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IS : 6461 ( Part XII ) - 1973

( Reaffirmed 1997 )
Indian Standard

( Third Reprint OCTOBER 1996 )

UDC 001.4 : 666.972

0 Copyright 1973
NEW DELHI 110002

r6 November 1973
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

Indian Standard

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee,:BDC 2

Chairnian Representing
DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi

DR A. S. BHADURI National Test Ho&, Calcutta
( Alternate)
SHRI A. K. CHA~ERII Cent;;orFe;ilding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

DR S. S. REHSI ( Alfernafe)
DIRECTOR Central Road Research Institute (CSIR), New Delhi
DR R. K. GHOSH (Alternafe)
DIRECTOR(CSM RS ) Central Water & Power Commission, New Delhi
SHRI K.C. GHOSAL Alokudyog Services Ltd. New Delhi
SHRI A. K. BISWAS(Alternate)
DR R. K. GHOSH Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
DR R. R. HATTIANGADI Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
SHRI P. J. JAGUS(Alternate)
JOINT DIREUTOR,STANDARDS(B&S) ReseFu;arnoesigns & Standards Organization,

( B & S ) (Alternate)
SHRI S. B. JOSHI S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI M. T. KANSE Directorate General of Supplies L Disposals
SHRI S. L. KATHURIA Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport & Shipping
SHRI S. R. KULKARNI M. N. Dastur & Co (Private) Ltd. Calcutta
SHRI M. A. MEHTA Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI 0. MUTHACHEN Central Public Works Department
END CIRCLE (Afternate)
SHRI ERACH A. NADIRSHAH Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta
SHRI K. K. NAMBIAR In personal capacity (‘Ramanalaya’ II First
Crescent Park Road, Gandhinagar. Adyar,
Madras )

( Continued on page 2 )

@I Copyright 1973
This publication is protected under the Zndiun Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of
the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

( Continued from page 1 )

Members Representing
BRIG NARESHPRASAD Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
COL J. M. TOLANC(Alternate)
PROF G. S. RAMASWAMY Stru;IActkeFngineering Research Centre (CSIR),

DR N. S. BHAL (Alternate)
DR A. V. R. RAO National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI G. S. M. RAO Geological Survey of India, Nagpur
SHRI T. N. S. RAO Gammon India Ltd. Bombay
SHRI S. R. PINHEIRO(Alternate)
SECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
SHRI R. P. SHARMA Irrigation & Power Research Institute, Amritsar
SHR~G. B. SINGH Hindustan Housing Factory Ltd. New Delhi
SHRI C. L. KASLIWAL (Alternate)
SHRI J. S. SINGHOTA Beas Designs Organization, Nangal Township
SHRI T. C. GARG (Alternate)
SHRI K. A. SUBRAMANIAM India Cements Ltd, Madras
SHRI L. SWAROOP Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd. New Delhi
SHRI A. V. RAMANA (Alternate)
SHRI D. AJITHA SIMHA, Director General, 1.51 (Ex-officio Member)
Director (Civ Engg )

Deputy Director (Civ Engg ), IS1

Concrete Subcommittee, BDC 2: 2

SHRI S. B. JOSHI S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay

SHRI M. D. PATHAK (Alternate to
Shri S. B. Joshi)
DR S. M. K. CHEESY CentFiorFeilding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

DR C. A. TANEJA(Alternate)
SHRI B. K. CHOKSI In personal capacity (‘Shrikunj’ Near Parkash
Housing Society, Athwu Lines, &rat 1)
DEPUTY DIRECTOR, STANDARDS Research, Designs & Standards Organization,
(B&S) Lucknow
DARDS (M/C ) (Alternate)
DIRECTOR Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
DIRECTOR (C&MDD ) Central Water & Power Commission, New Delhi

( Continued on page 24 )

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part XII ) was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 16 February 1973, after the draft finalized by the Cement
and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Cement concrete is one of the most versatile and extensively used
building materials in all civil engineering constructions. There are a
number of technical terms connected with the basic materials for concrete
as well as the production and use of concrete which quite often require
clarification to give precise meaning to the stipulations in the standard
specifications, codes of practices and other technical documents. It has,
therefore, become necessary to standardize the various terms and definitions
used in cement and cencrete technology and thus avoid ambiguity in their
interpretations. The Sectional Committee has, therefore decided to bring
out a series of glossaries of terms relating to concrete and concrete
0.3For convenience of reference, this glossary of terms relating to
cement concrete has been grouped into the following twelve parts:
Part I Concrete aggregates
Part II Materials ( other than cement and aggregate )
Part III Concrete reinforcement
Part IV Types of concrete
Part V Formwork for concrete
Part VI Equipment, tools, and plant
Part VII Mixing, laying, compaction, curing and other construction
Part VIII Properties of concrete
Part IX Structural aspects
Part X Tests and testing apparatus
Part XI Prestressed concrete
Part XII Miscellaneous
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

0.3.1 In addition to the above, two separate standards have been brought
out concerning terminology relating to hydraulic cement and pozzolanic
materials. These standards are IS : 48451968* and IS : 4305-19677.
0.4 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to
international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing
in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field
in this country. This has been met by deriving assistance from the
following publications:
BS : 2787-1956 Glossary of terms for concrete and reinforced
concrete. British Standards Institution.
BS : 4340-1968 Glossary of formwork of terms. British Standards
ASTM Designation : C 125 Definitions of terms relating to concrete
aggregate. American Society for Testing and Materials.
AC1 No SP-19 Cement and concrete terminology. American Concrete
AC1 617-1968 Recommended practice for concrete form work.
American Concrete Institute.

1.1 This standard ( Part XII ) covers miscellaneous definitions relating to
cement concrete.

2.0 For the purpose of this standard the following definitions shall apply.
2.1 Absolute Specific Gravity - Ratio of the mass of a given volume of a
solid or liquid, referred to a vacuum at a stated temperature to the mass,
referred to a vacuum, of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at
a stated temperature ( see 2.229 ).
2.2 Acceleration - Increase in velocity or in rate of change, especially the
quickening of the natural progress of a process, such as hardening, setting,
or strength development of concrete.
2.3 Accidental Air - Air voids in concrete which are not purposely
*Definitionsand terminology relating to hydraulic cement.
TGlossaryof terms relating to pozzolana.

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.4 Addition -A material that is interground or blended in limited

amounts into a hydraulic cement during manufacture either as a processing
addition to aid in manufacturing and handling the cement or as a
functional addition to modify the used properties of the finished product.
2.5 Adiabatic -A condition in which head neither enters nor leaves
a system.
2.6 Adiabatic Curing -The maintenance of adiabatic conditions in con-
crete or mortar during the curing period.
2.7 Adsorbed Water - Water held on surfaces of a material by electroche-
mical forces and having physical properties substantially different from
those of absorbed water or chemically combined water at the same
temperature and pressure.
2.8 Air Entraining - The capability of a material or process to develop a
system of minute bubbles of air in cement paste, mortar, or concrete.
2.9 Air Void - A space in cement paste, mortar, or concrete filled with
air; an entrapped air void is characteristically 1 mm or more.
2.10 Anchor Bolt - A bolt with the threaded portion projecting from a
structure, generally used to hold the frame of a building secure against
wind load or a machine against the forces of vibration; known also as
hold-down bolt and foundation bolt.
2.11 Angle of Repose - The angle between the horizontal and the natural
slope of loose material below which the material will not slide.
2.12 Apparent Specific Gravity - See 2.229.
2.13 Arc Spectrography - Spectographic identification of elements in a
sample of material, heated to volatilization in an electric arc or spark.
2.14 Arenaceous - Composed primarily of sand; sandy.
2.15 Argillaceous - Composed primarily of clay or shale; clayey.
2.16 Bacterial Corrosion -The destruction of a material by chemical
processes brought about by the activity of certain bacteria which may
produce substances, such as hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, and sulphuric
2.17 Bag ( of Cement, also Sack) - A quantity of Portland cement, 50 kg
in India and most countries using the metric system. For other kinds
of cement, the quantity indicated on the packing or container.
2.18 Ball Mil - Horizontal, cylindrical, rotating mill charged with large
grinding media.
IS : 6461(Part XII) - 1973

2.19 Barrel-vault Roof - A thin concrete roof taking the form of a part of
a cylinder.
2.20 Base -A subfloor slab or ‘working mat’, either previously placed and
hardened or freshly placed, on which floor topping is placed in a later
operatioan; also the under-lying stratum on which a concrete slab, such as
a pavement, is placed.
2.21 Base Bead - See 2.24.
2.22 Base Coat - Any plaster coat or coats applied prior to application of
the finish coat.
2.23 Base Plate -A plate of metal or other approved material formerly
placed under pavement joints and the adjacent slab ends to prevent the
infiltration of soil and moisture from the sides or bottom. of the joint
opening. Also a device used to distribute vertical loads as for building
columns or machinery.
2.24 Base Screed - A preformed metal screed with perforated or expanded
flanges to provide a ground for plaster and to separate areas of dissimilar
2.25 Batch - Quantity of concrete or mortar mixed at one time.
2.26 Batch Box - Container of known volume used to measure constituents
of a batch of concrete or mortar in proper proportions.
2.27 Batter - Inclination from the vertical or horizontal.
2.28 Batter Boards -Pairs of horizontal boards nailed to wood stakes
adjoining an excavation, used as a guide to elevations and to outline
the building.
2.29 Beam Bottom - Soffit or bottom form for a beam.
2.30 Beam Pocket - Opening left in a vertical member in which a beam f
is to rest; also an opening, in the column or girder from where forms for
an intersecting beam will be framed.
2.31 Beneficiation - Improvement of the chemical or physical properties of
a raw material or intermediate product by the removal of undesirable
components or impurities.
2.32 Bent - Two-dimensional frame which is self-supporting within these
dimensions, having at least two legs and usually placed at right angles to
the length of the structure which it supports.
2.33 Bentonite - A clay composed principally of minerals of the montmo-
rillonite group, characterized by high adsorption and very large volume
change with wetting or drying.
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.34 Berlin& (Crazy) - A type of terrazzo topping using small and large
pieces of marble paving, usually with a standard terrazzo matrix between
2.35 Blaine Fineness - The fineness of powdered materials, such as cement
and pozzolana, expressed as surface area usually is square centimetres/gram.
2.36 Block Beam-A flexural member composed of individual blocks
which are joined together by prostressing.
2.37 Board Butt Joint - Shotcrete construction joint formed by sloping
gunned surface to a 25 mm board, laid flat.
2.38 Belt Sleave - A tube surrounding a bolt in a concrete wall to prevent
concrete from sticking to the bolt and acting as a spreader for the
2.39 Bredigite - A mineral, alpha prime dicalcium silicate (2CaO.Si0, )
ockurring naturally or in slags and Portland cement.
2.40 Brownmillerite - A tennary compound originally regarded as
4CaO.Al,O,.Fe,O, (C,AF) occurring in Portland cement and high
alumina cement; now used to refer to a series of solid solutions between
2CaO.Fe,O, (C,F) and 2CaO.A1,0, (C,A).
2.41 Bulk Density - The weight of a material (including solid particles
and any contained water) per unit volume including voids.
2.42 Bulking-Increase in the bulk volume of a quantity of sand in a
moist condition over the volume of the same quantity, dry or completely
2.43 Bulking Curie - Graph of charge in volume of a quantity of sand
due to change in moisture content.
2.44 Bulking Factor - Ratio of the volume of moist sand to the volume of
the sand when dry.
2.45 Bulk Loading - Loading of unbagged cement in containers, specially
designed trucks, railroad cars or ships.
2.46 Bulk Specific Gravity - See 2.229.
2.47 Butyl Stearate - A colourless oleaginous, practically odourless
material (C, ,HS,COOC4H, ) used as a damp-proofer for concrete.
2.48 Cage - A rigid assembly of reinforcement ready for placing in
2.49 Caisson Pile - A cast-in-place pile made by driving a tube, excavating
it, and filling the cavity with concrete.

Is:6461 (PartXII)-1973

2.50 calcareous - Containing calcium carbonate or, less generally, contai-

ning the element calcium.
2.51 Calcine - To alter composition or physical state by heating below the
temperature of fusion.
2.52 Calcite - A mineral having the composition calcium carbonate
(CaCO,) and a specific crystal structure, the principal constituent of limes-
tone, chalk, and marble; usually a major raw material used in Portland
cement manufacture.
2.53 Capillarity -The movement of a liquid in the interstices of soil or
other porous material due to surface tension.
2.54 Capillary Flow - Flow of moisture through a capillary pore system,
such as in concrete.
2.55 Capillary Space -In cement paste, any space not occupied by
anhydrous cement or cement gel (air bubbles, whether entrained or
entrapped, are not considered to be part of the cement paste).
2.56 Carbonation - Reaction between carbon dioxide and calcium com-
pounds, especially in cement paste, mortar, or concrete, to produce calcium
2.57 Cast-in-place pile - A concrete pile concreted either with or without
a casing in its permanent location, as distinguished from a precast pile.
2.58 Celite - A name used by Torneboom ( 1897) to identify the calcium
alumino ferrite constituent of Portland cement.
2.59 Ceme$ Aggregate Ratio - The ratio, by weight or volume, of cement
to aggregate.
2.60 Cementation Process -The process of injecting cement grout under
pressure into certain types of ground, for example, gravel, fractured rock to
solidify it.
2.61 Cement Bacillus - A mineral, high sulphate calcium sulfoaluminate
(3 CaO Al,O, 3CaSO,-30-32 H,O); occurring naturally or formed by
sulphate attack on mortar and concrete; designated as ‘cement bacillus’ in
older literature.
2.62 Cement Bituminous - A black solid, semisolid, or liquid substance at
natural air temperatures and appreciably soluble only in carbon disulphide
or some volatile liquid hydrocarbon, being composed of mixed in determi- I
nate hydrocarbons mixed from natural deposits. Produced as a residue in j
the distillation of petroleum, or obtained by the destructive distillation of j
coat or wood.
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.63 Cement Clinker - Nodules of cementitious compound, emerging from

shaft, rotary kiln or any sintering device, which is ground to make
2.64 Cement Gel-The colloidal material that makes up the major portion
of the porous mass of which mature hydrated cement paste is composed.
2.65 Cementitious - Having cementing properties.
2.66 Cement Paint - A paint consisting generally of white Portland cement
and water, pigments, hydrated lime, water repellents, or hygroscopic salts.
2.67 Cement Paste -A mixture of cement and water; may be either
hardened or unhardened.
2.68 Cement Plaster - Plaster containing Portland cement.
2.69 Cement Rock - Natural impure limestone which contains the ingre-
dients for production of Portland cement in approximately the required
2.70 Ceramic Bond -The development of fired strength as a result of
thermo-chemical reactions between materials exposed to temperatures
approaching the fusion point of the mixture such as that which may occur,
under these conditions, between calcium-aluminate cement and a refractory
2.71 Chalk - A soft limestone composed chiefly of the calcareous remains
of marine organisms.
2.72 Chalking - Disintegration of coatings, such as a cement paint, mani-
fested by the presence of a loose powder evolved from the paint at, or
just beneath, the surface.
2.73 Chamfer - A bevelled corner which is formed in concrete work by
placing a chamfer strip in the corner of the form.
2.74 Chemical Bond-Bond between materials that is the result of cohesion
and adhesion developed by chemical reaction.
2.75 Chipping - Treatment of a hardened concrete surface by chiseling.
2.76 Clay Content - Percentage of clay by dry weight of a heterogeneous
material, such as a soil or a natural concrete aggregate.
2.77 Coat -A film or layer as of paint or plaster applied in a single
2.78 Coating - Material applied to surface by brushing, dipping, mopping,
spraying, trowelling, etc, such as to preserve, protect, decorate, seal, or
smooth the substrate.


2.79 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion-Length change per unit of

length per degree of temperature change.
2.80 Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction- An experimentally determined ratio
between the vertical subgrade reaction and the deflection at a point on the
surface of contact.
2.81 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion - Change in linear dimension per
unit length or change in volume per unit volume per degree of temperature
2.82 Cold-water Paint - A paint in which the binder or vehicle portion is
composed of latex, casein, glue, or some similar material dissolved or
dispersed in water.
2.83 Composite Sample - Sample obtained by blending two or more
individual samples of a material.
2.84 Concrete-A composite material which consists essentially of a
binding medium within which are embedded particles or fragments of
aggregate; in Portland cement concrete, the binder is a mixture of Portland
cement, any admixture approved by the engineer-in-charge, and water.
2.85 Concrete Pile -A precast reinforced or prestressed concrete pile
driven into the ground by a pile driver or otherwise placed.
2.86 Conductivity, Thermal - A property of a homogeneous body
measured by the ratio of the steady state heat flux (time rate of heat flow
per unit area) to the temperature gradient (temperature difference per
unit length of heat flow path) in the direction perpendicular to the area.
2.87 Construction, Composite - Construction consisting of cast-in-place
reinforced concrete and members made of some other material so inter-
connected that the component elements act together as a unit.
2.88 Cover Block - Device which maintains reinforcement in proper
position, or wall forms at a given distance apart, before and during
2.89 Cross Nicols - Two nicol prisms placed so that their vibration planes
of transmitted light are mutually at right angles.
2.90 C/S Ratio-The molar or weight ratio, whichever is- specified, of
calcium oxide to silicon dioxide; usually of binder materials cured in an
2.91 De&&on - In general, an angular variation from an established
direction or plane, usually measured as a linear deviation from an
established plane rather than an angular variation.
2.92 Deformation - A change in dimensions or shape due to stress.

IS : 6461( Part XII) - 1973

2.93 Dehydration - Removal of chemically bound or adsorbed water from

a material.
2.94 Density - Weight per unit volume.
2.95 Density Control - Control of density of concrete in field construction
to insure that specified values as determined by standard tests are obtained.
2.96 Density (Dry) - The dry weight of a substance per unit volume at a
stated temperature.
2.97 Deterioration - Deterioration into small fragments or particles due to
any cause.
2.98 Diatomaceous Earth - A friable earthy material composed of nearly
pure hydrous amorphous silica (opal) and consisting essentially of the
frustules of the microscopic plants called diatoms.
2.99 Dicalcium Silicate - A compound having the composition 2 CaO.
SiO,, abbreviated C,S, that occurs in Portland-cement clinker.
2.100 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) -Indication of thermal reaction
by differential thermocouple recording of temperature changes in a sample
under investigation compared with those of a chemically passive control
sample, that is heated uniformly and simultaneously.
2.101 Diffusivity, Thermal - Thermal conductivity divided by the product
of specific heat and unit weight; an index of the facility with which
a material undergoes temperature change.
2.102 Diluent - A substance, liquid or solid, mixed with the active consti-
tuents of a formulation to increase the bulk or lower the concentration.
2.103 Discolouratiou - Departure of colour from that which is normal or
2.104 Disintegration - See 2.97.
2.105 Dispersant - A material which deflocculates or disperses finely
ground materials by satisfying the surface energy requirements of the
particles; used as a slurry thinner or grinding aid.
2.106 Dispersing Agent - An addition or admixture capable of increasing
the fluidity of pastes, mortars, or concrete by reduction of inter-particle
2.107 Dolomite
a) A mineral having a specific crystal structure consisting of calcium
carbonate and magnesium carbonate in equivalent chemical
amounts which are 5427 and 45.73 percent by weight, respectively.
b) A rock containing dolomite as the principal constituent.

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.108 Dried Strength - The compressive or flexural strength of refractory

concrete determined with 3h after first drying in an oven at 105 to 110°C
for a specified time.

2.109 Dry Process - In the manufacture of cement, the process in which

the raw materials are ground, conveyed, blended, and stored in a dry

2.110 Ductility - That property of a material by virtue of which it may

undergo large permanent deformation without rupture.
2.111 Dummy Joint - A construction joint created by forming a groove in
the surface of a pavement, floor slab, or wall to control random cracking.
2.112 Earth Pigments -The class of pigments which are produced by
physical processing of materials mined directly from the earth; also
frequently termed natural or mineral pigments or colors.
2.113 Efflorescence - A deposit of salts, usually white, formed on a
surface, the substance having emerged from below the surface.
2.114 Emulsifier - A substance which modifies the surface tension of
colloidal droplets, keeping them from coalescing, and keeping them
2.115 Endothermic - Pertaining to a reaction which occurs with the
absorption of heat.
2.116 Epoxy Resins -A class of chemical bonding systems used in the
preparation of special coatings or adhesives for concrete or as binders
in epoxy-resin mortars and concretes.
2.117 Erosion - Deterioration brought about by the abrasive action of
fluids or solids in motion.
2.118 Ettringite - See 2.61.

2.119 Evaporable Water - Water in set cement paste present in capillaries

or held by surface forces; measured as that removable by drying under
specified conditions.

2.120 Exothermic - Pertaining to a reaction which occurs with the

evolution of heat.

2.121 Extensibility - The maximum tensile strain that hardened cement

paste, mortar, or concrete can sustain before cracking occurs.
2.122 False Set - The rapid development of rigidity in a freshly mixed
Portland cement paste, mortar, or concrete without the evolution of much
heat, which rigidity can be dispelled and plasticity regained by further ,_

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

mixing without addition of water; premature stiffening, hesitation set,

early stiffening, and rubber set are terms referring to the same phenomenon,
but false set is the preferred designation.
2.123 Felite - A name used by Tornebohm ( 1897 ) to identify one form
of dicalcium silicate ( 2CaO SiOz ), one of the crystalline components of
Portland cement clinker.
2.124 Fire Strength - The compressive or flexural strength of refractory
concrete determined after first firing to a specified temperature for a
specified time and subsequent cooling.
2.125 Fired Unit Weight-The unit weight of refractory concrete after
having been exposed to a specified firing temperature for a specified time
and subsequent cooling.
2.126 Foundation Bolt - See 2.10.
2.127 Frame or Panel - The principal prefabricated, welded structural unit
in a scaffolding tower; also beam and column skelton of a building.
2.128 Gel - Matter in a colloidal state that does not dissolve, but remains
suspended in a solvent from which it fails to precipitate without the inter-
vention of heat or of an electrolyte.
2.129 Grog - Burned refractory material, usually calcined clay or crushed
brick bats.
2.139 Grout - Mixture of cementitious material and aggregate to which
sufficient water is added to produce pouring consistency without segregation,
segregation of the constituents, or mixtures of other compositions, such as
containing PVC or epoxy resin or sodium silicate, but similar consistency.
2.131 Gupman,- Workman on shotcreting crew who operates delivery
2.132 Heat of Hydration - Heat evolved by chemical reactions with water,
such as that evolved during the setting and hardening of Portland cement
(see also 2.133); the difference between the heat of solution of dry cement
and that of partially hydrated cement.
2.133 Heat of Solution-Heat evolved by the solution of material in a
2.134 Heavy-media Separation-A method in which a liquid or suspension
of given specific gravity is used to separate particles into a portion lighter
than (those that float) and a portion heavier than (those that sink) the
2.135 Hemihydrate - A hydrate containing one-half molecule of water to
one molecule of compound; the most commonly known hemihydrate is
partially dehydrated gypsum (plaster of Paris , CaSO,. 4 H,O.

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.136 Hot Face - The surface of a refractory section exposed to the source
of heat.
2.137 Hot Load Test - A test for determining the resistance to deforma-
tion or shear of a refractory material when subjected to a specified
compressive load at a specified temperature for a specified time.
2.138 Hydrate- A chemical combination of water with another compound
or an element.
2.139 Hydration - Formation of a compound by the combining of water
with some other substance; in concrete, the chemical reaction between
cement and water.
2.140 Hydraulic Properties - Hydraulic properties are the ability of a
material to set and harden in the presence of water, with formation of
stable compounds.
2.141 Isotropy-The behaviour of a medium having the same properties in
all directions.
2.142 Joint Filler - Material used to fill a joint to prevent the infiltration
of debris.
2.143 Joint Sealant - Material used to exclude water and solid foreign
materials from joints.
2.144 Liquid -Volume Measurement - Measurement of grout on the basis
of the total volume of solid and liquid constituents.
2.145 Macroscopic - Visible to the unaided eye.
2.146 Marl - Calcareous clay, usually containing from 35 to 65 percent
calcium carbonate (CaCO,), found in the bottoms of shallow lakes,
swamps, or extinct fresh-water basins.
2.147 Masonry Mortar - Mortar used in masonry structures.
2.148 Matrix-In the case of mortar, the cement paste in which the fine
aggregate particles are embedded; in the case of concrete, the mortar in
which the coarse aggregate particles are embedded.
2.149 Megascopic - See 2.145.
2.150 Melilite - A group of minerals ranging from the calcium magnesium
silicate, ackermanite, to the calcium aluminate silicate, gehlenite, that occur
as crystals in blast-furnace slag.
2.151 Membrane Curing - A process that involves either liquid sealing
compound ( for example, bituminous and paraffinic emulsions, coal tar cut-
backs, pigmented and nonpigmented resin suspensions, or suspensions

IS : 6461(Part XII) - 1973

of wax and drying oil ) or nonliquid protective coating ( for example, sheet
plastics or waterproof paper ), both of which types function as films to
restrict evaporation of mixing water from the fresh concrete surface.
2.152 Micron - A unit of length; one-thousandth of a millimeter or
one-millionth of a metre.
2.153 Microscopic - Discernible only with the aid of a miqroscope.
2.154 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction - An experimentally determined ratio
between the vertical subgrade reaction and the deflection at a point on the
surface of contact.
2.155 Monolith-A body of plain or reinforced concrete cast or erected
as a single integral mass or structure.
2.156 Montmorillonoid - See 2.157.
2.157 MontmorilIonite - A group of clay minerals, including montmo-
rillonite, characterized by a sheet like internal molecular structure;
consisting of extremely finely-divided hydrous aluminum or magnesium
silicates that swells on wetting, shrink on drying, and are subject to ion
2.158 Nailer -A strip of wood ‘or other fitting attached to or set in
concrete, or attached to steel to facilitate making nailed connections.
2.159 Neat Cement - Hydraulic cement in the unhydrated state.
2.160 Neat Line - A line defining the proposed or specified limits of
an excavation or structure.
2.161 Nicol Prism - A system of two optically clear crystals of calcide
( Iceland spar ) .used in producing plane-polarized light.
2.162 Nonevaporable Water - The water that is chemically combined
during cement hydration; not removable by specified drying.
2.163 Ocrate Process ( trade name ) - The treatment of concrete with
gaseous SiF, to transform any free CaO into CaF,.
2.164 Offset-A horizontal ledge occurring along a change in wall
thickness; the narrow flat surface ( or shelf) created by reducing the
thickness of the wall above.
2.165 Ovals - Marble chips which have been tumbled until a smooth oval
shape has resulted.
2.166 Packer-head Process-A method of casting concrete pipe in a vertical
position in which concrete of low water content is compacted with a
revolving compaction tool.

IS : 6461( Part XII) - 1973

2.167 Pack Set - Finished cement which develops low or zero flowability
during or after storage in silos, or after transporation in bulk containers,
hopper-bottom cars, etc; may be caused by:
a) interlocking of particles,
b) mechanical compaction, and
c) electrostatic attraction between particles.
2.168 Palladina - See 2.34.
2.169 Petrography - The branch of petrology dealing with description and
systematic classification of rocks aside from their geologic relations, mainly
by laboratory methods largely chemical and microscopical; also, loosely,
petrology or lithology.
2.170 Petrology - The science of rocks, treating of their origin structure,
composition, etc; from all aspects and in all relations.
2.171 Phenolic Resin - A class of synthetic, oil-soluble resins ( plastics )
produced as condensation products of phenol, substituted phenols and
formaldehyde, or some similar aldehyde that may be used in paints for
2.172 Pigment - A colouring matter, usually in the form of an insoluble
fine powder.
2.173 Plaster - A cementitious material or combination of cementitious
material and aggregate that, when mixed with a suitable amount of water,
forms a plastic mass or paste which when applied to a surface, adheres to
it and subsequently hardens, preserving in a rigid state the form or texture
imposed during the period of plasticity; also the placed and hardened
2.174 Plaster of Paris - Gypsum ( CaSO, 4 Hz0 ) from which three
quarters of the chemically bound water has been driven off by heating;
when wetted jt recombines with water and hardens quickly.
2.175 Plastic - Possessing plasticity, or possessing adequate plasticity.
2.176 Plastic Mortar - A mortar of plastic consistency.
2.177 Plasticizing - Producing plasticity or becoming plastic.
2.178 Plastic or Bond Fire Clay - A fire clay of sufficient natural plasticity
to bond nonplastic material; a fire clay used as a plasticizing agent in
2.179 Plumb - Vertical or to make vertical.
2.180 Polish or Final Grind -The final operation in which fine abrasives
are used to hone a surface to its desired smoothness and appearance.

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.181 Polyethylene - A thermoplastic high-molecular-weight organic com-

pound used in formulating protective coatings or, in sheet form, as a
protective cover for concrete surfaces during the curing period, or to
provide a temporary enclosure for construction operations.
2.182 Polymer - The product of polymerization; more commonly a rubber
or resin consisting of large molecules formed by polymerization.
2.183 Polymerization -The reaction in which two or more molecules of
the same substance combine to form a compound containing the same
elements, and in the same proportions, but of high molecular weight, from
which the original substance can be regenerated, in some cases only with
extreme difficulty.
2.184 Polystyrene Resin - Synthetic resins varying in colour from water-
white to yellow formed by the polymerization of styrene on heating
with or without catalysts that may be used in paints for concrete, or
for making sculptured moulds, or as insulation.
2.185 Polysulphide Coating -A protective coating system prepared by
polymerizing a cholorinated alkyl polyether with an inorganic polysul-
phide, exhibits outstanding resistance to ozone, sublight, oxidation, and
2.186 Polyurethane - Reaction product of an isocyanate with any of a
wide variety of other compounds containing an active hydrogen group;
used to formulate tough, abrasion-resistant coatings.
2.187 Polyvinyl Acetate - Colourless, permanently thermoplastic resin;
usually supplied as an emulsion or water-dispersible powder characterized
by flexibility, stability towards light, transparency to ultraviolet rays, high
dielectric strength, toughness, and hardness; the higher the degree of
polymerization, the higher the softening temperature; may be used in
paints for concrete.
2.188 Polyvinyl Chloride - A synthetic resin prepared by the polymerization
of vinyl chloride, used in the manufacture of nonmetallic waterstops
for concrete.
2.189 Porosity - The ratio, usually expressed as a percentage, of the
volume of voids in a material to the total volume of the material, including
the voids.
2.190 Pot Life - Time interval after mixing during which liquid material
is usable with no difficulty.
2.191 Pozzolana - An essentially silicious material which while in itself
possessing little or no cementitious properties will, in finely divided form
and in the presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide at ambient

IS ~~6461 (Part XII) - 1973

temperature to form compounds possessing cementitious properties. The

term includes natural volcanic material having pozzolanic properties as also
other natural and artificial materials, such as diatomaceous earth, calcined
clay and fly ash.
2.192 Pozzolana Mortar - A lime or cement mortar in which pozzolana
has been used.
2.193 Pozzolanic Material - These materials which have the pozzolanic
activity of combining with lime to form cementitious compounds.
2.194 Pozzolanic Properties - The ability of a material to combine chemi-
cally with calcium hydroxide in the presence of water under ambient
temperature forming compounds having cementitions properties.
2.195 Prefiring - Raising the temperature of refractory concrete under
controlled conditions prior to placing it in service.
2.196 Preformed Foam -Foam produced in a form generator prior to
introduction of the foam into a mixer with other ingredients to produce
cellular concrete.
2.197 Primary Nuclear Vessel - Interior container in a nuclear reactor
designed for sustained loads and for working conditions.
2.198 Promoter - A substance that accelerates or causes a chemical
reaction without itself being transformed by the reaction.
2.199 Pyrometric Cone - A small, slender, three-sided oblique pyramid
made of ceramic or refractory material for use in determining the time-
temperature effect of heating and in obtaining the pyrometric cone equiva-
lent ( PEC ) of refractory material.
2.200 Quartering - A method of obtaining a representative sample by
dividing a circular pile of a larger sample into four equal parts and discar-
ding opposite quarters successively until the desired size of sample is
2.201 Raw Mix - Blend of raw materials, ground to desired fineness,
correctly proportioned, and blended ready for burning; such as that used in
the manufacture of cement clinker.
2.202 Reactive Silica Material - Several types of materials which react at
high temperatures with Portland cement or lime during autoclaving;
includes pulverized silica, natural pozzolana, and fly ash.
2.203 Refractories-Materials, usually nonmetallic, used to withstand high
2.204 Refractoriness - In refractories, the property of being resistant to
softening or deformation at high temperatures.
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.205 Refractory - Resistant to high temperatures.

2.206 Reglet - A groove in a wall to receive flashing.
.2.207 Reinforced Masonry - Unit masonry in which reinforcement is
embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting
2.208 Relative Humidity-The ratio of the quantity of water vapour
actually present to amount present in a saturated atmosphere at a given
temperature; expressed as a percentage.
2.209 Rheology - The science dealing with flow of materials, including
studies of deformation of hardened concrete, the handling and placing of
freshly mixed concrete, and the behaviour of slurries, pastes, and the like.
2.210 Sack of Cement - See 2.17.
2.211 Sautorin Earth - A volcanic tuff used as a pozzolana.
2.212 Scoria - Volcanic rock characterized by a vesicular texture and dark
colour; particles between 4 and 32 mm are essentially equivalent to volcanic
2.213 Sealing Compound - Material used to exclude water and solid
foreign materials from joints.
2.214 Secondary Nuclear Vessel - Exterior container or safety container in
a nuclear reactor subjected to design load only once in its lifetime.
2.215 Settling-The lowering in elevation of sections of pavement or
structures due to their weight, the loads imposed on them, or shrinkage or
displacement of the supporting earth.
2.216 Shelf Life - Maximum interval during which a material may be
stored and remain in a usable condition.
2.217 Shell Construction - Construction using thin curved slabs.
2.218 Shrinkage-Compensating - A characteristic of grout, mortar, or
concrete made using an expansive cement in which volume increase if
restrained, induces compressive stresses which are intended to approxi-
mately offset the tendency of drying shrinkage to induce tensile stresses.
2.219 Silica - Silicon dioxide ( SiO, ).
2.220 Silica Flour - A siliceous binder component which reacts with lime
under autoclave curing conditions; prepared by grinding quartz to the
fineness of Portland cement.
2.221 Silicate - Salt of a silicic acid.
IS : 6461( Part XII) - 1973

2.222 Skew Back - Sloping surface against which the end of an arch rests,
such as a concrete thrust block supporting thrust of arch bridge.
2.223 Slop - The waste material produced in the wet grinding process and
consisting of finely ground terrazzo and water.
2.224 Sludge - See 2.223.
2.225 Solid Volume-The displacement volume of an ingredient of
concrete or mortar; in the case of solids, the volume of the particles
themselves, including their permeable and impermeable voids but excluding
space between particles; in the case of fluids, the cubic content which they

2.226 Solution -A liquid of at least two substances, one of which is a

solvent in which the other or others are dissolved.
2.227 Solvent - A liquid in which another substance may be dissolved.
2.228 Soundness -The freedom of a solid from cracks, flaws fissures, or
variations from an accepted standard; in the case of cement, freedom from
excessive volume change after setting; in4he case of aggregate, the ability
to withstand the aggressive action to which concrete containing it might be
exposed particularly that due to weather.
2.229 Specific Gravity - The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a
material at a stated temperature to the mass of the same volume of
gass-free distilled water at a stated temperature:

a) Apparent Specijc Gravity - The ratio of the mass in air of a unit

volume of a material at a stated temperature to the mass in’ air at
equal density of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a
stated temperature. If the material is a solid, the volume is that of
the impermeable portion.
b) Bulk Specific Gravity - The ratio of the mass in air of a unit
volume of a permeable material (including both permeable and
impermeable voids normal to the material) at a stated temperature
to the mass in air of equal density of an equal volume of gas-free
distilled water at a stated temperature.
c) Bulk (Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis) Specific Gravity - Same as
bulk specific gravity except that the mass includes the water in the
permeable voids (see also 2.1).
2.230 Specific Surface - The surface area of particles contained in a unit
weight or absolute unit volume of a material.
2.231 Spraying Drying - A method of evaporating the liquid from a solu-
tion by spraying it into a heated gas.


2.232 Stabilizer - A substance which makes a solution or suspension more

stable, usually by keeping particles from precipitating.
2.233 Sticky Cement - See 2.167.
2.234 Stockhouse Set - See 2.167.
2.235 Stress Corrosion - Corrosion of a metal accelerated by stress.
2.236 Stucco - A plaster used for coating exterior walks and other exterior
surfaces of buildings.
2.237 Subbase - A layer in a pavement system between the subgrade and
base course or between the subgrade and a Portland cement concrete
2.23g Subgrade - The soil prepared and compacted to support a structure
or a pavement system.
2.239 Sulpbate Attack - Harmful or deleterious chemical or physical
reaction or both between sulphates in soil or ground water and concrete or
mortar, primarily the cement-paste matrix.
2.240 Sulphate Resistance - Ability of concrete or mortar to withstand
sulphate attack.
2.241 Surface Active - Having the ability to modify surface energy and to
facilitate wetting, penetrating, emulsifying, dispersing, solubilizing, foaming,
frothing, etc; of other substances.
2.242 Surface Area - See 2.230.
2.243 Surface Voids - Cavities visible on the surface of a solid.
2.244 Temperature Rise - The increase of temperature caused by absorp-
tion of heat or internal generation of heat, as by hydration of cement in
2.245 Temperature-Rise Period - The time interval during which the
temperature of a concrete product rises at a controlled rate to the desired
maximum in autoclave or atmospheric pressure steam curing.
2.246 Tetracaicium Aiuminoferrite - A compound in the calcium alumino-
ferrite series, having the composition 4CaO Al,O, Fe,O,, abbreviated
C,AF, whicn is usually assumed to be the aluminoferrite present when
compound calculations are made from the results of chemical analysis of
Portland cement.
2.247 Thermal Conductivity - See 2.86.
2.248 Thermal Diffusivity - See 2.101.
2.249 Thermoplastic - Becoming soft when heated and hard when cooled.

IS : 6461(Part XII) - 1973

2.250 Thermosetting - Recoming rigid by chemical reaction and not

2.251 Thixotropy - The property of a material that enables it to stiffen in
a short period on standing, but to acquire a lo-ver viscosity on mechanical
agitaion, the process being reversible; a material having this property
is termed thixotropic or shear thinning.
2.252 Tieback - A steel rod fastened to a deadman or a rigid foundation
to prevent the lateral movement of formwork, sheet pile walls, retaining
walls, etc.
2.253 Timber Stresses - Stresses for stress-grade lumber conforming to
recognized values.
2.254 Time-Dependent Deformation - Combined effects of autogenous
volume change, contraction, creep, expansion, shrinkage, and swelling
occurring during an appreciable period of time; not synonymous with
‘ inelastic behaviour ’ or ‘ volume change ‘.
2.255 Tolerance -The permitted variation from a given dimension or
2.256 Toughness - The property of matter which resists fracture by impact
or shock.
2.257 Triaxial Compression Test - A test in which a specimen is subjected
to a confining hydrostatic pressure and then loaded axially to failure.
2.258 Triaxial Test - A test in which a specimen is subjected simulta-
neously to lateral and axial loads.
2.259 Unsound - Not sound ( see also 2.228 ).
2.260 Vapour Pressure - A component of atmospheric pressure which is
caused by the presence of vapour, expressed in centimeters, or millimeters
of high of a column of mercury.
2.261 Vehicle - Liquid carrier; binder; anything dissolved in the liquid
portion of a paint is a part of the vehicle.
2.262 Veneer -A masonry facing which is attached to the backup but not
so bonded as to act with it under load.
2.263 Vermiculite - A group name for certain platy minerals, hydrous
silicates of aluminium, magnesium, and iron; characterized by marked
exfoliation on heating; also a constituent of clays.
2.264 Viscosity - Friction within a liquid due to mutual adherence of
its particles.
2.265 Void-Cement Ratio - Volumetric ratio of air plus water to cement.

IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

2.266 Volatile Material - Material that is subject to release as a gas or

vapour, liquids that evaporate readily.
2.267 Warehouse Set - The partial hydration of cement stored for periods
of time and exposed to atmospheric moisture.
2.268 Waterproofing Compound - Material used to impart water repellency
to a structure or a construction unit.
2.269 Waterstop - A thin sheet of metal, rubber, plastic, or other material
inserted in a construction joint to obstruct the seeping of water through
the joint.
2.270 Wetting Agent - A substance capable of lowering the surface tension
of liquids, facilitating the wetting of solid surfaces and permitting the
penetration of liquids into the capillaries.
2.271 Wythe (Leaf) - Each continuous vertical section of a wall one
masonry unit in thickness.
2.272 Xonotlite - A crystallized monocalcium silicate hydrate which can be
synthesized at steam pressures of about 14 to 16 kg/cm2 gauge or higher.
2.273 X-ray Diffraction - The diffraction of X-rays by substances having a
regular arrangement of atoms; a phenomenon used to identify substances
having such structure.
2.274 X-ray Fluorescence - Characteristic secondary radiation emitted by
an element as a result of excitation by X-rays, used to yield chemical
analysis of a sample.
2.275 Yellowing - Development of yellow colour or cast in white or clear
coatings, on aging.
IS : 6461 (Part XII) - 1973

( Conlinuedfiom page 2 )

Members Representing
SHRI V.K. GHANEKAR Struc;orl%gineering Research Centre (CSIR),


( Alrernate )
SHRI K.C. GHOSAL Alokudyog Services Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI A. K. BISWAS ( Afternare)
SHRI V. N. GUNAII Buildings & Communications Department, Bombay
SHRI P. J. JAGUS Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. R. KULKARNI M. N. Dastur & Co Private Limited, Calcutta
SHRI B. C. PATEL ( Alrernnte)
SHRI G. C. MATHUR National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI M. A. MEHTA Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI C. L. N. IYENGAR ( Altewrare)
DR P. K. MOHANTY Tor-Isteg Steel Corporation, Calcutta
DR R. S. PRASAD ( Alternate)
SHRI K. K. NAMBIAR In personal capacity ( ‘Ramanaluyu’ II First
Crescent Park Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar,
Madras )
DR M. L. PURI Central Road Research Institute (CSIR), New Delhi
SHRI N. S. RAMASWAMY Roads Wing. _. Ministry of Transoort & Shipuinn
__ _
SHRI R. P. SIKKA (Alternate)
SHRI G. S. M. RAO Geological Survey of India, Nagpur
SHRI T. N. S. RAO Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. R. PINHEIRO( Afternate)
SUPERINTENDINGENGINEER, END Central Public Works Department
SHRI S. G. VAIDYA ( Alternate)
SHRI N. M. THADANI In persotial capacity (82 Marine Drive, Bombay 2)
COL J. M. TOLANI Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
MAJ D. D. SHARMA (Alternate) -
DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi


Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 323 0131,323 6375,323 9402
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Telegiams : Manaksanstha
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Regional OtYices:
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tWestern : Manakalaya, E9, Behind Marol Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), 632 92 95
MUMBAI 400093
Branch Offices::
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Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESl-&AR 751001 403627

Kalaikathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41

Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 6-26 66 01

Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 6-71 19 96

53/5 Ward No.29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 761003 54 1137

S-6-56C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 20 1063

E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25

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Seth Bhawan. 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 236923
LUCKNOW 226001

Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 600013 26 23 05

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inspection Oftkeo (With Sale Point) :
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NAGPUR 440010

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tSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 309 65 26

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