information and was suitable to examine the relationship be
an organization’s environment, task requirements, and structure (Mol tween fit and the context-structure performance in contingency theory
lanazari, 2012). (Drazin & de Ven, 1985; Shuhidan, 2020). The distribution and devel
According to prior research on AIS (Diansari et al., 2020; Puasa et al., opment of a group supporting system (GSS) is a field of TTF imple
2019; Susanto, 2015), the user’s perceived usefulness and satisfaction mentation research focuses on supporting group activity (Alamri et al.,
with the information system is critical to AIS satisfaction and accep 2020). Following the notion that there is a fit between activity and in
tance. AIS implementation can reduce operational costs and increase formation technology to support group performance, the fit is formed by
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
combining a set of typical internal activities related to the contingency possible in this digital age (Yuce et al., 2019). The information can be
that affects the group performance. Based on the previous study by displayed and become high quality if proven relevant and valuable for
Murthy and Kerr (2003); Owens and Khazanchi (2018), the TTF decision-making tasks (Haag & Cummings, 2009; Kourdi, 2015; Kyer
approach led by groups has been used for various collaborative or joint emeh et al., 2022). The product of information with characteristics,
information technology efforts to improve group activities. attributes, or quality makes it more valuable if it fulfills the requirement
Applying TTF could increase the individual performance benefits of high-quality information (Al-Dalabih, 2018; Jawabreh & Alrabei,
from information technology, as shown by the significance of the fit 2012; O’Brien & Marakas, 2010). In accordance with this, Al-Okaily
between technologies and users’ tasks. TTF, broken down into more et al. (2020); Stair and Reynolds (2010) state that qualified information
specific components, could be the foundation for a potential diagnostic should be accurate, reliable, up-to-date, complete, and properly
tool to determine whether a business’s information systems and services formatted. For example, AIS generates financial reports based on data
are fulfilling user needs (Goodhue & Thompson, 1995). According to used by various stakeholders in decision-making (Susanto, 2015). In
TTF, a better fit is rooted in technology, emphasizing performance, ternal and external users benefit from collecting and examining previous
which includes task characteristics, information technology, and users financial data. According to Cardinaels and van Veen-Dirks (2010);
as a descriptive variable related to information system performance and Salehi and Arianpoor (2021), organizations should consider financial
implementation. It is aligning work requirements, individual abilities, and non-financial factors when making decisions.
and technological functionality (Elçi & Abubakar, 2021). TTF could be DeLone and McLean’s information system (IS) model serves as a
created using a Computerized Accounting Information System (CAIS) framework for information system research (DeLone and McLean,
and task characteristics. 2003). An accounting information system (AIS) is a technical device that
Furthermore, the relationship between information technology, connects the information system to economic functions or organiza
performance, and the organizational process is a fascinating topic for the tional finance (Hosain, 2019). AIS is used to save data and serves a
researcher to examine related to TTF (Awad, 2020). More recent forms greater purpose of gathering primary data and transforming it into
of information technology enable employees to remain connected to valuable information for managers’ decisions or policy-making (Salehi
their organization while participating in jobs considered necessary for & Arianpoor, 2021). DeLone and McLean (1992) proposed six categories
the business’s sustainability (Malhotra & Majchrzak, 2005; Shuhidan, for measuring the success of information systems: system quality, in
2020). Regarding the information system, several characteristics related formation quality, usage, user satisfaction, individual impact, and
to TTF are found relevant, such as by Oliveira (2016) and Rahi et al. organizational impact. The factors influencing the determinant should
(2021), as well as several types of information technology in previous positively influence the performance (Huy & Phuc, 2020a; Shuhidan,
research (Cheng, 2018a; Liu et al., 2011; Staples & Seddon, 2004a; Wu & 2020). Previous studies have also predicted that the characteristics of
Chen, 2016). The TTF theory has been used in various educational AIS can improve TTF (Shuhidan, 2020; Tam & Oliveira, 2016a).
studies (Alamri et al., 2020; El-Said, 2015; McGill & Klobas, 2009; In the context of developing countries, understanding the acceptance
Shuhidan, 2020), and a study related to banking (Oliveira & Tam, 2016), of information system technologies has been recognized to be complex
a range of studies related to construction and financial service industries and critical. Factors such as system quality, social influence, perfor
(El Said, 2015), ERP working in companies by Cheng (2018a), com mance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived
mercial users of Internet banking across Pakistan by Rahi et al. (2021), ease of use, perceived usefulness, instructor quality, information quality,
and public sector organizations of Saudi Arabia by Awad (2020). and learning value have constrained the widespread adoption and
acceptance (Kim & Park, 2017; Yakubu et al., 2020).
Computerized accounting information system As a result, the prior research suggests that the information, system,
Computerized Accounting Information System (CAIS) utilizes AIS to and service quality of Computerized Accounting Information System
record the company’s financial transactions. CAIS was created to in (CAIS) are positively related to TTF. Thus, it generates the following
crease the company’s capacity to achieve its business objectives and hypotheses:
strategy, specifically, the speed with which accounting information is
Hypothesis 1a. Information quality of CAIS and TTF have a significant
processed, the timeliness required, the quick data analysis, the accuracy
positive relationship.
of financial reporting, and the effective and efficient processing of ac
counting information. AIS utilizes a computer software system to pro
Hypothesis 1b. System quality of CAIS and TTF have a significant
vide the functions of an accounting information system designed to
positive relationship.
facilitate decision-making.
An Accounting Information System (AIS) is important to ensure
Hypothesis 1c. Service quality of CAIS and TTF have a significant
performance and achieve organizational goals (Alnajjar, 2017). A
positive relationship.
company’s level of information technology, organizational culture, and
strategic information technology design all impact the company’s AIS. A
Task characteristic
business’s accounting information system must perform several tasks,
Tasks can be interpreted as individual activities or tasks to change
including gathering information about the activities and transactions,
inputs to outputs. The characteristics assigned to tasks can be correlated
designing, processing, and converting data into information in the ac
to tasks the end user expects to conduct using information technology
counting information system that becomes the basis for decision-making
(Goodhue and Thompson, 1995). Tasks are also defined as determinants
related to planning, application, management activities and mandatory
related to the work activities that support an organization, even often
controls to keep the business. Thus, the way that businesses funda
supported by information systems. Task characteristics with task
mentally use accounting information (Kouser et al., 2011). AIS is a
compatibility, difficulty, interdependence, significance, variability and
subsystem group that connects or is related to one another and is inte
specificity can contribute to information system success (Petter et al.,
grated to achieve organizational goals (Almbaidin, 2014). AIS is a
2013). Task difficulty, or task analyzability, describes an individual’s
collection of individual and financial data used to provide a financial
ability to respond, increasing task-related problems (Brown &
report for stakeholders that can be integrated with a management con
Paz-Aparicio, 2021). Previous research explains that task characteristics
trol system (El-Dalabeeh & Alshbiel, 2012). Adopting AIS to develop the
significantly predict TTF (Awad, 2020; Rahi et al., 2021). Furthermore,
company’s long-term plan is a highly beneficial aspect (Fitriyani, 2019).
task characteristics will likely improve TTF (El Said, 2015; Staples &
Information quality is determined by the output processed using IS
Seddon, 2004b; Tam & Oliveira, 2016a).
based on its relevancy and clarity in building knowledge (Gorla et al.,
According to the above argument, task variability and task
2010; Yuce et al., 2019). It is essential to reach information as quickly as
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
analyzability are expected to have a positive relationship with TTF. satisfaction. Another study conducted by Siyanbola (2012) found that
Thus, the hypotheses can be formulated as follows: successful accounting information usage requires the use of AIS to tackle
difficulties related to an organization’s technology.
Hypothesis 2a. Task variability and TTF have a significant positive
Therefore, based on the above explanation, TTF is expected to
positively impact Sustainable Performance in microfinance. The hy
pothesis can be provided as follows:
Hypothesis 2b. Task analyzability and TTF have a significant positive
relationship. Hypothesis 3. TTF and Sustainable Performance in Microfinance have
a significant positive relationship.
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
Information System
Information Quality
(IQ) of CAIS
Task Variability
(TV) H2b
Task Analyzability
the large. Meanwhile, the size of Microfinance, seen from the number of researchers employ estimation techniques to assess the skewness and
members, indicated that most of the microfinance (63.7 %) had > 5000 kurtosis of the available data. The maximum likelihood (ML) approxi
members. Based on the periods of CAIS usage, it was found that as many mation technique is specifically applied to derive parameter estimates
as 74.7 % of Microfinance had used CAIS for 11 years or more, and only under the assumption of normality (Kumar, 2015). Consequently, 36
3.2 % had used it for ≤ 5 years. The IT facilities that were most used by records were excluded based on this criterion. Following the normality
Microfinance were ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Software (76.3 test assumption, four items/indicators were eliminated due to their
%), and only 2.1 % used CBS (Core BMT System). The microfinance and persistent abnormality, even after excluding outlier records.
respondents’ characteristics can be seen in Table 1. The data analysis assumed that there was no correlation among in
The perceived usefulness variable helps conceptualize the influence dependent variables. The incorrect assumption resulted in multi
of TTF on Sustainable Performance in Microfinance. The perceived collinearity (where two or more independent variables were
usefulness measurement refers to Shuhidan (2020)’s research. Mean significantly correlated). For this reason, at least one independent var
while, the Sustainable Performance in microfinance is measured ac iable had to be removed from the equation. Identification of multi
cording to the previous research by Huy and Phuc (2020); Wibowo collinearity showed no variable with a correlation “r” value exceeding
(2014) includes business, social, and environmental perspectives. the cut-off value of 0.90, so it was suggested that there was no multi
While the measures were derived from various prior studies and collinearity issue (Grewal et al., 2004; Steenkamp & Maydeu-Olivares,
modified to align with this conceptual research, we undertook a pilot 2022).
study to assess the questions’ validity and the collected data’s potential The survey questionnaire was administered in Indonesia and tar
reliability, aiming to establish content validity (Higson & Kassem, geted accredited microfinances, specifically chosen due to their utili
2016). Moreover, the pilot study afforded the researcher a comprehen zation of CAIS in decision-making processes. The construct items in this
sive understanding of questionnaires, respondents, and the actual test study are assessed using a 7-point Likert scale. The Likert scale assesses
administration process (Fraser et al., 2018; Mohamed et al., 2009). For respondents’ preferences for answering each question, ranging from 1
this investigation, 40 preliminary questionnaires were distributed to for "Strongly Disagree" to 7 for "Strongly Agree." The operational defi
respondents associated with 40 microfinances in Central Java to estab nition of the variables is presented in Table 2.
lish content validity.
Common method variance & common method bias
In controlling the common method bias, two main approaches can be
Data analysis and methodological issues used (Tehseen et al., 2017). The first approach is using a procedural
solution to design a research procedure carefully. Meanwhile, the sec
Initially, 226 records were filled, but after conducting a normality ond method utilizes a statistical approach to mitigate the effects of
test, only 190 were deemed suitable for this study. The normal distri common method bias following data collection. Procedural mainte
bution of observations is the fundamental and crucial assumption before nance is recommended for previous data collection, whereas statistic
constructing the model and evaluating its fit indices. Utilizing a recovery is typically used after gathering or analyzing prior data. In this
continuous, multivariate, average population for the observations is study, both approaches are adopted.
imperative, even though data normality is infrequent. To address this,
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
Table 1 Table 2
Microfinance and respondents’ characteristics. Operational Definition of the Variables.
Characteristics of Absolute Relative Cumulative Constructs Dimensions & Attributes Refs.
Microfinance and Frequencies Frequencies Frequencies
Computerized Information Quality of CAIS Ali and Money (2005);
Accounting • Accuracy Nelson et al. (2005); Tam
The Number of Employees Information • Format and Oliveira (2016);
Small (10–49 people) 75 39.5 39.5 System • Completeness Shuhidan (2020)
Medium (50–249 101 53.2 92.6 • Currency
people) System Quality of CAIS
Large (≥ 250 people) 14 7.4 100.0 • Flexibility
The Number of Members • Accessibility
< 1000 9 4.7 4.7 • Response Time
1000 – 5000 60 31.6 36.3 • Easiness in usage
> 5000 121 63.7 100.0 • Integration
Period of CAIS Usage • Reliability
≤ 4 years 6 3.2 3.2 Service Quality of CAIS
5 – 10 years 36 18.9 22.1 • Responsiveness
11 – 15 years 51 26.8 48.9 • Assurance
16 – 20 years 51 26.8 75.8 • Empathy
> 20 years 46 24.2 100.0 Task Characteristics Task Variability Daft and Macintosh
IT Facilities • Variety in the events that (1981); Chang et al.
CBCA 16 8.4 8.4 cause the work (2003); Shuhidan (2020)
CBS 4 2.1 10.5 • Describe the work as routine
Intranet 25 13.2 23.7 • Work decisions dissimilar
ERP 145 76.3 100.0 from one day to the next
Respondent’s Position • Take a lot of experience and
Supervisor board 12 5.3 5.3 training to know what to do
Board of Committee 33 14.6 19.9 when a problem arises
Manager 89 39.4 59.3 • Tasks require an extensive
Head of operations 52 23 82.3 and demanding search for
finance solution
Head of marketing 12 5.3 87.6 Task Analyzability
Others (Internal 28 12.4 100.0 • Normal work activities are
Control, Accounting, IT, guided by standard
Financing) procedures, directives, rules,
Work periods etc.
< 3 years 7 3.7 3.7 • Know a lot of procedures and
3–5 years 21 11.1 14.7 standard practices to do the
6–9 years 34 17.9 32.6 work well
> 9 years 128 67.4 100.0 • Understandable sequence of
steps that can be followed in
carrying out the work
Results • People rely on established
procedures and practices
• Established materials
Examining the results of the measurement models (manuals, standards, technical
and procedural) cover the
Evaluation of measurement models conducted by reliability test or work
internal construct consistency with Cronbach Alpha. The Cronbach Task Technology Fit • The fit among task Lin and Huang (2008);
(TTF) characteristics, Computerized Zhou et al. (2010);
Alpha value of each construct ranges from 0.757 to 0.964 (Table 12),
Accounting Information Oliveira and Tam (2016)
and all are higher than the rule of thumb 0.7 or more score recom System requirements and
mended by Bougie and Sekaran (2020). Therefore, all the constructs in function
this study are reliable and construct consistency because the random • The fit of the Computerized
error could be avoided. The construct validity is measured by the Ei Accounting Information
System function to complete
genvalues of more than 1.0 (Watkins, 2018) and the factor loading of at the task
least 0.30 (Tavakol & Wetzel, 2020). The validity construct could be • The fit of the Computerized
evaluated after measuring the feasibility dimension with the Accounting Information
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO MSA). KMO System function to manage the
account and data in real-time
varied from 0.668 to 0.935, which is higher than the 0.50 cut-off (the
• In general, the fit of the
recommended score), and all of Bartlett’s tests are significant, showing Computerized Accounting
that the score indicated sampling adequacy to conduct an exploratory Information System function is
factor analysis (EFA) (Watkins, 2018). The validity construct of each enough to fulfill the
variable is shown as Tables 3 to 10. requirement.
Perceived Usefulness • The degree to which a person Davis (1989); DeLone &
EFA helped determine the structural factor based on how the re believes that using a particular McLean (2003b);
spondents answered the questionnaires (Baldner & McGinley, 2014; system would enhance his or Shuhidan (2020)
Decoster, 1998; Maurischat, 2006). The factor analysis was conducted to her job performance
see whether the items or indicators used in the research instrument had Sustainable Business Perspective Davis (1989); Shuhidan
Performance in • Organizational Structure (2020); Huy & Phuc
been appropriate to represent the aspect or dimension that should be
Microfinance • Management (2020); Wibowo (2014)
measured. The factor analysis was also conducted to determine whether • Business Ratio
the aspects/dimensions were correlated or independent. All the con Social Perspective
structs consist of items with a factor loading ≥ 0.3 and an Eigenvalue of • Accumulating Acquisition of
more than 1.0, as recommended by Tavakol and Wetzel (2020); Watkins Social Fund
(2018). Convergent validity was then assessed using the significance of (continued on next page)
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
Table 6 Table 10
Factor loading for task variability (TV). Factor loading for sustainability performance in microfinance.
No. Items Items Factor No. Items Items Factor
Coding Loadings Coding Loadings
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
Table 12 Table 13
Model fit statistics: single factor. Goodness-of-fit measures of computerized accounting information systems: an
Constructs GFI ≥ IFI ≥ TLI (Close AGFI (Close CFI (Close
application of TTF model for microfinance.
0.90 0.95 to 1) to 1) to 1) Goodness of fit Cut off Approximate boundary as a good fit of
measure Computerized Accounting Information
IQ 0.952 0.991 0.987 0.915 0.991
Systems: An Application of TTF Model for
SyQ 0.940 0.991 0.986 0.903 0.990
SrQ 0.967 0.994 0.988 0.913 0.994
TV 1.000 1.003 1.030 1.000 1.000 Chi square ratio p > .05 <0.001
TA 0.993 1.001 1.002 0.972 1.000 Relative chi < 3.00 1.871
TTF 0.999 1.002 1.007 0.993 1.000 square
PU 0.988 0.998 0.994 0.949 0.998 CFI Closer to 1.0 0.840
SPM 0.950 0.981 0.972 0.918 0.980 is better
TLI Closer to 1.0 0.830
Key: IQ: Information Quality, SyQ: System Quality, SrQ: Service Quality, TV:
is better
Task Variability, TA: Task Analyzability, TTF: Task Technology Fit, PU: IFI ≥ 0.95 0.842
Perceived Usefulness, SPM: Sustainability Performance of Microfinance, GFI: RMSEA < 0.08 0.068
Goodness of Fit Index, IFI: incremental fit index, TLI: Tucker-Lewis Index, AGFI:
Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index, CFI: Comparative of Fit Index.
Table 14
models, as indicated by a degree of freedom (df) greater than zero (df > Hypothesis testing summary.
0). This implies that the number of independent parameters estimated is
Ha Causal relationship B1 P2 Results3
fewer than the researcher’s variance and covariance models (Elangovan,
2017). This study calculates the df as 2269, confirming that the H1a IQ → TTF 0.100 NS Rejected
H1b SyQ → TTF 0.618 0.008 Accepted
computerized accounting information systems, task technology fit,
H1c SrQ → TTF − 0.081 NS Rejected
perceived usefulness and sustainable performance in the microfinance H2a TV → TTF − 0.046 NS Rejected
model are over-identified. Model identification can be determined using H2b TA → TTF 0.544 *** Accepted
the following formula. H3 TTF → SPM 0.391 *** Accepted
H4 TTF → PU 0.696 *** Accepted
H5 PU → SPM − 0.186 0.050 Rejected
Examining the results of the structural models
Ha: alternative hypotheses, NS: non-significant.
Covariance-based SEM (AMOS method) required a goodness of fit Regression coefficient,.
model, as shown in Table 13. Statistical significant of the test (α: 0.05, ***: <0.001),.
Results on Alternative Hypothesis Test,.
The results of this research indicate a good model fit (chi-square =
4245.93; p < .001). The χ2/DF (relative chi-square) value was 1.871,
which is below the threshold of 3.0, meeting the rule of thumb. The CFI affected the sustainability performance in microfinance and perceived
at 0.840 and TLI at 0.830 exceeded the acceptable level according to usefulness. Moreover, the influence of the system quality of CAIS on task
Bentler (1990), i.e., > 0.7, suggesting that the incremental fit of the technology fit was more significant than the influence on task analyz
model is satisfactory (Ibrahim & Khairuddin, 2022). Although the IFI ability. Additionally, the task technology fit effect on sustainability
value of 0.842 is slightly below 0.95, it is still considered marginally performance in microfinance was stronger than compared to the
acceptable for model feasibility. The RMSEA value of 0.068 is also perceived usefulness influence.
deemed quite good for model feasibility since it is ≤ 0.08 (Browne &
Cudeck, 1992). Consequently, the computerized accounting information Discussion
systems, task technology fit, perceived usefulness, and sustainable per
formance in the microfinance model are acceptable (Table 4). This paper empirically examined computerized accounting infor
The theoretical model in this study underwent testing through the mation system (CAIS) adoption by microfinance using TTF theory. The
covariance-based Structural Equation Model (SEM) using the AMOS related literature was reviewed, and a suitable theoretical model based
method. This technique prioritizes assessing the model fit and overall fit on TTF theory was proposed. Then, the model examined eight hypoth
of the variance-covariance matrix for comprehensive model testing. This eses using structural equation modelling (SEM-AMOS), four were
study tests eight hypotheses to find empirical evidence for the theoret accepted, and four were rejected.
ical model. The outcomes are detailed in Table 14 and visually repre In the context of CAIS, three hypotheses were examined. H1a, the
sented in Fig. 3, complemented by the corresponding R-square values. relationship between the information quality of CAIS and TTF was
Four of the eight hypotheses tested was rejected and accepted. The rejected (β= 0.100). Four items were used to measure the information
accepted hypotheses demonstrated that the system quality of CAIS and quality of CAIS, with thirteen questions divided into four questions for
task analyzability influence task technology fit. The task technology fit accuracy and three for format, completeness, and currency. H1b, the
relationship between the system quality of CAIS and TTF was accepted
(β= 0.618). Six items were used to measure the system quality of CAIS,
consisting of 20 questions divided into three questions for flexibility,
five questions for easiness of usage and three questions for accessibility,
response time, reliability, and integration. H1c, the relationship be
tween the service quality of CAIS and TTF was rejected (β=− 0.081).
Three items were used to measure the service quality of CAIS, consisting
of ten questions divided into four questions for responsiveness, three for
assurance and empathy. The items were acquired from Ali and Money
(2005), Ali et al. (2016), Nelson et al. (2005), Shuhidan (2020), and Tam
and Oliveira (2016a). As in most studies, the hypothesis findings prove
that CAIS adoption by microfinance significantly influences TTF. This
study filled the gap stated by Lutfi (2023) and Wang & Teo (2020) that
Fig. 2. Model identification (Yusoff & Janor, 2014). the system quality of CAIS has a positive influence on TTF.
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
In the context of task characteristics, two hypotheses were examined. the power to shape task that must fit within technology’s function
H2a, the relationship between task variability and TTF was negatively (Baskerville et al., 2020).
related (β=− 0.046). Five questions were used to measure task vari H3, the sustainability performance of microfinance was positively
ability. H2b, the relationship between task analyzability and TTF was influenced by task technology fit (β = 0.391). The R-squared value of
significant (β=0.544). Five questions were used to measure task 0.324 which estimated that 32.4 % of the variations in the sustainability
analyzability and four to measure task technology fit. The question items performance of microfinance could be accounted for by task technology
for task characteristics were acquired from Chang et al. (2003), Daft and fit and perceived usefulness (see Fig. 3). The sustainability performance
Macintosh (1981), and Shuhidan (2020). The question items for task of microfinance was assessed by three items with sixteen questions
technology fit were acquired from Lin and Huang (2008), Tam and divided into ten questions to measure a perspective of business, three for
Oliveira (2016b), and Zhou et al. (2010). As in most studies, the hy social and environmental perspectives from Huy & Phuc (2020b). The
pothesis findings prove that the positive relationship between task findings were consistent with Alyoussef (2021) that TTF has positive
analyzability and TTF will lead to better work efficiency and consistent influence on the sustainability performance and Erskine et al. (2019)
with the study by Sutanto et al. (2018). which revealed the positive relationship between TTF and
Based on the above explanation, the information and service quality decision-making performance. The findings provide evidence that TTF
of CAIS, as well as task variability did not contribute to predict the task influence comprehensive decision-making to impact sustainability
technology fit and solely explicable through the system quality of CAIS performance.
and task analyzability. The R-squared value of 0.787 which estimated H4, task technology fit exhibited significant ability to predict
that 78.7 % of the variations in task technology fit could be accounted perceived usefulness (β=0.696) and the R-squared value of 0.720 which
for by CAIS and task characteristics (see Fig. 3). This study revealed that indicated that 72.0 % of the variations in perceived usefulness could be
TTF needs to explore the interaction between System Quality of predicted by task technology fit (see Fig. 3). Six questions were acquired
Computerized Accounting Information System (CAIS) and task analyz from Davis (1989), DeLone & McLean (2003a), and Shuhidan (2020) to
ability (Muchenje & Seppänen, 2023). Digital technology exhibits measure perceived usefulness. The hypothesis findings prove that
unique characteristics, such as malleability and generativity, that perceived usefulness plays an essential role in decision-making to use
differentiate them from traditional information technology (IT) (Yoo technology, specifically CAIS and it was consistent with Edo et al. (2023)
et al., 2012). Building on the nature of digital technologies, this study and Yang et al. (2020). H5, the perceived usefulness did not impact the
pointed out that TTF has partially captured the nature of the relationship sustainability performance of microfinance (β=− 0.186). The findings
between tasks and technology. The extant focus of TTF is on how were consistent with the study by Krath et al. (2024) and contradicted
technology fits the task requirements. However, digital technology has the results of Abed (2020), Gupta et al. (2020), and Mishra et al. (2023).
Fig. 3. Complete SEM Analysis Result on Computerized Accounting Information Systems: An Application of Task Technology Fit Model for Microfinance
Key: NS = not significant, * = p<.05, *** = p<.001.
Source: Developed for this Study
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
P. Wijayanti et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100224
Fig. 4. Revised Model on Computerized Accounting Information Systems: An Application of Task Technology Fit Model for Microfinance
Key: * = p<.05, ** = p<.001.
Source: Developed for this Study
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