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Chapter 17 Contents

17.1 General 17-3
17.1.1 Overview 17-3
17.1.2 Site Reconnaissance 17-3
17.1.3 Field Investigation 17-3

17.2 Foundation Design Requirements for Cantilever Signals, Strain Poles,

Cantilever Signs, Sign Bridges, and Luminaires - General 17-6
17.2.1 Design by Correlation for Cantilever Signals, Strain Poles,
Cantilever Signs, Sign Bridges, and Luminaires 17-6
17.2.2 Special Design for Cantilever Signals, Strain Poles,
Cantilever Signs, Sign Bridges, and Luminaires 17-9
17.2.3 Cantilever Signals and Strain Pole Standards 17-9 Overview 17-9 Standard Foundation Designs 17-10 Construction Considerations 17-10
17.2.4 Cantilever and Sign Bridges 17-11 Overview 17-11 Standard Foundation Designs 17-11 Construction Considerations 17-11
17.2.5 Luminaires (Light Standards) 17-12 Overview 17-12 Standard Foundation Design 17-12 Construction Considerations 17-13

17.3 Noise Barriers 17-13

17.3.1 Overview 17-13
17.3.4 Foundation Design Requirements for Noise Barriers 17-14 Spread Footings 17-14 Shaft Foundations 17-15 Non-Standard Foundation Design 17-17
17.3.3 Construction Considerations 17-18

17.4 Culverts 17-18

17.4.1 Overview 17-18
17.4.2 Culvert Design and Construction Considerations 17-18

17.5 Buildings 17-19

17.5.1 Overview 17-19
17.5.2 Design Requirement for Buildings 17-19

17.6 References 17-22

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-1
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-2
Chapter 17 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs,
Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings
17.1 General
17.1.1 Overview
This chapter covers the geotechnical design of lightly loaded structures which include: noise barriers,
sign bridges, cantilevered signs and signals, strain pole standards, luminaires, culverts not supported on
foundation elements, and small buildings. Small buildings typically include single story structures such
as structures in park and ride lots, rest areas, or WSDOT maintenance facilities. Standard Plan designs
found in the WSDOT Standard Plans For Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction – M21-01 have been
developed for all of these structures except for small buildings and culverts. Both shallow (e.g. spread
footings) and moderately deep foundations (trenches and shafts) have been designed to support these
lightly loaded structures in a variety of soil and site conditions. The structural design of these facilities is
addressed in the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual and WSDOT Design Manual.

17.1.2 Site Reconnaissance

General procedures for site reconnaissance are presented in WSDOT GDM Chapter 2. Prior to the site
reconnaissance, the location of the structures should be staked in the field, or an accurate and up-to-date
set of site plans identifying the location of these structures should be available. An office review of all
existing data pertinent to the site and the proposed foundations (see WSDOT GDM Chapter 2) should
also be conducted prior to the site reconnaissance.

During the site reconnaissance, observations of the condition of existing slopes (natural and cut) in the
immediate vicinity of the structures should be inspected for performance. It is especially important to
establish the presence of high ground water and any areas of soft soil. Many of these structures have very
shallow foundations and the investigation may only consist of general site reconnaissance with minimal
subsurface investigation. The geotechnical designer should have access to detailed plan views showing
existing site features, utilities, proposed construction and right-of-way limits. With this information,
the geotechnical designer can review structure locations, making sure that survey information agrees
reasonably well with observed topography. The geotechnical designer should look for indications of soft
soil and unstable ground. Observation of existing slopes should include vegetation, in particular the types
of vegetation that may indicate wet soil. Equisetum (horsetail), cattails, blackberry and alder can be used
to identity wet or unstable soils. Potential geotechnical hazards such as landslides that could affect the
structures should be identified. The identification and extent/condition (i.e., thickness) of existing
man-made fills should be noted, because many of these structures may be located in engineered fills.
Surface and subsurface conditions that could affect constructability of the foundations, such as the
presence of shallow bedrock, or cobbles and boulders, should be identified.

17.1.3 Field Investigation

If the available geotechnical data and information gathered from the site review is not adequate to make
a determination of subsurface conditions as required herein, then new subsurface data shall be obtained.
Explorations consisting of geotechnical borings, test pits and hand holes or a combination thereof shall
be performed to meet the investigation requirements provided herein. As a minimum, the subsurface

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-3
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

exploration and laboratory test program should be developed to obtain information to analyze foundation
stability, settlement, and constructability with respect to:
• Geological formation(s)
• Location and thickness of soil and rock units
• Engineering properties of soil and rock units such as unit weight, shear strength and compressibility
• Groundwater conditions (seasonal variations)
• Ground surface topography
• Local considerations, (e.g., liquefiable soils, expansive or dispersive soil deposits, underground voids
from solution weathering or mining activity, or slope instability potential)

Standard foundations for sign bridges, cantilever signs, cantilever signals and strain pole standards
are based on allowable lateral bearing pressure and angle of internal friction of the foundation soils.
The determination of these values can be estimated by Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Portable
Penetrometer Tests (PPT) may be used to obtain the soil data provided the blow count data is properly
converted to an equivalent standard penetrometer “N” value. The designer should refer to WSDOT
GDM Chapter 3 for details regarding the proper conversion factors of PPT to SPT. Every structure
foundation location does not need to be drilled. Specific field investigation requirements for the structures
addressed in this chapter are summarized in Table 17-1.

Structure Type Field Investigation Requirements

Cantilever signals, Only a site review is required if the new structures are founded in new or existing
strain poles, embankments known to be constructed of gravel or select borrow and compacted
cantilever signs, in accordance with Method B or C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications.
sign bridges, and Otherwise, subsurface conditions should be verified using SPT, or PPT tests and
luminaires hand augers for shallower foundations) should be performed. For foundations
within approximately 75 ft of each other or less, such as at a small to moderate
sized intersection, one exploration point for the foundation group is adequate if
conditions are relatively uniform. For more widely spaced foundation locations,
or for more variable site conditions, one boring near each foundation should be
obtained. The depth of the exploration point should be equal to the maximum
expected depth of the foundation plus 2 to 5 ft.

Noise barriers For noise barriers less than 100 ft in length, the exploration should occur
approximately midpoint along the alignment and should be completed on the
alignment of the noise barrier face. For noise barriers more than 100 ft in length,
exploration points should be spaced every 200 to 400 feet, depending on the
uniformity of subsurface conditions. Locate at least one exploration point near the
most critical location for stability. Exploration points should be completed as close
to the alignment of the noise barrier face as possible. For noise barriers placed on
slopes, an additional boring off the wall alignment to investigate overall stability of
the wall-slope combination should be obtained.

Table 17-1 Field investigation requirements for cantilever signals, strain poles,
cantilever signs, sign bridges, luminaires, noise barriers, and buildings.

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-4
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Structure Type Field Investigation Requirements

Building The following minimum guidelines for frequency of explorations should be
foundations used. Borings should be located to allow the site subsurface stratigraphy to be
adequately defined beneath the structure. Additional explorations may be required
depending on the variability in site conditions, building geometry and expected
loading conditions.

Building surface Exploration

area (ft2) points (minimum)
<200 1
200 - 1000 2
1000 – 3,000 3
>3,000 3-4

The depth of the borings will vary depending on the expected loads being applied
to the foundation and/or site soil conditions. The borings should be extended to
a depth below the bottom elevation of the building foundation a minimum of 2.5
times the width of the spread footing foundation or 1.5 times the length of a deep
foundation (i.e., piles or shafts). Exploration depth should be great enough to fully
penetrate soft highly compressible soils (e.g., peat, organic silt, soft fine grained
soils) into competent material suitable bearing capacity (e.g., stiff to hard cohesive
soil, compact dense cohesionless soil or bedrock).

Culverts (without If no new fill is being placed, the culvert diameter is 3 ft or less, soft soil is known
foundation to not be present immediately below the culvert, and the culvert is installed by
elements) excavating through the fill, only a site and office review conducted as described
in WSDOT GDM Chapter 2 is required, plus hand holes to obtain samples for pH
and resistivity sampling for corrosion assessment for the culvert. If new fill is being
placed, the borings obtained for the design of the fill itself may suffice (see WSDOT
GDM Chapter 9), provided the stratigraphy below the length of the culvert can be
defined. Otherwise, a minimum of two borings should be obtained, one near the
one-third or one-quarter points toward each end of the culvert. For culverts greater
than 300 ft in length, an additional boring near the culvert midpoint should be
obtained. Borings should be located to investigate both the subsurface conditions
below the culvert, and the characteristics of the fill beside and above the culvert if
some existing fill is present at the culvert site. If the culvert is to be jacked through
existing fill, borings in the fill and at the jacking and receiving pit locations should
be obtained, to a depth of 3 to 5 ft below the culvert for the boring(s) in the fill, and
to the anticipated depth of the shoring/reaction frame foundations in the jacking
and receiving pits.
Hand holes and portable penetrometer measurements may be used for culverts
with a diameter of 3 ft or less, if the depth of exploration required herein can be
obtained. Otherwise, SPT and/or CPT borings must be obtained.

In addition to the exploration requirements in Table 17-1, groundwater measurements conducted in

accordance with WSDOT GDM Chapter 2 should be obtained if groundwater is anticipated within the
minimum required depths of the borings as described herein.

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-5
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

17.2 Foundation Design Requirements for Cantilever Signals, Strain Poles,

Cantilever Signs, Sign Bridges, and Luminaires - General
The standard foundation designs provided in the Standard Plans for cantilever signals, strain poles,
cantilever signs, sign bridges, and luminaires should be used if the applicable soil and slope conditions
as described herein for each of these structures are present. If soil or rock conditions not suitable for
standard foundations are present, if conditions are marginal, or if nonstandard loadings are applied, a
detailed foundation analysis should be conducted. Design for cantilever signals, strain poles, cantilever
signs, sign bridges, and luminaires shall be performed in accordance with the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals
(AASHTO, 2001).

17.2.1 Design by Correlation for Cantilever Signals, Strain Poles, Cantilever

Signs, Sign Bridges, and Luminaires
WSDOT standard foundation designs for cantilever signals, strain poles, cantilever signs, sign bridges,
and luminaires are based on allowable lateral bearing pressures and soil friction angles developed from
correlation (Patterson, 1962) and many years of WSDOT experience for the design of these types of
small foundations. The original correlation was based on the measured resistance to pull out a 1.5 inch
diameter auger through the foundation soil. The correlation reported by Patterson (1962) ranged from
a 200 lbs pullout force in “very soft soil” that was equated to an allowable lateral bearing of 1,000 psf,
to a 750 to 1,000 lbs pullout force in “average soil” equated to an allowable lateral bearing of 2,500 psf,
and to a pullout force of 2,000 to 2,500 lbs in “very hard soil” equated to an allowable lateral bearing of
4,500 psf. For WSDOT use, this correlation was conservatively related to SPT N values (uncorrected
for overburden pressure) using approximate correlations between soil shear strength and SPT N values
such as provided in AASHTO (1988). The allowable lateral bearing pressures that resulted from this
correlation is presented in Table 17-2. This correlation is based on uncorrected N values (not corrected
for overburden pressure).

A friction angle for the soil is also needed for the foundation design for these structures, typically to
evaluate torsional stability. See WSDOT GDM Chapter 5 for the determination of soil friction angles,
either from correlation to SPT N values, or from laboratory testing.

Table 17-2 should be used to check if standard foundation designs are applicable for the specific site.
The values in Table 17-2 may also be used for special site specific foundation design to adjust depths or
dimensions of standard foundations (except noise barriers) to address soil conditions that are marginal
or poorer than the conditions assumed by the standard foundation design, or to address nonstandard
loadings. In such cases, the values from Table 17-2 should be used as the allowable soil pressure S1
in Article 13.10 of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO, 2001).

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-6
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Soil Consistency as Standard Penetration Test Allowable Lateral Bearing

Identified in Patterson Resistance, N Pressure
(1962) (blows/ft) (psf)
Very Soft Soil 2 750
3 800
4 900
5 1000
6 1100
7 1200
Poor Soil 8 1300
9 1400
10 1500
11 1700
12 1900
Average Soil 13 2100
14 2300
15 2500
16 2700
17 2900
Good Soil 18 3100
19 3300
20 3500
Very Hard Soil 25 4200
30 >4500
35 >4500

Table 17-2 Design parameter correlations for the design of signal, signs,
sign bridge, and luminaire foundations.

Some additional requirements regarding characterization of marginal soil conditions are as follows:
• Consider the soil throughout the entire depth of the proposed foundation. Where the foundation
soil is stratified, a weighted average N value should be used to design the foundation. An exception
would be where soft soils are encountered at the ground surface, in which case the use of a weighted
average is not appropriate.
• For foundations installed in embankments constructed from select or gravel borrow compacted using
Method B or C in the WSDOT Standard Specifications, it can generally be assumed that standard
foundations can be used, as such embankments will generally have “N” values of 25 or more, which
are more than adequate for standard foundations. A standard foundation may also be used where 75%
or more of the foundation is to be placed in new fill, provided that the foundation soil below the fill

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-7
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

has a SPT of 8 or more. For Common Borrow compacted using Method B or C in the WSDOT
Standard Specifications, standard foundations designed allowable lateral bearing pressures of 2,000
psf or less may be used.
• In general, vertical loads for sign, signal, and luminaire structure foundations are very low (i.e., 2 ksf
or less) and usually do not control design. However, if it is discovered that very soft silts, clays, or
peat (say, N = 4 or less) is present within the bottom 1 to 2 ft or more of the foundation, consideration
should also be given to a special foundation design in this case to avoid direct bearing on these very
soft soils.

The allowable lateral soil bearing values in Table 17-2 apply only to relatively flat conditions. If sloping
ground is present, some special considerations in determining the foundation depth are needed. Always
evaluate whether or not the local geometry will affect the foundation design. For all foundations placed
in a slope or where the centerline of the foundation is less than 1B for the shoulder of the slope
(B = width or diameter of the Standard Foundation), the Standard Plan foundation depths should be
increased as follows, and as illustrated in Figure 17-1:
• For slopes 3H:1V or flatter, no additional depth is required.
• For 2H:1V or flatter, add 0.5B to the depth.
• For 1.5H:1V slopes, add 1.0B to the depth.

Interpolation between the values is acceptable. These types of foundations should not be placed on slopes
steeper than 1.5H:1V. If the foundation is located on a slope that is part of a drainage ditch, the top of the
standard foundation can simply be located at or below the bottom of the drainage ditch.

1 D = foundation depth

d = increase in foundation
depth due to slope

Figure 17-1 Foundation design detail for sloping ground.

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-8
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Note that these sloping ground recommendations do not apply to luminaire foundations.

When a nonstandard foundation design using Table 17-2 is required, the geotechnical designer must
develop a table identifying the soil units, soil unit boundary elevations, allowable lateral bearing pressure,
and soil friction angle for each soil unit. The structural designer will use these data to prepare the
nonstandard foundation design.

17.2.2 Special Design for Cantilever Signals, Strain Poles, Cantilever Signs,
Sign Bridges, and Luminaires
For foundations in rock, a special design is always required, and Table 17-2 is not applicable. Fracturing
and jointing in the rock, and its effect on the foundation resistance, must be evaluated. In general, a
drilled shaft or anchored footing foundation will be required. Foundation designs based on Table 17-2
are also not applicable if the foundation soil consists of very soft clays, silts, organic silts, or peat. In
such cases, a footing designed to “float” above the very soft compressible soils, over-excavation and
replacement with higher quality material, or very deep foundations are typically required.

For shaft type foundations in soil, the Broms Method as specified in the AASHTO Standard Specifications
for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO, 2001) or the
procedures specified in WSDOT GDM Chapter 8 for lateral load analysis of deep foundations (e.g.,
P-y analysis) should be used for conditions where Table 17-2 is not applicable, or as an alternative to
Table 17-2 based design. For shafts in rock, nominal lateral resistance should be estimated based on
the procedures provided in WSDOT GDM Chapter 8. This means that for special lateral load design
of shaft foundations, the geotechnical designer will need to provide P-y curve data to the structural
designer to complete the soil-structure interaction analysis. For spread footing design, the design
methods provided in WSDOT GDM Chapter 8 to estimate nominal bearing resistance and settlement
should be used, but instead of the referenced load groups and resistance factors, the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002) combined with a minimum bearing capacity safety factor
of 2.3 for Load Factor Design (LFD), or 3.0 for allowable stress or service load design (ASD) should
be used for static conditions, and a safety factor of 1.1 should be used for seismic conditions, if seismic
conditions are applicable. Note that in general, the foundations for the types of structures addressed in
this chapter are not mitigated for liquefaction (see WSDOT GDM Chapter 6). For anchored footing
foundations over bedrock, anchor depth, spacing, and nominal resistance shall be assessed considering
the degree of fracturing and jointing in the rock (see WSDOT GDM Chapters 5, 8, and 12 for design

17.2.3 Cantilever Signals and Strain Pole Standards Overview
There are eight types of cantilever signal and strain poles standards that are covered in Section J-7 of
the WSDOT Standard Plans. Type PPB (pedestrian push bottom pole), PS (pedestrian head standard),
Type I/RM (vertical head and ramp meter), Type FB (flashing beacon standard) and Type IV (strain pole
standard) are structures that generally consist of a single vertical metal pole member. Type II (mast arm
standard), Type III (lighting and mast arm standard) and Type V (lighting and strain pole standard) have
a vertical metal pole member with a horizontal mast arm. Lights and/or signals will be suspended from
the mast arm. The standard signal foundations designs assume that the foundation soil is capable of

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-9
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

withstanding the design lateral soil bearing pressure created by wind and dead loads. The details on the
foundation designs can be found in Section J-7 of the Standard Plans and in Chapter 8 of the WSDOT
Design Manual. Standard Foundation Designs

The standard foundations for these structures consist of square or round shafts that vary in diameter from
1.5 ft to 3.0 ft for square and 2.0 ft to 4.0 ft for round shaft foundations. The standard designs assume a
concrete to soil contact. For structure types PPB, PS and I/RM, the foundation depths are quite shallow
and vary between 1.5 ft and 3.0 ft in depth. Foundation depths vary from 6 ft to 15 ft for signal structure
Types II, III, IV and V. Standard foundations for signal structures Types PPB, PS and I are designed
for 1500 psf (N ≥ 10 bpf) average allowable lateral bearing pressure. Standard foundations for signal
structures Types II, III, IV and V have been designed for 1000 psf (N ≥ 5 bpf), 1500 psf (N ≥ 10 bpf),
and 2500 psf (N ≥ 15 bpf) average allowable lateral bearing pressure. If the foundation is placed in new
compacted fill – standard foundations may be used as specified in WSDOT GDM Section 17.2.1.

For round shafts, the standard foundation designs assume for torsional stability that the soil to foundation
contact friction angle is 30o, which is typical for concrete cast against soil for moderate strength soils. Construction Considerations

Structures that require short round or square foundations (i.e. < than 9 ft) could be easily formed in an
open excavation. The backfill placed around the foundation in the excavation must be compacted in
accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications M41-10, Section 2-09.3(1)E and using high quality
soil backfill. Foundation construction shall be in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications
M41-10, Sections 8-20.3(2) and 8-20.3(4). Following the removal of the concrete forms (the forms can
be left in place if corrugated metal pipe is used), compacted backfill shall be placed around the shaft to
provide containment. If the backfill cannot be properly compacted, then controlled density fill could be
used instead.

Deep shaft foundations greater than 9 ft may require the use of temporary casing, slurries or both.
Generally in most cases, the temporary casing can be removed. Special foundations designs may be
required if the geotechnical designer determines that permanent casing is necessary. In this situation, the
structural designer must be informed of this condition. These structures are under lateral and rotational
loads. The shear capacity of the foundation under a rotational force is reduced if steel casing remains
in the ground. It is important to note here that if the foundation design assumes that the soil around the
shaft, assuming the contractor makes an open excavation and then backfills the excavation cavity around
the formed foundation, is properly compacted, the degree of compaction is somehow verified in the field.
The geotechnical designer needs to make sure that the construction specifications are clear in this regard,
and that the project inspectors know what needs to be done to enforce the specifications. If the degree of
compaction cannot be verified in the field due to the depth of the open excavation and safety regulations,
this needs to be taken into consideration in the selection of soil design parameters. The specifications also
need to be clear regarding the removal of temporary forms (e.g., sonotubes) for the foundations. If for
some reason they cannot be removed due to the depth of the hole or other reasons, sonotubes should not
be used. Instead, corrugated metal pipe should be used so that torsional resistance of the foundation is

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-10
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

17.2.4 Cantilever and Sign Bridges Overview
Sign bridge foundation details are shown in the WSDOT Standard Plan G-2a. There are three foundations
types and they are identified as Type 1, 2 and 3. Type 1 sign bridge foundations consist of a single 3 ft
diameter drilled shaft with a shaft length that can vary between 11.5 and 16.5 ft. The shaft length is a
function of the sign bridge span length which can vary less than 60 ft to a maximum of 150 ft. Type 2
and 3 foundations consist of massive concrete trench foundations that are 3 ft by10 ft in plan area with
a embedment that can vary between 5.5 ft to 11.5 ft depending on span length. All designs assume a
concrete to soil contact.

There are three cantilever sign foundation types in the WSDOT Standard Plans. The structural details
are shown in Standard Plan G-3a. These foundations are similar to the sign bridge foundations. Type
1 cantilever sign foundations consist of two 10 ft long drilled shafts. The Type 2 and 3 foundations are
a massive concrete trench foundation that is 3 ft by 10 ft in plan area with an embedment that can vary
between 8 ft and 12.5 ft. Embedment depth of the foundation is controlled by the total square feet of
exposed sign area. All designs assume a concrete to soil contact. Standard Foundation Designs

Standard foundation for cantilevered and sign bridges Types 1 and 2 have been prepared assuming the site
soils meet a minimum 2,500 psf allowable lateral bearing pressure. Using the Table 17-2, a soil with a
penetration resistance N ≥ 15 would provide adequate support for these structures. A Type 3 foundation
was designed for slightly poorer soils using a lateral bearing pressure of 1,500 psf for structural design.
Using Table 17-2, a soil with a penetration resistance of ≥10 bpf would provide adequate lateral
resistance for a Type 3 foundation. Construction Considerations

The construction of the trench footings may be performed as a cast-in-place foundation that is poured
directly against the soils, or they could be constructed in a large open excavation using wide trench boxes
and concrete forms. If a standard foundation design is to be used, but is installed in an open excavation,
the backfill placed around the foundation in the excavation must be compacted in accordance with
Method C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and using high quality soil backfill.

The geotechnical designer must evaluate the stability of open excavations. Obviously, high groundwater
could affect the stability of the side slopes of the excavation. Casing for drilled shafts or shoring boxes
for the trench footing would be required under these conditions. All of these foundations have been
designed assuming a concrete to soil contact. Generally in most cases, the temporary casing for drilled
shafts can be removed. Special foundations designs may be required if the geotechnical designer
determines that permanent casing is necessary. In this situation, the structural engineer must be informed
of this condition. These structures are under lateral and rotational loads. The shear capacity of the
foundation under a rotational force is reduced if steel casing remains in the ground.

It is important to note here that if the foundation design assumes that the soil around the shaft, assuming
the contractor makes an open excavation and then backfills the excavation cavity around the formed
foundation, is properly compacted, the degree of compaction is somehow verified in the field. The

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-11
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

geotechnical designer needs to make sure that the construction specifications are clear in this regard, and
that the project inspectors know what needs to be done to enforce the specifications. If the degree of
compaction cannot be verified in the field due to the depth of the open excavation and safety regulations,
this needs to be taken into consideration in the selection of soil design parameters. The specifications also
need to be clear regarding the removal of temporary forms (e.g., sonotubes) for the foundations. If for
some reason they cannot be removed due to the depth of the hole or other reasons, sonotubes should not
be used. Instead, corrugated metal pipe should be used so that torsional resistance of the foundation is

17.2.5 Luminaires (Light Standards) Overview
Standard luminaire (light standard) foundations consist of 3 ft diameter round shafts. The foundation
details are shown in WSDOT Standard Plan J-1b. The standard foundation depth is 8 ft. Standard Foundation Design

Standard foundations for luminaires (light standards) have been prepared assuming the site soils meet a
minimum 1,500 psf allowable lateral bearing pressure. Using the Table 17-2, a soil with a penetration
resistance N ≥ 10 would provide adequate support for these structures. The standard foundation design is
applicable for foundations on slopes of 2H:1V or flatter as shown in Figure 17-2.

The standard foundation designs assume for torsional stability that the soil to foundation contact friction
angle is 30o, which is typical for concrete cast against soil for moderate strength soils.

< 1.5 ft

2 max
1 D = foundation depth = 8 ft (standard)

Figure 17-2 Luminaire foundation design detail for sloping ground.

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-12
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings Construction Considerations

Luminaire foundations could be easily formed in an open excavation. The backfill placed around the
foundation in the excavation must be compacted in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications
M41-10, Section 2-09.3(1)E and using high quality soil backfill. Foundation construction shall be
in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications M41-10, Sections 8-20.3(2) and 8-20.3(4).
Following the removal of the concrete forms (the forms can be left in place if corrugated metal pipe is
used), compacted backfill shall be placed around the shaft to provide containment. If the backfill cannot
be properly compacted, then controlled density fill could be used instead.

Deep shaft foundations (i.e., special designs) greater than 9 ft may require the use of temporary casing,
slurries or both. Generally, in most cases, the temporary casing can be removed. Special foundations
designs may be required if the geotechnical designer determines that permanent casing is necessary.
In this situation, the structural designer must be informed of this condition. These structures are under
lateral and rotational loads. The shear capacity of the foundation under a rotational force is reduced if
steel casing remains in the ground.

It is important to note here that if the foundation design assumes that the soil around the shaft, assuming
the contractor makes an open excavation and then backfills the excavation cavity around the formed
foundation, is properly compacted, the degree of compaction is somehow verified in the field. The
geotechnical designer needs to make sure that the construction specifications are clear in this regard, and
that the project inspectors know what needs to be done to enforce the specifications. If the degree of
compaction cannot be verified in the field due to the depth of the open excavation and safety regulations,
this needs to be taken into consideration in the selection of soil design parameters. The specifications also
need to be clear regarding the removal of temporary forms (e.g., sonotubes) for the foundations. If for
some reason they cannot be removed due to the depth of the hole or other reasons, sonotubes should not
be used. Instead, corrugated metal pipe should be used so that torsional resistance of the foundation is

17.3 Noise Barriers

17.3.1 Overview
There are 20 standard designs for noise barriers that are covered in WSDOT Standard Plans D-2a through
D-2t. The Standard Plans contains detailed designs of seven cast-in-place concrete, seven pre-cast
concrete, and five masonry block noise barriers.

Three foundation options are available for the cast-in-place and pre-cast concrete barriers. They include
round shafts and spread footings. The spread footing foundation option has two designs. One design
consists of an offset panel and a second design consists of a uniform panel where the panel wall bears
in the middle of the footing. The following is a summary of the critical design elements of noise barrier
• All noise barrier spread footing standard foundations have been designed assuming an allowable
bearing pressure of 2 kips per square foot (ksf).
• The diameter and length of the standard shaft foundations can also vary with soil condition, exposed
panel height and loading condition. The lengths vary from 4.75 ft to 13.25 ft, and shaft diameters
vary between 1.0 to 2.5 ft.

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-13
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

17.3.4 Foundation Design Requirements for Noise Barriers

Foundation design for noise barrier shall be conducted in accordance with the most current AASHTO
Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound Barriers, including interims (AASHTO 1989).
Currently, design of noise barriers is based on Load Factor Design (LFD). Therefore, the load factors and
safety factors specified in the AASHTO manual for sound barrier foundation design, except as specifically
required in this chapter of the WSDOT GDM, should be used.

In addition, the geotechnical designer shall perform a global stability analysis of the noise barrier when
the barrier is located on or at the crest of a cut or fill slope. The design slope model must include a
surcharge load equal to the footing bearing stress. The minimum slope stability factor of safety of the
structure and slope shall be 1.3 or greater for static conditions and 1.1 for seismic conditions. Note that in
general, the foundations for noise barriers are not mitigated for liquefaction (see WSDOT GDM
Chapter 6).

All Standard Plan noise barrier structures have been designed to retain a minimal amount of soil that must
be no more than 4 ft in height with a level backslope. The retained soil above the noise barrier foundation
is assumed to have a friction angle of 34o and a wall interface friction of 0.67φ, resulting in a Ka of 0.26
for the retained soil, and a unit weight of 125 pcf. All standard and non-standard noise barrier foundation
designs shall include the effects of any differential fill height between the front and back of the wall. Spread Footings

For spread footing design, the design methods provided in WSDOT GDM Chapter 8 to estimate
nominal bearing resistance and settlement should be used, but instead of the referenced load groups and
resistance factors, the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound Barriers (1989)
and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002) combined with a minimum bearing
capacity safety factor of 2.3 for Load Factor Design (LFD), or 3.0 for allowable stress or service load
design (ASD) should be used for static conditions, and a safety factor of 1.1 should be used for seismic
conditions, if seismic conditions are applicable. Note that in general, the foundations for noise barriers
are not mitigated for liquefaction (see WSDOT GDM Chapter 6).

The noise barrier footing shall be designed to be stable for overturning and sliding. The methodology and
safety factors provided in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002) applicable to
gravity walls in general for overturning and sliding (FS of 2.0 and 1.5, respectively for static conditions,
and 1.5 and 1.1 for seismic conditions), shall be used to assess noise barrier stability for these two limit
states, using service loads.

The geotechnical designer will also be responsible to estimate foundation settlement using the appropriate
settlement theories and methods as outlined in WSDOT GDM Chapter 8. The geotechnical designer
will report the estimated total and differential settlement.

The soil properties (unit weight, friction and cohesion) shall be determined using the procedures described
in WSDOT GDM Chapter 5.

Noise barrier footings shall be located relative to the final grade to have a minimum soil cover over the
top of the footing of 2 ft.

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Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-14
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

For the Standard Plan noise barrier footing foundation, the geotechnical designer shall use the procedures
described above to estimate the allowable bearing resistance for the foundation with consideration to
the actual site and subsurface conditions for the wall, and to verify that the allowable bearing resistance
is greater than the standard foundation design bearing stress of 2.0 ksf. Note that the standard noise
barrier foundations have been designed to resist a PGA of 0.35g. This corresponds to a peak bedrock
acceleration (PBA) from Figure 6-6 in WSDOT GDM Chapter 6 of 0.3g and an amplification factor of
1.18, corresponding to stiff soil.

For nonstandard noise barrier designs, use Mononabe-Okabe analysis in accordance with WSDOT GDM
Chapter 15 to determine the seismic earth pressure if the noise barrier retains soil. Shaft Foundations

In general, shaft supported noise barriers are treated as non-gravity cantilever walls for foundation design.
Shaft foundations have been designed for Standard Plan noise barriers using two soil strength conditions.
D1 and D2 trench and shaft foundations have been designed assuming a soil friction of 32 and 38 degrees
respectively. The geotechnical designer is responsible to determine the in-situ soil strength parameters
using the appropriate field correlations and/or laboratory tests as described in WSDOT GDM
Chapter 5. The geotechnical designer provides recommendations as to which deep foundation(s) is
appropriate for inclusion in the contract plans. If the soil strength parameters lie between 32 and 38
degrees, the foundation design based on 32 degrees shall be used if a Standard Plan wall is to be used.
If multiple soil layers of varying strength have been identified within the depth of the trench or shaft
foundation, soil strength averaging may be used to select the appropriate standard foundation type and
depth. For example, if the average soil strength along the length of the shaft is 38o or more, the 38o
standard foundation may be used.

The standard foundation designs used for the Standard Plan noise barriers are based on the following
• Noise barrier standard foundation designs assume one of the following:
o The wall is founded at the crest of a 2H:1V slope with a minimum of 3 ft of horizontal distance
between the panel face and the slope break. The top 2 ft of passive resistance below the assumed
ground surface at the noise barrier face is ignored in the development of the wall pressure
diagram. For this case, groundwater must be at or below the bottom of the noise barrier
o The wall is founded on a near horizontal slope (i.e., 6H:1V or flatter) with a minimum of 3 ft of
horizontal distance between the panel face and the slope break. The top 2 ft of passive resistance
below the assumed ground surface at the noise barrier face is ignored in the development of the
wall pressure diagram. For this case, groundwater must be at or below 5 ft below the top of the
noise barrier foundation.
• The standard shaft foundation designs have been designed for two different soil conditions,
assuming the slope conditions in front of the wall as indicated above. One design assumes an
average soil friction angle of 32 degrees (D1), resulting in a design Kp of 1.45 (2H:1V slope) or 5.7
(near horizontal slope) and Ka of 0.29, and the second design assumes an average soil friction angle
of 38 degrees (D2), resulting in a design Kp of 2.2 (2H:1V slope) or 8.8 (near horizontal slope) and
Ka of 0.22. All values of Ka and Kp reported above have been corrected to account for the angular
deviation of the active or passive force from the horizontal (in these design cases, the correction

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-15
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

factor, Cos (δ), where δ is the interface friction angle, is approximately equal to 0.9 to 0.93). The
standard shaft foundation designs are based on standard earth pressure theory derived using
logarithmic spiral method for Kp and the Coulomb method for Ka, assuming the interface friction
between the foundation and the soil to be 0.67φ. A unit weight of 125 pcf was also assumed in the
design. This unit weight assumes that the ground water level at the site is below the bottom of the
noise barrier foundation. For the case where groundwater is considered, the effective unit weight of
the soil is used below the water table (i.e., 62.6 pcf). For the shaft foundation design, it is assumed
that the passive earth pressure is applied over a lateral distance along the wall of 3B, where B is the
shaft diameter and 3.0 is the magnitude of the isolation factor for discrete shafts, or the
center-to-center spacing of the shafts, whichever is less. A factor of safety of 1.5 should also applied
to the passive resistance.
• The PGA for seismic design is assumed to be 0.35g. This corresponds to a peak bedrock acceleration
(PBA) from Figure 6-6 in WSDOT GDM Chapter 6 of 0.3g and an amplification factor of 1.18,
corresponding to stiff soil. Kae, the seismic lateral earth pressure coefficient, was developed
assuming that the acceleration A = 0.5PGA.
• All standard foundation designs assume a concrete to soil contact.
• Figures 17-3 and 17-4 illustrate the assumptions used for the standard trench or shaft foundation
Special designs will be required if the site and soil conditions differ from those conditions assumed for

Ignore top 2 ft
of passive resistance

Fore-slope is
6H:1V or flatter I = 34o, Ka = 0.26
J = 125 pcf, Kae = 0.38 4 ft max.

I = 32o, Kp = 5.7 above and below W.T.

or, 5 ft min.
I = 38o, Kp = 8.8 above and below W.T.
J = 125 pcf above W.T.
I = 32o, Ka = 0.29 above and below W.T.
J = 62.6 pcf below W.T. or,
I = 38o, Ka = 0.22 above and below W.T.
J = 125 pcf above W.T.
J = 62.6 pcf below W.T.

Use 3Kp applied to foundation width, B, for discrete foundation units (shafts), and 1.0Kp for trench foundation.
Use FS = 1.5 applied to Kp (Kp values shown above have not been factored).
Ka is applied over foundation width, B.

Figure 17-3 Standard foundation design assumptions for shaft or trench foundations,
assuming near level ground conditions and ground water above bottom of foundation.

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-16
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Min. 3 ft bench width

Ignore top 2 ft
of passive resistance

Fore-slope is
2H:1V or flatter I = 34o, Ka = 0.26
J = 125 pcf, Kae = 0.38 4 ft max.
I = 32o, Kp = 1.45
J = 125 pcf
or, I = 32o, Ka = 0.29
J = 125 pcf
I = 38o, Kp = 2.2
J = 125 pcf or,

I = 38o, Ka = 0.22
J = 125 pcf

W.T. B
Use 3Kp applied to foundation width, B, for discrete foundation units (shafts), and 1.0Kp for trench foundation.
Use FS = 1.5 applied to Kp (Kp values shown above have not been factored).
Ka is applied over foundation width, B.

Figure 17-4 Standard foundation design assumptions for shaft or trench foundations,
assuming 2H:1V slope in front of wall and ground water below foundation. Non-Standard Foundation Design

A non-standard foundation design will be required if the site or soil conditions are not consistent with the
conditions assumed for the standard foundation designs as described in WSDOT GDM Section
For example, if slopes steeper than 2H:1V are present below the wall, if the soil is weaker than 32o, or if
the ground water level is above the bottom of the foundation (Figure 17-4), a non-standard foundation
design will be needed. If the foundation must be installed in rock, a non-standard foundation may also be

If non-standard foundation designs are required, the geotechnical designer should provide the following
information to the structural designer:
• Description of the soil units using Unified Soil Classification System (WSDOT GDM Chapters 4
and 5).
• Ground elevation and elevation of soil/rock unit boundaries.
• Depth to the water table along the length of the wall.
• Earth pressure diagrams and design parameters developed in accordance with WSDOT GDM
Chapter 15 and this section. Soil unit strength parameters that include effective unit weight,
cohesion, φ, Ka, Kp, and Kae. For shaft foundations, passive pressures are assumed to act over 3 shaft
diameters, and a factor of safety of 1.5 should be applied to the passive resistance.

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-17
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

• The allowable bearing resistance for spread footings and estimated wall settlement.
• Overall wall stability.
• Any foundation constructability issues resulting from the soil/rock conditions.

The structural designer will use this information to develop a special foundation design for the noise

17.3.3 Construction Considerations

The presence of a high groundwater table could affect the construction of shaft foundations. The
construction of noise barriers with shaft foundations would be especially vulnerable to caving if
groundwater is present, or if have lose clean sands or gravels. The concrete in all shaft foundations have
been designed to bear directly against the soils. Generally, temporary casing for drilled shafts should
be removed. Special foundations designs may be required if the geotechnical designer determines that
permanent casing is necessary. In this situation, the structural engineer must be informed of this condition.

17.4 Culverts
17.4.1 Overview
This section only addresses culverts, either flexible or rigid, that do not require foundation elements such
as footing or piles. Culverts that require foundation elements are addressed in WSDOT GDM
Chapter 8.

17.4.2 Culvert Design and Construction Considerations

Culvert design shall utilize the LRFD approach. For culverts, the soil loads and design procedures to
be used for design shall be as specified in Sections 3 and 12 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. The following design situations are typically encountered regarding culverts:
1. The culvert simply needs to be replaced because of performance problems (e.g., leaking, partial
collapse, or undersized), or a new culvert is needed, and open excavation is used to remove and
replace the culvert, or to install the new culvert, and the excavation is simply backfilled.
2. The culvert simply needs to be replaced because of performance problems (e.g., leaking, partial
collapse, or undersized), or a new culvert is needed, and the culvert is installed by “jacking” it
through the existing embankment.
3. An existing culvert is extended and new fill is placed over the culvert.

For case 1, little geotechnical design is needed. The soil conditions in the fill and just below the culvert
should be investigated, primarily to assess constructability issues such as excavation slopes and shoring
design (usually done by the contractor). If soft soils are present near the bottom of the culvert, the
feasibility of obtaining stable excavation slopes of reasonable steepness should be assessed. The presence
of boulders in the fill or below the fill, depending on the shoring type anticipated, could influence
feasibility. However, settlement and bearing issues for the new or replaced culvert should not be
significant, since no new load is being placed on the soil below the culvert.

For case 2, the effect of the soil conditions in the fill on the ability to jack the culvert through the fill
should be evaluated. Very dense conditions or the presence of obstructions in the fill such as boulders
could make jacking infeasible. Ground water within the fill or the presence of clean sands or gravels that

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-18
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

could “run” could again make jacking problematic, unless special measures are taken by the contractor
to prevent caving. Since a stable jacking platform must be established, along with the shoring required
to form the jacking and receiving pits, deeper test hole data adequate for shoring design must be obtained
and analyzed to assess earth pressure parameters for shoring design, and to design the reaction frame for
the jacking operation.

For case 3, differential and total settlement along the culvert is the key issue that must be evaluated,
in addition to the case 1 issue identified above. See WSDOT GDM Chapter 9 for the estimation of
settlement due to new fill.

17.5 Buildings
17.5.1 Overview
The provisions of this section cover the design requirements for small building structures typical of
WSDOT rest areas, maintenance and ferry facilities. It is assumed these buildings are not subject to
scour or water pressure by wind or wave action. Typically, buildings may be supported on shallow spread
footings, or on pile or shaft foundations for conditions where soft compressible soils are present.

17.5.2 Design Requirement for Buildings

Foundations shall be designed in accordance with the provisions outlined in Chapter 18 of the 2003
International Building Code (IBC, 2002). This design code specifies that all foundations be designed
using allowable stress design methodology. Table 1804.2 from the IBC provides presumptive values for
allowable foundation bearing pressure, lateral pressure for stem walls and earth pressure parameters to
assess lateral sliding. Note that these presumptive values account for both shear failure of the soil and
settlement or deformation, which has been limited to 1 inch.

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-19
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Allowable Lateral Bearing

Foundation (psf/ft below Coefficient of
Materials Pressure (psf)d natural grade)d friction a
1. Crystalline 12,000 1,200 0.70 -----
2. Sedimentary 4,000 400 0.35 -----
and foliated rock
3. Sandy gravel 3,000 200 0.35 -----
and/or gravel (GW
& GP)
4. Sand, silty sand, 2,000 150 0.25 -----
clayey sand, silty
gravel and clayey
gravel (SW, SP,
SM, SC, GM, and
5. Clay, sandy 1,500c 100 ------ 130
clay, silty clay,
clayey silt, silt and
sandy silt (CL, ML,
MH and CH

a. Coefficient to be multiplied by the dead load.

b. Lateral sliding resistance value to be multiplied by the contact area, as limited by Section 1804.3
of the 2003 IBC.
c. Where the building official determines that in-place soils with an allowable bearing capacity of
less than 1,500 psf are likely to be present at the site, the allowable bearing capacity shall be
determined by a soils investigation.
d. An increase on one-third is permitted when using the alternate load combinations in Section
16.3.2 of the 2003 IBC that include wind or earthquake loads.

Table 17-3 Allowable Foundation and Lateral Pressure, as provided in 2003 IBC,
in Table 1804.2.

In addition to using the 2003 IBC design code, the geotechnical designer should perform a foundation
bearing capacity analyses (including settlement) using the methods outlined in WSDOT GDM Chapter
8 to obtain nominal resistance values. These design methods will result in ultimate (nominal) capacities.
Normally, allowable stress design is conducted for foundations that support buildings and similar
structures. Appropriate safety factors must be applied to determine allowable load transfer. Factors of
safety to be used for allowable stress design of foundations shall be as follows:

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-20
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

*Minimum Geotechnical Factor of

Safety, FS
Load Group Method
Spread Shafts Piles
Static shear strength analysis from soil/ 3.0 2.5 2.5
rock properties, compression
Static analysis from soil/rock properties, 3.0 3.0
Load test conducted (number of tests 2.0 2.0
depends on uniformity of conditions)
ASD (unfactored DL
WSDOT driving formula 2.5
+ LL, or service load
level) Wave equation with PDA (min. one per 2.5
pier and 2 to 5% of the piles
PDA with CAPWAP (min. one per pier 2.25
and 2 to 5% of the piles

Table 17-4 Minimum factors of safety for ASD foundation design.

The results of the ASD foundation bearing capacity analyses, after reducing the foundation bearing
capacity by the specified FS from Table 17-4, and further reduced to meet settlement criteria for the
foundation (normally, no FS is applied for settlement analysis results), should be checked against the IBC
design code, and the most conservative results used.

For allowable stress design, spread footings on sandy soils may alternatively be designed for bearing and
settlement by using Figure 17-5. When using Figure 17-5, a FS from Table 17-4 does not need to be
applied, as the bearing stresses in the figure represent allowable bearing resistances. The design bearing
resistance in Figure 17-5 has been developed assuming footing settlement will be limited to no more than
1 inch. The N-values needed to estimate bearing resistance in the figure should be determined from SPT
blow counts that have been corrected for both overburden pressure and hammer efficiency, and hence
represent N160 values (see WSDOT GDM Chapter 5).

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-21
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Figure 17-5 Design chart for proportioning shallow footings on sand

(after Peck, et al., 1974).

Note that other issues may need to be addressed regarding the design of buildings and associated
structures. For example, significant earthwork may be required. For cut and fill design, see WSDOT
GDM Chapters 9 and 10. For the stabilization of unstable ground, see WSDOT GDM Chapter 13. If
ground improvement is required, see WSDOT GDM Chapter 11. If retaining walls are required, see
WSDOT GDM Chapter 15.

If septic drain field(s) are needed, local regulations will govern the geotechnical design, including who is
qualified to perform the design (i.e., a special license may be required). In general, the permeability of
the soil and the maximum seasonal ground water level will need to be assessed for septic system designs.

Note that in general, the foundations for the types of structures addressed in this chapter are not mitigated
for liquefaction (see WSDOT GDM Chapter 6). However, for building foundations, liquefaction and
other seismic hazards are at least assessed in terms of the potential impact to the proposed structures.
Liquefaction and other seismic hazards are mitigated for building and other structures for which the
International Building Code (IBC) governs and mitigation is required by the IBC.

17.6 References
AASHTO, 1988, AASHTO Manual on Subsurface Investigations.

AASHTO, 1989, AASHTO Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound Barriers
(including 2002 interim).

AASHTO, 2001, AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals.

AASHTO, 2002, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials, Seventeenth Edition, Washington, D.C., USA, 686 p.

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-22
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

AASHTO, 2004, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Third Edition, Washington, D.C., USA.

International Code Council, Inc., (2002), 2003 International Building Code. Country Club Hills, IL.

Patterson, D., 1962, How to Design Pole-Type Buildings, American Wood Preservers Institute, Chicago,
3rd edition.

Peck, R. B., W. E. Hanson, and T. H. Thornburn. 1974. Foundation Engineering. 2nd ed. John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York, NY, p. 514.

WSDOT Bridge Design Manual, Volumes 1 & 2 (M 23‑50)

WSDOT Design Manual (M 22‑01)

WSDOT Standard Plans For Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction (M 21-01)

Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers,
December 2006 Culverts, and Buildings
Chapter 17-23
Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Culverts, and Buildings

Foundation Design for Signals, Signs, Noise Barriers, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03
Culverts, and Buildings December 2006
Chapter 17-24

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