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goal seek it is a wonderful feature of spreadsheet allows a user to use
the desired result formula to find the possible input value necessary to
achieve that result
solver confused to either maximise or minimise any output based on
certain impacting variables or a set of rules that the user define
target cell is the cell containing a formula that represent the objective of
objective or goal of the proBLEM by changing cells that contain variable
data can be changed to achieve the objective while limiting the condition
that the cells
Absolute hyperlink it is a hyperlink that contains of poll URL it consists
of protocols access HTTP domain and complete path which is required to
find the web page
relative hyperlink it does not satisfy the protocol and or domain name
the are shorter and usually more convenient and portable
track change is a method using with kalki keeps track of changes you
make to a worksheet you can either accept or reject those changes
macro it is an automated input sequence that copies keystroke or
mouse section it is common in spreadsheet and word processing user
can save time by grouping a series of an action to create a macro macro
act as a recorded records a series of action performed by the user the
recording can be executed anytime to perform the same action on
different set of data or worksheet this is the users times and effort
Database is a structured collection of interrelated records or data day
stored in a computer system it is a warehouse of information which is
further used in various operation day to day transactions for even large
seasons support systems flat database information is stored as a single file
in a tabular form which has no relation with other database relational
database relational database is a set of tables containing data fitted into
some predefined categories each table contains one or more data organised
in column each row contains in a unique incidence of data for the categories
defined by the columns distributed database type of database or mainly
used in our network environment where centralised database is distributed
at multiple location on the network so that different users can access it
without interfering each other
advantage of of database easy search and updating,, storage, reduction of
data radiancy,, controlled inconsistency, data sharing enforcement of
standards data security printing reports
components of database row tuples records it is a collection of
different types of information about the same subject column
attribute fields it is the category of information it provides the structure
according to which the rules are composed data item it is the unity that
makes up or database which means that every database contains
information about some or other data item ddata or value it is a set of
number character or value that is entered into a database tables it is a
collection of similar records in the form of a grade they are building blocks
of database
query is used to extract information from a database the output of a query
is a record or a group of records that fulfill a certain condition form it
resembles a fill in the blank sheet which you will feel offline such a job
application it is a way to enter data in database report just as forms are
designed to be on screen reports are designed to be printed one can design
the reports weekly based on data of table
rdbms is the dbms that is based on the relational mood as introduced by
EFF fraud rdbms is a dbus where data is stored in the form of table these
tables can be linked together through command key fields to get meaningful
information and this relationship is also stored in the form of tables
calidad key a table can have more than a single field or column that has
unique value Paul search field that uniquely identify the rows in a table are
called candidate keys foreign key is an attribute or combination of
attributes in a table whose values match a primary key in another table
warrant keys will allow null values and duplicates values and relate to a
primary key in another table primary key can be of 3 tribes auto number
single field primary and multi field primary
data type of field types numeric type alpha numeric binary date or time
other variable type numeric type boolean smallest integer numeric
decimal real float alphanumeric long varchar char varchar binary
long binary binary war binary
Table it is a collection of information stored in a horizontal rows call
records in vertical columnCALED fields querIES it is used to retrieve
information or performance based on some criteria or conditions or in
simple terms are used to ask questions formsAre user friendly
interface used allow user to enter information in a graphical form this make
data entry in both tables and queries easy reports it is used to produce
or present formatted summaries of the data content from one or more
tables or queries in a printed format
the wizard The wizard help us to create by copying fields from more than
one pre meet similar Tables
Data definition language ddl is used to define the structure of what
database it is used for creating and modifying and dropping the structure
of data base objects common ddl commands are create drop alter truncate
2 all records in a table along with data spaces allotted to them rename or
Data manipulation language dml procedural the user specifies what
data is needed and how to get it non procedural the user specifies only
want data is needed please type of commands are easier for users but they
might not generate a quote as efficient as procedural languages commonly
used TML commands select insert Update Delete
Relationship help us to define how various tables are linked together decide
the number of records in one table letter related to records in another table
enable us to prevent ratio and data deduplication of same data types of
relationship one to one relationship in this a row in table a cannot have
more than one matching row in table b and vice versa a one to one
relationship is created if both of the related columns are primary keys one
to many relationship it is the most common type of relationship in this are
row in table he can have many matching rows in table b but a row in the
table b can have only one matching row in table a a one to one many
relationship is created if one of the related columns is primary key and other
is not many to many relationship in many to many No table has the primary
key column a row in table lake can have many matching rows in table and
vice versa it signifies that all columns of primary key table are associated
with all columns of associated table
referential integrity it is a set of rules that ensure relationship between
rows in related tables and validate related data is not extremely deleted or
changed it will also ensure that information in one table matches
information in another
Query is a component of the database that is used to retrieve or view
information from the underlying tables or perform actions on the table
based on some criteria or conditions Alias specifies an alias the alias will be
listed in a query instead of the file name
bold form Is a user friendly interface that allows user to view and both
modify data in both tables and queries using a graphical form report is
used to present formatted summaries or list of the data content from one or
more tables or queries in a printed format
Sticky keys allow user to press and release the modifier keys and keep
them active until any other key is pressed modifier keys include control
shift alt and windows logo button this is a great help of people who face
too difficult impressing 2 key simultaneously it is also used by the user
without any physical disabilities as a means to reduce recruited test
strain toggle keys helps the visually impaired people in using the
keyboard the its enables a tone on pressing the keys making their usage
easier for people with side effect filter keys function tells the
keyboard to ignore brief or repeated key strokes
Internet is a worldwide collection of publicly accessible interconnected
computer network it is actually a network of networks these computers
on dissimilar network communicate on the Internet using a common
language or set of rules called the protocol the Internet follows the
standard Internet Protocol to transmit and receive data
Gateway it is a special network device used to connect totally
dissimilar networks and Internet backbone is central high speed trunk
of connections of the Internet it consists of an extremely large group of
interconnected individual domestic academic business and government
networks and interconnecting device called router determines the best
path for the data transfer transmit data between 2 or more networks
information or data is stored on a server and the computers of the user
that request data are known as client machines the set of rules that
govern communication on a network is called a protocol transmission
of data is done using a technique called package switching
r peer to peer it is commonly used computer networking architecture
in which each workstation or node has the same capabilities and
responsibilities there are no client or server computers client
servers is another commonly used in computer network architecture it
works on a client server model which means the computers that
request for the services and use them are known as clients and the
computer which provides these services loan as server
benefits of of network Benefits of network ease of access work from
home sharing resources sharing information increase productivity
sharing programme is the administration secured access to data
an internet service provider an Internet service provider is the
company or a business that provide access to Internet and related
services they are generally companies or colonization that employ
powerful computers called servers for Internet connection 3 way to
connect to Internet dial up internet access is a form of Internet access
using telephone line cable and modem dial up ipx permits the user
computer to be connected temporarily to the Internet you and I ASP
the client uses of modem attached to a computer and a telephone line
to the dial into ISP note after proper authentication broadband
Internet access what is a high speed Internet access you dial up
modems are generally capable of giving a maximum freedom 56 KB hit
wildest connection WI fi is a popular technology that allows an
electronic device to exchange data wirelessly after a computer network
WiFi is an abbreviation of wireless credibility known as 802.11 wireless
network vibha is general term that refers to IE e e
types of internet connection types of Internet connection dial up
digital subscriber line cable Internet satellite connection 3G 4G WI fi
elements of WI fi WI fi cards safeguards WiFi hotspot access points
how does a wifi network work how does a WiFi network work a WiFi
hotspot is created by installing annexures 0.2 Internet connections
access point actors bsnl veena WI fi enabled finds a hotspot the device
can connect to the network wirelessly WiFi Max stands for worldwide
interrupt portability for microwave exercise it can send signal to greater
distance as it makes use for microwaves for sending and receiving the
Ring topology the notes are connected in a closed loop so that each
device is connected to other 2 devices on both the sides bus topology
bus topology all the notes of connected to the central cable called a bus
bus is a single continuous cable transmission from any note travels the
length of the bus if both the directions and can be received by all other
nodes in the network MAsh topology all the notes are interconnected
allowing each node to ever direct connection with all other nodes in the
The worldwide web amma massive internal linking documents
matches and other resources in 1991 CR n publicly launched the new
worldwide web project through the web was actually invented by
English scientist Tim berners Lee in 1989 the pigs are interlinked to
other such pages using hyperlinks and URL
A web service is the powerful computer where the HTML pages and
other resources are stored it is always active and connected to the
Internet it runs software design to send out HTML pages in other file
formatsfile formats
Graphical browser display text images sound and hyperlinks that can
be accessed budget by pointing and clicking them with a mouse text
only browser text only browser it does not support images and sound it
is purely fax based the Linux browser running on the unique cell is one
of the popular text only browser
web page webpage refers to the electronic page usually written in
HTML language and reports information related to specific topics types
of web pages static factory static web page it refers to those pages
which cannot be changed by the user these are read only pages and
show the same information every time until its programmer change its
source code
dynamic web pages The IT refers to those indirectly pages which can
produce different contents for different user according to their
requirements website it is a collection of related web pages called
a website each website has the unique address called URL crazy
process of sorting websites on web server is called visiting
HTML it is a special language used to create web pages or documents
of the worldwide web it is used to describe the structure of text based
information in a document and set or define design layout in the final
look of the page
Hypertext and hyperlink are nothing but highlighted text in the HTML
documents hyperlinks these are the limbs which when we click open up
to another location showing information in the same pages or moves
you to our surely new webpage hypertext is a file including tax graphics
audio video another links related to files
These are the limbs which when we click open up to another location
showing information in the same pages or moves you to our totally
new webpage hypertext is a file including text graphics audio video
and hyperlinks related to files
HTTP is a method used for accessing web pages on the internet it is a
set of rule to access web pages with text images sound and interrupt
over the internet
A blog is used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as spy blog
blog search engine is one of dead searches blog contents one special
blog search engine is chronic a blog is a type of website usually
maintained by an individual it contains regular entries of commentary
description of events or some other material searches graphic for
video offline blog editor blogspot blogs Windows Live writer quamina
electronic commerce or ecommerce electronic commerce or
ecommerce means by using and selling honey product online many
companies have set up their websites which provide the facility to
order and purchase their products and services using Internet
advantages of e shopping time saving while change of options available
cost saving product description and review non compulsive of shopping
disadvantages non trusted sites data security lack of personal touch
shipping charges delete delivery in remote areas defend or exchange
follow ups advantages of e reservation convenience scopes for
discounts quick and easy Commission free precancellation and easy
computer ethics plagiarisation interactual property rights copyright
software piracy hacking questions spamming email spoofing to track
or disease someone email spoofing is the sending of email messages
with the forget sender address t chat spoofing Install productive
software safety measures choose strong password backup on regular
basis control exit to your machine use email and Internet safely protect
sensitive data use firewall can all portable storage devices before use
do not use pirated software secure transaction clear data and stored in
basic fire safety rules install fire detection system prepare an
emergency fire escape conduct regular fire drills maintenance of safety
segment types of extends extend at workplace industrial disease road
traffic clinical accidents sports related accidents
workplace accident refers to the accident taking place in the course of
working leading to physicalPoor mental engineer such accident can
take place at the office for Mrs or outside the premises while engaged
in economic activity or at work
industrial disease illness and industrial disease is a disease or disorder
that primarily happens due to working on working condition it is
associated with purple occupation or industries
Health and Safety at Work is important for the wellbeing of both
employees and employers it is a duty moral responsibility of the
company to look after the employees protection and legal action the
health and Safety at Work may result in staff attrition and duties
productivity and profitability hazards can be a different types physical
chemical biological mechanical agronomical Emergency vacations
every organization need to have a written copy of the evacuation plan
but in a place where it is visible to the staff a company should make
sure that all employees are aware of the evacuation procedures in the
workplace a free form vacation only lead to chaos and damage as
employees began to panic vacation plan should ensure the different
abled or assisted properly during evacuation organization must have
designated meeting place where employees will gather in case of
emergency puncture that every infamous know where it is evacuation
route must be inspected regularly to keep it ready for evacuation
Healthy lifestyles include eating habits physical activity stress
management healthy mind sound sleep pool setting