Dzexams Bem Anglais 935000
Dzexams Bem Anglais 935000
Dzexams Bem Anglais 935000
fr!)l J,aUt
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l4pts PART ONE
07pts A./-ReadingComprehension
02pts Activitv One:
l-Yes, they do. / Yes./ They do. / Yes,Englishchildren start secondaryschool
01pt at eleveD(11)./ At eleven(lL). / Eleven(11).
Note: Ifa catrdidatewrites :
J'In England childrenstart secondâryschoolat the ageofeleven.,',give01pt
2-No,they don't (do not), / No. / They don't ( do not). / Not âll studentsleave
schoolafter the GCSEexams./Somestudentsdo. /Somestudetrtsleâveschool
âfter the GCSE exams./Somestudentsleaveschoolât the aseof 15-16./Some
studentsleâveschoofwhen they are 15- 16,l( Or.ty)25Yo(; fourth) (t /4) (a
quârter) ofthe studentsleaveschoolafter the GCSE exams./75!" (Q (hree
fourths) (threequarters)do not leâveschoolafter the GCSE exams.
03pts Activity Two:
rpt ParagraphI Examsat 16 and 18,
lpt Paragraph2 Typesof secondaryschool.
lpt Paragraph3 Subjectsat secondaryschool.
01pt SYnonvms:
0,5ptx2 kids = children
select= choose
0lpt oDtrosites:
0 , 5 p t x 2 before# after
cheâp+ expensiye
Note:If â candidatewrites:
1- In Algeria, childretrcan go to pre-schoolclassesat the ageoflive.
3- At the end ofthe middle school,studentstake the BEM exam.
give 0 pt becausethe capital letter (beginningofsentence)is providedin the
2 él rêtâ
2013 ot5 ilp Jr.Jllr i,-..,-l/)r:iljl : êrUliiilr
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