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Indian Standard: Glossary of Terms Relating To Cement Concrete

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IS : 6461 ( Part 1 ) - 1972

( Reaffirmed 1997 )

Indian Standard

( Fifth Reprint APRIL 1998 )

UDC 001.4 : 666.972.12

u 0 Copyrigh 1972


NEW DELHI 110002

Cr 3
IS86461 (PartI)-

Indian Standard i



Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDC 2

Chairman Representing
DR H. C. VISVEBVARAYA Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi
DR A. S. BHADURI National Test House, Calcutta
( Alternate )
SHRI A. K. CHATTERJI Cent$~orktjlding Research Institute (CSIR ),

DR S. S. REHSI( Alternate)
DIRECTOR Cent;el$oad Research Institute ( CSIR ), New
DR R. K. GHOSH( Alternate )
DIRECTOR ( CSMRS ) Central Water & Power Commission, New Delhi
( Afternate )
SHRI K. C. GHOSAL Alokudyog Services Ltd, New Delhi
SHRIA. K. BI~WAS( Alternate )
DR R. K. Grrosri Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
DR R. R. HATI?ANOADI The Associated Cement Companicr Ltd, Bombay
SHRIP. J. JAOIJS( Alternate )
JOINT DIRECTOR,S T A N D A R D II Research, Designs & Standards Organization,
(B&S) (A&&)
SHRI S. B. JOSHI S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRIM. ,T. K~N~E . Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
SHRI KARTIKYRASAD Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport & Shipping
SHRIS. L. KATHURIA ( Alternate )
&RI s, R. KuLltrRNI .M. N. Dastur & Co ( Private) Ltd, Calcutta
SHRIM. A. MEHTA The Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHR~0. MIJTHACHEN Central Public Works Department
ENDCIRCLE( Altenrate)
&RI ERACHA. NADIRSHAH The Institution of Engineer: India ), Calcutta
SHRIK. K. NAMBIAR In personal capacit; ad k amanalaya’ 11, First
Crescent Park o , Gedhinagar, Adyar,
Madras 20 )
BRIENAREWIPRABAD Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
COLJ. M. TOLANI(Alternate)
( Continued on fiage 2 )


NEW DELHI i10002
IS : 6461 (Part I ) - 1972

( Continuedfrom page 1 )
Members Representing
PROP G. S. RAMASWAMY Stru~o~~e~gineering Research Centre ( CSIR )

DR N. S. BHAL ( Alternate )
DR A. V. R. RAO National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI RAV~NDERLAL ( Alternate )
SHRI G. S. M. RAO Geological Survey of India, Nagpur
SHRI T. N. S. RAO - Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
SHRI R. P. SHAXMA Irrigation & Power Research Institute, Amritsar
SHRI G. B. SINGH Hindustan Housing Factory Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI C. L. KASLIWAL ( Alternate )
SHRI J. S. SINGHOTA Beas Designs Organization, Nangal Township
SHRI A. M. SINGAL( Alternate )
SHRI K. A. SUBRAMANIAM The India Cements Ltd, Madras
SHRI L. SWAROOP Dalmia Cement ( Bharat) Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI A. V. RAMANA ( Alternate )
SHRI D. AJITHA SIMHA, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-oJicio Member )
Director ( Civ Engg )
Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1

Concrete Subcommittee, BDC 2 : 2

SHRI S. B. JOSHS S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay
DX S. M. K. CHETTY Centl;aborkt,ilding Research Institute ( CSIR),

SHRI C. A. TANEJA ( Altcrnrrtc)

personal capacity ( ’ Shrikunj’ Near Parkash
Housing Socifty, Athwa Lines, Swat 1)
DEPUTY DIRECTOR, STANDARDS Resertknoesrgns & Standards Organization,
(B&S) U
( M/C ) ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
DIRECTOR ( C & MDD ) c.kntral Water & Power Commission, New Delhi
( Alternate )
SHRI V. K. GHANEKAX Stru;;;;mle3ngineering Research Centre ( CSIR ),

SHRI A. S. PRAEADA RAO (Alternate)

SHR~ K. C. CHOSAL Alokudyog Services Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI A. K. BISWAS ( Afternate )
SHRI V. N. GUNAJI Buildings & Communications Department, Bombay
SHRI P. J. JAWS The Associated Cement Companics Ltd, Bombay
( Continued on page &I)

IS : 6461( Part I ) - 1972

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part I ) was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 25 February 1972, after the draft finalized by the Cement
and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.

0.2 Cement concrete is one of the most versatile and extensively used
building materials in all civil engineering constructions. There are a
number of technical terms connected with the basic materials for concrete
as well as the production and use of concrete which quite often require
clarification to give precise meaning to the stipulations in the standard
specifications, codes of practices and other technical documents. It has,
therefore, become necessary to standardize the various terms and defini-
tions used in cement and concrete technology and thus avoid ambi-
guity in their interpretations. The Sectional Committee has, therefore,
decided to bring out a series of glossaries of terms relating to concrete
and concrete materials.

0.3 For convenience of reference, the Indian Standard glossary of terms

relating to cement concrete has been grouped into the following twelve

Part I Concrete aggregates

Part II Materials ( other than cement and aggregate )
Part III Concrete reinforcement
Part IV Types of concrete
Part V Formwork for concrete
Part VI Equipment, tools and plant
Part VII Mixing, laying, compaction, curing and other
construction aspects
Part VIII Properties of concrete
Part IX Structural aspects
Part X Tests and testing apparatus


IS:6461 (PartI)- -

Part XI Prestressed concrete

Part XII Miscellaneous
0.3.1 In addition to the above, two separate standards have been
brought out concerning terminology relating to hydraulic cement and
pozzolanic materials. These standards are IS : 4845-1968* and IS :
0.4 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to
international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing
in different countries in additidn to relating it to the practices in the field
in this country. This has been met by deriving assistance from the
following publications:
BS 2787 : 1956 Glossary of terms for concrete and reinforced concrete.
British Standards Institution.
BS 4340 : 1968 Glossary of formwork of terms. British Standards
ASTM Designation : C 125 Definitions of terms relating to concrete
aggregate. American Society for Testing and Materials.
ACI No. SP-19 ( 1967 ) Cement and concrete terminology. American
Concrete Institute.
AC1 617-1968 Recommended practice for concrete formwork.
American Concrete Institute.

1.1 This standard ( Part I ) covers definitions of terms relating to aggre-
gates for cement concrete.

2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply,

2.1 Absorption -- The process by which a liquid is drawn into and tends
to fill permeable pores in a porous solid body; also, the increase in weight
of a porous solid body resulting from the penetration of a liquid into its
permeable pores.
NOTE- In the case of concrete and concrete aggregates, unless otherwise stated, the
liquid involved is water, the increase in weight is that which does not include water
adhering to the outside surface, the increase in weight is expressed as a percentage of
the dry weight of the body and the body is considered to be ‘ dry ’ when it has been
treated by an appropriate process to remove uncombined water, such as drying to
constant weight at a temperature between 100 and 110°C.

*Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic cement.

tGlossary of terms relating to pozzolana.

IS : 6461 ( Part I ) - 1972

2.2 Aggregate - Granular material, generally inert, such as natural sand,

manufactured sand, gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, and air-cooled
iron blastfurnace slag which when bound together into a conglomerated
mass by a matrix forms concrete or mortar.
2.3 Aggregate, All-in - Material composed of a mixture of ccwsc aggre-
gate and fine aggregate.
2.3.1 Ballast, All-in - Aggregate containing a substantial proportion
of all sizes ( including sand ) below a stated maximum, as obtained from a
pit, river-bed or seashore.
2.3.2 Crusher-Run Stone - Rock that has been broken in a mechanical
crusher and has not been subjected to any subsequent screening process.
2.4 Aggregate Coarse - Aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75-mm
IS Sieve and containing only so much of finer material as is permitted by
the specification.
Portion of an aggregate retained on the 4.7%mm IS Sieve.
NOTE 1-The definitions are alternatives to be applied under differing circumstances.
NOTE 2 - Coarse aggregate may be described as :
a) crushed gravel - coarse aggregate produced by crushing gravel ( SGE2.28 );
b) crushed stone - coarse aggregate produced by crushing of hard stone (ste 2.29 );
c) uncrushed gravel - coarse aggregate resulting from natural disintegration of
d) partially crushed gravel or stone when it is a product of the blending of (a)
and (b); and
e) manually broken stone, that is produced by breaking hard stone manually
with hammers.
2.5 Aggregate, Dense Graded - Aggregates graded to produce low void
content and maximum weight when compacted.
2.6 Aggregath, Fine - Aggregates most of which passes 4*75-mm IS Sieve
and containing only so much coarser material as is permitted for various
grading zones in the specification. Fine aggregate may be described as
in 2.6.1 to 2.6.3.
2.6.1 Natural Sand - Fine aggregate resulting from the natural disinte-
gration of rock and/or which has been deposited by streams or glacial
2.6.2 Crushed Stone Sand-Fine aggregate produced by crushing hard
26.3 Crushed Gravel Sand - Fine aggregate produced by crushing natural

IS : 6461( Part H) - 1972

2.7 Agpegate, Gap Graded - Aggregate having a particle size distribu-

tion where or~e or more sizes are missing.
2.8 Aggregate, Graded - Aggregate comprising of a proportion of all
sizes from n.given nominal maximum to 4.25 mm. When these sizes are
so proportrcned as to give a definite grading, it is a well graded
2.9 Aggregate, Heavy Weight - Aggregate of high specific gravity, such
as barite magnetite, limonite, ilemenite iron, or steel used to produce
heavy conc~te or high density concrete specially for shielding against
nuclear radiation.
2.19 Aggrcgatc, k<ght Weight - Aggregate of low bulk specific gravity,
such as expand:ci or sintered clay, slate, slag, fly ash, vermiculite, or pumice
or natural pumice 2nd r:coiia used to produce light weight concrete.
2.11 Aggregate, Maximum Size of - The largest size of aggregate
particles prcs;_r:.t ill s:!fhcicnt quantity to influence the physical properties
of concrete, gci.er;~ii-~ designated by the standard sieve nearest to the sieve
size on which over 10 percent weight is retained.
2.12 Aggregate, Reactive - Aggregate containing substances capable of
reacting chcmicaily with the products of solution or hydration of the Port-
land cement in concrete or mortar under ordinary conditions of exposure,
resulting in some cases in harmful expansion, cracking, or staining.
2.12.1 Alkali Remkhy ( nf Aggregate ) - Susceptibility of aggregate to
alkali-aggregate reaction.
2.13 Aggregate, Refractory - Materials having refractory properties
which w,hen bound together into a conglomerate mass by a matrix, from a
refractory body.
2.14 Aggregate, Single Sized - Aggregate the bulk of which passes one
sieve on the normal concrete series and is retained on the next smaller
2.15 b/bo- Dry rodded bulk volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume
of concrete; the ratio of the solid volume of coarse aggregate particles per
unit volume of freshly mixed concrete to the solid volume of the coarse
aggregate particles per unit volume of dry rodded coarse aggregate.
2.16 Ballast - Stone or gravel mixture ofirregular unscreened sizes which
may also contain smaller material and sand.
2.17 Blastfurnace Slag - Blastfurnace slag is non-metallic product con-
sisting essentially of glass containing calcium and magnesium silicates and
alumino silicates and other bases, which is developed simultaneously with
iron in blastfurnace or electric pig iron furnace.

IS : 6461( Part I ) - 1972

2.17.1 Ball-Slag - Blastfurnace slag which has been allowed to solidify

in the ladle.
2.17.2 Bank-Slag - Blastfurnace slag which has been poured in a molten
state on a bank and albwed to solidify.
2.17.3 Pit-Slag or Mod$ed Pit-Slag - Blastfurnace slag which has been
poured in a molten state into prepared pits, canals or large moulds and
allowed to solidify therein.
2.18 Blastfurnace Slag, Air-Cooled - The material resulting from
solid.ification of molten blastfurnace slag under atmospheric conditions.
Subsequent cooling may be accelerated by application of water to the
solidified surface.
2.19 Blastfurnace Slag, Expanded or Foamed - The light weight
cellular material obtained by controlled processing of molten blastfurnace
slag with water, or with water and other agents, such as steam or compressed
air or both; and crushed and graded as required. It consists chiefly of
alumino silicates of lime and magnesia in a glassy, partly crystalline
or crystalline condition.
2.20 Blastfurnace Slag, Granulated - Granulated slag is obtained by
further processing the molten slag by rapidly chilling or quenching it with
water or steam and air. Granulated blastfurnace is used for the manu-
facture of hydraulic cement.
2.21 Bloated - Swollen, as certain light weight aggregates as a result of
2.22 Bulking - Increase in the bulk volume of a quantity of sand in a
moist condition over the volume of the same quantity dry or completely
2.23 Bulking Curve- Graph of change in volume of a quantity of sand
due to change in moisture content.
2.24 Bulking Factor - Ratio of the volume of moist sand to volume of
the sand when dry.
2.25 Chips - Broken fragments of marble or other mineral aggregate
screened to specified sizes.
2.26 Cinder - Well burnt furnace residue which has been fused or
sintered into lumps of varying sizes. The same material in a finely
powdered form is found to possess some pozzolanic activity.

2.27 Cobble -A rock fragment between 64 and 256 mm in diameter as

applied to coarse aggregate for concrete, the material in the nominal size
range 75 to 150 mm.

IS:6461 (Part I)-1972

2.28 Crushed Gravel - The product resulting from the artificial crushing
of gravel with substantially all fragments having at least one face resulting
from fracture.
2.29 Crushed Stone - The product resulting from the artificial crushing
of rocks, boulders or large cobblestones, substantially all faces of which
have resulted from the crushing operation.
2.36 Dry Rodding - In measurement of the weight per unit volume of
coarse aggregates, the process of compacting dry material in a calibrated
container by rodding under standardized conditions.
2.31 Dry Rodded Volume- The volume occupied by an aggregate
compacted dry, under standardized conditions used in measuring unit
weight of aggregate.

2.32 Dry Rodded Weight - Weight per unit volume of an aggregate

compacted dry by rodding under standardized conditions.

2.33 Fineness Modulus -An empirical factor obtained by adding the

total percenta,ges of a sample of the aggregate retained on each of a speci-
fied series of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100.
NOTE- The sieves used are: 15bmicroq 300-micron,. 600-micron, l-18-mm,
2.36-mm, 4.75.mm, IO-mm, 20-mm, 40-mm and larger increasmg in the ratlo of 2 to 1.

2.34 Flat Piece - One in which the ratio of the width to thickness of its
circumscribing rectangular prism is greater than a specified value.

2.35 Free Moisture - Moisture not retained or absorbed by aggregate.

2.36 Fuller’s Curve -An empirical curve for gradation of aggregates;

also known as the Fuller-Thompson Ideal Grading Curve. The curve is
designed by fitting either a parabola or an ellipse to a tangent at the point
where the aggregate fraction is one-tenth of the maximum size fraction.

2.37 Gap Grading- A particle size distribution in which particles of

certain intermediate sizes are wholly or substantially absent.

2.38 Gradation - See2.45.

2.39 Gradkg - See2.45.

2.40 Grading Continuous -A particle size distribution in which all
intermediate size fractions are present, as opposed to gap grading.

2.41 Gravel
a) Granular material predominantly retained on the 4*75_mm IS
Sieve and resulting from natural disintegration and abrasion of
rock or processing of weakly bound conglomerate; or

IS : 6461 ( Part I ) - 1972

b) That portion ofan aggregate retained on the 4*75-mm IS Sieve and

resulting from natural disintegration and abrasion of rock or
processing of weakly bound conglomerate.
NOTE-The definitions are alternative to be applied under differing circumstances.
Definition (a) is applied to an entire aggregate either in a natural condition or after
processing. Definition (b) is applied to a portion of an aggregate. Requirements for
properties and grading should be stated in specifications.

2.42’ Grading Curve - A graphical representation of the percentages of

different particle sizes in a material obtained by plottint the cumulative or
separate percentages of the material passing through sieves in which the
aperture sizes form a given series.
2.43 Gravel, Pea-Screened gravel most of the particles of which will
pass a IO-mm IS Sieve and will be retained on a 4*25-mm IS Sieve.
2.44 Particle Shape of Aggregate -The particle shape of aggregate,
such as angular, cubical, elongated and flaky.
2.44.1 Angular - The particles of aggregates possessing well defined
edges formed at the inter-section of roughly planer faces.
2.44.2 Cubical -Angular aggregate most of its particles have length,
breadth and thickness approximately equal.
2.44.3 Elongated Piece - The particle of aggregate in which the ratio of
length to width of its circumvent rectangular prism is greater than specified
2.44.4 Elongation Index - Elongation index of an aggregate is the percen-
tage by weight of particles whose greatest dimensions ( length ) is greater
than one and four-fifths times their mean dimension.
2.44.5 Flaky Material - Particles in aggregate which are usually angular
and, of which the thickness is small relative to the width and/or length.
2.44.6 Flakiness Index - The Pakiness index of an aggregate is the percen-
tage by weight of particles in it whose least dimension ( thickness ) is less
than three-fifths of their ,mean dimension.
2.44.7 Irregular Aggregate ( or Part& Rounded Aggregate ) - Aggregates the
particle of which are naturally irregular, or partly shaped by attrition and
have rounded edges.
2.44.8 Rounded Aggregate - Aggregate, the particles of which are fully
water worn or are completely shaped by attrition.
2.45 Particle Size Distribution -The distribution of particles of
granular material among various sizes; usually expressed in terms of cumu-
lative percentages larger or smaller than each of a series of diameters
( sieve openings ) or the percentages between certain ranges of diameters
( sieve openings ) .

IS 8 6461( Part I ) - 1972

2.46 Petrography - The branch of petrology dealing with description

and systematic classification of rocks aside from their geologic relations,
mainly by laboratory methods largely chemical and microscopical also
loosely, petrology or lithology.
2.47 Petrology - The science of rocks, treating of their origin, structure,
composition, etc, from all aspects and in all relations.
2.48 Plum -A large random shaped stone dropped into freshly placed
mass concrete.
NOTE- For cyclopean concrete, the weight of each stone may not be less than 50 kg.
For rubble concrete the stone may be such that one man can handle.

2.49 Rubble - Rough stone of irregular shape and size, broken from
larger masses by geological process or by quarrying.
2.50 Sand
a) Granular material passing the lo-mm IS Sieve and almost entirely
passing the 4*75-mm IS sieve and predominantly retained on the
75-micron IS Sieve, and resulting from natural disintegration and
abrasion of rock or processing of completely friable sandstone; or
b) That portion of ah aggregate passing the 4.75-mm IS Sieve and
predominantly retained on the 75-micron IS Sieve, and result-
ing from natural disintegration and abrasion of rock or processing
of completely friable sandstone.
NOTE -The definitions are alternatives to be applied under differing
circumstances. Definition (a) is applied to an entire aggregate weather in a
natural condition or after processing. Definition (b) is applied to a portion of
an aggregate. Requirements for properties and grading should be stated in
specifications. Fine aggregate produced by crushing rock, gravel, or slag
commonly is known as ‘ manufactured sand ‘.

2.51 Sand Equivalent -- A measure of the amount of clay contamination

in fine aggregate.
2.52 Scalper - A screen for removing oversize particles.
2.53 Shingle - Rounded or waterworm stone of irregular size occurring
jn river beds or opened beaches.
2.54 Sieve Analysis - Determination of the proportions of particle lying
within certain size ranges in a granular material by separation on sieves of
different size openings.
2.55 Sieve Correction - Correction of SieW analysis to adjust for
deviation of sieve performance from that of standard calibrated sieve.
2.56 Silt -A granular material resulting from the disintegration of rock,
with grains largely passing a No. 200 ( 47 micron ) sieve; alternatively,
such particles in the range from 2 to 50 microns diameter.

IS : 6461( Part I ) - 1972

2.57 Spa11- A fragment, usually in the shape of a flake, detached from a

larger mass by a blow, by the action of weather, by pressure, or by
expansion within the larger mass.
2.58 Specific Gravity, Saturated Dry-Basis - ‘I’he bulk specific
gravity of aggregate determined after complete immersion in water for
24 hours and removing surface water.
2.59 Stone Sand - see2.6.2.
2.60 Surface Saturated Dry-Aggregate -A condition of the aggregate
attained after complete immersion in water and removing the superficial
water by soaking with cloth. *
2.61 Surface Water - Free water retained on surfaces of aggregate
particles and considered to be part of the mixing water in concrete, as
distinguished from absorbed moisture.

IS : 6461 (Part I) - 1972

( Continued
from page 2 )

Members Representing
SHRI S. R. KULKARNI M. N. Dastur & Co (Private ) Ltd, Cafcutta
SHRI B. C. PATEL ( Alternate )
SHRI G. C. MATHUR National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI RAV~NDERLAL ( Alternate )
SHRI M. A. MEHTA The Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI c. L. N. IYENGAR( &&Ynate )
DR P. K. MOHANTY Tor-Isteg Steel Corporation, Calcutta
DR R. S. PRASAD( Alternate)
SHRI K. K. NAMBIAR In personal capacity ( ‘ Ramanalaya ’ 11, First Crescent
Park Road, Gandhinagar, AdTar, Madras 20 )
DR M. L. PURI Cent;)ae:h&d Research Institute ( CSIR), New

SHRI N. S. RAMASWAMY Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport & Shipping

SHRI R. P. SIKKA ( Alternate)
SHRI G. S. M. RAO Geological Survey of India, Nagpur
SHRI T. N. S. RAO Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. R. PINHEIRO( Alternate )
SVPERINTENDINQENGINEER, 2ND Central Public Works Department
SHRI S. G. VAIDYA( Alternafe )
SHRI N. M. THADANI In personal capacity ( 82, Marine Drive, Bombqv 2 )
COL J. M. TOLANI Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
MAJ D. D. SHARMA(Alternate )
DR H. C. VIWEWARAYA Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi

Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 323 0131 I 323 3375,323 9402
Fax : 91 11 3234052,91 11 3239399, 91 11 3239382
Telegrams : Manaksanstha
(Common to all Offices)
Central Laboratory : Telephone
Plot No. 20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad 201010 8-770032
Regional Owcea:
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 32376 17
‘Eastern : l/14 CIT Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 337 88 62
Northern : SC0 335-338, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 180022 803843
Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 800113 2352315
tWostem : Manakaiaya, E9, Behind Mar01 Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), 832 92 95
MUMBAI 400093
Branch Offlees::
‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD 380001 5501348
SPeenya Industrial Area, 1 st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, 839 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 482003 55 40 21
Plot No. 82-83, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 40 36 27
Kalaikathir Buildings, 870 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 841037 21 01 41
Plot No. 43, Sector 18 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01
Savitri Complex, 118 G.T. Road, GHAUABAD 201001 8-71 1998
53/5 Ward No.29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 541137
S-8.58C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampaliy Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 201083
E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C- Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25
117/418 B, Sarvodaya Nagu, KANPUR 208005 21 88 76
Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 2389 23
LUCKNOW 228001
NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR 440010 52 51 71
Patiiputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 26 23 05
institution of Engineers (Indii) Buikfing 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 32 38 35
T.C. No. 14/1421, Unive&y P. 0. Palayun, THIRW ANANTHAPLtRAM 89W34 621 17

*Sales Dffke is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P-0. Princep Street, 271085

tsaes Dffice is at Novetty chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 3098528
*Sales Of&e is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Buifding, Narashimaraja Square, 222 39 71

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Detht, lndta

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