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Reducing Informality in Academic Writing

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Reducing Informality in Academic Writing


Language in academic writing is usually described as formal, concise, precise, and neutral. If these
characteristics fail to appear in writing, even the most innovative and intelligent ideas might be perceived as
simplistic or even be disregarded by a scholarly community. To avoid this situation, writers should strive for
formality in their writing. This handout outlines language features that usually contribute to informality and
provides examples of more formal alternatives.

NOTE: It is crucial to remember that the language features described below are NOT completely avoided in all
academic writing. Depending on the context, discipline, genre, year of publication, and even section of a
paper, these features could appear with varying frequency. Still, they are generally uncommon in academic

Informal Feature Possible Substitution

It is uncommon to address the reader in You will find the Results can be found in
academic writing. Avoid second person results in Figure 2. Figure 2.
pronouns (you/your/yours).

Contractions (e.g. don’t, he’d, she’s) make The study doesn’t The study does not
writing less formal. Use full forms instead. examine… examine…

Generally, questions are not used in Why has antibiotic Many studies have
scholarly writing (unless it is a research resistance increased? investigated why
question). antibiotic resistance has

Avoid exclamations. …evidence! …evidence.

Use 1-word verbs instead of 2- or more This articles talks This article discusses…
word verbs (phrasal verbs). about…
The prices increase …
The prices go up…

Avoid unattended this/these; use this/these+ Writing instructors Writing instructors know
a summary word instead. know that students that students need to
need to understand understand the
the differences differences between
between formal and formal and informal
informal language. language. This
This can help students understanding can help
make strategic choices students make strategic
in their writing. choices in their writing.

Limit the use of “run on” expressions, such Examples include Examples include laptops,
as: and so on; etc. laptops, smart phones, smart phones, and other
etc. devices.

Single-word negatives are more formal. Not many of the Few participants saw a
participants saw a change.
The study showed no
The study did not contradictory findings.
show any
contradictory findings.

“There is” and “There are” can usually be There was little Little evidence
cut from the beginning of sentences. evidence… appeared…

Limit the use of coordinating conjunctions And the study also The study also
(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) at the compared… compared…
beginning of sentences.

In many disciplines, writers do not utilize I can explain this fact This fact can be explained
first person (I/me/my/mine or we/our/ours), by… by…
or they use it sparingly. Avoid first person
pronouns unless they are used frequently
in your field, in a specific writing genre (e.g.
personal reflection) or in a certain part of a
paper (e.g. in introductions to state the
purpose of research).

Passive voice: Although grammar checkers caution against the use of passive voice, it is used in academic
writing when the agent of the action is unimportant. Thus, limit, but not completely avoid passive voice in
your writing.


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