TR 525 Series Rainfall User 1
TR 525 Series Rainfall User 1
TR 525 Series Rainfall User 1
TR-525I (6”)
TR-525U (8”)
TR-525M (9.66”)
TR-525W2 (200mm)
The sensor consists of a gold powder-coated aluminum collector funnel with a knife-edge that diverts the water to a
tipping bucket mechanism. A magnet is attached to the tipping bucket, which actuates a magnetic switch on each tip of the
bucket. The water drains out of the bottom of the housing, so the sensor requires no attention or servicing. Connecting the
sensor to an event counter on a data logger or display module allows for electronics record keeping of accumulated
The aluminum housing is finished with a white powder-coat to withstand years of exposure to the environment.
Range: 27” (700 mm per hour) 27” (700 mm per hour) 27” (700 mm per hour) 27” (700 mm per hour)
Average Switch
Closure Time: 135 ms 135 ms 135 ms 135 ms
Maximum Bounce
Settling Time: 0.75 ms 0.75 ms 0.75 ms 0.75 ms
Maximum Switch
Rating: 30 VDC @ 2A 30 VDC @ 2A 30 VDC @ 2A 30 VDC @ 2A
115 VAC @ 1A 115 VAC @ 1A 115 VAC @ 1A 115 VAC @ 1A
Temperature Limits:
Temperature: 32 to 158°F 32 to 158°F 32 to 158°F 32 to 158°F
Temperature: -40 to 185°F -40 to 185°F -40 to 185°F -40 to 185°F
A clear and unobstructed mounting location is necessary to obtain accurate rainfall readings.
This transmitter is designed to be mounted two ways, by surface mounting or mast mounting. Surface
mounting is recommended whenever possible. The transmitter housing must be mounted in a level position
and in a location free from vibration. If mast mounted, make sure that the mast is properly guyed so that
vibration in high winds is kept to a minimum.
The connecting cable between transmitter and indicator can be shortened or lengthened as required.
The funnel and tipping bucket mechanism should be cleaned periodically. An accumulation of dirt, bugs,
etc. on the tipping bucket will adversely affect the calibration.
TR-525I & TR-525U & TR-525M
Absolutely accurate calibration can be obtained only with laboratory equipment, but an approximate field check
can easily be made. The tipping bucket mechanism is a simple and highly reliable device. The transmitter must be
located in a clear area, away from trees, buildings, etc. To obtain accurate readings, the unit must be mounted
level and free of foreign material, dust, or other debris. The transmitter must be calibrated with the rate of flow of
water through the tipping bucket mechanism under control.
A field calibration kit, the FC-500, is available from Texas Electronics, Inc. It consists of 3 rods, container, black
bag, nozzle, cleaning pin for nozzle and instructions.
Texas Electronics, Inc. (hereafter TEI) warrants the equipment manufactured by it to be free from defects in
material and workmanship. Upon return, transportation charges prepaid to TEI, within three (3) years of original
shipment of sensors and one (1) year of original shipment of electronics, recorders and indicators, TEI will repair
or replace, at its option, any equipment which it determines to contain defective material or workmanship, and
will return said equipment to purchaser, F.O.B., TEI. Texas Electronics shall not be obligated however to repair
or replace equipment which has been repaired by others, abused, improperly installed, altered or otherwise
misused or damaged in any way. TEI will not be responsible for any dismantling, re-assembly, or reinstallation
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. TEI shall not be liable for any special,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages claimed in connection with any rescission of this agreement by