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Biology - XI - Prelim 2023-24

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Pune- District Education Association, Pune

Second term Examination 2021-2022

Std. XI Subject - Biology Marks: 70
Time-3 hrs. Pages .- 3
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General Instructions : The question paper is divided into four sections.
1) Section A: i) Q.No.1 contains ten multiple choice type of questions carrying one mark each,
ii) Q.No.2 contains
Eight short answer type of questions carrying one mark each.
iii) For each MCQ correct answer must be written along with its alphabet
e.g. (a) ............ / (b) ............. I (c) ............ I (d) ............ etc.
2) Section B : Q.No.3 to Q.No.14 are short answer type of questions carrying-two mark each.
3) Section C : Q.No.15 to Q.No.26 are short answer type of questions carrying three ma~ks each.
4) Section D: Q.No.27 to Q.No.31 are long aµswer type of questions carrying four marks each.
5) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Select and correct alternatives and -write the answers. 10
1) Synthesis of DNA takes place during _ _ __
a) G 1 phase b) S phase c) G2 phase d) G0 phase
2) Which _is not a property of living being ?
a) Metabolism b) Decay c).Growth d) Reproduction
3) The smallest gymnosperm among the following is _ _ __
. a) ~olffia b) Zamia pygmaea c) Sequoia sempervir d) Taxodium mucronatum.
4) Simple lipids are esters of _ __
a) amino acids b) proteins c) phosphorus d) Fatty acids with alcohols
5) I11 hypogynous flower ovary is _ _ __
a) Superior b) b1ferior c) Semi-s~perior d) Semi-inferior
6) The study of structure and arrangerp.ent of tissue is called as _ _ __
a) anatomy b) histology- c) microbiology d) morphology
7) _ _ _ _ involves both the pigment system.
a) cyclic photophosphory\ation b) phosphorylation c) oxidative phosphorylation
d) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
8) Link betwe~n Glycolysis and Kreb's cycle is _ _ __
a) Citric acid b) acetyl CoA c) Succinic acid d) Fumaric acid

9} _ _ _ _ is the femaie reproducti_ve part of flower.
a) Androeciun:i b) Calrx: c) corolla d) Gynoecium.
10) Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by _ _ __
a) ligaments b) cartilage c) tendon · d) cord
Q.2 Answer the following questions. 08
i) Name the type of tissues in the Heart wall.
ii) Define the term placentation.
iii) Enlist type of RNA.
Std. XI (2) Subject- Biology

iv) What is photolysis of water?

' '
v) · · Enlist the basic principles of life.
vi) · How many ATP molecules are produced by-anaerobic oxidation of one
. molecules· of glucose ?
' vii) Which is the common pathwa·y _for aerobic and anaerobic respiration, ?
. yiii) Which phylum shows water vascular system ?
Attempt any Eight of the following. 16
Q.3 Draw neat labelled diagram of sycon.
Q.4 Why Bryophyta are .cal'led amphibians of plant kingdom?
Q.5 ·Write the characters of class Mammalia.
Q.6 . Write function of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Q.7 Write the note on Anaphase with diagram.
Q.8 ·Write a short note on. Res~iratory quotient (RQ).
Q.9 Distinguish between Racemose inflorescence and cymose inflorescence.
Q.10 Write short note on Perianth.'
Q.11 What are antagonistic muscles?· Give its one ex~mple.
Q.12 Classify cockroach with reasons.
Q.13 Explain ~hy photosynthesis is con~idered the most_important process in the biosphere?
Q.14 · What is photophosphorylation? In .which part of chloroplast does it take place?

Attempt anr Eight of the following. 24
Q: 15 Write short note on useful fungi.
Q. i 6 Describe two types of neuron; based on processes given out from cyton.
Q,17 Label the A, B, C and Din the .
given diagram and write the ·
• function of organells A apd B. A

' '
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Std. XI (3) Subject - Biology
Q.18 Give the classification of car~ohydrat~s ..
Q.19 Write significance of mitosis.
Q.20 Distinguish between cyclic photophosphorylation and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
Q .21 Explain any two types of simple epithelial tissue.
Q.22 Give the diagramatic representation of C4 pathway.
Q.23 Give the significance of respiration.
Q.,24 Write the name of protein deficiency disorder and write symptoms of it.
Q.25 Define the term 1) Constipation 2) Indigestion 3) Vomiting .
. Q.26 Sketch and label excretory system· of human being.-

Attempt any Three of the following. 12
Q.27 Identify the plant groups on ~he basis of following features.
a) Seed producing plants . .
b) · Spore producing . plants . .·
c) Plants nee~ water for fertilization.
d) First vascular plants.
Q.28 What do you mean by aestivation? What are its types? explain. .
Q.29 Give .schematic representation of kreb cycle.

Q.30 Describe the mechanism of urine formation in human ~eing. ·

Q.31 Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction.


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