How To Use C++ Environment
How To Use C++ Environment
How To Use C++ Environment
If the icon is not on the desktop, click on the Start button and select Programs from the list of options. From the programs list, click on Borland C++ 5.02 then Borland C++.
You should then see the following screen. Dont worry if the screen is not exactly like yours but it should have the Borland C++ icon and title in the top left corner.
From the Borland C++ main screen, click on File then New then Project to get to the New Target window:
In the Project Path and Name: text box, type: c:\temp\myprogs\prog1.ide Notice that the Target Name is automatically taken from what you type. In the Target Type: text box click on Application[.exe] to highlight it. In the Platform: text box select Win32. In the Target Model: text box select Console.
The remaining settings are as shown in the New Target window above and are not changed.
Click in the .def and .rc boxes to deselect them so that the Advanced Options window looks like this:
Note: By default, the .cpp Node option (for C++ programs) of Advanced Options is selected. If you're creating a C program, you should select the .c Node option of Advanced Options. Now click on the OK button of the Advanced Options window. Then click on the OK button of the New Target window to complete the setup for the new project. You will then see the Project window
Note: If you selected the .c node in the Advanced Options window, the files names shown in the project window are prog1.ide and prog1.c. The project is called prog1. The project file is prog1.ide in the c:\temp\myprogs directory. Within this project is a C++ (or C) file : prog1.cpp (or prog1.c). This is the source code file, the one that contains the text of the C++ or C program. prog1.exe is the name of the executable file to be generated from prog1.cpp (or prog1.c). Now click on the filename prog1.cpp ( or prog1.c) to highlight it, and press the Enter key to open the file. You will see a code window for C:\temp\cpp\prog1.cpp (or prog1.c). The code window is where you to enter the text of your program.
Close the Project window and maximize the code window. In the code window, type in the text EXACTLY as shown below. C++ programmers type in the code shown in blue below. C programmers should type in the green code below.
// Programmer: // Date: // File: c:\temp\myprogs\prog1.cpp
{ int num1, num2, total; cout << "type a number then press the Enter key\n"; cin >> num1; cout << "type another number then press the Enter key\n"; cin >> num2; total = num1 + num2;
cout << "The sum is "; cout << total; cout << "\n\n\nPress any key to end this program"; getch(); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main (void) { int num1, num2, total; printf("type a number then press the Enter key\n"); scanf("%d",&num1); printf("type another number then press the Enter key\n"); scanf("%d",&num2); total = num1 + num2;
printf("The sum is "); printf("%d",total); printf("\n\nPress any key to end this program..."); getch(); }
Notice in the title bar of the code window, there is a * after the source code file name. This means that the file has yet to be saved. To save the file, Click on File then Save.
Click on OK. If there are any errors reported in this window, the program will not be compiled to machine code. You will need to find and correct the error, then compile again.
and notice that there is a new button in the task bar at the bottom of your desktop showing that the executable code of this program (prog1.exe) is running. Move the mouse over the window and click to make it the active window, then: Type in a number. Then press the Enter key. Now type in another number Now press the Enter key The sum of the two numbers is displayed. You are then prompted to press any key to end the program. When the program ends you are returned to the integrated development environment. Go to the C:\temp\myprogs folder and note the files which have been created for you: the file with the .ide extension is the project file, the .cpp (or .c) file is the source code file, (a text file which can be opened in Notepad.exe) and assuming successful compilation, there is also a file named prg1.obj which is the object file, and a file named prog1.exe which is the executable file. The executable file may be run by selecting Run from the Debug menu. There are other files which have been automatically generated by the integrated development environment (IDE), which need not concern us now.
then click. You will see a red line as shown in the following display:
The red line marks a stop point. When you run the program by pressing the lightening bolt button, the execution stops at the red line, and Borland opens the code window highlighting the stop line. To continue running the program one line at a time, when the code window is the active window, press key F8 (which is usually positioned above key 9 on the keyboard). Notice that when a program is running, a button appears on the task bar (the task bar is normally situated to the right of the Start button on the desktop). When the program is waiting for input, the console window is active. The console window displays your running program. On the taskbar, the console window button
displays the name of the running program. You may have to click inside the console window before you type any required input. To get back to the code window, click on the Borland C++ button on the taskbar. After pressing F8 while in the code window, click on the console window button to look at the current state of your program in the console window. As you run the program one line at a time, you will alternatively click on the Borland C++ and the console window button. Ideally you will arrange the console and code windows so that they are both visible on the screen at the same time. If you set up your new projects in the way described in this document, you can run the code one line at a time by pressing the F8 function key on the keyboard. This is very useful if you are trying to find logical errors in your code. A logical error is one which produces unexpected results, but the program compiles with 0 errors. Finding and correcting errors in code is a process known as debugging. The Borland C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) contains debugging tools as well as a text editor for entering code, and the compiler and linker. You should spend a few hours experimenting with the C++ integrated development environment (IDE) to make sure that you can create new projects, enter code (i.e. a C++ or C program) for the project, and be able to compile, link and run your program. To help you become familiar with the integrated development environment, click on Help on the menu bar, then Contents, and browse though the various documents for information. Try to become familiar with the debugging tools of the IDE. You will find that once you are a skilled debugger, you will develop your programs much faster, and they are less likely to contain errors.
Be careful how you save your files when using Borland. If you use the File then Save as option to save a .cpp or .c file, make sure you're in the source code window and not the projects window when you save. If you inadvertently corrupted your source code by overwriting it with the contents of the project binary file, your .cpp or .c file will contain a jumble of text and strange characters. To revert back to the last saved version of your .cpp or .c file: quit Borland, locate the folder of your .cpp or .c file. Delete the file, then find a file of the same name but with the extension .bak. Rename the .bak file with so it has the extension .cpp (or .c).