MMT 004
MMT 004
MMT 004
(Valid from 1st January, 2024 to 31st December, 2024)
School of Sciences
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Dear Student,
Please read the section on assignments and evaluation in the Programme Guide for Elective courses that
we sent you after your enrolment. A weightage of 20 per cent, as you are aware, has been assigned for
continuous evaluation of this course, which would consist of one tutor-marked assignment. The
assignment is in this booklet.
Before attempting the assignment please read the following instructions carefully.
1) On top of the first page of your answer sheet, please write the details exactly in the following format:
ROLL NO :……………………………………………
NAME :……………………………………………
ADDRESS :……………………………………………
COURSE CODE: …………………………….
COURSE TITLE : …………………………….
ASSIGNMENT NO. ………………………….…
STUDY CENTRE: ………………………..….. DATE: ……………………….………………...
2) Use only foolscap size writing paper (but not of very thin variety) for writing your answers.
3) Leave 4 cm margin on the left, top and bottom of your answer sheet.
4) Your answers should be precise.
5) While solving problems, clearly indicate which part of which question is being solved..
6) This assignment is to be submitted to the Programme Centre as per the schedule made by the
programme centre. Answer sheets received after the due date shall not be accepted.
We strongly suggest that you retain a copy of your answer sheets.
7) This assignment is valid only upto December, 2024. For submission schedule please read the section
on assignments in the programme guide. If you have failed in this assignment or fail to submit it by
December 2024, then you need to get the assignment for the year 2025 and submit it as per the
instructions given in the programme guide.
8) You cannot fill the exam form for this course till you have submitted this assignment. So solve it
and submit it to your study centre at the earliest.
Assignment (MMT – 004)
1. a) Let X = C [0, 1] . Define d : X × X → R by d(f , g) = | f ( t ) − g( t ) | dt , f , g ∈ X where
b) Let (X, d ) be a metric space and a ∈ X be a fixed point of X . Show that the function
f a : X → R given by f a ( x ) = d( x, a ) is continuous. Is it uniformly continuous? Justify
you answer. (5)
2. a) Let A and B be any two subsets of a metric space (X, d ) , then show that
i) int A = ∪{E : is open and E ⊆ A}
ii) int(A ∩ B) = int A ∩ int B
iii) int(A ∪ B) ⊇ int A ∩ int B
iv) A ∩ B ⊆ A ∩ B. (6)
b) Find the interior, boundary and closure of the following sets A in R with the usual
metric and discrete metric.
i) A = Q , the set of rationals in R
ii) A =]1, 2]∪] 2, 4 [ (4)
3. a) Let (X, d1 ) and (Y, d 2 ) be metric spaces. Show that f : X → Y is continuous if and
only if f (A) ⊆ f (A) where A is any subset of X (4)
b) Let (X1 , d1 ) and (X 2 , d 2 ) be two discrete metric spaces. Verify that the product metric
on X1 × X 2 is discrete. (3)
c) Show that an infinite discrete metric space X is bounded but not totally bounded. (3)
5. a) Use the method of Lagrange’s multiplier method to find the shortest possible distance
from the ellipse x 2 + 2 y 2 = 2 to the line x + y = 2 . (6)
6. a) Let A be a compact non-empty subset of a metric space (X, d ) and let F be a closed
subset of X such that A ∩ F = φ , then show that d (A, F) > 0 where
d (A, F) = inf{d (a , b) : a ∈ A, b ∈ F} . (3)
c) Show that the components of a metric space is either identical or pairwise disjoint. (3)
b) Which of the following sets are totally bounded? Give reasons for your answer. Are
they compact? (3)
c) Which of the following sets are connected sets in R 2 with the metric given against it?
Justify your answer.
i) A = {( x , y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2} under the standard metric.
ii) A = {( x , y) : x 2 + y 2 = 1} under the discrete metric. (2)
b) Let A be any set in R , show that m* (A) = m* (A + x ) where m* denotes the outer
measure. (4)
i) E = I a − , b
n =1 n
ii) E = Q ∪ {1, 2, 3, 4}
iii) E =] 5, 7 [∪ [7, 7.5] . (3)
− x 2 , − π < x ≤ 0
f (x ) = 2
x , 0 < x < π
10. State whether the following statements are True or False. Justify your answers. (10)
1 1
a) The sequence , : n ∈ N is convergent in R 2 under the discrete metric on R 2 .
n n
b) A subset in a metric space is compact if it is closed.
c) Continuous image of a path connected space is path connected.
d) The second derivative of a linear map from R n to R m never vanishes.
e) If f dm = g dm for all A ∈ M , then f = g.