Indepthhoroscope Eng Paryanthar If
Indepthhoroscope Eng Paryanthar If
Indepthhoroscope Eng Paryanthar If
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Name : Rahul Kumar
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : 1 January, 1989 Sunday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 12:05:00 AM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth : Chennai
Longitude &Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 80.16 East, 13.05 North
Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 42 Min. 19 Sec.
Birth Star - Star Pada (Quarter) : Hasta - 4
Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Kanya - Budha
Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Kanya - Budha
Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Krishnapaksha
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Sayana Longitude of Planets
The longitude of planets including that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are given as per western method of calculation.
Rahul, your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn
NIRAYANA longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from the
SAYANA values shown above. All the charts, calculations and analysis following this are based on Indian Predictive
Nirayana Longitude of Planets
The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by subtracting the
ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.
There are different basis for calculating ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha = 23Deg.42 Min.18
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Mar Jup
Rah 1-January-1989
12:05:00 AM
Latitude +13.05
Mer Ket
Longitude -80.16
Sun Moo
Sat Gul Lag
Gul Lag
Ven Moo
Jup Ket
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Bhava Chart
Mar Jup
Bhava Chart
Mer Ket
Sun Moo
Sat Gul Lag
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Bhava Table
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Panchanga Predictions
Om Sri
During Dakshinayana period; with Jupiter in Vrishabha rasi and Saturn in Dhanu rasi; on 1988 December 31
Saturday ( Astrological Day of Birth ) at 15 Ghati (Nazhika) 30 Vinazhika After sunset; in Fourth Pada of Star
Hasta; Krishnapaksha Navami Thidhi, Taitila Karana and Athigandha Nithya Yoga; with Moon in Kanya rasi
and Karkata Navamsa; in Kanya Lagna and Middle Drekkana; Rahul is born.
Weekday : Saturday
You are born on Sunday before sunrise. As per astrology, the day starts at sunrise and thus Saturday is the
astrological day of birth.
Rahul, birth on a Saturday indicates that you may prefer to stay inactive until circumstances force you step forward.
You enjoy delay tactics. You have to control your tendency to gossip. You cannot afford to spend as lavishly as you
would like to. You tend to be emotional and sensitive in nature.
As a boy you may have occasional failures. Your wealth and progress are initially unsteady, Rahul. Success may be
followed quickly by failure or regression. Although your intentions are honest, your manner might not be diplomatic
enough. This could be a serious obstacle to your progress in life. Your financial progress is affected because of your
various responsibilities and problems. However, if you feel that a certain task is beneath you, you will not do it, even if
it will help better your situation. In spite of frequent annoyances, the relationship with your wife will be generally
happy. Life is pleasant to you. You should guard against committing yourself to romantic involvements when you
suspect the loyalty of your intended partner. But when the early hurdles are overcome, your marriage should be fairly
happy. Nevertheless, there will be some problems relating to either your spouse or your children.
Those who are born in NAVAMI THIDHI have great powers of concentration. Rahul, you will work hard to meet your
goals. You will also be a good manager of money and materials. You are capable of conniving or fighting to achieve
your ends.
Karanam : Taitila
Rahul, since you are born in Taitila Karana, you may find it difficult to stick to your own ideas and words. Generally,
you do not voice strong opinions. You may shift your residence often.
ATHIGANDHA NITHYAYOGA, propels you in the direction of music, movies, and other types of fine arts. Rahul,
you try to remain emotionally detached but you revel in a good argument on occassion. You are likely to be tall and
strong-willed. It is difficult to influence you.
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Bhava Predictions
This report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions or contradictions in
the report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.
The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of the
Rahul, based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be present in your personality. You are:
impulsive; emotional; fond of learning; drawn to music and fine arts; methodical; ingenious; hard-working; intelligent;
impulsive; philosophical; emotional; a pleasant conversationalist; cautious; prudent; economical; diplomatic; shrewd.
You enjoy high-tech toys. You achieve a position of power and influence. Your spouse or lover will have much
influence over you. You have very few children. You like most of your relatives. You will be wealthy and happy.
Rahul, since your Lagna lies in the second Drekkana of its house, your financial position will be good. You are likely
to make lots of money. Avoid gambling with your money. You are quite careful about spending your wealth. The
period when Jupiter transits Scorpio, Aquarius, and Cancer will be particularly important in your financial career. The
most important years in your life are 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 49 and 55.
Since the ascendant lord is in the 5th, you either decide not to have children or you experience delay or difficulty in
starting your own family. You attack every situation with abandon. You express a smidgin of anger and
aggressiveness in every task you undertake. But you will get help from people with power, if and when you need it.
You will do well in government service or large industry. If connected with politics, you will do well because of the
goodwill and support of your party. You will also have the ability to do well in commercial or diplomatic services.
Since the Moon occupies the first house, you will be strong, and have beautiful eyes. Your outlook will be
Since Mars aspects Lagna, you will have a charitable mind.
Jupiter aspects Lagna. You give importance to wearing good, clean dress and choosing good words in conversations.
The aspect of Saturn on the first house, seen in your horoscope, is not a good indication and it is essential that you take
all efforts to keep away from unclean environment and doubtful company of friends.
Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by the second
house in a horoscope.
Rahul, as the 2nd lord is in the 3rd, you will be wise, brave, ethical, and parsimonious. You equate love with the
essence of existence itself. You accept and return love spontaneously without analyzing its merit or value. You may
eschew religious beliefs and become addicted to material diversions. You will be helped by a sister. Interest in fine
arts, and music will prove rewarding in time. You instinctively feel the need for companionship in both love and
business. May not pay much attention to religious ceremonies.
It is seen that Jupiter aspects the second lord. You can find happiness in reading and comprehending ancient history
and epics and sharing your wealth of knowledge with others.
Since the second lord is aspected by the fourth lord, there are chances of your gaining wealth through maternal
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Since the second lord is aspected by the seventh lord, there are chances of your gaining wealth supported by your life
Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .
Rahul, since the 3rd lord is in the 7th, you are better suited for professional employment where the income will be
regular and steady, rather than business. You will prove to be a good worker and you will enjoy the regard of your
bosses. You may occasionally overestimate your ability to perform a service or repay a debt. Therefore, you may have
to default on loans or promises when they come due. However, you will save yourself by being careful in most
dealings. Travelling is not good for you. You can expect help from one of the brothers who may settle abroad.
Since Venus happens to be in the 3rd house, you are sensitive and will get easily upset about small matters.This will
adversely affect your relationships.
Positioning of third lord and Mars together in kendra or trikona is considered to auger well for matters connected with
siblings. Such favourable planetary disposition in observed in this horoscope.
A benefic planet is located in the third house reinforces the longevity of your siblings.
Venus is positioned in the third house, aspected by Jupiter. Hence you will not hesitate to spend time and money to
help and protect your siblings.
The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.
Rahul, in your horoscope, the lord of the 4th house is occupying the 9th. This planetary combination is considered
fortunate. You will be influenced by your father to a much greater degree than other boys your age. You will be very
happy with him. In adulthood, you will become a lucky and prosperous individual.
As Jupiter is the lord of the 4th house, you will be devoted to the cause of your choice. You will have a missionary
zeal in what you do. You have a deep commitment and devotion to your enterprise. You will command respect from
men as well as women on account of your sense of service and spiritual values. You are capable of seeing both sides of
the argument and rendering judgment without favoritism.
Since the Sun is seen occupying the fourth, you are likely to be unnecessarily anxious. This tendency is worrisome,
and irritating to those around you. You will change locations often. This position of the planets promises some
inheritance. You will be interested in philosophical discussions. You are advised to avoid politics.
You have inborn talent and taste for studies connected with humanities such as political science, language studies,
psychology and metaphysics. You will do well when employed in areas where human interaction is important.
Since Saturn is seen occupying the fourth, you may appear unhealthy. You will feel that you have lacked adequate
love or attention from your mother. You are generally lethargic, and like to be left alone. You may have problems with
some relatives. You may have problems with cars or houses. Your family life can be made more pleasant through your
The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.
Mercury is placed in the 5th house. You enjoy surprises, entertainment, and magic. You will have a small family. You
enjoy excitement, but you are always ethical in your activities.
Rahul, since the 5th lord is in the 4th, you will have opportunity to acquire money from an early age. You will be able
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to provide beautiful homes and luxurious surroundings for you and your family. Your mother will probably be long
lived. You are inclined to be aggressive, impulsive, bossy, extravagant, talkative,and optimistic. But if you feel a
suggestion is valid, sensible, and presented affectionately, you will consider it and finally accept it with surprising
docility regardless of whether that advice comes from an adult or a child. You will have more daughters than sons.
Positioning of benefic planets in the fifth house from Lagna, Moon or Jupiter or benefic planets aspecting these houses
is considered to favour well for having children. Such positive indications are seen in this horoscope.
The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.
Rahu occupies the 6th house. You are wealthy and long lived. Any skin ailments should be seen to promptly. Protect
your eyes. Your emotional relationships may be unsteady.
Rahul, since the 6th lord is in the 4th, you will be intelligent and imaginative. There may be imaginative additions or
deliberate subtractions during the course of transfer of information through you. Elements of jealousy in your
personality are inbuilt and you cannot escape from it altogether. Your unconscious fear of losing the love of your
mother affects all you do. There may be a break in education. If these happens you might be emotionally volatile. Your
mind is not as strong as other's assume from a distance. Ancestral property will be involved in debt. You have to face
trouble through assistants.
Sixth lord is positioned together with Saturn. You may worry unnecessarily about loss of property.
Marriage etc.
The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.
Rahul, your 7th lord is in the 9th. You will be forced to admit the practical wisdom of your wife even though she is
either younger than, or less worldly than you in many ways. But when it comes to communications one of you will be
an introvert and the other extrovert. So talking and listening can progress uninterrupted if you manage well. But the
extrovert must allow time for the introvert to communicate his/her feelings. Your wife will be good at managing the
details of the house, and as such will make up for your inadequacies in that department. The education of your children
may be a cause of concern for you. You will both do well after your marriage. You will somehow gain from
association with a foreign country. Your neighbors may be jealous of your progress but your wife will be able to
handle any concerns cleverly and diplomatically.
Rahul, a person from the south could make an ideal partner for you.
Mars is in your 7th house. Your vision of the ideal bride may run counter to that of your parents. You will love your
wife, and will appreciate her more after you are married. You will try to satisfy her needs.
Since Jupiter influences the Moon, your married life will be smooth and happy.
Apart from the above, you should be happy to note that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on Venus and this
reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise.
Longevity, difficulties
The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.
Rahul, since the 8th lord is in the 7th, you should be prepared to face disappointments, difficulties, and delays in
relationships and marriage. Although it is clear from the beginning that you and your spouse are different in
motivation, health, character and personality, the differences can be intriguing. You need to be concerned about your
spouse's needs and try to accommodate those needs in the best manner possible. You love to win arguments, but
occasionally you should realize that losing may be more prudent. Accept the trials of family life with good humor.
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You may suffer on account of your health. Your foreign assignments will be beneficial to your relationship only if you
consider its effects on both of you. If your partner's health is weak, your keen help and support is called for to save
him/her from undue anxiety and worry.
Rahul, in your horoscope, the lord of the 9th house is occupying the 3rd. You have the capability either to improve
your income or gain special advantage through writing, speeches and other oratorial abilities. It is to be expected that
your brothers and sisters will help and encourage you, even in childhood.
Since Jupiter is seen occupying the ninth in your chart, you may be good at law and philosophy.
It is significant that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the 9th lord, and this reduces any other bad effects.
It is significant that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the 9th house, and this reduces any other bad effects.
Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position), Karma
(acts, occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood, profession), Vyoma
(sky), Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going), Ajna (command)
Rahul, according to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command,
authority, fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood, profession,
the knees and the servants. An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenth house, position of Sun
and Moon are analysed below to get an insight into the professions astrologically indicated for you.
In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the fifth house. Verse from Brihat Parasara Hora indicates
that you will be proficient in many branches of learning. You will happy and wealthy. You will have sons.
The tenth house is Gemini. This sign produces literary men, journalists and detectives as it is governed by Mercury. It
also gives you the ability to follow more than one profession. The distinguishing characteristic of this sign is intellect.
People under its influence are concerned with intellectual work. You may do well as a school teacher, professor,
engineer, secretary, translator, editor, reporter, salesperson, tourist guide, photographer or a retailer. Engineering,
transport , contracting, printing, postal service, electricity, news media etc. are the areas you can choose to build up a
successful career.
Moon is positioned in the 10th. from Sun. You will be free from grief, ever devoted to your duties and will succeed in
your actions. You will be wealthy, pure, strong and generous. Moon is restless and changeable. It indicates many
changes in your occupation. You will succeed in whatever project you take up with a serious mind. Moon being a
female planet points to the possibility of women influencing your career in a significant way. Also, you may inherit
wealth from your mother. You may gain from foreign connections and journeys abroad. Moon gives you the desire for
public life. You will have many friends who will help you in your profession.
Moon in Virgo makes you a perfectionist. You will have compassionate tenderness towards sick and suffering.
Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can be
derived from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.
Overseas communications, satellite, internet, networking, mail order business, clearing agents, health officers, import
and export business, envoys, diplomatic cadre, clothing, fibres, fibre optics, salesman, commercial ventures.
Jupiter aspects the tenth lord. This strengthens the good effects indicated earlier.
The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.
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Rahul, as the 11th lord is in the ascendant, you will be born in a rich home, and will earn wealth yourself. You may
miss having an older brother. You have the ability to choose the good and reject evil. You will do well in a profession
where your eloquence or discernment can be utilized effectively.
Eleventh lord is in a Kendra position. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy wealth.
Expenditure, losses
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Favourable Periods
Considering the lagna lord, tenth lord, benefic planets in lagna and tenth house, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and tenth
house and other factors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for career.
Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for Career.
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21-11-2020 06-04-2021 Favourable
Considering the seventh lord, planets in seventh house, Venus, Rahu, Moon and aspect of Jupiter and other factors the
following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for marriage.
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Rahu Surya 18-12-2010 11-11-2011 Favourable
Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for marriage.
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26-08-2029 25-01-2030 Favourable
Considering the second, ninth, tenth and eleventh lords, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and eleventh house and other
factors, the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for business activities.
Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for Business.
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11-12-2008 01-05-2009 Favourable
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Favourable Periods for House Construction
Considering the fourth lord, benefic planets with aspect on fourth house or fourth lord and other factors, the following
dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for construction of house.
Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for House
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21-11-2020 06-04-2021 Favourable
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25-02-2058 03-03-2059 Excellent
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Effect of Dasa/Apahara
In Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced by various
planets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that may be expected are given below. The intensity of
experiences may vary depending on the natal and transit position of the planets. This needs further in-depth analysis.
The effects which are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to the parents. Predictions are given
starting from current dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for a maximum of forty years only. The
starting and ending of each apahara is also shown. (The initial five years are skipped for infants.) Strength of planets is
judged by their positions in Saptavarga.
Rahul, you will enjoy the love, concern and attention of your friends and family during the period of Guru dasa. If
married, your wife will figure significantly in contributing to your happiness and prosperity. Those older than you, or
in positions of authority over you, will encourage you and appreciate your capabilities. In this period, you can expect
enjoyment from people younger than you. You will be noticed and appreciated. However, there is the possibility of
unhappy separations. Consult a specialist, since your ears are indicated as the weakest part of your body during this
It is seen that Jupiter is weak in its Varga.
Adverse effects on education are likely, and you may experience unhappiness. You may be caught up in unethical
activity. Your efforts in the north-easterly direction may cause frustration or failure. Your relationship with those
younger than you may be hostile. You have to maintain positive thinking to overcome the effects of this time.
The sub-period of Venus in the Jupiter dasa is for 2 years and 10 months. This dasa is generally considered not as
favorable. This can be due to the enmity between Jupiter and Venus in astrology. Jupiter is the guru of devas and
Venus is the guru of asuras. This dasa may give you distance in relationships. There can be irritation in almost all the
relationships. Venus is the indicator of woman in astrology. Women can become a source of concern during this dasa.
There can be more financial stability. Your logic and reasoning ability will improve. More material comforts are also
The sub-period of Sun in the Jupiter dasa is for 8 months and 18 days. Sun is the ego, power and self esteem in
astrology. This is a very good time for you. You will defeat your enemies. They will run away from you. There will be
more fun and entertainment. You will meet more people. More fame is seen. You will get more recognition from
others. There can be some obstacles related to travel. Your parents will be happy that you are taking up more
The sub-period of Moon in the Jupiter dasa is for 1 year 4 months. You will be very friendly and social during the
sub-period of Moon in the Jupiter dasa. You will see you becoming popular even among your foes. They will come to
your assistance. You will get wide recognition as well. Moon and Jupiter, both are benefic planets. There will be peace
in almost all relationships. You will be known for your wisdom. People will come to you for your advice. There may
be material comforts.
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( 29-01-2027 >> 05-01-2028 )
The sub-period of Mars in the Jupiter dasa is for 11 months 6 days. Generally, this is a favorable dasa. Your health
will be good and you will be more confident. You won't feel difficulty in facing the challenges. Your popularity will
be increasing. You may get more responsibilities and powers. Minor health issues like body pain and cold are also
indicted. There will be more happiness at home. This will be a very balanced dasa. Financial good-being is also
indicated. You may have to guard your wealth.
The sub-period of Rahu in Jupiter dasa is for 2 years 4 months 24 days. This can disappoint you due to the occurrence
of unwanted situations. There can be opportunities for change in residence as well. The health of your friends or family
members can cause you anxiety. This dasa will give you mixed results. There can be concerns over financial stability.
You may have to plan your finances way ahead. You may have to take extra care in the relationships with siblings.
Your children may bring good news to you. You may have to take care of your skin. Minor irritations are indicated.
Rahul, the planet Saturn presides over sorrow, disabilities, disease, distress, and pain. You should expect your share of
ups and downs, pleasures and displeasures during this period of Saturn. However, people in powerful positions or in
government may be favourably inclined toward you at this time. Your assistants and subordinates will be happy to
serve you. This may also be a period of pleasant surprises. You may be susceptible to rheumatic conditions.
It is to be noted that Saturn is poorly placed.
Moreover, Saturn is afflicted by other planets.
You may have to face problems due to litigation, or diseases due to malnutrition. There may be quarrels and disputes
with the elderly. There may be sorrow within your family. You tend to see impediments and obstacles in your path to
The sub-period of Saturn in the Saturn dasa is for 3years 3 days. This dasa can give disagreements with others within
the home and outside. You may even lose trust in yourself. Due to the stressed relationships within the family, You
may plan for relocation. You may have to mingle with people whom you dislike. Saturn is delays and obstacles. You
may feel that progress is getting delayed. You may have to be careful about the females. Your relatives may be a cause
of concern.
The sub-period of Mercury in the Saturn is for 2 years 8 months 9 days. This can give you good results. Your
popularity will increase and there will be more people coming to you for help. At the same time as others also will
come to help you. You will be happy. You will get opportunities to rebuild your life. There may be new investments.
You will attend auspicious functions. Material comforts are also indicated. Your friends will come to help you.
Relations within the family will be soothing.
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( 11-02-2036 >> 22-03-2037 )
The sub-period of Ketu in the Saturn dasa is for 1 year 1month 9 days. During this time period, you may get sleep
disturbances. You may be confused . Take care of your material assets. If you are planning a travel, plan well ahead
because there are chances of delays. You may feel that you are being accountable for many things. You may feel that
your personal freedom is blocked. You may sell off some of your assets. Minor health issues are indicated. There will
be improvements during the end of this dasa.
The sub-period of Venus in the Saturn dasa is for 3 years 2 months. This time, the period is very good for getting good
friends and companions. People will come to you to spend time with you and they will enjoy it. You will be
financially secure through your spouse. There can be construction or renovation of the house. You will be interested in
learning and will spend time in creative activities. Saturn and Venus are friendly to each other in astrology. That shows
that this dasa will be a balanced dasa. You may take up new financial plans. There can be more wealth coming from
different sources. You may do some renovation at home.
The sub-period of Sun in the Saturn dasa is for 9 months 18days. During this dasa, you may find some difficulties for
you and your associates. This is the time where you become jealous. You must be careful to be very optimistic
otherwise, it can give you unwanted troubles. There can be moments of unhappiness and depression. DonÆt let the
situations or others ruin your peace of mind. You have to try a lot to keep good relationships within the family. You
may have to be wise in spending money. You may travel frequently.
The sub-period of Moon in the Saturn dasa is for 1 year 7 months. During the sub-period of Moon in the Saturn dasa
there can be few problems. There can be fear of troubles. This is the time where you have to be very careful about your
relations. You may be very emotional. That can cause bitterness in the relations. You will get a tendency to argue for
unwanted reasons and you should curb that. You have to be very wise in expenditures. There are chances for wrong
financial decisions. You may see obstacles in life.
The sub-period of Mars in the Saturn dasa is for 1 year 1 month 9 days. During the sub-period of Mars in the Saturn
dasa there can be opportunities for long distance travels. Chances for diseases also exist. There can be moments of
unhappiness, but towards the end of this period, you will be happy. You will get more money and confidence. Saturn
and Mars are two opposite energies in astrology. You may feel that life is pulling you in two different directions. You
have to be careful in using electricity and metals. Minor health ailments are also indicated.
The sub-period of Rahu in the Saturn dasa is for 2 years 10 months 6 days. During the sub-period of Rahu in the
Saturn dasa, there can be many problems. You will be very alert and you will approach every situation with this same
attitude. You will spend time in meditation and self-appraisal. You may have to be careful about your finances. You
may try to argue with your family. This will cause issues in the relationships. You may display a rebellious nature.
This can make others away from you. You have to be more understanding of others needs. Thus, you can be more
peaceful during this dasa.
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( 17-11-2046 >> 31-05-2049 )
The sub-period of Jupiter in the Saturn dasa is for 2 years 6 months 12 days. During this dasa, there will happy
moments. There will be so many people around you to help in personal life as well as professional life. There will be
praises and approvals from many places that too unexpected. You will either participate or organize auspicious events
like a wedding. You will be interested in learning. Jupiter is the great benefic in astrology. You may even go for a long
trip. You will be more recognized. You will be interested in spiritual deeds.
Rahul, during this Budha dasa there will be no shortage of help from those older than you. You will more acutely
appreciate and enjoy the environment, animals, and birds. You will also have the companionship of both men and
women. Your attention may be diverted to religion or philanthropy. However, this period may uncover some health
problems. You will develop and appreciate intellectual and literary activities.
The sub-period of Mercury in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 4 months 27 days. During the sub-period of Mercury in
the Mercury dasa, your intelligence will be sharp. You may indulge in some creative projects. There will be
opportunities to display your knowledge. You will be taking up more responsibilities. You will be surrounded by your
admirers. Your advice will be accepted by your young generation in the family. This will make you happier and
contended. Auspicious functions like marriage can take place in your family. You will be very active throughout this
dasa. You may get more material comforts.
The sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury dasa is for 11 months 27 days. During the sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury,
dasa can give you concerns about the current situation. You may be emotional about family and others. This doesn't
mean that entire period is going to be negative. Beneficial situations can occur at any time. You must take due care of
your health. Ketu signifies moksha and spirituality. This apahara may bring some events which can divert your
attention towards spirituality. You may learn spiritual texts.
The sub-period of Venus in the Mercury is for 2 years 10 months. During the sub-period of Venus in the Mercury dasa
you will find yourself stable and happy. Venus signifies luck, comfort and happiness. This time, you will become a
respectable person in your society. Physical and mental health will be good. You will find happiness humanitarian
deeds. You may renovate your home or office. There can be auspicious events like marriage can happen in the family.
Great chances of learning ancient texts are also seen during this apahara. Minor health issues like headaches and fever
are also indicated.
The sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa is for 10 months 6 days. The sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa you
will see that your accomplishments are bringing you happiness. Sun signifies power and authority. Your friends and
relatives may be in distress and they will come to you for encouragement. You will be taking part in important family
and social events. More social recognition is indicated. Chances to travel and acquiring a new property also are seen.
You will invest time in hobbies. You will spend time in learning sacred and philosophical texts. You will have a
cordial relationship with your dear and near ones. You will be busy in charity-related projects.
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( 30-06-2056 >> 29-11-2057 )
The sub-period of Moon in the Mercury dasa is for 1 year 5 months. The sub-period of Moon in the Mercury dasa can
give you skin problems and you have to be extra cautious about this. You will spend time with your pets. At the same
time, you should take protection of infection from the pets as well as stray animals. Moon is peace, comfort, emotions
and mother in astrology. You may have to take care of your mental peace during this apahara. You may have to be
very careful about your speech. Your attitude may upset your enemies. There can be some auspicious functions too at
The sub-period of Mars in the Mercury dasa is for 11 months 27 days. The sub-period of Mars in the Mercury dasa
can give you headaches, or minor injury to the head. Mars is aggression in astrology. During this apahara, you have to
be careful with fire, electricity and sharp objects. You may be very impatient. You have to adjust with family
members. Otherwise, there can be the unwanted argument. There can be relocation related to residence. Take care of
thieves during this time period. There can be some dissatisfaction in the financial growth, but situations will improve
by the end of this apahara.
The sub-period of Rahu in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 6 months 18 days. During the sub-period of Rahu in the
Mercury dasa, your opponents can give you unexpected troubles. You should be careful not to spend time with
aggressive people. There are chances of unwanted arguments. You must avoid such situations. You should be careful
with electrical equipment and fire. You should avoid traveling through the darkness. You will be interested in
learning. You will be wise in handling money. Your financial status will be satisfactory.
The sub-period of Jupiter in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 3 months 6 days. You will be happy in the sub-period of
Jupiter in the Mercury dasa. Your physical health will be good and you will be always happy. You will not hesitate to
honor others. Other will be ready to help you. You will be part of auspicious events like marriage. More social
recognition is also indicated. Jupiter is great benefic in astrology. You will be more interested in spiritual and
philosophy related studies. You may even teach others. More social recognition is also indicated.
Ketu Dasa
Rahul, during this dasa, you will have your share of suffering and problems. You may appear worried or tense. You
should try and maintain your calm and focus your attentions on what you are doing. You may suffer from one of the
following problems: enmity from rivals on account of women; loss of prestige or image; scandals; or dental problems.
Consult a dentist early. However, Ketu may confer money, power, domestic happiness and other benefits. Check the
nature of Ketu in your chart for an added analysis of its potential effects.
Since Ketu is strongly placed this period may not be very bad for you.
You will be more inclined than before to introspection and worship. Your family income will have a connection with
medicine. You will enjoy domestic comforts and luxuries. You will be interested in religious activities. This is a lucky
period with freedom from disease.
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Shukra Dasa (Venus)
Rahul, in this period, you will be a man who enjoys the effects of past and present efforts. You will be comfortable,
and you will prosper. Your family life will be happier. If married, you and your wife will be closer than ever before.
You may feel the urge to display or explore your artistic talents. You will witness the progress of all your efforts.
Success is ensured in most things you do now. Your financial transactions will prove beneficial. You will also have the
opportunity to travel at this time. You may be envied by those your age. However, you may be separated for a time
from the people you love. You may have some stress at this time.
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Paryanthar Dasa Predictions
Just as Dasa is divided into 9 parts, Apahara is also divided into 9, and these parts are called Paryanthar Dasa. Even if
an Apahara period is predicted to be unfavourable, the entire period might not manifest as unfavourable. Paryanthar
dasa is used to analyse the Apahara period closely. Hence, Paryanthar Dasa predictions might present situations where
there might be contradictions with the Apahara prediction summary. Predictions are given starting from the current
Paryanthar onward for a maximum period of forty years.
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Guru-Surya-Chandra ( 26-12-2024 >> 19-01-2025 )
During this time, you will have a lot of knowledge, authority, and wisdom. But remember, it's important to make sure
these qualities don't cause problems with your spouse. While other people will openly support your ideas and plans,
your spouse might have different opinions that could potentially hold you back in your career and other areas. So, it's
really important to focus on building a strong and peaceful relationship with your partner. Don't worry, with the right
approach, you can handle these challenges and succeed in all parts of your life.
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Guru-Surya-Ketu ( 26-07-2025 >> 12-08-2025 )
Get ready for a time that might not be so good at first, but don't worry, you can overcome it with your strong belief and
courage. Remember to take care of yourself during this time and prioritize your health. Be careful of people around
you who might have hidden reasons and could cause money problems. Believe in yourself and stay positive, because
you can handle any challenges that come your way.
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Guru-Chandra-Sani ( 24-04-2026 >> 10-07-2026 )
Get ready for a difficult time because Shani will try to slow down your progress. But don't worry, you can keep what
you have accomplished so far. Stay on track and Shani's negative effects won't affect you. Remember to have a good
relationship with your parents, solve any problems with kindness and tact. Don't let your past success make you want
more money. Instead, be patient and committed to your work. Avoid making quick decisions that could result in bad
investments and losses. Believe in yourself to make smart choices and get through this time with confidence.
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Guru-Kuja-Kuja ( 29-01-2027 >> 18-02-2027 )
During this time, you will have more power and authority, which means you can have a big impact on others. This is
especially good for people in politics because they can get important jobs. While you take care of others and work for
their benefit, it's also important to take care of your own family. Ignoring your family can cause problems, so make
sure to spend time with them and meet their needs. Even though you will have a steady income, you might spend too
much money, so it's important to control your spending to avoid money problems. To make sure any bad effects from
Mars are balanced out, you can say prayers to Lord Karthikeya, which will make the good effects stronger.
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Guru-Kuja-Ketu ( 05-09-2027 >> 25-09-2027 )
Your health may get worse during this time, which could lead to more medical expenses. But don't worry, you have
the support and blessings of a higher power to ensure timely help. Rest assured, you will receive all the necessary
medical care for your illness. To help your healing, it's important to meditate and maintain a positive mindset. Even
though your health issues may impact your career and business, stay positive and focused. Despite any setbacks, your
determination to overcome your illness will help you achieve your goals in the future. Saying prayers in honor of Lord
Karthikeya can reduce the negative effects of Mars and increase its positive influence.
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Guru-Rahu-Guru ( 16-05-2028 >> 10-09-2028 )
Get ready for a time of mixed results, influenced by the placement of Rahu. If Rahu is in a good position, you can
expect prosperity from many areas, except in your marriage. When it comes to your spouse, it's important to be careful
and considerate. Your success and prosperity might make them feel insecure, which could lead to potential arguments.
To keep things peaceful, handle sensitive issues with care and understanding. Resolve conflicts with love and
friendliness. On the positive side, expect to see an increase in wealth. If you're an employee, you can look forward to
promotions and raises, while businesses will make good profits. Overall, this time promises prosperity in different
parts of your life.
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Guru-Rahu-Surya ( 14-12-2029 >> 27-01-2030 )
Get ready for a time of not knowing what will happen, but don't worry, you will get through it. Even though you might
have some hard times, remember that everything will eventually go in your favor. It might seem hard and confusing
sometimes, but don't give up. Your family, especially your partner and children, will need your care and support during
this difficult time. Make sure to be there for them and spend good time together to make sure they feel good
emotionally. Remember, your family always comes first, so put their needs first. To avoid any problems, it's best to
limit how much your relatives are involved in your business. If there are any arguments about property, handle them
with care and try to solve them peacefully. Stay positive, and everything will turn out well.
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Sani-Sani-Ketu ( 25-04-2031 >> 29-06-2031 )
Get ready for a tough time with money, but don't worry, there is still hope. Don't start new projects or invest money
right now to protect your finances and mental health. Be careful because any new attempts might cause problems with
money and your mental well-being. You might have to borrow money from friends, family, or lenders to pay for your
expenses. However, you might have trouble finding solutions when it's time to pay back the money you borrowed. But
don't worry, you'll have to make changes and learn from your mistakes, especially with your money. If you're going
through a tough time, remember that even in the darkest times, there's always a small sign of hope leading you to a
better future.
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Sani-Sani-Rahu ( 26-07-2032 >> 07-01-2033 )
Get ready for a time of change and progress. Exciting things are coming soon. Your friends will be there for you,
supporting and loving you. The mistakes you made in the past will go away, so you can move forward with
confidence. Your money problems will be solved, and any legal issues will be resolved in your favor. You will find a
group of people who want to help you succeed. They will inspire you with their maturity and kindness. Your health
will get better, making you feel lively and full of energy. Say goodbye to imperfections and hello to a glowing
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Sani-Budha-Surya ( 29-05-2034 >> 17-07-2034 )
This is the moment when you can overcome challenges and show that your choices are correct. If you don't have a job
right now, there is a good chance you will find one. The brave decision you made in the past will finally bring you
rewards. People will not only accept you but also look up to and respect you. It's time for you to rebuild your identity
with the support and admiration of those around you. Your business will do well and success will be within your grasp.
Politicians will improve their connection with the public. You will gain valuable insights into the positive forces that
lead to progress and use that knowledge to improve your life.
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Sani-Budha-Sani ( 08-09-2035 >> 11-02-2036 )
This is a time filled with unexpected problems and betrayals. Even people who seem to have enough money can face
sudden money troubles. You might find yourself getting caught up in spending a lot of money on things you don't
really need. Sadly, you might also be lied to by both family and friends. Suddenly, you'll realize that your worst
enemies have taken control of you, making you vulnerable and at their mercy. It will be hard to handle this situation
because you won't know what they're planning. But if you have a strong understanding of yourself, you can overcome
these problems and reduce how much you lose.
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Sani-Ketu-Kuja ( 05-07-2036 >> 28-07-2036 )
Get ready for a tough time ahead that will have a big impact on you. You might face difficulties in your personal and
professional life. Your work might not meet your own expectations. Don't put too much pressure on yourself by setting
unrealistic goals. Your family and marriage might be affected by your obsessive behavior. But remember, this is only
temporary and things will get better. Stay positive and focused. By having a positive mindset, you can overcome these
obstacles and become even stronger.
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Sani-Shukra-Shukra ( 22-03-2037 >> 30-09-2037 )
This is a very lucky time with lots of chances to make money. You might get more money from your job or from
someone who leaves you money when they die. Now is the best time to focus on making your money situation
stronger. Also, people of the opposite gender will help you find better opportunities at work and with your family.
Even though some of them might cause small problems, it's important not to let them affect how you think and act. If
you're ready to deal with any challenges that come up, you'll easily overcome them. Plus, you can expect to have a
satisfying and happy romantic life during this time.
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Sani-Shukra-Guru ( 30-10-2038 >> 03-04-2039 )
Get ready for a really good time! Whether it's Saturn, Venus, or Jupiter, nothing can stop the positive energy that's
coming your way. Even though there may be some challenges, this time will bring you success, prosperity, and all the
things you deserve. Say goodbye to obstacles in your work life because they will be easily taken care of. Your hard
work will finally pay off and you'll be rewarded. You'll not only learn new things, but it will also make you better at
home and work. If you work for yourself, get ready for exciting new opportunities with better pay. And don't worry,
the extra money will be used wisely. Plus, you'll have lots of quality time to spend with your loved ones.
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Sani-Surya-Chandra ( 07-06-2040 >> 06-07-2040 )
Get ready for a surprising turn of events because you might soon receive a valuable property from your family.
However, be prepared for some unexpected problems because jealous relatives might try to ruin your happiness. They
might say that you are selfish and greedy, but don't let their negativity affect you. Stay strong and focused on enjoying
the good things that come your way. Take extra care of your mother's health during this time because she might need
more attention. Also, be mindful of your own well-being because there could be some health issues related to impure
blood and dental problems. Although it might take some effort and money, be confident that you will overcome these
challenges and find relief.
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Sani-Surya-Budha ( 27-12-2040 >> 14-02-2041 )
Get ready for a time with lots of problems and difficulties in both your job and personal life. But don't worry, because
you can think clearly and find ways to overcome these problems. Eventually, you will overcome each problem one by
one and start making progress. Remember to be humble and willing to make changes and compromises. The great
thing is that there will be people to support you and help you reach your goals. By the end of this time, you will be
stronger and smarter than ever before.
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Sani-Chandra-Rahu ( 24-07-2041 >> 19-10-2041 )
Get ready for an interesting time ahead, filled with challenges. But don't worry, these challenges will only make you
stronger. You might face some interruptions in your activities, but remember that it's just temporary. Your enemies
might try to create problems for you, but their efforts will backfire. Trust that your colleagues and superiors will see
through their tactics and support you. During this time, be careful with your decision-making, especially when it comes
to money. Take a step back and wait for a better time to make important choices. It's normal to feel a bit less confident
and have moments of self-doubt, but remember that it's just a passing phase. Your professional opportunities won't be
affected in the long run. Take care of your health during this period, as you might experience some minor skin and
respiratory issues. But don't worry, these health problems will be temporary and can be easily managed. Similarly,
your loved ones' health might be a bit delicate, but with proper care and attention, they will recover soon. Lastly, keep
an eye on your expenses as they might increase during this time. But trust that you have the ability to manage your
finances wisely and overcome any financial challenges that come your way. Stay positive and believe in yourself, as
this period will ultimately lead to growth and success.
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Sani-Chandra-Shukra ( 30-07-2042 >> 04-11-2042 )
Get ready for a time filled with fun and achievements! You will have the opportunity to meet and have fun with people
of the opposite sex in group activities. Your likable personality will attract others and make you enjoyable to be
around. This might even lead to having enjoyable experiences. It's possible that you may have close encounters with
older individuals who will not only care for you but also help you when necessary. However, be careful not to trick
them, as it could cause harm. Overall, this time offers exciting chances and good relationships.
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Sani-Kuja-Sani ( 20-04-2043 >> 23-06-2043 )
Get ready for a big clash in space! Two powerful planets are competing against each other. But don't worry, because
even in this battle, there are still good things that can happen. Get ready for some exciting news, like a well-deserved
promotion or a chance to do a task you've been wanting to do. However, be careful, because there might be a surprise.
You might have to work with someone you see as a rival or enemy, which could be a little challenging. While you
might make more money, be ready for a big expense that might come your way. Despite these challenges, don't worry
about your family relationships. Even though there might be some disagreements, remember to stay calm and focus on
the bigger picture.
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Sani-Kuja-Chandra ( 09-12-2043 >> 11-01-2044 )
Get ready for a period of financial success and prosperity. You will see a big increase in your wealth and assets. Life
will become more luxurious and enjoyable, with fancy meals and improvements to your home. Your family, including
your kids and partner, will be happy with the nice presents you can give them. Emotionally, you will feel positive and
sure about what's right. Your thoughts and actions will be good and kind. Although your mom's health may need extra
attention, in general, you can feel safe and well.
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Sani-Rahu-Ketu ( 09-09-2045 >> 09-11-2045 )
Get ready for a bumpy ride as life takes a surprising turn, just when you thought everything was getting better for you.
Prepare yourself for a difficult situation that might disturb your peace of mind. It could be an illness affecting your
partner or children, or an accident that requires a lot of money. However, don't give up! By being careful with your
money and focusing only on important things, you can overcome this challenge. Avoid spending on unnecessary
things and gambling during this time. Be mentally prepared to face any difficulties that come your way. Remember, it's
not the right time to start new projects, so prioritize taking care of your health instead.
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Sani-Guru-Guru ( 17-11-2046 >> 21-03-2047 )
During this time, you will have good things happen that will make you happy. You will receive exciting news from far
away that will bring you a lot of joy. You will have opportunities for a well-paying job or a profitable business deal
from another country. Your friends and family who live there will help and support you. You will also have the good
luck of enjoying things from other countries. If you have been wanting to go on a trip overseas, now is the perfect time
to do it. All the things that have stopped you from traveling, like visa restrictions and money problems, will be fixed.
This will be the end of months of stress and you will be able to enjoy the great times ahead.
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Sani-Guru-Chandra ( 03-09-2048 >> 19-11-2048 )
Get ready for a time of calm and joy. People who care about you will be there for you with love and kindness. You
will start focusing more on your family, which will make your connection with them stronger. Use this chance to go on
trips together and visit places that are meaningful to your spirit, like temples and sacred spots. This will bring you a
feeling of serenity and make your life smoother. You will feel safe and happy, valuing the precious things that money
can't purchase, like the love of your family.
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Budha-Budha-Shukra ( 22-11-2049 >> 18-04-2050 )
Get ready for a better time ahead, even better than before! You'll be lucky with good things happening through the
amazing women in your life, whether they are family, friends, or relatives. And guess what? You might even have the
opportunity to travel to different countries or faraway places during this time. If you're not in a relationship, get ready
to get married because it's likely to happen for you. And that's not all, there might even be a new addition to your
family with the birth of a child. Your family life will be filled with happiness and peace, and your partner and children
will bring you immense joy. Plus, your parents will be there to support you every step of the way. And hey, don't
forget to take care of yourself, especially if you're a woman, and seek medical help for any health issues related to
women's health. So, get ready to be recognized for your achievements and good things happening during this
wonderful time!
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Budha-Budha-Guru ( 13-02-2051 >> 10-06-2051 )
Get ready for some incredibly good luck! You're about to have a lot of success and might even win a lot of money.
Everything you do will be very successful during this time, especially if it's related to business. It's a great time to start
a new business because it will do really well. If you're looking for a job, you'll find some amazing offers, and if you're
unemployed, you'll find a job that you really like. Businesses will do really well and make a lot of money. Your kids
will do really well in school and get great grades. Love is in the air, and some single people might get married. Your
family life will be really happy and you'll enjoy spending time with your spouse and kids.
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Budha-Ketu-Chandra ( 04-02-2052 >> 05-03-2052 )
Your health is the most important thing right now. Take good care of yourself. Following a healthy routine, like eating
well and exercising, will help prevent sickness. Doing yoga and other activities like meditation can improve your
physical and mental health. While your finances will be okay, be ready for more expenses, especially for healthcare.
Encourage your family to also have a healthy routine to keep them well. Avoid eating unhealthy or street food to avoid
stomach problems or getting sick. Remember, managing stress is important for staying healthy. Get medical help
when needed to avoid high costs and worsening symptoms.
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Budha-Ketu-Budha ( 02-09-2052 >> 23-10-2052 )
Get ready for a great time of financial stability! Your money situation is about to improve a lot. This is a really good
time for people who have jobs, because they might get promoted or get a raise. Be prepared for extra money coming
from different places. Businesses will do well and make a lot of money. You won't have to worry about not having
enough money, so you can enjoy all the nice things that money can buy. Your family will also have happy times and
celebrations. And it wouldn't be strange if you end up going to special places.
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Budha-Shukra-Rahu ( 29-10-2053 >> 02-04-2054 )
Get ready for a time of personal development and improvement! It's exciting because you'll have the opportunity to
meet some really interesting people. Just be careful, as there is a small possibility that some of these individuals may
not have good intentions. But don't worry, because the universe is looking out for you and will help you avoid any
potential trickery. Believe in the positive energy around you and welcome the amazing experiences that are waiting for
you during this period.
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Budha-Surya-Kuja ( 05-10-2055 >> 23-10-2055 )
Get ready for an interesting surprise! You might face a small obstacle that slows down your progress, but don't worry!
This difficult time will end, and better days are coming soon. Don't make any big plans right now because the current
situation is not in your favor. The main reason for this instability is interference from outside influences. To overcome
this, it's important to protect yourself from the meddling of others. Believe in your own skills and confidently navigate
through this phase.
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Budha-Surya-Shukra ( 09-05-2056 >> 30-06-2056 )
Get ready for a time of healing and renewal! Prepare yourself for some exciting updates from distant places. You
might have the chance to go on a work or career-related trip to a faraway location. And you know what? This journey
could even bring you some financial benefits.
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Budha-Chandra-Budha ( 28-04-2057 >> 10-07-2057 )
Get ready for a thrilling time coming up! Success depends on where the Moon and Mercury are. When these two
planets line up well, anticipate great outcomes. But if they're not in a good position, it's important to be careful and
thoughtful in everything you do. Believe in the influence of the stars and make the most of this time.
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Budha-Kuja-Sani ( 02-04-2058 >> 29-05-2058 )
Get ready for a time that might not be very lucky for you, but don't worry, you have the ability to handle it. The
positive outcomes you had before might temporarily go away, so be careful. People who don't like you may try to
disturb your life and your family's, but you can stop this by being cautious. It's important to focus on your health
during this time. Remember, the way to overcome these difficulties is to have strong belief in a higher power and to
pray every day. Have faith that things will get better and stay optimistic.
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Budha-Rahu-Guru ( 15-04-2059 >> 17-08-2059 )
Get ready for a time of amazing progress and learning! You will feel a strong desire to learn more and discover old
teachings. Embrace the chance to meet spiritual leaders and be around their wise advice. Happily, your home will
become a place of positivity and joy, as your loved ones gather to support and encourage you.
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Budha-Rahu-Kuja ( 21-04-2061 >> 15-06-2061 )
Be careful when you drive, accidents can happen and you might get hurt. But don't worry, if you concentrate on
dealing with articles about Rahu, you will find success in business. Believe that good things are coming soon.
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Budha-Guru-Chandra ( 22-01-2063 >> 01-04-2063 )
Get ready to benefit from your recent accomplishments! You're going to take advantage of the success you've worked
so hard for. However, be prepared for occasional disagreements with your partner and kids. Don't worry though, these
conflicts are just temporary obstacles. Maintain a positive attitude and everything will go smoothly. Have faith that
your relationships will become stronger as you navigate through these minor challenges.
Page 62
Graha dosham and Remedies
Great importance is attached to the effect of KUJA in a horoscope. Kuja plays an important role in determining
marriage compatibility. Often people say that there is Kuja dosham in a horoscope simply because Kuja is in the 7th.
or 8th. house. However, authentic books on astrology gives several rules of exception by which Kuja dosha can be
considered as nullified. A proper analysis on this basis is given below to see if there is Kuja dosham in your horoscope
or not.
In this horoscope, Kuja (Mars) is in the Seventh house.
This position gives dosham.
Result of Rahul's Kuja Dosha check with respect to Lagna
Kuja Dosha is seen in Rahul's horoscope
Tireless effort is the key to maintain your happy family life. Optimism and hard work can help you rise above the
difficulties. To avoid losses, you should give an extra care in financial matters. You are capable to find solutions to any
problem with your bold and ready to try attitude. Considering the interests of your partner and children while making
decisions will improve your family life. You should not let the disagreements inside family to get worsen. Avoiding
worthless companies and bad habits, makes your partner feel great of you.
To alleviate the bad effects of Kuja in seventh house, you can follow the below mentioned remedies.
Gifting turmeric, kumkum, banana/fruits, turmeric smeared coconut etc. to 8sumangali women can alleviate the Kuja
dosa effects.
Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. Their movement is interrelated and as parts of one body they are at all times just
opposite to each other but keeping in view of aspect (drishti), they can be regarded together. In general, Rahu carries
the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter and hence stands for growth and development and self help while Ketu
expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and hence thought to restrict growth. In this way Rahu represents
positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with little opportunity for growth. Thus Rahu signifies
materialism and desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendencies and process of the refinement of materialization to
spirit but obstacles in the material realm. Rahu is considered to be wile, deceitful and dishonest.
Rahu Dosha
No Rahu Dosha found in this horoscope.
Ketu Dosha
Page 63
You may maintain a stable finance through reasonable spending. It wouldn't be difficult for you to generate income
and please your family. Being generous can occasionally turn bad and put you in losses. You may overcome hostilities
and debts through your bold approach. Sharing experiences with partner will ease your mind and tasks. You should
avoid bad companies and influences for a happier and healthier living. Your upper body, except your eyes, is resistant
to ailments. Be more careful to your lower abdomen and prostate areas.
Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree Shoolini ¸ÉÓò $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉxÉÒ
Sarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi Suprada ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉɪÉÒ ºÉÖ|ÉnùÉ
Sarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ
Kethur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre EäòiÉÖ®ôOɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒb÷ÒiÉÉlÉ xÉIÉjÉä
Rashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉäVÉÉlÉÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨É¨É
Mokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIÉ ¨ÉÉäIÉ º´ÉÉ&
Page 64
Star Remedies
Rahul, as you are born in Hasta star, your star lord is Moon. You exhibit prestige in criticism. This may however,
cause impediments in getting the desired results in many complex situations. On the basis of the birth star, the Dasa
periods of some planets may be generally unfavorable to you. The birth star being Hasta suggests that you may have
adverse experiences during the dasa periods of Rahu, Saturn and Kethu.
There will be a number of visible changes in your thoughts and actions during this period. Situations may arise where
you will employ cleverness along with selfishness. You may be interested in pointing out others' mistakes during this
period. You will experience a series of ups and downs in life. You may have to stay away from home. During this
period, the inclination towards unprofitable things will be more than usual.
The lord of the birth sign Kanya is Mercury. Situations may arise where you will be required to present a clear vision
of education and behaviour. Make sure that your appealing ideas are beneficial to others as well. There may be delay
in getting the results of virtuous actions. Avoid transactions and auspicious functions in Swati, Anuradha, Moola,
Aswini, Bharani and Krittika (Mesha sign).
You must practice restraining your words and behaviour during the unfavourable Dasa periods, especially on the
hostile stars. Try to stay away from unnecessary tussles. It is best not to interfere in others' matters during this period.
Practicing customary remedial measures will help to mitigate the negative effects.
Praying regularly to Moon and Mother Goddess, particularly during the hostile Dasa period, is considered to be
beneficial. For Mother's blessings, visit the temples on the stars of Hasta, Shravana and Rohini. Observing fasts with
purity on the days in which Mondays and Hasta star come together is also good.
Pray daily to the lord of the star, Moon, to get good results. Also, try to read holy books like epics daily. Give
importance to white and green colours while selecting dresses. This will help to please Moon and Mercury.
In addition, fortune will smile on those who take measures to please the lord of the sign, Mercury.
Sun is the lord of Hasta star. Chant faithfully any of the following Mantras to appease Sun and receive good prospects:
1 Om vibraadh brihathpibthu saumyam madhwaayurdhadha
Dhyajpathaa vavirhutham vaathajuthoyo
Abirakshthithmanaa prajaaha puposha puroodhaa viraajathi
2 Om savithre namaha
Besides, nurturing plants, animals and birds is considered highly auspicious. Especially, keep off from harming
buffalo, the animal of Hasta star. Take care not to cut the Ambazham or its branches- the official tree- and harm crow,
the official bird of Hasta. If possible feed the crows. The element of Hasta is Fire. Worshipping the lord of fire and
lighting lamps during twilight will bring good luck to the people born in this star.
Dasa Remedies
The remedies for the harmful effects of dasa The analysis of the general trend of fortunes and misfortunes, during the
dasa of each planet, is based on the planetary position in the horoscope. The examination of the benefic and malefic
effects of the planets shows that some dasa periods are not generally favorable to you. In order to mitigate the harmful
effects of the unfavourable dasa periods, you must observe certain remedial rites. The unfavourable dasa periods in this
horoscope and the remedial rites to be observed during that period are given below.
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Dasa :Sani
Your Sani dasa starts on 31-5-2030
Your birth star is Hasta. Lord of the dasa has malfic associations. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable
experiences during this dasa.
Rahul, according to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during
Saturn dasa. You will have to face unexpected obstacles and difficulties in every field. You may not be able to fight
against unfavourable situations. Tension may affect your natural sleep. The intensity of the harmful effects of Saturn
dasa varies according to the positional variation of Saturn. Some of the difficulties that you may have to face, when
Saturn is in unfavourable positions, are given below. When Saturn is debilitated, you will have to face the frequent
difficulties in your life with a courageous spirit. You may not always be able to formulate ideas with insight and put it
in to practice. As a result you may incur financial losses. During this period the relation with the elderly people may be
strained. Generally your social transactions will lack warmth. Take care that your food is hygienic. During this period
there will be a considerable decrease in your capacity to resist diseases. You may not get respite from diseases easily.
You may suffer excessively due to Saturn's bad influence. When Saturn is in unfavourable positions, your ability to
think practically will decline considerably. You are advised not to be mentally disturbed. If you experience an increase
in these sorts of troubles during Saturn dasa, you can easily deduce that Saturn is in unfavourable positions. Those who
are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Saturn. Appeasing Saturn not only nullifies its
harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous. Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific
directions you are to follow in the Saturn dasa are given below.
Dark blue and black are the favourite colours of Saturn. Wearing these colours will help you to appease Saturn. In
order to reduce the harmful effects, you should wear dark blue on Saturdays.
Devatha Bhajanam
Lord Shiva and Sri Ayyappa are usually worshipped to eliminate the harmful effects of Saturn dasa. Some astrologers
have recommended the worship of Hanuman. The astrologers of Kerala recommend the worship of Sri Ayyappa.
Visiting the temple of Sri Ayyappa wearing black or blue dresses, while fasting; and presenting light offerings and
sesame sweet broth (Ellu payasa) libation are some of the ways to appease Saturn.
Fasting (Vratham)
The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimate
motive of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance. You
should fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. You should fast on Saturdays to
gratify Saturn. You can visit the temple of Sri Ayyappa and present light offerings and sesame sweet broth (Ellu
payasa) libation according to your ability, during this period. Circumambulating the papal tree on Saturdays is also
beneficial. Visit the sabarimala temple while fasting during the Mandala period Abstain from consuming alcohol, non-
vegetarian foods and other intoxicants while fasting. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and green leaves- which
help digestion- are the suitable food for these days. Refrain from eating cereals, oily, hot and sour food. You can fast
partially or fully according to the intensity of the harmful effects. It is not appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure
while fasting. Your fasting will be fruitful only if you restrict your expression and emotion.
Alms (Daanam)
Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins. You can donate sesame, black cow, blue
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sapphire, sesame oil, iron statue of Saturn, antimony sulphate (anjanakallu), black silk, black grains etc to appease
Saturn. It is beneficial to give food to the destitute. Take some sesame oil in a flat vessel and see your reflection in it.
Giving away this oil will provide good results.
Some poojas are suggested to appease Saturn. Flowers like Clitoria Ternata (Neela Shangu pushpam), blue lotus
(Karinkoovalathila), blue hibiscus, blue lotus etc are used to do Saturn pooja. Libation is prepared with sesame and
black gram. It is beneficial to visit the temple where the nine planets are consecrated; adorning Saturn with blue lotus
(Karinkoovalathila) and lighting the oil lamps. The poojas should be performed according to the expert advice of the
Chanting of Mantras
Those who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Saturn through prayer.
You can appease Saturn by chanting the following mantras.
Om suryaputhraya vidhmahe
Shaneishchraya dhimahi
Thanno mandhaha prajodhayath
You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.
Chant the basic mantras which comprise Saturn's various names to gratify him. The mantras are the following.
Om Shaneishcharaya namaha
Om Shanthaya namaha
Om Sarvvabhishta pradhayine namaha
Om Sharanyaya namaha
Om varenyaya namaha
Om Sarvveshaya namaha
Om Soumyaya namaha
Om Suravandhyaya namaha
Om Suraloka viharine namaha
Om Sukhasanopavishtayanamaha
Om Sundharaya namaha
Om Mandhaya namaha
Digital Yanthra
Another device to gratify the planets is the digital yanthra. The digital yanthra recommended to appease Saturn is
given below.
12 7 14
13 11 9
8 15 10
Wearing this device with a pure mind not only drives away the harmful effects but also provides a new vigour to the
mind. If you wish to prosper in your field, you must place this yanthra- inscribed on a piece of paper or metal leaf- in
your work place, vehicle and upon the table.
Observe the above remedies till 31-5-2049 .
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Dasa :Ketu
Your Ketu dasa starts on 31-5-2066
Your birth star is Hasta. Ketu is in Twelfth Bhava. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences
during this dasa.
Rahul, according to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during
Ketu dasa. During this period your imaginative insight in every field may be defective. You will fear for the success of
every venture in which you are involved. As this period may affect your concentration you will be slow in grasping
things. The intensity of the harmful effects of Ketu dasa varies according to the positional variation of Ketu. Some of
the difficulties that you may have to face, when Ketu is in unfavourable positions, are given below. When Ketu is
debilitated, you may have the tendency to take contrary decisions. You will have to depend on others to fulfill your
needs. You may debase the necessity for self defense. During this period you will like to live in the past. Try to
maintain privacy in your activities. Your body temperature will increase. During this period you will have diseases
related to digestion. You may tend to be anemic. You will have to be alert while traveling. You will have a tendency to
use others possessions when Ketu is in an unfavourable position. You will struggle in maintaining a healthy married
life. If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Ketu dasa, you can easily deduce that Ketu is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Ketu.
Appeasing Ketu not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous. Based on the detailed
examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Ketu dasa are given below.
Wearing red dresses will help you to appease Ketu. You can also wear black dresses. You must wear red dresses on
Tuesdays. It is auspicious to wear back or red dresses while worshiping.
Devatha Bhajanam
Lord Ganapathi is to be worshipped to eliminate the harmful effects of Ketu dasa. Doing Ganapathi sacrifice (homa)
on your birth star day; visiting Ganapathi temple on the fourth day after the new moon/full moon (chadurthi) while
fasting; and chanting the hymns of Ganapathi are the best ways to reduce the harmful effects of Ketu dasa. Some
astrologers also recommend the worship of goddess Chamundi. The person who's Ketu is in Oja rasi must worship
Lord Ganapathi, and who's is in Yugma rasi must worship goddess Chamundi.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise before sunrise
daily, during Ketu dasa. Invoke the grace of Ketu after purifying your body. Special care must be taken to clear your
mind of all other thoughts.
Suryaaya sheetharuchaye dharaneesuthaaya
Soumyaaya devagurave brigunandanaaya
Suryaathmajaaya bujagaaya cha kethave cha
Nithyam namo bagavathe gurave varaaya
Naaraayano hi lokaanaam srishtisthithyanthakaarakaha
Shikinonishtasambootham doshajaatham nirasyathu
Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.
Fasting (Vratham)
The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimate
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motive of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance. You
should fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. As Kethu don't have any
dominating day in the week, you must do Kethu pooja while fasting on every birth star day. You can also fast on the
star days like Ashlesha, Makha and Moola. Abstain from consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian foods and other
intoxicants while fasting. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and green leaves- which help digestion- are the suitable
food for these days. Refrain from eating cereals, oily, hot and sour food. You can fast partially or fully according to
the intensity of the harmful effects. It is not appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure while fasting. Your fasting
will be fruitful only if you restrict your expression and emotion.
Alms (Daanam)
Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins. You can donate horse-gram, goat, weapons,
beryl, red or black silk etc to appease Ketu. It is beneficial to give away the statue of Ketu made of gold, silver or five
Some poojas and sacrificial offerings are suggested to appease Ketu. Red and black flowers are used to do Ketu pooja.
You can do Ketu pooja on the birth star day and at the beginning of Ketu dasa. The main ingredient of the sacrificial
offering is darbha grass. The poojas and sacrificial offerings should be performed according to the expert advice of the
Chanting of Mantras
Those who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Ketu through prayer.
You can appease Ketu by chanting the following mantras.
Om chithragupthaya vidhmahe
Chandrauchaya dhimahi
Thannaha ketuha prajodhayath
You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.
Chant the basic mantras which comprise Ketu's various names to gratify him. The mantras are the following.
Om Kethuve namaha
Om Sthulashirase namaha
Om Shiro Mathraya namaha
Om Dhwajakrithaye namaha
Om Simhikasurigarbhasambhavaya namaha
Om Mahabhithikaraya namaha
Om Chithravarnaya namaha
Om Pingalakshaya namaha
Om Bulladhumasakashaya namaha
Om Thikshnadhamshtaya namaha
Om Mahoragaya namaha
Om Rakthanethraya namaha
Digital Yanthra
Another device to gratify the planets is the digital yanthra. The digital yanthra recommended to appease Kethu is given
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14 9 16
15 13 11
10 17 12
Wearing this device with a pure mind not only drives away the harmful effects but also provides a new vigour to the
mind. If you wish to prosper in your field, you must place this yanthra- inscribed on a piece of paper or metal leaf- in
your work place, vehicle and upon the table.
Observe the above remedies till 31-5-2073 .
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Rahu Mars 12-05-2013 31-05-2014
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Mercury Saturn 21-09-2063 31-05-2066
The bottom line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.
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Dasa : Jupiter ; Apahara : Rahu
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Dasa : Saturn ; Apahara : Venus
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Dasa : Saturn ; Apahara : Rahu
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Dasa : Mercury ; Apahara : Venus
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Dasa : Mercury ; Apahara : Rahu
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Special Combination of Planets in the Horoscope (YOGA)
Yogas are special combination of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Some are
formed by simple conjunction of planets,whereas others are based on complex astrological logic or peculiar placement
of planets in the chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancient astrological
texts. While some combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects. Rahul, the important combinations
identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effect it can have on you.
Raja Yoga
Logic: Lords of Fourth and Ninth houses aspect each other Lords of Seventh and Ninth houses aspect each other
Beneficial Raja yoga is seen in this horoscope
You will rise to positions of power and authority
Dehapushti Yoga
Mathrumooladhana Yoga
SubhaVesi Yoga
Logic: Benefic planet other than Moon occupy second from Sun.
This yoga will make you knowledgeable. You will have a distinct way of communication. This will be appreciated by
all. You will know as an honest person. Others will praise you as a lucky person. Your qualities will be much praised.
You will be known as a noble man.
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SubhaVasi Yoga
Logic: Benefic planet other than Moon occupy twelfth from Sun.
The benefic planet in the twelfth from the Sun is giving you good benefits. You will be interested in science and
technology. You can even be a researcher in this domain. You will be known as an intelligent man. You may get
much amount of wealth. You will have attractive features.
SubhaObhayachari Yoga
Logic: Benefic planet other than Moon present on either side of Sun.
This yoga will give you good health. Good amount of wealth is also indicated. People will trust you. They will admire
your beauty as well. You will be very good in taking up responsibilities. You will be fortunate and even treated like a
Damni Yoga
Satkalatra Yoga
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Amara Yoga
Parijata Yoga
Logic: The lord of the house occupied by ascendant lord is in a rasi. The lord of this rasi is in a trikona.
According to the placement of your ascendant lord, you have a great yoga called Parijat Yoga, which is a kind of Raj
yoga. This yoga gives you a happy and satisfied life, especially during the latter part. You may have to really put a lot
of effort into studies. There will be progress in a slow pace. You will get honor from the rules and you may be closely
associated with them. Your education will be a strong foundation for you even though you have to good efforts in it.
You may have all the conveniences and fond of traditions and rituals.
Dwigraha Yoga
Logic: Two planets are situated in the same house Surya,Sani are in Fourth house
You will show interest in traditional lifestyle and religious practices. There may be occasions when you have to live
away from family, even though temporarily. Recognition will come your way through your educational qualifications
and competence in the chosen line of work.
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Check for Moudhyam (combustion)
When planets come very near to Sun they get 'Moudhyam' (combust). Planets in 'Moudhyam' produce very bad effects.
Moon within 12, Mars 17, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 9 and Saturn 15 degrees of the Sun are considered to be in
Sani is in Moudhyam (combust)
Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other. Although
there are differences of opinion regarding which planets win in graha yuddha, the concept followed here is that :
Among others, the planet on the northern side wins.
There are no planets in graha yuddha in this horoscope.
Summary of Grahavastha
Exaltation /
Planet Combustion Graha Yuddha Retrograde Baladi Avastha
Moo Kumaravastha
Sun Yuvavastha
Mer Mritavastha
Ven Kumaravastha
Mar Balavastha
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AshtakaVarga Predictions
Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary
positions. Ashtakavarga means eightfold categorization. It depicts eightfold strength of planets excluding the nodes of
the Moon but including the ascendant. It is worked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the
planetary strength. The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon the
location of other planets and the ascendant in relation to it. Eight full points are assigned to each planet. They can
obtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plotted on different signs in a chart, determine the possibility of a
transiting planet in inducing auspicious or other effects during its sojourn in a particular sign. Events and their timings
are to a large extent determined by the positioning of particular points. Depending on their negative or positive
influences the native can take remedial measures or pre-empt unpleasant possibilities, just by being aware of the likely
consequences. To be forewarned is to be forearmed --- the planets are one of the best guides to help condition mans
mind to the possibilities of his future.
Mesha 4 2 5 3 4 4 3 25
Vrishabha 6 2 2 4 2 5* 2 23
Mithuna 3 6 6 2 5 5 3 30
Karkata 6 4 4 6 3 5 4 32
Simha 4 3 2 4 1 3 2 19
Kanya 3* 5 5 6 5 5 5 34
Tula 3 6 7 4 5 5 5 35
Vrischika 5 4 4 6* 3 3 3 28
Dhanu 2 5* 7 4 2 5 4* 29
Makara 3 4 4* 5 1 5 2 24
Kumbha 6 2 3 4 4 5 4 28
Meena 4 5 5 4 4* 6 2 30
49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337
*Planetary Position.
Lagna in Kanya.
Moon's Ashtakavarga
Rahul, the effect of having three Bindus in the moon's ashtakavarga on your chart is neither extremely beneficial or
detrimental. Misfortune and ill health will raise their ungly heads occasionally but you will be empowered to weather
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all storms and emerge the better. It is good to keep a close watch on the health of your mother and other female
Sun's Ashtakavarga
The sun has five Bindus in its ashtakavarga and this will bless you with the learned company of pious persons. You
will seek and acquire knowledge and have access to the best education. Your attainments will be widely acclaimed.
You will never be in want for fine clothes. There appears to be occasions to celebrate due to the younger generation or
Mercury's Ashtakavarga
The presence of four Bindus in Mercury's ashtakavarga does not bode well for employment or career success. This
being just an indicator, you would do well to work on your chances and make the most of available opportunities as
well as consolidate existing positions if any so as to mitigate the unfavourable effects of your planetary positions. If
loss of occupation becomes inevitable, cultivate the mental strength to overcome the situation.
Venus' Ashtakavarga
There is something about you that attracts the association of a variety of wonderful persons. That something is the
presence of six Bindus that occur in Venus' ashtakavarga on your chart. Your magnetic personality will draw them into
your fold. This could serve you well if you handle your charms in the right way.
Mars' Ashtakavarga
You are fortunate to have the presence of four Bindus in the ashtakavarga of Mars on your chart. This positioning helps
to mitigate the detrimental effects of the planets endowing you with equal proportions of good and bad fortune.You
may not have the chance for excessive jubilation but neither will you sink into the abyss of deep sorrow.
Jupiter's Ashtakavarga
The power wielded by the five Bindus occurring in Jupiter's ashtakavarga in your chart is a great blessing. It spells
success in endeavours and in overcoming challenges, and getting the better of your opponents. Overall you are born
under this lucky planetary position and will enjoy the benefits of circumstances conspiring to help you succeed.
Saturn's Ashtakavarga
Saturn has four Bindus in its ashtakavarga. This indicates happiness on account of dependence on others. Your
network of family and friends will always be at hand to contribute to your well being.
Sarvashtakavarga Predictions
In your horoscope, the Lagna, Moon sign, tenth and eleventh have 30 or more bindus and the ascendant or the Moon is
associated or aspected by Jupiter. Wow! You will be given the opportunity to wield great power and influence. The
status you are likely to enjoy as per your planetary positions all point to leading a group of people. You may have
chances of shining in the political arena, championing social causes and even heading your town or community. The
positive influences of your stars impel you to acquiring a post of high rank like that of a minister or a member of the
legislature etc.
In your horoscope the Lagna contains 30 or more bindus and is associated with the Lord of the 9th 10th or 4th. You
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will be endowed with exemplary qualities of family values and virtue which will endear you to your household. You
will be looked up to by your family as the guide and mentor and an example to follow. Decisions and guidance will be
sought with reverence and you will be a beacon to the following generations.
In your horoscope, the 11th house has more bindus than the 10th , but the 12th has less number of bindus than the 11th
and the bindus in the ascendant are greater than those in the 12th. Even if you want to, you cant run away from the
wealth and fame that are likely to befall any person whose planetary influences are such as those of yours. You are
doubly fortunate in that your riches and recognition do not prevent happiness from blessing your life in equal measure.
A blessed life indeed .
The proliferation of maximum bindus in your chart appears in Karkata to Tula signifying the years of youth. Your
career path appears to take off to unexpected heights. Academic and personal aspirations will get a head start during
this stage of life and happiness and prosperity seem to be at the peak. Destiny may never allow you to experience the
worries of unemplyment and academic tensions. Domestic bliss will also come seeking you.
At the age corresponding to the figures in the signs occupied by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury..your fortune turns for the
better . Your educational ambitions will materialise and you could acquire that coveted seat for higher education if you
have been aspiring towards that. Your future looks set to take off on the path to wealth, recognition and fame for your
professional accomplishments . Personal life will also match up giving you the ideal mate and marital togetherness
will bring much joy . Your life with progeny also appears blessed. This is the stage of life that will be one of the most
rewarding for you.
In your case this special periods comes in your 23, 28 and 24 years of age.
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Transit forecast
Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. The
movements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may be opposing,
nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of the dynamics at work
by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is a blend of the following
Transit of Sun
Transit of Jupiter
Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effect of this
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During this period Jupiter transits the Eighth house.
The transitory influence of Jupiter is at its worst during this period. You become frustrated since you meet with
obstacles to almost any initiative. You may experience a failure, or breakdown, of vehicles and equipment. You may
be worried about a variety of things. You have to minimize stress and control your diet before your worries overwhelm
your system.
Transit of Saturn
Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions it gives
powerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.
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Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts
Page 88
Corresponding to each planet, a sub-planet (Upagraha) is calculated. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars, Rahu and
Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun as follows.
The sub-planets of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and an additional sub-planet of Mars are calculated based on the
division of day or night into eight equal parts.
The first part belongs to the lord of the day, followed by the remaining lords of the week in cyclic order. The eight part
is lordless.In the case of birth at night, out of the eight equal parts, the first seven are allotted to the lords of the planets
starting from the 5th. weekday.
Two different methods are popularly adopted for finding the longitude.In the first method an ascendant is calculated
for the beginning of the period ruled by the planet. In the second method, the end of the period is taken.
In the case of Gulika, the sub-planet of Saturn, a third method is also available to calculate the longitude of the
dhumadi group of subplanets based on fixed values of rise time as given below.
Monday 22 6
Tuesday 18 2
Wednesday 14 26
Thursday 10 22
Friday 6 18
Saturday 2 14
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Gulikadi group
Page 90
Upagraha Longitudes
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Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts of Upagrahas
Page 92
Shodasavarga Table
Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Gul
6: 6: 9 10: 8: 12: 2: 9 11 5 6:
5 5 4: 4: 5 5 4: 5 5 5 4:
3 5 12: 4: 7 12: 8: 11 2: 8: 2:
2: 4: 5 10: 11 11 10: 4: 11 5 1
7 9 2: 7 11 4: 11 12: 3 9 5
5 9 5 2: 5 11 6: 3 12: 12: 2:
4: 10: 6: 6: 11 1 6: 2: 4: 4: 12:
6: 12: 3 6: 7 9 6: 11 7 1 1
Page 93
3 1 11 11 2: 6: 11 4: 7 7 9
8: 7 9 5 4: 12: 9 2: 2: 2: 1
1 3 6: 4: 7 4: 8: 8: 3 9 4:
Ojarasi Count
7 9 10 5 10 6 5 8 9 9 6
1-Mesha 2-Vrishabha 3-Mithuna 4-Karkata 5-Simha 6-Kanya 7-Tula 8-Vrischika 9-Dhanu 10-Makara
11-Kumbha 12-Meena
Vargottama Budha Rahu Ketu in Vargottama (Rasi and Navamsa in the same sign)
Page 94
4 2 5 3 4 4 3 25
6 2 2 4 2 5 2 23
3 6 6 2 5 5 3 30
6 4 4 6 3 5 4 32
4 3 2 4 1 3 2 19
3 5 5 6 5 5 5 34
3 6 7 4 5 5 5 35
5 4 4 6 3 3 3 28
2 5 7 4 2 5 4 29
3 4 4 5 1 5 2 24
6 2 3 4 4 5 4 28
4 5 5 4 4 6 2 30
49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337
Page 95
Shadbala Summary Table
Total Shadbala
Minimum Requirement
Shadbala Ratio
Relative Rank
2 4 6 5 1 7 3
Page 96
Ishta Phala / Kashta Phala Table
Ishta Phala
Kashta Phala
Page 97
Bhava Bala Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala
367.97 345.02 460.69 345.11 426.91 426.91 345.11 460.69 345.02 367.97 530.83 373.12
Bhava Digbala
60.00 50.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 10.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 30.00 10.00 40.00
Bhavadrishti Bala
44.28 20.89 44.08 43.15 63.24 6.38 25.46 38.98 32.91 9.14 55.81 65.12
472.25 415.91 524.77 418.26 540.15 443.29 400.57 539.67 427.93 407.11 596.64 478.24
7.87 6.93 8.75 6.97 9.00 7.39 6.68 8.99 7.13 6.79 9.94 7.97
Relative Rank
6 10 4 9 2 7 12 3 8 11 1 5
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[In-Depth Plus-F Horoscope -]
This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received so far. We
do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken on the basis of this
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