Eng QTR 4 WK 5
Eng QTR 4 WK 5
Eng QTR 4 WK 5
E. Discussing new concepts and How is in used in the picture? on? How is beside used? over? between?
practicing new skills #2 under? next? in front? behind?
F. Developing mastery (leads to Complete the sentences by encircling the correct form of preposition to
Formative Assessment 3) complete the sentences.
1. They will buy books (at, in, on) Hamero Avenue.
2. Uncle William works (at, on, in) Texas.
3. They are eating ( at, on, in) the park.
4. Lily, are you (at, in, on) home?
5. They will practice (at, in, on) Korea.
G. Finding practical application Look around you. Construct a sentence using any of the following.
of concepts and skills in daily Construct a sentence using either over, - at 18 Rose Street, Flower Barangay, Baguio City
living between, or beside. - on Country Road
- in the kitchen
- in the playground
- at the office
- on Ramos Avenue
H. Making generalizations Prepositions show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun between the other parts of the
When do we use in? on? and, at?
and abstractions about the lesson sentence.
I. Evaluating learning Use the correct form of preposition in Construct a sentence using either over, Complete the sentences by encircling the correct form of preposition.
the sentence for each picture. between, or beside about the picture. 1. Heidie is cooking (at, in, on) the kitchen.
2. There is dancing going on (at, in, on) Lapulapu Street.
3. The firemen are (at, in, on) the office of the principal.
4. Many fresh fishes are sold (at, in, on) the market.
5. Do you know where 891 Ganda Street is?