Individualised Homeopathy in A Case of Liver Abscess
Individualised Homeopathy in A Case of Liver Abscess
Individualised Homeopathy in A Case of Liver Abscess
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Individualized homeopathy in a case of liver abscess: A case report
Introduction: Liver abscesses (LAs) are purulent collections in the liver parenchyma that result from
bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection which can spread to the liver by extension of an adjacent infection,
or as a result of trauma. Homoeopathic approach of treating the disease based on symptom totality is a
relevant alternative to often unsatisfactory conventional medicine in cases of LA.
Case Summary
Summary: A 35-yearold male who presented with LA was treated with homoeopathic medicine
based on the totality of symptoms and significant improvement was seen with resolution of abscess in
the liver along with relief in other presenting symptoms. This enhances our belief in the potential of
individualized homeopathy in treating infectious conditions.
Introduction: Liver abscesses (LAs) are purulent collections in the liver parenchyma that result from bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection
which can spread to the liver by extension of an adjacent infection, or as a result of trauma. Homoeopathic approach of treating the disease
based on symptom totality is a relevant alternative to often unsatisfactory conventional medicine in cases of LA. Case Summary: A 35-year-
old male who presented with LA was treated with homoeopathic medicine based on the totality of symptoms and significant improvement
was seen with resolution of abscess in the liver along with relief in other presenting symptoms. This enhances our belief in the potential of
individualized homeopathy in treating infectious conditions.
Introduction 80% of patients. The incidence of LA is low but the mortality risk
remains high in untreated patients.[4] The initial test of choice is
Liver abscess (LA) is a pus-filled mass in the liver that
abdominal ultrasonography, which shows hyper or hypo-echoic
develops from injury to the liver or an intra-abdominal infection
lesions with occasional debris or septation.
disseminated from the portal circulation. It occurs most commonly
in the age group of 20–45 years and males are more frequently Homoeopathic remedies can offer gentle and safe treatment
affected than females.[1] LA can arrive either from an ischemic for patients suffering from LA. Homeopathy is an alternative
episode or by bacteria entering through the portal vein.[2,3] Septic system of medicine where the selection of remedy is based upon
emboli cause several micro-abscesses which combine to form detailed medical history of the patient, family and causative
one large abscess. Hematogenous spread from endocarditis or factors, underlying predisposition factor, and susceptibility.
pyelonephritis can happen. It can be either pyogenic or amoebic. This case highlights the importance of individualization and
Most amoebic infections are caused by Entamoeba histolytica. law of single, simple homoeopathic medicine in the treatment
The pyogenic abscesses have polymicrobial origin, such as of LA.
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and
anaerobes. About 50% of solitary LAs occur in the right lobe of Case Report
the liver (a more significant part with more blood supply), less
commonly in the left liver lobe or caudate lobe. LA may present Patient information
as an acute process or as a chronic disease, based on duration of A 35-year-old male presented with acute pain in the right
illness and severity. Most patients present with an acute illness hypochondriac region with aggravation of pain on any kind
and duration of symptoms <2 weeks with abdominal pain usually
moderate and localized to the right upper quadrant, fever, and *Address for correspondence: Jyoti Chhikara,
anorexia as presenting features. Diffuse abdominal pain, pleuritic Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care and Sleep
Disorders, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
chest pain, and radiation of right upper quadrant pain to the right E-mail:
shoulder are not uncommon. Fever is of moderate degree in most
cases, while high fever with chills is suggestive of secondary Received: 19 September 2020; Accepted: 18 February 2022
bacterial infection. Tender hepatomegaly is detected in up to
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DOI: How to cite this article: Chhikara J, Singh R. Individualized homeopathy
10.53945/2320-7094.1059 in a case of liver abscess: A case report. Indian J Res Homoeopathy
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Chhikara and Singh: Individualised homeopathy in a case of liver abscess
There was no history of recent consumption of food from Analysis of the case
outside. Appetite was poor since the pain developed, but he After analyzing the symptoms of the case, the characteristic
was constantly thirsty and desired cold water. mentals, physical generals and particular symptoms were
considered for framing the totality. Timidity, desire to be quiet,
Personal history and worried about business, desired cold food and drinks, had
Family history of hepatic disease or any other comorbidity was unquenchable thirst for cold water were the important general
negative. He had a habit of taking highly spiced and fried food, symptoms while frequent desire to urinate, loose stools since
and drinking less quantity of liquids. There was no history of morning, pain in the right side of abdomen better by pressure
consumption of alcoholic drinks or tobacco in any form. were the particulars included in totality. Repertorisation was done
using RADAR (Synthesis 8.1),[5] and the symptoms considered for
Clinical and laboratory findings
repertorisation are shown in Figure 2. Bryonia alba was the highest
On abdominal examination, tenderness was observed in
scoring medicine and covered maximum rubrics in higher grade.
right hypochondrium which ameliorated on applying gentle
pressure over the region. There was continuous moderate pain Intervention
of stitching character. No sign of guarding could be elicited. Homoeopathic medicines Bryonia alba, Sulphur, Arsenic album,
and Belladona were the top four medicines in the repertorisation
Investigations such as complete blood count, liver function
sheet. Bryonia alba covered the totality of the patient in the highest
tests, inflammatory markers, coagulation profile were advised
grade. The characteristic burning of Sulphur was not present as
but not done as the patient had financial constraints, due to
a chief complaint and desire to be quiet and rest, was also not
which only ultrasonography could be performed.
covered by it, hence not selected as similimum for the case. The
Ultrasonography of abdomen revealed hepatomegaly with characteristic restlessness and amelioration by warmth of Arsenic
liver span of 18–19 cm, with a hypo-echoic lesion of 88 × album was not present in this case, also the characteristic modality
78 × 68 mm with volume of 230 cc in right lobe. Spleen was of amelioration of pain by pressure was not covered under
enlarged to a span of 15.8 cm. There was hepatomegaly with Arsenic after repertorisation. Belladona is an excellent remedy
evolving LA and splenomegaly as seen in Figure 1. for pyogenic conditions of skin and glands, but the characteristic
modalities of Belladona, that is, aggravation from touch, lying
Provisional diagnosis
down were contradictory in this case, as the patient reported pain
Amoebic LA.
better by pressure and had desire to rest. Bryonia was selected as
the similimum of the case on the basis of totality, individualization,
and after consideration of Materia Medica and Repertory.
Three doses of Bryonia alba 200C were prescribed on 13 July
2020, to be taken at 6 h intervals followed by placebo for 5 days.
On subsequent follow-ups, repetition of medicine was done upon
assessment of symptoms and investigations. The patient was taking
only homoeopathic medicines during the course of treatment.
Patient was advised to avoid all kinds of oily and fried food,
take plenty of water and avoid overeating. He was also asked
to take adequate rest and refrain from any kind of strenuous
activity. During the course of treatment, patient did not have
to take antibiotics or any other conventional treatment.
During the follow-ups, the patient’s status was assessed and
Figure 1: Ultrasonography- whole abdomen (13 June, 2020) showing a subsequent ultrasonography was done at 15-day intervals for
hypo-echoic lesion in the right lobe of liver 1 month. Follow-ups details are summarized in Table 1.
The presented case of LA showed marked improvement with positively to the homoeopathic treatment and was relieved of
single homeopathic medicine Bryonia alba. There was significant his pain, with an effective resolution and reduction of pus, as
clinical as well as radiographic progress, in over a period of evident from the ultrasound reports. On subsequent follow-up,
1 month of treatment, inferred on the basis of improvement of liver biopsy and FNAC to rule out whether pyogenic or amoebic
generals and particular symptoms of the case as well as resolution LA was advised but was not performed as patient showed
of abscess and regression of liver to its pre-infection size as symptomatic relief and had already discussed his financial
evident via series of ultrasonography [Figures 3 and 4]. limitations. It was treated as probable case of amoebic LA based
on sudden history of onset of abdominal pain, fever with chills,
Discussion and involvement of the right lobe of the liver mainly.[6] The
This case highlights the usefulness of homoeopathic medicines case was assessed for the likelihood of causality between the
in the management of LA. In this case, after careful history homoeopathic intervention and outcome as per Modified Naranjo
recording, repertorisation, and consultation with Materia Medica, criteria for Homoeopathy.[7] Under MoNarCh[7] domains 3, 7, 6,
Bryonia alba was prescribed. The patient had not undergone and 10 were not established in this report but other domains were
any treatment before for this complaint. The patient responded largely established. The total score of outcome was 8 [Table 2]
Table 2: Monarch inventory (improved version of the modified Naranjo criteria for Homoeopathy)[7]
Domains Yes No Not sure Score for successfully Justification
or N/A treated cases
Was there an improvement in the main symptom or +2 –1 0 2 Right hypochondrium pain (due to underlying
condition for which the homoeopathic medicine was LA) was the chief complain which disappeared
prescribed? after treatment
Did the clinical improvement occur within a plausible +1 –2 0 1 Improvement of symptoms occurred within
time frame relative to the drug intake? initial 5 days while complete resolution occurred
within a period of 2 months after medicine
Was there an initial aggravation of symptoms? +1 0 0 0 Not observed
Did the effect encompass more than the main symptom +1 0 0 1 There was improvement in mental generals
or condition (i.e., were other symptoms ultimately and physical generals as well
improved or changed)?
Did overall well‑being improve? (suggest using +1 0 0 1 Overall well‑being as there was no other
validated scale) illness during and after treatment
Direction of cure: did some symptoms improve in the +1 0 0 0 Not observed
opposite order of the development of symptoms of the
Direction of cure: did at least two of the following +1 0 0 0 Not observed
aspects apply to the order of improvement of symptoms:
• From organs of more importance to those of less
• From deeper to more superficial aspects of the
• From the top downwards?
Did “old symptoms” (defined as non‑seasonal and +1 0 0 0 Not observed
non‑cyclical symptoms that were previously thought to
have resolved) reappear temporarily during the course of
Are there alternate causes (other than the medicine) –3 +1 0 1 In infectious conditions such a LA there are
that—with a high probability— could have caused the very low chances of improvement without
improvement? (Consider known course of disease, appropriate medicinal intervention.
other forms of treatment, and other clinically relevant
Was the health improvement confirmed by any objective +2 0 0 2 Yes by Ultrasonography reports after every
evidence? (e.g., laboratory test, clinical observation, 15 days
10. Did repeat dosing, if conducted, create similar +1 0 0 0 Not observed
clinical improvement?
Total Score=8
which suggests the causal relationship between homoeopathic sick parts alone. The notable reduction of pus in LA with
intervention and outcome in this case. the improvement of subjective symptoms is a documentary
evidence. This shows the strength of the Nature’s law of cure
Bryonia alba covered the mental symptoms well, such as
with single, simple medicine and signifies the importance of
timidity, anxiety about how he developed the disease, aversion
individualization in homoeopathic prescription. However,
to answer, wants to be quiet, rest; and worried about his work.
Also, the physical symptoms like desire for cold food and this is a single case study and LA can be associated with
drinks, unquenchable thirst for cold water, frequent urination, variable presentations in different cases. Well-designed
pain in the right side of the abdomen (right hypochondrium), studies maybe undertaken for scientific validation of these
desire for complete rest, pain better by pressure were also results.
covered by the medicine. As mentioned in the homoeopathic
literature,[8,9] the mechanism of action of Bryonia alba is such Declaration of Patient Consent
that it corresponds to fevers of almost all kinds, especially The authors certify that they had obtained all appropriate
rheumatic, typhoid, bilious and remitting. In these, as in all consent from the patient for his investigation reports and other
other complaints, the exquisite sensitiveness of the drug to the clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patient
movement of all kinds is a leading characteristic. was made to understand that his name and initials will not be
In the above case it is observed that though the natural published, and due efforts will be made to conceal his identity,
tendency of conditions with pus accumulations and but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
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肝脓肿病例中的个体化顺势疗法: 一个案例报告
抽象的 简介:肝脓肿是由细菌、真菌或寄生虫感染引起的肝脏实质内的脓性集合,可由邻近的感染扩展到肝脏,或由
能令人满意。. 案例摘要: 一位35岁的男性患有肝脏脓肿,根据全部症状用同种疗法进行治疗,随着肝脏脓肿的消退