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Rahu Ketu Eng

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Rahul Kumar

Rahu Ketu
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I pray Lord Rahu, the son of Simhika I pray Lord Ketu who is raging and
who possesses immense power with fearsome. The lord whose colour is
just half a body. The great lord who that of a palaca flower and who
can subdue even the Sun and the Moon. heads all stars and planets.

Prepared using Astro-vision LifeSign So ware.

Licensee:Astrovision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report

Name : Rahul Kumar

Sex : Male
Date of Birth : 1 January, 1989 Sunday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 00:05:00 AM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth : Chennai
Longitude & La tude (Deg.Mins) : 80.16 East , 13.4 North
Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 42 Min. 19Sec.
Birth Star -Star Pada (Quarter) : H asta - 4
Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Kanya - B udha
Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Kanya - Budha
Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Krishnapaksha

Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:31 AMStandard Time

Sunset (Hrs.Mins) : 05:53 PM
Dinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 11.22
Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 28.25
Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 9 Min.
Astrological Day of Birth : Saturday
Kalidina Sankhya : 1859061
Dasa System : Vimsho ari, Years = 365.25Days
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report

Star Lord : Chandra

Ganam, Yoni, Animal : Deva, Female, Buffalo
Bird, Tree : Crow, Ambazha tree
Chandra Avastha : 12 / 12
Chandra Vela : 35 / 36
Chandra Kriya : 58 / 60
Dagda Rasi : Simha,Vrischika
Karanam : Tai la
Nithya Yoga : Athigandha
Rasi of Sun - Star Posi on : Dhanu - Purvashada
Posi on of Angadityan : Feet
Zodiac sign (Western System) : Capricorn

Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 162:44:0 - Hasta

Yogi Planet : Chandra
Duplicate Yogi : Budha
Avayogi Star - Planet : Jyeshta-Budha
Atma Karaka (Soul)-Karakamsa : Kuja - Kumbha
Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : Shukra
Lagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : Vrishabha
Dhana Aruda (Pada) : Dhanu
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report

Nirayana Longitude of Planets

The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by
subtrac ng the ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.
There are different basis for calcula ng ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha =
23Deg.42 Min.18 Sec.

Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in Rasi Star Pada

Lagnam 165:36:42 Kanya 15:36:42 Hasta 2
Chandra 172:47:08 Kanya 22:47:08 Hasta 4
Surya 256:36:51 Dhanu 16:36:51 Purvashada 1
Budha 273:18:42 Makara 03:18:42 U arashada 2
Shukra 233:48:24 Vrischika 23:48:24 Jyeshta 3
Kuja 356:22:59 Meena 26:22:59 Reva 3
Guru 033:02:11 Vrishabha 03:02:11 Retro Kri ka 2
Sani 251:51:40 Dhanu 11:51:40 Moola 4
Rahu 314:05:41 Kumbha 14:05:41 Satabhisha 3
Ketu 134:05:41 Simha 14:05:41 Purvaphalguni 1
Maandi 161:05:56 Kanya 11:05:56 Hasta 1

Rasi Navamsa
Mar Jup Gul Lag

H a s t a V en Moo
1 - January - 1989
00: 05: 00 AM Rah M a r Sat
R a s i Nav am sa
Mer S un
Mer Latitude 13.4 Ket
Longitude 80.16
Jup Ket

S un Moo
V en
Sat Gul Lag
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report

Details of Dasa and Bhuk (Apahara) Periods

( Years = 365.25 Days)

Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days

Dasa Arambha Anthya

Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989
Mar 31-05-1989 30-05-1996
Rah 30-05-1996 31-05-2014
Jup 31-05-2014 31-05-2030
Sat 31-05-2030 31-05-2049
Mer 31-05-2049 31-05-2066
Ket 31-05-2066 31-05-2073
Ven 31-05-2073 31-03-2086
The bo om line in the chart does not indicate your longevity.
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report

Analysis of Rahu and Ketu in your birth Chart

If we look at Rahu and Ketu in an astrological perspec ve, they both are seen to be connec ng us
with our obsessions and detachments. Rahu denotes obsessions, passions and desires which we
have in our present life and Ketu shows detachment, isola on and lack of interest. So, whichever
house Rahu is placed, you will see that you have an ins nct to acquire those features of that house.
The ma ers of that house naturally come to you. While the features of the house where Ketu is
placed may give you a distant mentality to those things.
Since Rahu and Ketu are the part of one body, you will see that they are always seven houses apart.
If Rahu is in the first house you will see Ketu in the seventh house. They travel most of the me in
retrograde mo on and very rarely they move direct. The rate of their direct mo on is very minute,
so it is difficult to see a birth chart with Rahu and Ketu in a direct mode.
In this report, you will get the result based on the present transit of Rahu and Ketu. They change
signs in every 18 months. The result of the changes is always depended on the placement of Rahu
and Ketu in your birth chart. The house, the sign, the nakshatra and the house lord also play an
important role in finding the result of these transit planets. You will have to find where your Rahu
and Ketu have placed and the strength of this shadow planets.
Rahu is in sixth house
Rahu in this house is good for resistance. This house deals with various type of burdens. These
burdens will be related to finances, health or work. Rahu is an aggressive energy and this will give
you immense power to challenge your obstacles. Yes, there can be struggles or you will display a
tendency to fight your enemies. This house deals with lower employees or colleagues with similar
status. As a man, you will try to overpower them. You may even get into a profession where you
help others to overcome their struggles. You can be a lawyer or a financial expert. People will see
you as a man with strong inten ons.
Ketu is in twel h house
The twel h house is known as Moksha house and it is the most mysterious house of the zodiac. This
is the last house in the chart. It is the entrance towards a lot of mysteries including what the forces
of the universe are and what they truly want from human beings. This house deals with prayer,
medita on, isola on and detachment. Ketu also signifies all these ma ers. It can give you a mental
disposi on which makes you have an intense interest in the healing related domain. This interest
can be aggressive and, as a man, you should take due care so that it doesn't cause pain to your dear
and near ones. You must make sure that you are also thinking about the worldly responsibili es and
jus fying the role as a person. You can try to become an occul st. You should be sure that whether
your interest is serving your prosperity or familys wellbeing. When Ketu is in this house of mysteries,
you may not be very much approachable for your near and dear ones. This should not bring
interrup ons in the family life.
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report

Transit Chart

Mar Rah

S un

V en

Jup Lag
Gul Ket

Rahu / Ketu Transit Predic ons

Rahu and Ketu are known as shadow planets and they do not have any physical existence. They are
known as lunar nodes. In astrology, they connect you with your past and present birth. Ketu shows
what your past birth was and Rahu shows why you are here on this Earth now. Rahu shows the
unfulfilled desires from the past and Ketu shows what you le in the past. The house which Rahu is
present in the birth chart is the key to find your passion and career. During the transit, Rahu will
generate opportuni es from the features of the house it is transi ng. So, you should iden fy the
features of the house where Rahu is transi ng and make the plan. Ketu also will bring its own results
in the house which it transits. Ketu is isola on, detachment and spirituality. The house which Ketu
transits will give you events which can trigger the sense of spirituality in you. The essence is that
whichever house Rahu and Ketu transits will be very even ul for the next 18 months.
Rahu is transi ng through tenth house
( 7-March-2019 >> 23-September-2020 )
The tenth house is the house of voca on and public honour. During its transit through this house,
Rahu will trigger the opportuni es to set a strong career. You will think about a new career. There
can be some changes in the exis ng job as well. It can come as a new role or a new project. You
must think about being more flexible at work. Your bosses may come and share their views. As a
male employee, you should show more respect to your female colleagues. You will try to set a new
business plan. You may think twice before inves ng in any money chain type of ventures. You will try
to se le some disputes at home. There can be real estate deals also. You will have serious
conversa ons with your colleagues. You will even try to improve your health and vitality.
Gemini is an air sign and it is a mutable sign. The mutable sign means you will be accep ng changes
easily. Since Rahu is transi ng through Gemini, which is an air and mutable sign, you will try to
move forward. You will get enough opportuni es to grow according to the me. Rahu is obsession
and aggression, so you will find many areas to improve or start a new venture with your own effort.
This is an important transit for you. Gemini itself is the sign of communica on, short travels,
training and courage. You may involve in social media. You may try to be more courageous. It
should not bring any differences in opinions. You will try to be more ac ve and this is a good me to
start your own ventures. You will get opportuni es to prove yourself.
Ketu is transi ng through fourth house
( 7-March-2019 >> 23-September-2020 )
Ketus transit through the house of family and home can make you rebellious. You may try to be self-
reliant and this may not go well with your elders. As a man, you should not make them feel
uncomfortable with you. You may display a detached nature and this should not bring any fac ons
at home. You should take due care to add more spirituality in the home environment. You may get
some real estate deals. You should be very careful while execu ng them. You must think twice about
huge investments. There can be heated conversa ons with your partners. Investments like
insurance and mutual funds also need special a en on. There will be more interest in spirituality
and occult. More responsibili es at work can come up. Your bosses may share their views. You
should try to analyze the plus points in those inputs.
Sagi arius is a fire sign and is the sign of Jupiter. Ketu means isola on, detachment and spirituality
and is the significator of moksha. In this transit, Ketu will bring disrup ons in faith and belief
systems. Sagi arius is the sign of obedience and mentors. You may try to be a rebel. You will have a
cri cal a tude about faith and your mentors. You will try to research a lot. The subject will be
spirituality or philosophy. This is a good me for joining a spiritual group. As a man, rela onship
with elders or mentors can become stressful. You should manage these rela ons. You may go for
pilgrimages. There can be some disturbances in long travels.
Astro-Vision Rahu/Ketu Transit Report


Remedies for Rahu Transit

The present Rahu transit will be favorable for you as they are moving through the favorable houses.
So, you will be generally peaceful and happy. You will be able to move ahead without any remedies
as this is a good me period on the basis of the current transit.
Remedies for Ketu Transit
Ketu transit me period can be complicated according to the house and sign placement. During
these eighteen months, you have to think realis cally and plan for your future in a very prac cal
manner. The present transit can be li le stressful for you. There are few remedies which can
enlighten and empower you to sail through this transit peacefully.
To alleviate the bad effects of Ketu, you can follow the below men oned remedies. Take a few grams
of horse gram in a white cloth bag and keep it under your pillow before you sleep. You should feed
crows with these horse grams in the next morning. Follow this for 9 consecu ve days, and visit Lord
Ganesha temple on the final day evening. Perform Pradakshina (Parikarma) at the temple and give
possible offerings. Get a Ketukavachayanthra and keep it with devo on. Worship the dei es of Ketu
- Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman. Visit those temples daily and give possible offerings. Keeping a
Sudarsana chakra at home with daily chan ng of the following sloka considerably reduces the ill
effects of Ketu

Asmik Mandale Adhidevatha ʺ¨ÉEò ¨ÉÆb÷±Éä ÊvÉnäù´ÉiÉÉ

Prathyadhidevatha Sahitham |ÉlªÉÉÊvÉnäù´ÉiÉÉ ºÉÉʽølɨÉ
Kekeegraham Dhyaayaami Aavahayaami. EäòEòÒOÉ¨É vɪÉɪÉÉÊ¨É É´ÉɽøɪÉɨÉÒ

Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree ¸ÉÓò $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉxÉÒ

Sarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉɪÉÒ ºÉÖ|
Suprada ÉnùÉ
Sarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ
Kethur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre EäòiÉÖ®ôOɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒb÷ÒiÉÉlÉ xÉIÉjÉä
Rashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉäVÉÉlÉÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨É¨É
Mokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIÉ ¨ÉÉäIÉ º´ÉÉ&

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