RGUKT Admissions 2024
RGUKT Admissions 2024
RGUKT Admissions 2024
Detailed Notification
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Important Dates
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How to Apply:
a) Candidates should have passed SSC (10th class) or any other equivalent
examination recognized by the Governments of A.P. State & Telangana State/
CBSE/ICSE conducted in 2024. Candidates whose results are declared and ready
on or before the last day of receiving online applications i.e., 25-06-2024, can
apply for admission.
c) Candidates from other than AP and Telangana states are only eligible for
Supernumerary seats (25%).
Rule of Reservation:
a) Admission to 85% of total available seats shall be reserved for ‘local candidates
(Andhra Pradesh) and the remaining 15% of the seats are open to the students of
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states as specified in the Presidential Order 371
Article D in consonance to Section 95 of the A.P. Reorganization Act, 2014.
b) The rule of reservation for different categories are as under in both local and
unreserved categories, subject to any changes and amendments made by the
Government of Andhra Pradesh.
SC - 15%, ST - 6%, BC-A - 7%, BC-B - 10%, BC-C - 1%, BC-D - 7%, BC-E -
4%, Physically Handicapped (PH) - 5%, Children of Armed Personnel
(CAP) - 2%, NCC -1%, Sports - 0.5%, Bharat Scouts and Guides – 0.5%
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c) A horizontal reservation of 33 1/3 % of seats in favor of girl candidates in each
category (OC/SC/ST/BC/Special Categories) shall be ensured, wherever girl
candidates are available.
d) In case of PH candidates, certificates issued by the State Medical Board alone are
acceptable. Government doctors will physically verify the percentage of disability
and certify. University will allot PH category seats as per the recommendations of
the Government Doctors. For Sports and CAP categories, certificates issued by the
respective District Boards are acceptable. In case of CAP category G.O Ms. No. 59
Home (services IV) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh dated 16-5-2018
will be considered. CAP reservation is applicable at AP state-level.
f) For all special categories (NCC, Sports, CAP, PH and Bharat Scouts and Guides), the
respective Government Department officials will physically verify the relevant
certificates and recommend the merit list for admission. The decision of the
respective Government Department officials on the merit list is final and RGUKT
will strictly follow that merit list for admission.
h) Any other reservation issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh from time to
time shall be followed for admissions.
i) Since the courses offered are technical in nature and require appropriate physical
fitness, RGUKT reserves the right of rejecting the application of such candidates
who is declared by the experts as physically unfit to pursue the course.
Selection Method:
a) Admission for two years PUC and four years B.Tech Program (2024-25) is based
on marks obtained in SSC or equivalent examination conducted in 2024 and
Guidelines issued by the Governing Council of RGUKT from time to time subject to
adding a deprivation score to the students studied in Government schools. In case
of students studied in Government Schools, a deprivation score of 4% (4 marks
out of 100 for each subject) will be added to the marks scored by the candidates
in each subject in SSC/Equivalent examination conducted in 2024. In case of
boards declare results in grades, an equivalency factor recommended by the
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Governing Council of RGUKT will be used to convert grades in to marks. The
decision of RGUKT is final in this regard.
In case of any modification in the marks after reverification, the scanned copy of
revised marks memo needs to be sent to the admissions@rgukt.in email on or
before 31st June 2024 up to 5.00 p.m. Marks will be updated to those candidates
who sends the revised marks copy to the above-mentioned mail on time. RGUKT
is not responsible for late submission of revised marks.
If the tie is resolved with any of the checks in the chronological order mentioned
above, the next option(s) will not be considered.
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Intimation to Selected Candidates:
b) Candidates will also be informed through E-mail and SMS to the mobile numbers
and email ids entered in the online application form. RGUKT is not responsible for
not reaching the information by E-mail/SMS message due to wrong Email and
mobile numbers entered in the online application form.
The selected candidates for each campus should bring the following documents at the
time of counseling. The proforma for the certificates mentioned below are given in
Candidates should bring five photocopy sets of the following documents along with
Original documents at the time of Admission Counselling.
a) If a candidate fails to produce any of the relevant certificates at the time
counseling, His/Her candidature will not be considered for admission.
b) Candidates selected provisionally for RGUKT should report in person for
Admissions Counselling at RGUKT campuses for verification of original certificates
/ documents and the details as given in the application form.
c) Verification of certificates in respect of candidates belonging to the Special
Categories like Physically Handicapped (PH), Children of Armed Personnel (CAP),
NCC, Sports, and Bharat Scouts and Guides will be conducted at RGUKT- Nuzvid
campus on prescribed dates. Students should report in person for certificate
verification of special categories on specified dates at RGUKT Nuzvid campus.
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d) Mere calling for Certificate Verification of Special Category candidates does not
guarantee any admission (It is only for verifying the special category certificates
by the concerned Government Officers). Separate merit list will be prepared and
displayed on the University website for special categories as per the
recommendations of the concerned Government Departments/Officials.
a) The tuition fee for the candidates who studied in Schools situated in Andhra
Pradesh & Telangana states is Rs.45,000/- per annum for PUC program and Rs
50,000/- per annum for B.Tech program.
b) Students who are eligible for tuition fee reimbursement (Vidya Deevena) as per
the guidelines issued by the Andhra Pradesh State Government will be exempted
from tuition fee. (Total family annual income is below Rs.2.5 Lakh and who fulfill
the other conditions as per the latest Govt. rules are eligible for fee
reimbursement). Incase Government deposits the reimbursement of tuition fee to
the student/mother account directly, candidates who get tuition fee
reimbursement need to pay the tuition fee to the University within one week from
the date of receipt of reimbursement. If the sanctioned scholarship amount is less
than the tuition fee, then students need to pay the balance amount to the
c) All other students who are not eligible for tuition fee reimbursement should pay
the full annual tuition fee to the University at the time of beginning of each
academic year.
d) Students should pay monthly mess charges to the University (approximately
Rs.3000 per month). In case of students who receive Vasathi Deevena should also
pay the balance amount in addition to Vasathi Deevena Amount which is
e) Every student has to pay an admission fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST
candidates), Rs.1200/- towards group insurance(to be paid to the insurance
agency by the University) and a refundable caution deposit of Rs.1,000 (by all),
and a hostel maintenance charges of Rs.1000/-(by all) that is a total of Rs.4,200/-
(Rs 3,700/- in case of SC/ST candidates) at the time of admission.
Admission of students for other States (other than AP and Telangana) and
International Students (As per UGC Notice No. F.No.1-2/2023(IC) dated 26-4-2024):
Note: University reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student if it is found
wrong now or later that he/she secured admission by giving false information of any kind.
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Intake of students and Programs/Courses offered by RGUKT:
The intake of each campus is 1000 including special category reservation. There will be
10% (100 in each campus) supernumerary seats allocated for EWS candidates (Other
than BC/SC/ST categories)
The 6-Year program is divided in to the following two stages:
b) B.Tech (4 years):
Engineering Branch allocation will be done basing on the merit in the PUC program
following rule of reservation as per State Government Norms. Following Engineering
branches are being offered at RGUKT campuses
3. There is an exit option available to the students after two years PUC
program. They can join elsewhere only after all the academic requirements
are satisfied according to RGUKT guidelines. RGUKT follows a
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multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, elementary biology is compulsory in
the PUC programme; pass in biology is necessary although grades in biology
are not used either for branch allocation or to arrive at CGPA. Engineering
Branches will be allotted based on the merit in the PUC following rule of
reservation as per AP State Government norms.
5. Candidates who are not eligible for tuition fee reimbursement (vidya
deevena) should pay the full annual tuition fee to the University at the time
of beginning of each academic year. Candidates who get tuition fee
reimbursement also need to pay the tuition fee to the University within one
week from the date of receipt of reimbursement (vidya deevena) from the
Government. If the sanctioned scholarship amount is less than the tuition
fee, then students need to pay the balance amount to the University.
6. Candidates should pay the actual monthly mess charges to the University
(approximately Rs.3000/- per month). In case of students who receive
Vasathi Deevena should also pay the balance amount in addition to Vasathi
Deevena Amount.
7. Telangana Candidates who are eligible for fee reimbursement as per the
State of Telangana rules and regulations have to pay the balance tuition fee
amount in addition to the scholarship sanctioned by the Telangana State.
8. As a part of skill upgradation, RGUKT has signed an MoU with ISB Hyderabad
and other MNCs for collaboration. All Engineering third year students need
to pay a nominal contribution up to Rs.1000/- per year towards that.
E-mail : payment_grievances@rgukt.in
Helpline Numbers for queries other than online application payment queries:
(From 10.00 am to 5.00 pm on working days):
97035 42597
97054 72597
E-mail : admissions@rgukt.in
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