Master Guide For BNPL Centres
Master Guide For BNPL Centres
Master Guide For BNPL Centres
Table Of Contents:
1) Bulk Booking
1.1 Individual Booking of bulk articles 2
1.2 Bulk Excel Upload 4
2.1 Detailed Booking report of the Booking Unit (ZREV) 6
2.2 Customer wise Detailed Booking report (ZBNPL) 6
2.3 Advance Customer reports
2.3.1 Advance customer transactions reports (ZADVANCE) 7
2.3.2 Advance Customer Deposit/Recharge (ZADVANCE_DEPOSIT) 7
2.3.3 Advance deposit Receipt (ZADVANCE_PRINT) 8
2.4. List of Customers as per Booking office 8
2.5 Customer Contract Balances: 8
4.1 Generate invoice (VF24) 11
• All customer are identified with Customer‐ID , contract will be created based on service availed.
• Add Customer (F5) to select the customer prior to booking after selecting any service in POS.
• Select Non POSB , Enter Customer ID and press F8 to display Customer name & available
contract. Details of the customer will be displayed. Select the row with Contract number.
• BNPL booking cannot be made by Selecting Customer row without contract number.
• Available balance in contract corresponds to available credit for BNPL & available balance for
advance customers.
• After adding customer, Sender address will be auto filled in POS booking screen. After
completing all bookings [which can be viewed in cart(F11)], select Payment(F12) option.
• POS Detailed report shall display Customer ID for which Booking is made.
• Confirm Customer details with number of bookings in the Payment window.
• If Contract is selected, BNPL Mode of payment is selected b default.
• For a contractual customer, any payment mode other than BNPL should not be accepted.
Bulk excel upload can be made through POS in Business ServiceÆ Upload Bulk option.
• Select Service type viz Inland Speed Post, Express Parcel and add the customer.
• Check POD box if all the articles to be uploaded are attached with POD.
• Browse for the excel file prepared in required format & select upload.
• All the articles inside file will be processed. In case of no errors, application prompts to continue
of Payment (F12).
• In case of any error, below message will be displayed. Select Submit(Enter) button to continue.
• All the Erroneous records need to be processed individually before booking the same.
• A reference number will be created after successful import which can be accessed directly by
pressing Enter or navigating to Business ServiceÆ Process Bulk option.
• Uploaded file cannot be deleted if any single erroneous article is processed.
• Processing of correct articles is not required.
• Erroneous articles can be fetched 10 items at a time & can be processed by selecting each
• Partially processed upload cannot be deleted & can be processed any number of times based on
the availability of the article.
• Booking can be confirmed for correct / partially processed records by proceeding for payment
only after processing at least 1 error record in the below screen.
• A pop up will be displayed marking the error in red which can be corrected for processing.
• Payment screen remains same as normal bulk booking.
• Separate template available for Prepaid domestic, International Articles.
• City name of the PIN should match with the name in POS database, hence refer the excel for
CITY name correction if any before uploading to reduce error correction time.
• Incase error is “Please select propr file”, copy the template from below link and copy the Article
data without changing header and upload.
• Procedure for uploading bulk excel for prepaid articles is same, but upload option & excel sheet
format is different. Business ServiceÆ Upload Prepaid Bulk option
• Bulk excel formats can be obtained in any machine where POS counter is installed by navigating
to below link
All BNPL operation viz Reporting, Billing, Payments other than booking & closing of articles will be
done through SAP ECP application. Data will be available only if Mobilink Synchronisation is successful
in POS server machine & processed in SAP server.
Execute (F8) the report with all the relevant entries to see details of bookings made in your facility for
all the services made through POS.
Alv can be exported to excel sheet, to print the file select pdf & execute(F8) the transaction.
‐Balance summary provides balances & deductions date wise for selected month.
‐Monthly statement provides consolidated credits, debits with opening & closing balances for any
Enter Customer ID, Contract Number , Item (Always 00010) & Save the Transaction (Cntrl + S) to
recharge. Document number will be created upon Save. Balance can be seen instantly in POS.
Enter Booking office Facility ID to fetch list of Customer IDs authorised to book through POS
3.1. Changing Target Value (Increasing credit limit for BNPL customer):
After entering contract number in VA42, click on sales tab & alter contract end date as per the
agreement. POS booking is not possible for any customer contract from the contract end date. After
changing the contract en d date save the contract by clicking save or (Cntrl +S).
3.3. Allotment of Barcode series for all customers (YA series for COD):
After Entering contract number in VA42, double click on Item 10 box to see contract details.
In Additional data B option, enter Barcode Range with prefix & save the contract. This may be done only
for COD customers to allot YA series barcodes.
Navigate to Goto‐variants‐>Get...
(Note: This transaction should not be executed with customer IDs in group)
After selecting SPEED_POST variant, change the date range with VF06 date & select Display work list for
invoice lists (F8)
Line items will be displayed in Yellow for selected customer. Click on "Collective billing doc./online"
Click on Save to generate the invoice for the selected customer. An invoice number will be
generated which can be noted down for reference.
System will popup Print dialogue box for printing the invoice/bill. A copy of PDF may be saved or bill may
be printed as per the requirement.
Enter the customer ID, Enter Date of Billing(VF24 date) & press Enter. Enter DOPI in sales organisation to
see the list of Invoice generated for selected customer in the date range.
Billing Doc. is the invoice number, which can be copied to print the copy of bill. BillT‐> ZLV denotes
Speed Post Billing. Billing Doc 950001354 in this case can be printed in transaction VF23.
Enter the Invoice number retrieved in VF25, click on Invoice list drop drown & select Issue Output To
After making all the entries in the above fields, the month for which payment is made by the customer
will be selected in Additional selection option available in Open Item selection section.
Generally Items can processed by selecting None, Posting date & reference only. Select desired radio
button(None is selected by default) & click on button on the top to compare
payment with billing on the selected customer.
• None : For processing all the current outstanding bills on the customer.
• Posting date : For processing bills based on billing date.
• Others‐>Reference : For processing bills based on Invoice number on the bill.
Double click on Posting Date/ Others & then select Reference & enter to filter the bills for processing.
Payment can be accepted for any previous month by making custom selection in Posting date/reference.
Selecting none & processing items will consider all the outstanding payments receivable from the
After selecting other‐> reference, following window will be displayed to enter invoice number.
Enter single or multiple invoice and click on button on the top to compare.
Select ''Charge Off Difference" option on the top to open Line item entry screen.
Since "Not assigned'' is +0.20 in the case, Pkey is selected as 50, select Biller Clearing A/c 4200030001 &
press enter to continue.
Enter the difference amount, click on to select profit center/fund centre. Simulate the
transaction by selecting Document‐> Simulate (In drop down).
Following line items can be seen on simulation, D & C indicates Debit & Credit which matches with Rs
71.00. Save the transaction to post the incoming payment. A document number will be generated
after posting. With this method, payment can be processed for any mode, any combination & for any
month. SAP also supports accepting single payment from multiple customers.
3. Click on Execute, (Contract number shall be auto filled in Document Text box)
• User with DOP employee ID 102* denotes Advance customer recharges those processed
• Double click on Dates (Date of Transaction) to know the previous Balance and updated balance
after recharge. Old Balance of first entry should always be zero (Or 1) which is Target Value
Inserted during contract creation. Tcode will be ZADVANCE_DEPOSIT
• Entry with User SAPSD_FF denotes Discount credited against contract. Discount contains Actual
Discount (as per Bill) + Tax difference. Tcode: ZADVANCE_CREDIT
• Advance customers Discount+Tax difference should be credited within last day of Billing month,
7) BNPL Reports
• Tcode: FAGLL03
1. Custom Selections for more details selection viz Posting Date, Profit Centre (Mandatory which is
always office of Booking).
2. Open items are Unpaid & Unsettled Bills. At key Date is status as on selected Date.
For Ex: To generate list of BNPL Bills generated for Bookings of Oct 2019, Posting Date or All Items Date
should be from 01/11/2019 to 30/11/2019
• After BNPL Variant selection click on , Posting Date shall be Bill Postings Date which
is always next month Dates for Booking Month. Select your Profit centre. Save(Cntrl+S)
• Above selection for generating list of Bills of Oct 2019. Click Save
• Open Item With Current Date: Display only Unpaid & Unsettled Bills as on Selected Date.
• Cleared Items : All paid Bills of Oct 2019 generated on Nov 2019(As Nov19 date selected
in Custom selection)
• All Items: List all paid and Unpaid Bills of Oct 2019 generated on Nov 2019(As Nov19 date
selected in Custom selection)
Note: For all items: Posting Date is not required in Custom selection as the same is selected in All
Items menu.
1. Customer is Customer Id
• Ref starting with 095 is Invoice number can be printed through VF23 (Bill Format).
• Ref starting with other series denotes Bill not generated ie VF24 to be executed.
5. Doc Date is date of Bill generated which is always at least next month date of Booking
6. Typ is Document Type and RV denotes Revenue Document which is BNPL Revenue
10. Clrng Doc is Payment document for BNPL customer(starting with 4 if DZ) and
Settlement Document for advance customer (Starting with 1 if settled through F‐32)
11. Clearing is Payment or settlement Date on which RV document is cleared
12. Text denotes random POS Booking id of the customer which should always starts with
SL for BNPL Invoices.
13. Each customer and contract combination can have multiple line items for same month ie
Document numbers with Different Text(SL id) however refrence starting with 095 shall be
same as bill is same which is based on office of Booking ie Profit centre. Line items are
multiple because of diffent discount structure ie