Research Final
Research Final
Research Final
In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement in
Criminological Research 2
(CRIM 402)
Presented to:
Janrich A. Galera
Laarve B. Ragual
Ivan C. Rivas
Theoretical framework
Conceptual framework
Definition of terms
Foreign Literature
Local Literature
Foreign Studies
Local Studies
Research Design
Research Respondents
Statistical tools
Characteristics of Responses
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Financial problems are a vital issue for everyone, especially students. Most
students have to struggle to make ends meet as they come from underprivileged families.
Thus students have to make difficult decisions whether to spend money on food or other
essential needs; and others have to go through health issues that took a toll on their
financial situations (Perman, 2019). In the context of tertiary education, financial capacity
problem for students to enhance themselves in academics thus leading to poor academic
performance. College students often worry about their finances, which then this financial
worry may affect their academic performance as the students are dividing their attention
between financial and academic. Hence this can be stated that the family's finances are
motivation and encouragement for the students to have a good academic performance
Financial is a severe issue that lingens among university students and might affect
their academic performance (Norazlan, N., Yusuf, S., & Al-Majdhoub, F.M.H. 2020).
poor academic performance compared to students who come from a better family
background status. To add, according to Asri et al. (2017) stated that students who come
from a high economic status are able to have a stimulating learning environment. Hence
it is possible for those who have a better family financial background to excel well and
achieve a better academic performance compared to those students who come from low-
income families
students which is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it sheds light on the socio-economic
and support. Secondly, it provides insights into the potential barriers that students face in
achieving their academic goals, By examining the interplay between financial capacity
and academic performance, this study seeks to uncover patterns, trends, and challenges
Campus. Ultimately. the findings aim to inform eviderice-based strategies that promote
academic success, foster student well-being, and enhance the overall educational
students at Negros Oriental State University Bais Campus. By delving into the financial
circumstances of these students and their subsequent academic outcomes, this study seeks
resources and educational attainment within this specific academic cohort. Through a
thorough investigation, the aim is to provide valuable insights that could inform
educational policies and interventions aimed at improving the academic success and
Theoretical Framework
This study is founded on the theory of Aristotle the “Virtue of Ethics” wherein he
particularly concerned on the moral decision making and behavior. Studies found out that
believes that knowledge by itself is not sufficient for right action. From Aristotle
guarantee of wises financial behaviors, student success is certainly true that students need
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework shown in figure 1 illustrates the relationship between
year Criminology students at Negros Oriental State University Bais Campus. It outlines
The first frame shows the input, the financial capacity elements, such as income,
financial aid and family support, as well as measures of academic performance such as
GPA, class attendance, and test scores. These variables serve as the foundation of this
The second frame, the process contains the procedure given in the participants a
structured questionnaire as part of the data collection process. The purpose of the
financial situation. Statistical analysis is performed after data collection on the data using
methods like regression and correlation analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to
investigate and comprehend the connection between academic achievement and financial
Lastly, the third frame are the results that obtained from the data analysis. The
correlation between third year criminal justice students’ academic achievement and their
financial capabilities is classified by these things. The results can wellbeing and academic
academic accomplishments.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between the financial capacity and
State University Bais Campus. Specifically, the study will focus on 50 third-year
Criminology students to determine how their financial capacity influences their academic
Timeframe: The study will cover the academic performance and financial
Variables: The study will primarily consider the financial capacity (e.g., income,
financial aid, family support) and academic performance (e.g., GPA, class attendance,
Location: The study will be limited to Negros Oriental State University Bais
1. Understanding Financial
performance. Many students face financial challenges that can affect their ability to excel
performance, the study sheds light on factors beyond mere intellectual ability that
3. Informing Support
Programs: Findings from this study can inform the development of support
programs and interventions tailored to address the financial needs of students, potentially
4. Policy Implications:
The results may have implications for education policies and resource allocation,
services to students.
5. Empowering Students:
The study adds to the body of academic literature on the socio-economic factors
Overall, this research contributes valuable insights into the interplay between
Definition of Term
income, their family's assistance, their financial help, and other financial holdings. It also
determines how much a student can afford to pay for other educational costs. And the
2. Academic Performance - The student's grade point average (GPA), test scores,
attendance in class, and overall academic achievement and indicates how well the student
succeeded in their academic endeavors. And the dependent variable of this study.
5. Criminology - The study of crime, criminal behavior, and criminal justice system.
factors, such as social class, income, and education, and how these factors affect all
7. Equity and Inclusivity in Higher Education - the idea that all students ought to have
fair and equal access to higher education, irrespective of their financial circumstances.
Aristotle's theory. It highlights the importance of morality and character. It has to do with
the ethical issues surrounding students' financial conduct and decision-making in the
9. Financial Literacy - This refers the comprehension and awareness of financial topics,
techniques that entail gathering and analyzing numerical data, which is frequently done to
find connections, patterns, and trends. Data on students' financial situation and academic
11. Ethical Guidelines - A term used to describe the guidelines and criteria used in
research to guarantee that it is carried out fairly, respectfully, and with integrity. This
Chapter II
This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher
considered in strengthening the importance of the present study about the “Relationship
Foreign Literature
Education has a huge role in school, which provides students with knowledge and
confidence that mold them to their fullest potential. That’s one of many reasons why
education is important. In terms of financial literacy, education has a variety of scopes to
make learners financially independent.
finances and academics. Our goal is to classify whether their financial situations would
affect their grades differently. As indicated by Asri, Abu Bakar, Laili and Saad (2017)
they have stated that although students in do not have a commitment on paying monthly
debt instalments like other households. However, their status as students requires them to
pay their education fees, rents and other essentials, by which they received the financial
Local Literature
crisis continues to be a great challenge for students, teachers, and parents alike, especially
Due to financial struggles and poverty, students still continue to pursue their
dreams despite the obstacles they encounter. Many working students didn’t actively
choose to work; rather, their circumstances led them down that path from an early age.
Also, compared to privilege students, they are more disciplined in terms of financial
Benjie Autida (2023) states that Education in the Philippines doesn’t only require
excellence in academic aspects but also endurance from all sorts of problems while
studying like emotional problems, social problems, and the most common problem is
money. Underprivileged students need to overcome not only their academic requirements
but also to hurdle the financial aspect which is why many have opted to become working
Foreign Studies
Throughout the journey of students at every grade level, measuring their academic
performance is what this study focuses on, according to Salman Zafar (2020) measuring
the academic performance of schools globally is important because it gives students all
around the world the benefit of the best level of education possible. In turn, these students
will then be better equipped to enter their chosen profession with the same levels of
Local Studies
According to Marquis David (2015), poverty significantly affects the resources of
students in Cebu City. Due to this lack of resources, many students’ struggle to reach the
same academic achievement levels as financially stable students. He states that the effects
of student achievements include allowances and sources of income. Many poor students
This section of research explains the methods to be used in this study. The
researchers will explain the research design, research respondents, and data gathering
instrument, data research procedure, and statistical tools used in our study. This chapter
outlines the steps and procedures undertaken to gather and analyze the data necessary to
Research Design
This study will use a correlational research design to examine the relationship
technique that aids in the explanation of how the variables relate to one another.
variables. This design is chosen because it allows the researchers to measure the degree
and direction of association between two variables, namely financial capacity and
academic performance.
Research Respondents
at Negros Oriental State University Bais Campus. Random sampling is used to establish
the sample size in order to guarantee a representative sample of the student body. It is
voluntary to participate in the study, and participants' identities will be kept private.
sections: the first section will gather information about the participants' financial
capacity, including their income, financial aid, and family support. The second section
will gather information about their academic performance, including their GPA, class
attendance, and test scores. The type of question used in this research is check list.
Several steps will be involved in the data research procedure. Initially, ethical
approval from the appropriate authorities will be sought to guarantee participant's privacy
and voluntary involvement. The questionnaires will be given to the chosen responders as
questions if necessary, the respondents will receive clear instructions on how to fill out
the questionnaire. We will enter the data and tidy it after the questionnaires are gathered
to make sure it is accurate and consistent. The relevant statistical methods will next be
Statistical Tools
The study will use correlation analysis and regression analysis to analyze the
performance, correlation analysis will help us ascertain the direction and intensity of the
association between the variables. These statistical tools will provide us with quantitative
%=f/N x 100
When % is the percentage, f is the frequency, and N is the total number of respondents.
This chapter discusses the data analysis of the research, quantitative data was
gathered from respondents and analyzed in this section. The date have been gathered
from the 3rd year Criminology students of Negros Oriental State University Bais Campus
Table 1 shows that the majority of the 50 respondents are female with a total of 30
or 60 percent (%). While the least of the respondents is male with a total of 20 or 40
percent (%). The dominant number of respondent are female with a total of 30 or 60
percent (%).
Financial Capacity
Table 2. Source of Income of the students
Table 2 shows that out of 50 respondents the majority have parental support with
the total of 32 or 64 percent (%), 14 out of 50 respondents have scholarship with the total
of 10 percent (%), 5 out of 50 respondents have part time job with the total of 10 percent
(%), 4 out of 50 respondents have other source of income with the total of 8 percent (%).
Table 3 shows that out of 50 respondents the majority have neutral in financial
stability with the total of 21 or 42 percent (%), 17 out of 50 respondents have unstable
financial stability with the total of 34 percent (%), 9 out of 50 respondents have stable
financial stability with the total of 18 percent (%), 1 out respondents have very unstable
and very stable financial stability with the total of 2 percent (%).
Academic Performance
Table 4. Grade Point Average (GPA)
Table 4 shows that out of 50 respondents the majority have below 2.0 in their
GPA with the total of 45 or 90 percent (%), 5 out 50 respondents have between 2.0 - 2.49
Table 5 shows that out of 50 respondents the majority have less than 5 hours
study per week with the total of 31 or 62 percent (%), 9 out of 50 respondents have 5 to
10 hours per week with the total of 18 percent (%), 5 out 50 respondents have 11 to 15
hours per week with the total of 10 percent (%), 3 out of 50 respondents have 16 to 20
and more than 20 hours per week with the total of 6 percent (%).
will impact their academic performances with the total of 35 or 70 percent (%).
Table 7 shows
Summary of Findings
Foreign Literature
Local Studies
Foreign Studies
Local Literature
Benjie Autida (2023)
Appendix 1
Instruction: Please put a check (✔) on the left side of your chosen answer.
Personal Information:
Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Other (please specify:)
Age: ____
Year Level: [ ] 3rd Year
Program: [ ] Criminology
Financial Capacity:
Academic Performance:
3. What is your cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) so far?
a. Below 2.0
b. 2.0 - 2.49
c. 2.5 - 2.99
d. 3.0 - 3.49
e. 3.5 and above
7. In your opinion, how much does your financial situation affect your ability to
focus on your studies?
a. Not at all
b. Slightly
c. Moderately
d. Significantly
8. Have you ever considered dropping out of school due to financial difficulties?
• Yes
• No
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Email ID:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Language Known:
Educational Attainment:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated:
Year Graduated: