Introduction To Marketing
Introduction To Marketing
Introduction To Marketing
II- Marketing and its relationship with other business functions - Page 350
III- Market orientation versus product orientation - Pages 344 - 345 (Included the
following additional information below)
- Product oriented approach is usually adopted by businesses that are inward looking.A
company that has this approach doesn’t look at the customers needs and wants.They
believe if a business produces a high quality product, people will buy it. Businesses that
use this approach focus on making the product then figuring a marketing strategy to sell
it.They assume that the supply creates its own demand, because They believe that if
businesses produce innovative high quality products, this will tempt customers to buy it.
They put more emphasis on the production process rather than the customer's needs.
Some companies at the beginning used to be product oriented, when they did not face
large competition, like many high tech products,mobile phones, and internet service
companies .
- The nature of the product and the market: A business that is operating at the edge of
innovation such as pharmaceutical products needs to be more product oriented. As they
need to innovate to survive. Even electronics and mobile phones could be highly market
oriented but they still need to have product orientation to innovate and survive.
Producers of hi-tech products such as smartphones and electric vehicles tend to start off
as product oriented businesses. In mass consumer markets a market oriented approach
tends to be adopted.
- Policy decisions and the organizational culture : They are the objectives of the
company.If the objectives of the company are related to quality standards and safety
they would be product oriented.If their objective was to increase market share and
achieve customer satisfaction it would be market oriented.
- The view of those in control:If the managing director is an engineer who gives technical
quality and research more attention he'd be product oriented.If the person in control is a
marketing manager who gives market research and consumer relations more emphasis
and control, he would be market oriented.
- The nature and the size of the company: A market like the car industry can’t be product
oriented because it is very costly to start up a business where it might end up with
customers not accepting its products. Businesses that are operating in the mass market
that need huge investments need to be more market oriented. If the business is
operating in a market that doesn't need much investments to enter and operate within
the market, then it could be more product oriented.
- Competition and Barriers to entry: With high competition a business needs to be market
oriented,If the business is in a market that lacks competition whatever it would offer the
customer would have to buy as there is no other option, then it is product oriented.
Other Examples:
*Oreo uses an asset based approach. They started with original biscuits, but they didn’t stop.
They started adding new flavors, and types. Building on their product itself and brand by
introducing new flavors. People like it, they introduce it more and more.
*advertise Porsche cars, don’t advertise on TV. special magazines. Wasted advertisements
You have to know who you are going to target.
IV- The difference between commercial marketing and social marketing
- Commercial marketing is the use of marketing strategies to meet the needs and wants
of the customers in a profitable way where Ethics plays a small role.An example is the
marketing of Mcdonald's product.The aim of commercial marketing is getting the right
product to the right customer at the right time with little consideration of ethical
implementations.Main users are for profit organizations.
- Social marketing is a marketing strategy with the main purpose of bringing positive
change or behavior to the society.The users of social marketing face a big challenge
because it is difficult to change the behaviors of customers. For example, to convince
customers to stop smoking.Main users are NGO and the government.Examples are
anti-smoking campaigns.
- For profit organizations they use a mix of commercial and social marketing.They use
commercial marketing to satisfy customers need and wants profitability and use social
marketing to be socially responsible.By being socially responsible it gives u a
competitive edge.It attracts more customers and because of your USP you can charge
higher prices and the customers would still buy the product as the business is socially
Terms to know
- Societal marketing concept assumes a company has a competitive advantage if it
applies the marketing concept in a way that helps improve society’s well being. For
example a large grocery chain store will provide part time high school student wit college
- Cause related marketing: the integration of a non for profit organization into a for-profit
companies marketing plan. For example a car agent will donate 1$ to a cancer research
foundation for every test -drive mile. This encourages customers to test drive cars and
they may buy one
- Demarketing is a marketing strategy purposely designed to reduce demand for a
product that may have created societal problems. For example a Tobacco company
encourages customers to visit its website to find the negative impact of smoking and how
to quit smoking. Demarketing shows social concern and diffuses public scrutiny
VI- Marketing objectives of profit and non for profit organizations Refer to attached notes
VIII- How innovation, ethical consideration and cultural differences influence marketing
Refer to pages 350 -353
Attached notes Section VI- Marketing objectives of profit and non for profit organizations
Attached notes section VII - How marketing strategies evolve as a response to changes
in customer preferences (what has led to the rise of marketing)