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Department of Computer Systems Engineering

Signals and Systems

BE-IV (CSE): Spring 2024 Marks: 10
List of Projects

1. Speaker Identification (Audio): Record an audio signal of conversion between two persons. Design an algorithm to recognize the speaker from the
audio signal.

2. FT based filtering: Record or generate a signal of multiple frequencies. Remove frequencies from the signal that have amplitude less than 50% of
the maximum amplitude frequency.

3. Image Restoration: Take an old and distorted picture and restore it.

4. Text to Speech: Design an algorithm/program to convert written text into speech.

5. Speech to Text: Design an algorithm/program to convert spoken words audio into text.

CEP Attributes to be covered:

WP1 Depth of Knowledge Required  WK4 (Specialist Knowledge)

 WK5 (Engineering Design)
 WK6 (Engineering Practice)

WP2 Range of conflicting requirements  Quality Vs Cost

 Quality Vs Complexity
WP3 Depth of analysis required  Available Software Solutions/Methods
 Implementation Requirements on software/hardware
 Feasibility of the Solution
1. The students are encouraged to work on projects in a group of two students.
2. The topic are not limited to these and students can take other topics in consultation with the teacher.
3. The project assessment will be based on the rubrics, provided.
4. The project along with the report must be submitted by the deadline. The deadline is provided on your LMS.
5. The report must contain pictures and screenshots of the code/circuit used.
6. Delayed submissions are subjected to deduction in allocated marks.
7. Each member of the group must clarify his/her role in the project through the report and it will be assessed by asking relevant questions.
8. The evaluation criteria and rubric for the assessment are provided.
Semester Project Evaluation Form

Project Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:________

Student Name: [A= _____________, B=______________ ] Batch _____________ Semester ___________ Supervisor: ___________________
CLO Description Mapped Score (0- % Max Obtained
PLO 10) Weight Marks Score
Student Students
CLO 1 Successful demonstration of project as 3 20 2
per defined objectives.
CLO 2 Contribution to the team [completion of 9 20 2
allocated tasks & role in project]
CLO 3 Project report quality [Technical de- 10 20 2
tails, coherence, plagiarism, citations]
& Presentation skills [ Confidence,
mastery on technical concepts]
CLO 4 Record of defined milestones and their 11 20 2
successful achievement.
CLO 5 Impact of solution on society. 7, 12 20 2
Interest in possible application/exten-
sion of project.
Total Obtained Score

Rubrics for Semester Project CLO Assessment

CLO # Unsatisfactory (0–4) Commendable (5–8) Outstanding (9-10)

CLO 1 Developed solution is Unsatisfactory Successful demonstration of the project. Successful demonstration of the project.
Under specific assumptions, the objectives are Objectives are unconditionally met, with a robust solution.
Not in line with the defined objectives somewhat met.
CLO 2  Unable to demonstrate successful achieve-  Partially completed the allocated task.  Completed the allocated task in an efficient way
ment of the allocated task.  Minor contribution in the overall solu-  Played a leadership role in the overall project.
 Individual contribution not substantial tion developed
considering the over-all objectives
CLO 3  A nicely written report that either lacks
 A poorly written and structured report. some technical details or wrong citations  A nicely written report that provides every technical de-
to state-of- the-art. tail, includes citations to sufficiently relevant works,
nicely justifies the impact of the project on the society.
 Explains the basics but fails to respond to  Precisely presents a detailed insight to the project, is
 Unable to present the basic idea of the de-
examiners questions able to answer most of the questions raised by examin-
veloped system.
CLO 4 Milestones clearly defined and achieved that allowed further
Milestones not clearly defined, and failed to Milestones clearly indicated, but not properly extension of the project to incorporate additional features.
manage the time. managed leading to some objectives not met

CLO 5  Unable to relate its impact on the society.  Basic understanding of impact of the de-  Fully understands the impact of the system on the soci-
 Fails to show interest in any extension / ap- veloped solution on the society. ety and is able to comprehend the system’s ability to
plication of the project.  Has shown marginal interest in the areas cope up with future challenges.
indirectly related to the developed project.  Seems to be highly motivated for further extending/ap-
plying the developed system for lifelong learning, and
has a clear direction forward.

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